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The factors that influence the increase or decrease of silt loadings on paved roadways have not been fully quantitatively investigated. They were identified in this study based on the quarterly silt loading sampling data collected from 20 sites by the Clark County Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management in Southern Nevada for the period from 2000 to 2003. The silt loading and associated data collected over these years at one sampling site may inherently possess site-specific characteristics that can be better incorporated by using panel data models. The factors that are identified as significant are the presence of curbs and gutters, shoulder type, pavement conditions, and the presence of construction activities in the vicinity of roadways. The presence of curbs and gutters, stabilized shoulders, and good pavement conditions would result in decreased silt loadings. Conversely, the presence of construction activities within the immediate vicinity of sampled areas would result in increases of silt loadings on the roadway surfaces. Based on the analysis of the results, it was recommended that constructing curbs, gutters and stabilized shoulders, preventing or reducing construction track-out from construction activity, and improving pavement conditions be the preferred control measures to reduce silt loading on paved roadways.  相似文献   

This study is considered the first attempt to apply a mobile monitoring system to estimating silt loading on paved roads in a mega-city such as the Seoul metropolitan area. Using a mobile monitoring system developed in 2005, we estimated silt loadings on representative paved roads in the Seoul metropolitan area, including the city of Incheon, over a period of 3 yr. The temporal and spatial characteristics of silt loading were investigated for the carefully selected roads that may reflect the characteristics of the cities of Seoul and Incheon. In this study, changes in the average silt loading values were investigated in terms of land use, the temporal resolution of data acquisition (i.e., seasonal, daily, three-hour scale), the road width or number of lanes, and rainfall, which may affect the characteristics of the average silt loading significantly. It was found that the advantages of using the mobile monitoring system are its ability to obtain a large quantity of silt loading data in a short period of time and over a wide area and its ability to create a silt loading map showing the relative magnitude of silt loading in relation to a specific location, which makes it possible to easily locate hot spots.

Implications: This study may be considered the first practical application of a mobile monitoring system to obtain the silt loading data on paved roads in a mega-city such as Seoul. It was found that the advantages of using the mobile monitoring system are its ability to obtain a large quantity of silt loading data in a short period of time and over a wide area and its ability to create a silt loading map showing the relative magnitude of silt loading in relation to a specific location, which makes it possible to easily locate hot spots to be cleaned cost-effectively by city officials.  相似文献   

This study is considered the first attempt to apply a mobile monitoring system to estimating silt loading on paved roads in a megacity such as the Seoul metropolitan area. Using a mobile monitoring system developed in 2005, we estimated silt loadings on representative paved roads in the Seoul metropolitan area, including the city of Incheon, over a period of 3 yr. The temporal and spatial characteristics of silt loading were investigated for the carefully selected roads that may reflect the characteristics of the cities of Seoul and Incheon. In this study, changes in the average silt loading values were investigated in terms of land use, the temporal resolution of data acquisition (i.e., seasonal, daily, three-hour scale), the road width or number of lanes, and rainfall, which may affect the characteristics of the average silt loading significantly. It was found that the advantages of using the mobile monitoring system are its ability to obtain a large quantity of silt loading data in a short period of time and over a wide area and its ability to create a silt loading map showing the relative magnitude of silt loading in relation to a specific location, which makes it possible to easily locate hot spots.  相似文献   

PM10 and PM2.5 emissions from roadways are currently estimated using the silt loading on the road surface as a surrogate for the emissions potential of road dust. While the United States Environmental Protection Agency prescribes this method in AP-42, there is considerable cost associated with silt loading measurements; it is feasible to sample only a small portion of a roadway network. A new approach for measuring the concentration of suspendable PM10 above road surfaces has been developed to obtain a more spatially representative estimate of a road's potential to emit dust. The Testing Re-entrained Aerosols Kinetic Emissions from Roads (TRAKER) system uses real-time aerosol sensors mounted on a vehicle to measure the concentration of dust suspended from the road while the vehicle is in motion. When coupled with a Global Positioning System (GPS) instrument, TRAKER can be used to efficiently survey the changes in suspendable particles due to varying road conditions over a large spatial domain.In a recent study on paved roads in Las Vegas, the TRAKER system was compared with collocated silt loading measurements. The TRAKER system was also used to survey the relative amounts of suspendable road dust on approximately 300 miles of paved roads. The system provides a unique perspective on road dust sources and their spatial distribution.Results of this study indicated that the difference of the PM10 concentrations measured behind the tire and on the hood is exponentially related to vehicle speed. This was an interesting finding because current AP-42 road dust emissions estimation methods do not include vehicle speed as a factor in the emissions calculations. The experiment also demonstrated that the distribution of suspendable material on roadways is highly variable and that a large number of samples are needed to represent road dust emissions potential on an urban scale for a variety of road and activity conditions.  相似文献   


