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Submersible observations during four missions over the North Carolina and Virginia continental slopes (184–900 m) documented the occurrence of large aggregations of mesopelagic fishes and macronektonic invertebrates near or on the bottom. Aggregated mesopelagics formed a layer up to tens of meters deep positioned from a few centimeters to 20 m, usually <10 m, above the substrate. Aggregations were numerically dominated by microvores, notably the myctophid fish Ceratoscopelus maderensis and the penaeid shrimp Sergestes arcticus. Consistently present but in relatively lower numbers, were mesopelagic predators, including the paralepidids Notolepis rissoi and Lestidium atlanticum, the eel Nemichthys scolopaceus, the stomiid fishes Chauliodus sloani and Stomias boa ferox, and squids Illex spp. Near-bottom aggregations do not appear to be an artifact due to attraction to the submersible. Based on submersible observations in three areas in 4 years spanning a decade, near-bottom aggregations of midwater organisms appear to be a geographically widespread and persistent phenomenon along the continental slope of the southeastern US Aggregations may exploit areas of enhanced food resources at the bottom.  相似文献   

In south-western Australia, the isopod Limnoria agrostisa commonly burrows into leaf clusters and immature shoots of Amphibolis griffithii. The isopod also burrows into the sheath and rhizomes of Posidonia species. In A. griffithii, the isopod consumes new tissue within the sheath, damaging or destroying the meristem. This results in malformation of new leaves or destruction of whole leaf clusters with the potential to reduce the photosynthetic area of a shoot. The isopod has been found in all but one meadow of A. griffithii examined over 1,000 km of the Western Australian coastline. It was present throughout the year and showed little variation in abundance. Young were produced year round, but were more abundant in the summer months. Females, 3.5 mm in length or larger, produced 2–5 young that were brooded within the leaf cluster or base of an immature shoot. Within a meadow, 40–70% of shoots and 10–20% of leaf clusters were damaged by isopods. Seasonal trends were not consistent, but damage appeared to be higher in summer when isopod abundance was higher. Approximately 40% of clusters were destroyed by isopod damage. Isopods attack shoots of all ages, but damage was often located on apical clusters. There was no evidence that isopod damage initiated branching or leaf cluster formation. Estimations of clusters damaged or destroyed may be conservative, as only those clusters remaining on a shoot could be counted, and cluster loss could not be quantified. Examination of defoliated stems on upright shoots and horizontal rhizomes indicated that many were destroyed by isopods. The effect of L. agrostisa although substantial appears to be a feature of healthy seagrasses throughout southern Australia.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted from dusk to dawn off St. John (18° 18′ 59.32″ N, 64° 43′ 24.5″ W) and Guana Island (18° 28″ 28.31″ N, 64° 34′ 30.83″ W), Virgin Islands from June through August 2008-2010 to assess the sensory cues used by the nocturnal/crepuscular fish-parasitic gnathiid isopod, Gnathia marleyi, to locate fish hosts. Experimental traps providing both visual and olfactory cues from live French grunts (Haemulon flavioliniatum) attracted significantly more gnathiids than traps providing only visual cues or control traps (empty or with a rock), which were not significantly different from each other. In another experiment, traps providing both cues and only olfactory cues attracted significantly more gnathiids than empty control traps, but were not significantly different from each other. Our findings suggest that during nocturnal and crepuscular periods, visual cues provided by resting or slow-moving fish are not alone sufficient to attract gnathiids, while olfactory cues alone are. The traps designed for this study offer a new method of sampling free-living gnathiid isopods.  相似文献   

Deep-sea corals provide important habitat for many organisms; however, the extent to which fishes and other invertebrates are affiliated with corals or other physical variables is uncertain. The Cape Fear coral mound off North Carolina, USA (366–463 m depth, 33° 34.4′N, 76° 27.8′W) was surveyed using multibeam sonar and the Johnson-Sea-Link submersible. Multibeam bathymetric data (2006) were coupled with in situ video data (2002–2005) to define habitat associations of 14 dominant megafauna at two spatial scales. Results suggested greater habitat specificity of deep-reef fauna than previously documented, with fishes showing greater affinity for certain habitat characteristics than most invertebrates. High vertical profile, degree of coral coverage, and topographic complexity influenced distributions of several species, including Beryx decadactylus, Conger oceanicus, and Novodinia antillensis on the smaller scale (30 × 30 m). On the broad scale (170 × 170 m), several suspension feeders (e.g., N. antillensis, anemones), detritivores (Echinus spp.), and mesopelagic feeders (e.g., Beryx decadactylus, Eumunida picta) were most often found on the south-southwest facing slope near the top of the mound. Transient reef species, including Laemonema barbatulum and Helicolenus dactylopterus, had limited affiliations to topographic complexity and were most often on the mound slope and base. Megafauna at deep-water reefs behave much like shallow-water reef fauna, with some species strongly associated with certain fine-scale habitat attributes, whereas other species are habitat generalists. Documenting the degree of habitat specialization is important for understanding habitat functionality, predicting faunal distributions, and assessing the impacts of disturbance on deep-reef megafauna.  相似文献   

