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Derivation of Nutrient Guidelines for Streams in Victoria, Australia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Human induced increases to nutrientconcentrations in streams have led to many agenciesdeveloping strategies and criteria for nutrientreduction. National or statewide guidelines aregenerally inappropriate, due to the natural variabilityin stream ecosystems within political boundaries. Thisstudy used an extant aquatic macroinvertebrate-basedregionalisation for the state of Victoria, Australia, asthe basis for defining regions of relatively homogeneousenvironmental character. This enabled the selection ofecologically-based regional reference sites andsubsequent characterisation of the nutrient status ofthese sites. Using an extensive biological and nutrientdata base for streams across the State, we calculated50th and 75th percentile concentrations forreference sites within each region. Using thesepercentiles in conjunction with impact and recoverystudies, we defined nutrient guidelines for each region. Although the nutrient data largely supported thebiological regionalisation, patterns in the nutrient datadid require some minor modifications for the nutrientregions. Relatively unimpacted regions with referencesites in very good-to excellent-condition were assignedguidelines largely based on the 75th percentiles. The more impacted regions, where best availablereference sites were of poorer quality, were assignedguidelines based largely on the 50th percentiles. Professional judgement and known extents of impactsacross each region provided important contributions tothe decision-making process. The derived guidelineconcentrations are comparable to several cited in theliterature and are proposed for use in monitoring,assessment and restoration targets.  相似文献   

Numerical models are useful for predicting the transport and fate of contaminants in dynamic marine environments, and are increasingly a practical solution to environmental impact assessments. In this study, a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model and field data were used to validate a far-field dispersion model that, in turn, was used to determine the fate of treated wastewater (TWW) discharged to the ocean via a submarine ocean outfall under hypothetical TWW flows. The models were validated with respect to bottom and surface water current speed and direction, and in situ measurements of total nitrogen and faecal coliforms. Variations in surface and bottom currents were accurately predicted by the model as were nutrient and coliform concentrations. Results indicated that the ocean circulation was predominately wind driven, evidenced by relatively small oscillations in the current speeds along the time-scale of the tide, and that dilution mixing zones were orientated in a predominantly north-eastern direction from the outfall and parallel to the coastline. Outputs of the model were used to determine the ‘footprint’ of the TWW plume under a differing discharge scenario and, particularly, whether the resultant changes in TWW contaminants, total nitrogen and faecal coliforms would meet local environmental quality objectives (EQO) for ecosystem integrity, shellfish harvesting and primary recreation. Modelling provided a practical solution for predicting the dilution of contaminants under a hypothetical discharge scenario and a means for determining the aerial extent of exclusion zones, where the EQOs for shellfish harvesting and primary recreation may not always be met. Results of this study add to the understanding of regional discharge conditions and provide a practical case study for managing impacts to marine environments under a differing TWW discharge scenario, in comparison to an existing scenario.  相似文献   

The development of a broader, more holistic approach to aquaticecosystem management has been called for in recent years. Physical and chemical objectives alone are no longer consideredsufficient for the protection of aquatic ecosystems and shouldbe supplemented with biological objectives. The ubiquitousand sedentary nature of macroinvertebrates, combined with theirmeasurable response to environmental conditions, favour their use as important indicators in environmental policies. To establish biological objectives, there is a need for a regionalframework to limit the variability between ecosystems. Past studies have demonstrated that an a posteriori regionalisationapproach may be more useful than an a priori approach in explaining single component (e.g. macroinvertebrates) patternsacross ecosystems. This is particularly important as aquaticresource management agencies often focus on one or twocomponents of the ecosystem to assess environmental health. This study uses an a posteriori method to delineate and describebiological regions based on edge and riffle macroinvertebrate data. The regionalisation will provide a framework for settingbiological objectives, based on the range of reference conditionsmeasured within each separate region. The objectives will includeregional checklists for taxa and biotic indices. Predictive modelling in the style of RIVPACS or AUSRIVAS will also be usedwithin each region to develop objectives, incorporating local, regional and systematic features as predictor variables.  相似文献   

