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The atherinid fish Craterocephalus capreoli Rendahl is abundant in the Houtman Abrolhos Islands, 70 km off the Western Australia coast and 250 km south of the southern limit of the range of the species along the mainland. Electrophoretic examination of 7 allozyme loci at 17 sites in the Houtman Abrolhos revealed a substantially lower level of polymorphism than found in an earlier study of the species in its mainland distribution, with many of the uncommon alleles and some common ones missing. There is a very high degree of genetic subdivision among the populations in the Houtman Abrolhos, measured by a mean F ST of 0.437 over a distance of 35 km. This F ST (standardized variance in allelic frequencies) is six times that found previously among populations along the mainland coast over distances up to 850 km. The subdivision of populations in the Houtman Abrolhos is similar within one island group on a scale up to 12 km, and between two groups that are separated by 15 km of deep water. Significant differences in allelic frequencies were found between populations from the open shore and enclosed lagoons less than 800 m apart, but the overall levels of subdivision were similar for the two types of environment. Previous work had shown high levels of genetic subdivision in the Houtman Abrolhos for a gastropod with direct development. The results for C. capreoli demonstrate that the archipelago favours subdivision even for a species with potentially much greater mobility and different life history.  相似文献   

Remote videography was used to investigate relationships between biological similarity and distance in Moreton Bay, Australia at site (1 km) and local (10 km) scales, and for separate biotic groups. Numerical analysis using Mantels tests to compare distance and similarity matrices showed that at both scales there was a negative correlation between similarity and distance, in that sites further apart were less similar than sites close together. The relationship, although significant (p <0.001), was quite weak (R2=5%) at the site-scale, with no significant (ANOVA with Tukeys pairwise comparisons, p >0.05) decline in similarity up to distances of 2.1–2.6 km. At the local-scale, between-site similarity was high (mean Bray-Curtis similarity >30% for 4th root transformed data) at scales of 10 km or less, and declined markedly with increasing distance. Scales of similarity for different broad taxonomic and functional groups within Moreton Bay were broadly consistent between groups and with the complete dataset. There was evidence of patchiness in the distributions of seagrass and anthozoans at scales less than 16 km. In other biotic groups there was an essentially monotonic decline in similarity with distance. The study showed that the spatial classification approach to habitat mapping is valid in this case, and that site spacing of less than 10 km is necessary to capture important components of biological similarity. Site spacing of less than 2.5 km does not appear to be warranted to capture additional components of biological similarity at the scales studied.Communicated by G.F. Humphrey, Sydney  相似文献   

Genetic variation of 16 allozyme loci in 397 Halicryptus spinulosus (Priapulida) revealed overall polymorphism of P=0.438 and Hardy-Weinberg expectations for heterozygosity of H e=0.060 for Baltic Sea stocks, H e=0.143 for the White Sea and H e=0.121 for Iceland. Maximal unbiased standard distances of D=0.0693 separated Baltic and White Sea populations. Nordic and Baltic populations could be distinguished by allozymes, but Baltic subsamples proved cohesive. Gene flow amounted to effective exchange values per generation of N m=2.94 over 650 km of continuous habitat, N m=10.65 over 175 km, and N m=13.85 over 20 km. Gene flow started to decrease with geographic distance beyond a dispersal threshold of 20 km, but hierarchical G ST-statistics indicated light isolation by distance beyond a minimum of 8 km. Gene flow is high for a benthic worm assumed to lack dispersal by pelagic larva, a paradox which cannot be resolved now. Baltic populations are characterized by lower heterozygosity than Nordic stocks. In the Baltic Basin, temporally continuous brackish-water conditions have only existed for the past 7000 years. The two possible colonization routes of H. spinulosus to the geologically young Baltic Sea imply genetic drift, whether by founder effect (sweepstake colonization from Iceland) or by refugial bottlenecking during the Ancylus phase of the Baltic Basin after a direct connection to the White Sea had been sequestered. Continued genetic drift is emphasized by lower heterozygosity in the ecologically unstable Belt Sea compared to the central Baltic. Allozymes falsify the reduced-mutability hypothesis to explain bradytelic evolution of Priapulida. Regional genetic homogeneity, ample polymorphism, and preference for anoxic black mud qualify H. spinulosus populations as indicators of microevolutionary responses to water circulation regimes or pollution in the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