The population biology and life strategies of Chlorophthalmus agassizii were studied in the Ionian Sea (eastern–central Mediterranean) using the data collected during the experimental trawl surveys carried out from 1995 to 2000. Depth-related trends of both density and size were found. With depth the former decreased while the latter increased. A typical bigger–deeper phenomenon was detected: young-of-the-year individuals occur on the shelf during autumn–winter months and move towards bathyal bottoms as they grow. The sampled population was made up of several size–age groups. The maximum age of 8 years was identified by means of otolith readings. The Von Bertalanffy growth parameters were estimated from the age–length key (L =189.04±5.401 mm; k=0.24±0.021; t o=−1.20±0.132; φ′=3.94) and modal progression analysis (L =218.33±18.397 mm; k=0.164±0.028; t o=−1.694±0.171; φ′=3.89). Reproduction of this monoecious fish was observed during summer–early autumn. Considering the female portion of the gonad, the size at attainment of 50% maturity was 115 mm TL. The corresponding age is within the third year of life. The simultaneous occurrence of oocytes in different development stages was shown in the ovary. Both the asynchronous ovary and oocyte size distribution indicate that C. agassizii spawns more than once during a reproductive season (batch spawner). Functional fecundity (on average 3,018 hydrated oocytes) was between 37 and 69% of the absolute fecundity and increased significantly with the individual size. Since adult specimens are mostly distributed on the slope, eggs and larvae develop in epipelagic waters and migrate in-shore where juvenile forms recruit on the shelf. Juveniles migrate ontogenetically towards deeper bottoms and after 2–3 years start to reproduce annually within a life span greater than 10 years.  相似文献   

The ocean quahog, Arctica islandica (Linnaeus, 1767), is a commercially important bivalve found on continental shelves throughout much of the North Atlantic. To assess genetic subdivision in this species, we sequenced 385 nucleotides of the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) gene from 83 specimens collected from 12 localities between September 1998 and July 1999 (based on preliminary data, the Internal Transcribed Spacers, ITS, of the nuclear ribosomal repeat were not useful). The cyt b data delimited 11 haplotypes with 0.26 to 8.1% nucleotide difference (coded by 36 variable nucleotide positions) among them. Only three haplotypes were detected in 39 specimens collected along the USA coastline, compared to five haplotypes from nine Icelandic individuals. The western Atlantic populations ranging from Penobscot Bay (Maine, USA) to southern Virginia showed relatively low diversity and appeared genetically similar in that region. Based on the presence of shared haplotypes, AMOVA analyses, and phylogenetic reconstructions, Icelandic populations appear to be more genetically similar to western Atlantic populations than eastern Atlantic populations. Specimens from the Faroe Islands (n=4) show mixed affinities. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that a warm Holocene climatic optimum (ca. 7,500 years BP), and not glacial refugia, shaped the present-day genetic structure in A. islandica. Received: 18 January 2000 / Accepted: 26 June 2000  相似文献   

