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Toxicity potentials are standard values used in life cycle assessment (LCA) to enable a comparison of toxic impacts between substances. In most cases, toxicity potentials are calculated with multi-media fate models. Until now, unrealistic system settings were used for these calculations. The present paper outlines an improved model to calculate toxicity potentials: the global nested multi-media fate, exposure and effects model USES-LCA. It is based on the Uniform System for the Evaluation of Substances 2.0 (USES 2.0). USES-LCA was used to calculate for 181 substances toxicity potentials for the six impact categories freshwater aquatic ecotoxicity, marine aquatic ecotoxicity, freshwater sediment ecotoxicity, marine sediment ecotoxicity, terrestrial ecotoxicity and human toxicity, after initial emission to the compartments air, freshwater, seawater, industrial soil and agricultural soil, respectively. Differences of several orders of magnitude were found between the new toxicity potentials and those calculated previously.  相似文献   

The present paper outlines an update of the fate and exposure part of the fate, exposure and effects model USES-LCA. The new fate and exposure module of USES-LCA was applied to calculate human population intake fractions and fate factors of the freshwater, marine and terrestrial environment for 3393 substances, including neutral organics, dissociating organics and inorganics, emitted to 7 different emission compartments. The human population intake fraction is on average 10(-5)-10(-8) for organics and 10(-3)-10(-4) for inorganics, depending on the emission compartment considered. Chemical-specific human population intake fractions can be 1-2.7 orders of magnitude higher or lower compared to the typical estimates. For inorganics, the human population intake fractions highly depend on the assumption that exposure via food products can be modelled with constant bioconcentration factors. The environmental fate factor is on average 10(-11)-10(-18) days m(-3) for organics and 10(-10)-10(-12) days m(-3) for inorganics, depending on the receiving environment and the emission compartment considered. Chemical-specific environmental fate factors can be 1-8 orders of magnitude higher or lower compared to the typical estimates. The largest differences between the new and old version of USES-LCA are found for emissions to air and soil. This is caused by a significant change in the structure of the air and soil compartments in the new version of USES-LCA, i.e. the distinction between rural and urban air, including rain-no rain conditions and including soil depth dependent intermedia transport.  相似文献   

In aquatic environments, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) mostly occur as complex mixtures, for which risk assessment remains problematic. To better understand the effects of PAH mixture toxicity on fish early life stages, this study compared the developmental toxicity of three PAH complex mixtures. These mixtures were extracted from a PAH-contaminated sediment (Seine estuary, France) and two oils (Arabian Light and Erika). For each fraction, artificial sediment was spiked at three different environmental concentrations roughly equivalent to 0.5, 4, and 10 μg total PAH g?1 dw. Japanese medaka embryos were incubated on these PAH-spiked sediments throughout their development, right up until hatching. Several endpoints were recorded at different developmental stages, including acute endpoints, morphological abnormalities, larvae locomotion, and genotoxicity (comet and micronucleus assays). The three PAH fractions delayed hatching, induced developmental abnormalities, disrupted larvae swimming activity, and damaged DNA at environmental concentrations. Differences in toxicity levels, likely related to differences in PAH proportions, were highlighted between fractions. The Arabian Light and Erika petrogenic fractions, containing a high proportion of alkylated PAHs and low molecular weight PAHs, were more toxic to Japanese medaka early life stages than the pyrolytic fraction. This was not supported by the toxic equivalency approach, which appeared unsuitable for assessing the toxicity of the three PAH fractions to fish early life stages. This study highlights the potential risks posed by environmental mixtures of alkylated and low molecular weight PAHs to early stages of fish development.  相似文献   

