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We examined recognition of individual neighbors in hooded warblers (Wilsonia citrina) and Kentucky warblers (Oporornis formosus) by comparing responses to playbacks of neighbors' songs from appropriate and inappropriate boundaries of the subjects' territories. Kentucky warblers, which sing one song type each, responded more strongly to the songs of neighbors broadcast from incorrect than from correct boundaries. Hooded warblers use their repertoires of three to nine song types in two distinct modes of singing: repeat mode involves repeated presentation of one song type; mixed mode involves presentation of two or more song types in irregular sequence. Playbacks of neighbors' mixed-mode songs from appropriate and inappropriate boundaries indicated capabilities of individual recognition similar to those reported previously for repeat-mode songs (Godard 1991) and to those of Kentucky warblers. Repertoires of moderate size, therefore, have no pronounced influence on eventual recognition of individual neighbors in hooded warblers.  相似文献   

Sharing song types with immediate neighbors is widespread in birds with song repertoires, and sharing songs may confer a selective advantage in some cases. Levels of song sharing vary between different geographical populations of several bird species, and ecological differences often correlate with differences in singing behavior; in particular, males in migratory subspecies often share fewer songs than males in resident subspecies. The song sparrow (Melospiza melodia) appears to fit this pattern: resident song sparrows in western North America generally share 20–40% of their repertoire (of about eight songs) with each neighbor, while migratory subspecies from eastern North America often share 10% or less. We compared song sharing in two populations within a single subspecies of song sparrow (M. m. morphna) in Washington State. These populations, separated by only 120 km, nonetheless differ in migratory tendencies and several other ecological and life history variables. We recorded complete song repertoires from 11 male song sparrows in a high-elevation, migrating population at Gold Creek in west-central Washington, and compared them to two samples (n = 15 and n = 36) from a coastal, resident population at Discovery Park, Seattle, Washington. Despite major differences in habitat, population density, and migratory tendencies, song sharing among Gold Creek males was as high as that among Discovery Park males. In both populations, sharing was highest between immediate neighbors, and declined with distance. We conclude that at the within-subspecies level, neither migration nor population density affect song sharing in song sparrows, a song repertoire species. Received: 26 November 1998 / Received in revised form: 1 May 1999 / Accepted: 29 May 1999  相似文献   

Summary Female cowbirds (Molothrus ater ater), maintained in isolation from males during the breeding season, respond to the playback of male song with copulatory postures. They respond to some songs more than to others. Cowbird song potency can thus be operationally defined by the proportion of copulatory postures a song elicits across multiple playbacks. The purpose of the present study was to explore whether song potency changes with distance in the field. No field recordings elicited high levels of responding by the females. When songs of known high potency are systematically degraded, the results indicate that female cowbirds are sensitive to small changes in signal to noise ratio and to atmospheric attenuation. The data suggest that cowbird song potency degrades very rapidly with transmission distance in the field.  相似文献   

Male territorial song birds are usually spaced far apart and most often hear conspecific song after it has been degraded by propagation through the environment. Their ability to use the degradation of songs to assess the distance of a singing rival without approaching (called ranging) presumably increases the efficiency of defending a territory. In order to assess degradation in a song the receiver needs to compare the characteristics of the received song to its characteristics at the source or at different distances. Earlier experiments on ranging in species with song repertoires have suggested that prior familiarity with the particular song type is necessary for ranging. Here I show that male Carolina wrens (Thryothorus ludovicianus) can use either temporal or spectral characteristics for ranging song types which they were unlikely to have heard previously. Playbacks consisting of only one song prevented subjects' close-range experience with the loudspeaker, and flights beyond the loudspeaker provided direct evidence for over-assessment of distance when songs were degraded. Because ranging of songs was not affected by the degree of familiarity with the song type, this experiment provides no evidence that song repertoires hinder ranging in Carolina wrens, as suggested by Morton's ranging hypothesis. Instead, at least approximate ranging of songs is evidently possible by assessment of degradation in general features of a species' songs. Received: 9 August 1996 / Accepted after revision: 15 February 1997  相似文献   