Growing urbanisation causes pressures on many environmental assets such as groundwater systems, waterways, atmosphere, ecosystems and others. To manage and mitigate the negative effects of these pressures, environmental programs are typically launched, which comprise of eligible projects in different affected locations. The implementation of individual projects has a cost. However, due to budget constraints, most frequently not all suggested projects can be implemented which makes necessary to choose a subset. In this paper, we use a cost utility approach and a subsequent combinatorial optimisation based on metaheuristics to determine a project portfolio which returns a maximum aggregated utility while keeping the budget constraint. To ensure that the mutual exclusiveness of projects at one particular site is guaranteed, we further developed the employed metaheuristics. We apply this approach within a waterway health program in a river catchment in Brisbane, Australia, and compare its results to a commonly used selection process that does not involve combinatorial optimisation. We find that the use of combinatorial optimisation leads to a considerable improvement of the selection process and can help to more effectively allocate environmental expenditure.  相似文献   

Ammonia is an important water quality variable, which in excess, can be detrimental to waterways and their ecosystems. In the Ecosystem Health Monitoring Program in South-east Queensland ammonia is monitored monthly, however, often more than 50% of the ammonia observations in Moreton Bay are below detection limit, making it difficult to draw useful inferences. In this paper a clipped Gaussian random field is used to spatially model and map the probability of detectable concentration of ammonia. The methodology is applied to the Moreton Bay samples collected in February 2005. The results suggest that for this month the oceanic impacted areas have higher probability of detectable ammonia concentration than the areas closer to the main sources of anthropogenic inputs.  相似文献   

Liquid wastes from the fish meal and oil processing industries produce serious environmental impacts in coastal embayments on the coasts of Chile and Peru. This article presents an analysis of an environmental monitoring program at Lota Bay, a shallow coastal indentation in central Chile (37 degrees S) exposed to industrial fishing activity. The study of the environmental impact produced by waste effluents permitted making an evaluation of the bay's capacity for seasonal recovery from this impact. Seasonal cruises were carried out during 1994 and in 1996, 1997, and 1998. Variables analyzed included salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, ammonium concentration and surface oil and grease. The hydrographic regime of Lota Bay follows a seasonal pattern, where, typical of most SE pacific embayments, waters from subsuperficial oxygen minimum zones moved into the bay. The percentages of dissolved oxygen were critical in the area of organic waste discharge. The impact of wastewater is related to the type and status of the fishery, including: (i) overloads of plant production lines, (ii) maintenance and cleaning of installations, and (iii) degree of shipboard fishing conservation. Major alterations were observed in summer, when the highest discharge of organic load occurred. In winter, an improvement in the re-aeration conditions reduced the impact. Remedial measures implemented beginning in 1997 arose from the monitoring program and had to be separated into two recovery factors including (a) internal management of plants and (b) treatment of plant effluents.  相似文献   

在枯水期和丰水期,对秦皇岛市15个典型入海排污口污水进行生物效应监测,选用发光细菌(费歇尔弧菌)、藻类(中肋骨条藻)、甲壳类(卤虫)、鱼类(海水青鳉幼鱼) 4种不同的生物毒性测试生物对污水进行短期急性毒性测试。结果表明:排海污水的毒性大小易受雨水稀释影响;海水青鳉幼鱼对污水最为敏感,其次为卤虫和中肋骨条藻,费歇尔弧菌敏感性最低。对排海污水毒性评估结果与理化指标的相关性分析进一步表明,仅仅依靠理化指标来评估污水的环境影响具有局限性。  相似文献   

A framework for dissolved oxygen (DO) modeling of the Ravi River has been developed based on a combination of laboratory measurements and field and monitoring data. Both the classical Streeter-Phelps (CSP) and the modified Streeter-Phelps (MSP) models are used for DO simulations. The MSP model considers the carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD) and nitrogenous biochemical oxygen demand (NBOD) separately, whereas the CSP model is evaluated considering only the CBOD and NBOD is incorporated in the overall BOD utilization rate. CBOD, NBOD and BOD rates have been determined through long-term BOD analysis of five main wastewater outfalls and two surface drains discharging into the Ravi River over a 98 km stretch. Analysis by Thomas Method manifests strong coefficient of determination “R2” between 0.72 and 0.98 for all the three types of BOD rates. Sensitivity analyses have also been carried out to find out a suitable reaeration rate formula for highly variable flows in the Ravi River. The CSP model results based on classical approach of considering only CBOD show significant difference between the model predictions and field measurements suggesting that NBOD needs to be incorporated for the model development. The dissolved oxygen values calculated using the MSP model and the CSP model based on overall BOD rate are in close agreement with field measurements and are thus suitable to model DO levels in the Ravi River.  相似文献   

