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For a long time, mate-choice copying was thought to be restricted to lekking and polygynous species. Yet, recent experimental studies revealed that social information can play a role in the evolution of mate preferences in monogamous species with biparental care. However, this phenomenon has been demonstrated only under particular conditions and the prevalence and importance of this phenomenon therefore remains to be evaluated. In particular, previous laboratory experiments have consisted in exposing test females to only one paired male at a time, while under natural conditions monogamous females are likely to observe the choice of several females before making a decision. Thus, in the present study, female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) could observe two model females simultaneously, that provided either inconsistent or consistent information, depending on whether they were interacting with different types of males or with males of a same phenotype. We found that the relative importance given to private and social information on females’ preferences varied with the consistency of social information and females significantly changed their preference only when social information was consistent. There was, nevertheless, a large variation in their responses. We suggest that such variations could be due to the fact that the benefits of mate-choice copying are frequency-dependent, and that this constrain would further contribute to limit the use of social information in monogamous species.  相似文献   

When two closely related species are sympatric the process of species recognition (identifying conspecifics) and mate-quality recognition (increased fitness benefits) can yield a conflict when heterospecifics resemble high-quality conspecifics. Conflict in species versus mate-quality recognition may serve as a possible mechanism for the persistence of unisexual, gynogenetic Amazon mollies (Poecilia formosa). Amazon mollies require sperm from closely related species (e.g., sailfin mollies, P. latipinna) to start embryogenesis but inheritance is strictly maternal. When choosing mates, male sailfin mollies from populations sympatric with Amazon mollies may rely on traits indicating species identity rather than those indicating mate quality. Conversely, males from allopatric populations may rely more on traits indicating mate quality. Previous work has found that male sailfin mollies in sympatry exhibit a significantly greater mating preference for female sailfin mollies over Amazon mollies compared to males in allopatry. In addition, male sailfin mollies prefer to associate with and produce more sperm in the presence of larger conspecific females, which are more fecund. We hypothesized that male sailfin mollies experience a conflict in species recognition and mate-quality recognition in the presence of Amazon mollies that are relatively larger than female sailfin mollies. To test this hypothesis, we paired males from sympatric and allopatric populations with a larger Amazon molly and a smaller female sailfin molly. We scored the number of mating attempts that males directed to conspecific and heterospecific females. Males in most sympatric and allopatric populations demonstrate no clear preference for conspecifics. In addition, we found some evidence for a difference in mating preference between allopatric and sympatric populations with males from allopatry showing a greater heterospecific mate preference. These results indicate a conflict between species and mate-quality recognition. In sympatry this conflict may contribute to the persistence of gynogenetic Amazon mollies.  相似文献   

Sexual selection via female choice can afford preferred males comparably higher mating success than those males that lack preferred traits. In addition, many models of sexual selection assume that both male traits and female preferences are heritable. In this study we test whether females of the poeciliid fish, Heterandria formosa, have repeatable pre-copulatory preferences for larger males. We also test whether female pre-copulatory preferences are always reliable indicators of male mating success. When given a choice between a large and a small male, females prefer larger males, and the repeatability of this preference is high. Although there are no overall differences in male mating success between large and small males, large males have a higher mating success when they are the first to mate than when they are the second to mate. Likewise, preferred males also have higher mating success when they are the first to mate than when they mate second. Therefore, the repeatable female preferences observed in this study only predict male mating success when the preferred male mates first. These results illustrate that even significantly repeatable female preferences do not translate into male mating success, which is an assumption of many examinations of the importance of female choice in sexual selection.  相似文献   

In some species, a female's mating preference can be influenced by the matings she observes. Mate copying occurs when a female alters her mating preference in favor of the type of males she has observed mating with other females. Here I present a model that explores the consequences of mate copying on the evolution of male traits. In contrast to previous work, I show that mate copying can have diverse evolutionary consequences. Mate copying can cause (positive or negative) directional selection on male traits or (positive or negative) frequency-dependent selection on male traits. The type of selection generated by mate copying depends on the details of how females are influenced by the matings that they observe. I discuss my results in relation to previous theoretical work that posits that mate copying can only hamper the spread of novel male traits.  相似文献   

