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Onchidium tumidium showed a triphasic response to anoxia. Twelve hours of anoxic exposure had no effect on the glycogen content in O. tumidium. However, there were significant increases in the alanine, lactate and succinate contents in the anoxic individuals. These were accompanied by a significant decrease in the ATP content. These results suggest that O. tumidium survived the first 12 h of anoxic exposure without increasing the glycolytic flux to compensate for the lower efficiency of ATP production through anaerobic pathways. Indeed, the fructose-2,6-bisphosphate (F-2,6-P2) content and the percentage of phosphofruc-tokinase (PFK) associated with the subcellular particles remain unchanged in O. tumidium exposed to 12 h of anoxia. Hence, a reduction in the metabolic rate of these individuals might have occurred during such a period of anoxia. In contrast, in between 12 and 24 h of anoxic exposure, the glycogen content O. tumidium decreased significantly, and levelled off thereafter. A significant increase in the percentage of PFK associated with the subcellular particles was observed in individuals exposed to 24 h of anoxia. In addition, the F-2,6-P2 content of these anoxic individuals increased significantly. Taken together, these two mechanisms could activate PFK and lead to a greater glycolytic flux. Beyond 24 h of anoxic exposure, survival of O. tumidium must have required considerable suppression of metabolism as accumulation of end products and depletions of glycogen and ATP had reached constant levels.  相似文献   

Onchidium tumidium, an intertidal pulmonate, has evolved to depend mainly on the formation of succinate, rather than lactate and opines, to survive in anoxia. For our study O. tumidum were collected from the mud flats of the mangrove swamp at Mandai, Singapore between 1988 and 1991. After 24 h of anoxic exposure, the lactate and succinate contents of the anoxic individuals were approximately 10 and 150 times, respectively, the corresponding values of the normoxic individuals. Alanine and acetate accumulations also occurred during anoxia, though to a much lesser extent. No propionate or octopine was detected. The depletion in aspartate content in O. tumidium could not account for the amount of succinate accumulated during anoxia. The succinate formed might have originated from glycogen involving the flow of carbon through the phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) branch point of glycolysis. In support of such a hypothesis, results indicate that there was a decrease in the affinity of pyruvate kinase from O. tumidium exposed to 24h of anoxia to PEP to facilitate succinate formation through phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK). In comparison, the affinity of PEPCK from O. tumidium exposed to anoxia to PEP was apparently unaltered.  相似文献   

The intertidal limpet Siphonaria kurracheensis (Reeve, 1856) has a bimodal vertical distribution of abundance on rocky shores at Rottnest Island, Western Australia. An electrophoretic study of 5 polymorphic enzymes revealed no consistent genetic differences between adults high and low on the shore. Contrasting with this absence of a detectable genetic response to the steep environmental gradients in the intertidal zone, there were genetic differences among low-shore adults from different sites, and between adults and recruits. This genetic differentiation could be due to either localized selection or temporal variation in the genetic makeup of recruits.Communicated by G. F. Humphrey, Sydney  相似文献   

The content of free amino acids (FAA) in the cod (Gadus morhua L.) egg is about 200 nmol at spawning, decreasing by about 100 nmol/egg during the egg stage and about 75 nmol/larva during the yolksac larval stage. Together, alanine, leucine, serine, isoleucine, lysine, and valine account for about 75% of the decrease. Ammonium accumulates gradually during the egg stage and is quickly excreted after hatching. The body protein content is maintained during the egg and yolksac larval stages. The measured oxygen uptake of the cod embryo during the egg and yolksac larval stages accounts for about 85% of the oxygen necessary to catabolize the FAA disappearing during this period. Ammonia excretion of the cod embryo, as taken from literature data, is similar to the expected ammonia production from catabolism of the FAA. Our data suggest that FAA are a major substrate for aerobic energy production in cod eggs and yolksac larvae. The implication of this finding for the production of a favourable first-feed for cod and other cultivated marine fish larvae, and for the selection of high quality eggs of marine fishes, is stressed.  相似文献   