A total of 22 magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) from Isla Martillo in the Beagle Channel, Argentina, were successfully satellite tracked in 2004 (n = 7), 2005 (n = 7) and 2006 (n = 8) to monitor their winter migration after moult. Only one magellanic penguin migrated northwards into the Pacific Ocean, whereas all others remained in the Atlantic Ocean. In general, these birds left the island in an easterly direction, rounded Cabo San Diego, the southeasterly tip of South America, and continued northwards occupying inshore waters mostly less than 50 km from the coast, only occasionally venturing further offshore. By the end of the transmission period, birds were still travelling northwards and the most northerly positions were obtained from birds located in the area of Peninsula Valdés, Argentina, at a latitude of around 42°S, some 1,500 km from their breeding site on Isla Martillo. The mean maximum distance to the breeding site was, however, only 624 ± 460 km. The mean minimum distance covered during the study period was 1,440 ± 685 km, which corresponded to a mean distance of 23.2 ± 6.6 km covered per day. The northbound migration of the penguins could be separated into periods of rapid movement, interspersed with periods during which the birds remained for some time in particular coastal regions. Areas with a high density of daily penguin positions were observed in three distinct areas: at the northeastern coast of Tierra del Fuego, at the southern entrance of Golfo San Jorge and to the northeast of the Peninsula Valdez. The observed migration pattern is presumably driven by the formation and subsequent dispersal of areas of enhanced productivity as the season progressed. Our findings also suggest that magellanic penguins are increasingly threatened by human activities in coastal areas as penguins migrate northwards.  相似文献   

Pelagic dispersal of larvae in sessile marine invertebrates could in principle lead to a homogeneous gene pool over vast distances, yet there is increasing evidence of surprisingly high levels of genetic differentiation on small spatial scale. To evaluate whether larval dispersal is spatially limited and correlated with distance, we conducted a study on the widely distributed, viviparous reef coral Seriatopora hystrix from the Red Sea where we investigated ten populations separated between ~0.150 km and ~610 km. We addressed these questions with newly developed, highly variable microsatellite markers. We detected moderate genetic differentiation among populations based on both F ST and R ST (0.089 vs. 0.136, respectively) as well as considerable heterozygote deficits. Mantel tests revealed isolation by distance effects on a small geographic scale (≤20 km), indicating limited dispersal of larvae. Our data did not reveal any evidence against strictly sexual reproduction among the studied populations.  相似文献   

Adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, N = 179) from six Fraser River populations (British Columbia) were intercepted in continental shelf waters ∼215 km from the Fraser River mouth, gastrically implanted with acoustic transmitters, non-lethally biopsied for blood biochemistry, gill Na+,K+-ATPase activity and somatic energy density and then released. Migration behaviour and travel times to the river mouth and into the river were monitored by underwater telemetry receivers positioned at the river mouth and in the river. Post-release survival of salmon was excellent, with 84% (N = 150) of fish reaching the furthest receiving station ∼85 km upriver. Fish from Late-summer run populations (Adams and Weaver Creek) averaged a migration rate of ∼20 km day−1 through the marine area and held at the river mouth and adjacent areas for 7–9 days before entering the river. Summer-run populations (Birkenhead, Chilko, Horsefly and Stellako) had a migration rate ∼33 km day−1 and held for only 1–3 days. Once in river, similar patterns were observed: Late-run populations migrated at ∼28 km day−1 and Summer-run populations at ∼40 km day−1. From point of release to the river mouth, males migrated faster than females, but once in river migration rates did not differ between sexes. Among all females, a correlation was discovered between levels of circulating testosterone and river entry timing. This correlation was not observed among males. Plasma K+, Cl, glucose, lactate and osmolality were also correlated with entry timing in both sexes.  相似文献   

Reproductive patterns of the endemic Hawaiian damselfish Dascyllus albisella were examined around the island of Oahu for 5 m in 1992. Daily variation in spawning was studied at four spatial scales: individual territories; reef transects; whole patch reefs; and locations separated by>20 km. A 6 d, non-lunar nesting cycle was found for individual males, and a synchronized, 6 d, nonhinar spawning cycle was found within reef transects, whole patch reefs, and locations. Spawning synchronicity was maintained among reefs within a location. However, spawning among locations was found to be asynchronous, limiting the spatial scale of reproductive synchrony to>1 km but<20 km. Inherent benefits of synchronous reproduction are discussed for D. albisella, but only the localized swamping of planktonic predators may be an inherent benefit of synchronous spawning for this species. Alternatively, synchronous spawning among populations may exist from adults tracking local, favorable environmental conditions rather than having evolved towards an inherent benefit of synchronization.  相似文献   

