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本文结合水足迹模型和区域水资源承载力评价指标,通过计算新疆2001—2015年的水足迹,实现了该区域水资源承载力的评价。研究结果表明:新疆水足迹从2001年的339.1×10~8 m~3增加至2015年的530.1×10~8 m~3,呈现逐年增加的趋势。从总量和消费的角度分析得出,主要原因是该区域农畜产品虚拟水量的不断增加。结合2015年新疆水资源承载力指标空间分布,得出其大部分地区水资源的用水量仍可承载,但部分地区的水资源系统已处于超载状态。因此,为改善以及避免区域水资源系统超载问题,应采取调整产业结构、改变消费模式等措施缓解供需矛盾。本研究可为地区产业结构及消费模式调整提供依据。  相似文献   

新疆河流径流特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择了新疆众多河流中代表性好的7条河流,对径流的特征进行了分析。结果表明,新疆河流径流量主要集中在夏季,占年径流量的50.8%—70.7%,春、秋季径流量差别不大,冬季仅占年径流量的4.7%—10.8%。以7条河流径流深值可看出,北疆径流深值比南疆大,最大的是布尔津河,径流深为507.4mm。从径流量的Cv值看,除头道沟为0.44,极值比4.42较大外,其它河流的Cv值均在0.19—0.23间、极值比在1.85—2.42间。同时,新疆大多数河流径流量90年代后有明显增多的趋势。  相似文献   

新疆水资源开发与生态环境保护建设初探   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
对新疆生态环境问题及产生的原因进行了分析,提出水资源的合理调配与使用是新疆生态环境保护建设的根本,同时应注重节水,注重生态用水,并对新疆今后的生态环境建设保护的重点区域进行了论述。  相似文献   

新疆是我国降水最少、产水能力最低的地区,自然灾害主要是干旱。本文基于实测降水、径流数据,依据全国第三次水资源调查评价形成的新疆降水、径流等值线图,形成干旱分布图,并构建年尺度面降水、径流系列。采用干旱分布图和系列数据,按不同空间尺度量化分析了研究区干旱状态和演变规律。新疆多年平均降水深为157.7 mm,单位面积产水量48.5 mm, 80%以上的面积属干旱、半干旱区,南疆较北疆干旱、山区相对湿润、平原干旱。在气候变暖的背景下,呈现不同程度湿化趋势,但气象干旱和水文干旱的气候形态并未发生改变。近30 a的相对丰水期,由于经济社会用水量的不断增加,加之高温导致的径流年际波动加剧,使新疆面临更为严峻的干旱形势。  相似文献   

新疆番茄酱企业生产废水处理利用方式探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,新疆番茄酱加工业得到了迅速发展,目前番茄酱的产销量已占全国的90%以上。与此同时,新疆番茄酱生产企业的废水排放量也大幅增加,大量未经处理的废水直接排放,已对当地的水环境构成严重的污染隐患。本文分析了新疆番茄酱企业生产废水的排放特征与目前排放出路的可行性,并结合新疆的自然地理条件及番茄酱企业的分布情况,着重探讨了土地处理这一适合新疆的废水利用方式,以期有利于新疆的环境保护和废水资源的循环利用。  相似文献   

新疆生态环境质量动态变化监测与评价研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
客观、准确地认识和评价新疆的生态环境质量现状,制定相应的生态环境保护对策,对于新疆社会经济与生态环境的可持续发展是十分重要的。本文应用RS和GIS技术,采用综合指数评价法,对全疆区域生态环境质量及其动态变化进行了系统的评价、分级与对比。结果得出新疆生态环境质量总体较差,而且在空间上存在着较大的差异;与2000年相比,2002年新疆生态环境质量呈现总体变化不大的态势。  相似文献   

为促进新疆污染源普查工作的顺利实施,新疆污染源普查办组织由新疆环境监测总站技术人员组成的综合技术组,于9月26—30日赴污染源普查试点地区吐鲁番进行试点工作的总结和现场验证《新疆第一次全国污染源普查清查工作细则》,主要目的是总结吐鲁番地区污染源普查试点工作的经验,找出适合新疆实际的污染源普查方式方法;论证《新疆第一次全国污染源普查清查工作细则》的可操作性、完整性和可行性。  相似文献   