Contents of free amino acids (FAA), protein and ammonium ions together with rates of ammonia excretion and oxygen consumption were measured in order to study the role of FAA as an energy substrate in developing eggs and larvae of seabass (Lates calcarifer) maintained in seawater (30 ppt) at 28 °C without feeding. Initially eggs contained 25.3 nmol ind−1 of FAA of which 21.5 nmol was rapidly utilised by the developing eggs and larvae during the period up to 40 h post spawning (PS) when nearly all the yolk had been resorbed. During the same period, a net increase in protein content of 1.7 μg ind−1 was observed, indicating that the major part of the amino acids lost from the free pool had been polymerised into body proteins. Assuming that the balance of the FAA after protein synthesis was used entirely for energy metabolism, FAA appeared to be an important energy substrate during the embryonic stages (2 to 16 h PS); after hatching, the contribution of FAA to energy metabolism was less significant. From 50 h PS until the end of the study period at 100 h PS, amino acids derived from somatic protein were used for energy metabolism. For the overall period from just after spawning up to 100 h PS, the data indicate that ca. 14% of the total aerobic energy metabolism was derived from amino acid catabolism. Received: 26 September 1997 / Accepted: 1 April 1998  相似文献   

Free amino acid patterns and the classification of the Demospongiae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An investigation of the free amino acid patterns of 67 species representing 50 genera of West Indian Demospongiae has been undertaken to examine the value of this biochemical approach in adding another parameter to phylogenetic inquiries. Two-dimensional thin-layer electrophoresis and chromatography were used to separate mixtures of naturally occurring ninhydrin-positive compounds. Individual components were identified as far as possible, and the fingerprints or patterns of the species studied were used as a basis for evaluating relationships. The subclass Ceractinomorpha is a relatively homogeneous group, with free amino acid patterns characterized by a consistent representation of protein amino acids and by the absence of compounds other than taurine and hypotaurine in the neutral region of the chromatogram. Two variants of this general pattern can be recognized, one found in the orders Dictyoceratida and Poecilosclerida, the other occurring in the order Haplosclerida and the family Halichondriidae of the order Halichondrida. Unexpected results within this subclass are the wide separation of the dictyoceratid families Spongiidae and Verongiidae, the anomolous patterns of the genera Agelas and Iotrochota and of the family Callyspongiidae, and the suggestive affinities of the family Hymeniacidonidae with the order Hadromerida. The subclass Tetractinomorpha appears to represent a polyphyletic assemblage in which 5 recognizable patterns can be distinguished. These represent the orders Homosclerophorida, Choristida, Spirophorida, Hadromerida and Axinellida. Of interest are the suggestions that the order Choristida is in itself a heterogeneous group, and that certain genera now placed in the order Axinellida may in fact be more closely related to the Poecilosclerida.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the biochemical composition of two molluses, gonochoric Chiton iatricus and a marine pulmonate, Ochnidium verruculatum inhabiting the same tropical area, but having different modes of reproduction, were studied. Protein is the major biochemical component stored in C. iatricus, whereas lipid is predominantly stored in O. verruculatum. The correlation between these quantifications and the annual reproductive cycles of the two species investigated suggest that nutrients stored in the somatic body parts are channeled towards the gonad during the gametogenesis. In C. iatricus sexual differences efrist in the biochemical needs of the ovary and the testis. The ovary always has a higher protein content than the testis. In the hermaphrodite pulmonate O. verruculatum, biochemical expenditure on gamete production is relatively low because this species has to spend energy on the reproductive propagation viz. copulation and egg-laying. On the contrary, in C. iatricus the biochemical energy is mainly utilized for the production of gametes which have to be produced in great numbers in order to counter-balance the loss of gametes caused by external fertilization. The collected data are discussed in the light of comparative physiology of reproduction.  相似文献   

铝胁迫下大豆根系分泌有机酸和氨基酸的特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用水培法,以2个大豆(Glycine max)品种(浙春2号和浙春3号)为材料,研究铝胁迫下大豆根系分泌有机酸和氨基酸的特征.大豆根系分泌大量柠檬酸呈现低铝促进高铝抑制的现象,同时还分泌少量草酸和琥珀酸,表明大豆根系分泌有机酸与其耐铝机制有关.氨基酸分泌总量随着铝质量浓度的增大而增加.中低铝质量浓度下,大豆根系分泌的氨基酸随铝质量浓度的增大而增加.高铝浓度下,氨基酸的种类减少,各种氨基酸分泌量变化不一致.实验结果还显示,随着铝处理时间延长,铝毒害作用明显.  相似文献   

