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Abstract: Applied conservation biology must provide solutions for the conservation of species in modern landscapes, where prime habitats are being continuously fragmented and altered and animals are restricted to small, nonviable populations. We studied habitat selection in a fragmented population of endangered Iberian lynx (   Lynx pardinus ) by examining 14 years of radiotracking data obtained from lynx trapped in two different source areas. Habitat selection was studied independently for predispersal lynx in the source areas, for dispersing individuals through the region, and for postdispersing animals, most of which settled far from their point of origin. A multivariate analysis of variance showed that habitat use differed significantly among these phases and between area of origin, but not between sexes. The habitat type most used, and best represented within home ranges, was the mediterranean scrubland. Pine plantations were also important during and after dispersal. The rest of the habitats were either avoided (open habitats) or used according to availability ( pine and eucalyptus plantations) by dispersing lynx. Differences due to lynx origin were detected only during predispersal and dispersal and were observed because animals from each area had different habitat availability. Lynx with established territories did not use areas at random. They occupied patches of mediterranean scrubland more often than would be expected from scrubland availability during predispersal; the rest of the habitats were included within home ranges less than would be expected from their availability in the landscape. Results indicate that dispersing animals may use habitats of lower quality than habitats used by resident individuals, which suggests that conservation strategies applied across regions might be a viable objective.  相似文献   

Understanding the foraging behavior and spatial distribution of top predators is crucial to gaining a complete understanding of communities. However, studies of top predators are often logistically difficult and it is important to develop appropriate methods for identifying factors influencing their spatial distribution. Sharks are top predators in many marine communities, yet no studies have quantified the habitat use of large predatory sharks or determined the factors that might influence shark spatial distributions. We used acoustic telemetry and animal-borne video cameras ("Crittercam") to test the hypothesis that tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) habitat use is determined by the availability of their prey. We also used Crittercam to conduct the first investigation of foraging behavior of tiger sharks. To test for habitat preferences of sharks, the observed proportion of time in each habitat for each individual was compared to the predicted values for that individual based on correlated random walk and track randomization methods. Although there was individual variation in habitat use, tiger sharks preferred shallow seagrass habitats, where their prey is most abundant. Despite multiple encounters with potential prey, sharks rarely engaged in prolonged high-speed chases, and did not attack prey that were vigilant. We propose that the tiger sharks' foraging tactic is one of stealth, and sharks rely upon close approaches to prey in order to be successful. This study shows that using appropriate analysis techniques and a variety of field methods it is possible to elucidate the factors influencing habitat use and gain insights into the foraging behavior of elusive top predators.  相似文献   

Abstract: Habitat loss and subsistence hunting are two of the main activities that affect wildlife in frontier areas. We compared subsistence hunting patterns in four villages with different ethnic composition and degree of habitat disturbance in the vicinity of Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Campeche, Mexico. We also compared differences between some of these villages in harvest composition and prey availability to determine hunting preferences. We used a Landsat TM satellite image to analyze the degree of disturbance around the villages. We conducted periodic surveys of subsistence hunting and prey availability. Wildlife availability was assessed monthly on nine transects (3000 m) established in the vicinity of three villages. The relative amount of disturbed habitat was smaller in an indigenous Maya village ( IV ) and larger in a mestizo village ( MV ). The two mixed-composition villages ( MCVs) had intermediate levels of disturbance. Ten species, four large and six small, of birds and mammals accounted for 97% of the hunting records. Hunting was more intense in IV and less intense in MCV1. The three village types had different hunting preferences. The habitat-mosaic composition in the vicinity of the villages influenced prey availability and subsistence-hunting preferences. Changes in the habitat mosaic were caused by the size of the holding and by ethnic composition. In spite of longer settlement time, the habitat mosaic in the vicinity of IV was less transformed than that of the other sites. Their larger holding size and greater diversity of economic activities may explain why the Mayas at IV have transformed the landscape less than the other groups and can hunt more and larger prey.  相似文献   