Black-capped chickadees Poecile atricapillus alter the number of D notes of their chick-a-dee call to reflect urgency and threat. Here, I tested whether heterospecific responses of an allopatric species to these mobbing calls occur. Heterospecific chickadee mobbing calls and songs from North America were broadcast to European great tits (Parus major) and compared with conspecific mobbing calls. During conspecific mobbing playbacks, all great tits approached the speaker, during the heterospecific “chick-a-dee” playbacks, 63.3% individuals approached the speaker, while during the song playback, only 31.3% of the great tits approached the speaker. Minimum distances of great tits were lower during conspecific mobbing calls compared to allopatric chick-a-dee calls and to allopatric chickadee song. Also, minimum distances were lower when comparing allopatric chick-a-dee calls and chickadee song. Great tits approached the speaker on average down to (mean ± SE) 20.0 ± 1.8 m during playbacks of 1–4 D elements, to 17.7 ± 2.0 m during playbacks of 5–7 D elements and down to 11.5 ± 2.0 m during playbacks of 8–11 D elements. The number of D notes was inversely related to minimum distance. Thus, the urgency message encoded in the D notes was perceived also by an allopatric but phylogenetically related European species, suggesting that the heterospecific response is possibly phylogenetically conserved.  相似文献   

In this study we examine male song output as a measure of nest site quality in blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla). Song rate, breeding success, predation on nests and reaction to playbacks were investigated in individual males. Habitat features determining nest site and song post quality in terms of vegetation cover were compared between successful nests and nests that had suffered predation. We then related song rate of unmated males to habitat factors in territories and nesting sites in order to examine a possible predictor function of blackcap song for habitat quality. Several habitat features are responsible for variation in nesting success. These features also correlate with song rate of unmated males. The study indicates a potential role of song rate in the advertisement of territory quality. Furthermore, the data suggest that females use song rates rather than territory quality in mating decisions. The information females may gain about male quality in relation to territory quality are also discussed.  相似文献   

We tested if male or female behavior towards manipulated song indicates intra- or inter-sexual selection of two characteristics of serin song that are extreme and evolutionarily derived in this species: high frequency and fast syllable rate. In a first experiment, we monitored vocal responses and attendance to song playbacks. Female behavior indicated a preference for high-frequency song and suggested an aggressive function for fast syllable rates, as fast songs inhibited vocal response. Males did not show discrimination of frequency or syllable rate with this experimental design. The second experiment used a simple approach/no approach design, and in this experiment, males showed stronger discrimination between stimuli than did females. Therefore, sex differences in discrimination appear not to result from differences in perceptual abilities but from differences in the context of stimulus presentation. The second experiment also supported a role of song frequency in female choice, as the effect of frequency was limited to females: males did not respond differently to song frequency and approached high-frequency songs less than females did. Results of this experiment also supported an aggressive function for fast syllable rates, as the effect of fast songs did extend to male behavior. Taken together, our results indicate that the high frequency and fast syllable rate of serin song cannot result from a single selection process: while high frequency may have evolved by inter-sexual selection, syllable rate provokes a pattern of response that is more consistent with intra-sexual selection.  相似文献   

Neighbours, strangers and male-male aggression as a determinant of lek size   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Interactions between males on leks may play an influential role in lek formation and the regulation of lek size. In this paper I present the results of a playback experiment that simulated de novo settlement at sites adjacent to currently existing display territories of the ochre-bellied flycatcher, Mionectes oleagineus. In the study population, males displayed both solitarily and at small leks. A large proportion of males held no display territory at all. A stranger's song was played to both solitary and lekking males from 10 m outside their territorial boundaries. In separate playbacks, lekking males were also played neighbour's song. Both lekking and solitary territorial males reacted to the playback by decreasing their song rate, approaching the playback speaker and, on occasion, attacking the model. Solitarily displaying males responded more aggressively to playback of stranger's song than did lek males. Lek males were able to distinguish between their neighbour's and a stranger's song and did so irrespective of whether it was played from the neighbour's territory or from outside the lek. In addition to distinguishing between neighbours and strangers, lek males modified their responses to these different playbacks depending on where the playback originated. These results suggest that male-male interactions can be influential in structuring leks. In M. oleagineus, interactions between males are aggressive and act to limit rather than augment lek size. Received: 6 March 1996 / Accepted after revision: 9 December 1996  相似文献   