Haloacetic acids (HAAs) are environmental contaminants found in aquatic ecosystems throughout the world as a result of both anthropogenic and natural production. The ecological risk posed by these compounds to organisms in freshwater environments, with a specific focus on aquatic macrophytes, was characterized. The plants evaluated were Lemna gibba, Myriophyllum spicatum and M. sibiricum and the HAAs screened were monochloroacetic acid (MCA), dichloroacetic acid (DCA), trichloroacetic acid (TCA), trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) and chlorodifluoroacetic acid (CDFA). Laboratory toxicity data formed the basis of the risk assessment, but field studies were also utilized. The estimated risk was calculated using hazard quotients (HQ), as well as effect measure distributions (EMD) in a modified probabilistic ecological risk assessment. EMDs were used to estimate HAA thresholds of toxicity for use in HQ assessments. This threshold was found to be a more sensitive measure of low toxicity than the no observed effect concentrations (NOEC) or the effective concentration (EC10). Using both deterministic and probabilistic methods, it was found that HAAs do not pose a significant risk to freshwater macrophytes at current environmental concentrations in Canada, Europe or Africa for both single compound and mixture exposures. Still, HAAs are generally found as mixtures and their potential interactions are not fully understood, rendering this phase of the assessment uncertain and justifying further effects characterization. TCA in some environments poses a slight risk to phytoplankton and future concentrations of TFA and CDFA are likely to increase due to their recalcitrant nature, warranting continued environmental surveillance of HAAs.  相似文献   

In environmental life-cycle assessments (LCA), fate and exposure factors account for the general fate and exposure properties of chemicals under generic environmental conditions by means of 'evaluative' multi-media fate and exposure box models. To assess the effect of using different generic environmental conditions, fate and exposure factors of chemicals emitted under typical conditions of (1).Western Europe, (2). Australia and (3). the United States of America were compared with the multi-media fate and exposure box model USES-LCA. Comparing the results of the three evaluative environments, it was found that the uncertainty in fate and exposure factors for ecosystems and humans due to choice of an evaluative environment, as represented by the ratio of the 97.5th and 50th percentile, is between a factor 2 and 10. Particularly, fate and exposure factors of emissions causing effects in fresh water ecosystems and effects on human health have relatively high uncertainty. This uncertainty is mainly caused by the continental difference in the average soil erosion rate, the dimensions of the fresh water and agricultural soil compartment, and the fraction of drinking water coming from ground water.  相似文献   

A new gravel-contact assay using rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, embryos was developed to assess the toxicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and other hydrophobic compounds. Environmentally realistic exposure conditions were mimicked with a direct exposure of eyed rainbow trout embryos incubated onto chemical-spiked gravels until hatching at 10 °C. Several endpoints were recorded including survival, hatching delay, hatching success, biometry, developmental abnormalities, and DNA damage (comet and micronucleus assays). This bioassay was firstly tested with two model PAHs, fluoranthene and benzo[a]pyrene. Then, the method was applied to compare the toxicity of three PAH complex mixtures characterized by different PAH compositions: a pyrolytic extract from a PAH-contaminated sediment (Seine estuary, France) and two petrogenic extracts from Arabian Light and Erika oils, at two environmental concentrations, 3 and 10 μg g?1 sum of PAHs. The degree and spectrum of toxicity were different according to the extract considered. Acute effects including embryo mortality and decreased hatching success were observed only for Erika oil extract. Arabian Light and pyrolytic extracts induced mainly sublethal effects including reduced larvae size and hemorrhages. Arabian Light and Erika extracts both induced repairable DNA damage as revealed by the comet assay versus the micronucleus assay. The concentration and proportion of methylphenanthrenes and methylanthracenes appeared to drive the toxicity of the three PAH fractions tested, featuring a toxic gradient as follows: pyrolytic?Arabian Light?Erika. The minimal concentration causing developmental defects was as low as 0.7 μg g?1 sum of PAHs, indicating the high sensitivity of the assay and validating its use for toxicity assessment of particle-bound pollutants.  相似文献   

