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Among the many problems associated with the implementation of the Texas Water Plan are the institutional arrangements necessary for interstate diversions, for management of transfer systems, for allocation and sale of water, and for developing repayment capabilities among water users.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT .Many growing municipalities near irrigated agriculture are advocating a transfer of water now utilized for irrigation to municipal use. Alternatives are presented whereby this water can be transferred to municipal use in exchange for treated sewage effluent. The irrigation water would in effect be cycled through the municipal system prior to use on the farms. A case study of the Tucson region illustrates the relevant legal, economic and technical aspects. Effluent could be delivered to irrigators in Avra Valley at a cost less than that now paid for water pumped from declining water tables. In return the City of Tucson could import ground water now being used for irrigation through an existing pipeline which presently cannot be used because of a court injunction obtained by the irrigators. It appears that such an exchange agreement could be made without modification of existing statutory law. Similar exchange arrangements may prove to be feasible in other regions containing irrigated agriculture. Increased efficiency of water use can be achieved avoiding external effects which commonly arise in a direct transfer and are difficult to evaluate. High quality water is allocated to municipal use whereas nutrient-rich sewage effluent is transferred to irrigation.  相似文献   

The author describes the institutional structure for water planning and management in Pakistan. He goes on to assess its present effectiveness and draws conclusions regarding action needed for future improvement.  相似文献   

The per capita consumption of commercial energy and electricity in Pakistan in 1978 was 0.2 tons of coal equivalent (TCE) and 180 kW-h respectively, that is, about half of the average for developing countries, 10 per cent of the world average and about 1.7 per cent of US consumption. About 10,000 barrels per day, roughly 10 per cent of domestic consumption is produced indigenously, the rest being imported mainly in the form of crude oil, diesel fuel and kerosene. Although the volume of imports has increased at a rate of only 5.2 per cent per annum, as a result of price increases Pakistan's import bill has gone from $611 million in 1978–1979 to $1.58 billion in 1980–1981. The Fifth Five-Year Plan (1978–1983) enumerated policy strategies for power and fuel. Regarding power, maximum priority was given to hydroelectric generation conserving fuel through use of extra-high voltage transmission lines, reduction of system losses, expansion of village electrification, and putting power corporations on a sound financial basis. As regards fuel, the plan stresses exploration for new oil and gas fields, accelerated development of proven fields, expansion of gas consumption for industrial use, strengthening of transport and storage of oil and research and development on non-conventional sources of energy. $3.39 billion was allocated to the energy sector. This represents 22.6 per cent of public sector funding. The National Energy Policy Committee regulary reviews the energy situation in the country with a view to effecting proper development and utilization of energy resources. En 1978, la consommation d'énergie et d'électricité par habitant au Pakistan a été de 0,2 tonnes-équivalent charbon (tec) et de 180 kw/h respectivemént, c'est-à-dire à peu près la moitié de la moyenne mondiale et environ 1,7 pour-cent de la consommation aux Etats-Unis. Environ 10.000 barils par jour, soit approximativement 10 pour-cent de la consommation domestique, sont produits localement, le reste étant importé sous forme de brut, de fuel diesel ou de kérosène. Bien que le volume des importations ait augmenté seulement au taux annuel de 5.2 pour-cent à cause de la hausse des prix, la facture énergétique du Pakistan est passée de 611 millions de dollars des E.-U en 1978–79 à 1,58 milliards en 1980–81. Le cinquième Plan quinquennal (1978–83) énumère des stratégies à suivre en matière de politique pour l'énergie électrique et les combustibles. En ce qui concerne l'électricité, priorité absolue a été accordée à la production hydroélectrique grâce à l'utilisation du fuel par l'emploi de lignes à très haute tension, la réduction des pertes dans le système, le développement de l'électrificatron rurale et l'assainissement des finances des compagnies d'électricité. En ce qui concerne les carburants, le Plan met l'accent sur la recherche de nouveaux gisements de gaz et de pétrole, la mise en valeur accelérée des champs déjà découverts, l'augmentation de la consommation du gaz à usage industriel, le renforcement des secteurs de transports et de stokage du du brut ainsi que celui de la recherche et du développement des sources d'énergie non classiques. 