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The Syabru-Bensi hydrothermal zone, Langtang region (Nepal), is characterized by high radon-222 and CO2 discharge. Seasonal variations of gas fluxes were studied on a reference transect in a newly discovered gas discharge zone. Radon-222 and CO2 fluxes were measured with the accumulation chamber technique, coupled with the scintillation flask method for radon. In the reference transect, fluxes reach exceptional mean values, as high as 8700 ± 1500 g m−2 d−1 for CO2 and 3400 ± 100 × 10−3 Bq m−2 s−1 for radon. Gases fluxes were measured in September 2007 during the monsoon and during the dry winter season, in December 2007 to January 2008 and in December 2008 to January 2009. Contrary to expectations, radon and its carrier gas fluxes were similar during both seasons. The integrated flux along this transect was approximately the same for radon, with a small increase of 11 ± 4% during the wet season, whereas it was reduced by 38 ± 5% during the monsoon for CO2. In order to account for the persistence of the high gas emissions during monsoon, watering experiments have been performed at selected radon measurement points. After watering, radon flux decreased within 5 min by a factor of 2–7 depending on the point. Subsequently, it returned to its original value, firstly, by an initial partial recovery within 3–4 h, followed by a slow relaxation, lasting around 10 h and possibly superimposed by diurnal variations. Monsoon, in this part of the Himalayas, proceeds generally by brutal rainfall events separated by two- or three-day lapses. Thus, the recovery ability shown in the watering experiments accounts for the observed long-term persistence of gas discharge. This persistence is an important asset for long-term monitoring, for example to study possible temporal variations associated with stress accumulation and release.  相似文献   

A common approach for remediation of groundwater contamination with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is contaminant stripping by means of in situ air sparging (IAS). For VOC stripping, pressurized air is injected into the contaminated groundwater volume, followed by the extraction of the contaminant-loaded exhaust gas from the vadose soil zone and its immediate on-site treatment. Progress assessment of such remediation measure necessitates information (i) on the spatial range of the IAS influence and (ii) on temporal variations of the IAS efficiency. In the present study it was shown that the naturally occurring noble gas radon can be used as suitable environmental tracer for achieving the related spatial and temporal information. Due to the distinct water/air partitioning behaviour of radon and due to its straightforward on-site detectability, the radon distribution pattern in the groundwater can be used as appropriate measure for assessing the progression of an IAS measure as a function of space and time. The presented paper discusses both the theoretical background of the approach and the results of an IAS treatment accomplished at a VOC contaminated site lasting six months, during which radon was applied as efficiency indicator.  相似文献   

We propose a new methodology for predicting areas with a strong potential for radon (222Rn) exhalation at the soil surface. This methodology is based on the Rn exhalation rate quantification, starting from a precise characterisation of the main local geological and pedological parameters that control the radon source and its transport to the soil/atmosphere interface. It combines a cross mapping analysis of these parameters into a geographic information system with a model of the Rn vertical transport by diffusion in the soil. The rock and soil chemical and physical properties define the entry parameters of this code (named TRACHGEO) which calculates the radon flux density at the surface. This methodology is validated from in situ measurements of radon levels at the soil/atmosphere interface and in dwellings. We apply this approach to an area located in western France and characterised by a basement displaying a heterogeneous radon source potential, as previously demonstrated by lelsch et al. (J. Environ. Radioactivity 53(1) (2001) 75). The new results obtained show that spatial heterogeneity of pedological characteristics in addition to basement geochemistry--must be taken into account to improve the mapping resolution. The TRACHGEO forecasts explain the Rn exhalation variability on a larger scale and in general correlate well with in situ observations. Moreover, the radon-prone sectors identified by this approach generally correspond to the location of the dwellings showing the highest radon concentrations.  相似文献   

The concentration of radon-222 has been monitored since 1995 in the atmosphere of a 2 m transverse dimension, 128 m long, dead-end horizontal tunnel located in the French Alps, at an altitude of 1600 m. Most of the time, the radon concentration is stable, with an average value ranging from 200 Bq m(-3) near the entrance to about 1000 Bq m(-3) in the most confined section, with an equilibrium factor between radon and its short-lived decay products varying from 0.61 to 0.78. However, radon bursts are repeatedly observed, with amplitudes reaching up to 36 x 10(3) Bq m(-3) and durations varying from one to several weeks, with similar spatial variations along the tunnel as the background concentration. These spatial variations are qualitatively interpreted in terms of natural ventilation. Comparing the radon background concentration with the measured radon exhalation flux at the wall yields an estimate of 8+/-2 x 10(-6) s(-1) (0.03+/-0.007 h(-1)) for the ventilation rate. The hypothesis that the bursts could be due to transient changes in ventilation can be ruled out. Thus, the bursts are the results of transient increased radon exhalation at the walls, that could be due to meteorological effects or possibly combined hydrological and mechanical forcing associated with the water level variations of the nearby Roselend reservoir lake. Such studies are of interest for radiation protection in poorly ventilated underground settings, and, ultimately, for a better understanding of radon exhalation associated with tectonic or volcanic processes.  相似文献   

