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Spatial and temporal dynamics of silica (SiO2) were examined in a morphologically complex reservoir, based on data collected between high-flow year and low-flow year. SiO2 averaged 3.4 mg/L and varied from 0.1 to 9.7 mg/L depending on the year and the location. The paired sample test of SiO2 showed that in mainstem sites, SiO2 was significantly (t = 3.577, p < 0.01) greater in the high-flow year than in the low-flow year, and this pattern was similar to that of embayment sites, indicating an importance of flow regime on the silica loading. During the high-flow year, SiO2 was significantly (t = 3.577, p < 0.01) greater in the mainstems than in the embayments, but during the low-flow year, there was no statistical difference between the two reaches. SiO2 showed a distinct longitudinal decline from the headwaters to the dam in the high-flow year, and it was modified by the plunging of metalimnetic density current in the mid-lake reach. Seasonal fluctuation of SiO2 was influenced by internal nutrient cycling and diatom populations. Dominant phytoplankton abundance had an inverse relation between the two algal populations of bluegreens and diatoms during August-December of the low-flow year. In other words, bluegreen algae dominated at the low SiO2 (< 2.5 mg/L) during the summer period of the low-flow year, whereas diatoms dominated with the increase of SiO2 in fall overturn. Overall results suggest that increase of silica in this system is primarily regulated by interannual flow regime, but the internal loading during fall overturn and biological up-take by seasonal growth of diatom community were also considered as an important process controlling the input of silica.  相似文献   

A regional pollution history has been reconstructed for the borough of Halton (northwest England) from four urban ponds in north Cheshire and south Merseyside, using environmental analyses of lake sediment stratigraphies. Mineral magnetism, geochemistry and radiometric dating have produced profiles of pollution characteristics dating from the mid-nineteenth century to present day. These pollution profiles reflect the atmospheric deposition of a range of pollutants over 150 years of intensified industry. Distinct phases of pollution deposition and characteristics are identified reflecting: (1) intensification of industry in the nineteenth century; (2) expansion of industry during the twentieth century; (3) post 1956 Clean Air Acts. This work promotes the potential use of these pollution archives for use in epidemiology to better understand links between human health and environmental pollution, especially for diseases with long latency times, where retrospective pollution exposure assessments are important.  相似文献   

In this study, key ecological modelling limitations of a process-based simulation model and a Bayesian network were reduced by combining the two approaches. We demonstrate the combined modelling approach with a case study investigating increases in woody vegetation density in northern Australia's tropical savannas. We found that by utilising the strengths of a simulation model and a Bayesian network we could both forecast future change in woody vegetation density and diagnose the reasons for current vegetation states. The local conditions of climate, soil characteristics and the starting population of trees were found to be more important in explaining the likelihood of change in woody vegetation density compared to management practices such as grazing pressure and fire regimes. We conclude that combining the strengths of a process and BN model allowed us to produce a simple model that utilised the ability of the process model to simulate ecosystem processes in detail and over long time periods, and the ability of the BN to capture uncertainty in ecosystem response and to conduct scenario, sensitivity and diagnostic analysis. The overall result was a model that has the potential to provide land managers with a better understanding of the behaviour of a complex ecosystem than simply utilising either modelling approach in isolation.  相似文献   

Restoration programs are expanding worldwide, but assessments of restoration effectiveness are rare. The objectives of our study were to assess current acid-precipitation remediation programs in streams of the Allegheny Plateau ecoregion of West Virginia (USA), identify specific attributes that could and could not be fully restored, and quantify temporal trends in ecosystem recovery. We sampled water chemistry, physical habitat, periphyton biomass, and benthic macroinvertebrate and fish community structure in three stream types: acidic (four streams), naturally circumneutral (eight streams), and acidic streams treated with limestone sand (eight streams). We observed no temporal trends in ecosystem recovery in treated streams despite sampling streams that ranged from 2 to 20 years since initial treatment. Our results indicated that the application of limestone sand to acidic streams was effective in fully recovering some characteristics, such as pH, alkalinity, Ca2+, Ca:H ratios, trout biomass and density, and trout reproductive success. However, recovery of many other characteristics was strongly dependent upon spatial proximity to treatment, and still others were never fully recovered. For example, limestone treatment did not restore dissolved aluminum concentrations, macroinvertebrate taxon richness, and total fish biomass to circumneutral reference conditions. Full recovery may not be occurring because treated streams continue to drain acidic watersheds and remain isolated in a network of acidic streams. We propose a revised stream restoration plan for the Allegheny Plateau that includes restoring stream ecosystems as connected networks rather than isolated reaches and recognizes that full recovery of acidified watersheds may not be possible.  相似文献   

