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Changes in surface elevation in a former blowout in the coastal dunes of Meijendel, The Netherlands, have been monitored almost weekly during one year at 48 erosion pin sites, distributed over 12 units. The units are characterized by specific geomorphological processes. The changes in elevation are caused by wind, slope wash and mass movements. At almost each pin, periods of erosion alternate with periods of accumulation in a random way. Erosion and accumulation sequences are relatively long in areas dominated by aeolian activity, but even here they are randomly distributed. It is the balance between the effects of periods of erosion and periods of accumulation which determines the formation of blowouts or dunes. Units with the highest degree of erosion or accumulation at the end of the year of monitoring also show the highest fluctuations in elevation during that year. In the accumulation units there is even a significant positive correlation between surface lowering by erosion and surface rise by accumulation. Plant species in the blowout are divided into four groups on the basis of responses to aeolian dynamics: (1)Sedum acre is the only species associated with deflation; it might be suitable for blowout stabilization; (2)Ammophila arenaria, Festuca rubra andOnonis repens are associated with aeolian accumulation and can be used for the stabilization of accumulation sites; (3)Erodium cicutarium, Koeleria macrantha andCorynephorus canescens, occurring at lower aeolian activity; (4)Tortula ruralis var.ruraliformis andGalium verum are found where slope wash and mass movements (Galium) are active. In the relationship between aeolian dynamics and vegetation, the former appears to be the independent variable: there is no consistent relationship between accumulation and vegetation cover. This means that the formation of blowouts and adjacent dunes is not controlled by vegetation with its present cover.  相似文献   

The aims of this study are to review the current situation of the Israeli Mediterranean coastal sand dunes, to examine the causes for this situation, and to propose options for future conservation and management of the protected dune areas based on ecological, environmental, landscape and recreational demands and interests. The coastal dunes of Israel are characterized by diverse plant communities, with 173 plant species occurring on sand (8.2% of the total flora of Israel) including many endemic species (26% of all endemic species in Israel). Most of the species are annuals. The importance of the coastal strip as a centre of floral and faunal speciation is also manifested in the existing sand-bound animals. However, many species are rare. This is mainly due to the extensive industrial and urban development along the coastal plain and the direct and indirect destruction of the remaining open dune areas by tourism, recreation and sand mining. Only ca. 17% of the Israeli coastal dunes are still of good or reasonable ecological value, while < 5% of this area has been designated as protected area. Management policies differ from place to place and depend on local objectives. These objectives derive mainly from the knowledge and data that exist for each location, and its statutory status. Since 1995 several projects, which aim to develop integrated management tools for nature conservation and recreation uses for all coastal sand dunes in Israel have been conducted. These projects are summarized in the present paper.  相似文献   

In 1990, grazing was introduced in a section of Meijendel, a coastal sand dune system near The Hague, The Netherlands. After five years an evaluation was made of the effects of grazing on vegetation development. Three transects were established, two in grazed areas and one in an ungrazed area. Field survey data were classified by means of TWIN-SPAN, ordinated with Detrended Correspondence Analysis and the resulting vegetation types interpreted according to Westhoff & den Held (1969). All associations were found in both the grazed and the ungrazed areas, but at the subassociation and variant level some communities appeared to be restricted to the grazed area. These variants were five grassland variants characterized by disturbance indicators such asSenecio sylvaticus andCynoglossum officinale. The total number of plant species in the 19 permanent plots, which had been observed to have been decreasing since 1960, showed a considerable increase after the introduction of horses and cows in 1990. A marked decrease in the cover ofCalamagrostis epigejos andCarex arenaria since 1990 was evident, while in some plots species such asRibes rubrum andViburnum opulus increased considerably. A series of false-colour aerial photographs were used to compare vegetation structure in the three transects between 1990 and 1995. In the grazed area the tall grass vegetation had almost totally disappeared, whereas the areas of open sand. sand with moss and lichens, and low grass vegetation had increased and the pattern had become more fine-grained. In the ungrazed area the area covered by low grass vegetation had increased at the expense of the area of sand with moss and lichens and the pattern had become more coarse-grained.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of mowing and sod removal on vegetation, soil mesofauna and soil profile, and the restoration of these features in the years following sod removal. The sampling site is located in a primary wet dune slack in the northern part of the province of North-Holland. The original vegetation is a heathland withEmpetrum nigrum andCalluna vulgaris, underlain by a Gleyic Arenosol with an O, Ah and (B) horizon development. Above-ground, the vegetation in the dune slack has been mown since 1940. The sod was removed from restricted areas in the slack at various times in the past (1980, 1985, 1987 and 1991). All three sources of data point to adaptation to wet conditions after mowing and sod removal. The vegetation of the mown area is related to the vegetation in the original heathland, although some species appear to have disappeared. Below-ground, mowing drastically reduces the number and depth of occurrence of microarthropoda. Restriction of depth applies also to the Enchytraeidae. Soil profile development is restricted to an Ah-AC-Cr sequence. Species diversity both above and below-ground is relatively high in plots where the sod has recently been cut, due to the rapid colonization by the first pioneer species. A time series for the vegetation is difficult to establish because hydrological conditions interfere with years since sod removal. Soil profile evolution after sod cutting is poor but consistent, from an AC-Cr sequence since 1991, to an O-Ah-Cr sequence since 1980. The management practices were set up with the intention to interrupt the succession to give pioneer species a chance. Neither the vegetation, nor the soil fauna or soil profile have fully recovered during the 13 yr since the first sod removal. So the goal has been reached.  相似文献   