3,39 milliards de dollars des E.-U. ont été alloués au secteur énergétique, ce qui représente 22,6 pour-cent du financement du secteur publique. El consumo per capita de energía comercial y electricidad en Pakistán en 1978 fue 0.2 toneladas equivalentes de carbón y 180 kWh respectivamente, esto es, eproximadamente la mitad del promedio de los países en desarrollo, 10 por ciento del promedio mundial y cerca del 1.7 por ciento del consumo de los Estados Unidos. Cerca de 10,000 barriles diarios (aproximadamente 10 por ciento del consumo nacional) son producidos en el país, y el resto se importa en forma de petróleo crudo, diesel y kerosene principalmente. Aunque el volumen de importaciones a crecido solamente al 5.2 por ciento al año, debido al aumento de precios el valor de importación ha subido de $611 millones en 1978–1979 a $1,580 millones en 1980–1981. El Quinto Plan Quinquenal (1978–1983) enumera estrategias de política de desarrollo de electricidad y combustibles. Con relación al primero, se da máxima prioridad a la hidroelectricidad y conservación de combustibles a través del uso de la transmisión a alto voltaje, reducción de pérdidas en las redes, expansión de la electrificación de poblados y saneamiento financiero de la corporación de electricidad. Con respeto a los combustibles, el plan insiste en la acelerada exploración y desarrollo de petróleo y electricidad, expansión del uso del gas para uso industrial, reforzamiento del sistema de transporte y almacenaje de petróleo, e investigación y desarrollo de recursos no convencionales de energía. El 22.6 por ciento de las inversiones públicas, o sea $3.39 billones, fueron asignados el sector de energía. El Comité Nacional de Política Energética revisa regularmente la situción energética del país con el objeto de asegurar el adecuado desarrollo y utilización de los recursos energéticos.  相似文献   

The analysis shows the impact of the 'New International Energy Order' on Jamaica, a developing country almost totally dependent on imported oil for satisfying national energy demand. The energy supply/demand situation between 1961 and 1976 and the structure of energy consumption by major sectors of the economy are discussed. The high income elasticity of commercial energy demand and the increase in the energy intensity of the economy is directly related to expansion of the alumina industry. The structural problems of decoupling GDP and energy growth are indicated. In particular, the impact of the 'New Energy Order' on the development prospects of major bauxite/alumina producing countries which are deficient in indigenous primary energy resources is assessed. Finally, the indigenous resource base is outlined and the major elements of the five-year (1978–1982) national energy plan summarized.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Water resources planning has emphasized the consideration of alternatives in the formulation of goals and objectives. With greater availability of data and projection models, optimization of plans is now much nearer to accomplishment. In contrast to these favorable aspects of planning, increased complexity of plans and large number of alternatives serving differing sets of goals have extended the time horizons from initial plan formulation to eventual implementation. In this paper a man-machine strategy is proposed to reduce the time required for decision making and conflict resolution. A panel of representatives of the decision makers, influentials and publics involved are selected and brought through a series of dynamic planning steps that simulate real time decision making. Computer interaction graphics is used to visualize the decision making process and to illustrate where and why conflict arises. A mechanism for resolution of conflict and retention of consistency in policy formulation using a cognograph is described.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper discusses the selection and use of criteria for an institutional analysis of municipal water supply conducted in anchorage, Alaska. Although not universally acepted or used. evaluation criteria for most technical fields have been established either formally or informally. Cost-benefit rtios, cost-effectiveness, and environmental impacts are examples of technical evaluation criteria that can be quantified relatively easily (although poorly in some cases). The field of institutional analysis has evaluative criteria that are much less readily defined than those of technical fields, in part because many of the criteria are not quantifiable and in part because the area of the study is new.