The Segmented-Plume Primary Aerosol Model (SPPAM) has been developed over the past several years. The earlier model development goals were simply to generalize the widely used Industrial Source Complex Short-Term (ISCST) model to simulate plume transport and dispersion under light wind conditions and to handle a large number of roadway or line sources. The goals have been expanded to include development of improved algorithm for effective plume transport velocity, more accurate and efficient line and area source dispersion algorithms, and recently, a more realistic and computationally efficient algorithm for plume depletion due to particle dry deposition. A performance evaluation of the SPPAM has been carried out using the 1983 PNL dual tracer experimental data. The results show the model predictions to be in good agreement with observations in both plume advection-dispersion and particulate matter (PM) depletion by dry deposition. For PM2.5 impact analysis, the SPPAM has been applied to the Rubidoux area of California. Emission sources included in the modeling analysis are: paved road dust, diesel vehicular exhaust, gasoline vehicular exhaust, and tire wear particles from a large number of roadways in Rubidoux and surrounding areas. For the selected modeling periods, the predicted primary PM2.5 to primary PM10 concentration ratios for the Rubidoux sampling station are in the range of 0.39–0.46. The organic fractions of the primary PM2.5 impacts are estimated to be at least 34–41%. Detailed modeling results indicate that the relatively high organic fractions are primarily due to the proximity of heavily traveled roadways north of the sampling station. The predictions are influenced by a number of factors; principal among them are the receptor locations relative to major roadways, the volume and composition of traffic on these roadways, and the prevailing meteorological conditions.  相似文献   


This paper reports the first empirical estimate of particle emissions from unpaved shoulders along paved roads.1 Its objectives are to develop and demonstrate an emission rate measurement methodology that can be applied in different areas; identify the mechanisms that suspend dust from unpaved shoulders and the observables related to this suspension process; and quantify PM10 mass emissions in the form of an emission rate. To achieve these objectives, fast-response observations from nephelometers and a sonic anemometer were used to characterize shortlived dust plumes generated by passing vehicles. In addition, detailed soil surface measurements determined the mechanical properties of the shoulder surfaces.

Large traffic-induced turbulence events that led to significant dust entrainment were almost exclusively caused by “large” vehicles such as trucks, semis, and vehicles pulling trailers, all traveling 50-65 mph. PM10 emission rates for these large, fast-traveling vehicles were determined to be 8 ± 4 grams per vehicle kilometer traveled under dry conditions. Emissions due to smaller vehicles such as cars, vans, and sport utility vehicles were negligible for normal on-road driving. These results indicate that the majority of PM10 emissions from unpaved shoulders is caused by relatively few vehicles.  相似文献   


This paper presents the analysis of ambient air concentrations of 10 carbonyl compounds (aldehydes and ketones) measured in the yards of 87 residences in the city of Elizabeth, NJ, throughout 1999–2001. Most of these residences were measured twice in different seasons; the sampling duration was 48 hr each time. The authors observed higher concentrations for most of the measured carbonyl compounds on warmer days, reflecting larger contributions of photochemical reactions on warmer days. The estimated contributions of photochemical production varied substantially across the measured carbonyl compounds and could be as high as 60%. Photochemical activity, however, resulted in a net loss for formaldehyde. The authors used stepwise multiple linear regression models to evaluate the impact of traffic sources and meteorological conditions on carbonyl concentrations using the data collected on colder days (with lower photochemical activities). They found that the concentrations of formal-dehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein, propionaldehyde, crotonaldehyde, benzaldehyde, glyoxal, and methylglyoxal significantly decreased with increasing distance between a measured residence and one or more major roadways. They also found significant negative associations between concentrations for most of the measured carbonyl compounds and each of the following meteorological parameters: mixing height, wind speed, and precipitation.  相似文献   

