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以某化工企业的聚氯乙烯分厂为研究对象,引入美国环境保护署(EPA)推荐的健康风险评价四步法,即危害鉴定、剂量-反应评价、暴露评价和风险表征,对不同作业任务(清釜、看釜、巡检和配料)工人的氯乙烯职业暴露进行健康风险评价。结果表明,从非致癌效应来看,看釜、巡检和配料岗位工人暴露于VC引起肝细胞多态性的HI值均高于安全阈值1,其中看釜工的危害指数最大,引起的不利健康效应最严重。从致癌效应来看,清釜工暴露于VC引起肝血管肉瘤的风险处于可接受水平;而看釜工患肝血管肉瘤的风险值R,达到可接受上限10-4对应的工作年限ED=1.91 a,因此,需要尽可能地采用安全防护措施减少该岗位的职业暴露。巡检和配料岗位的肝血管肉瘤风险达到可接受水平上限10-4时,对应的工作年限分别为4.36 a和9.33 a。由于健康风险评价更侧重长期暴露危害物质对人体健康的影响,即使工作场所满足国标规定的浓度阈值,仍然存在工人长期暴露于低浓度致癌物的风险。 相似文献
生理药代动力学(Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic,PBPK)模型在健康风险评估中的应用逐渐成为研究的焦点.简要阐述了PBPK模型的定义及发展历程,在此基础上详细介绍了PBPK模型建立的过程及其在致癌风险评估、混合物健康风险评估中的应用.最后,总结了该模型在健康风险评估应用中的受限因素,提出跨学科合作有利于解决这些受限因素,从而进一步推进该模型在混合物健康风险评价中的应用. 相似文献
为进一步开展城市污水处理厂职业健康风险评估工作,运用文献调研方法对国内外城市污水处理厂职业健康风险评估研究现状进行综述和展望。研究结果表明:目前,污水处理厂职业健康风险评估主要针对有毒有害气体和生物气溶胶2类危害因素;主要采用问卷调查、矩阵法和剂量-反应模型等3种评估方法;噪声和人机工程等职业危害因素的健康风险评估、暴露特征污染物的识别、复合污染物的健康风险评估、职业与非职业危害因素对工人健康影响等研究工作还有待开展。 相似文献
为研究和龙水库水质状况及对人体健康产生的危害风险,采用单因子评价法和有机污染综合指数法对和龙水库20个采样点为期1a的水质监测数据进行了评价;并采用美国环境保护局(USEPA)推荐的健康风险评价模型,对水库主体水域水体进行人体饮用健康风险评价.结果表明,和龙水库主体水域水质采样年度整体为Ⅳ类水,且春季水质为开始污染水平,其余各季节水质为一般水平.水库水体中化学物质As所产生的致癌风险为1.59× 10-5~3.37× 10-5a-1,远高于人体最大可接受风险(1×10-6a-1).而由Cu、Zn、Mn和NH4+-N所引起的非致癌风险(10-10~ 10-11 a-1)均低于最大可接受风险(1×10-6a-1).和龙水库周边养猪场的污水排放可能是其主要污染源,养猪场附近河段的水体全年为劣Ⅴ类,属于严重污染水平;主要超标污染指标为BOD5、NH4+-N、总磷、COD,各指标值分别是水库主体水域水体的268.49、253.15、55.81、40.38倍;猪场废水中As是导致水库主体水域As人体健康风险超标的主要原因.因此,需要加强对和龙水库周边养猪场的排污治理,以保障水库水体质量. 相似文献
为了反映中国的六溴环十二烷(HBCD)职业健康风险状况,结合中国HBCD相关行业的生产状况,构建了6种中国的HBCD职业暴露情景,预估可能暴露于HBCD的职业人群数量为614~963人.然后利用EASE模型模拟职业暴露水平,并通过安全边际表征职业健康风险.结果表明,职业人群主要通过呼吸和皮肤途径接触HBCD,其相应的内暴露水平可达到0.07~1.63 mg/(kg·d)和0~0.84mg/(kg·d);由此可以估算职业人群总的暴露剂量达到0.07~1.80mg/(kg·d),这比普通人群对HBCD的暴露水平高3~5个数量级.风险评估表明,16%的职业人群具有反复染毒的风险,69%的职业人群具有产生生殖毒性的风险,总计职业人群中具有健康风险的人数为424.04~665.70,约占职业人群数量的70%,由此可见HBCD的职业暴露能够损害工人健康. 相似文献
在小浪底水库坝上约10 km处主航道上设置采样垂线,采集水体不同深度的样品,采用冷原子荧光光谱法和电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定了样品中汞、砷、铅、镉、铬、铜、锌、锰、镍等元素的质量浓度.结果表明,在所有样品中,铬、镉、锌、铅均未检出,汞、铜和砷的质量浓度分别为(0.95±0.44) ng/L、(0.35±0.07) μg/L和(1.12±0.20)μgL,锰和镍的质量浓度分别为(0.14±0.06) μg/L和(0.59±0.09)μg/L.汞质量浓度随水深增加逐渐升高,至水深7.5m处达到最大值,然后逐渐降低,在接近底层时重新升高,达到次峰值.其他重金属质量浓度呈现随水深增加而升高的趋势.健康风险评价结果表明,致癌物质砷引起的健康危害较高,风险值为10-6~10-5 a-1,底层水中砷的风险值接近国际辐射防护委员会(ICRP)推荐的最大可接受风险水平;非致癌物质汞、铜、镍和锰引起的健康风险分别为1.43×10-2a-1、0.31×10-10 a-1、0.13×10-10 a-1和0.45×10-12 a-1,均远低于ICRP推荐的最大可接受水平. 相似文献
近年来大连市多环芳烃污染日益严重.为研究大连市多环芳烃类有机污染物对居民产生的潜在健康危害,结合大连地区人群状况,采用多介质-多途径暴露模型,评价大连市居民暴露于多环芳烃的暴露量及由此导致的健康风险,分析不同环境介质、暴露介质及暴露途径的风险贡献率,并结合蒙特卡罗方法分析研究过程中的不确定性.在实际评价时,根据大连市的实际情况,选用了部分美国环保局推荐的参数,剩余的评价参数根据国内的相关文献进行了修正.结果表明,大连市居民中男性和女性对环境中多环芳烃的日平均暴露量分别为2.59× 10-4 mg/(kg·d)和2.79×10-4 mg/(kg·d).主要暴露途径是膳食暴露,此外呼吸暴露也占有一定的比重,皮肤暴露作用很小.膳食暴露中对总暴露贡献最大的食品是谷物和蔬菜.相应的男性和女性的健康风险度分别为2.68×10-5a-1和2.90×10-5 a-1,大连市多环芳烃类污染物居民人体健康风险度高于可接受健康风险度标准.大连市女性对多环芳烃的暴露量高于男性,女性健康风险平均值亦高于EPA标准值.大连市多环芳烃人群暴露与天津、北京和兰州相比存在一定的差异.各项参数中,粮食、蔬菜摄食量和相应的多环芳烃(PAHs)残留浓度是影响暴露的重要因素.通过蒙特卡罗模拟得到各年龄段人群对多环芳烃(PAHS)的日均暴露量的分布特征,各输出变量均服从对数正态分布. 相似文献
各种生态环境问题的严重后果引起了人们对环境与生态的重视,并催生了生态风险与生态安全评价.为了更好地进行这两方面的评价,首先分别综述生态风险和生态安全评价的发展进程,突出主要研究方法的介绍,由此总结生态风险评价与生态安全评价的关系以及生态风险与生态安全评价的发展趋势.生态风险评价主要有健康危险度法、环评指数法、景观生态法、空间统计或地统计法、相对风险模型等方法;生态安全评价主要有综合指数法、景观生态法、生态承载力和生态足迹方法、突变级数等方法.生态风险与生态安全评价是从相反的角度研究生态系统的状况和潜在威胁,生态风险评价偏重细节分析,生态安全评价偏重整体分析.空间和时间尺度的扩大、评价方法的改进、评价标准的制定和评价的可信性检验都是生态风险评价与生态安全评价的发展趋势. 相似文献