We asked whether switching among song type variants functions as a graded signal of aggression in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). Song type variants are different versions of a given song type and are defined by much smaller acoustic differences than those defining separate song types. The principal evidence that switching between song types functions as an aggressive signal, in song sparrows and other species, is that song type switching frequencies increase during aggressive contexts, for example during simulated territorial intrusions. We tested whether variant switching frequencies change in the same way, using playback of conspecific song to simulate intrusions. Male song sparrows showed a significant increase in variant switching frequencies during intrusion relative to before intrusion. After intrusions, variant switching frequencies returned to pre-intrusion levels. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that variant switching is a graded aggressive signal, but other interpretations are possible, for example, that variant switching is a signal of submission or represents simple production error. Received: 20 January 2000 / Revised: 15 July 2000 / Accepted: 30 July 2000  相似文献   

Summary Responses of mated individuals to playbacks of the songs of solitary females and males permit evaluating the behavioral mechanisms maintaining monogamy in gibbons. When female songs are played back from the centers of their ranges, mated female gibbons typically initiate duets and group approaches toward playback sites. Female songs played back from range boundary locations elicit duetting responses. Responses to solitary female songs do not differ from responses to song duets used by established mated pairs to mediate patterns of intergroup spacing. Mated males lead silent group approaches toward the sites of male song playbacks. These results suggest that range defense by female gibbons forces males into accepting monogamous mating relationships and that monogamy in gibbons is regulated by intersexually-supported, intrasexual aggression.  相似文献   

Two species of closely related wood cricket, Gryllus fultoni (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) and Gryllus vernalis, occur together in some parts of the eastern United States and have a similar calling song structure, consisting of three-pulse chirps. A previous study revealed that chirp rate in G. fultoni was highest (greatest difference vis-à-vis chirp rate in G. vernalis) in sympatric populations, intermediate in near allopatric populations that were located close to the sympatric zone, and lowest in allopatric populations. A similar trend was observed in pulse rate, but the mean values of this trait showed much more convergence than chirp rate at the low end of the range of calling temperatures. In this study, we investigated the song discrimination of females from sympatric and allopatric populations of G. fultoni at about 23°C, which is near the middle of the normal range of calling temperatures. We used both single-stimulus and two-stimulus playback experiments to learn if geographical differences in song preferences paralleled those in calling songs. Stimuli presented were representative of calling songs in three classes of G. fultoni populations (sympatric, near allopatric, and far allopatric), a calling song of G. vernalis, and three calling songs with parameter values that were intermediate with respect to those of the songs of far allopatric G. fultoni and G. vernalis. In the single-stimulus playbacks, females of all G. fultoni populations responded poorly if at all to the heterospecific stimulus. Females of sympatric and near allopatric populations responded poorly to all intermediate stimuli, but females of far allopatric populations frequently responded to these sounds. In the two-stimulus playbacks, females of sympatric and near allopatric populations generally discriminated against intermediate and heterospecific stimuli. However, females of far allopatric populations often did not discriminate against intermediate stimuli, whose characteristics resembled the calling songs of G. vernalis. The divergent pattern of female phonotactic discrimination between sympatric and far allopatric populations was thus generally congruent with the pattern of divergence in chirp and pulse rates and would be expected to significantly reduce heterospecific mating in sympatry. These geographical patterns of female song discrimination and male calling songs conform to a commonly used definition of reproductive character displacement.  相似文献   

Summary We report an experiment designed to test the ideas that: 1. male songbirds can use cues from the distortion of song by environmental factors (degradation) to estimate the distance of another singing male; 2. song degradation is assessed by reference to an internal standard. Great tits respond more strongly to undegraded than to degraded songs when both are played at the same amplitude and from the same position in the territory. This difference in response is shown only if the playback song is familiar to the test bird; familiar songs being those sung either by the test bird or neighbours of the test bird. We interpret these results as evidence that cues from song degradation can be used to estimate the distance of a singing conspecific and that degradation assessment is only possible if the bird has an internal representation of the song (because either it and/or a neighbour sings the song). We discuss the implications of these results for Morton's (1982) ranging hypothesis, and for the distinction between learning and performance in bird song. Our results partially support the ranging hypothesis, but question the nature of unrangeable songs sensu Morton. The finding that birds can assess the degree of degradation of songs that they do not sing, supports the idea that birds learn more songs than they sing.  相似文献   