To understand the consequences of human accelerated environmental change, it is important to document the effects on natural populations of an increasing frequency of extreme climatic events. In stream ecosystems, recent climate change has resulted in extreme variation in both thermal and hydrological regimes. From 2001 to 2004, a severe drought in western United States corresponded with earlier emergence of the adult stage of the high-altitude stream mayfly, Baetis bicaudatus. Using a long-term database from a western Colorado stream, the peak emergence date of this mayfly population was predicted by both the magnitude and date of peak stream flow, and by the mean daily water temperature, suggesting that Baetis may respond to declining stream flow or increasing water temperature as proximate cues for early metamorphosis. However, in a one-year survey of multiple streams from the same drainage basin, only water temperature predicted spatial variation in the onset of emergence of this mayfly. To decouple the effects of temperature and flow, we separately manipulated these factors in flow-through microcosms and measured the timing of B. bicaudatus metamorphosis to the adult stage. Mayflies emerged sooner in a warmed-water treatment than an ambient-water treatment; but reducing flow did not accelerate the onset of mayfly emergence. Nonetheless, using warming temperatures to cue metamorphosis enables mayflies to time their emergence during the descending limb of the hydrograph when oviposition sites (protruding rocks) are becoming available. We speculate that large-scale climate changes involving warming and stream drying could cause significant shifts in the timing of mayfly metamorphosis, thereby having negative effects on populations that play an important role in stream ecosystems.  相似文献   

It is commonly acknowledged that ecosystem responses to global climate change are nonlinear. However, patterns of the nonlinearity have not been well characterized on ecosystem carbon and water processes. We used a terrestrial ecosystem (TECO) model to examine nonlinear patterns of ecosystem responses to changes in temperature, CO2, and precipitation individually or in combination. The TECO model was calibrated against experimental data obtained from a grassland ecosystem in the central United States and ran for 100 years with gradual change at 252 different scenarios. We primarily used the 100th-year results to explore nonlinearity of ecosystem responses. Variables examined in this study are net primary production (NPP), heterotrophic respiration (R(h)), net ecosystem carbon exchange (NEE), runoff, and evapotranspiration (ET). Our modeling results show that nonlinear patterns were parabolic, asymptotic, and threshold-like in response to temperature, CO2, and precipitation anomalies, respectively, for NPP, NEE, and R(h). Runoff and ET exhibited threshold-like pattern in response to both temperature and precipitation anomalies but were less sensitive to CO2 changes. Ecosystem responses to combined temperature, CO2, and precipitation anomalies differed considerably from the responses to individual factors in terms of response patterns and/or critical points of nonlinearity. Our results suggest that nonlinear patterns in response to multiple global-change factors were diverse and were considerably affected by combined climate anomalies on ecosystem carbon and water processes. The diverse response patterns in nonlinearity have profound implications for both experimental design and theoretical development.  相似文献   