This research focuses on the effect of debris-flow on thevarious hydrogeochemical processes occurring at Cross-River as aresult of disposal of industrial and household wastes as well as sewage into the river. It also focuses on development anddetermination of the saline nature of the rivers dry land.The study is carried out by a survey at different depths of theriver for water and soil samples analysis.The results show that concentrations of cations and anionsreasonably high and uniform except for nitrates which is quitehigh due to agricultural activities occurring in the study areas.Also Mg and SO4 ions are high due to reactions within thecolluvium include ion exchange of calcium for sodium in basalclays; dissolution of sodium chloride from dust – derived saltparticles in the clay-rich colluvium reactions.The Electrical conductive shows that Cross-River containsdissolved solids. Soil analysis indicates the presence of K, Ca,Mg, and Cl. pH values were also deducted from soil samples (6.30–6.45).  相似文献   

Sustainable development is a widespread concept. Indicator selection and sustainability assessment are basic methods to analyse the sustainable development process. This study aims to develop a software application to select indicators and to allocate weightings to the indicators and the sub-indexes, so that they can be listed in a sustainability assessment. The Visual Basic software is used to develop a software package based on Delphi, analytic hierarchy, normalization and combination processes. Software for sustainability assessment was developed. Thirty-five indicators are selected as a first step of which eight health indicators and eight environmental ones and their sub-indexes are given weightings. The indicators are normalized. Sub-indexes are combined into a composite sustainable development index. The model is validated showing the ‘main features’ of the sustainability situation on health and environmental aspects in the Quang Tri province during the period 2000–2005. The results support the decision-making process of the competent authorities.  相似文献   

Aquatic ecosystems around the world, lake, estuaries and coastal areas are increasingly impacted by anthropogenic pollutants through different sources such as agricultural, industrial and urban discharges, atmospheric deposition and terrestrial drainage. Lake Victoria is the second largest lake in the world and the largest tropical lake. Bordered by Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya, it provides a livelihood for millions of Africans in the region. However, the lake is under threat from eutrophication, a huge decline in the number of native fish species caused by several factors including loss of biodiversity, over fishing and pollution has been recently documented. Increasing usage of pesticides and insecticides in the adjacent agricultural areas as well as mercury contamination from processing of gold ore on the southern shores are currently considered among the most emergent phenomena of chemical contamination in the lake. By the application of globally consistent and comprehensive geospatial data-sets based on remote sensing integrated with information on heavy metals accumulation and insecticides exposure in native and alien fish populations, the present study aims at assessing the environmental risk associated to the contamination of the Lake Victoria water body on fish health, land cover distribution, biodiversity and the agricultural area surrounding the lake. By the elaboration of Landsat 7 TM data of November 2002 and Landsat 7 TM 1986 we have calculated the agriculture area which borders the Lake Victoria bay, which is an upland plain. This process has greatly enhanced nutrient loading to the soil, which is subsequently transported to the lake by rain or as dry fall. All the data has been insert in the Geographical information System (ARCGIS) to be upgraded and consulted. Heavy metals in fish fillets showed concentrations rather low except for mercury being higher than others as already described in previous investigations. In the same tissue, cholinesterases activity (ChE) as an indicator of insecticides exposure showed significant differences among fish species in both activity and sensitivity of selected inhibitor insecticides. This integrated approach aims at identifying and quantifying selected aquatic environmental issues which integrated with monitoring techniques such as contaminant concentrations and biological responses to insecticides exposure in fish populations will provide a scientific basis for aquatic zones management and assist in policy formulations at the national and international levels.  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to: (1) measure atrazine and metolachlor concentrations during both high and low use periods in the Chesapeake Bay's mainstem/major tributaries, smaller tributaries and representative small agricultural streams during 1995 and 1996; (2) compare these exposure data with toxicity benchmarks for each herbicide to predict ecological risk and (3) use in-stream fish community data collected in the streams to provide supportive data for ecological risk characterization. Spatially, atrazine (<0.10–98 g/L) and metolachlor (<0.10–68 g/L) concentrations were highest in the streams, followed by the small tributaries (<0.10–11 g/L atrazine; <0.10–8.6 g/L metolachlor) with the lowest concentration in the mainstem Bay/larger tributaries (<0.10–0.22 g/L atrazine; <0.10–0.24 g/L metolachlor). Temporally, concentrations of both herbicides were greatest in all three types of habitats in the late spring and early summer. Concentrations of atrazine and metolachlor were very low or non-detectable in all habitats sampled from early August to mid-April. Toxicity benchmarks of 20 g/L for atrazine based on an ecological No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC) for microcosm/mesocosm studies and an acute 10th percentile of 53 g/L for metolachlor (protection of ninety % of the species) based on laboratory toxicity data were selected to assess annual and seasonal ecological risk. Both of these toxicity benchmarks were conservative estimates of ecological risk designed to protect the trophic group (plants) most sensitive to these herbicides. Based on a comparison of these toxicity benchmarks with two years of exposure data, the ecological risk from both atrazine and metolachlor exposure in the mainstem Chesapeake Bay/large tributaries, small tributaries and representative agriculturally dominated streams was generally judged to be low. During one 72-h stream rain event in 1995, the atrazine toxicity benchmark (20 g/L) was exceeded during part of the event. However, long-term permanent ecological effects are not expected based on the documented recovery potential of the most sensitive trophic group (plant communities) to the concentrations of atrazine reported and the transient nature of the atrazine pulses. Fish communities at the stream sites receiving the highest concentrations of both herbicides were judged to be healthy based on an Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) developed for Maryland's coastal plain.  相似文献   