A case study of the regional transport ( approximately 3000 km) of radon-222 ((222)Rn) from continental North-East Asia to the Japanese islands was performed by numerical analysis using five separate source areas (South, Middle and North China, Russia and Korea), while a seasonal northwest wind blew over the Japan Sea. The results for three periods (Term I: 16-18, Term II: 22-25 and Term III: 27-28 in December 1990) were compared with concentrations measured at the Kanazawa site (near the coast of the Japan Sea facing the seasonal wind) and the Nagoya site (overland and downwind on the shores of the Pacific Ocean). Most of the (222)Rn at the Kanazawa site was calculated to come from North China and Korea in Term I, Middle China, North China, and Korea in Term II, and Russia and Korea in Term III. The considerable differences in the origins of (222)Rn emanated from the continent were estimated between Terms I, II and III, even though the similar northwest wind was dominant over the Japan Sea. A contour line analysis indicated movement of (222)Rn emanated from Middle China in a northerly direction first and then a southeasterly direction, resulting from low pressure. The results suggest that the low-pressure systems play an important role in the transport of (222)Rn in North-East Asia.  相似文献   

Although various single-concentration measurements of the pharmaceutical diclofenac are available in literature, detailed information on the mass flux in the aquatic environment is often missing. Therefore, the overall load of diclofenac was obtained by recording each concentration in nine effluents of sewage treatment plants (STP) and at three river sites located in the area of the river Main (Germany) over a time period of six weeks.In STP effluents, concentrations of up to 2200 ng/L were obtained. In combination with flow rates and connected population an average specific load per capita and day of 0.28 mg (+/? 0.11 mg) diclofenac reaches the receiving water course. This average specific load per capita is an expressive parameter to assess main diclofenac exposure to the aquatic environment avoiding uncertainties of estimated data commonly used in exposure assessment. Accordingly, predicted environmental concentrations (PEC) of 140 ng/L for a realistic worst case scenario and 2 to 52 ng/L based on water quality modeling were derived. Since concentrations of up to 140 ng/L were observed in surface water, the obtained PEC is in perfect agreement with measured concentrations. Hence, comparing the PEC with published predicted no effect concentrations (PNEC), chronic adverse effects in fish populations may occur.  相似文献   

The dynamics of three most abundant mesozooplankton species in the coastal zone of the Gulf of Riga--Bosmina longispina, Synchaeta baltica, Keratella quadrata--is analyzed to detect the regulating environmental factors. The only significant downward trend of species abundance was found for S. baltica in autumn. Statistically significant correlation was estimated only between the summer salinity and the abundance of B. longispina. K. quadrata though showed a negative correlation with summer salinity. The abundance of S. baltica had only nonsignificant correlations with the environmental factors. The abundance of coastal mesozooplankton species is determined by the combination of hydrological regime, predation pressure, benthic conditions and the success of living strategy. The change of fresh- and saline water masses at the coastal areas supplies sufficient food amount but can cause decline in hatching abilities.  相似文献   

Radon concentration measurements in atmosphere were taken in years from 1997 to 1999 in Milan and at pre-alpine sites located north of Lombardy. In this paper the results of measuring campaigns and a comparison of radon levels observed in the hilly area north of the town and on the pre-Alps are reported. The general criteria of the measurements and the interpretative models of radon concentration are presented. The Lake Maggiore area shows evidence of a great nocturnal stability and frequent formation of Nocturnal Stable Layer. The peculiar findings in the high altitude stations confirm the use of radon as an indicator of atmospheric dispersion of pollutants in an area with complex orography. The afternoon minimum values are concordant for the different stations: this implies a remixing in afternoon hours over the whole area investigated.  相似文献   