Parupeneus barberinus forages on benthic invertebrates using a wide range of foraging modes, including vigorous digging in the substratum, resulting in considerable disturbance to the benthos. Polychaetes were the most important prey item for all size classes, but fishes less than 120 mm total length consumed more small ostracods and nematodes than did larger fishes. Fishes greater than 120 mm total length consumed mostly bivalves, and fishes over 240 mm total length consumed mostly bivalves and crabs. A morphological examination of the feeding apparatus suggested that the size of important prey items consumed was determined by gape height and jaw width. Prey available to different size classes of fishes was determined by combining information on microhabitat use, foraging behaviours, and prey volumes in the substratum. Small fishes spent more time foraging on the reef flat and slope, compared with larger fishes that foraged mostly on the reef edge and base. In addition smaller fishes foraged mostly in the upper 2 cm of sediment, whereas larger fishes often foraged to depths of 10 cm. Selection ratios showed that different size classes of fishes selectively extracted different prey items from the substratum. Small fishes showed a preference for ostracods whereas large fishes selected for bivalves and crabs. Although polychaetes were the dominant prey item for all size classes, they were consistently selected against.  相似文献   

Sexual selection and species recognition play important roles in mate choice; however, sexual selection preferences may overlap with traits found in heterospecifics, producing a conflict between sexual selection and species recognition. We examined female preferences in Xiphophorus pygmaeus for male traits that could provide both types of information to determine how females use multiple cues when preferences for these cues would conflict. We also examined X. pygmaeus behavior in the field to determine if females have the opportunity to choose mates. As no male-male competition was observed in the field, and females occasionally chased males from feeding areas, females apparently have the opportunity to exercise mate choice in their natural habitat. In the laboratory, female X. pygmaeus used body size as a sexual selection cue, preferring large heterospecifics (X. cortezi) to small conspecifics. Females also preferred barless X. cortezi over barred X. cortezi when males were size matched. Because X. pygmaeus males do not have bars, this preference suggests that X. pygmaeus females use vertical bars in species recognition, and that large body size and vertical bars are conflicting cues. However, X. pygmaeus females did not have a preference for males of either species when sexual selection and species recognition cues were presented concurrently. This result was surprising, because preferences for species recognition cues are often assumed to be stronger than sexual selection cues. We suggest that females may be using additional species-specific cues in mate choice to prevent hybridization.  相似文献   

Kin-related social structure may influence reproductive success and survival and, hence, the dynamics of populations. It has been documented in many gregarious animal populations, but few solitary species. Using molecular methods and field data we tested: (1) whether kin-related spatial structure exists in the brown bear (Ursus arctos), which is a solitary carnivore, (2) whether home ranges of adult female kin overlap more than those of nonkin, and (3) whether multigenerational matrilinear assemblages, i.e., aggregated related females, are formed. Pairwise genetic relatedness between adult (5 years and older) female dyads declined significantly with geographic distance, whereas this was not the case for male–male dyads or opposite sex dyads. The amount of overlap of multiannual home ranges was positively associated with relatedness among adult females. This structure within matrilines is probably due to kin recognition. Plotting of multiannual home-range centers of adult females revealed formation of two types of matrilines, matrilinear assemblages exclusively using an area and dispersed matrilines spread over larger geographic areas. The variation in matrilinear structure might be due to differences in competitive abilities among females and habitat limitations. The influence of kin-related spatial structure on inclusive fitness needs to be clarified in solitary mammals.  相似文献   

