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Bedrock groundwaters in Geumsan County, Korea, were surveyed to investigate the distribution and geochemical behaviors of arsenic and fluoride, mobilized through geogenic processes. The concentrations were enriched up to 113 μg/L for arsenic and 7.54 mg/L for fluoride, and 16% of 150 samples exceeded World Health Organization drinking water guidelines for each element. Simple Ca-HCO3 groundwater types and positive correlations with pH, Ca, SO4, and HCO3 were characteristics of high (>10 μg/L) As groundwaters. The oxidation reaction of sulfide minerals in metasedimentary rocks and locally mineralized zones seems to be ultimately responsible for the existence of arsenic in groundwater. Desorption process under high pH conditions may also control the arsenic mobility in the study area. High (>1.5 mg/L) F groundwaters were found in the Na-HCO3 type and with greater depth. Fluoride seemed to be enriched by deep groundwater interaction with granitic rocks, and continuous supply to shallow Ca-HCO3-type groundwater kept the concentration high. In the study area, drinking water management should include periodic As and F monitoring in groundwater.


Bedrock groundwaters in Geumsan County, Korea, were surveyed to investigate the distribution and geochemical behaviors of arsenic and fluoride, mobilized through geogenic processes. The concentrations were enriched up to 113 μg/L for arsenic and 7.54 mg/L for fluoride, and 16% of 150 samples exceeded World Health Organization drinking water guidelines for each element. Simple Ca-HCO(3) groundwater types and positive correlations with pH, Ca, SO(4), and HCO(3) were characteristics of high (>10 μg/L) As groundwaters. The oxidation reaction of sulfide minerals in metasedimentary rocks and locally mineralized zones seems to be ultimately responsible for the existence of arsenic in groundwater. Desorption process under high pH conditions may also control the arsenic mobility in the study area. High (>1.5 mg/L) F groundwaters were found in the Na-HCO(3) type and with greater depth. Fluoride seemed to be enriched by deep groundwater interaction with granitic rocks, and continuous supply to shallow Ca-HCO(3)-type groundwater kept the concentration high. In the study area, drinking water management should include periodic As and F monitoring in groundwater.  相似文献   

Rio Grande, the southernmost Brazilian port and industrial center, is marked by mercury-polluted ground cover. This pollution varies spatially, with levels exceeding 1,000 μg kg−1 in 30% of the urban territory. The risk of Hg impact as a result of deliberate and involuntary geophagy is increased by restrained urban conditions in combination with the large proportion of the population living at low-income levels. Laboratory tests have demonstrated that ingestion of Hg-polluted soil by rats results in significant alterations in animal health such as stagnation in body weight increase, and significant mercury accumulation in the liver and kidney. The consumption of Hg-contaminated urban soil also provoked changes in hematological profiles of experimental animals by increasing the number of platelets. The present study indicates the potential for the local population of Rio Grande living in mercury-polluted districts, specifically young children, to experience health disturbances.  相似文献   

Abandoned mines are known to contaminate private drinking water wells with toxic metals and arsenic (As). Little attention is given, however, to sites in rural areas with low population densities where natural, geogenic sources of contaminants might also occur. This study measured arsenic and trace element exposure among residents consuming water from wells adjacent to abandoned mines near Twisp, in Okanogan County, Washington, USA, estimated the risk of adverse health effects, and considered the degree of uncertainty associated with the assessed risk. Water samples were collected between October 1999 and June 2001. Average As concentrations ranged from <1 to 298 microg L(-1), lead (Pb) ranged from 0 to 94 microg L(-1), cadmium (Cd) 0-5 microg L(-1), and selenium (Se) 0-390 microg L(-1). Concentrations varied seasonally with maximum concentrations occurring in conjunction with snow-melt. The calculated risk of mortality from cancer following exposure to As at average concentrations as low as 8 microg L(-1) was greater than one in 10,000. Additional noncarcinogenic risks are associated with exposure to As, Cd, Pb and Se. A potentially affected population, estimated to be between 1000 and 1287 residents, live within a 6.5-km (4-mile) radius of the study site. This study emphasises the need to test drinking water wells in the vicinity of abandoned mines during times of maximum snow-melt to determine the extent of risk to human health. Residents drinking water from wells tested in this study who want to reduce the estimated carcinogenic risk and the noncarcinogenic hazard quotient should consider treating their water or find alternative sources.  相似文献   