When shore crabs Carcinus maenas are transferred from 11 to 38 S at 11°C, new constant levels of hemolymph freezing points and of concentrations of Na, K, Ca, and Mg in the hemolymph are accomplished within 24h. From a decrease in serum protein and in serum free amino acids and an increase in the relative amounts of individual essential free amino acids in the body fluids of whole crabs, a participation of proteolytic activities and a transport of amino acids from hemolymph to cell is deduced; the stationary concentration of total intracellular free amino acids increases up to a nearly two-fold value, compared with the concentration in crabs remaining in diluted sea water. Also, the low molecular neutral sugars increase in whole crabs after high salinity stress, reaching values of more than two-fold initial concentrations within a period of 10 days. This increase is fully accounted for by a 6.7-fold increase in trehalose levels. The processes of increasing the concentrations of low molecular organic material seem to be slower than those of establishing new osmotic pressures in the hemolymph. The oxygen consumption decreases by 30 to 45% to new constant values within 8 to 12 h after the salinity change from 11 to 38, reflecting similar kinetics as the establishment of new osmotic pressures in the hemolymph.  相似文献   

For valine uptake by the polychaete Nereis virens Sars, the kinetic constants were: V max=355 nmol g-1 fresh weight h-1, K m=20 M. Leucine and some other amino acids acted as partial inhibitors of valine uptake. Valine uptake rate was 78% higher at 21.5 S than at 14 S. The major portion of valine absorbed by the polychaete could be extracted as free valine, with 6.5 to 15.6% being respired, and 3.6 to 9.5% incorporated into proteins. Calculations indicate that 7 to 12% of the metabolism of N. virens may be sustained by uptake of glycine and aspartic acid from natural concentrations. It is suggested that uptake of amino acids by this worm is important in the nitrogen cycling of marine sediments.  相似文献   