Pingbian Miao Autonomous County is one of the poorest rural areas in China. Land-use changes, mainly driven by agricultural expansion and deforestation, may significantly impact ecosystem services and functions, but such effects are difficult to quantify. In the present study, Landsat image data were combined with the published coefficients about the world and China ecosystem to quantify land-use and ecosystem service changes in the mountainous area. A sensitivity analysis was employed to determine the effect of manipulating these coefficients on the estimated values. Our results show that during the past decades (from 1973 to 2004) forests and grasslands were converted into shrubland and cropland, respectively, resulting in a continuous decrease in ecosystem service (from 124.5 US$ × 106 in 1973 to 100.4 US$ × 106 in 2004). We found that the decrease of mixed forest in the study area was the largest contributor (i.e., 25.4 US$ × 106) to the decline of the ecosystem service. Therefore we propose that future land-use policy should pay more attention to the crucial ecosystem functions of these forests (including tropical forest), and that it is necessary to balance the relationship between the livelihood of local farmers and environmental protection in order to maintain a healthy and stable ecosystem.  相似文献   

A hydrodynamic-oyster population dynamics model was developed to assess the effect of a change in ship channel configuration under different freshwater inflow regimes and different future hydrologies on oyster (Crassostrea virginica) populations in Galveston Bay, Texas. The population dynamics model includes the effects of environmental conditions, predators, and the oyster parasite Perkinsus marinus on oyster populations. The hydrodynamic model includes the effects of wind stress, river runoff, tides, and oceanic exchange on the circulation of the Bay. Simulations were run for low, mean, and high freshwater inflow conditions under the present (1993) hydrology and predicted hydrologies for 2024 and 2049 that include anticipated water diversion projects to satisfy the freshwater demands of population growth in metropolitan Houston, Texas. Simulation results show that oyster biomass was predicted to increase after enlargement of the ship channel. Oyster biomass is expected to increase on about 53% of total reef acreage when averaged over a 50-yr time span. Oyster reef acreage characterized by increased biomass after channel enlargement increases moderately under the present hydrology and the 2049 hydrology, but decreases slightly in 2024. Lower biomass in 2024 is due to reduced freshwater inflow and increased saltwater intrusion that pushes the optimal areas for oyster growth somewhat farther upbay than in 2049. Declines in oyster biomass, noted in most simulations in downbay reaches, were more than balanced by increased oyster biomass upbay. The differential between upbay and downbay reefs can be explained by an increase in mortality from Perkinsus marinus downbay and saltwater intrusion upbay that expands the area characterized by moderate salinities. The 20th century history of Galveston Bay is one of expansion of isohaline structure and increased oyster production as a result of anthropogenic modification of bay physiography. The salinity gradient of the 1990s, however, is not in equilibrium with the distribution of hard substrate required for oyster growth, that reflects an earlier equilibrium with the pre-1900s hydrodynamics. Increased saltwater intrusion is normally disadvantageous to oyster populations; but, in this case, channel enlargement further expands the salinity gradient upbay and outward (east and west) from the channel. As a result, in most years, oyster biomass is increased because moderate salinities cover more of the pre-1900s reef tracts where hard substrate is plentiful.  相似文献   

An analysis of current trends in water availability in the Mexican border state of Sonora is presented to illustrate what may be faced under climate change conditions. Precipitation, streamflow and even dam levels data are examined to estimate what changes have been experienced in recent decades. There are indications that the more frequent occurrence of El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events have resulted in more winter precipitation and consequently in a slight increase in water availability in northwestern Mexico. However, water demands grow much faster than such trends in water availability, mainly due to a rapid increase in population in urban areas and in socio-economic activities such as those related to agriculture, industry and power generation. Some strategies to adapt or mitigate climate change conditions are proposed.  相似文献   