Groundwater arsenic (As) load in excess of drinking limit (50 µg L?1) in the Gangetic Plains was first detected in 2002. Though the menace was known since about two decades from the downstream part of the plains in the Bengal Basin, comprising of Lower Ganga Plain and deltaic plains of Ganga–Brahmaputra–Meghna River system, little thought was given to its possible threat in the upstream parts in the Gangetic Plains beyond Garo-Rajmahal Hills. The contamination in Bengal Basin has become one of the extensively studied issues in the world and regarded as the severest case of health hazard in the history of mankind. The researches and investigations in the Gangetic Plains during the last decade (2003–2013) revealed that the eastern half of the plains, also referred as Middle Ganga Plain (MGP), is particularly affected by contamination, jeopardising the shallow aquifer-based drinking water supply. The present paper reviews researches and investigations carried out so far in MGP by various research institutes and government departments on wide array of issues of groundwater As such as its spatio-temporal variation, mobilisation paths, water level behaviour and flow regime, configuration of contaminated and safe aquifers and their recharge mechanism. Elevated conc. of groundwater As has been observed in grey and dark grey sediments of Holocene age (Newer Alluvium) deposited in a fluvio-lacustrine environment in the floodplain of the Ganga and most of its northern tributaries from Himalayas. Older Alluvium, comprising Pleistocene brownish yellow sediment, extending as deeper aquifers in Newer Alluvium areas, is low in groundwater As. Similarities and differences on issues between the MGP and the Bengal Basin have been discussed. The researches point towards the mobilisation process as reductive dissolution of iron hydroxide coating, rich in adsorbed As, mediated by microbial processes. The area is marked with shallow water level (<8.0 m below ground) with ample monsoonal recharge. The infiltrated rainwater and percolating water from surface water bodies carry organic carbon from sediments (particularly from the clay plugs in abandoned channels), abetting microbial processes, spread of anoxic front and release of As.  相似文献   

Groundwater in the central part of Argentina contains arsenic concentrations that, in most cases, exceed the value suggested by international regulations. In this region, Quaternary loessical sediments with a very high volcanic glass fraction lixiviate arsenic and fluoride after weathering. The objectives of this study are to analyze the spatial distribution of arsenic in different hydrogeological regions, to define the naturally expected concentration in an aquifer by means of hydrogeochemistry studies, and to identify emergent health evidences related to cancer mortality in the study area. The correlation between arsenic and fluoride concentrations in groundwater is analyzed at each county in the Cordoba Province. Two dimensionless geoindicators are proposed to identify risk zones and to rapidly visualize the groundwater quality related to the presence of arsenic and fluoride. A surface-mapping system is used to identify the spatial variability of concentrations and for suggesting geoindicators. The results show that the Chaco-Pampean plain hydrogeologic region is the most affected area, with arsenic and fluoride concentrations in groundwater being generally higher than the values suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO) for drinking water. Mortality related to kidney, lung, liver, and skin cancer in this area could be associated to the ingestion of arsenic-contaminated water. Generated maps provide a base for the assessment of the risk associated to the natural occurrence of arsenic and fluoride in the region.  相似文献   

The extensive extraction of arsenic (As)-contaminated groundwaters for drinking, household and agricultural purposes represents a serious health concern in many districts of Bangladesh. This laboratory-based incubation study investigated the sources and mechanisms of As mobilization in these groundwaters. Several incubation studies were carried out using sediments collected from the Bangladesh aquifer that were supplemented, or not, with different nutrients, followed by an analysis of the sediment suspensions for pH, ORP (oxidation-reduction potential), EC (electrical conductivity) and As and Fe(ΙΙ) concentrations. In the substrate-amended sediment suspensions incubated under anaerobic environment, there was a mobilization of As (maximum: 50–67 μg/l) and Fe(ΙΙ) (maximum: 182 μg/l), while the ORP value decreased immediately and drastically (as much as −468 mV to −560 mV) within 5–6 days. In the sediment suspensions incubated under control and aerobic conditions, no significant As mobilization occurred. The simultaneous mobilization of As and Fe(ΙΙ) from sediments is a strong indication that their mobilization resulted from the reduction of Fe oxyhydroxide by the enhanced activity of indigenous bacteria present in the sediments; this phenomenon also provides insights on the mobilization mechanism of As in groundwater. The concentrations of As in the sediments used in the incubation studies were strongly linked to the gradients of redox potential development that was stimulated by the quantity of organic nutrient (glucose) used. The penetration of surface-derived organic matter into the shallow aquifer may stimulate the activity of microbial communities, thereby leading to a reduction of iron oxyhydroxide and As release.  相似文献   