危险源辨识和风险评价是GB/T28001职业健康安全管理的基本方法,通过危险源辨识找出与职业健康安全有关的管理点(危险源),评价出职业健康安全管理需要管理的重点(中度和高度风险),制定适宜的方法,即制定目标指标方案、运行控制或应急预案加以控制和改善,体现职业健康安全管理的基本原则和思路。只有正确运用危险源辨识和风险评价的方法,才能做到合理策划危险源的控制方法,集中力量抓主要矛盾解决主要问题,兼顾次要矛盾和一般问题的管理;根据不同危险源的具体情况选择适宜合理的方法,既保证危险源的有效控制,又保证采用的任何危险源控制方法和措施与危险源产生后果的严重性和伴随的风险相适应,尽量避免危险源控制的盲目性和不经济,达到追求最佳职业健康安全绩效的目的,提高整体和系统管理的有效性。 相似文献
介绍了空气中挥发性有机物的研究进展,阐述了其污染对人体健康的致癌效应和非致癌效应。在此基础上对挥发性有机物的健康风险评价做了简要评述,并介绍了现在公认的健康风险评价方法,以及近年来室内外挥发性有机物污染健康风险评价的研究现状。最后,总结了健康风险评价的不足并进行了展望,提出利用不确定性方法解决健康风险评价问题将是未来研究的重点。 相似文献
The study focuses on individual and standard visual display unit (VDU) workplaces with respect to performance and muscular load. Three different work settings were realized: The workplace was either adjusted to individual preferences or to the European standard. The third condition mirrored exactly the individual setting, however participants were told that it was set according to another standard. Dependent variables were visual performance in a search task, the rated muscular load, and individual preferences. Results show that both individual work settings yielded a superior performance as compared to the standard. However, performance and muscular comfort improved when participants knew they had adjusted the workplace. Apparently, VDU users follow a intuitive rationale adjusting their work setting minimizing muscular load and optimizing performance. 相似文献
A tool has been developed for supporting practitioners when assessing manual pushing and pulling operations based on an initiative by two global companies in the manufacturing industry. The aim of the tool is to support occupational health and safety practitioners in risk assessment and risk management of pushing and pulling operations in the manufacturing and logistics industries. The tool is based on a nine-multiplier equation that includes a wide range of factors affecting an operator’s health risk and capacity in pushing and pulling. These multipliers are based on psychophysical, physiological and biomechanical studies in combination with judgments from an expert group consisting of senior researchers and ergonomists. In order to consider usability, more than 50 occupational health and safety practitioners (e.g., ergonomists, managers, safety representatives and production personnel) participated in the development of the tool. An evaluation by 22 ergonomists supports that the push/pull tool is user friendly in general. 相似文献
IntroductionElectronics assembly workers are reported to have a high prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). This study investigated the prevalence of cervical MSDs and the complex relationships between cervical MSDs and individual, physical, psychosocial factors among electronics assembly workers. Methods: In this cross-sectional survey, self-administered questionnaires from 700 workers in electronics manufacturing workshops were analysed. Information concerning musculoskeletal symptoms, personal and work-related factors was collected. Finally, the prevalence of cervical MSDs was computed for different subgroups, and the relationships with different factors were analyzed using logistic regression and structural equation modeling (SEM). Results: The total 12 month prevalence of cervical MSDs among the survey population was 29.4%. Variables