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于2013年5月至10月对密云水库上游河流中大型底栖无脊椎动物(以下简称底栖动物)进行了采样调查。结果表明,采集到的底栖动物隶属于4门10纲16目45科,其中以节肢动物种类最多,占总数的80%,且水生昆虫占总数的67%,出现频率最高的是节肢动物门蜉蝣目蜉蝣科的昆虫,出现频率达87%;从分布来看,白河流域采集到的底栖动物种类最多、密度最高,而潮河流域采集到的底栖动物生物量最大;以底栖动物为指示生物的水质评价结果显示,密云水库上游河流中50%采样点的水质为Ⅰ级(清洁),其余50%为Ⅱ级(轻微污染),水质整体较好,与现场生境调查和水质监测的结果相吻合。  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrate communities and environmental variables were assessed seasonally for 1 year in a temporary river in South Portugal receiving an effluent with high conductivity, pH, sulphates, nitrates and low oxygen content. The usefulness of the ordination method canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and the classification method cluster analysis (UPGMA) were examined to evaluate the perturbation. Macroinvertebrate samples were segregated along the first ordination axis by CCA, which in turn correlated with sulphates and nitrates. CCA produced a two-dimensional distribution of sites similar to the grouping formed by cluster analysis. In general, three or four groups were distinguished. Immediately downstream of the effluent discharge point, only taxa tolerant to low oxygen, high pH and high sulphate and nitrate concentrations were present. Further downstream, sites had a community similar to the reference sampling locations. During flowing conditions the CCA ordination axis 1 was also correlated with several classic measures of water quality (i.e. taxon richness, diversity and biotic indices). In other periods, only the percentage of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (%EPT) and the ratio EPT/(Chironomidae + EPT) were significantly correlated with CCA axis one. This suggests that ordination methods outperform benthic indices in detecting pollution during low flows and segregated polluted from clean/recovered sites in all periods.  相似文献   

Exposures of caged organisms in situ have proven to be a useful way to improve exposure realism and link to stressor effects in aquatic assessments of hazard or risk. A novel cage system, the benthic in situ toxicity identification evaluation (BiTIE), was developed for benthic macroinvertebrates (surrogate species, resident populations and communities) to separate low and high flow effects, and major chemical classes of stressors in streams. Three resin types were used to separate the chemical stressors in the streams Honey Creek and Little Beavercreek, Ohio, USA: Dowex Optipore (non-polar organics), zeolite (ammonia), and polywool (control). Isonychia spp. sensitivity was compared to Chironomus tentans, and no significant differences were found (p>0.05). Isonychia spp. growth (length) showed a stressor response in the zeolite treatments, and community testing revealed improved metric responses in the Dowex treatments. The BiTIE chamber system demonstrated stressor-response relationships using sublethal and multimetric endpoints.  相似文献   


The exposure of humic substances to solar radiation can alter their concentration and composition and subsequently influences their bioavailability in aquatic food webs. With eutrophication increasingly prominent in lakes, nutrients, such as inorganic N and P, are a prerequisite for heterotrophic bacteria that use organic matter. Here photodegradation of terrestrial humic acids and nutrient addition were performed to investigate the response of bacterial abundance and community structure to photodegraded humic acids and increased nutrient concentrations in a eutrophic lake. Results showed that the decreasing level of absorption coefficient at 460 nm in the treatment irradiated with 40 W UV lamps was more remarkable than that of the treatment irradiated with 20 W UV lamps and the control. This reduced coefficient corresponds to the greatest decrease in humic acid concentration in the 40 W group. Bacteria showed high abundance after incubation with humic acids which underwent strong irradiation intensity. An increased nutrient concentration significantly affected bacterial abundance. The dominant bacteria were Aquabacterium for the irradiated group, Aquabacterium and Limnobacter for the 20 W group and Flavobacterium and Limnobacter for the 40 W group. Armatimonadetes-gp4 and Sediminibacterium showed evident response to high nutrient concentration. Our results showed that the exposure of terrestrial humic acids to UV light and the increasing concentration of nutrients have obviously changed bacterial community.


Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Macroinvertebrate community in the intertidal setup plays an important role in coastal ecosystem functions and biogeochemical cycle. However,...  相似文献   

The acidification of surface waters has profound ecological consequences. There is a need to predict the effects of possible future patterns of acid deposition on the biological components of fresh waters. This paper describes a model of the relationships between water chemistry and macroinvertebrate assemblages in eighteen streams in the upper Tywi whose catchments are subject to different land uses. Using established statistical techniques on data sets derived from riffle and margin samples taken in spring and summer, the macroinvertebrate assemblages were classified into three groups, which corresponded with streams draining conifer afforested catchments, acidic moorland streams and circumneutral moorland streams. Following principal components analysis to select key environmental variables, the application of multiple discriminant analysis generated two discriminant functions which were related most strongly to mean filterable aluminium concentration and mean total hardness, respectively. The discriminant functions were used to assign site-group membership with 100% success in the case of the spring data set with combined habitats. In addition, multiple regression of the primary ordination axis of each data set on mean aluminium concentration and mean hardness or pH, produced equations which explained 62.0%-87.2% of the variance. We conclude that the methods used here provide an effective analytical and potentially predictive tool for use in the understanding and management of the impact of acidification on freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

Laboratory tests of fipronil and its degradation products have revealed acute lethal toxicity at very low concentrations (LC50) of <0.5 microg/L to selected aquatic macroinvertebrates. In streams draining basins with intensive rice cultivation in southwestern Louisiana, USA, concentrations of fipronil compounds were an order of magnitude larger than the LC50. The abundance (rho=-0.64; p=0.015) and taxa richness (r2=0.515, p<0.005) of macroinvertebrate communities declined significantly with increases in concentrations of fipronil compounds and rice-cultivation land-use intensity. Macroinvertebrate community tolerance scores increased linearly (r2=0.442, p<0.005) with increases in the percentage of rice cultivation in the basins, indicating increasingly degraded stream conditions. Similarly, macroinvertebrate community-tolerance scores increased rapidly as fipronil concentrations approached about 1 microg/L. Pesticide toxicity index determinations indicated that aquatic macroinvertebrates respond to a gradient of fipronil compounds in water although stream size and habitat cannot be ruled out as contributing influences.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of pH (6-10) and ozone dose [0.4-3.0?mg O(3)/mg dissolved organic carbon (DOC)] on the content and structure of haloacetic acid (HAA) precursors in groundwater rich in natural organic matter (NOM; DOC 9.85?±?0.18?mg/L) during drinking water treatment. The raw water was ozonated in a 2 L glass column. NOM fractionation was carried out using XAD resins. HAA formation potential (HAAFP) was determined according to standard EPA Method 552. NOM characterization revealed it is mostly hydrophobic (65?% fulvic and 14?% humic acids). Hydrophobic NOM significantly influences HAA formation, as confirmed by the high HAAFP (309?±?15?μg/L). Ozonation at pH?6-10 led to changes in NOM structure, i.e. complete humic acid oxidation, and increased the hydrophilic NOM fraction content (65-90?% achieved using 3.0?mg O(3)/mg DOC). The highest degree of NOM oxidation and HAA precursor removal was achieved at pH?10 (up to 68?% HAAFP). Ozonation pH influenced the distribution of HAA precursor content, as increasing the pH from 6 to 10 increased the reactivity of the hydrophilic fraction, with the HAAFP increasing from 19.1?±?6.0?μg/mg DOC in raw water to 152?±?8?μg/mg DOC in ozonated water. The degree of HAA precursor removal depends on the dominant oxidation mechanism, which is related to the applied ozone dose and the pH of the oxidation process. Ozonation at pH?10 favours the mechanism of radical NOM oxidation and was the most effective for HAAFP reduction, with the efficacy of the process improving with increasing ozone dose.  相似文献   

采用序批式生物反应器(SBR)对pH值为5.0、6.0、7.0、8.0、9.0和10.0的原水进行处理,发现COD和TN去除率在pH=8.0时达到最大,NH4+-N去除率随pH升高而增大,在pH=10.0时可达91.0%,碱性条件下污水处理效果更佳;利用聚合酶链式反应-变性梯度凝胶电泳(PCR-DGGE)技术分析不同pH值下的活性污泥总细菌群落结构,其结果显示,碱性条件下的优势菌为β-proteobacterium,承担脱氮功能的细菌中可培养的是Rhodanobacter sp.,pH=8.0时总细菌多样性指数最高。  相似文献   