U. Lie 《Marine Biology》1974,26(3):203-223
Benthic infauna was collected with a 0.2 m2 van Veen grab at 48 stations in Puget Sound, Washington, USA during February–March 1969. All the crustaceans, lamellibranchs, and echinoderms were identified and counted. Particle size distributions and nitrogen contents of the sediments, depths, and temperature and salinity of the bottom water were determined at all stations. The first three factors of a factor analysis applied to between-stations measures of affinity, explained 41.26% of the total variance. The first factor had representative stations on shallow-water mud bottoms, the second factor on bottoms dominated by coarse sediments, and the third factor had representative stations on deep-water mud bottoms. The multiple correlation coefficients for each of the three factors with depth and mean particle size of the sediments were 0.752, 0.897, and 0.706, respectively. The factor analysis did not result in clusters of stations that could be interpreted as discrete benthic communities. The number of species per 0.6 m2 ranged from 8 to 55 species, with a mean of 26.4 species. The frequency distribution of specimens among the species was in good agreement with a log-normal distribution. The number of specimens per 0.6 m2 ranged from 57 to 1733 specimens, with a mean of 584.0 specimens. The species diversity ranged from 0.34 bits/individual to 4.35 bits/individual, and there was a weak trend of increasing diversity towards coarser sediments. The first three factors applied to the matrix of between-species correlation coefficients explained 43.72% of the total variance. With each factor there was one group of species with high positive loadings and one group with high negative loadings. Each group of species could be identified with particular environments. The standing crop, measured as ash-free dry weight, ranged from 0.490 to 54.093 g/m2, with a mean of 13.752 g/m2. Only about 24% of the variability in standing crop could be attributed to variability in sediment types, nitrogen content in the sediments, salinity of the bottom water, and depth.  相似文献   

Groundwater is the major source of drinking water for the population in Malda district, West Bengal. Holocene sediments from Himalayas have contaminated those places through the river Ganges and arsenic was found a potential groundwater contaminant. Field and laboratory experiments were attempted to identify the relationship between arsenic versus Eh of groundwater and content specific elements (As, Co, Mn, Fe, C and S) in different types of Holocene sediments on a freshly constructed wells. Arsenic versus Eh of groundwater and Holocene clay over Holocene sand were found performing a major role in the aquifers of arsenic affected areas.  相似文献   

U. Lie  R. A. Evans 《Marine Biology》1973,21(2):122-126
Data on benthic infauna from 4 permanent stations in Puget Sound off Seattle, USA, collected during 1963–1964, 1967, and 1969, revealed considerable stability in numbers of species and specimens and in diversity within stations among sampling dates. The species composition of the faunal assemblages also remained rather constant during the period of investigation, but the relative dominance among the numerically important species varied somewhat. Biomass data did not differ significantly in 1964 and 1969, but the 1967 data were considerably lower at all stations.  相似文献   

Arsenic concentrations exceeding 10 μg/l, the United States maximum contaminant level and the World Health Organization guideline value, are frequently reported in groundwater from bedrock and unconsolidated aquifers of southeastern Michigan. Although arsenic-bearing minerals (including arsenian pyrite and oxide/hydroxide phases) have been identified in Marshall Sandstone bedrock of the Mississippian aquifer system and in tills of the unconsolidated aquifer system, mechanisms responsible for arsenic mobilization and subsequent transport in groundwater are equivocal. Recent evidence has begun to suggest that groundwater recharge and characteristics of well construction may affect arsenic mobilization and transport. Therefore, we investigated the relationship between dissolved arsenic concentrations, reported groundwater recharge rates, well construction characteristics, and geology in unconsolidated and bedrock aquifers. Results of multiple linear regression analyses indicate that arsenic contamination is more prevalent in bedrock wells that are cased in proximity to the bedrock-unconsolidated interface; no other factors were associated with arsenic contamination in water drawn from bedrock or unconsolidated aquifers. Conditions appropriate for arsenic mobilization may be found along the bedrock-unconsolidated interface, including changes in reduction/oxidation potential and enhanced biogeochemical activity because of differences between geologic strata. These results are valuable for understanding arsenic mobilization and guiding well construction practices in southeastern Michigan, and may also provide insights for other regions faced with groundwater arsenic contamination.  相似文献   