The paving of gravel roads with an average daily traffic (ADT) over 15 is a least cost method for reducing suspended particulate In the air in Seattle. It is also a good business investment when the ADT exceeds 100. Clean roads, gutters, and parking lots may reduce or eliminate Seattle’s most serious environmental constraint on economic development. In a study done in Seattle’s Duwamish Valley the impact of road dust on air quality was measured by obtaining dust emission factors for vehicles traveling at 10, 20, and 30 mph on gravel as well as dusty paved roads. A University of Washington Mark II Cascade Impactor was mounted on a trailer and towed behind a car to determine the concentration and size distribution of this dust. It was found that each vehicle mile at 20 mph on unpaved roads contributed 7.0 Ib of dust to the air, 1.9 Ib consisting of particles smaller than 10 microns in diameter and 0.24 Ib below 2 microns. Three to eight percent by weight of this respirable dust was free silica, which is potentially toxic. The quantity of dust generated varies as an exponent of the speed. The concentrations of dust found in the air near a dry gravel road with an ADT of 250 reached 584 μg/m3 for an 8 hr work day. A 24 hr suspended particulate reading of 463 μg/m3 total and 3.83 μg/m3 free silica was found beside a dusty paved road with an ADT of 18,000. Nineteen miles of gravel roads and 110 miles of dusty paved roads contributed 2700 tons/year of particulate, of which 700 tons were below 10 microns. Paving or oiling such roads will produce benefits of $3,881,000 yearly in household cleaning, health care, sewer, vehicle operation, and road maintenance costs as well as an increase in property values. Clean roads can lower the cost of clean air in Seattle.  相似文献   


Although it has long been recognized that road and building construction activity constitutes an important source of particulate matter (PM) emissions throughout the United States, until recently only limited research has been directed to its characterization. This paper presents the results of PM10 and PM2.5 (particles ≤10 μm and ≤2.5 μm in aerodynamic diameter, respectively) emission factor development from the onsite testing of component operations at actual construction sites during the period 1998 –2001. Much of the testing effort was directed at earthmoving operations with scrapers, because earthmoving is the most important contributor of PM emissions across the construction industry. Other sources tested were truck loading and dumping of crushed rock and mud and dirt carryout from construction site access points onto adjacent public paved roads. Also tested were the effects of watering for control of scraper travel routes and the use of paved and graveled aprons at construction site access points for reducing mud and dirt carryout. The PM10 emissions from earthmoving were found to be up to an order of magnitude greater than predicted by AP-42 emission factors drawn from other industries. As expected, the observed PM2.5:PM10 emission factor ratios reflected the relative importance of the vehicle exhaust and the resuspended dust components of each type of construction activity. An unexpected finding was that PM2.5 emissions from mud and dirt carryout were much less than anticipated. Finally, the control efficiency of watering of scraper travel routes was found to closely follow a bilinear moisture model.  相似文献   

Vehicular emitted air pollutant concentrations were studied near three types of roadways in Austin, Texas: (1) State Highway 71 (SH-71), a heavily traveled arterial highway dominated by passenger vehicles; (2) Interstate 35 (I-35), a limited access highway north of Austin in Georgetown; and (3) Farm to Market Road 973 (FM-973), a heavily traveled surface roadway dominated by truck traffic. Air pollutants examined include carbon monoxide (CO), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), and carbonyl species in the gas-phase. In the particle phase, ultrafine particle (UFP) concentrations (diameter < 100 nm), fine particulate matter (PM2.5, diameter < 2.5 μm) mass and carbon content and several particle-bound organics were examined. All roadways had an upwind stationary sampling location, one or two fixed downwind sample locations and a mobile monitoring platform that characterized pollutant concentrations fall-off with increased distance from the roadways. Data reported in this paper focus on UFP while other pollutants and near-roadway chemical processes are examined in a companion paper. Traffic volume, especially heavy-duty traffic, wind speed, and proximity to the road were found to be the most important factors determining UFP concentrations near the roadways. Since wind directions were not consistent during the sampling periods, distances along wind trajectories from the roadway to the sampling points were used to study the decay characteristics of UFPs. Under perpendicular wind conditions, for all studied roadway types, particle number concentrations increased dramatically moving from the upwind side to the downwind side. The elevated particle number concentrations decay exponentially with increasing distances from the roadway with sharp concentration gradients observed within 100–150 m, similar to previously reported studies. A single exponential decay curve was found to fit the data collected from all three roadways very well under perpendicular wind conditions. No consistent pattern was observed for UFPs under parallel wind conditions. However, regardless of wind conditions, particle concentrations returned to background levels within a few hundred meters of the roadway. Within measured UFP size ranges, smaller particles (6–25 nm) decayed faster than larger ones (100–300 nm). Similar decay rates were observed among UFP number, surface, and volume.  相似文献   