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Methods of institutional coordination derived from the applied behavioral sciences have been useful in determining the policy planning, and implementation responsibilities that must be shared between local governments, watershed districts, and a regional planning body in the Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Area. The confines of the traditional behavioral science models of organizations and institutional change processes, and the realities of administrative systems imbedded in political processes at both the local and state levels, have created conflicts between regional planners, watershed district staff and consultants, and municipal administrators. A conceptual framework based on work by Selznick on institutions was applied to two watershed districts, and the results evaluated for other research purposes as well as policy development for the 1973 Minnesota legislative session.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The paper presents a systems approach for planning and evaluating alternative plans for resource use incorporating the concepts of multiobjective planning and evaluation (MOPE). The need for multidisciplinary input and strong interagency cooperation in planning for resource use is related to the logical and orderly completion of the planning steps. The paper briefly describes MOPE, emphasizing two important concepts: (1) the relationship of the study problems and objectives to national social objectives, and (2) the display of alternative solutions showing tradeoffs. Several important characteristics of a plan of study which implements MOPE are presented and discussed. A proposed MOPE analytical system is discussed in detail. The MOPE analytical system is divided into eight interdependent subsystems that describe data collection, use, analysis, and results. A linear program (L.P.) model is proposed to analyze the present and future demand relationships for natural resources. The model will also evaluate the interaction of agriculture, forestry, and recreation with the resource base of the basin, considering National Economic Development, Environmental Quality, and Regional Development.  相似文献   

Deep within the earth there exist immense reservoirs of energy in the form of heat-commonly referred to as geothermal resources. Unfortunately, most of these resources are at such depths that it is unlikely they will be recoverable in the foreseeable future. Nevertheless, the lure of seemingly inexhaustible amounts of relatively clean energy continues to hold a fascination for man. In certain limited situations man has already been able to tap these reservoirs and harness the energy to his own uses. More of this activity can be expected in the future. While geothermal energy will chiefly be used to produce electric power, persons responsible for water resources management must concern themselves with geothermal resources for water, and water law concepts will continue to play an important role in the development of this resource.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper examines a rapidly expanding area of water supplies, specifically water reclamation and reuse, and provides a comprehensive planning methodology for developing and evaluating water reuse alternatives. The methodology uses five phases: goal setting, identification of reuse opportunities, development and evaluation of planning alternatives, assessment of water reuse linkages, and making decisions and recommendations. A tool called “input-output modeling” is used in the third phase to present numerical data and choices. The methodology seeks to integrate the hydrologic and socio-economic aspects of water resources planning in the area of study. Water reuse may satisfy some of the increasing demands for water in the world, but water quality, economics, public attitudes, and legal and institutional constraints may impose limits on the extent to which it can be employed. The challenge in planning systems is to maximize the utilization of water reuse in the fact of these constraints. The importance of multidisciplinary collaboration cannot be overemphasized. This paper assesses the potential for water reclamation and reuse in developing countries by considering the relationships among the pertinent technical, social, economic, and environmental parameters. Generally, the planning process for water reuse has focused on specific technological processes, but in order to ensure the efficient transfer of waste water reuse technology into the society, the methodology seeks to provide a conceptual model which integrates the hydrologic and socioeconomic aspects of water resources planning and water reuse within the study area. (KEY WORDS: water reuse; water reclamation; planning; methodology; model; reuse technology; socio-hydrologic systems; socioeconomic systems.)  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Recent Federal and some State legislation has enlarged the scope of permitted or required actions of local units of government in water resources management and protection. Much of the legislation encourages local units of government to introduce water resources planning measures which will be preventive instead of corrective. Extensive public works measures, environmental destruction and the threat to human life can thus be eliminated or reduced. Research has developed and tested a method for identifying the elements of a water resources protection program for small urbanizing watersheds which was technically adequate and socially acceptable to the communities implementing such programs. Research results suggest that deliberate efforts will be necessary to inform and educate local units of government as to the usefulness of the legislation; and that the program must reflect local natural resource conditions and local preferences for the method of accomplishing the protection. Successful implementation could be restrained by inertia of local units of government, a lack of tradition in such programs, and hostile existing agencies.  相似文献   