Photographs of the deep-sea floor often show organisms attached to biogenic structures that protrude from the soft bottom. In particular, the stalks of glass sponges (hexactinellids) provide hard substrata and act as habitat islands for deep-sea fauna. The primary objectives of this study were to determine the abundance of glass sponge “stalks” at an abyssal station in the NE Pacific, to identify the fauna associated with stalks, and to compare the distribution patterns of epifaunal taxa both horizontally and vertically. Densities of stalks and large epifauna were estimated from analysis of ∼9 km of photographic transects taken in 1994–1995 at station M (34°45′N; 123°00′W; 4,100 m depth) off California, USA. At least 87% of the stalks were the spicule columns of live or dead hexactinellids in the genus Hyalonema (Gray, 1832). Stalks appeared to be distributed randomly across the sea floor (density: 0.13 stalks m−2). A colonial zoanthid, Epizoanthus stellaris (Hertwig, 1888), inhabited 20% of the stalks and was the most commonly observed epifaunal organism, followed by other suspension feeders that generally were situated at the top of the structures. Thirty-five stalk communities were collected in tube cores in 1994–1995 using the submersible “Alvin”. A total of 139 taxa was associated with these hard-substratum habitats (another five species were observed only in photographs). Although taxon richness was high, the species diversity of these communities was relatively low due to the dominance in percentage abundance of a foraminiferan, Cibicides lobatulus (Walker and Jakob, 1798), and a serpulid polychaete, Bathyvermilia sp. (Zibrowius, 1973). The relationship between number of taxa and surface area of the stalks yielded a slope (z-value) typical of islands with a low rate of immigration. Three-dimensional complexity created by branching epifauna on the stalks provided more surface area and a variety of cryptic microhabitats. Vertical zonation on the stalks appeared to be controlled by biological interactions among species, with solitary fauna and certain functional groups of colonial organisms restricted by sheet-like colonial organisms that appeared to be dominant space competitors. Received: 13 April 2000 / Accepted: 9 November 2000  相似文献   

The chaotic physical and chemical environment at deep-sea hydrothermal vents has been associated with an ecosystem with few predators, arguably allowing the habitat to provide refuge for vulnerable species. The dominance of endemic limpets with thin, open-coiled shells at north Pacific vents may support this view. To test their vulnerability to predation, the incidence of healed repair scars, which are argued to reflect non-lethal encounters with predators, were examined on the shells of over 5,800 vent limpets of Lepetodrilus fucensis McLean (1988) that were collected from 13 to 18 August 1996. Three vent fields on the Juan de Fuca Ridge at ca. 2,200 m depth were sampled, two within 70 m of 47°56.87′N 129°05.91′W, and one at 47°57.85′N 129°05.15′W with the conspicuous potential limpet predators, the zoarcid fish Pachycara gymninium Anderson and Peden (1988), the galatheid crab Munidopsis alvisca Williams (1988), and the buccinid snail Buccinum thermophilum Harasewych and Kantor (2002). Limpets from the predator-rich vent were most often scarred, a significant difference created by the high incidence of scars on small (<4 mm long) limpets in this sample. Collected with the limpets were small (median shell diameter 4.4 mm) buccinids. They, rather than the larger, more conspicuous mobile fishes and crabs are argued to be the shell-damaging predator. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The horned sea star (Protoreaster nodosus) is relatively common in the Indo-Pacific region, but there is little information about its biology. This study of the population biology of P. nodosus was carried out in Davao Gulf, The Philippines (7°5′N, 125°45′E) between September 2006 and May 2008. Protoreaster nodosus was found in sand and seagrass dominated habitats at a mean density of 29 specimens per 100 m2 and a mean biomass of 7.4 kg per 100 m2, whereas a significantly lower density and biomass was found in coral and rock dominated habitats. Adult specimens (mean radius R = 10.0 cm) were found at depths of 0–37 m, whereas juveniles (R < 8 cm) were only found in shallow sandy habitats with abundant seagrass (water depth ≤2 m). Increased gonad weights were found from March to May (spawning period), which coincided with an increasing water temperature and a decreasing salinity. Density and biomass did not change significantly during reproduction, but sea stars avoided intertidal habitats. All specimens with R > 8 cm had well developed gonads and their sex ratio was 1:1. Protoreaster nodosus grew relatively slowly in an enclosure as described by the exponential function G = 7.433 e−0.257 × R . Maturing specimens (R = 6–8 cm) were estimated to have an age of 2–3 years. Specimens with a radius of 10 cm (population mean) were calculated to have an age of 5–6 years, while the maximum age (R = 14 cm) was estimated as 17 years. Potential effects of ornamental collection on the sea star populations are discussed. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Giant clams form a symbiosis with photosynthetic algae of the genus Symbiodinium that reside in clam mantle tissue. The allometry of symbiont photosynthetic performance was investigated as a mechanism for the increasing percentage of giant clam carbon respiratory requirements provided by symbionts as clam size increases. Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements of symbionts of the giant clam Tridacna maxima were measured during experiments conducted in September of 2009 using specimens 0.5–200 g tissue wet weight (3–25 cm long), collected from waters around southern Taiwan (N 21°36′, E 120°47′) from July to August of 2009. Light-dependent decreases in effective quantum yield (∆F/F m′) calculated as the noontime maximum excitation pressure over PSII (Q m), relative electron transport rates (rETR), and dark-adapted maximum quantum yield (F v/F m) all varied as a quadratic function of clam size. Both Q m and rETR increased as clam size increased up to ~10–50 g then decreased as clam size increased. F v/F m decreased as clam size increased up to ~5–50 g then increased as clam size increased. Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements of rETR were positively correlated with gross primary production measured during chamber incubations. Overall, symbionts of mid-sized clams ~5–50 g exhibited the highest light-dependent decreases in effective photosynthetic efficiencies, the highest relative electron transport rates, and the lowest maximum photosynthetic efficiencies, and symbiont photosynthetic performance is allometric with respect to host clam size.  相似文献   