We have developed and applied a process-based model, the Wetland Ecosystem Model (WEM), to evaluate the effects of a prescribed fire on the phosphorus (P) dynamics and cattail (Typha domingensis) growth in a P-enriched area in the Florida Everglades. The WEM couples major ecosystem processes including carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and P biogeochemical cycles, plant growth, hydrology, and fire disturbance. The model is used to assess the effects of a prescribed fire on P dynamics and cattail growth through dynamic interaction among four modules: fire, water chemistry, soil, and vegetation. The simulation results are in agreement with observed data including cattail above- and belowground biomass and dead mass, P concentration in surface-water, pore-water, and soil, and soil and water temperature. Cattail aboveground biomass reached the unburned level one year after burn; belowground biomass recovered to unburned level one and half years after the fire, however, dead mass did not completely reach unburned level two years after fires. The fire increased water and soil temperatures in the short term, while indirectly increasing the sensitivity of water and soil temperature post-fire response to air temperature by altering the energy exchange between air and water through a canopy gap created by fire. The fire also altered the P dynamics in surface-water and pore-water. A post-fire P pulse that lasted for less than one month was observed in surface-water. A similar P pulse, but in a small magnitude and a longer duration, was also observed in the pore-water total phosphorus (TP), and then came back to normal level after approximately three months. No significant changes in soil TP was observed during the study period. Meanwhile, no significant changes in water nutrients were observed downstream of the study plot. This finding indicated that the P-enriched wetlands in Everglades act as a buffer in regulating the P concentration in surface-water. Our study showed that the distance of fire effects on a 300 m × 300 m plot was less than 300 m downstream. Sensitivity analysis identified that the air temperature and hydrological conditions are two important driving factors which may alter the cattail community dynamics in response to prescribed fires. Similar to the filed studies, this study provided evidences that fire played an important role in managing plant growth and P dynamics in the Florida Everglades.  相似文献   

Fishing mortality and primary production (or proxy for) were used to drive the dynamics of fish assemblages in 9 trophodynamic models of contrasting marine ecosystems. Historical trends in abundance were reconstructed by fitting model predictions to observations from stock assessments and fisheries independent survey data. The model fitting exercise derives values for otherwise unknown parameters that specify the relative strength of trophic interactions and, in some instances, a time series anomaly for changes in primary production. We measured how much better or worse were model predictions when bottom-up forcing by primary production were added to top-down forcing by fishing. Searching for cross system patterns, the relative contribution of fishing and changes in primary production, mediated through trophic interactions, are evaluated for the ecosystems as a whole and for selected similar species in different ecosystems. The analysis provides a simple qualitative way to explain which forcing factors have most influence on modeled dynamics. Both fishing and primary production forcing were required to obtain the best model fits to data. Fishing effects more strongly influenced 6 of 9 of the ecosystems, but primary production was more often found to be the main factor influencing the selected pelagic and demersal fish stock trends. Examination of sensitivity to ecological and model parameters suggests that the results are the product of complex food-web interactions rather than simple deterministic responses of the models.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of generalist predators in biological control may be diminished if increased availability of alternative prey causes individual predators to decrease their consumption of crop pests. Farming practices that enhance densities of microbidetritivores in the detrital food web can lead to increased densities of generalist predators that feed on pest species. The ability to predict the net biocontrol impact of increased predator densities depends upon knowing the extent to which individual predators may shift to detrital prey and feed less on crop pests when prey of the detritus-based food web are more abundant. We addressed this question by comparing ratios of stable isotopes of carbon (delta13C) and nitrogen (delta15N) in generalist ground predators and two types of prey (crop pests and microbidetritivores) in replicated 8 x 8 m cucurbit gardens subjected to one of two treatments: a detrital subsidy or no addition of detritus (control). Small sheet-web spiders (Linyphiidae) and small wolf spiders (Lycosidae) had delta13C values similar to those of Collembola in both the detrital and control treatments, indicating that small spiders belong primarily to the detrital food web. In control plots the larger generalist predators had delta13C values similar to those of the major insect pests, consistent with their known effectiveness as biocontrol agents. Adding detritus may have caused delta13C of one species of large wolf spider to shift toward that of the microbi-detritivores, although evidence is equivocal. In contrast, another large wolf spider displayed no shift in delta13C in the detrital treatment. Thus, stable isotopes revealed which generalist predators will likely continue to feed on pest species in the presence of greater densities of alternative prey.  相似文献   

