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Relative sensitivities of 30 species of common woody plants to simulated acid rain with pH values of 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.5 and control were studied. The results showed that 6 species of these plants were sensitive to simulated acid rain. The moderate included 18 species. The resistant included 6. Relative sensitivities to ambient acid rain and air pollutants and visible injury degree of 30 species of common woody plants in Chongqing City were investigated. Results showed that 6 species with foliage lesion rate at above 10 percent were sensitive, that 6 species with no lesion were resistant and that other 18 species with lesion at 10 percent below were moderate. Other 7 cities (Guiyang, Zunyi, Duyun, Changsha, Zhuzhou, Liuzhou and Guilin City) were also investigated and results were consistent with those of Chongqing City. The experimental and investigated results showed relative sensitivities and visible injury degree of woody plants to simulated acid rain were consistent with those of the woody plant  相似文献   

A better understanding of corporate strategy under regulatory uncertainty enables policy makers to improve policy making efficiency and enhance regulations’ effectiveness. Based on a review of the literature on policy formulation, we propose that regulatory uncertainty is characterized by a dependence on political negotiation, a discrete scenario structure, and a discontinuous resolution. Data from a worldwide survey show that firms pursue response strategies to regulatory uncertainty that address these characteristics by participating in policy making and increasing strategic flexibility. Surprisingly, the results also show that regulatory uncertainty only partly causes firms to postpone strategic decisions. We find that existing regulation and a need to act quickly despite regulatory uncertainty are opposed to the pursuit of a postponement strategy. We conclude that improving the mechanisms by which firms participate in early stages of the policy making process could enable them to operate in a more target-oriented manner, allow for more efficient policy implementation, and increase a regulation's effectiveness.  相似文献   

IntroductionSincethe 195 0s ,manyforestshavebeenplantedintheplainareasofChinafortheimprovementoftheenvironmentalqualityandensuringthesupplyofwoodandnon timberforestproducts.Forestrydevelopmenthasplayedanimportantroleinadjustingtheruraleconomicstructure ,i…  相似文献   

EcologicalplanningoflanduseinthecentralareaofTianjin,China¥LuYonglong(ResearchCenterforEco-EnvironmentalSciences,ChineseAcade...  相似文献   

1IntroductionMcHargssuitabilityevaluationapproachtoalanduseplanningknownas“ecologicalplanning”haspracticedinsomecountriesofE...  相似文献   

We studied the responses of soil fauna to a simulated nitrogen deposition in nursery experimental plots in Subtropical China. Dissolved NH4NO3 was applied to the soil by spraying twice per month for 16 months, starting January 2003 with treatments of 0, 5, 10, 15 and 30 gN/(m2·a). Soil fauna was sampled after 6, 9, 13 and 16 months of treatment in three soil depths (0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, 10-15 cm). Soil available N increased in correspondence with the increasing N treatment, whereas soil pH decreased. Bacterial and fungal densities were elevated by the N treatment. Soil fauna increased in the lower nitrogen treatments but decreased in the higher N treatments, which might indicate that there was a threshold around 10 gN/(m2·a) for the stimulating effects of N addition. The N effects were dependent on the soil depth and sampling time. The data also suggested that the effects of the different N treatments were related to the level of N saturation, especially the concentration of NO3- in the soil.  相似文献   

A time series of wet deposition in Arnhem, the Netherlands, was analysed for the period 1984–1991. Precipitation was collected with four samplers on a daily basis. A comparative study by the Dutch National Precipitation Network showed significant biases for the observations of the National Network station due to longer exposure to dry deposition. Simultaneous operation of wet-only and bulk collectors demonstrated a concentration bias of about 10% for daily bulk sampling.Using a cluster analysis of backward trajectories, clear distinctions could be made between precipitation from continental and maritime origin. Event-to-event variations in deposition seemed to be determined largely by meteorological influences. As major anthropogenic source regions, the U.K., France, Belgium and the Netherlands itself were identified. The contribution of Dutch sources to wet acid deposition in Arnhem was estimated at 30–40%.Trends and seasonal variations were analysed with an advanced time-series model based on Kalman filtering. Similar seasonal variations were found for SO42− and NH4+. Also, seasonal variations in the concentrations of H+ and NO3 corresponded. Significant long-term changes in deposition and concentration were found for SO42− (about −3% yr−1) and H+ (about −9% yr−1) only. The analysed trends were decreasing, but decreases were larger in the years 1984–1986 than in the following years. The relative decrease in the wet deposition of SO42− was substantially smaller than decrease in dry-deposited SO2 and SO42−.  相似文献   