Conservation of endangered species requires comprehensive understanding of their distribution and habitat requirements, in order to implement better management strategies. Unfortunately, this understanding is often difficult to gather at the short term required by rapidly declining populations of many rare vertebrates. We present a spatial habitat modeling approach that integrates a molecular technique for species detection with landscape information to assess habitat requirements of a critically endangered mammalian carnivore, the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus), in a poorly known population in Spain. We formulated a set of model hypotheses for habitat selection at the spatial scale of home ranges, based on previous information on lynx requirements of space, vegetation, and prey. To obtain the required data for model selection, we designed a sampling protocol based on surveys of feces and their molecular analysis for species identification. After comparing candidate models, we selected a parsimonious one that allowed (1) reliable assessment of lynx habitat requirements at the scale of home ranges, (2) prediction of lynx distribution and potential population size, and (3) identification of landscape management priorities for habitat conservation. This model predicted that the species was more likely to occur in landscapes with a higher percentage of rocky areas and higher cover of bushes typical of mature mediterranean shrubland mosaics. Its accuracy for discriminating lynx presence was approximately 85%, indicating high predictive performance. Mapping model predictions showed that only 16% of the studied areas constitute potential habitat for lynx, even though the region is dominated by large extents of well-preserved native vegetation with low human interference. Habitat was mostly clumped in two nearby patches connected by vegetation adequate for lynx dispersal and had a capacity for 28-62 potential breeding territories. The lynx population in Sierra Morena is probably the largest persisting today, but it is still critically small for optimism about its long-term persistence. Model results suggest habitat conservation and restoration actions needed for preserving the species, including reconciliation of hunting management with preservation of mature shrubland over large areas (particularly in rocky landscapes). The approach presented here can be applied to many other species for which the ecological information needed to develop sound habitat conservation strategies is lacking.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Although species with large area requirements are sometimes used as umbrella species, their general utility as conservation tools is uncertain. We surveyed the species diversity of birds, butterflies, carabids, and forest-floor plants in forest sites across an area (1600 km2) in which we delineated large breeding home ranges of Northern Goshawk ( Accipiter gentilis ). We tested whether protection of the home ranges could serve as an effective umbrella to protect sympatric species of the four taxa. We also used an empirical habitat model of occupancy of home range to examine mechanisms by which the Northern Goshawk acts as an umbrella species. Among species richness, abundance, and species composition of the four taxa, only abundance and species composition of birds differed between sites located inside and outside home ranges, which was due to greater abundance of bird species that were prey of Northern Goshawks inside the home ranges. Thus, although home range indicated areas with high abundance of certain bird prey species, it was not effective as an indicator of the species diversity of all four taxa. We also did not find any difference in species richness, abundance, and species composition between sites predicted as occupied and unoccupied using the habitat model. In contrast, when we selected sites on the basis of each habitat variable in the model, habitat variables that selected sites either in agricultural or forested landscapes encompassed sites with high species richness or particular species composition. This result suggests that the low performance of the Northern Goshawk as an umbrella species is due to this species' preference for habitat in both agricultural and forested landscapes. Species that can adjust to changes in habitat conditions may not act as effective umbrella species despite having large home ranges.  相似文献   

An animal’s use of space may be strongly influenced by habitat edges and neighboring conspecifics encountered in and around its home range. Habitat edges are known to affect species density and distribution, but their impact on home range use is largely unknown. Additionally, among large animals, interactions with neighbors become particularly important as increasing home range size leads to decreasing exclusivity of resource use, but the effect of neighbors on home range use remains poorly understood. Here, we examine the influence of neighbors and habitat edges on the ranging patterns of three groups of Phayre’s leaf monkeys (Trachypithecus phayrei crepusculus) in northeast Thailand over a period of more than 2 years. The study animals occupied dry evergreen forest, and adjacent patches of dry dipterocarp forest created a habitat edge and formed barriers between some groups. We found that the use of home range interiors was 50–90% higher than the border areas, indicating concentrated use of resources within the home range. The use of peripheral areas was influenced by social organization, the presence of neighboring groups, and forest edges. While one multimale group showed no particular habitat preference, two single-male groups preferred areas bordering dry dipterocarp habitat and avoided areas bordering neighboring groups, suggesting that the threat of neighbors mediated border presence. Additionally, groups may have been attracted to the forest edge, where conspecific competitors are absent and increased sunlight may increase resource abundance and/or quality. This study revealed that the use of border areas can be modulated by neighboring groups and habitat edges, thereby adding to our understanding of home range use among territorial species in heterogeneous habitats.  相似文献   

Solitary species show several patterns of space use and relatedness. Individuals may associate randomly or may live near female or male kin, often as a result of natal philopatry or dispersal patterns. Although usually described as solitary or asocial, woodchucks (Marmota monax) are behaviorally flexible marmots that exhibit greater sociality in some populations than others. I examined relationships between kinship, geographic distance, and home range overlap, as well as dispersal and philopatry, to determine the extent to which kin associated spatially. I used a combination of microsatellite DNA analysis, long-term behavioral observations, and radiotelemetry to test predictions that females, but not males, would associate with kin. Indeed, woodchucks lived closer and shared a greater proportion of their home range with more closely related animals. Overlap of females' and males' home ranges was positively correlated with kinship, and male–female dyads shared more area with closer kin. Most juveniles delayed dispersal beyond their first summer. Females often remained philopatric and settled near their natal range. Although males often dispersed as yearlings, some males also established territories within or immediately adjacent to their natal home ranges. A combination of factors can explain these spatial patterns, including high population density associated with the study site's location within a suburban environment, high dispersal costs, and abundant food. Thus, despite their asocial and solitary reputation, woodchucks displayed spatial patterns seen in other, more social species of ground-dwelling sciurids.  相似文献   