The tropical lancelet Asymmetron lucayanum (= Epigonichthys lucayanus) is distributed from the western Indian Ocean to the central Pacific Ocean, and the western Atlantic Ocean. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) sequences (1,035 bp) of A. lucayanum (80 specimens from seven localities) showed clearly that this species is genetically distinguished into three major groups of geographical populations based on neighbor-joining tree using maximum likelihood distance (HKY model with invariable sites and gamma correction), suggesting the existence of three cryptic species. Our genetic data show that (1) inter-oceanic divergence time between Clade B (the West-Central Pacific) and Clade C (the Atlantic) (d = 6.6%, ca. 12 million years ago) was smaller than intra-oceanic divergence time between Clade A (the Indo-West Pacific) and Clade B (d=39.5%, ca. 100 million years ago); (2) there are two cryptic species in the West Pacific in sympatry; and (3) high gene flow is implied between the Maldives and the Ryukyus in Clade A (10,000 km distance), the Philippines and Hawaii in Clade B (8,500 km distance), and Barbados and Bermuda in Clade C (2,200 km distance).  相似文献   

The results of tagging studies conducted to determine the relationship between estuarine (juvenile) populations and adults at sea suggest that maturing Metapenaeus macleayi leave the estuaries and move along the coast in a northerly direction; the longest migration recorded was 120 km, but most prawns appear to disperse in shallow water (<40 m) within about 70 km of their juvenile habitat. There are approximately 60 estuarine populations of M. macleayi in south-east Australia; the geographical range of prawns emigrating from most estuarine populations overlap (at sea) to some degree with that of adjacent or nearby populations, but there is little or no overlap between any two of the 6 major populations. The mixing of individuals from a major population and from nearby smaller populations is negligible for the purposes of fisheries management, hence the prawns in each of the major estuarine populations and the adults in the coastal area north for about 70 km may be regarded as a unit stock.  相似文献   

In order to forage and to provision offspring effectively, seabirds negotiate a complex of behavioural, energetic, environmental and social constraints. In first tests of GPS loggers with seabirds in North America, we investigated the foraging tactics of free-ranging northern gannets (Sula bassana) at a large and a medium-sized colony that differed in oceanography, coastal position and prey fields. Gannets at Low Arctic colony (Funk Island) 50 km off the northeast coast of Newfoundland, Canada provisioned chicks almost entirely with small forage fish (capelin Mallotus villosus, 89%), while at boreal colony (Bonaventure Island) 3 km from shore in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Quebec, Canada, large pelagic fish dominated parental prey loads (Atlantic mackerel Scomber scombrus 50%, Atlantic herring Clupea harengus 33%). Mean foraging range and the total distance travelled per foraging trip were significantly greater at the larger inshore colony (Bonaventure) than at the smaller offshore colony (Funk Island; 138 and 452 km vs. 64 and 196 km, respectively). Gannets from Funk Island consistently travelled inshore to forage on reproductive capelin shoals near the coast, whereas foraging flights of birds from Bonaventure were much more variable in direction and destination. Birds from the Low Arctic colony foraged in colder sea surface water than did birds from the boreal colony, and dive characteristics differed between colonies, which is concordent with the difference in prey base. Differences between the colonies reflect oceanographic and colony-size influences on prey fields that shape individual foraging tactics and in turn generate higher level colony-specific foraging “strategies”.  相似文献   

