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Range gas consumption in households tends to follow an annual cycle resembling a sinusoid, with peak consumption during the winter. When outdoor NO2 concentrations have a constant or small impact, the resulting indoor NO2 concentrations also tend to resemble an annual sinusoid. Optimal monitoring strategies can be designed to take advantage of this knowledge to obtain a better estimate of the true annual average gas consumption or indoor NO2 concentration. Gas consumption data, together with measured outdoor concentrations, house volumes, sampled emission rates, air exchange rates, and NO2 decay rates, are used to model weekly indoor NO2 concentrations throughout the year. Based on the modeling results, various monitoring strategies are evaluated for their accuracy in estimating the annual mean. Analysis of the results indicates that greater accuracy is attained using samples equally spaced throughout the year. In addition, the expected error for various monitoring strategies and various numbers of equally spaced samples is quantified, and their ability to classify homes into correct concentration categories is assessed.  相似文献   


The inclusion of non-detected chemicals in a health risk assessment may lead, in some cases, to estimated risks that exceed regulatory thresholds, because one must use the detection limit or half of the detection limit. This study presents a methodology which will allow one to estimate appropriate detection limits by conducting a health risk assessment prior to the source sampling program. The advantages and shortcomings of various levels of detail in the risk assessment to determine those detection limits are discussed. The application of the methodology is demonstrated with a case study of the potential health effects of power plant stack emissions.  相似文献   

Based on data collected in St. Louis, Philadelphia and other eastern U.S. cities, we conclude that a significant fraction of the PM-10 concentration is "background." In these urban areas the background fraction ranges from 35 to 80 percent of the daily, monthly or annual concentration. The bulk of the background appears to be of regional origin. The average chemical makeup of eastern U.S. PM-10 is sulfate as SO4, 21-34 percent; crustal material, 14-39 percent; "unknown" (carbonaceous matter, ammonium, nitrate and water), 36-51 percent, all of which is difficult to apportion to specific sources. Dispersion modeling using a local source inventory can account only for a small portion of the total PM-10 mass. Emission roll-back of local sources may have a limited effect on reducing total concentrations of PM-10.  相似文献   

A question often asked about analytical diffusion models is “How do the analytical results for calculating pollution concentrations compare with those obtained by statistical techniques?” Miller and Holzworth (1967) have developed a simple analytical diffusion model that yields relative pollution concentrations, x/Q, as a function of afternoon mixing depth, mean transport wind speed, and city size. This analytical model may also be used in reverse to determine apparent afternoon source strengths from observed afternoon pollution concentrations. The apparent source strengths may then be used with the model on independent data to estimate pollution concentrations. It is the purpose of this note to compare results of calculating average afternoon concentrations of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) by use of the Miller-Holzworth model with those obtained from statistical regression equations.  相似文献   

Martina Artmann 《Ambio》2014,43(4):530-541
Soil sealing has negative impacts on ecosystem services since urban green and soil get lost. Although there is political commitment to stop further sealing, no reversal of this trend can be observed in Europe. This paper raises the questions (1) which strategies can be regarded as being efficient toward ecologically sustainable management of urban soil sealing and (2) who has competences and should take responsibility to steer soil sealing? The analyses are conducted in Germany. The assessment of strategies is carried out using indicators as part of a content analysis. Legal-planning, informal-planning, economic-fiscal, co-operative, and informational strategies are analyzed. Results show that there is a sufficient basis of strategies to secure urban ecosystem services by protecting urban green and reducing urban gray where microclimate regulation is a main target. However, soil sealing management lacks a spatial strategically overview as well as the consideration of services provided by fertile soils.  相似文献   

Soil investigations near a former smelter have revealed that historic use of arsenical pesticides has contributed significantly to anthropogenic background concentrations of arsenic on certain residential properties in Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. Remedial investigation data, based on samples collected in relatively undisturbed locations, had previously indicated that the "upper limit" of background arsenic concentrations was 28 mg/kg in the site vicinity. This value compares reasonably well with more regional data, which indicate increasing arsenic concentrations moving from rural to urban land use. Soil sampling during cleanup, however, revealed the presence of arsenic concentrations of a few hundred to more than 1000 mg/kg on a large number of residential lawns due to historic applications of a crabgrass killer, which was missed by the earlier investigation samples because of the sampling bias toward undisturbed land. Data from over 20,000 soil samples now show that several different populations comprise urban background levels of arsenic and that these populations may be stratified by land use and have spatial patterns that should be considered during any background study. A variety of forensic techniques, including spatial analysis, arsenic speciation, and calculation of metals ratios were necessary to separate the smelter impacts from pesticide impacts.  相似文献   