The zebraperch, Hermosilla azurea Jenkins and Evermann, a warm-temperate marine fish species with a strictly macroalgal diet, has a relatively long digestive tract with an enlarged hindgut and an associated blind caecum (HC). In zebraperch sampled off Santa Catalina Island, California (33°19′42′′N; 118°18′37′′W) in years 1995 through 2001, direct cell counts, gut epithelium assessment of bacterial attachment, and short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) analyses verified that the zebraperch HC possesses a dense and morphologically diverse, fermentative microbiota. Bacterial cell counts and morphological diversity were significantly higher in HC contents compared to anterior gut regions, suggesting that microbial populations were growing along the digestive tract. Similarly, electron micrographs of the HC epithelium revealed attached microbes, further supporting the possibility that these organisms constitute resident microbiota. Five different SCFAs were detected in all three regions of the digestive tract, but levels were up to three times greater in HC contents. Acetate was consistently the prevailing SCFA in all gut regions. Sequence analysis of bacterial 16S rDNA was used to identify predominant bacterial groups in HC contents. Of the seven main bacterial types identified, Enterovibrio spp. were the dominant bacteria in HC contents followed by species of Bacteroides,Faecalibacterium, and Desulfovibrio. Taken together, our findings show that the zebraperch HC harbors a consortium of microbes that appears to assist in the breakdown of algal polysaccharides in the herbivorous diet of the fish.  相似文献   

Young (0-group) gadoid fish, which have been observed sheltering beneath jellyfish (Scyphozoa and Hydrozoa) umbrellas, may find refugia from predation by retreating among medusan tentacles. The survival of juvenile gadoids may therefore be improved by high abundances of medusae. Jellyfish (including Cyanea lamarckii and C. capillata) were caught in the North Sea during routine sampling for 0-group gadoids (cod Gadus morhua, haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus, Norway pout Trisopterus esmarkii and whiting Merlangius merlangus) between 1971 and 1986, and considerable overlaps have been shown between the spatial distributions of these fish and medusae. Here correlations are made between the abundance of medusae in the North Sea and the residual survival of 0-group fish, as quantified by the deviation in 1-group recruitment from the expected Ricker modelled estimate. Significant positive correlations between the residual survival of whiting and medusa abundance are evident for each individual Cyanea sp. and for the combined Cyanea spp. ln(maximum) abundance (all R ≥ 0.60, P < 0.01, N = 15). The abundance of jellyfish may thus be an important factor influencing the mortality of whiting in the North Sea, and as such should be considered in the development of ‘ecosystem-based’ management of whiting stocks.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in catch rate, growth and mortality of Nassarius reticulatus from an intertidal lagoon and a wave-exposed beach at Rhosneigr (Anglesey, North Wales, UK) are described. The number of N. reticulatus caught in baited traps from the lagoon was significantly higher (>125 individuals trap−1) during the summer (>18°C), than at <12°C (<65 individuals trap−1), and the numbers caught in the lagoon were an order of magnitude greater than on the beach, >13 individuals trap−1 in July (>16°C), and <5 individuals trap−1 between December and April (<9.5°C). Predictions of shell growth attained by N. reticulatus annually in the lagoon using graphical modal progression analysis (MPA) of length frequency data, were similar to the growth of marked and recaptured lagoon N. reticulatus. Predictions of shell growth using computerised length frequency distribution analysis (LFDA), however, did not reflect the growth as accurately as MPA. Modal progression analysis demonstrated that N. reticulatus from the lagoon achieved a higher asymptotic maximum shell length (L ) and a lower growth constant (K) than animals from the beach. Shell growth was seasonal with growth of the lagoon individuals slowing down towards the end of September and resuming in early April, about a month later than the beach individuals. Mortality of N. reticulatus was greater during the summer, and survival was lower in the lagoon than on the beach. Recruitment patterns were similar in the lagoon and on the beach, and MPA and LFDA predicted that larval N. reticulatus settled between late summer and early autumn, with juveniles (7–8.9 mm) appearing in the population the following year, between February and April. Growth of male and female N. reticulatus in the laboratory was similar and was temperature and size dependent. The different growth patterns between N. reticulatus from the two habitats, predicted using MPA, were maintained when individuals were reared under laboratory conditions for ∼6 months; N. reticulatus <21 mm from the beach grew faster than individuals from the lagoon, although N. reticulatus >21 mm from the lagoon grew faster and attained a larger length (26 mm) than individuals from the beach (24 mm). Low food availability did not affect N. reticulatus survival in the laboratory but significantly suppressed shell growth.  相似文献   