本文以新疆头屯河流域为例,采用滑动平均、Mann-Kendall检验和小波分析等水文统计分析方法,科学分析近64 a新疆头屯河流域径流演变特征。结果表明:头屯河流域径流年际变化小,年内变化大,来水时段与用水时段较为一致,对流域水资源开发利用有利。从趋势、突变分析来看,头屯河流域径流突变点为1965年、1967年和1994年,突变和趋势不显著。从周期分析来看,流域的年径流量周期性明显,第一主周期为40 a,第二和第三主周期分别为11 a和4 a。  相似文献   

2009年新疆环境保护工作会议于2月20-21日在乌鲁木齐召开。会前,中共中央政治局委员、自治区党委书记王乐泉接见了会议代表。他强调:新疆要对水资源实行最严格的保护,切实协调好环境保护与经济发展的关系,坚持在发展经济的同时重视环境保护,借鉴各方经验,坚决避免走先污染后治理的道路,确保自治区环保事业更好的服务新疆经济发展和社会稳定大局。自治区及兵团领导努尔·白克力、努尔兰·阿不都满金、乔吉甫、艾尔肯·吐尼亚孜、买买提艾山·托乎达力、刘新齐一同参加接见。  相似文献   

自然生态系统的可持续发展是社会一经济系统可持续发展的基本保证,明确区域生态可持续发展的主要制约因子和生态脆弱区域是评价区域生态系统发展的可持续性、制定可持续发展战略及实施综合措施的关键步骤。本文分析了新疆生态可持续发展的主要制约因子和生态脆弱区域。结果表明,水资源危机、土地荒漠化、耕地资源危机及森林减少等是限制新疆生态可持续发展的主要制约因子;干旱绿洲-沙漠过渡地区和内陆河(湖)流域为重点生态脆弱区域。在此基础上,提出了新疆生态系统可持续发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

中国西北地区水资源的开发和利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国西北地区地广人稀,水资源比较贫乏,而且时空分布极不均匀,极大地影响了该地区人民的生活,限制了该地区的经济开发,因此大力开发西北地区面临的首要问题即水资源问题。本文从西北地区水资源的自然分布、开发利用水资源中存在的问题及有效的解决途径三方面进行了简要的综述。  相似文献   

长春市水资源可持续利用对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在对长春市水资源概况及其开发利用现状进行简要分析的基础上,识别出长春市水资源开发利用中的一些问题,并提出了开源节流,治理污染,调整工业布局,控制城市规模等长春市水资源可持续利用对策。  相似文献   

淮北市水资源保护与规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统论述了淮北市水资源现状和存在问题,提出了保护水资源环境、促进可持续发展而采取的有效工程措施。  相似文献   

新疆喀什地区农村改水水质及水源卫生防护调查与评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了解新疆喀什地区农村改水水质及水源卫生防护状况,对该地区不同改水形式与未改水的水质及水源卫生防护状况进行调查和监测。结果表明,与改水前比较,水质及水源防护卫生状况明显改善,不同水样的水质合格率和水质综合指数(WQI)分别是:池塘水3.3%和6.5,手压井水40.0%和1.3,深水井51.7%和1.0。结果还表明有必要加强对改水水源的卫生防护。  相似文献   

对全疆 2 1 0 4个农村饮水工程进行了水源类型、工程类型、水质处理、卫生防护设施、饮水消毒措施及卫生管理情况进行了调查。结果表明 :全疆农村大部分地区在水源类型选择、工程类型选择、卫生防护设施及卫生管理上均有较大的改善和提高 ,但水质处理、饮水消毒率均较低 ,分别为 1 8.54 %和 1 8.73% ,尚需加强和改善。  相似文献   