随着城市建设的发展,城市道路改建时产生的大量的废弃混凝土块的有效利用成了一个亟待解决的问题。结合宜昌市东山大道改建项目,将废弃的混凝土面板加工形成再生集料用作水泥稳定碎石基层,达到节约资源和保护环境的目的。实验分析了再生集料的颗粒级配、压碎值、针片状颗粒含量、表观密度和吸水率等工程性质指标,同时对水泥稳定再生碎石的级配、最佳水泥掺量进行了设计,并对水泥稳定再生碎石的无侧限抗压强度指标进行了研究。研究表明,废旧混凝土经加工形成的再生集料具有良好的路用性能,其颗粒级配、压碎值以及主要指标均达到了路面基层材料的要求;掺3%、5%和7%水泥稳定再生集料7 d浸水抗压强度均达到路面基层的要求,水泥稳定再生集料用作路面基层是可行的;掺3%水泥稳定的再生集料可以用在公路的底基层,掺5%及7%水泥稳定的再生集料可以分别用作路面下基层和上基层。  相似文献   

An intensive sampling campaign has been carried out in a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) to assess the dynamics of the influent pharmaceutical active compounds (PhAC) and musks. The mass loadings of these compounds in wastewater influents displayed contrasting diurnal variations depending on the compound. The musks and some groups of PhACs tended to follow a similar diurnal trend as compared to macropollutants, while the majority of PhACs followed either the opposite trend or no repeatable trend. The total musk loading to the WWTP was 0.74 ± 0.25 g d−1, whereas the total PhAC mass loading was 84.7 ± 63.8 g d−1. Unlike the PhACs, the musks displayed a high repeatability from one sampling day to the next. The range of PhAC loadings in the influent to WWTPs can vary several orders of magnitude from one day or week to the next, representing a challenge in obtaining data for steady-state modelling purposes.  相似文献   

Vitali M  Ensabella F  Stella D  Guidotti M 《Chemosphere》2004,57(11):1637-1647
A sampling campaign for the determination of concentrations of nonylphenol isomers (NPs) in freshwaters and sediments of the hydrologic system of the Rieti district (central Italy) was conducted from 2002 to 2003. Eighteen sampling points, selected on the basis of the different human activities in the vicinity, were monitored; six series of water samples (from June 2002 to February 2003) and one of sediment samples (summer 2002) were analyzed by GC/MS.

There was a direct relationship between concentrations of NPs and the presence of urban or industrial activities near the sampling point. However, concentrations of NPs in water were in the range of <0.1–1.4 μg l−1, and their presence limited to short distances from the sources of contamination. Accumulation factors in sediment samples ranged from 102 to 5 × 103.  相似文献   

Street sweeping is often proposed as a means of reducing the emissions from paved roads. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of street sweeping on ambient particulate matter concentrations and to determine the difference In source contributions to PM10 concentrations between street sweeping and non-street sweeping periods.

Chemically-speciated measurements of PM10 and PM2.5 were taken in the commercial section of Reno, Nevada, for a one-month sampling period. The Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) model was applied to these data and an average of approximately 50 percent of the PM10 was apportioned to resuspended geological material. During half of the sampling period, streets In the vicinity of the sampling site were completely swept with a regenerative-air vacuum sweeper, while no sweeping was performed during the remainder of the experiment. Ratios of primary geological contributions divided by primary motor vehicle contributions to PM10 were compared between sweeping and non-sweeping periods using analysis of variance. This ratio of source contributions minimizes the effects of variations in traffic volume and meteorological dispersion. No significant differences in geological contributions to PM10 were detected as a result of regenerative-air vacuum street sweeping.  相似文献   