The position of alien plant species in the Dutch coastal dune vegetation is evaluated considering 12 archaeophytes and 20 neophytes (including one moss), all of widespread occurrence in the coastal area of the Netherlands. Almost all archaeophytes have become part of natural vegetation types. Open scrub communities, in particular Hippophae rhamnoides-Sambucus nigra scrub at the leeside of the outer dunes, and calciphilous moss-dominated pioneer vegetation are relatively rich in archaeophytes. Among neophyte vascular species a contrast is apparent between herbaceous and woody species. The majority of herbaceous neophytes are characteristic of man-disturbed habitats and are only infrequently observed in natural vegetation types. However, woody species (as well as the moss Campylopus introflexus) have entered into natural vegetation on a large scale and behave in an invasive way.  相似文献   

Grey dunes are a priority habitat type of the European Union Habitats Directive and demand special attention for conservation and management. Knowledge of the ecology of coastal grey dunes can contribute to this policy. Dune grassland succession is initiated by fixation and driven by the complex of soil formation (humus accumulation) and vegetation development. Leaching and mobilization of CaCO3. which are important in nutrient dynamics, complicate the picture. At present, grass- and scrub encroachment greatly overrules these fine scaled soil processes and causes substantial loss of regional biodiversity. Belgium has an international responsibility in grey dune conservation because of the limited range of its characteristic vegetation, flora and fauna. As biomass removal seems essential in grassland preservation, grazing is an important management tool. Evaluation of management measures focuses on biodiversity measurements on the levels of landscape, community and species.  相似文献   

Coastline maintenance in the Netherlands, formally in place since 1990, aims at a sustainable preservation of coastal flood protection. Over 25 years annual assessments, comparing the actual coastline positions with the 1990 reference position of the coastline, have governed the execution of sand nourishments following an adaptive management method. This method involves yearly assessment of the coastline based on measurements, design and adoption of nourishment strategies and measures and execution of the nourishments. This management approach has enabled learning and introduction of innovations in coastline maintenance. For instance, in comparison to the early nineties, nourishments are now placed more on the foreshore and the yearly nourishment budget has doubled. The most recent innovation in coastline maintenance is the ‘Sand Motor’, a nature-based nourishment approach, which concentrates the regular nourishments in space and time, given that natural processes should redistribute the sediment over the wider coastal system. In contrast to regular nourishments, the Sand Motor combines flood protection with nature and recreational objectives and is much larger in dimensions. Five years after the construction of the Sand Motor we investigate its usability in this article. We present the results of first Sand Motor evaluation and draw conclusion on the adoption and usefulness of it for coastline management from the perspective of the adaptive management method used in coastline maintenance. Recent evaluation of the monitoring data shows that the large amount of sand used for the Sand Motor has a positive impact on coastal protection. Bridging between the Sand Motor pilot and daily nourishement practice is however not yet achieved.  相似文献   

Abstract: The various causes of extirpation of marine and estuarine species were investigated for the Dutch Wadden Sea to gain an impression of their relative importance. I obtained data from geological, archaeological, historical, and biological publications. At least 10 species of algae, 10 invertebrates, 13 fishes, 5 birds, and 4 marine mammals became extinct during the past 2000 years. Habitat destruction played a part in at least 26 cases, overexploitation in at least 17, and pollution in at least 3. Causes of the disappearance of two species are unknown. Introduction of exotic marine species was not involved in any of the extirpations. I compared this pattern of extinction to that of worldwide extinctions of marine and estuarine species, which have been attributed to overexploitation, habitat destruction, and in two cases to the introduction of terrestrial predators to the breeding habitats of marine birds. The results imply that conservation of marine species should address overexploitation and habitat destruction as the main causes of extinction.  相似文献   