Recovery of grassland birds in agricultural landscapes is a global imperative. Agricultural landscapes are complex, and the value of resource patches may vary substantially among species. The spatial extent at which landscape features affect populations (i.e., scale of effect) may also differ among species. There is a need for regional-scale conservation planning that considers landscape-scale and species-specific responses of grassland birds to environmental change. We developed a spatially explicit approach to optimizing grassland conservation in the context of species-specific landscapes and prioritization of species recovery and applied it to a conservation program in Kentucky (USA). We used a hierarchical distance-sampling model with an embedded scale of effect predictor to estimate the relationship between landscape structure and abundance of eastern meadowlarks (Sturnella magna), field sparrows (Spizella pusilla), and northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus). We used a novel spatially explicit optimization procedure rooted in multi-attribute utility theory to design alternative conservation strategies (e.g., prioritize only northern bobwhite recovery or assign equal weight to each species’ recovery). Eastern meadowlarks and field sparrows were more likely to respond to landscape-scale resource patch adjacencies than landscape-scale patch densities. Northern bobwhite responded to both landscape-scale resource patch adjacencies and densities and responded strongly to increased grassland density. Effects of landscape features on local abundance decreased as distance increased and had negligible influence at 0.8 km for eastern meadowlarks (0.7–1.2 km 95% Bayesian credibility intervals [BCI]), 2.5 km for field sparrows (1.5–5.8 km 95% BCI), and 8.4 km for bobwhite (6.4–26 km 95% BCI). Northern bobwhites were predicted to benefit greatly from future grassland conservation regardless of conservation priorities, but eastern meadowlark and field sparrow were not. Our results suggest similar species can respond differently to broad-scale conservation practices because of species-specific, distance-dependent relationships with landscape structure. Our framework is quantitative, conceptually simple, customizable, and predictive and can be used to optimize conservation in heterogeneous ecosystems while considering landscape-scale processes and explicit prioritization of species recovery.  相似文献   

Limited dispersal should result in genetic differences between populations proportional to geographic distances of separation. This association between gene flow and distance can be disrupted by (1) continuing genetic exchange among distant populations, (2) historical changes in gene flow, and (3) physical barriers or corridors to dispersal. The movements of larvae are thought to determine dispersal capability in benthic marine invertebrates. The solitary scleractinian Balanophyllia elegans Verrill possesses crawling larvae capable of only limited dispersal. Paradoxically, however, inferred levels of gene flow between pairs of localities spread over much of the 4000 km range of B. elegans exhibited a weaker relationship with geographical separation than that expected for a linear array of populations in which all genetic exchange takes place between adjacent populations. In this paper, I examined the pattern of gene flow (inferred from the frequencies of eight polymorphic allozyme loci) in B. elegans at a smaller (1 to 50 km) spatial scale to determine (1) whether gene flow at this spatial scale conformed to the expectations of the stepping-stone model, and (2) whether continuing long-distance gene flow or historical changes in gene flow were responsible for the weak relationship between gene flow and distance observed previously at the rangewide spatial scale. Between May and August 1992, I collected 75 adults from each of 18 localities along the coast of Sonoma County, California, USA. These populations of B. elegans were significantly subdivided both among localities separated by 1 to 50 km (F LT =0.053, Se=0.0075) and among patches separated by 4 to 8 m (F PL=0.026, SE=0.0023). The observed slope and correlation (r 2=0.54) between inferred levels of gene flow and the geographic distance at the 1 to 50 km spatial scale conformed to equilibrium expectations (obtained by simulation) for a linear stepping-stone model, although those from the rangewide spatial scale did not. This implies that the mechanisms conferring patterns of inferred genetic differentiation between localities in B. elegans differ fundamentally with spatial scale. At a scale of 1 to 50 km, continuing gene flow and drift have equilibrated and the process of isolation-bydistance may facilitate local adaptive change. At a broader spatial scale, historical changes in gene flow, perhaps affected by late Pleistocene climatic fluctuations, disrupt the equilibration of gene flow and genetic drift, so that genetic differentiation may not increase continuously with separation between populations.  相似文献   

The euphausiid Euphausia crystallorophias Holt and Tattersall, 1906 is considered to be a neritic species. It has been found in greatest abundance along the Antarctic continental margins, often in association with regions of pack ice. Although E. crystallorophias has been observed at some islands to the west of the Antarctic Peninsula, the species has not previously been reported from islands of the maritime- or sub-Antarctic further north. During an oceanographic transect in November 1997 from South Georgia to the South Sandwich Islands, acoustic observations revealed a dense, discrete pelagic target at 50 m. The target was fished and was found to be an aggregation of small E. crystallorophias. The fishing location (54.48°S; 30.61°W) was >1500 km from the Antarctic continent, and >250 km from the nearest land, in water of several thousands of metres depth – clearly a non-neritic environment. Examination of hydrographic data revealed that the E. crystallorophias swarm had been located within a fast-flowing band of water that had characteristics of water found near the Antarctic Peninsula. This band was ≃150 km wide, and had a speed ranging from 9 to 22 km d−1 in a north-easterly direction. The possible origins of this E. crystallorophias swarm are explored in the light of the eddy-dominated current patterns prevalent in the Weddell–Scotia Confluence region, and with reference to published growth-rate estimates for the species. We discuss the potential for long-distance dispersal of E. crystallorophias and other neritic species in fast current jets, and examine how such oceanographic features could facilitate long-distance dispersal, colonization, and gene flow. Received: 23 November 1998 / Accepted: 25 March 1999  相似文献   