M. Heithaus  A. Frid  L. Dill 《Marine Biology》2002,140(2):229-236
Interactions between large marine predators and their prey are difficult to observe and little is known about the risk of predation faced by sea turtles. The frequency of predator-inflicted injuries, however, has afforded insights into the predation risk faced by many taxa. We measured the frequency of shark-inflicted injuries on green (Chelonia mydas) and loggerhead (Caretta caretta) sea turtles in Shark Bay, Western Australia with a view to determining differences between species and sex-classes in the risk of predation from tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier). Furthermore, we investigated how escape ability and habitat use might influence the probability of turtles being injured by sharks. Shark-inflicted injuries were more frequent on loggerhead than on green turtles, and most frequent on adult male loggerhead turtles. Species effects could not be attributed to differences in habitat use, since green turtles were found in habitats favored by tiger sharks more often than were loggerhead turtles. Green turtles, however, were faster and maneuvered better than loggerhead turtles, suggesting that escape ability is a factor in interspecific differences in injury frequency. The sex-class difference in injury frequency of loggerhead turtles suggests that males face greater predation risk than females and may take more risks. For green turtles, the lack of a sex difference in injury frequency might be due to greater escape ability lowering overall predation risk or to no differences between sexes in the benefits of risk-taking.  相似文献   

G. Piniak 《Marine Biology》2002,141(3):449-455
Symbiotic temperate corals can supplement prey capture by the coelenterate host with autotrophic carbon production by endosymbiotic zooxanthellae. To test the relationship between heterotrophic consumption and photosynthetic energy, prey capture by symbiotic and aposymbiotic specimens of the temperate scleractinian coral Oculina arbuscula (Verrill) was measured in January-April 2001. Corals were tested in a laboratory flume at five flow speeds, using Artemia franciscana cysts and nauplii as prey. Per-polyp capture rate and feeding efficiency were independent of symbiotic condition. Capture rate increased with flow speed, while capture efficiency declined. The location of capture shifted from the upstream to downstream side of the coral as flow speed increased. Differences in capture rate, location, and feeding efficiency for cysts and live brine shrimp nauplii were likely due to prey size rather than swimming ability.  相似文献   

Home ranges of animals are generally structured by the selective use of resource-bearing patches that comprise habitat. Based on this concept, home ranges of animals estimated from location data are commonly used to infer habitat relationships. Because home ranges estimated from animal locations are largely continuous in space, the resource-bearing patches selected by an animal from a fragmented distribution of patches would be difficult to discern; unselected patches included in the home range estimate would bias an understanding of important habitat relationships. To evaluate potential for this bias, we generated simulated home ranges based on optimal selection of resource-bearing patches across a series of simulated resource distributions that varied in the spatial continuity of resources. For simulated home ranges where selected patches were spatially disjunct, we included interstitial, unselected cells most likely to be traveled by an animal moving among selected patches. We compared characteristics of the simulated home ranges with and without interstitial patches to evaluate how insights derived from field estimates can differ from actual characteristics of home ranges, depending on patchiness of landscapes. Our results showed that contiguous home range estimates could lead to misleading insights on the quality, size, resource content, and efficiency of home ranges, proportional to the spatial discontinuity of resource-bearing patches. We conclude the potential bias of including unselected, largely irrelevant patches in the field estimates of home ranges of animals can be high, particularly for home range estimators that assume uniform use of space within home range boundaries. Thus, inferences about the habitat relationships that ultimately define an animal's home range can be misleading where animals occupy landscapes with patchily distributed resources.  相似文献   

M. Mascaró  R. Seed 《Marine Biology》2001,139(6):1135-1145
Information concerning the way juvenile crabs choose their diet from a variety of prey types can be useful for a better understanding of community dynamics, as well as for the adequate management of natural resources. Prey size and species selection by juvenile Carcinus maenas (15-35 mm carapace width, CW) and Cancer pagurus (20-40 mm CW) feeding on four bivalves of contrasting shell morphology were investigated. When offered a wide size range of Mytilus edulis, Ostrea edulis, Crassostrea gigas, and Cerastoderma edule presented individually, crabs generally showed evidence of size-selective predation. Cancer pagurus selected larger mussels relative to the size of their chelae (relative prey size, RPS) than did Carcinus maenas of similar and even larger carapace width. However, the RPS of selected O. edulis and Cerastoderma edule were similar for all crabs, suggesting that certain prey features constitute effective barriers even to the powerful chelae of Cancer pagurus. When offered a wide size range of mussels and oysters simultaneously, all crabs consistently selected mussels. When offered O. edulis and Crassostrea gigas, crabs consumed both these oyster species in similar numbers. Carcinus maenas consumed similar numbers of mussels and cockles; Cancer pagurus, however, showed no preference for either prey in the smaller size classes but selected more mussels than cockles as prey increased in size. Although previous studies report that adult Carcinus maenas select prey species according to their profitability (amount of food ingested per unit of handling time, milligrams per second), consumption rates of the size classes of prey selected by juvenile shore crabs did not always parallel prey value. Although variations in crab strength can account for many of the differences between the foraging strategy of juvenile and adult C. maenas, our results suggest that juvenile crabs are less species selective than adults as a result of the restrictions imposed on small individuals that have limited access to larger prey.  相似文献   