As part of the Southern Appalachian Mountains Initiative, a comprehensive air quality modeling system was developed to evaluate potential emission control strategies to reduce atmospheric pollutant levels at the Class I areas located in the Southern Appalachian Mountains. Six multiday episodes between 1991 and 1995 were simulated, and the skill of the modeling system was evaluated. Two papers comprise various parts of this study. Part I details the ozone model performance and the methodology that was used to scale discrete episodic pollutant levels to seasonal and annual averages. This paper (part II) addresses issues involved with modeling particulate matter (PM) and its relationship to visibility. For most of the episodes, the fractional error was approximately 50% or less for the major constituents of the fine PM (i.e., sulfate [SO4] and organics) in the region. The mean normalized errors and fractional errors are generally larger for the NO3 and soil components, but these components are relatively small. Variations in modeling bias with pollutant levels were also examined. The model showed a systematic overestimation for low levels and an underestimation for high levels for most PM species. For ammonium, the model showed better performance at lower SO4 concentrations when the measured SO4 was assumed to be completely neutralized (ammonium sulfate) and better performance at higher SO4 concentrations when the partially neutralized (ammonium bisulfate) assumption was made. The contributions of various components of PM to reductions in visibility were also calculated; SO4 was found to be the major contributor.  相似文献   

随着半干法烟气脱硫技术的普及,其副产物脱硫灰的产量亦日益增加.大量堆存的脱硫灰导致了土地占用、环境污染等问题.氧化和填埋是半干法烟气脱硫灰主要的处理方式,采用生命周期评价(LCA)理论,对脱硫灰氧化和填埋处理进行清单分析,定量评价两种处理方式产生的环境影响和经济效益.结果表明,填埋处理环境代价虽低于脱硫灰氧化处理,但综...  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope  

Quantitative risk comparison of toxic substances is necessary to decide which substances should be prioritized to achieve effective risk management. This study compared the ecological risk among nine major toxic substances (ammonia, bisphenol-A, chloroform, copper, hexavalent chromium, lead, manganese, nickel, and zinc) in Tokyo surface waters by adopting an integrated risk analysis procedure using Bayesian statistics.  相似文献   

Nineteen compounds listed in the category of priority substances (PS) were selected for a biodegradation study using standardized tests. The compounds consist of pesticides, chlorinated solvents and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In this paper, the choice of the most suitable method is discussed in relation to the physico-chemical properties of each substance. Zahn-Wellens, manometric respirometry and closed-bottle tests are alternatively used. Experimental results are presented and interpreted. Toxicity (Microtox) and bacterial viability (Bac-light) are also used as tools to investigate the influence of each substance on the microbial population (activated sludge). In addition, experimental values are compared with predictive data calculated according to quantitative structure activity relationships (QSARs) models. Biodeg Models were permitted to correctly estimate 17 substances; Survey Models and screening tests also revealed the same behavior for 16 target compounds.  相似文献   

All models used in activated sludge design and analysis use parameters to characterize process performance. The values of these parameters are often assumed based on default values recommended in the literature, but to date, no quantitative estimates of the parameter uncertainties have been published. Similarly, little attention has been given to quantifying site-specific parameter variability, even though its occurrence has been observed several times in the literature. In this paper, universal uncertainty distributions of the model parameters from Activated Sludge Model No. 1 are developed from a database of parameter values reported in the literature using Bayesian statistics. Site-specific distributions of parameter variability were developed using the same techniques. All parameter distributions developed demonstrated that significant uncertainty and variability exist, which could lead to overdesign or plant failure if not considered during the design process.  相似文献   