High-resolution gamma spectrometry was used to determine the concentration of 40K, 238U and 232Th series in soil samples taken from areas surrounding the city of Aldama, in Chihuahua. Results of indoor air short-time sampling, with diffusion barrier charcoal detectors, revealed relatively high indoor radon levels, ranging from 29 to 422 Bq/m3; the radon concentrations detected exceeded 148 Bq/m3 in 76% of the homes tested. Additionally, liquid scintillation counting showed concentrations of radon in drinking water ranging from 4.3 to 42 kBq/m3. The high activity of 238U in soil found in some places may be a result of the uranium milling process performed 20 years ago in the area. High radon concentrations indoor and in water may be explained by assuming the presence of uranium-bearing rocks underneath of the city, similar to a felsic dike located near Aldama. The estimated annual effective dose of gamma radiation from the soil and radon inhalation was 3.83 mSv.  相似文献   

Some 44% of the world's population lives within 150 km of the coast and mass migration towards the coast will continue in the decades ahead. Degrading and exhaustive uses of land, water and other coastal resources and disruption of environmental processes through degradation of environmental quality and loss of critical terrestrial and aquatic habitats can lead to serious deleterious impacts on the health and productivity of coastal ecosystems. Following the Arusha Resolution (1993), the Seychelles Statement (1996) and the Colombo CZM Workshop (1999), the need for integrated coastal zone management has become critical because of the limited land resources and unproportional domination of coastal areas in the wider Caribbean and Indian Ocean/ Pacific island states. The coastal zone of Mauritius (1,850 km2, 20°S, 58°E, south-western Indian Ocean, 1.12 million inhabitants) was redefined in 1997 in the Environmental Protection Act of 1991 [Part VII (Act 34)] to include all islets within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ; 1.7 million km2). During the 1980s, the Mauritian economy underwent major structural changes successfully, with a rapid phase of industrialization diversifying into two major activities, textiles and tourism. Existing reports and data in a common framework have to be synthesized and organized to fill existing gaps in knowledge with data collection and scientific inquiries, to identify social and economic drivers and to relate socioeconomic change to demands for environmental resources (land use, water resources, marine systems) and environmental impacts as proposed under the MERMAID (Mauritius Environmental Resource Management and Industrial Development) project. Nutrient flux and sediment trace metal contamination studies are currently underway to investigate different watersheds impacted by agricultural, urban and industrial activities in the north-west of the island. There is a pressing need to integrate the natural sciences with socioeconomic disciplines as proposed by the International Human Dimensions Program (IHDP) for an integrated management of coastal zones. Three integrated pilot projects in the Pacific-Indian Ocean and wider Caribbean as identified by Land Ocean Interaction in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) in the future, including current status and changes in material fluxes from drainage basins, transboundary impacts from the ocean and atmospheric inputs, could elucidate the land–sea interactions and human dimensions of change on small islands. The sustainability of marine resources and the conservation of biological diversity will depend on a critical understanding of linkages between human activities and ecological responses and upon a citizenry that assumes ownership of these regions. Case studies would also help in investigating how humans affect transport pathways and biogeochemical cycles in small island states. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Exchange of trace gases between the oceans and the atmosphere affects the atmospheric content and cycling of a range of chemical species which are related to climate change, ozone layer depletion, acid deposition, eutrophication, atmospheric particle formation, photo-oxidants, trace metals and persistent organic pollutants (POPs). The effects and impacts of air–sea exchange of these gases can be local, regional and global. Until now, most of the research has concentrated on the sea–air exchange of trace gases in the open ocean. The flux rates of the trace gases from the coastal waters to the air are much higher than the rates for the open ocean and the contribution of the coastal areas to the total oceanic emissions of these trace gases can be significant on a global scale. This contribution can be as high as 50% and more for nitrous oxide and COS. Concerning the contribution of the trace gas production in the coastal areas to the total global production of these gases, it can be concluded that this contribution seems to be below 2% except for nitrous oxide. However, it should be pointed out that on the local and even regional scale the emissions in the coastal areas can be very important, contributing substantially to the total emission of these gases in a studied area. Thus, there is a need to carry out studies in the future with the aim to provide more accurate understanding of the production and sea–air exchange processes for these gases around the world. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The tolerance of terrestrial ecosystems of the Kola Peninsula to atmospheric deposition of acid-forming sulfur compounds and the risk of their excess input into these ecosystems have been assessed on the basis of the critical load concept. The most sensitive ecosystems (critical sulfur load <400 equiv/ha per year) occupy 58% of the total area of the peninsula. These are mainly pine, spruce, and birch forests (including open and crooked birch forests) growing on podzols formed on sandy boulder-pebble glacial deposits. The zones of ecological risk cover the northwestern and central parts of the peninsula near the Pechenganikel and Severonikel combined works (20% of the total area).  相似文献   