Residents of the Pingtung Plain, Taiwan, use groundwater for drinking. However, monitoring results showed that a considerable portion of groundwater has an As concentration higher than the safe drinking water regulation of 10 μg/L. Considering residents of the Pingtung Plain continue to use groundwater for drinking, this study attempted to evaluate the exposure and health risk from drinking groundwater. The health risk from drinking groundwater was evaluated based on the hazard quotient (HQ) and target risk (TR) established by the US Environmental Protection Agency. The results showed that the 95th percentile of HQ exceeded 1 and TR was above the safe value of threshold value of 10?6. To illustrate significant variability of the drinking water consumption rate and body weight of each individual, health risk assessments were also performed using a spectrum of daily water intake rate and body weight to reasonably and conservatively assess the exposure and health risk for the specific subgroups of population of the Pingtung Plain. The assessment results showed that 0.01–7.50 % of the population’s HQ levels are higher than 1 and as much as 77.7–93.3 % of the population being in high cancer risk category and having a TR value >10?6. The TR estimation results implied that groundwater use for drinking purpose places people at risk of As exposure. The government must make great efforts to provide safe drinking water for residents of the Pingtung Plain.  相似文献   

The pattern of the spatial variation in arsenic concentration in groundwater of Bangladesh is usually needed for the planning of safe drinking water. Often a model-based prediction is required for this purpose. In this paper, we fit a Bayesian hierarchical geostatistical model by utilizing data from the project, ‘Groundwater studies of arsenic concentration in Bangladesh’ conducted by the British Geological Survey and the Department of Public Health Engineering of Bangladesh. We also develop a predictive model for arsenic concentration at different levels of well-depth using the same approach. The resulting predictive model has been cross-validated by appropriate statistical tools. Finally, we obtained reliable spatially continuous predictive maps and predictive probability maps showing the areas with high probability of arsenic concentration for different levels of well-depth. Results indicate that our model fits the data well and captures a substantial amount of spatial variation. Moreover, well-depth is found to have a significant contribution in explaining the observed variation in arsenic concentration. The predictive maps that have been produced are observed to be different for various levels of well-depths and are expected to be helpful to the policy makers in preparing proper regional planning for safe drinking water.  相似文献   

Dry weight levels of the red alga Hypnea musciformis (Wulfen) Lamouroux from Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coastal sites in florida, USA were lowest in the late winter and early spring, increasing through the summer and highest in the fall. There was a two-month lag in the Gulf coast population's dry weight pattern, indicating differing growth patterns. Chlorophyll a, phycoerythrin and phycoerythrin/chlorophyll a ratios were highest in the winter and lowest in the summer for both populations. Total pigment levels for H. musciformis from the Atlantic coast site were significantly greater than those of the Gulf coast. Protein and carbohydrate percentages were inversely related in both populations, with carbohydrate levels highest in summer and protein levels highest in winter. The Gulf coast population contained significantly more protein than the Atlantic coast plants. Carrageenan levels were highest in spring and lowest in fall, the Atlantic coast population generally had higher levels than the Gulf coast population. The differences in seasonal patterns and levels of the chemical constituents were reflected by distinct morphological characteristics for each population. The Atlantic coast population was larger, darker, more coarse in texture and possessed more crozier branch tips than the Gulf coast plants. These distinctions represent acclimitization responses that relate to habitat differences.  相似文献   

E. A. Caine 《Marine Biology》1980,56(4):327-335
Ecology of 2 littoral species of caprellid amphipods is compared. Populations of Caprella laeviuscula, a periphyton scraper/filter-feeder, are most dense on eelgrass Zostera marina L. In the absence of C. laeviuscula, periphyton biomass increases 411% in protected Z. marina beds. The light absorption spectra of periphyton and Z. marina are similar, and C. laeviuscula, by its periphyton removal, may allow Z. marina to grow in areas where it would otherwise be excluded. C. laeviuscula is aggressively dominant over sympatric caprellids, and seasonal predators of C. laeviuscula are absent during winter, the period when periphyton would be most limiting to Z. marina. Populations of Deutella californica, a predator, are most dense on the hydroid Obelia dichotoma (L.). In the O. dichotoma epibiotic community, D. californica is the primary predator, but removal did not change the composition of the community structure. In the absence of other macropredators, the structure of the O. dichotoma epibiotic community depends more on the seasonality of O. dichotoma occurrence than on organismal interactions.  相似文献   