Extra-pair fertilizations are common in many socially monogamous species, and paternity studies have indicated that females may use male vocal performance and plumage ornaments as cues to assess male quality. Female off-territory forays may represent a key component of female choice and male extra-pair mating success, and female foray behaviour is expected to be strongly influenced by indictors of male quality. In this study, we examined how male song and ornamentation affect how often females left their territories, which males they visited and extra-pair paternity in a socially monogamous passerine, the hooded warbler (Wilsonia citrina). We radiotracked 17 females during the fertile period and quantified male vocal performance (song output and rate) and plumage characteristics (size of the black melanin hood and colour of the black hood, yellow cheeks and breast areas). We obtained blood samples and determined paternity at 35 nests including those of 14 females that we radiotracked. Eleven (65%) of the 17 females forayed off-territory, whilst fertile and female foray rate was positively correlated with the number of extra-pair young in the nest. Females that left their territories more frequently were paired with males that sang at a low rate. In addition, extra-pair mates had higher song rates than the social mates they cuckolded (5.3 songs/min vs. 4.4 songs/min). Female off-territory forays or extra-pair paternity were not significantly related to male plumage characteristics. Our results indicate that a high song rate influences both the foray behaviour of a male’s social mate and the likelihood that he will sire extra-pair offspring with neighbouring females.  相似文献   

Birdsong serves to attract mates and to deter territorial rivals. Even though song is not restricted to males, this dual function has almost exclusively been demonstrated for male song. To test the generality of hypotheses on birdsong, we investigated female song in the sex-role reversed, classically polyandrous African black coucal (Centropus grillii) in the context of female–female competition. We compared spontaneously vocalizing females with females vocally responding to a playback simulating a conspecific intruder. Females changed vocal parameters in response to playbacks: They lowered the pitch of their vocalizations and enhanced the duration of song elements when being challenged. Also, the composition of the vocalizations was altered. There was no significant correlation between pitch and body size parameters in spontaneous song, but there was for response songs, with larger females having a lower pitch. These changes in vocal properties suggest that the vocalizations are important for mutual assessment of competitive abilities in females. Our findings confirm the general role of intrasexual competition in vocal communication of birds.  相似文献   

In signalling interactions, animals can directly address information to a specific individual. Vocal overlapping is such a signalling strategy used in songbirds, anurans, and insects. In songbirds, numerous studies using high rates of song overlap to simulate an escalating situation have shown that song overlapping is perceived as a threatening signal by interacting and by listening (eavesdropping) individuals, indicating a high social relevance of song overlapping. Here we present a playback experiment on nocturnally singing male territorial nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos). Using three different rates of song overlap (1, 25, or 50%), we tested whether or not lower levels of song overlapping act as a signal of aggressive intent and if birds would increase the intensity of their response with increasing level of song overlapping. Subjects did not vary song duration in response to the different playback treatments but increasingly interrupted their singing with increasing overlap by the three playback treatments. The effects persisted even after the playback ceased to overlap and switched to an alternating singing mode. These results expand on previous studies by showing that song overlapping is interpreted as an aggressive signal even when it is used at low or moderate levels. They suggest that, within the range tested here, increasing levels of song overlapping are perceived to be increasingly aggressive.  相似文献   

Green lacewings in the carnea group of Chrysoperla engage in species-specific heterosexual duets using low-frequency substrate-borne signals. Within each species, both sexes sing nearly identical songs. Songs are the principal barriers to hybridization between sympatric species in the complex. Here, we investigated the responsiveness of males and females of Chrysoperla plorabunda to synthesized, prerecorded songs that differed from the species mean in the period between repeated volleys of abdominal vibration. We tested 15–16 males and 15–16 females using playbacks of two signals that gradually increased or decreased in volley period, starting at the species mean. We found that (1) duets during courtship are accurate, interactive, and adjustable by each participant; (2) in staged duets, both sexes respond best to song tempos near the mean volley period of their population, but can nonetheless maintain duets with signals of nearly twice, or half, the normal volley period; (3) individuals fine-tune their adjustments to signals of different volley periods by changing their own volley duration and latent period, or less often by inserting extra volleys or skipping every other volley; (4) males are significantly better at matching signals of changing tempo than females; and (5) the range of song responsiveness of C. plorabunda does not overlap the natural range of volley periods found in Chrysoperla adamsi, an acoustically similar sibling species, thus reaffirming strong behavioral isolation. In sum, the precise, almost unbreakable heterosexual duets characteristic of song species of the carnea group result from tight mutual feedback between partners. Effective reproductive isolation between species can be based on song differences alone.  相似文献   