Chlorinated diphenyl ethers (CDE's) are environmental contaminants that have been found in Great Lakes fish. Because of the paucity of toxicity data and potential for human exposure, the present short-term study was conducted to assess their potential toxic effects. Groups of 10 male and 10 female rats were administered the three CDE congeners (2,2',4,4',5-pentachlorodiphenyl ether (PCDE), 2,2',4,4',5,5'-hexachlorodiphenyl ether (HCDE), 2,2',3,4,4',6,6'-heptachlorodiphenyl ether (HPCDE] in diets at levels of 0.5, 5.0, 50 or 500 ppm for a period of 4 weeks. Decreased food consumption was observed with male and female rats fed the diet containing 500 ppm HPCDE. Treatment with the three isomers at the highest dose level produced an increase in liver weight in both sexes. While administration of PCDE produced an increase in hepatic aminopyrine demethylase activity, HCDE caused a significant increase in aminopyrine demethylase, aniline hydroxylase and ethoxyresorufin de-ethylase activities. HPCDE caused a significant increase in ethoxyresorufin de-ethylase activity. HPCDE at the highest dose level also caused a significant reduction in circulating lymphocytes in male rats. The 3 CDE's produced mild and adaptative histological changes in the liver and thyroid, but only HPCDE elicited mild changes in the thymus, bone marrow, and spleen. The above data indicate that HPCDE is immunosuppressive and that all three CDE isomers are considered to be moderately toxic in rats. The no-observable effects levels appear to be between 5-50 ppm in diet (0.36-3.0 mg/kg b.w.) for the three CDE's.  相似文献   

In Part I, the concepts of inherent, local and distant residence times (DRTs) were reviewed as metrics of the extent to which chemical discharges or emissions in one region or box are transported to distant regions. In this second part, the concepts are applied to geographically relevant systems to illustrate their applicability to the assessment of chemicals for long-range transport potential (LRTP). It is shown that the relative ranking of chemicals as characterized by the DRT method is similar to that of the characteristic travel distance concept. A DRT source-receptor matrix is developed that can express the chemical-specific potential of source regions to contaminate a specific receptor region of concern such as the Arctic. The matrix can be modified to identify for a specific source region the likely destinations of emissions as well as to assess the relative vulnerability of regions in the global environment to contaminants of concern.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Life cycle assessment (LCA) is widely used to quantify the environmental performance of buildings. Recently, the potential temporal variations in the...  相似文献   

Haye S  Slaveykova VI  Payet J 《Chemosphere》2007,68(8):1489-1496
Life cycle impact assessment aims to translate the amounts of substance emitted during the life cycle of a product into a potential impact on the environment, which includes terrestrial ecosystems. This work suggests some possible improvements in assessing the toxicity of metals on soil ecosystems in life cycle assessment (LCA). The current available data on soil ecotoxicity allow one to calculate the chronic terrestrial HC50(EC50) (hazardous concentration affecting 50% of the species at their EC50 level, i.e. the level where 50% of the individuals of the species are affected) of nine metals and metalloids (As(III) or (V), Be(II), Cr(III) or (VI), Sb(III) or (V), Pb(II), Cu(II), Zn(II) and Ni(II)). Contrarily to what is generally advised in LCIA, the terrestrial HC50 of metals shall not be extrapolated from the aquatic HC50, using the Equilibrium Partitioning method since the partition coefficient (K(d)) of metals is highly variable. The experimental ecotoxicology generally uses metallic salts to contaminate artificial soils but the comparison of the EC50 or NOEC obtained for the same metal with different salts reveals that the kind of salt used insignificantly influences these values. In contrast, depending on the metallic fraction of concern, the EC50 may vary, as for cadmium: the EC50 of Folsomia candida, expressed as free Cd in pore water is almost 2.5 orders of magnitude lower than that expressed as total metal. A similar result is obtained with Eisenia fetida, confirming the importance of metals speciation in assessing their impact on soils. By ranking the metals according to the difference between their terrestrial and aquatic HC50 values, two groups are distinguished, which match the hard soft acids and bases (HSAB) concept. This allows to estimate their affinity for soil components and potential toxicity according to their chemical characteristics.  相似文献   