Long-term (1860–2010) catchment mass balance calculations rely on models and assumptions which are sources of uncertainty in acidification assessments. In this article, we report on an application of MAGIC to model acidification at the four Swedish IM forested catchments that have been subject to differing degrees of acidification stress. Uncertainties in the modeled mass balances were mainly associated with the deposition scenario and assumptions about sulfate adsorption and soil mass. Estimated base cation (BC) release rates (weathering) varied in a relatively narrow range of 47–62 or 42–47 meq m−2 year−1, depending on assumptions made about soil cation exchange capacity and base saturation. By varying aluminum solubility or introducing a dynamic weathering feedback that allowed BC release to increase at more acidic pHs, a systematic effect on predicted changes in acid neutralizing capacity (ΔANC ca. 10–41 μeq l−1) and pH (ca. ΔpH = 0.1–0.6) at all sites was observed. More robust projections of future changes in pH and ANC are dependent on reducing uncertainties in BC release rates, the timing, and extent of natural acidification through BC uptake by plants, temporal changes in soil element pools, and fluxes of Al between compartments.  相似文献   

A comprehensive and comparative model validation of two EPA models for short-term SO2 concentrations was performed. The two models tested were RAM (Urban version) and PTMTP (Terrain version). Both are multiple source, multiple receptor gaussian plume models, recommended in the EPA Guideline On Air Quality Models. 1 The principal difference between the two models is in their use of empirical dispersion coefficients. It was because of the potential for markedly different predicted maximum SO2 concentrations, and the absence of any testing data on the RAM model, that the validation analysis was undertaken. The current study utilized a full year of air quality data from monitoring sites in two Indiana cities, Michigan City and Indianapolis. Cumulative frequency distributions for each site and model were prepared and comparisons made. The results indicate that the RAM (Urban) model was highly inaccurate in predicting maximum short-term SO2 concentrations. The PTMTP model, although conservative in its estimates, produces results which more closely resemble the distribution of observed SO2 concentrations. The body of information presented in this paper is directed to environmental scientists responsible for air quality modeling, and to those persons who set policy on the use of models in air quality studies.  相似文献   


Twenty-four to forty-eight-hour ozone air quality forecasts are increasingly being used in metropolitan areas to inform the public about potentially harmful air quality conditions. The forecasts are also behind “ozone action day” programs in which the public and private sectors are encouraged or mandated to alter activities that contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone. Presented here is a low-cost application of the Urban Airshed Model (UAM), an Eulerian 3-dimensional photochemical-transport grid model for generating next-day peak ozone concentration forecasts. During the summer of 1997, next-day peak ozone concentrations in Atlanta, GA, were predicted both by a team of eight forecasters and by the Urban Airshed Model in Forecast Mode (UAM-FM). Results are presented that compare the accuracy of the team and the UAM-FM. The results for the summer of 1997 indicate that the UAM-FM may be a better predictor of peak ozone concentrations when concentrations are high (> 0.095 ppmv), and the team may be a better predictor of ozone concentrations when concentrations are low (< 0.095 ppmv). The UAM-FM is also discussed in the context of other forecasting tools, primarily linear regression models and a no-skill, persistence-based technique.  相似文献   

Open path Fourier transform infrared (OP-FTIR) spectroscopy is a new air monitoring technique that can be used to measure concentrations of air contaminants in real or near-real time. OP-FTIR spectroscopy has been used to monitor workplace gas and vapor exposures, emissions from hazardous waste sites, and to track emissions along fence lines. This paper discusses a statistical process control technique that can be used with air monitoring data collected with an OP-FTIR spectrometer to detect departures from normal operating conditions in the workplace or along a fence line. Time series data, produced by plotting consecutive air sample concentrations in time, were analyzed. Autocorrelation in the time series data was removed by fitting dynamic models. Control charts were used with the residuals of the model fit data to determine if departures from defined normal operating conditions could be rapidly detected. Shewhart and exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control charts were evaluated for use with data collected under different room air flow and mixing conditions.