The use of street sweepers to clean paved roads, particularly after high-wind events, has been proposed as a PM10 control method. Using an artificial tunnel, the emission rates for several street sweepers were quantified under actual operating conditions. The tunnel was a tent enclosure, 6.1 × 4.3 × 73 m, open on both ends. PM10 concentrations were measured at the inlet and outlet while a sweeper removed sand deposited along the length. Measurements were made using a specialized low-volume filter sampler and an integrating nephelometer. The volume of air passing through the tunnel was measured by releasing an inert tracer, sulfur hexafluoride, at the inlet and measuring its concentration at the outlet. A large difference in emission rates between vacuum-type sweepers was observed, with rates varying from 5 to 100 mg m-1 swept. For the cleanest sweepers, the background rates (collected by sweeping clean pavement) were about half of the total PM10 emission rate. These background emission rates likely were from diesel exhaust; background rates for the single gasoline-powered sweeper were below detection. Particle light scattering data confirmed the filter collection results. The artificial tunnel approach would be useful in measuring total emissions from other mobile and stationary sources.  相似文献   

Noise is a major source of pollution that can affect the human physiology and living environment. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an exposure for longer than 24 hours to noise levels above 70 dB(A) may damage human hearing sensitivity, induce adverse health effects, and cause anxiety to residents nearby roadways. Pavement type with different roughness is one of the associated sources that may contribute to in-vehicle noise. Most previous studies have focused on the impact of pavement type on the surrounding acoustic environment of roadways, and given little attention to in-vehicle noise levels. This paper explores the impacts of different pavement types on in-vehicle noise levels and the associated adverse health effects. An old concrete pavement and a pavement with a thin asphalt overlay were chosen as the test beds. The in-vehicle noise caused by the asphalt and concrete pavements were measured, as well as the drivers’ corresponding heart rates and reported riding comfort. Results show that the overall in-vehicle sound levels are higher than 70 dB(A) even at midnight. The newly overlaid asphalt pavement reduced in-vehicle noise at a driving speed of 96.5 km/hr by approximately 6 dB(A). Further, on the concrete pavement with higher roughness, driver heart rates were significantly higher than on the asphalt pavement. Drivers reported feeling more comfortable when driving on asphalt than on concrete pavement. Further tests on more drivers with different demographic characteristics, along highways with complicated configurations, and an examination of more factors contributing to in-vehicle noise are recommended, in addition to measuring additional physical symptoms of both drivers and passengers.Implications: While there have been many previous noise-related studies, few have addressed in-vehicle noise. Most studies have focused on the noise that residents have complained about, such as neighborhood traffic noise. As yet, there have been no complaints by drivers that their own in-vehicle noise is too loud. Nevertheless, it is a fact that in-vehicle noise can also result in adverse health effects if it exceeds 85 dB(A). Results of this study show that in-vehicle noise was strongly associated with pavement type and roughness; also, driver heart rate patterns presented statistically significant differences on different types of pavement with different roughness.  相似文献   

The trend toward increased use of central refuse incinerators is inevitably contributing to urban air pollution. Eventually sampling ports, emission sensing and recording equipment will be required; and more detailed data will be available. But, tradilionally, discharges have been estimated by means of emission factors for nominal design loadings. Such estimates may be unreliable, especially under highly variable processing rates.

Preliminary evidence suggests lhat actual emission factors are higher when the incinerator is charged at greater rates, and vice versa. Observations at the Boston municipal incinerator indicate considerable day-to-day variability in refuse loading. No measurements of emissions are made, but daily input loading records for several years are available.

This study focuses upon the variability in daily loadings. Several functions relating emission factors to charging rates are assumed in order to estimate variability in discharges to the atmosphere. Four years of daily records were analyzed for day-of-week and seasonal components, as well as secular trends. Further analysis suggested that some of the remaining variation in observations could be explained in connection with holidays and precipitation.