One hypothesis for the function of song repertoires is that males learn multiple song types so that they may share songs with neighbors, allowing them to match during territorial interactions. In at least one song sparrow population, in Washington, territorial males share a high proportion of song types with their neighbors and use these shared songs in matching. We recorded song sparrows in Pennsylvania and quantified sharing of whole songs and song segments. We found that song sharing is an order of magnitude less common in the Pennsylvania population. We found sharing of song segments to be significantly more common than the sharing of whole songs in three of the five fields we examined, while we found no significant differences between whole and partial song sharing in the remaining two fields. Finally, we found no evidence that sharing is greater between birds in the same field compared to birds in different fields. Taken with the data from Washington song sparrows, these results provide evidence for intraspecific geographic variation in the organization of song repertoires, and suggest that song sharing has not been a strong selective force in the evolution of song repertoires in song sparrows as a species. Furthermore, Washington and Pennsylvania song sparrows differ in how they learn song, in that Washington birds copy whole songs, while Pennsylvania birds appear to copy and recombine song segments, as has been found in laboratory studies of song learning. Thus both song learning and the function of song repertoires differ between populations of song sparrows. Such intraspecific geographic variation offers a unique opportunity to explore the ecological and historical factors which have influenced the evolution of song. Received: 30 June 1997 / Accepted after revision: 8 March 1998  相似文献   

Summary Hamilton and Zuk (1982) suggested that secondary sexual characters evolve because they allow females to assess a potential mate's ability to resist parasites. A prediction of this theory is that the degree of elaboration of secondary sexual characters should be positively correlated with parasite load across species. In support of their hypothesis, Hamilton and Zuk reported a correlation across North American passerine species between haematozoa prevalence and both brightness and song complexity and variety, scored on a subjective six point scale. Here we show that this relationship is confounded by phylogenetic associations. We use quantitative data on song duration, inter-song interval, song continuity, song rate, song versatility, and song and syllable repertoire size for 131 species of European and North American passerines to test the Hamilton-Zuk hypothesis. Across species, there are significant negative relationships between haematozoa prevalence and song continuity, contrary to the direction predicted by Hamilton and Zuk. In accordance with their prediction, there is a positive correlation with song versatility. However, these relationships come about through taxonomic associations: within taxa there are no consistent relationships between any of the song variables and haematozoa prevalence. None of the other song variables correlate with haematozoa prevalence. We conclude that there is no evidence of an association between song elaboration and parasites. Offprint requests to: A.F. Read  相似文献   

The species and number of birds attracted to playbacks of mobbing calls and song of the black-capped chickadee, Parus atricapillus, were compared. The chickadee vocalizations were played at abandoned chickadee nests, and the numbers and species of other birds that approached the speaker were tallied. Few non-chickadees were observed in the area when the song was played. That significantly more birds approached the speaker and displayed mobbing behavior during the mobbing call playback suggests that black-capped chickadee mobbing vocalizations carry meaning for at least ten other avian species. This finding supports the idea that species subjected to the same predators in an area may benefit by recognizing each others’ predator calls. This recognition may be facilitated by the similar structure of different species’ mobbing calls and also a learned association of another species’ call with the presence of a predator. Received: 23 March 1995 /Accepted after revision: 28 October 1995  相似文献   

In many songbird species, males sing a repertoire of distinct song types. Song sparrows typically are described as having repertoires of about a dozen song types, but these song types are themselves quite variable and some songs are produced that appear intermediate between two types. In this study we quantify the similarity between successive songs produced by song sparrows in order to determine if differences between song types are emphasized or deemphasized in bouts of continuous singing. In spite of the high degree of variation within song types and similarity between song types observed in this species, we show that transitions from one song type to the next are distinct as compared to transitions within sequences of the same type (Figs. 4 and 5). Variation does not accumulate across sequences of the same song type, and the average variation observed within a continuous sequence of the same song type is significantly less than is predicted from the total variation recorded for that type across many different bouts (Fig. 6). These results support the view that song sparrows include two levels of variation in their singing: differences between song types as is commonly observed in species with song repertoires, and an independent level of variation observed for songs of the same type.  相似文献   

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