Land use is known to alter the nature of land–water interactions, but the potential effects of widespread forest management on headwaters in boreal regions remain poorly understood. We evaluated the importance of catchment land use, land cover, and local stream variables for macroinvertebrate community and functional trait diversity in 18 boreal headwater streams. Variation in macroinvertebrate metrics was often best explained by in-stream variables, primarily water chemistry (e.g. pH). However, variation in stream variables was, in turn, significantly associated with catchment-scale forestry land use. More specifically, streams running through catchments that were dominated by young (11–50 years) forests had higher pH, greater organic matter standing stock, higher abundance of aquatic moss, and the highest macroinvertebrate diversity, compared to streams running through recently clear-cut and old forests. This indicates that catchment-scale forest management can modify in-stream habitat conditions with effects on stream macroinvertebrate communities and that characteristics of younger forests may promote conditions that benefit headwater biodiversity.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to estimate the impact of mechanical deweeding on the community structure of phytophilous macroinvertebrates. The eutrophic lake selected for the study was Dal Lake in the Kashmir Himalayas. The dissolved nutrient concentration was found to be highest in August and September, i.e., nitrates-nitrogen (513 μg l?l) and total phosphorus (685 μg l?l). During the period of investigation, a total of 22 macroinvertebrate taxa were recorded which belonged to phylum Arthropoda, Mollusca, and Annelida. The samples were collected with the help of a composite Gerking frame box and grappler. Mechanical deweeding had a profound impact on the population density of phylum Mollusca and Arthropoda followed by Annelida. However, family Tubificidae was not influenced by deweeding, as the harvester only trimmed the vegetation, and these organisms were recorded in the sediment of the lake. On average, the reference site had higher density of macroinvertebrates as compared to deweeded areas. The abundance of macroinvertebrates decreased from 200 ind. (individuals)?m?2 in the reference site to 51 ind.?m?2 in the deweeded site as a result of weed removal. Species richness and composition of major macroinvertebrates in harvested and unharvested areas of the lake were also dissimilar as portrayed by biotic indices vis-à-vis Shannon diversity index, evenness index, and Simpson index.  相似文献   

The potential of triethylenetetramine (TETA) to inhibit the oxidation of three pyrrhotites, Garson, McCreedy and Po-97 has been studied systematically and confirmed by comparing the release of Fe and SO4(2-) from samples with and without coating treatment. Each sample, original or coated by TETA, was exposed to oxygen, 1 x 10(-3) M FeCl3, and Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, respectively, for specific oxidation periods. Both abiotic and biotic oxidation of samples treated by this passivating agent has been reduced significantly in this study. Under the aerobic condition, lower concentrations of ferric, total Fe or SO4(2-) were obtained from the coated samples than those from the uncoated samples. In the presence of 1 x 10(-3) M FeCl3 at 30 degrees C, TETA was able to reduce oxidation rates of Garson, McCreedy and Po-97 by 83%, 79%, and 81% (based on Fe release), respectively. A higher pH, lower Eh, and lower concentrations of total Fe and SO4(2-) were also observed in the biotic oxidation of coated Garson by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. The protection of pyrrhotite surface from oxidant attack by TETA barrier and the alkaline property of this coating agent can be used to interpret the inhibition of oxidation.  相似文献   

Marine macroalgal communities were examined near the outflow of acid mine drainage (AMD) from the Britannia Mine, British Columbia, Canada. No marine algae were present within 100 m of the mouth of Britannia Creek, which carries the AMD into the marine environment. At greater distances (300-700 m) from this Creek, mean summer cover of filamentous green algae, mostly Enteromorpha intestinalis, was >60%, which was significantly higher than at nearby reference stations. At still greater distances (600-1000 m) from Britannia Creek, Fucus gardneri dominated algal communities that were similar to those at reference stations. No consistent differences were detected in mean plant length, mean per cent cover or mean oocyte production between F. gardneri near Britannia Creek and those at reference stations. Cu body burden in F. gardneri near Britannia Creek was five to 17 times higher than in reference plants.  相似文献   

This paper describes results of treatability studies of the effect of humic substances (humate, HS, at the concentration 500-5000 mg l-1) on the Fenton (Fe2+/H2O2) treatment of industrial wastewater at pH 3.5 and 7.0. Without humate, the removal of all contaminants was significantly higher at pH 3.5 than at pH 7. At pH 7.0, the removal of all compounds in the presence of HS (3000 mg l-1) was comparable to that at pH 3.5 without HS. At pH 3.5, humate had no effect on the removal of arsenic, thiocyanate and cyanide, but the removal of all organic compounds (phenol, 2,4-dimethylphenol, benzene, toluene, o-xylene, m- & p-xylene and dichloromethane) was significantly inhibited. Mechanisms of the processes are discussed. It is suggested that, in the presence of HS, acidification of the treated wastewater may not only be unnecessary but it can even hinder the degradation of organic pollutants.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the influence of vehicle emissions on zinc and lead content of cow's milk, grazing at 15 different locations near to roadsides in Sakarya, Turkey. The results obtained for zinc were between 1262 μg kg−1 and 6566 μg kg−1. An acceptable range of zinc content from various sides confirmed the absence of possible toxicological risks in this region. The lead levels ranged from 3.24 μg kg−1 to 80.69 μg kg−1. The levels of lead in milk samples collected from roadside pastures were higher than the regulatory limits and pose a health risk.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the impact of concentrated pulse (16 microg litre(-1)) of the insecticide permethrin (emulsifiable concentrate) on the macroinvertebrate community of a northern Ontario headwater stream. Post-treatment drift increased by a factor of 2400 within minutes of the arrival of the insecticide. There was a significant (P<0.05) reduction in the abundance of invertebrates in most families as far as 260 m below the point of injection in both kick and artificial substrate samples. Greatest impact was observed in the mayflies, Baetis flavistriga. Heptagenia flavescens, and Epeorus sp., the stonefly, Leuctra tenuis, and the caddisfly, Dolophilodes distinctus. Diptera were not significantly reduced. The number of species occurring 100 m from the point of injection was reduced by 47%, but only by 17% at 260 m. There was no change in the per cent composition of functional feeding groups at any point after treatment. Recovery of most invertebrates was complete within 6 weeks of treatment.  相似文献   