Reports of bathymetric decrease in the total mycosporine-like amino acid (MAA) concentration of benthic invertebrates suggest that light gradients may be important determinants of MAA content. With the pronounced diel light changes, distinct temporal variations in MAA concentrations might also be expected. We examined the changes in the abundance of MAA in three shallow-water scleractinian corals, Pavona divaricata, Galaxea fascicularis and Montipora digitata from Okinawa, Japan, in relation to daily cycles in solar radiation and tested whether the species have different capabilities for protection against UVR depending on their MAA composition. The results show that symbiotic algae freshly isolated from the investigated coral species do not contain MAAs and that distribution of these compounds resided only within the animal tissue. Total MAA content in the tissue of P. divaricata, G. fascicularis and M. digitata rose rapidly at midday and significantly dropped at night. The observed variations were by a factor of two and, thus, very dramatic. For all the investigated coral species, total MAA concentrations were significantly correlated with the diurnal cycle in solar radiation, during both winter and summer seasons. Seawater temperature was significantly correlated with MAA levels only in the June experiment, but represented no more than 20% of the MAA variation in all three coral species, whereas solar radiation explained 60–70% of the MAA fluctuations. This suggests that MAAs are an integral component of the hard corals biochemical defense system against high solar irradiance stress. The diurnal increase in total MAA concentrations was due to an increase in the concentration of imino-MAA species of up to 2–2.5-fold of their pre-dawn values. In contrast, the oxocarbonyl-MAA mycosporine-glycine (Myc-Gly) showed the lowest (Tukey–Kramer HSD test: P<0.05) values at midday, compared to afternoon and night hours. Analysis of diel changes in chlorophyll fluorescence and chlorophyll a content of the investigated species revealed that P. divaricata and G. fascicularis were less sensitive to the high levels of ambient irradiance compared to M. digitata. In P. divaricata and G. fascicularis, Myc-Gly, an MAA with an antioxidant function, is the most abundant MAA, contributing about 70% to the total MAA pool, whereas the major MAA factions in M. digitata were represented by oxidatively robust imino-MAAs. We speculate that MAAs furnish scleractinian corals with protection from biologically damaging ultraviolet radiation through both the direct sunscreening activity of imino-MAAs and the antioxidant properties of oxocarbonyl-MAAs and suggest that the predominance, in the host tissue, of MAA species with an antioxidant ability may render corals more tolerant to high photosynthetically active and ultraviolet radiation.Communicated by T. Ikeda, Hakodate  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of chlorophylla, copepods, dissolved free amino acid concentration and the fixation of14C by phytoplankton were monitored in the springs of 1983, 1987 and 1988 in the Ushant front region, shelf edge of the Celtic Sea and central Irish Sea, respectively. In each area, two stations characterized by mixed and stratified water conditions were compared. Vertical distributions of amino acids coincided with the distribution of copepods. A positive and significant correlation was found between the abudance of copepods and the concentration of amino acids dissolved in seawater. A negative and significant correlation was found between chlorophylla and the concentration of amino acids. Enrichment of amino acids ( 20 to 500 nM l–1 at specific depths) due to aspartic and glutamic acids, glutamine and ornithine, was assumed to reflect copepod feeding activity and faecal production. At these depths, the natural concentration and diversity of amino acids, including aspartic acid, glutamic acid, asparagine, serine, histidine, glutamine, arginine, threonine, glycine, alanine, tyrosine, valine, phenylalanine, ornithine and lysine, were high enough and in the correct proportions for triggering feeding and swimming and swarming behavior of copepods, as well as their remote detection of food at the micro- and meso-scales (1 to 10 m). This accumulation of amino acids also constitutes a potential additional source of organic nitrogen for bacteria and phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Acid hydrolysis of estuarine water samples for the determination of amino acids (AAs) was tested and found to be effective at high (250 μM) nitrate concentrations when the anti-oxidant, ascorbic acid, was added to the samples. Hydrolysable AA concentrations were then determined in surface sediments collected from low and high salinity regions of the Tamar Estuary (UK) during winter 2003 and 2004, and in overlying water when simulated resuspension of sediment particles was performed. Concentrations of AAs in sediment samples comprised <50% of particulate nitrogen, fitting the paradigm that most sedimentary nitrogen is preserved within an organic matrix. When sediment samples were resuspended in overlying water (salinity 17.5), the rapid, measured increase in dissolved AA concentrations almost equalled the reported nitrate concentration in the lower estuary, with the subsequent decrease in the total dissolved AA levels suggested that bacterial uptake was occurring. Our data concur with previous studies on nitrogen desorption from sediments and suggest that an understanding of organic nitrogen cycling will be an important aspect of future effective estuarine management.  相似文献   

In order to better formulate an artificial shrimp diet, the protein composition of shrimp was assessed and the essential amino acids determined. Penaeus aztecus were treated to remove lipids, carbohydrates and other interfering substances, and the protein was hydrolyzed to its constituent amino acids. The amino acids were then quantitatively analyzed by gasliquid chromatography as their trimethylsilyl derivatives. The essential amino acids were then determined. Shrimp were injected with 14C-labeled glucose and analyses performed to determine which amino acids then exhibited radioactivity, i.e., were synthesized from the labeled glucose. Those amino acids which were not manufactured from the glucose were categorized as essential.  相似文献   