Stable isotope (SI) ratios of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) were measured in omnivorous and carnivorous deep-sea copepods of the families Euchaetidae and Aetideidae across the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean to establish their trophic positions. Due to high and variable C/N ratios related to differences in lipid content, δ13C was corrected using a lipid-normalisation model. δ15N signals ranged from 3.0–6.9‰ in mesopelagic species to 7.0–9.5‰ in bathypelagic congeners. Among the carnivorous Paraeuchaeta species, the epi- to mesopelagic species Paraeuchaeta antarctica had lower δ15N values than the mesopelagic P. rasa and bathypelagic P. barbata. The same trend was observed among omnivorous Aetideidae, but was not significant. In the most abundant species P. antarctica, individuals from the western Atlantic had higher δ13C and δ15N values than specimens at the eastern stations. These longitudinal changes in δ13C and δ15N values were attributed to regional differences in hydrography and sea surface temperature (SST), in particular related to a northward extension of the Antarctic Polar Front (APF) at the easternmost stations. The results indicate that even in a mesopelagic carnivorous species, the changes in surface stable isotope signatures are pronounced.  相似文献   

The annual cycle of abundance and distribution of the scyphozoan medusae Aurelia aurita, Cyanea lamarckii, C. capillata and Chrysaora hysoscella were studied in the southern North Sea in 2004 and 2005. Three different patterns of seasonal occurrence of medusae were distinguished: (1) the early occurring C. lamarckii (February–August), (2) C. capillata and A. aurita (April–August) and (3) the late appearing C. hysoscella (July/August–September). Cyanea lamarckii was the most frequently encountered species in this study; its highest mean abundance was 1.8 ± 2.7 ind. 100 m−3. The prey spectra of C. lamarckii, C. capillata and C. hysoscella contained several copepod and other crustacean species and thus make them potential competitors with fish larvae. Medusae in this study also consumed fish eggs and larvae, including clupeids, in all months analysed. Although peak spawning of sprat (Sprattus sprattus) coincides with the maximum abundance of medusae (May–June) the relative low abundance of all medusae species in this study makes jellyfish predation unlikely to be a factor controlling sprat recruitment in the time frame investigated.  相似文献   

Wrasses are abundant reef fishes and the second most speciose marine fish family, yet little is known of their larval swimming abilities. In August 2010 at Moorea, Society Islands, we measured swimming ability (critical speed, Ucrit) of 80 settlement-stage larvae (11–17 mm) of 5 labrid species (Thalassoma quinquevittatum [n = 67], Novaculichthys taeniourus [n = 6], Coris aygula [n = 5], Halichoeres trimaculatus [n = 1] and H. hortulanus [n = 1]) and 33 new recruits of T. quinquevittatum. Median (mdn) larval Ucrit was 7.6–12.5 cm s−1. In T. quinquevittatum (n = 67), larvae of 12.5–14.5 mm swam faster (mdn 16.9 cm s−1) than smaller or larger larvae (mdn 3.9 and 3.2 cm s−1, respectively). Labrid larvae Ucrit is similar to that of other similar-sized tropical larvae, so labrids and species with comparable settlement sizes should have similar abilities to influence dispersal. Ucrit of T. quinquevittatum recruits decreased to 47–56% of larval Ucrit in 2 days, implying rapid physiological changes at settlement.  相似文献   