Habitat structure affects intraguild predation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Intraguild predation is thought to be ubiquitous in natural food webs. Yet, theory on intraguild predation predicts the intraguild prey to persist only under limited conditions. This gap between theory and empirical observations needs scrutiny. One reason might be that theory has focused on equilibrium dynamics and a limited set of species (usually three) that interact in well-mixed populations in unstructured habitats, and these assumptions will often not hold in natural systems. In this review, we focus on the effects of habitat structure on intraguild predation. Habitat structure could reduce encounter rates between predators and prey and could create refuges for prey. In both cases, habitat structure could reduce the strength of intraguild interactions, thereby facilitating species coexistence. A meta-analysis of studies on manipulation of habitat structure shows that intraguild prey indeed suffer less from intraguild predation in structured habitats. This was further confirmed by a meta-analysis in which studies on intraguild predation were classified according to habitat structure. Intraguild predation reduced densities of the intraguild prey significantly more in habitats with little structure than in habitats rich in structure. The effect of intraguild predation on the shared prey was negative, and not significantly affected by habitat structure. We conclude that habitat structure may increase persistence of the intraguild prey by decreasing the strength of the interaction between intraguild predator and intraguild prey.  相似文献   

As a top-level predator, the brown grouper Epinephelus marginatus can play an important role in maintaining the ecological balance of hard-bottom ecosystems. However, to fulfil this role, the species must have a sufficient population density and a wide size range. The presence of such a "healthy" grouper population is one of the known benefits of the protection measures applied to marine protected areas. The availability, in marine reserves, of areas suitable for settlement and recruitment of early juveniles can contribute to preserving a well-structured population. Thus, knowledge of microhabitats preferred by juvenile groupers is an important step in locating, within protected or not yet protected areas, nursery sites that might need a specific protection regime. The aim of the present work was to evaluate habitat and microhabitat preferences of juvenile E. marginatus, in comparison with two other serranids of comparable size, Serranus cabrilla and S. scriba, in the marine reserve of Ustica Island (SW Mediterranean). At different sites, located along the shallow coastal area of the reserve, 329 individuals of the three serranid species were visually surveyed by means of skin- or SCUBA-diving in June 1999. The location of each encountered fish was characterised by both biotic and abiotic variables evaluated at two spatial scales. In order to assess interspecific differences in the use of the spatial environment, the results were analysed by correspondence analysis. According to observations on a small spatial scale, juvenile groupers showed a preference for cavities and recesses, in clear contrast with both Serranus species. When out of such sheltered places, juvenile groupers avoided visually exposed locations (convex substrates and very large visual fields), preferring flat or sub-horizontal rocky substrates. Conversely, S. scriba, and especially S. cabrilla, chose rather open microhabitats (flat to convex substrates, with large to very large visual fields). On a larger spatial scale, brown groupers and the two other serranids showed no marked differences in their habitat preferences.  相似文献   

The genetic organization of colonies of the subterranean termite Reticulitermes flavipes in two subpopulations in Massachusetts was explored using five polymorphic allozymes and double-strand conformation polymorphism (DSCP) analysis of the mitochondrial control region. Empirically obtained estimates of worker relatedness and F-statistics were compared with values generated by computer simulations of breeding schemes to make inferences about colony organization. In one study site (G), worker genotypes indicated the presence of a mixture of colonies headed by monogamous outbred primary reproductives and colonies headed by inbreeding neotenic reproductives, both colony types having limited spatial ranges. A second site (S) was dominated by several large colonies with low relatedness among nestmates. Mixed DSCP haplotypes in three colonies indicated that nestmates had descended from two or three unrelated female reproductives. Computer simulations of breeding schemes suggested that positive colony inbreeding coefficients at site S resulted from either commingling of workers from different nests or different colonies. Such an exchange of workers between nests corresponds to the multiple-site nesting lifetype of many subterranean termites and resembles colony structure in polycalic Formica ants. Our study demonstrates considerable variation in R. flavipes colony structure over a small spatial scale, including colonies headed by monogamous outbred primary reproductives, colonies containing multiple inbred neotenic reproductives and large polydomous colonies containing the progeny of two or more unrelated queens, and suggests that the number of reproductives and nestmate relatedness change with colony age and size.  相似文献   