Additional freshwater sources are required in many parts of the world, including the coastal areas of the Red River Delta (RRD), where the groundwater (GW) is generally brackish. Determining a feasible method for desalinating brackish aquifers would help provide additional freshwater sources. However, substantial desalination of brackish aquifers cannot be achieved under the natural conditions of GW flow and precipitation recharge. Although rainfall recharge to the shallow Holocene aquifer has occurred for hundreds of years, the aquifer still remains brackish since the natural hydraulic conditions do not allow a complete mixing between the fresh recharged water and aquifer salinized water or the discharging of the aquifer salinized water. The planned salt intrusion prevention gates in the Red River, Tra Ly River and Hoa River in the RRD coastal area, combined with increased GW abstraction and associated aquifer recharge with fresh river water, could result in the gradual desalination of the shallow Holocene aquifer. These effects would help improve the area’s resilience to freshwater shortages and sea level rises and would allow for the creation of a long-term sustainable water resource development plan to manage the salinization of water resources caused by sea level rises. Finite element (FE) modeling of GW flow, solute transport via GW flow and dynamic programming (DP) have been used to study the potential desalination of brackish aquifers, the magnitude of GW abstraction quantities and the spatial and temporal aspects of desalination. FE modeling of GW flow coupled with DP was utilized to identify the magnitude of sustainable abstraction quantities and the GW flow field, which is required in salt transport models. Multiple sizes of elements and time steps were used to adapt to the unsteady state of GW flow and hydraulic head variables between the elements in the FE meshes in order to ensure reasonable accuracy of numerical modeling. The GW flow and salt transport modeling and DP allowed determining quasi-steady-state GW abstraction rates and aquifer salinity levels for conditions that did and did not include the shallow Holocene unconfined aquifer recharge from rainfall. The aquifer modeled domain which is supposed to serve the pumping well field is 1.5 km2. The results showed that the Holocene aquifer may provide a stable abstraction rate of 100 m3/day starting in the 6th year (for the worst-case scenario with zero aquifer recharge from rainfall) to 130 m3/day starting in the 3rd year (for the scenario with aquifer recharge equal to 3% of the rainfall levels). During the first years of GW abstraction, the desalination of the brackish upper Holocene aquifer will mainly occur in the area close to the river, and at the 18th year of abstraction, almost the entire area between the river and line of pumping wells would be desalinized. From the 10th year of abstraction, the abstracted water has a total dissolved solids content lower than 0.5 g/l for the worst-case scenario with zero aquifer recharge from rainfall and lower than 0.42 g/l for the scenario with aquifer recharge equal to 3% of the rainfall. The modeling results indicate the simulated process by which abstraction of groundwater adjacent to the Tra Ly River could desalinize the brackish aquifer via freshwater recharge from the river.  相似文献   

This review paper describes the state of the Vistula basin and the Baltic Sea area. The article is divided into two parts concerning the river and the Baltic coastal zone, respectively. Each part describes the geography and the environmental state of the region and gives an overview of the socio-economic conditions. The environmental state of the study regions is described in terms of annual monitoring data for the main physico-chemical and biological parameters. The data cover the last decade. The socio-economic overview includes parameters such as e.g. population density, industrialization, agricultureand land use.SI: Pirrone  相似文献   

The occurrence of arsenic in drinking water and its detrimental effects have drawn much attention in recent years. Several studies have been conducted in the deltaic plains of River Ganga, NE part of the India, and in other countries, but no systematic study was conducted in South India on occurrence of arsenic in groundwater. The main aim of this study is to determine the level of arsenic in groundwater and to understand the relation with other geochemical parameters of groundwater in the south-eastern coastal aquifer at Kalpakkam region, India. This region is represented by three different lithologies, viz. charnockites, flood plain alluvium and marine alluvium. Twenty-nine representative samples of groundwater were collected and analysed for major ions, metals and isotopes such as 2H and 18O. In addition, geophysical method was also attempted to understand the subsurface condition. The spatial variation in arsenic (As) indicates that higher concentration was observed around the landfill sites and irrigated regions, which was supported by geochemical, statistical and isotopic inferences. The variation in the As with depth, lithology and sources has been clearly brought out. Though the values of As does not exceed the drinking water permissible limit (10 mg/l), it has reached a near permissible level of 8.7 ppb. Hence, it is essential to understand the geochemical behaviour of As for a proper future management of the water resource in the study area.  相似文献   

