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在对广西北海市的自然景观和人文景观资源进行调查研究的基础上,对其景观的构成要素以及山口红树林保护区的自然保护景观的资源潜力及与北海城市景观及生态旅游和城市建设,支 业的发展等问题进行了景观生态学分析和生态经济发展研究,认为把山口红树林保护区作为北海城市的重要生态旅游及自然保护景观来建设对保护区本身的生存与发展脐及整个北海市的发展都将具有巨大的生态,经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

农业景观生物多样性保护一般原则探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在参阅大量文献的基础上,从过程和格局2个角度,概括和总结了农业景观生物多样性保护的一般原则,包括:区分并优先保护农业景观生物多样性的热点区域,保护和建立自然、半自然生境,构建多样化的土地利用/种植模式,通过连接残存的自然、半自然生境或新建生态廊道增加农田景观的连接度,提高集约化程度较低的农业用地面积,采取野生生物友好型的农作管理方式,保护关键物种并维持物种的相互联系,控制侵略性的、数量过多的入侵性物种等一系列原则。最后,对这些原则在实际推行及应用中面临的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

基于景观格局的辽河三角洲湿地生态安全分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以1990年和2005年遥感影像为基本信息源,在GIS技术支持下,在对辽河三角洲湿地景观格局分析的基础上,采用破碎度、分离度、优势度等景观格局指数和景观类型脆弱度为评价指标研究辽河三角洲湿地景观生态安全。20世纪90年代以来大规模的资源开发,加剧了辽河三角洲湿地景观的破碎化程度,使景观优势度增高,多样性下降。从1990-2005年,研究区主要湿地景观类型水稻田、苇田、滩涂的干扰程度有所增加,生态安全度均有所下降,表明人类对自然湿地生态系统的干扰越来越明显。总体来说,15年来研究区整体景观生态安全度呈现下降趋势。以往湿地生态安全的研究主要集中在环境脆弱性和保护策略方面,研究层次着重在生态系统层面,而从景观格局角度对湿地景观生态安全的研究涉及较少,文章涉及的是景观生态学可持续发展研究的一个新领域,所提出的内容实质上是景观生态安全定量表征的方法探讨。应用景观生态学方法研究生态安全,揭示景观结构与功能关系并进一步分析区域生态环境的变化趋势及其内在因素,不但为辽河三角洲湿地及其生物多样性的保护和资源开发提供了科学依据,而且丰富和发展了我国生态安全研究的理论与方法。  相似文献   

南宁市景观生态格局现状与改善途径   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
应用景观生态规划设计原理,通过南宁市景观现状进行分析,提出了改善南宁市景观的基本途径,包括保护自然生态空间,保持地方特色,维持景观生态过程与格局的连续性,建立城市中具有生态功能的廊道等。  相似文献   

武夷山风景名胜区景观要素斑块特征分析   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
针对近年来开展生态旅游等人类活动的强烈干扰给风景区带来巨大生态影响的问题,在武夷山风景名胜区景观类型划分的基础上,从景观要素斑块特征的角度对武夷山风景名胜区的景观格局及破碎化进行初步的研究,以期为今后武夷山风景名胜区的景观生态保护提供科学的依据.研究结果表明,在武夷山风景名胜区中,马尾松林、茶园与农田是风景区中3个主要景观类型,三者面积与周长之和分别占全区的84.581%和81.669%;景观要素的面积、周长、斑块数的分布极不平衡,尤其在3类主要景观类型中,在斑块面积、周长方面差异显著;各景观要素面积与周长的分布极为相似,而斑块数的分布却没有明显的规律性;景观要素面积、周长、斑块数等斑块特征分析表明,茶园、居住地、经济林等人工或半人工经营景观的破碎化程度高,而马尾松各天然林景观的破碎化程度低,从而证明了人类经营活动的干扰是导致自然风景区景观破碎的主要因素之一.表3参18  相似文献   

武夷山风景名胜区景观生态评价   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
以武夷山风景名胜区为研究对象 ,在景观类型划分的基础上 ,首次提出了适合风景名胜区景观生态评价的指标体系 ,该体系包含代表性、稳定性、协调性、奇特性、观赏性、社会性和梯度性等 7个指标 .然后 ,运用层次分析法(AHP)确定各指标的权重 ,进而得到各景观类型的综合评价指数 .根据综合评价指数 ,将风景区划分为 3种景观生态等级 ,即理想景观、正常景观和危急景观 .研究结果表明 :在组成武夷山风景名胜区的 10种景观类型中 ,河流与马尾松林属于理想景观 ,居住地与农田属危急景观 ,其余 6类景观皆为正常景观 ,正常景观 (含理想景观 )面积占整个景区面积的 85 %以上 ,表明了作为世界自然与文化遗产的武夷山风景名胜区总体景观生态现状良好 ,确实受到较为积极有效的保护 .图 1表 4参 35  相似文献   