This paper first examines the financial requirements for development of water resources in developing countries by 1990. Estimates of requirements for irrigation and drainage, community water supply and sanitation, hydropower, and assessment and planning are presented. In the second part of the paper some measures for mobilizing financial resources to meet indicated requirements are suggested. These include: choosing among available multilateral and bilateral assistance programmes at the international level; budgetary allocations and water pricing at the national level; and community participation at the local level. Dans un premier temps, cet article étudie les exigences financièes de la mise en valeur des ressources en eau dans les pays en développement jusqu'en 1990. Il fait l'évaluation de ces exigences dans les domaines de l'irrigation et du drainage, de l'approvisionnement en eau des communautés, de l'aménagement sanitaire, de l'hydroélectricité, de l'évaluation et de la planification. La deuxième partie du rapport présente des suggestions concernant la mobilisation de ces ressources financières pour répondre aux besoins susmentionnés. Celles-ci comprennent: les programmes d'assistance multilatérale et bilatérale au niveau international, les allocations budgétaires et la tarification d'eau au niveau national et la participation des communautés au niveau local. Este artículo examina primeramente los requerimientos financieros para el desarrollo de los recursos hídricos en los países en desarrollo hasta 1990. Se incluyen los estimados para irrigación y drenaje, suministro de agua potable, saneamiento e hidroelectricidad, así como para la evaluación y planificación. En la segunda parte del artículo se sugieren algunas medidas para la movilización de recursos financieros destinados a cubrir estos requerimientos. Estas medidas incluyen: la selección entre programas de asistencia bilateral y multilateral, a nivel internacional; asignaciones presupuestales para los recursos hídricos y tarificación, a nivel nacional; y participación de las comunidades a nivel local.  相似文献   

Developing countries are now in a position to choose between further commitments to petroleum and development of sustainable solar resources. Many solar options are ready and some are already economically competitive, particularly for use in rural areas where most people in developing countries reside. Third World countries are becoming cautious about imitating industrial nations, and in some cases, are beginning to map out unique strategies based on their indigenous cultures and resources. Transitions to solar technologies will not be made without difficulty, however, as baseline data on energy needs and on availability of renewable forms of energy only marginally exist. This paper presents information on the potential and current status of a range of solar technologies. The United States Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI) is advancing a number of technologies that will have direct impact on life in developing countries; but in addition has established a programme to deal specifically with the use of renewable energy resources in developing countries. Technical development, planning, information compilation, and institution building are fundamental parts of the effort. As a research institute, SERI, in particular, wants to ensure that adequate attention is given to the technical problems associated with the use of renewables in developing countries. Too often, these problems are not recognized as being worthy of scientific attention resulting in the design and installation of less than optimal equipment. The limited resources available require optimal allocation and intelligent application. In addition, SERI manages bilateral assistance programmes with developing countries under the auspices of the US Department of Energy and the US Agency for International Development. Les pays en développement ont maintenant la possibilité de choisir entre un système basé sur le pétrole ou la mise en valeur des ressources solaires potentielles. Plusieurs systèmes de récupération de l'énergie solaire sont utilisables et quelques-uns sont déjà économiquement compétitifs, particulièrement dans les régions rurales où se rencontre la majeure partie de la population des pays en développement. Les