of gender, job tenure, twisting head frequently, neck flexion/extension for long time and work required to be done quickly showed significant associations with MSDs in a multivariate logistic regression ( P < 0.05). The SEM analysis showed moderate and significant correlations between postural load ( γ = 0.279), gender ( γ = 0.233) and cervical MSDs, while there were weak but significant correlations between vibration ( γ = 0.024), work stress ( γ = 0.126), job tenure ( γ = 0.024) and cervical MSDs. Both work stress and vibration affected the MSDs indirectly through postural load. Conclusions: The logistic regression results support previous general epidemiological MSD studies, and indicates that individual, physical, and psychosocial factors are related to cervical MSDs. The SEM provides a better approximation of the complexity of the relationship between risk factors and cervical MSDs. Improving awkward postures may be effective ways to control the influence of occupational stressors or vibration on MSDs. Practical Applications: The study is to improve prevention of MSDs among electronics assembly workers and promote their occupational health. 相似文献
为了能够全面、客观地评估企业职业卫生风险管理质量,利用美国EPA吸入风险评估模型、新加坡化学物职业暴露半定量风险评估模型以及风险指数评估模型,对作业场所存在的职业病危害因素进行风险水平评估,并结合企业职业卫生管理评估模型,对企业职业卫生管理水平进行定量评估,以风险等级和管理水平,综合判断企业职业卫生风险水平。将该体系应用于实例分析,结果表明:体系在充分考虑企业职业病危害因素时空分布以及企业管理现状的基础上,能够定量评估职业病危害因素的急慢性影响以及企业职业卫生管理水平。 相似文献
Introduction: The purposes of this study are to characterize Israeli undergraduate students' driving violations in the terms of problem behavior theory and to identify whether there is any relationship between driving violations and health risk behaviors, daring behaviors, excitement seeking, and health promotion behaviors. Methods: This study is based on a structured self-reported anonymous questionnaire distributed to undergraduate students in an academic institution. The sample included 533 undergraduate students (374 females and 159 males). The mean age was 23.4 (SD = 1.4, range = 5). Results: A higher prevalence of self-reported driving violations was found among males in comparison to females. All substance use measures were positively related to driving violations; for example, use of cigarettes (OR = 4.287, P <.001) and water pipes (odds ratio [OR] = 3.000, P <.001) as well as binge drinking (OR = 5.707, P <.001) and regular cannabis smoking (OR = 5.667, P <.001) raise the probability of committing rare driving violations. The strongest predictive factors for the frequent driving violations group were alcohol consumption–related variables: binge drinking (OR = 2.560, P <.01) and drunkenness (OR = 2.284, P <.05). Strong odd ratios were also found between the frequent driving violations group and selling or dealing drugs (12.143, P <.001), and stealing something valuable (13.680, P <.001). The strongest predicted variable for the rare driving violations group was physical confrontation due to verbal disagreement (3.439, P <.05) and the concept that selling or dealing drugs is socially acceptable (2.521, P <.05). The probability of executing rare driving violations was higher for subjects who reported intense physical workout regimens (OR = 1.638, P <.05). Conclusions: Problem behavior theory succeeded in explaining health risk behavior and driving violations. This study shows that bachelors tend to be more involved in risk behaviors, such as substance use, excitement-seeking behaviors, and daring behaviors and are active physically and thus constitute a risk group for driving violations. As such, intervention resources should be directed toward this group. 相似文献