The effect of dissolved humic acid (HA) on two types of hydrolysis reactions was investigated: (I) dehydrochlorination of gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane (TeCA) as a reaction involving hydroxide ions (OH(-)) and (II) hydrolysis of 1-octyl acetate (OA) which is catalyzed by H(+) at the applied pH value (pH 4.5). The rate of TeCA hydrolysis was not affected by addition of 2 g l(-1) of HA at pH 10 (k' = 0.33 h(-1)) but HCH hydrolysis was significantly inhibited (k' = 4.6 x 10(-3) h(-1) without HA and 2.8 x 10(-3)h(-1) at 2 g l(-1) HA). HCH is sorbed by 51% whereas TeCA sorption is insignificant at this HA concentration. Sorbed HCH molecules are effectively protected due to electrostatic repulsion of OH(-) by the net negative charge of the HA molecules. In contrast, OA hydrolysis at pH 4.5 (k' = 1.6 x 10(-5) h(-1)) was drastically accelerated after addition of 2 g l(-1) HA (k' = 1.1 x 10(-3) h(-1)). The ratio of the pseudo-first-order rate constants of the sorbed and the freely dissolved ester fraction is about 70. H(+) accumulation in the microenvironment of the negatively charged HA molecules was suggested to contribute to the higher reaction rate for the sorbed fraction in case of this H(+)-catalyzed reaction. Analogous effects from anionic surfactants are known as micellar catalysis.  相似文献   

Region-to-grid source–receptor (S/R) relationships are established for sulfur and reactive nitrogen deposition in East Asia, using the Eulerian-type Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model with emission and meteorology data for 2001. We proposed a source region attribution methodology by analyzing the non-linear responses of the CMAQ model to emission changes. Sensitivity simulations were conducted where emissions of SO2, NOx, and primary particles from a source region were reduced by 25%. The difference between the base and sensitivity simulations was multiplied by a factor of four, and then defined as the contribution from that source region. The transboundary influence exhibits strong seasonal variation and generally peaks during the dry seasons. Long-range transport from eastern China contributes a significant percentage (>20%) of anthropogenic reactive nitrogen as well as sulfur deposition in East Asia. At the same time, northwestern China receives approximately 35% of its sulfur load and 45% of its nitrogen load from foreign emissions. Sulfur emissions from Miyakejima and other volcanoes contribute approximately 50% of the sulfur load in Japan in 2001. Sulfur inflows from regions outside the study domain, which is attributed by using boundary conditions derived from the MOZART global atmospheric chemistry model, are pronounced (10–40%) over most parts of Asia. Compared with previous studies using simple Lagrangian models, our results indicate higher influence from long-range transport. The estimated S/R relationships are believed to be more realistic since they include global influence as well as internal interactions among different parts of China.  相似文献   

This theoretical study was performed to investigate the influence of soil temperature, soil water content and soil organic carbon fraction on the mobility of monoterpenes (C10HnOn') applied as pesticides to a top soil layer. This mobility was expressed as the amount volatilized and leached from the contaminated soil layer after a certain amount of time. For this, (slightly modified) published analytical solutions to a one dimensional, homogeneous medium, diffusion/advection/biodegradation mass balance equation were used. The required input-parameters were determined in a preceding study. Because the monoterpenes studied differ widely in the values for their physico-chemical properties, the relative importance of the various determinants also differed widely. Increasing soil water saturation reduced monoterpene vaporization and leaching losses although a modest increase was usually observed at high soil water contents. Organic matter served as the major retention domain, reducing volatilization and leaching losses. Increasing temperature resulted in higher volatilization and leaching losses. Monoterpene mobility was influenced by vertical water flow. Volatilization losses could be reduced by adding a clean soil layer on top of the contaminated soil. Detailed insight into the specific behaviour of different monoterpenes was obtained by discussing intermediate calculation results; the transport retardation factors and effective soil diffusion coefficients. One insight was that the air-water interface compartment is probably not an important partitioning domain for monoterpenes in most circumstances. The results further indicated that biodegradation is an important process for monoterpenes in soil.  相似文献   

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