 Continuous abundance estimates (510 m resolution) of the copepods Neocalanus cristatus, N. flemingeri and Metridia pacifica were obtained with an electronic particle counter along cruise tracks in the subarctic western North Pacific in spring. For all three species, the number of patches decreased exponentially with increasing patch size. Most patches (63 to 83%) were dominated by one species, and patches of the same species more closely spaced than patches of different species. The patches of M. pacifica tended to coexist with those of N. cristatus. In contrast, patches of N. flemingeri rarely co-occurred with those of other copepods. These patterns were more clearly observed in fine-scale observations with sampling intervals of <31 m. Coherence analysis of copepod species pairs showed no characteristic scale at 2 to 50 km wave lengths. At shorter wave lengths (<2 km), frequent positive correlations were observed between N. cristatus and M. pacifica. Thus, the distribution of copepods appears to be a mosaic assemblage of patches of each copepod species. These results suggest that copepods have a mechanism to form species-specific aggregations, and the aggregation and segregation processes are maintained at a scale of <2 km. Received: 24 February 1999 / Accepted: 25 April 2000  相似文献   

Natural bioluminescence (that not mechanically stimulated by human intervention) produced by organisms on the seafloor of the northeast Atlantic ocean between 970 and 4,800 m depth was examined using an image intensifying (ISIT) camera mounted on an autonomous lander system. In the absence of bait little or no luminescence was observed but with bait present there was a significant inverse relationship with depth, Log10 (1 + number of events h−1) = 1.7627–0.3235 depth (km) (r 2 = 0.8158, P < 0.001) indicating an average of 2.6 events h−1 at 4 km and 28 h−1 at 1 km. But in an area at ca. 1 km depth near carbonate and coral mounds the mean was 133 events h−1, much higher than predicted. In this bioluminescent hot spot 52–483 events h−1 were observed including moving luminescent targets and release of patches of luminescent material into the water around the bait so that on occasions the whole area around the bait was illuminated persisting on a time scale of minutes. At abyssal depths, luminescence was much less than reported at similar depths in the tropical NE Atlantic off Cape Verde. The sources of luminescence could not be determined but in the most active areas were associated with presence of eels Synaphobranchus kaupii which although themselves not luminescent may have stimulated luminescence from prey organisms such as ostracods (Vargula norvegica).  相似文献   

Fragmentation of the boreal forest by linear features, including seismic lines, has destabilized predator–prey dynamics, resulting in the decline of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) populations. Restoration of human-altered habitat has therefore been identified as a critical management tool for achieving self-sustaining woodland caribou populations. However, only recently has testing of the response of caribou and other wildlife to restoration activities been conducted. Early work has centered around assessing changes in wildlife use of restored seismic lines. We evaluated whether restoration reduces the movement rates of predators and their associated prey, which is expected to decrease predator hunting efficiency and ultimately reduce caribou mortality. We developed a new method for using cameras to measure fine-scale movement by measuring speed as animals traveled between cameras in an array. We used our method to quantify speed of caribou, moose (Alces alces), bears (Ursus americanus), and wolves (Canis lupus) on treated (restored) and untreated seismic lines. Restoration treatments reduced travel speeds along seismic lines of wolves by 1.38 km/h, bears by 0.55 km/h, and caribou by 1.57 km/h, but did not reduce moose travel speeds. Reduced predator and caribou speeds on treated seismic lines are predicted to decrease encounter rates between predators and caribou and thus lower caribou kill rates. However, further work is needed to determine whether reduced movement rates result in reduced encounter rates with prey, and ultimately reduced caribou mortality.  相似文献   