Respiration rates of Hypnea musciformis (Wulfen) Lamouroux in Florida, USA, generally increased with increased temperature. Gulf coast H. musciformis respired at significantly higher rates than the Atlantic coast population, which exhibited a region of temperature independence between 24°–32°C. Respiration rates were highest in the fall and winter, during the periods of rapid growth. Respiration rates were lowest in the summer indicating a period of storage and low metabolism. Photosynthetic responses to various levels of light and temperature indicated that the Gulf coast population was more tolerant to high light intensities than the Atlantic coast population. Maximum photosynthetic responses for both populations occurred between 24° and 32°C which corresponds to the shallow slope region of the respiration-temperature curves. The results indicate that water temperature rather than light intensity is a significant factor in modifying seasonal photosynthetic capacities. The greatest seasonal variation in photosynthetic responses occurred at the light-temperature levels of highest responses while little seasonal variation was demonstrated at tolerance limits.  相似文献   

地下水是维持人类生存和发展的重要资源.近年来,由于人类活动的强烈干扰,导致地下水的水化学特征发生改变,严重影响了其使用价值和生态功能.本研究以郑州市中牟县作为研究地区,联合应用Piper三线图、Gibbs图、离子比例系数法和多元统计技术,探究该地区地下水化学演变特征及形成机制,结果表明,中牟县地下水主要的阳离子是Ca2...  相似文献   

Arsenic bioavailability in rock, soil and water resources is notoriously hazardous. Geogenic arsenic enters the body and adversely affects many biochemical processes in animals and humans, posing risk to public health. Chelpu is located in NE Iran, where realgar, orpiment and pyrite mineralization is the source of arsenic in the macroenvironment. Using cluster random sampling strategy eight rocks, 23 soils, 12 drinking water resources, 36 human urine and hair samples and 15 adult sheep urine and wool samples in several large-scale herds in the area were randomly taken for quantification of arsenic in rock/soil/water, wool/hair/urine. Arsenic levels in rock/soil/water and wool/hair/urine were measured using inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy and atomic absorption spectrophotometry, respectively. While arsenic levels in rocks, soils and water resources hazardously ranged 9.40–25,873.3 mg kg?1, 7.10–1448.80 mg kg?1 and 12–606 μg L?1, respectively, arsenic concentrations in humans’ hair and urine and sheep’s wool and urine varied from 0.37–1.37 μg g?1 and 9–271.4 μg L?1 and 0.3–3.11 μg g?1 and 29.1–1015 μg L?1, respectively. Local sheep and human were widely sick and slightly anemic. Hematological examination of the inhabitants revealed that geogenic arsenic could harm blood cells, potentially resulting in many other hematoimmunological disorders including cancer. The findings warn widespread exposure of animals and human in this agroecologically and geopolitically important region (i.e., its proximity with Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkmenistan) and give a clue on how arsenic could induce infectious and non-infectious diseases in highly exposed human/animals.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the association between chronic arsenic exposure through drinking groundwater and decrement in lung function, particularly among individuals who do not have signs of arsenic lesions, among an adult population. This was a comparative cross-sectional study conducted during the months of January to March 2009. One hundred participants ≥15 years of age in each group, i.e. exposed (≥100 μg/l) and unexposed (≤10 μg/l) to arsenic, determined by testing drinking water samples (using portable kits), were compared for effects on lung function using spirometry. A structured and validated questionnaire was administered. Examination for arsenic skin lesions was also done. There was a decline in the mean adjusted FEV1 of 154.3 ml (95% CI: −324.7, 16.0; p = 0.076), in mean adjusted FVC of 221.9 ml (95% CI: −419.5, −24.3; p = 0.028), and in FEV1/FVC ratio of 2.0 (95% CI: −25.3, 29.4; p = 0.884) among participants who were exposed to arsenic compared to those unexposed. A separate model comprising a total of 160 participants, 60 exposed to arsenic concentrations ≥250 μg/l and 100 unexposed at arsenic concentrations of ≤10 μg/l, showed a decrement in mean adjusted FEV1 of 226.4 ml (95% CI: −430.4, −22.4; p = 0.030), in mean adjusted FVC of 354.8 ml (95% CI: −583.6, −126.0; p = 0.003), and in FEV1/FVC ratio of 9.9 (95% CI: −21.8, 41.6; p = 0.539) among participants who were exposed to arsenic in drinking groundwater. This study demonstrated that decrement in lung function is associated with chronic exposure to arsenic in drinking groundwater, occurring independently, and even before any manifestation, of arsenic skin lesions or respiratory symptoms. The study also demonstrated a dose-response effect of arsenic exposure and lung function decrement.  相似文献   

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