Under rapidly changing conditions the Shewhart control chart was able to detect a leak in a simulated process area. The EWMA control chart was found to be more sensitive to drifts and slowly changing concentrations in air monitoring data. The time series and statistical process control techniques were also applied to data obtained during a field study at a chemical plant. A production area of an acrylonitrile, 1,3-butadiene, and styrene (ABS) polymer process was monitored in near-real time. Decision logics based on the time series and statistical process control technique introduced suggest several applications in workplace and environmental monitoring. These applications might include signaling of an alarm or warning, increasing levels of worker respiratory protection, or evacuation of a community, when gas and vapor concentrations are determined to be out-of-control.  相似文献   


The associations between residential outdoor and ambient particle mass, fine particle absorbance, particle number (PN) concentrations, and residential and traffic determinants were investigated in four European urban areas (Helsinki, Athens, Amsterdam, and Birmingham). A total of 152 nonsmoking participants with respiratory diseases, not exposed to occupational pollution, were included in the study, which comprised a 7-day intensive exposure monitoring period of both indoor and home outdoor particle mass and number concentrations. The same pollutants were also continuously measured at ambient fixed sites centrally located to the studied areas (fixed ambient sites). Relationships between concentrations measured directly outside the homes (residential outdoor) and at the fixed ambient sites were pollutant-specific, with substantial variations among the urban areas. Differences were more pronounced for coarse particles due to resuspension of road dust and PN, which is strongly related to traffic emissions. Less significant outdoor-to-fixed variation for particle mass was observed for Amsterdam and Birmingham, predominantly due to regional secondary aerosol. On the contrary, a strong spatial variation was observed for Athens and to a lesser extent for Helsinki. This was attributed to the overwhelming and time-varied inputs from traffic and other local sources. The location of the residence and traffic volume and distance to street and traffic light were important determinants of residential outdoor particle concentrations. On average, particle mass levels in suburban areas were less than 30% of those measured for residences located in the city center. Residences located less than 10 m from a street experienced 133% higher PN concentrations than residences located further away. Overall, the findings of this multi-city study, indicated that (1) spatial variation was larger for PN than for fine particulate matter (PM) mass and varied between the cities, (2) vehicular emissions in the residential street and location in the center of the city were significant predictors of spatial variation, and (3) the impact of traffic and location in the city was much larger for PN than for fine particle mass.  相似文献   

The partition and effective diffusion coefficients of formaldehyde were measured for three materials (conventional gypsum wallboard, “green” gypsum wallboard, and “green” carpet) under three relative humidity (RH) conditions (20%, 50%, and 70% RH). The “green” materials contained recycled materials and were friendly to environment. A dynamic dual-chamber test method was used. Results showed that a higher relative humidity led to a larger effective diffusion coefficient for two kinds of wallboards and carpet. The carpet was also found to be very permeable resulting in an effective diffusion coefficient at the same order of magnitude with the formaldehyde diffusion coefficient in air. The partition coefficient (K ma) of formaldehyde in conventional wallboard was 1.52 times larger at 50% RH than at 20% RH, whereas it decreased slightly from 50% to 70% RH, presumably due to the combined effects of water solubility of formaldehyde and micro-pore blocking by condensed moisture at the high RH level. The partition coefficient of formaldehyde increased slightly with the increase of relative humidity in “green” wallboard and “green” carpet. At the same relative humidity level, the “green” wallboard had larger partition coefficient and effective diffusion coefficient than the conventional wallboard, presumably due to the micro-pore structure differences between the two materials. The data generated could be used to assess the sorption effects of formaldehyde on building materials and to evaluate its impact on the formaldehyde concentration in buildings.

Implications: Based on the results of this study, the sink effects of these commonly used materials (conventional and “green” gypsum wallboards, “green” carpet) on indoor formaldehyde concentration could be estimated. The effects of relative humidity on the diffusion and partition coefficients of formaldehyde were found to differ for materials and for different humidity levels, indicating the need for further investigation of the mechanisms through which humidity effects take place.  相似文献   

Carbon bond (CB-III) fractions for non-methane organic carbon compounds (NMOC) measured in the background alrmass adverted into several urban areas in the eastern and southern United States are reported. These, together with ozone measured aloft, were used In an Empirical Kinetic Modeling Approach (EKMA) to model urban ozone production and urban ozone control strategies.