Tagging experiments were carried out on Scylla serrata in three different types of habitat in Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia, during 1976–1981. A total of 6 233 crabs were tagged and 1 180 recaptured. Two categories of movement were found, a free ranging type and an offshore migration by females. Crabs in a narrow creek with mangrove-covered banks displayed little movement. In areas with large intertidal flats bare of mangroves, crabs underwent more movement and adults (carapace width 150 mm or greater) and subadults (carapace width 100 to 149 mm) moved similar distances (mean 3.9 km). In an area with direct access to the sea, males and females moved equal distances, but in a long channel behind an island, mean female movement (6.6 km) was significantly more than that of males (mean 3.7 km). The distance between tag and recapture site was not greatly affected by the time at liberty over a period of 1 to 36 wk. Tag recaptures showed an exchange between the populations of a mangrove creek and those in the neighbouring bay. There was very limited exchange between the population in an estuary and the adjacent bay and no exchange was found between neighbouring areas separated by a region of habitat unsuitable for S. serrata. None of the more than 3 000 females captured in the study area was carrying eggs, but two tagged ovigerous females were caught at sea after having moved out of the study area. Eight other females were recaptured in other inshore or estuarine areas 20 to 65 km from their release site.  相似文献   

Functional feeding morphology of the euphausiid Nyctiphanes australis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The structure of the feeding basket, mandible and stomach armature of the krill Nyctiphanes australis (G. O. Sars, 1883) was examined by scanning electron microscope with the aim of predicting its diet. N. australis were collected during February 1986 and October 1986 to February 1987 in Otago Harbour, New Zealand (45° 50 S; 170° 37 E). Predictions based on the functional morphology were tested by examining stomach contents with SEM. Intersetule distances of the feeding basket (1 to 7.5 m) are finer than in other krill species, suggesting that N. australis can efficiently collect nanoplankton-sized particles (2 to 20 m). The mandibular edge index (0.74) matched the edge index of Meganyctiphanes norvegica. This indicates, in contrast to the fine feeding-basket setulation, that N. australis has a mandible resembling that of predominantly carnivorous krill species. The ratio of mandibular palp length to mandible width is 3.2±0.2, or relatively longer than the elongate palp thought to be indicative of herbivorous habit in Euphausia superba. The fine structure of the molar shows specialized surfaces which differ from those of other krill species. The internal armature of the stomach is heavily spinose, as is common in krill of herbivorous habit. Layers of various-shaped spines at differing densities were observed. The functional morphology suggests that N. australis is an opportunistic omnivore. The stomach contents tentatively support this prediction, containing fragments of phytoplankton and detrital material. However, stomach contents were generally amorphous, making identification of dietary components in the field difficult.  相似文献   

Four loggerhead females (Caretta caretta) were caught when emerging at their nesting beach on the Natal coast, prevented from egg laying and displaced along the coast 38 to 70 km from the capture site. They were then released either on the shore or 37 km offshore. The successful journeys back to the capture area and the successive migrations were tracked by satellite. In compensating for the displacement, loggerheads showed a capability of true navigation. The 545 to 1000 km long migratory journeys of three turtles were followed along the Mozambique coast up to the feeding grounds. Migratory speed was similar at night and during the day. During the trip, submergences were shorter and more frequent than during the stay at the feeding grounds. Received: 17 March 1997 / Accepted: 21 April 1997  相似文献   

Are direct developers more locally adapted than planktonic developers?   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The hypothesis that populations of direct developers exhibit greater geographic differentiation in life history features than populations of planktonic developers, was tested with two species of grazing snails of the genus Littorina from 1986 to 1987. Littorina sitkana (direct developer) and L. scutulata (planktonic developer) coexist on sun- and wave-sheltered beaches from Alaska to Oregon, USA. Seasonal patterns in growth, survival and reproduction were monitored for samples from four geographically separated populations of each species grown in population cages at a common site, Friday Harbor, Washington, USA. The environmental and population effects on growth in the two species were determined in a four-way reciprocal transplant experiment with the same populations. Both the direct and planktonic developers exhibited geographic differentiation in life history features. Differentiation in the direct developer occurred over distances shorter than 30 km, while differentiation in the planktonic developer occurred over the 500 km distance examined (greater than their larvae would likely travel).  相似文献   

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