The implications of conventionally designed holding pits and charging policies on air pollution problems are discussed in view of such variability, and alternatives are suggested.  相似文献   

Determination of the effect of vehicle emissions on air quality near roadways is important because vehicles are a major source of air pollution. A near-roadway monitoring program was undertaken in Chicago between August 4 and October 30, 2014, to measure ultrafine particles, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, traffic volume and speed, and wind direction and speed. The objective of this study was to develop a method to relate short-term changes in traffic mode of operation to air quality near roadways using data averaged over 5-min intervals to provide a better understanding of the processes controlling air pollution concentrations near roadways. Three different types of data analysis are provided to demonstrate the type of results that can be obtained from a near-roadway sampling program based on 5-min measurements: (1) development of vehicle emission factors (EFs) for ultrafine particles as a function of vehicle mode of operation, (2) comparison of measured and modeled CO2 concentrations, and (3) application of dispersion models to determine concentrations near roadways. EFs for ultrafine particles are developed that are a function of traffic volume and mode of operation (free flow and congestion) for light-duty vehicles (LDVs) under real-world conditions. Two air quality models—CALINE4 (California Line Source Dispersion Model, version 4) and AERMOD (American Meteorological Society/U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Regulatory Model)—are used to predict the ultrafine particulate concentrations near roadways for comparison with measured concentrations. When using CALINE4 to predict air quality levels in the mixing cell, changes in surface roughness and stability class have no effect on the predicted concentrations. However, when using AERMOD to predict air quality in the mixing cell, changes in surface roughness have a significant impact on the predicted concentrations.

Implications: The paper provides emission factors (EFs) that are a function of traffic volume and mode of operation (free flow and congestion) for LDVs under real-world conditions. The good agreement between monitoring and modeling results indicates that high-resolution, simultaneous measurements of air quality and meteorological and traffic conditions can be used to determine real-world, fleet-wide vehicle EFs as a function of vehicle mode of operation under actual driving conditions.  相似文献   

From January 1996 to June 1997, we carried out a series of measurements to estimate emissions of PM10 from paved roads in Riverside County, California. The program involved the measurement of upwind and downwind vertical profiles of PM10, in addition to meteorological variables such as wind speed and vertical turbulent intensity. This information was analyzed using a new dispersion model that incorporates current understanding of micrometeorology and dispersion. The emission rate was inferred by fitting model predictions to measurements. The inferred emission factors ranged from 0.2 g VKT-1 for freeways to about 3 g VKT-1 for city roads. The uncertainty in these factors is estimated to be approximately a factor of two since the contributions of paved road PM10 emissions to ambient concentrations were comparable to the uncertainty in the mean value of the measurement. At this stage, our best estimate of emission factor lies between 0.1 and 10 g VKT-1; there is some indication that it is about 0.1 g VKT-1 for heavily traveled freeways, and is an order of magnitude higher for older city roads. We found that measured silt loadings were poor predictors of emission factors.The measured emission factors imply that paved road emissions may contribute about 30% to the total PM10 emissions from a high traffic area such as Los Angeles. This suggests that it is necessary to develop methods that are more reliable than the upwind–downwind concentration difference technique.  相似文献   


A growing number of epidemiological studies conducted worldwide suggest an increase in the occurrence of adverse health effects in populations living, working, or going to school near major roadways. A study was designed to assess traffic emissions impacts on air quality and particle toxicity near a heavily traveled highway. In an attempt to describe the complex mixture of pollutants and atmospheric transport mechanisms affecting pollutant dispersion in this near-highway environment, several real-time and time-integrated sampling devices measured air quality concentrations at multiple distances and heights from the road. Pollutants analyzed included U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-regulated gases, particulate matter (coarse, fine, and ultrafine), and air toxics. Pollutant measurements were synchronized with real-time traffic and meteorological monitoring devices to provide continuous and integrated assessments of the variation of near-road air pollutant concentrations and particle toxicity with changing traffic and environmental conditions, as well as distance from the road. Measurement results demonstrated the temporal and spatial impact of traffic emissions on near-road air quality. The distribution of mobile source emitted gas and particulate pollutants under all wind and traffic conditions indicated a higher proportion of elevated concentrations near the road, suggesting elevated exposures for populations spending significant amounts of time in this microenvironment. Diurnal variations in pollutant concentrations also demonstrated the impact of traffic activity and meteorology on near-road air quality. Time-resolved measurements of multiple pollutants demonstrated that traffic emissions produced a complex mixture of criteria and air toxic pollutants in this microenvironment. These results provide a foundation for future assessments of these data to identify the relationship of traffic activity and meteorology on air quality concentrations and population exposures.  相似文献   

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