Using the starvation technique, changes in protein and free amino acids were examined in Penaeus esculentus Haswell collected from Moreton Bay, Australia, by trawling in 1985. Prawns of 17.7±0.26 g wet weight were held at 25°C until 2 d after moulting. Groups of seven or eight were then starved fro 5, 10, or 15 d, with appropriate control groups. At the end of each period, ecreted amino acids were collected for 24 h and whole-muscle amino acids and free amino acids (FAA) g-1 in each prawn were analysed. Concentrations of whole-muscle amino acids showed only minor changes with starvation, but concentrations of many of the FAA changed significantly. Total FAA averaged 1 182±45 mol g-1 dry weight. Individual FAA, in order of abundance, were glycine, arginine, proline, taurine, threonine, hydroxyproline, alanine, glutamic acid, valine, aspartic acid and lysine; the remaining FAA each contributed <0.2% of the total. Only taurine and alanine did not show significant changes with starvation. Concentrations of glycine, arginine, hydroxyproline, glutamic and aspartic acid increased, while those of proline, threonine, valine and lysine decreased with starvation, that of proline approaching zero after 15 d starvation. Excreted amino acid-nitrogen represented <2% of excreted ammonianitrogen ornithine being the most abundant (35%), followed by leucine (22%) and lysine (17%). The relative abundance of excreted amino acids did not correspond with those of the FAA. It is suggested that, as starvation progresses, the muscle protein is progressively hydrolysed, but with the remaining muscle maintaining its amino acid composition. The liberated amino acids enter the FAA pool and become available for energy production. Proline may have an important role as an energy source, but the ability to synthesise proline may be limited, and thus the artificial food of penaeid prawns may be improved by its addition.  相似文献   

Biological aerosol particles are recently gaining increased attention, but global estimates of their emissions are unclear. Traditional organic tracers for biological particles have not been able to capture the diversity of biological sources such as residential wood burning. Here, we have analyzed protein content in air particulate matter over a year in a suburban area near Shibuya, in order to identify contributions from biological sources. Aerosols were separated into five size fractions using a high-volume cascade impactor. Amino acid profiles were obtained from acid hydrolysates by high-performance liquid chromatography and were subsequently used in a receptor model for source apportionment. Results show that protein content ranged from 0.5 to 2 % throughout the year in all size fractions. We observed contributions from seasonally variable emission sources such as pollen and fallen leaves in coarse particles, larger than 7 µm, at elevated concentrations during spring and winter. We also found contributions from pollen and fallen leaves in the smallest size fraction, lower than 1.1 µm, after spring. This finding indicates that sources are broken up to smaller particles in the urban environment. Overall, our findings demonstrate that protein content can be used as marker for biological aerosol particles, and that protein amino acid composition can distinguish multiple sources.  相似文献   

Estimates of the biomass of zooplankton, phytoplankton and particulate matter collected in the Celtic Sea during mixed-water conditions (on 8 and 9 April 1983) were compared to the concentration and diversity of sixteen dissolved free amino acids (DFAA) measured in seawater and in particles. During a day profile, variations of dissolved amino acids with depth reflected the feeding activity of copepods. The relationship was not apparent in a night profile and other processes, such as heterotrophic utilization of dissolved nitrogen by microorganisms, were thought to be involved. The ratios of total DFAA concentration (nM litre-1) in the particulate phase over the concentration in seawater ranged from 1 to 200 within the water column. Of the sixteen amino acids measured, ornithine, a decomposition product of arginine, was responsible for more than 70% of the total concentration of DFAA in seawater. In the particles, phenylalanine ranged from 30 to 88% of total DFAA. In seawater this amino acid occurred in the 20 to 40 m depths (1.3 to 9.9% of total DFAA) in the day profile and at 5 m (12.4%) and 80 m (6.4%) in the night profile. Previously it has only been found in very low concentrations (<5%) in seawater, and its presence is considered to be the result of zooplankton feeding.  相似文献   

The uptake and effect of dissolved copper on regulation of hemolymph osmolality and Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca++, and Mg++ concentrations in the shore crab Carcinus maenas (L.) were determined at 400 mOsm (=14 S) ambient salinity. One mg Cu l-1 resulted in 50% mortality in 11 to 22 d; the highest sensitivity was observed around the moulting period. 0.25 and 0.5 mg Cu l-1 were not lethal after a onemonth exposure. Ten, 1, and 0.5 mg Cu l-1 altered regulation of osmolality, Na+, K+, and Cl- concentrations, while 0.25 mg Cu l-1 did not. Exposure to 1 mg Cu l-1 reduced hemolymph osmolality and Na+, K+, and Cl- concentrations to 80 to 90% of controls within 4 to 6 d and no further reduction was observed during a 21-d exposure. The effect of various copper concentrations on these four parameters were almost identical and the highest sensitivity was observed around the moulting period. Hemolymph calcium levels increased 20 to 80% in crabs exposed to 1 mg Cu l-1, while they decreased 20 to 30% in crabs exposed to 0.5 mg Cu l-1. Prolonged exposure to copper caused 20 to 70% reductions in hemolymph magnesium levels. Crabs exposed to 0.5 mg Cu l-1 for 29 d accumulated copper in hepatopancreas, gills, carapace, heart, testes, and hypodermis, but not in muscles and hemolymph. Increased copper levels in crabs exposed to 0.25 mg Cu l-1 were observed in hepatopancreas, gills, and carapace only. The present results suggest that effects of copper on ion regulatory processes in part explain why the toxicity of copper towards euryhaline invertebrates increases at low salinities.  相似文献   