A local-scale spatially refined multimedia fate model (LSRMFM) was developed to evaluate in detail the multimedia transport of organic compounds at a spatial level. The model was derived using a combination of an advection?Cdispersion?Creaction partial differential equation, a steady-state multimedia fugacity model, and a geographical information system. The model was applied to predicting four major volatile organic compounds that are produced as emissions (benzene, toluene, xylene, and styrene) in an urban and industrial area (the 50?×?50-km area was divided into 0.5?×?0.5-km segments) in Korea. To test the accuracy of the model, the LSRMFM was used to predict the extent of dispersion and the data compared with actual measured concentrations and the results of a generic multimedia fate model (GMFM). The results indicated that the method developed herein is appropriate for predicting long-term multimedia pollution. However, the comparison study also illustrated that the developed model has some limitations (e.g., steady-state assumption) in terms of explaining all the observed concentrations, and additional verification and study (e.g., validation using a large observed data set, integration with a more accurate runoff model) would be desirable. In comparing LSRMFM and GMFM, discrepancies between the LSRMFM and GMFM outputs were found, as the result of geographical effects, even though the environmental parameters were identical. The geographical variation for LSRMFM output indicated the existence of considerable local human and ecological risks, whereas the GMFM output indicated less average risk. These results demonstrate that the model has the potential for improving the management of pollutant levels under these refined spatial conditions.  相似文献   

Ammonia, as a colorless gas with a sharp odor, is considered as one of the created odors in the composting and landfill of solid waste. We used experimental data to study the robustness of AERMOD and the forward Lagrangian stochastic (FLS) in predicting ammonia emission in short range. The study area was Kahrizak landfill and composting plants, Tehran, Iran. The boundary layer parameters for the FLS were calculated on the basis of mean values of temperature, wind speed, and direction. While, the boundary layers of AERMOD were computed on the basis of exact meteorological data. The results depicted that AERMOD prediction at distances less than 1000 m from the sources and the locations inside the sources were poor. However, the results of FLS indicated more agreement with the field measurement, which the coefficient of determination was 0.83. Both models predicted, in the distance of 2000 m from the source, the ammonia concentration would be insignificant.  相似文献   

The condition of the macroinvertebrate fauna of the Yarra River deteriorates progressively downstream from the virtually pristine headwater areas, through cleared rural areas in the mid-Yarra, to urban areas in the lower sections of the Yarra. It was found during a four year study, that the physico-chemical parameters affecting the fauna varied substantially in relation to the different physical characteristics of each site. In general, it is suggested that nutrients and the riparian vegetation had greatest impact on the riffle communities, and turbidities had greatest impact on the pool communities. The physical characteristics of each site also influenced the type and degree of response in the fauna to fluctuations in flow. Full consideration should therefore be given to the type of stream habitat sampled when attempting to determine which water quality parameters have significant long-term effects on the condition of the fauna.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that the establishment and maintenance of blue gum plantations can potentially result in the removal of riparian vegetation, the presence of increased levels of sediments, pesticides, and nutrients, and consequently, the loss of in-stream biodiversity, few studies exist that have looked at the impacts of timber plantations on in-stream biota. The goals of this study were thus to determine water quality, riparian condition, and in-stream biodiversity values of local streams draining blue gum plantations in the Marbellup Brook catchment in Western Australia and to compare these values with those of streams associated with other land uses. Selected water quality and habitat variables and in-stream macroinvertebrate biodiversity were measured in 2006 and 2007 at 28 sites falling into five broad categories based on the predominant land use within 200 m of each study reach. Overall, the results indicated that ??blue gum plantation?? sites often had better water quality, riparian condition, and biodiversity values than ??pasture unfenced,?? and sometimes ??pasture fenced?? sites, but water quality and biodiversity values at these sites were not as good as those associated with ??remnant?? native vegetation sites. The location of the blue gum plantation sites along the disturbance gradient investigated was attributed to both present management and past land uses in the subcatchments investigated. As this study was conducted at a time when blue gum plantations were in an on-growing phase, it was recommended that future research on the impact of blue gum plantations on waterways in southwestern Australia should include an investigation of the impacts of timber clear-cutting and extraction. Longer-term cumulative and downstream effects of blue gum plantations on local waterways also need to be investigated.  相似文献   

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