Economic development, variation in weather patterns and natural disasters focus attention on the management of water resources. This paper reviews the literature on the development of mathematical programming models for water resource management under uncertainty between 2010 and 2017. A systematic search of the academic literature identified 448 journal articles on water resource management for examination. Bibliometric analysis is employed to investigate the methods that researchers are currently using to address this problem and to identify recent trends in research in the area. The research reveals that stochastic dynamic programming and multistage stochastic programming are the methods most commonly applied. Water resource allocation, climate change, water quality and agricultural irrigation are amongst the most frequently discussed topics in the literature. A more detailed examination of the literature on each of these topics is included. The findings suggest that there is a need for mathematical programming models of large-scale water systems that deal with uncertainty and multiobjectives in an effective and computationally efficient way.  相似文献   

In this paper, two cooperative and non-cooperative methodologies are developed for a large-scale water allocation problem in Southern Iran. The water shares of the water users and their net benefits are determined using optimization models having economic objectives with respect to the physical and environmental constraints of the system. The results of the two methodologies are compared based on the total obtained economic benefit, and the role of cooperation in utilizing a shared water resource is demonstrated. In both cases, the water quality in rivers satisfies the standards. Comparing the results of the two mentioned approaches shows the importance of acting cooperatively to achieve maximum revenue in utilizing a surface water resource while the river water quantity and quality issues are addressed.  相似文献   

探讨许昌市地面沉降的原因及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许昌市地表水资源严重短缺,为了供水的需要,该市掠夺性地开采地下水,造成地下水水位急骤下降,市区大面积地面沉降,已出现地裂现象.提出要合理地使用地下水资源、限制超量开采、开源节流,补充地下水源等措施,使地下水位逐渐回升,防止该市地面继续沉降而产生的不可挽回的后果.  相似文献   

Istanbul is one of the largest metropolitan cities in the World. The city has experienced rapid industrialization and urbanization in the second half of the twentieth century. Between 1950 and 2000, the city has grown by an average of 4.5% annually. Given the scale of the growth, neither local nor the central governments have shown capability of controlling the influx of migration, most of which settled illegally on public lands. Most of the settlements lack the basic sewerage facilities, and a significant portion of which are on the major water resource basins. As of today, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) not only has to cope with the infrastructure problems, but also has to find ways of solving the problem of illegal occupations of public lands and water resource basins. This paper presents the land use changes in the water resource basins providing water to the Istanbul Metropolitan Area. Using four consecutive Landsat images between 1990 and 2005, the changes in 12 different land use categories are obtained via overlay operations by GIS for water resource basins surrounding the City of Istanbul. It has been observed that the most critical land use changes are in the nearest basins to the city. The capability of Landsat and IKONOS images in determining the alterations in the macro form of the city are also discussed. Finally, possibility of utilization of new technologies in policy making regarding environmental management in Istanbul is discussed.  相似文献   

In the current era, water is a significant resource for socio-economic growth and the protection of healthy environments. Properly controlled water resources are considered a vital part of development, which reduces poverty and equity. Conventional Water system Management maximizes the existing water flows available to satisfy all competing demands, including on-site water and groundwater. Therefore, Climatic change would intensify the specific challenges in water resource management by contributing to uncertainty. Sustainable water resources management is an essential process for ensuring the earth's life and the future. Nonlinear effects, stochastic dynamics, and hydraulic constraints are challenging in ecological planning for sustainable water development. In this paper, Adaptive Intelligent Dynamic Water Resource Planning (AIDWRP) has been proposed to sustain the urban areas' water environment. Here, an adaptive intelligent approach is a subset of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) technique in which environmental planning for sustainable water development has been modeled effectively. Artificial intelligence modeling improves water efficiency by transforming information into a leaner process, improving decision-making based on data-driven by combining numeric AI tools and human intellectual skills. In AIDWRP, Markov Decision Process (MDP) discusses the dynamic water resource management issue with annual use and released locational constraints that develop sensitivity-driven methods to optimize several efficient environmental planning and management policies. Consequently, there is a specific relief from the engagement of supply and demand for water resources, and substantial improvements in local economic efficiency have been simulated with numerical outcomes.  相似文献   

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