珠江三角洲典型区景观生态聚类分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
珠海是珠江三角洲地区一个海陆交互作用与人类干扰活动频繁的典型区域。文章以2000年TM数据为基础数据源,编制珠海地区景观类型图,并以镇(区)为基本空间单元将珠海划分为20个景观生态子区,在GIS与景观斑块分析软件Patch Analyst 2.0支持下计算各子区的景观特征指数。通过各子区的景观指数对比分析,探讨研究区范围内景观格局的空间差异,揭示人类活动、自然干扰等各种景观生态机制对区域景观生态的影响。根据各指数反映的景观特征信息,选择平均斑块大小(MPS)、斑块大小变异系数(PSCOV)、边缘密度(ED)、面积加权分维数(AWMPFD)、破碎度指数(F)、多样性指数(SDI)及人为干扰指数(DT)进行珠海景观生态聚类分析,根据聚类分析结果可多层次客观地对珠海地区进行景观生态类型区划分。  相似文献   

景观格局演变及其生态效应研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
区域景观格局演变及生态效应研究一直是景观生态学研究的重点,对人类、自然的可持续发展具有重要的意义.文章从景观格局-过程-生态效应的相互驱动机制及当前的研究进展进行了系统的分析,综述了国内外景观格局及其生态效应研究相关进展,集中分析了当前研究中的热点和难点.景观分类是景观格局研究的基础,空间统计分析、转移矩阵分析和景观指数分析是研究景观格局演变的主要手段,新兴的元胞自动机理论和方法在景观格局演变研究中有很大的发展空间.景观格局演变驱动力研究需对自然驱动力、社会驱动力进行综合考虑.不同时空尺度下,景观格局与生态过程的内在机制也不一样.在此基础上,提出了今后研究的一些方向,重点是:(1)景观格局演变的内在驱动机制研究;(2)多尺度下景观格局和生态过程(如土壤侵蚀、养分流失等)的耦合研究;(3)"3S"技术、野外调查监测与格局-过程演变模拟模型结合的应用推广潜力.  相似文献   

流域景观生态风险评价是景观格局优化的现实依据,景观格局优化是流域生态环境修复和维护的有效途径之一。以白洋淀流域为研究区,从自然、人类活动和景观因素3个方面选取11个指标,采用空间主成分分析法对流域景观生态风险进行评价,识别出面积大于0.001 km2的水体和面积大于0.005 km2的林地作为生态源地,基于最小累积阻力模型(MCR)和网络结构评价法对流域景观格局进行优化。结果表明:(1)植被覆盖度、径流量等自然因素对白洋淀流域景观生态风险的影响最强烈,景观因素对生态风险的影响最小。(2)白洋淀流域景观生态风险较大,高风险区域位于研究区东南部和西北部,低风险区域零星分布在西部林地中。提取的生态源地总面积为11 319.85 km2,占流域总面积的35%。(3)构建了由39条生态廊道和21个生态节点组成的生态网络格局,形成道路型廊道、河流型廊道、绿带型廊道,优化后景观格局网络闭合度、节点连接率、网络连接度较高,景观格局连通度得到明显提升。基于景观生态风险评价的景观格局优化研究,可为全面推进白洋淀流域生态环境维护和修复提供决策...  相似文献   

国外景观生态学研究的最新动向及进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以1995年3次国际景观生态学大会、1995年和1996年美国第10届和第11届景观生态学大会以及近两年的文献为依据,综述了国外景观生态学研究的最新的进展,景观生态学是一门内容丰富的宏观应用生态学,除了景观结构、功能与变化、景观异质性、尺度等传统的研究热点外,生物多样性也明显地成为研究热点之一,在进行自然景观或景观的自然方面研究的同时,明显地有研究文化景观或综合研究自然生态系统与人文生态系统,实现人文科学和自然科学交叉的趋势。  相似文献   

庙前自然风景区是常宁市天堂山旅游风景区的四大景区之一,它以自然地貌的溶洞、溶岩、峰谷、石林为景观特色,本文就充分利用这些奇特的自然景观资源进行了详细规划,并提出了切实可行的建议。  相似文献   