Management of coastal dunes on developed coasts could effectively take advantage of comprehensive and multitemporal georeferenced data collection, which offers the possibility to relate dune data with the natural and cultural characteristics of the beach and hinterland. The recent implementation of a coastal management geodatabase for the Veneto region provides the opportunity for improving knowledge on coastal dunes on developed littoral as well as a basis for appropriate future coastal planning in the study area. The geodatabase gathers data concerning different physical, evolutionary and human aspects of the coastal zone, with a special focus on coastal dunes. Established foredunes, human-altered dunes and relict dunes are irregularly distributed along 59 km, 38% of the entire coastal length. Their distribution and characteristics are the result of favourable natural conditions as well as long-lasting tourism exploitation (evaluated through an index of Land Use Pressure) and fragmentary and diversified uses of beaches (evaluated through an index of Tourism Pressure on the beach). At the same time, beach/dune nourishment intervention allowed the presence of artificial or sand fenced dunes along 17 km of coast. High dune elevation up to 8–10 m is promoted by the onshore exposition of the beach to dominant wind (from ENE), by stable-to-slowly negative sedimentary budget or by the re-activation of high relict foredunes in the case of shoreline retreat associated with strong negative budget. Present sedimentary budget (evaluated through the code ASPE – Accretion, Stable, Precarious, Erosive) is the tool used for dividing coasts in sedimentary compartments or cells. Past and present sedimentary budget and different human responses to erosive cases (hard and soft interventions) give the foredunes different means to form, grow, survive and evolve over time. The assessment of Human Impact and Active Management Practices on the dunes allows a first evaluation of the Management Effectiveness, which shows strong shortcomings for 81% of the dunes. The great variability of beach usage, human impact and management practises on the different dune stretches highlight the lack of effective and systematic management actions being correctly scheduled and performed.  相似文献   

The concentrations of metals (Fe, Zn, Cu, Cr, Pb, Cd, Ni, Mn and Co) in 140 street dust samples were collected from Aqaba city, Jordan. These samples were determined using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry after digestion with aqua regia. The highest levels of metal concentrations were found in the samples from heavy traffic. While the lowest levels of metal ions were noted in the street dust samples from hospital and health centers and school gardens. The results of this study were compared with several cities around the world. The levels of the metal concentrations found were generally below the mean world-wide values of street dust samples. Metal values in urban street dust samples were several times higher than the control levels. The statistical analyses were applied to the data matrix to determine the analytical results and to identify the possible source of pollution in the studied area. Correlations between the metal concentrations of the street dust samples were obtained. Factor analysis showed that the area was mainly influenced by three sources, namely lithogenic, traffic, and industrial.  相似文献   

The Dutch province of Zeeland is situated in the southern part of the Delta region. The geographical location of the province and its history of inundation, land reclamation and dam-building, clearly illustrate the importance that water always has had and still has in The Netherlands. Coastal defence projects are of utmost importance for The Netherlands and the Delta Project is the crown project. The importance of this project does not only regard the protection against the sea; the Delta dams also contribute considerably to the regional infrastructure. They are a important contribution to the abolishment of the former isolation of the region. They control inland navigation and form important boundaries for water management. They separate salt, brackish and fresh water as well as waters with or without tidal-influence and they also influence the ecological systems in and along the waters. Through physical planning, including the coastal policy of today, land and water can be further integrated. This paper discusses the role of the Province in area planning, related to the division of labour between the various public authorities in The Netherlands: state, provinces and municipalities. Coastal and water policy at the provincial level have been largely integrated with relevant other interests. It may be concluded that regional planning and coastal policy are beginning to adopt a new view towards dealing with water.  相似文献   