Biogeochemical models are often used for making projections of future carbon dynamics under scenarios of global change. The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of the process-based biogeochemical model Biome-BGC for application in central European forests from the lowlands to upper treeline as a pre-requisite for environmental impact assessments. We analyzed model behavior along an altitudinal gradient across the alpine treeline, which provided insights on the sensitivity of simulated average carbon pools to changes in environmental factors. A second set of tests included medium-term (30 years) simulations of carbon fluxes, and a third set of tests focused on daily carbon and water fluxes. Model results were compared to aboveground biomass measurements, leaf area index recordings as well as net ecosystem exchange (NEE) and actual evapotranspiration (AET) measurements. The simulated medium-term forest growth agreed well with measured data. Also daily NEE fluxes were simulated adequately in most cases. Problems were detected when simulating ecosystems close to the upper timberline (overestimation of measured growth and pool sizes), and when simulating daily AET fluxes (overestimation of measured fluxes). The results showed that future applications of Biome-BGC could benefit much from an improvement of model algorithms (e.g., the Q10 model for respiration) as well as from a detailed analysis of the ecological significance of crucial parameters (e.g., the canopy water interception coefficient).  相似文献   

In this work, PIXE experiments were performed for measuring heavy and light elements' (ranging from aluminium to lead) concentrations inside various polluted and unpolluted soils as well as liquid samples collected from different phosphate factory sewers in the El Jadida-Safi Atlantic coastal region (Morocco). In addition, uranium ((238)U) and thorium ((232)Th) contents were evaluated in the same samples studied by using CR-39 and LR-115 type II solid state nuclear track detectors (SSNTDs). The influence of the phosphate industry wastes on the concentrations of both radioactive and non-radioactive elements of the samples studied was investigated.  相似文献   

It is possible to estimate radon exposure to man retrospectively by the in vivo measurement of the decay product (210)Pb, which accumulates in the bones. For in vivo methods, knowledge of the distribution of (210)Pb in the skeleton is needed to determine the optimal site for measurement, the skull or the knee. In this study the activity of (210)Pb in a variety of bone samples from 3 individuals have been measured in vitro using underground gamma-ray spectrometry. The individuals were unlikely to have had elevated intakes of Rn. These measurements give baseline data on the bone massic activity of (210)Pb. They show that the massic activity is similar for each of these people and there are similar massic activities of (210)Pb in the skull and the knee of the 2 individuals for which the skull was measured. Additionally for 2 of the individuals trabecular and cortical bone were separated and massic activities were found to be strongly correlated indicating that the (210)Pb is associated with the hydroxyapatite.  相似文献   

Using the drivers–pressures–state–impact–responses (DPSIR) analytical framework, local stakeholder respondents and experts were interviewed to construct and prioritize a causality network that links ecosystem state of the coastal waters of Berau (East Kalimantan, Indonesia) with societal drivers of change. Particularly on the perceived top priority drivers and pressures, consensus among respondents was considerable. The constructed network was found to be consistent with literature findings from elsewhere in SE Asia. This causality network was then confronted with a local articulation of the SRES scenarios (IPCCs Special Report on Emissions Scenarios: A1, A2, B1, B2), and four plausible trajectories of future change were deduced over a period of 20?years, until 2030. Our scenario articulations differed greatly in the projected immigration influx into the region, in local economic growth and in institutional strength of governance. Under business-as-usual conditions, it is foreseen that fisheries will continue to overexploit the resource, and inland and mangrove deforestation, as well as sediment and sewage loading of the coastal waters, will increase, leading to declines in coral and seagrass extent and depleted fisheries. Scenarios with continued immigration (~A1, A2) will probably aggravate this pattern, whereas those with reduced immigration (~B1, B2) would appear to lead to considerable improvements in the state of the coastal waters of Berau.  相似文献   

Studies on invertebrate remains from the cultural layer of an ancient Aleut settlement on Adak Island have shown that the faunistic composition of invertebrates in the study area had not changed significantly during the Late Holocene. The traditional mode of natural resource use by the ancient Aleuts had no impact on the abundance of valuable species and biodiversity in general. Changes in the temperature regime were found to have taken place in the history of deposit formation. The period from the 8th to the mid-11th century was relatively cold. Climate warming took place between the mid-11th and the mid-12th centuries and between the mid-16th and the 19th centuries, with an intervening cooling period (from the mid-12th to the mid-16th century). This cooling was most distinct between the 15th and the mid-16th centuries.  相似文献   

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