针对黄山风景区的旅游资源开发现状,重点研究了黄山风景区的主要环境问题,游览景区客流分布状况和旅游容量以及黄山游览景区的环境功能分区;并提出了旅游容量的涵义及其指标体系和扩大黄山旅游容量的措施。  相似文献   

Protected Turkish areas in the Mediterranean region are compared with those of other Mediterranean countries. Policies followed in Turkey for conservation protection of the natural and cultural environment and the use of coastal resources for tourism are discussed. The purpose and application of Turkish law is examined with respect to the interaction between the protection of coastal areas and tourism. Modifications on the administrative and management regulations in Turkey enabling a better use of coastal areas is suggested by combining coastal tourism and protection. The necessity and importance of estabilishing and managing Marine Parks in short-and long-term plans are acknowledged.  相似文献   

武夷山风景名胜区风景廊道时空分异特征及其生态影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解遗产旅游地风景廊道时空变化特征及其生态影响,以武夷山风景名胜区为例,在3S技术支持下,分析了1986年、1997年和2009年风景区建设发展的3个关键时期风景廊道(包括游览步道与行车公路)格局时空变化特征;在样地调查的基础上,构建廊道干扰指数并结合廊道指数探讨廊道对风景区动物、植物及景观环境的影响规律.结果表明:1986年、1997年、2009年风景区风景廊道总长度分别为94.218 km、156.715 km、197.574 km;1986~1997年风景廊道增加以公路为主(增加了64.659 km),而1997~2009年公路增加程度放缓(增加了22.172 km),步道明显增加(增加了18.687 km);1986~2009年间风景区公路建设率从0.31增至0.60,廊道密度从1.34 km/km2增至2.81 km/km2,曲度从1.19增至1.56,不同时期各功能景区风景廊道特征指标各有特点;1986~2009年风景区线点率、连通度和环通度均呈现增加趋势,风景区网络结构趋于复杂,山北景区尤为明显,2009年山北景区的线点率(1.387)、连通度(0.494)及环通度(0.228)均为各景区最大;步道长度、曲度、密度、公路建设率与垃圾量、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、植物Simpson多样性指数、植物均匀度指数(E2)、景观重要值存在显著相关关系,而网络结构指标与生态环境指标不相关.最后对武夷山风景名胜区风景廊道进行功能分区,并就各分区提出规划设计要点与建议.  相似文献   

Conservation in Lake Tanganyika, with Special Reference to Underwater Parks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lake Tanganyika is outstanding among lakes because of the intrinsic value of its fauna and the significance of its natural resources. Reconciliation of resource exploitation and conservation is essential because of changes in the lake environment caused by human activities. Important new initiatives to shape national environmental policies for the lake are taking place. Regional cooperation is required for major lakewide studies, especially in lake circulation and the prevention of pollution, and in adjustment of fisheries objectives to meet conservation as well as economic goals. Basic conservation aims proposed are (1) avoidance of gross changes in natural communities in the lake in general, and (2) retention of the fauna in some parts in an unexploited state, as in underwater parks. Early strategies suggested are the extension of four existing wildlife land parks further into the lake to form underwater parks, and reconnaissance of other potential park sites. Initial ecological and social surveys conducted from the four parks would provide baseline data for management. Underwater park boundaries should as far as possible be determined on an ecological basis to encompass entire local distributions of species populations. A case of alternative boundaries is examined for the Nsumbu Park. Other important planning considerations are the multi-use of parks in addition to fundamental conservation, such as tourism, sport fishing, and specific traditional lake and land uses. Regional cooperation between parks will be important for tourism.  相似文献   

武夷山自然保护区在处理自然保护与社区发展之间的关系以及推动社区参与保护区管理方面已取得了一些成功的经验。但是,从当地现有的社区参与管理的模式来看,不仅社区参与程度较低,而且在某种程度上处于被动参与状态,保护区缺少一种激励机制来引导群众自觉参与保护。作者提出了在保护区建立旅游股份合作制公司的构想,并阐述了其运行机制。  相似文献   