Over a range of zero to double the mean of the measured NMOC concentrations aloft (0 to 70 ppbC) and zero to the highest ozone levels recorded aloft (0 to 65 ppb), it was found that urban ozone production and control strategies were relatively insensitive to NMOC from aloft. However, urban ozone production was sensitive to ozone from aloft, while ozone control strategies were insensitive to ozone from aloft.  相似文献   

Background, Aim and Scope Air quality is an field of major concern in large cities. This problem has led administrations to introduce plans and regulations to reduce pollutant emissions. The analysis of variations in the concentration of pollutants is useful when evaluating the effectiveness of these plans. However, such an analysis cannot be undertaken using standard statistical techniques, due to the fact that concentrations of atmospheric pollutants often exhibit a lack of normality and are autocorrelated. On the other hand, if long-term trends of any pollutant’s emissions are to be detected, meteorological effects must be removed from the time series analysed, due to their strong masking effects. Materials and Methods The application of statistical methods to analyse temporal variations is illustrated using monthly carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations observed at an urban site. The sampling site is located at a street intersection in central Valencia (Spain) with a high traffic density. Valencia is the third largest city in Spain. It is a typical Mediterranean city in terms of its urban structure and climatology. The sampling site started operation in January 1994 and monitored CO ground level concentrations until February 2002. Its geographic coordinates are W0°22′52″ N39°28′05″ and its altitude is 11 m. Two nonparametric trend tests are applied. One of these is robust against serial correlation with regards to the false rejection rate, when observations have a strong persistence or when the sample size per month is small. A nonparametric analysis of the homogeneity of trends between seasons is also discussed. A multiple linear regression model is used with the transformed data, including the effect of meteorological variables. The method of generalized least squares is applied to estimate the model parameters to take into account the serial dependence of the residuals of this model. This study also assesses temporal changes using the Kolmogorov-Zurbenko (KZ) filter. The KZ filter has been shown to be an effective way to remove the influence of meteorological conditions on O3 and PM to examine underlying trends. Results The nonparametric tests indicate a decreasing, significant trend in the sampled site. The application of the linear model yields a significant decrease every twelve months of 15.8% for the average monthly CO concentration. The 95% confidence interval for the trend ranges from 13.9% to 17.7%. The seasonal cycle also provides significant results. There are no differences in trends throughout the months. The percentage of CO variance explained by the linear model is 90.3%. The KZ filter separates out long, short-term and seasonal variations in the CO series. The estimated, significant, long-term trend every year results in 10.3% with this method. The 95% confidence interval ranges from 8.8% to 11.9%. This approach explains 89.9% of the CO temporal variations. Discussion The differences between the linear model and KZ filter trend estimations are due to the fact that the KZ filter performs the analysis on the smoothed data rather than the original data. In the KZ filter trend estimation, the effect of meteorological conditions has been removed. The CO short-term componentis attributable to weather and short-term fluctuations in emissions. There is a significant seasonal cycle. This component is a result of changes in the traffic, the yearly meteorological cycle and the interactions between these two factors. There are peaks during the autumn and winter months, which have more traffic density in the sampled site. There is a minimum during the month of August, reflecting the very low level of vehicle emissions which is a direct consequence of the holiday period. Conclusions The significant, decreasing trend implies to a certain extent that the urban environment in the area is improving. This trend results from changes in overall emissions, pollutant transport, climate, policy and economics. It is also due to the effect of introducing reformulated gasoline. The additives enable vehicles to burn fuel with a higher air/fuel ratio, thereby lowering the emission of CO. The KZ filter has been the most effective method to separate the CO series components and to obtain an estimate of the long-term trend due to changes in emissions, removing the effect of meteorological conditions. Recommendations and Perspectives Air quality managers and policy-makers must understand the link between climate and pollutants to select optimal pollutant reduction strategies and avoid exceeding emission directives. This paper analyses eight years of ambient CO data at a site with a high traffic density, and provides results that are useful for decision-making. The assessment of long-term changes in air pollutants to evaluate reduction strategies has to be done while taking into account meteorological variability  相似文献   

阐述了移动通信GSM网络与3G网络共站址的情况下对环境的影响,并提出了影响预测模式,计算了某通信公司移动通信典型基站对周围环境电磁辐射的影响,确定了对敏感目标的保护距离,并进行了实测以对保护距离进行验证。  相似文献   

Jesper Torudd  Peter Saetre 《Ambio》2013,42(4):506-516
This study investigates whether non-human biota are protected against harmful effects of ionizing radiation after a possible future release of radioactive matter from a planned repository for spent nuclear fuel. Radiation dose rates to a broad spectrum of organisms were calculated based on data from sampled organisms and modeled activity concentrations. Calculations were performed with the ERICA Tool, a software program which applies a screening dose-rate value of 10 microgray per hour (μGy h?1) for all types of organisms. Dose rates below this value are thought to result in minimal risk to the individual or population. All calculated dose rates were below the screening value and below the lowest relevant band of “derived consideration levels” proposed by the International Commission on Radiological Protection. This provides a sound basis for arguing that no individuals or populations of examined species would be harmfully affected by a possible radioactive release from the repository.  相似文献   

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