The fisher (Martes pennanti) is a forest-dwelling carnivore whose current distribution and association with late-seral forest conditions make it vulnerable to stand-altering human activities or natural disturbances. Fishers select a variety of structures for daily resting bouts. These habitat elements, together with foraging and reproductive (denning) habitat, constitute the habitat requirements of fishers. We develop a model capable of predicting the suitability of fisher resting habitat using standard forest vegetation inventory data. The inventory data were derived from Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA), a nationwide probability-based sample used to estimate forest characteristics. We developed the model by comparing vegetation and topographic data at 75 randomly selected fisher resting structures in the southern Sierra Nevada with 232 forest inventory plots. We collected vegetation data at fisher resting locations using the FIA vegetation sampling protocol and centering the 1-ha FIA plot on the resting structure. To distinguish used and available inventory plots, we used nonparametric logistic regression to evaluate a set of a priori biological models. The top model represented a dominant portion of the Akaike weights (0.87), explained 31.5% of the deviance, and included the following variables: average canopy closure, basal area of trees <51 cm diameter breast height (dbh), average hardwood dbh, maximum tree dbh, percentage slope, and the dbh of the largest conifer snag. Our use of routinely collected forest inventory data allows the assessment and monitoring of change in fisher resting habitat suitability over large regions with no additional sampling effort. Although models were constrained to include only variables available from the list of those measured using the FIA protocol, we did not find this to be a shortcoming. The model makes it possible to compare average resting habitat suitability values before and after forest management treatments, among administrative units, across regions and over time. Considering hundreds of plot estimates as a sample of habitat conditions over large spatial scales can bring a broad perspective, at high resolution, and efficiency to the assessment and monitoring of wildlife habitat.  相似文献   

Recent calls for the development of ecosystem-based fisheries management compel the development of resource management tools and linkages between existing fisheries management tools and other resource tools to enable assessment and management of multiple impacts on fisheries resources. In this paper, we describe the use of the Chesapeake Bay Fisheries Ecosystem Model (CBFEM), developed using the Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) software, and the Chesapeake Bay Water Quality Model (WQM) to demonstrate how linkages between available modeling tools can be used to inform ecosystem-based natural resource management. The CBFEM was developed to provide strategic ecosystem information in support of fisheries management. The WQM was developed to assess impacts on water quality. The CBFEM was indirectly coupled with the WQM to assess the effects of water quality and submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) on blue crabs. The output from two WQM scenarios (1985-1994), a baseline scenario representing actual nutrient inputs and another with reduced inputs based on a tributary management strategy, was incorporated into the CBFEM. The results suggested that blue crab biomass could be enhanced under management strategies (reduced nutrient input) when the effective search rate of blue crab young-of-the-year's (YOY's) predators or the vulnerability of blue crab YOY to its predators was adjusted by SAV. Such model linkages are important for incorporating physical and biological components of ecosystems in order to explore ecosystem-based fisheries management options.  相似文献   

Abstract: Forest carnivores such as the fisher ( Martes pennanti ) have frequently been the target of conservation concern because of their association in some regions with older forests and sensitivity to landscape-level habitat alteration. Although the fisher has been extirpated from most of its former range in the western United States, it is still found in northwestern California. Fisher distribution, however, is still poorly known in most of this region where surveys have not been conducted. To predict fisher distribution across the region, we created a multiple logistic regression model using data from 682 previously surveyed locations and a vegetation layer created from satellite imagery. A moving-window function in a geographic information system was used to derive landscape-level indices of canopy closure, tree size class, and percent conifer. The model was validated with new data from 468 survey locations. The correct classification rate of 78.6% with the new data was similar to that achieved with the original data set (80.4%). Whereas several fine-scale habitat attributes were significantly correlated with fisher presence, the multivariate model containing only landscape- and regional-scale variables performed as well as one incorporating fine-scale data, suggesting that habitat selection by fishers may be dominated by factors operating at the home-range scale and above. Fisher distribution was strongly associated with landscapes with high levels of tree canopy closure. Regional gradients such as annual precipitation were also significant. At the plot level, the diameter of hardwoods was greater at sites with fisher detections. A comparison of regional fisher distribution with land-management categories suggests that increased emphasis on the protection of biologically productive, low- to mid-elevation forests is important to ensuring the long-term viability of fisher populations.  相似文献   

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