利用大流量主动采样器于2008年8月至2009年7月采集了西安城区大气样品,研究了大气中多环芳烃(PAHs)的季节变化特征.结果表明,西安大气中16种美国EPA优控的PAHs(∑PAHs)气固两相总浓度为37~620ng·m-3(年平均为195ng·m-3),具有明显的季节差异,依次为夏季(74ng·m-3)〈春季(106ng·m-3)〈秋季(213ng·m-3)〈冬季(360ng·m-3).气态PAHs以3~4环为主,颗粒态PAHs以5~6环为主.分子组成表明西安大气PAHs主要来自于燃煤和机动车尾气及生物质燃烧的复合源.应用BaP毒性当量因子及健康风险评价模型对西安城区成人和儿童进行PAHs健康风险评价,结果显示成人和儿童的日均暴露剂量分别为24.3×10-6mg·kg-·1d-1和5.6×10-6mg·kg-·1d-1,终身致癌超额危险度分别为7.5×10-5和1.7×10-5,可能造成成人和儿童的预期寿命损失分别约为467.6min和107.5min.  相似文献   

Study on the response of wheat to lead, cadmium and zinc   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Studyontheresponseofwheattolead,cadmiumandzincMengLing,TanDeyong,WangHuanxiao,DuanChangqun,DuanPeishang,GaoShangyiDepar...  相似文献   

IntroductionThereisagrowingawarenesstotheimportanceofairpollutioninmajorcites.Anumberofstudieshaveshownthattheconcentrationsofcertaintraceelementsintheurbanatmospherehavebeenelevatedby pollution ,andtherefore ,thehighestconcentrationsofthesechemicalcont…  相似文献   

王燕丽  肖化云  肖红伟 《环境科学》2012,33(4):1080-1085
通过对贵阳市法国梧桐叶片为期1 a的监测(2009-03~2010-04),分析其叶片氮含量及氮同位素组成随季节变化的规律,并与同期湿沉降监测结果进行对比,探讨维管束植物叶片响应大气湿沉降氮的可能性.结果表明,法国梧桐叶片N%变化范围为1.48%~5.27%,均值为3.36%,根际土TN%为0.29%,叶片δ15N变化范围为4.48‰~8.39‰,均值为6.38‰.叶片N%与δ15N具有较好的相关性,随时间变化皆呈现春夏较高、秋季降低的趋势,冬季落叶,无监测数据.结合该采样点同期雨水监测数据,发现叶片N%与雨水中DIN浓度(0.57~6.74 mg.L-1)、叶片δ15N与雨水δ15NH4+-N呈现一致的变化规律,表明湿沉降氮是叶片吸收氮的一个重要来源,法国梧桐叶片指示大气N沉降量的变化成为可能.研究还发现法国梧桐叶片δ15N比其吸收氮的2个主要端元(根际土δ15TN:3.19‰±1.04‰,雨水δ15N-NH4+:-19.76‰~-10.41‰)都偏正,表明法国梧桐在吸收氮的过程中存在着较大的同位素分馏.  相似文献   

搭载国家自然科学基金委南海东北部共享航次(NORC2017-05),于2017年6月9日-8月11日在南海东北部采集气溶胶样品,使用淋溶装置得到气溶胶中微量元素(Al、Fe、Ti、Cr、V、Ba、Mn、Co、Ni、Pb、Cu、Zn)的溶解态浓度和溶解动力学曲线,混酸消解后用高分辨率电感耦合等离子体质谱测得其总浓度,并计算溶解度和干沉降通量.结果表明,夏季南海北部气溶胶中微量元素溶解态浓度、总浓度和干沉降通量均小于大多数陆架边缘海.微量元素溶解度相对较大,原因主要是气溶胶颗粒经过长距离输运后粒径较小,且经历的大气酸过程和云过程对元素溶解度影响显著.气溶胶中微量元素在Milli-Q水中25 min左右达到溶解平衡,后续以pH=2的HCl淋溶.酸淋溶过程中大部分微量金属的溶解度略有增加,约占水溶出量的30%~50%,而Pb在酸溶液中显著溶出,酸溶出量可达水溶出量的140%,表现出潜在的环境效应.夏季大气气溶胶输送的Fe占南海东北部混合层溶解态Fe的0.13%~6.00%,对浮游植物初级生产具有一定的支持功能.  相似文献   