Abstract: The controversy (  Berger 1990, 1999 ; Wehausen 1999 ) over rapid extinction in bighorn sheep ( Ovis canadensis ) has focused on population size alone as a correlate to persistence time. We report on the persistence and population performance of 24 translocated populations of bighorn sheep. Persistence in these sheep was strongly correlated with larger patch sizes, greater distance to domestic sheep, higher population growth rates, and migratory movements, as well as to larger population sizes. Persistence was also positively correlated with larger average home-range size ( p = 0.058, n = 10 translocated populations) and home-range size of rams ( p = 0.087, n = 8 translocated populations). Greater home-range size and dispersal rates of bighorn sheep were positively correlated to larger patches. We conclude that patch size and thus habitat carrying capacity, not population size per se, is the primary correlate to both population performance and persistence. Because habitat carrying capacity defines the upper limit to population size, clearly the amount of suitable habitat in a patch is ultimately linked to population size. Larger populations (250+ animals) were more likely to recover rapidly to their pre-epizootic survey number following an epizootic ( p = 0.019), although the proportion of the population dying in the epizootic also influenced the probability of recovery ( p = 0.001). Expensive management efforts to restore or increase bighorn sheep populations should focus on large habitat patches located ≥23 km from domestic sheep, and less effort should be expended on populations in isolated, small patches of habitat.  相似文献   

The ability of territorial lizards to discriminate between scents of neighbors and non-neighbors might contribute to decreasing the costs of aggressive interactions. To test this hypothesis, we conducted a field study to analyze the spatial relationships between male Iberian rock-lizards, Lacerta monticola. We then used the same individuals in a laboratory experiment to test whether male lizards can use chemical cues to discriminate between familiar conspecific males (those whose home ranges overlapped) and unfamiliar conspecific males (those whose home ranges did not overlap, and whose home range centers were at least 50 m apart). Differences in tongue-flick rates in the presence of chemical cues suggested that male L. monticola discriminated between odors of familiar and unfamiliar males. The behavioral responses were also dependent on relative differences in body size between the responding male and the unfamiliar male that donated the scent: There was a significant negative correlation between tongue-flick rates emitted in cages of unfamiliar males and the body size differences between males. In contrast, when the donor of the scent was a familiar male, the tongue-flick rate was not dependent on body size differences. These results are compatible with individual discrimination through chemical cues in male L. monticola.  相似文献   

Are penguins and seals in competition for Antarctic krill at South Georgia?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella) and macaroni penguin (Eudyptes chrysolophus) are sympatric top predators that occur in the Southern Ocean around South Georgia where they are, respectively, the main mammal and bird consumers of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba). In recent years the population of fur seals has increased, whereas that of macaroni penguins has declined. Both species feed on krill of similar size ranges, dive to similar depths and are restricted in their foraging range at least while provisioning their offspring. In this study we test the hypothesis that the increased fur seal population at South Georgia may have resulted in greater competition for the prey of macaroni penguins, leading to the decline in their population. We used: (1) satellite-tracking data to investigate the spatial separation of the Bird Island populations of these two species whilst at sea during the breeding seasons of 1999 and 2000 and (2) diet data to assess potential changes in their trophic niches between 1989 and 2000. Foraging ranges of the two species showed considerable overlap in both years, but the concentrations of foraging activity were significantly segregated spatially. The size of krill taken by both species was very similar, but over the last 12 years the prevalence of krill in their diets has diverged, with nowadays less krill in the diet of macaroni penguins than in that of Antarctic fur seals. Despite a significant degree of segregation in spatial resource use by the study populations, it is likely that the South Georgia populations of Antarctic fur seal and macaroni penguin exploit the same krill population during their breeding season. For explaining the opposing population trends of the two species, the relative contributions of independent differential response to interannual variation in krill availability and of interspecies competition cannot be resolved with available evidence. The likely competitive advantage of Antarctic fur seals will be enhanced as their population continues to increase, particularly in years of krill scarcity.  相似文献   

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