In the asperillo dune system, Southwest Spain, lichen vegetation covering the dune sand, has a low species diversity but is an important component of the perennial vegetation, providing stability, nutrients, and moisture to the soil layer. The Asperillo dunes harbour (1) natural ecosystems, (2) disturbed systems affected by forestry activities where the natural vegetation is eliminated, and (3) pine forest resulting from afforestation withPinus pinea since the end of the 1940s where the composition and abundance of the lichen flora has been drastically changed. Our hypothesis was that the lichen species composition and distribution are influenced by the type and period of human intervention. To test this hypothesis a 1.2 km × 1.1 km area, which includes zones with different degrees of conservation and perturbation, consisting of five different habitats, was selected: well preservedJuniperus woodland,Pinus pinea plantations with dense scrub, dense scrub,P. pinea plantations cleared from scrub, and pioneer scrub in recent pine afforestation. In each area, randomly located 5m × 5 m homogeneous plots were sampled. In each plot the cover of shrub and lichen species was recorded. The first results show that lichen cover is higher in the most preserved areas,Cladonia mediterranea being the dominant species under theJuniperus phoenicea canopy. The lichen community changes in composition and abundance depending on the time elapsed since the last perturbation.  相似文献   

The rationale and methods of construction of foredunes in The Netherlands and New Jersey, USA are identified and used to explain their genesis, locations, mobility, internal and external characteristics and temporal scales of evolution. Dunes are then ranked according to the degree they are modified by human processes. The lower level of protection required of foredunes in New Jersey and the greater amount of modification by municipal managers and shorefront residents results in smaller dunes and greater variety of sizes, shapes, methods of construction and alterations. As a result, humans are considered intrinsic agents in evolution of dune landforms and landscapes. Higher, wider, better vegetated foredunes occur in The Netherlands due to greater frequency of onshore winds and greater emphasis on sea defence at the national level. Natural processes play a greater role in the evolution of landforms. Human actions are considered extrinsic at this scale but intrinsic at the scale of landscapes. The change in foredunes from natural features to artifacts reveals the significance of humans in the modification of coastal landforms and reflects the changing perception of the role of these landforms in the coastal landscape.  相似文献   

Summary The fitness of a parent in an altricial bird species is likely to be a function of the proportion of resources allocated to offspring production in relation to the amount spent on its own survival. Here we report an experiment on the Antarctic petrel in which we manipulated the costs of rearing an offspring by placing small lead loads on the legs of one parent. The bird could then either decrease its own body reserves or reduce the food load to the chick. The manipulated birds decreased their food load and increased the feeding interval, compared with unmanipulated birds. Consequently, the rate of chick loss increased. No significant difference was found between the body weights of experimental and control birds during the experiment.Publication no. 113 from the Norwegian Antarctic Research Expedition (NARE) 1989/90 Correspondence to: B.-E. Sæther  相似文献   

In 1990, the Government and Parliament of the Netherlands decided on a new national policy for coastal defence. To ensure the enduring safety of the low-lying polders as well as the sustainable preservation of the coastal dunes, it was decided to maintain the coastline in its 1990 position. The main method for coastline preservation in the Netherlands is beach nourishment. Since 1991, approximately 7 million m3 of sand is added to the Dutch beaches annually. From an evaluation study of sand nourishment projects it is concluded that nourishment is an effective and efficient method to preserve the coastline. The evaluation study also proves that nourishment projects should be ‘tailor-made’, taking the local morphological and hydraulic conditions into account. The first results of an experimental shoreface nourishment are discussed. The choice for nourishment as the principal method to combat erosion is well in line with the intention to restore the natural dynamics of the dune-coast in the Netherlands. The key probably is a less strict policy with regard to the maintenance of the foredunes. Plans for the development of typical coastal features such as slufters*, wash-overs, blow-outs and mobile dunes are currently under discussion. A slufter is a breakthrough in the first dune-ridge whereby the sea invades former dune slacks or beach plains situated behind the duneridge. In this way a tidal marsh is formed within the dune zone.  相似文献   

In an inner dune area in the Dutch coastal dunes several artificially stabilized blowouts were reactivated. The purpose was to investigate whether these reactivated blowouts could remain active despite the increased atmospheric deposition of nutrients, how much area would be affected by sand from the blowouts, whether the vegetation would respond to the deposition of sand, and whether the reactivation of blowouts could be a measure against the effects of acidification and eutrophication. This paper presents the results of the first years of minitoring the changes in the blowout morphology and the response of the vegetation. In the monitoring period (1991–1994) the blowouts remained active and grew slowly in size and depth. The area which receives more than 1 cm of calcareous sand from the blowout in three years was up to six times the area of the blowouts. Moss vegetation responded to the accumulation of sand:Campylopus introflexus was sparse within the deposition area whereasTortula ruralis was found near the contour of 1 cm deposition in 3 yr. No indications were found that shrubs or marram grass were adversely affected by the deposition of sand. The experiment forms part of a programme to test measures aimed at mitigating the effects of air pollution on natural landscapes. From the viewpoint of the programme the experiment is a success.  相似文献   