pays du Tiers Monde exercent de plus en plus une certaine prudence à imiter les pays industriels et, dans certains cas, commencent à formuler des stratégies basées uniquement sur leurs ressources et cultures propres. Cependant, le passage à l'énergie solaire ne se fera pas sans difficulté étant donné que les données de base sur les besoins énergétiques et sur la disponibilité des formes renouvelables d'énergie sont marginales. Cet article donne des informations sur le potentiel et l'état actuel de toute une gamme de technologies solaires. L'Institut de recherche d'énergie solaire (IRES) des Etats-Unis est en train de promouvoir un certain nombre de technologies qui auront une portée directe sur le mode de vie dans les pays en développement. II a aussi élaboré un programme spécial concernant l'utilisation des ressources énergétiques renouvelables dans les pays en développement. Le développement technique, la planification, le rassemblement de l'information et la mise en place d'institutions représentent des composantes fondamentales de cet effort. En tant qu'institut de recherche, IRES en particulier voudrait s'assurer que les problèmes techniques concernant l'utilisation des énergies renouvelables dans les pays en développement soient étudiés sérieusement. Trop souvent ces problèmes ne sont pas reconnus comme méritant une étude scientifique ce qui entraîne la conception et la construction d'un équipement qui n'est pas le meilleur. Les ressources disponibles étant limitées, elles requièrent une répartition optimale ainsi qu'une utilisation intelligente. De plus, IRES dirige des programmes d'assistance bilatérale avec les pays en développement sous les auspices du Département de l'énergie et de l'Agence pour le développement international des Etats-Unis. Los países en desarrollo están ahora en la posibilidad de escoger entre una mayor dependencia del petróleo y el desarrollo de energía solar. Muchas alternativas de uso de energía solar están disponibles y algunas son economicamente competitivas, especialmente en las zonas rurales donde reside la mayor parte de la población de los países en desarrollo. Los países del tercer mundo están mas cautos en imitar los países industrializados, y en algunos casos, están empezando a establecer estrategias basadas en su cultura autóctona y sus recursos. Sin embargo la transición a la tecnología solar no va a ser fácil puesto que la información básica sobre las necesidades de energía y la disponibilidad de recursos renovables es muy escasa. Este artículo examina el potencial y la situación actual de las tecnologías de aplicación de energía solar. En los Estados Unidos, el Instituto de Investigación de Energía Solar (IIES) esta proponiendo ciertas tecnologías que tendrán impacto directo sobre la vida en los países en desarrollo, adicionalmente ha establecido un programa para tratar especificamente el uso de recursos renovables de energía en países en desarrollo. Desarrollo técnico, planificación, procesamiento de información y organización de instituciones son partes fundamentales de este esfuerzo. EL IIES quiere asegurar que se dé adecuada atención a los problemas técnicos relacionados con el uso de recursos renovables en los países en desarrollo. A menudo estos problemas se consideran como no importantes para ser objeto de investigación científica y como resultado se diseñan e instalan equipos que no son óptimos. Sin embargo los recursos limitados requieren que se hagan asignaciones óptimas de recursos y aplicaciones inteligentes. Además, el IIES administra programas de asistencia bilateral con los países en desarrollo bajo los auspicios del Departamento de Energía y la Agencia para el Desarrollo Internacional de los Estados Unidos de América.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Development schemes to improve the health of the rural populace through prevention of the transmission of communicable diseases should be considered in the context of some kind of “Sanitation Package” to ensure effectiveness. The general practice of concentrating resources on limited objectives, like water quality improvement, is shown to be less effective than allocating the same resources to multi-objectives defined in the Sanitation package. Systems Dynamic Modeling based on the DYNAMO II language, is presented as a capable tool for sanitation systems planning.  相似文献   