为了解西南某煤矿周边农用地土壤重金属污染状况,分析测试了84件表层土壤样品8种重金属元素,进行了重金属污染评价和生态风险评价。结果表明,研究区土壤重金属均高于渝西地区背景值,Cd污染较明显。从潜在生态危害风险评价看,Hg、Cd是主要生态危害元素。 相似文献
A knowledge transfer (KT) strategy was implemented by the IRSST, an occupational health and safety research institute established in Québec (Canada), to improve the prevention of psychological and musculoskeletal problems among 911 emergency call centre agents. An evaluability assessment was conducted in which each aspect of the KT approach was documented systematically to determine whether the strategy had the potential to be evaluated in terms of its impact on the targeted population. A review of the literature on KT in occupational health and safety and on the evaluation of such KT programmes, along with the development of a logic model based on documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders, indicated that the KT strategy was likely to have had a positive impact in the 911 emergency call centre sector. Implications for future research are discussed. 相似文献
为减少风险分级排序时产生的风险结,在引入施工安全事故频率的基础上,采用单元格细化和Borda序值法改进原有的风险矩阵法。改进后的方法使得风险等级数量增加,风险结数量减少。将该方法应用于脚手架工程的风险因素的分级与排序,风险等级分为6级,且实现了12个因素的明确排序。 相似文献
纳米技术产业的快速发展促使纳米材料需求量不断增长,纳米材料的规模化生产及使用,增加了暴露于超细颗粒物的职业人群数量,且工种复杂多样,尤其在自动化程度低、工人职业卫生防护意识薄弱的作业场所,对接触者有潜在的职业暴露风险.从现场暴露评估策略、检测方法、接触限值以及风险评估手段,综述针对超细颗粒物这一新型职业危害因素的研究进... 相似文献
INTRODUCTION: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) may interfere with driving competence, predisposing those with the disorder to impaired driving performance and greater risk for adverse driving outcomes. Effective treatment may minimize the risk in those with ADHD. METHOD: We reviewed the scientific literature on driving risks and impairments associated with ADHD and the effects of stimulants on driving performance. Several lines of evidence were considered, including longitudinal studies and community-derived sample studies. The present review is based on a weekly review (by the first author) of all journals in the behavioral and social sciences indexed in the publication Current Contents spanning the past 15 years, as well as a search of the reference section of all studies found that pertained to driving risks associated with ADHD or to the treatment of ADHD as it relates to driving difficulties. RESULTS: The review of the scientific literature demonstrated well-documented driving risks and impairments associated with ADHD and the positive effects of stimulant medications on driving performance. CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians should educate patients/caregivers about the increased risk of adverse outcomes among untreated individuals with ADHD and the role of medication in potentially improving driving performance. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Owing to the significantly higher risk of adverse driving outcomes, the use of stimulant medications to treat people with ADHD who drive may reduce such safety risks. 相似文献