Juveniles of the planehead filefish Stephano-lepishispidus (Pisces: Monacanthidae) (Linnaeus, 1766) are a major component of the Sargassum spp. community, yet little is known of their ecology. In this study, the otolith record of age, growth, and ontogeny in S. hispidus was examined. Juveniles caught off Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina (USA) on 30 June 1996 were marked with alizarin complexone and reared in a flow-through, outdoor tank for up to 19 days. Examination of marked otoliths at several time intervals showed that increment formation was not significantly different than one increment per day, and thus, increment number was used to estimate age. Depth-distribution, morphology, and meristics of larvae and juveniles collected (1990–1992) between Cape Romain, South Carolina, and Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, were examined to identify the timing of the larval to juvenile transition. All indicators suggested the transition occurred between 17 and 20 days. Mean otolith increment widths exhibited a marked change at about 20 days, coinciding with the timing of the larval to juvenile transition and a change in the depth distribution from bottom to surface waters. Increment width of individual juveniles, however, did not exhibit the same pattern; only 40% conformed to the pattern identified for all fish. Thus, the record of the larval to juvenile transition is clear at the population level, but unresolved at the individual level. Received: 1 November 1999 / Accepted: 18 December 2000  相似文献   

Adult Vinciguerria nimbaria are the main prey of tuna during the tuna fishing season (late autumn and winter) in the equatorial Atlantic (0–4°N, and ~15°W). V. nimbaria trophic behavior in the fishing grounds was studied in relation to hydrobiological factors to determine its role in the trophic food web. Sampling stations spaced by 20 nautical miles were set up along a 15°W north–south transect from 4°N to 0°40S. At each station, the temperature and vertical fluorescence profiles were recorded. Nitrate and chlorophyll a analyses were performed on water sampled at different levels in the euphotic zone. Vertical plankton hauls were carried out at depths of 0–100 and 0–200 m using a standard WP2 net fitted with a 200-μm mesh gauze. Vinciguerria nimbaria adults were collected using a young-fish mid-water trawl net (10 × 15 m opening mouth, 10 mm cod end mesh). The weight of the stomach contents, the stomach fullness index, the number of prey, the frequency of occurrence and the prey preponderance were recorded for 20 fish from each haul. An oligotrophic typical tropical structure (TTS) was found between 1° and 4°N where small zooplankton was relatively abundant above or near the thermocline. In the TTS, V. nimbaria behaved as an epipelagic fish, feeding on the dominant small prey during the daytime. In turn, it was a prey for tuna. In the equatorial zone, where zooplankton was more abundant than in the north equatorial zone, V. nimbaria behaved as a mesopelagic fish and as an opportunistic mesozooplankton feeder. It consumed a wide range of sizes of food, feeding on the most abundant species of zooplankton as well as the largest zooplankton species, possibly while migrating towards the surface in the late afternoon or in the deep layer.  相似文献   

Genetic differentiation of the Atlantic swordfish (Xiphias gladius) was investigated by a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) at the calmodulin gene (CAM) intron locus. Clearly distinct allele and genotype frequencies were observed between the north (20–41°N) and mid-south (10°N–33°S) Atlantic samples. Much lower frequency of A allele (37.5–57.1%) was observed in the north samples (n = 160 in total) than in the mid-south samples (83.3–92.6%; n=354), and homozygote BB was common in the north samples (23.4–31.3%) but very rare or absent (0–3.9%) in the mid-south samples. Very strong population subdivision was observed between the two groups (F ST = 0.34, P < 0.001), while the allele and genotype frequencies within each ocean basin persisted over time (1990–2002 in the north, and 1994–2002 in the mid-south). Of two samples from the presumed boundary zone, one (n = 18) (14°N, 48°W) presented intermediate frequencies of the A allele (66.7%) and BB homozygote (11.1%), while the other (n = 23) (10–17°N, 28–37°W) shared similar frequencies of the A allele (89.1%) and BB homozygote (4.3%) with those of the mid-south Atlantic samples. These results indicate that the gene flow and individual migration between the north and mid-south Atlantic populations are considerably restricted and that the current management boundary between the north and south Atlantic swordfish stocks of 5°N should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

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