李雷  李红  王学中  张新民  温冲 《环境科学》2013,34(12):4558-4564
于2009年11月5~9日,采用在线监测方法对广州市中心城区环境空气中31种VOCs物种进行了观测,对其浓度水平与变化特征、组成与来源、化学反应活性进行了分析,并利用国际公认的健康风险评价方法对VOCs的健康风险进行了评价.结果表明,31种VOCs物种的平均质量浓度为114.51μg·m-3(范围为29.42~546.06μg·m-3),烷烃和芳香烃是含量最为丰富的组分;31种VOCs浓度之和及烷烃、烯烃、芳香烃3类化合物的各组分浓度之和都呈现出早晚高,中午低的日变化特征.机动车尾气排放是研究区环境空气中VOCs的主要来源,同时汽油、液化石油气的挥发以及涂料和溶剂的挥发也是其重要来源.研究区VOCs气团对臭氧生成潜势贡献率最大的是芳香烃(42.5%)和烯烃(38.6%);甲苯、反-2-丁烯、间/对二甲苯、正丁烷、1,3,5-三甲苯等是VOCs中的关键活性组分.机动车尾气排放、汽油蒸发是导致研究区环境空气中臭氧形成的重要VOCs排放源.健康风险评价结果表明,己烷、1,3-丁二烯和BTEX对人体的非致癌风险(HQ)在3.95E-03~2.45E-01之间,对暴露人群不存在非致癌风险;1,3-丁二烯、苯的致癌风险值(RISK)分别为1.47E-05、5.34E-05,对暴露人群存在潜在的致癌风险.本研究结果与国内其它部分城市环境空气中苯系物健康风险评价结果的比较研究发现,我国城市环境空气中苯对暴露人群存在着较大的致癌风险,因此,我国有必要采取措施严格控制环境空气中苯的污染水平,尽早研究并制定环境空气中苯的环境基准和标准.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲秋季典型气溶胶污染的过程分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解大气中各物理和化学过程对气溶胶浓度的贡献情况,利用Models-3/CMAQ模式系统对珠江三角洲(以下简称珠三角)秋季典型气溶胶污染进行研究.模拟时间是2012年10月,期间珠三角主要受高压系统的控制,在17日冷锋过境前后高压天气形势发生转变,风向从东北风转为偏东风.结果表明,珠三角秋季PM2.5浓度呈现西高东低的水平分布特征,随着高度的上升浓度高值中心也向西南方向偏移;受大气边界层高度的影响,陆地上PM2.5输送高度呈现白天高夜晚低的变化特征;过程分析结果表明源排放,水平输送和垂直输送是影响近地面PM2.5浓度变化的主要过程;本地污染物排放是城市中心(广州站)PM2.5浓度升高的主要原因,而在下风向位置(江门站)外来污染物的水平输送过程是PM2.5的最主要来源.  相似文献   

柳州地区各种红壤土种的酸沉降临界负荷研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
应用简单质量平衡法,多层模型PROFILE和基于植物响应标准计算柳州红壤和土种的酸沉降临界负荷,并建立了系统完整地收集,测量与估算模型所需参数的方法。结果表明,柳州红壤各土种的硫沉降临界负荷为0.50-1.80keq.hm^-2.a^-1,为保护95%的土壤不受酸沉降危害,柳州土壤的潜在酸度,酸度和硫沉降临界负荷分别为1.8keq;hm^-2.a^-1,1.9keq.hm^-2.a^-1和0.70  相似文献   

Atmospheric nitrogen (hi) deposition is currently high and meanwhile diffuse N pollution is also serious in China. The correlation between N deposition and riverine N export and the contribution of N deposition to riverine N export were investigated in a typical hilly red soil catchment in southern China over a two-year period. N deposition was as high as 26.1 to 55.8 kg N/(ha-yr) across different land uses in the studied catchment, while the riverine N exports ranged from 7.2 to 9.6 kg N/(ha-yr) in the forest sub-catchment and 27.4 to 30.3 kg N/(ha.yr) in the agricultural sub-catchment. The correlations between both wet N deposition and riverine N export and precipitation were highly positive, and so were the correlations between NH-N or NO2-N wet deposition and riverine NH4-N or NO3-N exports except for NH-N in the agricultural sub-catchment, indicating that N deposition contributed to riverine N export. The monthly export coefficients of atmospheric deposited N from land to river in the forest sub-catchment (with a mean of 14%) presented a significant positive correlation With precipitation, while the monthly contributions of atmospheric deposition to riverine N export (with a mean of 18.7% in the agricultural sub-catchment and a mean of 21.0% in the whole catchment) were significantly and negatively correlated with precipitation. The relatively high contribution of N deposition to diffuse N pollution in the catchment suggests that efforts should be done to control anthropogenic reactive N emissions to the atmosphere in hilly red soil regions in southern China.  相似文献   

于2013年7月在青浜岛上采集11个土壤样品、3个大气被动采样样品以及周边3个海水样品,分析了样品中16种多环芳烃(PAHs)的含量,并对其分布特征、来源、生态风险进行了讨论.结果表明,土壤、海水和大气中Σ16PAHs的含量范围分别为60.30~123.34 ng·g-1(平均值为105.49 ng·g-1)、45.96~101.08 ng·L-1(平均值为66.45 ng·L-1)和5.09~5.41ng·d-1(平均值为5.35 ng·d-1).分布特征为:潮汐带土壤中PAHs含量低于非潮汐带;3个海水样中,以靠近水文条件复杂的海域内样品中的PAHs含量最高;岛上大气中PAHs分布均匀.土壤、海水和大气中PAHs主要以2~4环的PAHs为主;通过比值法和因子分析得出,青浜岛土壤中的PAHs来源于煤、木炭等生物质燃烧以及柴油、汽油的燃烧,海水和大气中的PAHs来源于混合源.生态风险评价结果表明青浜岛土壤和周边海水中PAHs生态风险较低.  相似文献   