This study investigated phosphate-induced lead immobilization from different Pb minerals in soils under varying pHs. Four soils were used, including one Pb-contaminated soil (NC-Soil) and three soils spiked with litharge (PbO), cerrusite (PbCO3), or anglesite (PbSO4), referred to as PbO-soil, PbCO3-soil, and PbSO4-soil, respectively. The soils were equilibrated with KCl and Ca(H2PO4)(2).H2O under pH of 3-7. At low pH (3 and 5), Pb solubility followed PbO-soil>PbCO3-soil>PbSO4-soil; while at pH=7, it was PbSO4-soil>PbO-soil>PbCO3-soil. Phosphate decreased Pb dissolution time from >180 to <60 min and reduced soluble Pb by 67-100%. This was mostly via transformation of Pb minerals into chloropyromorphite [Pb(5)(PO(4))(3)Cl]. Our results indicated that P addition can effectively transform various Pb minerals into insoluble chloropyromorphite in soils. This transformation was more significant at acidic condition (e.g., pH相似文献   

The sorption behaviour of the severely toxic heavy metal thallium (Tl) as a monovalent cation onto three representative materials (goethite, pyrolusite and a natural sediment sampled from a field site) was examined as a function of pH in the absence and presence of two natural humic acids (HAs), using 204Tl(I) as a radiotracer. In order to obtain a basic understanding of trends in the pH dependence of Tl(I) sorption with and without HA, sorption of HAs and humate complexation of Tl(I) as a function of pH were investigated as well. In spite of the low complexation between Tl(I) and HAs, the presence of HAs results in obvious alterations of Tl(I) sorption onto pyrolusite and sediment. An influence on Tl(I) sorption onto goethite was not observed. Predictions of Kd (distribution coefficient) for Tl(I) on goethite in the presence of HAs, based on a linear additive model, agree well with the experimental data, while a notable disagreement occurs for the pyrolusite and sediment systems. Accordingly, it is suggested that HAs and goethite may act as a non-interacting sorbent mixture under the given conditions, but more complex interactions may take place between the HAs and the mineral phases of pyrolusite or sediment.  相似文献   

研究pH值、溶液离子强度和金属离子对腐殖酸紫外光谱的影响,分析腐殖酸的结构特征,探讨E3/E4与pH值和溶液离子强度的关系。结果表明,腐殖酸的紫外光谱吸收带,随pH值增大主要发生蓝移。但随溶液离子强度增大,pH值对腐殖酸紫外吸收带的影响逐渐降低直至不影响。随溶液离子强度增大,腐殖酸的紫外光谱吸收带都发生红移、吸收强度增大。且腐殖酸的E3/E4值与溶液离子强度具有显著的正相关性。腐殖酸的紫外光谱中的吸收带,随投加Cu2+或Cd2+浓度增大而发生红移。  相似文献   

Cyromazine (CY) is a triazine pesticide used as an insect growth inhibitor for fly control in cattle manure, field crops, vegetables, and fruits. Sorption of CY onto humic acid (HA) may affect its environmental fate. In this study, HA was used to investigate the sorption of CY at different solution chemistry conditions (pH, ionic strength) and in the presence of foreign ions and norfloxacin. All sorption isotherms fitted well with the Freundlich and Langmuir models. The sorption reached a maximum at initial pH 4.0 over the initial pH range of 3.0–7.0, implying that the primary sorption mechanism was cation exchange interaction between CY+ species and the negatively charged functional groups of HA. Increasing Ca2+ concentration resulted in a considerable reduction in the K d values of CY, hinting that Ca2+ had probably competed with CY+ for the cation exchange sites on the surfaces of HA. The sorption of CY on HA in different ionic media followed the order of NH4Cl ≈ KCl > K2SO4 > ZnCl2 ≈ CaCl2 at pH 5.0. Spectroscopic evidence demonstrated that the amino groups and triazine ring of CY was responsible for sorption onto HA, while the carboxyl group and the O-alkyl structure of HA participated in adsorbing CY.  相似文献   

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