Ecotourism in protected areas plays an important role in establishing mutually beneficial relationships among local people, the protected area, and tourism that are essential in protected area management. However, to properly manage protected areas, local people should be major stakeholders in order to maximize local economic benefits and obtain support for conservation efforts. This study assesses the current status of local people's economic participation in tourism in the Wolong Nature Reserve using a questionnaire survey. Through evaluation of geographic origin, income, and occupational distribution of operators engaged in tourism-related business, we identified and discussed constraints and opportunities for economic participation of local people. Economic inequity was found among local people, as well as between locals and non-locals, due to limited startup capital and operational skills. At present, only a small percentage of local people receive revenue directly from tourism. In addition, economic leakage and local dependence on natural resources still exist in the study area. To promote ecotourism and sustainable development, the relationships among tourism, local people, and biodiversity conservation in the study area must be strengthened. According to the findings, some suggestions are offered to protected area managers to foster better relationships.  相似文献   

Abstract: Protected areas are under increasing pressure to provide economic justification for their existence, particularly in developing countries where demand for land and natural resources is high. Nature-based tourism offers a mechanism to generate substantial benefits from protected areas for both governments and local communities, and ecotourism is increasingly promoted as a sustainable use of protected areas. The extent to which ecotourism offsets the costs of a protected area has rarely been examined. We used financial data from Komodo National Park, Indonesia, and a willingness-to-pay questionnaire of independent visitors to (1) examine the financial contribution of tourism in offsetting the costs of tourism and wider management and (2) assess the effect of hypothetical fee increases on park revenues, visitation patterns, and local economies. Although only 6.9% of park management costs were recovered, visitors were willing to pay over 10 times the current entrance fee, indicating a substantial potential for increased revenue. The potential negative effect of large fee increases on visitor numbers and the resultant effect on local economic benefits from tourism may limit the extent to which greater financial benefits from Komodo National Park (KNP) can be realized. Our results suggest that a moderate, tiered increase in entrance fees is most appropriate, and that partial revenue retention by KNP would help demonstrate the conservation value of tourism to both visitors and managers and has the potential to increase visitors' willingness to pay.  相似文献   

Tourism and hunting both generate substantial revenues for communities and private operators in Africa, but few studies have quantitatively examined the trade‐offs and synergies that may result from these two activities. We evaluated financial and in‐kind benefit streams from tourism and hunting on 77 communal conservancies in Namibia from 1998 to 2013, where community‐based wildlife conservation has been promoted as a land‐use that complements traditional subsistence agriculture. We used data collected annually for all communal conservancies to characterize whether benefits were derived from hunting or tourism. We classified these benefits into 3 broad classes and examined how benefits flowed to stakeholders within communities under the status quo and under a simulated ban on hunting. Across all conservancies, total benefits from hunting and tourism increased at roughly the same rate, although conservancies typically started generating benefits from hunting within 3 years of formation as opposed to after 6 years for tourism. Disaggregation of data revealed that the main benefits from hunting were income for conservancy management and food in the form of meat for the community at large. The majority of tourism benefits were salaried jobs at lodges. A simulated ban on trophy hunting significantly reduced the number of conservancies that could cover their operating costs, whereas eliminating income from tourism did not have as severe an effect. Given that the benefits generated from hunting and tourism typically begin at different times in a conservancy's life‐span (earlier vs. later, respectively) and flow to different segments of local communities, these 2 activities together may provide the greatest incentives for conservation on communal lands in Namibia. A singular focus on either hunting or tourism would reduce the value of wildlife as a competitive land‐use option and have grave repercussions for the viability of community‐based conservation efforts in Namibia, and possibly other parts of Africa.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the tourism potential of Alt?ndere Valley National Park with respect to its conservation and utilization. With its natural values, Alt?ndere Valley National Park is one of the internationally prominent areas of potential for the recreational and touristic facilities it offers.

A mathematical method – criterion referenced method – was applied within this study, which was done to portray the touristic potential (resulting from the touristic and recreational utilization of the national park area and recreational zone) of the national park, which was visited by an average of 200,000 local and foreign guests.

According to this method, the conservation and utilization values that appear on two opposite axes were examined in accordance with the natural resource values of the area, and conservation and utilization values for each criterion were determined. Depending on the data, the general exploitable touristic potential of the area was specified.

A survey study was conducted on groups from various disciplines and local & foreign tourists visiting the area in specifying the touristic potential of the National Park. Eleven criteria were defined concerning the area and a criterion reference was prepared for each criterion. Then, conservation and utilization values for each criterion and exploitable touristic potential were mathematically indicated. The fact that the attained values were reduced to a percentage basis provides the opportunity to compare the researched area to similar fields that use the same method. Within the scope of the method, several suggestions were made using the information obtained in the evaluation of the data for every other source value.  相似文献   

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