Aerosol samples were collected at Lin'an, a background site of Yangtze River Delta(YRD).Morphology, size, composition, and mixing state of individual aerosol particles were characterized by transmission electron microscopy(TEM) coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDS), and the soluble ions of PM_(1.0) were studied by aerosol mass spectrometer(AMS). The daily average AMS mass concentrations of sulfate, nitrate, and ammonium were about 5.8, 8.6, and 5.6 μg/m~3, respectively. Individual aerosol particles were classified into seven types: S-rich, K-rich, organic matter(OM), soot, fly ash, metal, and mineral. S-rich particles were dominant in all size bins, and 51%(by number) of S-rich particles were internally mixed with other particles. The fraction of organic coating particles was 13.7% in morning, 25.2% in afternoon, and 11% in evening, suggesting that the strong photochemical process during afternoon produced more secondary organic aerosols(SOA) on the surface of inorganic particles. Fly ash and metal particles were abundant during the day, suggesting the influence of emissions from coal-fired power plants and steel plants. The results indicate that the intense industrial emissions in the YRD significantly transported to the background areas. PM_(2.5) concentration may be lower in background air than in urban air but complex mixing state of aerosol particles indicates that the long-range transported particles substantially influenced the background air quality.  相似文献   

西北某电子垃圾拆解厂室内外重金属污染特征及暴露风险   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究利用ICP-OES对西北干旱区某规模化电子垃圾拆解厂拆解车间内外空气不同粒径的颗粒物(PM_1. 0、PM_(2.5)、PM_(10))及上风向对照点PM_(2.5)中的6种重金属(Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb、Zn)的浓度进行了分析测定,基于该数据对拆解车间内外颗粒物中重金属污染浓度水平、粒径分布特征、职业暴露风险以及呼吸系统沉积特征进行了研究.结果表明,拆解车间内外颗粒物中重金属Zn(室内4 890 ng·m~(-3),室外1 245 ng·m~(-3))、Pb(室内1 201 ng·m~(-3),室外240 ng·m~(-3))、Cu(室内1 200ng·m~(-3),室外110 ng·m~(-3))均表现出较高的污染水平,且室内浓度远高于室外数倍,表明拆解活动是造成室内空气较高浓度重金属的主要原因,室内外空气环境污染特征与电子垃圾拆解种类密切相关.粒径分布特征为:车间内空气环境中重金属主要吸附于PM_(2.5)中,车间外主要是赋存于PM_(10)中.职业暴露风险评估显示:Cr的非致癌与致癌风险最高;拆解厂车间室内外6种重金属总非致癌危害指数为1. 62×10~(-3)和3. 60×10~(-4),远低于U. S. EPA规定的限定值(1. 0);车间室内外致癌总风险值为2. 69×10~(-7)和2. 59×10~(-9),小于可接受范围(1×10~(-6)),表明由重金属所导致的职业健康风险相对较小;评估结果表明按国家环保要求规模化建厂的电子垃圾拆解厂空气环境颗粒物中重金属对公共健康造成的风险处于相对安全的水平.颗粒态重金属在人体呼吸系统的不同器官的沉积特征表现为粒径越小,在呼吸系统的深处的沉积百分占比越大,建议企业应针对细颗粒物给职业工人造成的呼吸健康风险采取相应的减排对策.  相似文献   

Despite recent efforts to investigate the distribution and fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in air, water, and soil, very little is known about their temporal change in wet deposition. As a result of increased attention to public health, a large-scale survey on the deposition flux and distribution of PAH contamination in rainwater was urgently conducted in Shanghai, China. In this study, 163 rainwater samples were collected from six sites, and 15 PAH compounds were detected by the use of a simple solid phase microextraction (SPME) technique coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The dominant PAH species monitored were naphthalene, phenanthrene, anthracene, and fluoranthene. The concentration of total PAHs per event was between 74 and 980 ng/L, with an average value of 481 ng/L, which is at the high end of worldwide figures. The annual deposition flux of PAHs in rainwater was estimated to be 4148 kg/yr in the Shanghai area, suggesting rainfall as a major possible pathway for removing PAHs from the atmosphere. Diagnostic analysis by the ratios of An/178 and Fl/Fl+Py suggested that combustion of grass, wood, and coal was the major contributor to PAHs in the Shanghai region. Back trajectory analysis also indicated that the pollutant sources could be from the southern part of China.  相似文献   

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