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Offshore geologic storage of carbon dioxide (CO2), known as offshore carbon capture and sequestration (CCS), has been under active investigation as a safe, effective mitigation option for reducing CO2 levels from anthropogenic fossil fuel burning and climate change. Along with increasing trends in implementation plans and related logistics on offshore CCS, thorough risk assessment (i.e. environmental impact monitoring) needs to be conducted to evaluate potential risks, such as CO2 gas leakage at injection sites. Gas leaks from offshore CCS may affect the physiology of marine organisms and disrupt certain ecosystem functions, thereby posing an environmental risk. Here, we synthesize current knowledge on environmental impact monitoring of offshore CCS with an emphasis on biological aspects and provide suggestions for better practice. Based on our critical review of preexisting literatures, this paper: 1) discusses key variables sensitive to or indicative of gas leakage by summarizing physico-chemical and ecological variables measured from previous monitoring cruises on offshore CCS; 2) lists ecosystem and organism responses to a similar environmental condition to CO2 leakage and associated impacts, such as ocean acidification and hypercapnia, to predict how they serve as responsive indicators of short- and long-term gas exposure, and 3) discusses the designs of the artificial gas release experiments in fields and the best model simulation to produce realistic leakage scenarios in marine ecosystems. Based on our analysis, we suggest that proper incorporation of biological aspects will provide successful and robust long-term monitoring strategies with earlier detection of gas leakage, thus reducing the risks associated with offshore CCS.  相似文献   

Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn, NH4+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Na+, K+, Cl-, NO3- and SO4(2-), along with pH were determined in wet and dry deposition samples collected at Al-Hashimya, Jordan. Mean trace metal concentrations were similar or less than those reported for other urban regions worldwide, while concentrations of Ca2+ and SO4(2-) were the highest. The high Ca2+ concentrations were attributed to the calcareous nature of the local soil and to the influence of the Saharan dust, while the high concentrations of SO4(2-) were attributed to the influence of anthropogenic sources and Saharan dust soil. Except for SO4(2-), NO3-, and Ca2+, dry deposition fluxes of measured metals and ions were higher than their corresponding wet deposition fluxes. The high annual average pH values recorded for wet and dry deposition samples were attributed to the neutralization of acidity by alkaline species. Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn, NO3- and SO4(2-) were enriched in wet and dry deposition samples relative to crustal material, and a significant anthropogenic contribution to these elements and ions is tentatively suggested. Finally, the possible sources and the main factors affecting the concentrations of the measured species are discussed.  相似文献   

Salinas systems are artificial wetlands which are interesting from the viewpoint of nature conservation. They play an important role both as habitats for migratory waterbird species and as nodes of biotic connectivity networks. In the Mediterranean basin, where the coastal salinas are highly significant as alternative and complementary habitats for waterbirds, a process of abandonment occurs, and many seminatural systems of this kind are disappearing. This abandonment is having serious consequences for migratory bird populations and for the ecological role these play. In the present paper, this group of waterbird species has been used to evaluate these wetlands for conservation purposes. We have developed a methodological approach for the selection of ecological indicators for the conservation and management of these Mediterranean habitats and waterbird assemblages, the main consumers therein. The stepwise procedure developed constitutes a practical tool for this task. Application thereof enabled us to differentiate the habitats available for the waterbirds and to identify the biotic and abiotic indicators for the maintenance and management of the salina ecosystems. These variables can then be incorporated into monitoring programs.  相似文献   

Many development projects intended to exploit natural resourcesare occurring in fragile ecosystems, and therefore the need forsound biodiversity assessment and monitoring programs is growing.Large mammals are important components of these fragile ecosystems, yet there are few strategies that attempt to assess and monitor entire large mammal communities in relation to development projects. We propose the use of two indices applied within a framework of adaptive management. An occurrence indexassesses the composition and distribution of large mammals at a site, and an abundance index monitors the abundance of large mammals over time in relation to development. We discuss the design, applicability and effectiveness of these indices based onour experience with a natural gas development project in the Amazon forests of southeastern Peru.  相似文献   

The increase in aquaculture activities in the last few decades has not been accompanied by a corresponding increase in environmental controls and regulations. In this context, the application of environmental monitoring plans (EMPs) has become necessary to assess the environmental impact associated with fish farming wastes. The objective of this review paper is to evaluate the suitability of experimental and analytical procedures as monitoring tools for inclusion in EMPs for intensive land-based marine fish farms (LBMFFs). The strong hydrodynamics and, in particular, the lack of sediment on the rocky coasts where LBMFFs are usually located, greatly limit the monitoring tools that can be used. We propose EMPs that employ a weight-of-evidence approach to evaluate: contamination, trophic and toxic effects, and ecological integrity. Laboratory tests, in situ bioassays and field surveys of local species are presented as key tools for assessing the impact of LBMFFs on ecosystems. The δ(15)N signal along a spatial gradient is proposed for evaluating exposure to contaminants. Trophic effects can be determined by growth of transplanted macro- and microalgae. Toxic effects can be evaluated by responses at different levels of biological organization, including biochemical and histological changes, physiological alterations and survival, in species from different trophic levels. Fouling tests and analysis of community structures are recommended for assessing ecological integrity. This review contributes to the development of environmental controls for intensive LBMFFs, and for other activities that discharge wastewater to rocky shores.  相似文献   

监测仪器是从事环境监测工作必不可少的工具。我国环保事业对监测仪器的需求量越来越大,仪器也越来越复杂。本文就监测仪器的质量控制标准与管理问题进行了探讨,以求最大限度地发挥监测仪器设备的效能,使我国监测科研工作提高到一个新水平。  相似文献   