Although most UK sand dune systems are now fossilized, with little mobility and reducing amounts of bare sand, they support important populations and assemblages of terrestrial invertebrates. Offering open conditions, warm substrates and a range of habitats and habitat structures, they have become increasingly significant as other coastal habitats have been lost. In Wales, 680 Red Data Book and Nationally Scarce species have been recorded from dunes. 109 species in the UK are restricted to dunes, and in Wales there are an additional 145 species confined to dunes and 208 species strongly associated with dunes. Of these, 172 species are dependent upon bare and sparsely-vegetated sand, in grey dunes and early-successional dune grassland, at some stage of their life cycle, rising to 292 species if those associated with the strandline, foredunes, yellow dunes and pioneer dune slacks are included, equating to 63% of the 462 dune species. Bees and wasps are particularly well represented, with 278 species (68% of the Welsh fauna) recorded on Welsh dunes, including 17 obligates and 44 species with a strong dependence, 52 of which are associated with bare and sparsely-vegetated sand. Key to maintaining invertebrate populations on UK dunes is the provision of bare sand but in Wales, bare sand accounts for only 1.7% of the total sand dune resource. As a more appropriate bare sand threshold is likely to range between 10 and 30%, radical action is required to re-mobilize at least the key sand dune systems.  相似文献   

Coastal dunes are increasingly at risk due to pressures deriving from global climate change, sea level rise, recreation and development. The consequences of the “coastal squeeze” in which dunes are placed, such as erosion and the loss of critical ecosystem services, are usually followed by expensive restoration and protection measures, many of which are unsuccessful. Due to the poor understanding and acknowledgement of the key attributes of coastal dunes in decision making processes, it is essential to provide scientific data on the impacts of human interference on coastal dunes so as to inform executives and guide them towards a sustainable management of the coastal zone. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of five different levels of infrastructure development on the vegetation community structure of coastal dunes in Jeffreys Bay, South Africa. The effects of infrastructure development on dune vegetation were quantified by measuring the richness, diversity, cover, height and composition of plant species. With an increase in infrastructure development a significant decrease in dune width, average species richness and height of the plants occurred, accompanied by a shift in plant community composition. The foredunes that were backed immediately by infrastructure presented significantly greater species richness, diversity, cover and height compared with the foredunes abutted by primary dunes. This study demonstrated that coastal dunes are environments which are sensitive to varying levels of human impact. Informed and comprehensive management planning of these environments is therefore imperative for the restoration and maintenance of remnant dunes and for the conservation of undeveloped coastal dunes.  相似文献   

随着现代企业制度的建立和健全,目前企业成本会计正经历着前所未有的变化.市场竞争,归根到底是产品的成本与质量之间的竞争.就成本会计正经历着前所未有的变化,分析当前新制造环境对成本会计的冲击、管理理论与方法的创新对成本会计的影响;并就成本会计如何顺应国际国内市场环境及企业生产环境的变化提出了相应的对策.参4.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Agri-environment schemes are an instrument used by western European countries to counteract the negative effects of contemporary agriculture on biodiversity, but not much is known about their effectiveness. We investigated the ecological effects of Dutch agri-environment schemes aimed at promoting botanical diversity or meadow birds, and we tested whether the effectiveness of the schemes depends on landscape type or structure. In three different types of landscape, we surveyed plants, birds, bees, and hover flies on 78 paired fields that either had agri-environment schemes or were managed conventionally, and we collected data on a range of different environmental variables. Neither plant species richness nor abundance of meadow birds was higher on fields with agri-environment schemes. Landscape type had a significant effect on both species groups, but the effects of the schemes were independent of landscape type. Neither the diversity of plants nor the abundance of birds was related to any of the environmental variables. Agri-environment schemes designed to promote plant species richness or bird abundance did have positive side-effects because they enhanced the species richness of bees and hover flies, irrespective of the type of landscape. Furthermore, landscape type, groundwater level (hover flies), and area of wooded edges (bees) significantly affected both species groups. The failure of the schemes to promote the target species may be related to the high intensity of land use in The Netherlands. Simple conservation measures taken by farmers may not be sufficient to counteract the impact of factors that are often controlled at the landscape level (e.g., hydrology). Similar studies in other countries are needed to place the results of our study into a European context.  相似文献   

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