Amino acids, proteins, and peptides are found ubiquitously in waters. They can form harmful byproducts during water treatment by reaction with disinfectants. Chlorination and chloramination of water containing natural organic matter is known to result in the production of toxic substances, often referred to as disinfection byproducts. The main advantage of using chlorine dioxide (ClO2) over other known chlorine-containing disinfectants is the minimization of the formation of harmful trihalomethanes. Because ClO2 is a promising alternative to other chlorine-containing disinfectants, the chemistry of ClO2 interactions with amino acids, proteins, and peptides should be understood to ensure the safety of potable water supplies. Here, we present an overview of the aqueous chemistry of ClO2 and its reactivity with amino acids, peptides, and proteins. The kinetics and products of the reactions are reviewed. Only a few amino acids have been reported to be reactive with ClO2, and they have been found to follow second-order kinetics for the overall reaction. The rate constants vary from 10?2 to 107?M?1?s?1 and follow an order of reactivity: cysteine?>?tyrosine?>?tryptophan?>?histidine?>?proline. For reactions of histidine, tryptophan, and tyrosine with ClO2, products vary depending largely on the molar ratios of ClO2 with the specific amino acid. Products of ClO2 oxidation differ with the presence or absence of oxygen in the reaction mixture. Excess molar amounts of ClO2 relative to amino acids are associated with the production of low molecular weight compounds. The oxidation of the biochemically important compounds bovine serum albumin and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase by ClO2 suggests a denaturing of proteins by ClO2 by an attack on tryptophan and tyrosine residues and relates to the inactivation of microbes by ClO2.  相似文献   

We investigated mycosporine amino acid (MAA) involvement as protective sunscreens in spawn of the sea hare Aplysia dactylomela to determine if adult diet and ultraviolet (UV) exposure affected the UV sensitivity of developing embryos. Adults were fed a red alga rich in MAAs (Acanthophora spicifera) or a green alga poor in MAAs (Ulva lactuca). Adults on each diet were exposed for 2 wk to ambient solar irradiance with two types of acrylic filters; one allowed exposure to wavelengths >275 nm (designated UV) and one to wavelengths only >410 nm (designated NOUV). Spawn from each adult group was likewise treated with UV or NOUV and monitored during development for differences in mortality and metabolic rate (measured as oxygen consumption: O2). Also recorded were number of eggs or embryos per capsule, times to hatching, hatching success, size at hatching, and O2 of adults. Spawn from adults eating red algae was almost twice as rich in MAAs as spawn from adults eating green algae, suggesting that MAA content is diet-related. Although overall quantities of MAAs in the spawn reflected MAA contents of the adult diet, specific MAAs were differentially sequestered in the spawn. Thus, porphyra-334, found in high concentration in Aplysia dactylomela's preferred red algal food, was present in only low concentration in the spawn. Conversely, mycosporine-glycine, in low concentration in red algal food, was the most abundant MAA in the spawn. UV treatment of adults had no effect on quantities of MAAs in the spawn. Adults exposed to UV had significantly higher O2s and spawned twice as often. The UV-treated adults produced spawn with significantly higher O2s and their embryos developed to hatching sooner. The only significant effect of UV exposure of the spawn was to reduce the percentage of veligers hatching from 71 to 50%. There was no significant effect on hatching time or size of the veligers at hatching, nor on number of eggs per capsule. Received: 13 May 1997 / Accepted: 27 June 1997  相似文献   

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