废水COD在线监测系统现场比对试验及管理的几点建议   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过分析总结辽宁省废水COD在线监测系统试点工作中在线监测系统的安装、验收、现场实际样品的比对分析,以及试运行过程中存在的问题,就今后废水在线监测系统的运行与管理提出相应的建议.  相似文献   

Seasonal sampling was carried out at four sites on a pampeanstream that receives industrial effluent from two textile factories. To evaluate water quality, several physical and chemical parameters were examined and the periphyton growing oncattail (Typha latifolia L.) were analyzed.Water quality and periphyton structure differed significantlybetween sites upstream and downstream of the discharge. Differences in temperature and also in concentrations of phosphate, dissolved oxygen, and phaeopigment were detected. At the same time, changes in the dominant algae groups wereobserved. Downstream of the industrial discharge, the numberof Bacillariophyta decreased, while species of Cianophyta andEuglenophyta were more abundant. This abundance correlated withincreased phosphate and organic matter content and decreased oxygen concentration. Although this study did not detect a reduction in the number of species, similarity between stands decreased downstream of the industrial discharge. Changes incommunity structure were readily detected in this situation because the communities of the polluted and unpolluted zones were qualitatively different. Periphyton growing naturally on Typha latifolia is a useful indicator of the impact of waste waters on the biota and can also be used to evaluate water body recovery.  相似文献   

简述了企业自行监测及信息公开的法律义务,以及企业自行监测及信息公开的现状。指出了自行监测信息应用于环境监管遇到的瓶颈并分析其原因,提出应借鉴国外环境监管经验,加强对自行监测工作的宣贯培训,加快建立自行监测管理的长效机制,加速对第三方运维(检测)机构的规范引导。  相似文献   

The study was carried out to understand the variability in phytoplankton production (Chlorophyll a) and mesozooplankton diversity from two different shallow coastal regions of south Andaman viz. Port Blair Bay (PBB), the only real urban area among the islands and Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park, a Marine Protected Area (MPA) at Wandoor. Seasonal sampling was carried out during the Northeast monsoon (NEM—November 2005), Intermonsoon (IM—April 2006), and Southwest monsoon (SWM—August 2006). Significant (P?<?0.05) seasonal variation was observed in the environmental variables at both the regions. Higher average chlorophyll a (Chl. a) and mesozooplankton standing stock were observed at PBB compared to MPA, but the seasonal variation observed was marginal at both the study areas. Chl. a showed a steep increasing gradient from outer to the inner regions of the PBB. The number of zooplankton taxa recorded at both areas was quite similar, but marked differences were noticed in their relative contribution to the total abundance. Eventhough the Copepoda dominated at both the areas, the non-copepod taxa differed significantly between the regions. Dominance of carnivores such as siphonophores and chaetognaths were noticed at PBB, while filter feeders such as appendicularians and decapod larvae were more abundant at MPA. A total of 20 and 21 copepod families was recorded from PBB and MPA, respectively. Eleven species of chaetognaths were observed as common at both areas. Larval decapods were found to be predominant at MPA with 20 families; whereas, at PBB, only 12 families were recorded. In the light of the recent reports on various changes occurring in the coastal waters of the Andaman Islands, it is suspected that the difference in Chl. a as well as the mesozooplankton standing stock and community structure observed between the two study areas may be related to the various anthropogenic events influencing the coastal waters.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the natural and anthropogenic processes that control the composition of the bottom sediments of Sharm Obhur, Red Sea. Mineralogical analysis using XRD indicated that the sediments consist of carbonate and non-carbonate minerals. Elemental interrelationships allowed differentiating two groups of elements of different sources and origin. Elements that are in the same group are positively correlated, while they correlate negatively with elements of the other group. The first group includes silicon, Al, Fe, Mn, Mg, vanadium (V), chromium (Cr), Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn, whereas the other group includes Ca, Sr, and CaCO3. The highest concentration levels of the first group and the highest content of non-carbonate minerals were obtained from the sediments near the head of the sharm (zone A), whereas the sediments near the mouth of the sharm (zone B) yielded high concentrations of second group and carbonate minerals. Metal enrichment and contamination factors and pollution load index were calculated. The values of these indices differentiate two groups of metals: lithogenic and non-lithogenic. Except for lead (Pb) at one sampling site, metals in zone A sediments are of lithogenic source, supplied to the sharm either naturally by aeolian transportation and through Wadi Al-Kuraa'a during rare but major floods or by human activities such as dumping and shore protection. Non-lithogenic Cr, Pb, V, and Mn were documented from some sampling sites in zone B, and their occurrences are related to waste disposal and fossil fuel combustion.  相似文献   

Collection of standardized assessment and monitoring data is critically important for supporting policy and management at local to continental scales. Remote sensing techniques, including image interpretation, have shown promise for collecting plant community composition and ground cover data efficiently. More work needs to be done, however, evaluating whether these techniques are sufficiently feasible, cost-effective, and repeatable to be applied in large programs. The goal of this study was to design and test an image-interpretation approach for collecting plant community composition and ground cover data appropriate for local and continental-scale assessment and monitoring of grassland, shrubland, savanna, and pasture ecosystems. We developed a geographic information system image-interpretation tool that uses points classified by experts to calibrate observers, including point-by-point training and quantitative quality control limits. To test this approach, field data and high-resolution imagery (∼3 cm ground sampling distance) were collected concurrently at 54 plots located around the USA. Seven observers with little prior experience used the system to classify 300 points in each plot into ten cover types (grass, shrub, soil, etc.). Good agreement among observers was achieved, with little detectable bias and low variability among observers (coefficient of variation in most plots <0.5). There was a predictable relationship between field and image-interpreter data (R 2 > 0.9), suggesting regression-based adjustments can be used to relate image and field data. This approach could extend the utility of expensive-to-collect field data by allowing it to serve as a validation data source for data collected via image interpretation.  相似文献   

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