Recent increases in energy prices have drawn attention to the importance of developing an integrated approach to energy sector planning, in contrast to the prevailing practice of uncoordinated planning in different energy sub-sectors. Integrated national energy planning (INEP) requires a clear definition of national objectives, in relation to which links between the energy sector, and activities in each individual sub-sector, may be analysed. Policy tools for achieving national goals include physical controls, technical methods, education and propaganda, and pricing. Use of these tools must be coordinated. The INEP procedure, which leads to an energy master plan, consists of several steps: determining the socio-economic background, supply and demand analysis, energy balance, and policy formulation. Initially INEP may be carried out at a relatively simple level, and later as data and analytical capabilities improve more sophisticated computerized modelling techniques could be implemented. The institutional structure should be rationalized by setting up a central energy authority (CEA) or ministry of energy (MOE), with its principal focus on energy planning and policy formulation. Les récentes hausses des prix de l'énergie ont révélé l'importance de l'élaboration d'une approche intégrée de la planification du secteur de l'énergie contrastant avec les pratiques courantes de planification non coordonnée qui existent dans les différents sous-secteurs de l'énergie. La planification nationale intégrée de l'énergie (PNIE) requiert une définition précise des objectifs nationaux à la lumière desquels on pourra analyser les liens existant entre le secteur de l'énergie et les autres secteurs de l'économie, les rapports entre les sous-secteurs à l'intérieur du secteur de l'énergie et les activités de chaque sous-secteur pris individuellement. Les contrôles directs, les méthodes techniques, l'enseignement, la publicité et la fixation des prix sont au nombre des moyens d'action dont dispose une telle politique pour parvenir aux objectifs nationaux. La procedure de la PNIE qui conduit â l'élaboration d'un plan-cadre en matière d'énergie comprend plusieurs étapes: détermination du contexte socio-économique, analyse de l'offre et de la demande, bilan énergétique et formulation politique. Dans une première étape, la PNIE peut être effectuée à un niveau relativement élémentaire et par la suite, au fur et à mesure que les donnés et les méthodes d'analyse s'améliorent, des techniques informatiques plus avancées en matiére d'établissement de modèlas pourraient étre utilisées. Le cadre institutionnel devrait être rationalise par la creation d'une autorité centrale de l'énergie ou d'un ministêre de l'énergie ayant pour tâche principale la planification de l'énergie et la formulation de politiques. Los recientes aumentos de los precios de energía resaltan la importancia de un enfoque integral en la planificación del sector de energía, en contraste a la practice generalizada de la planificación por subsectores de energía. La Planificación Energética Nacional Integrada (PENI) requiere una clara definición de objetivos nacionales en relación a los cuales pueden analizarse las relaciones entre el sector de energía y el resto de la economía, las inter-acciones entre los subsectores de energía y las actividades dentro de cada subsector. Las herramientas de política para alcanzar objetivos nacionales incluyen controles físicos, métodos técnicos, educación y propaganda, y precios. El procesco de PENI, que da como resultado un Plan Maestro de Energia, comprende varias etapas: determinación de las condiciones socioeconómicas, análisis de la demanda y la oferta, balance energético, y formulación de políticas. Al comienzo la PENI puede llevarse a cabo a un nivel relativamente simple; luego, cuando la información y la capacidad analítica mejoran se pueden implementar técnícas de modelización a base de computadoras. El marco institucional debe racionalizarse mediante la creación de una autoridad energética central o ministro de energía, encargado en particular de la formulación de políticas y la planificación energéticas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Voluntary water transfers through markets have been advocated by many diverse groups as a means to reallocate scarce water supplies in the semi-arid western U.S. Although transfers of water rights have occurred almost since the creation of prior appropriation laws over a century ago, functioning water markets have been very slow to develop and are few in number. The structure, composition, administration and transactions of one of the most well established water markets, shares in the Bureau of Reclamation, Colorado-Big Thompson project, are examined to better understand the institutional and transfer conditions that sustain an active water market. Results from a detailed study of C-BT project records reveal that between 1970 and 1993 there were 2,698 transactions through which over one-third of the project water changed ownership or type of use. Further analysis shows that the transactions involved many individual sellers and categories of buyers with different uses, including agricultural buyers. The transfer activity and efficiency of the C-BT market has lead some to suggest that it be used as a model for other markets. However, because this market has fewer institutional restrictions, a well developed infrastructure and unique market conditions, it will be difficult to transfer this model to other areas without accompanying modifications in water right administration and institutions.  相似文献   

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