Individuals may associate with each other due to a variety of selective forces, such as intra- and intersexual selection, and conspecific recognition. Previous studies have concluded that mate choice governs association behavior in polygynous species of fish. I examined whether mate choice underlies the preference for larger individuals by examining preference for association (time spent in proximity to a fish) not only between opposite-sex individuals but also between same-sex individuals of the live-bearing sailfin molly (Poecilia latipinna). Males and females from three size classes were tested with a large and a small object fish of the same and opposite sex. Females preferred to associate with larger over smaller males. Males also preferred to associate with larger over smaller females, as expected. The same female and male test fish also preferred to associate with larger over smaller fish of the same sex. Moreover, females demonstrated no significant difference in their strength of preference (large–small) when offered males or females. The same held true for males. When males and females were subsequently tested with one large male and one large female, females tended to prefer large males while males showed no significant preference for association based on sex. In another experiment, females were tested with a large female and a small male, and significantly preferred the former. These findings suggest that association patterns may have arisen under a variety of conditions, such as predation pressures, shoaling behavior, and associative preference behavior. The assumption that association behavior is a uniformly sufficient predictor of mate choice in fish needs to be re-examined for P. latipinna and other species. Received: 6 November 1998 / Received in revised form: 12 May 1999 / Accepted: 12 May 1999  相似文献   

It is becoming increasingly clear that mate preferences are not static, but can vary as a function of ecological conditions and the state of the choosing individual. This applies not only to females, the sex that has usually been the subject in research on mate preferences, but also to males. Under certain conditions, males should be selective in their choice of breeding partner. In the two-spotted goby, Gobiusculus flavescens, a small marine fish, breeding females develop conspicuous yellow-orange bellies, which they actively display to males during courtship. We have recently shown that males prefer more colourful females as mates. In this study, we test if the size of a male affects his preference for colourful females. Using three-compartment mate-choice aquaria, we recorded the interest shown by a male in two females differing in coloration but similar in size. Large and small males were equally eager to court females, but only large males showed a greater interest in the more colourful females. We suggest that small males are unselective because they usually obtain few mating opportunities, as a result of being unsuccessful in mate attraction or male contest competition. This study provides the first demonstration that the size of a male affects his preference for female colour.  相似文献   

One possible mechanism for the (co-)evolution of seemingly novel male traits and female preferences for them is that males exploit pre-existing female biases, and livebearing fishes (Poeciliidae) have been at the forefront of this research for almost two decades. Here, using 13 poeciliid species from four different genera, we tested whether mustache-like rostral filaments found in males of some Mexican molly (Poecilia sphenops) populations could have evolved due to exploitation of a pre-existing female bias. While Mexican mollies were the only species with a significant female association preference for mustached males, we also did not find any species exhibiting significant aversion for mustached males; rather, variance in female preference scores was large throughout. For example, more than 25% of females spent twice as much time with the mustached male compared to the non-mustached male in most species, but even 31% of Mexican molly females spent more time near the non-mustached male. Hence, a comparison of the strength of preference was inconclusive. We discuss the possibility that the female preference of P. sphenops for mustached males could be due to a female pre-existing bias (sensu lato), even if population means were not significant for species other than P. sphenops. This highlights the importance of distinguishing between population means and individual preferences when interpreting mate choice, and thus, adds depth to the concept of mating preferences as a motor for evolutionary change.  相似文献   

Female mate choice based on visual traits appears to be rare in lizards. Field observations suggest that females of the lizard Lacerta monticola preferred to mate with larger/older males. Although older males are usually green and larger, and younger males brown and smaller, there is some overlap in size and coloration between age classes. Thus, visual cues may not always be reliable indicators of a male's age. We hypothesized that female mate-choice preferences may be based on males' pheromones, which might transmit information about characteristics such as age. In a laboratory experiment, we analyzed the effect of age of males on attractiveness of their scents to females. When we offered scents of two males of different age, females associated preferentially with scents of older males. This suggested that females were able to assess the age of males by chemical signals alone, and that females preferred to be in areas scent-marked by older males. Thus, females may increase their opportunities to mate with males of high quality, or may avoid harassment by sneaking young males. This result agreed with field observations on females mating with old males, and rejection of advances by young males. Our results also suggested that female preference for older males may depend on their own body size. Large females showed a strong preference for older males, whereas smaller females were not so selective. This, together with males' preference for large females, might lead to size-assortative matings. We suggest that the quality and/or quantity of male pheromones could communicate to the female heritable male genetic quality (i.e. age) and thereby serve as the basis of adaptive female choice in lizards.Communicated by W.E. Cooper  相似文献   

Sexual selection and species recognition play important roles in mate choice; however, sexual selection preferences may overlap with traits found in heterospecifics, producing a conflict between sexual selection and species recognition. We examined female preferences in Xiphophorus pygmaeus for male traits that could provide both types of information to determine how females use multiple cues when preferences for these cues would conflict. We also examined X. pygmaeus behavior in the field to determine if females have the opportunity to choose mates. As no male-male competition was observed in the field, and females occasionally chased males from feeding areas, females apparently have the opportunity to exercise mate choice in their natural habitat. In the laboratory, female X. pygmaeus used body size as a sexual selection cue, preferring large heterospecifics (X. cortezi) to small conspecifics. Females also preferred barless X. cortezi over barred X. cortezi when males were size matched. Because X. pygmaeus males do not have bars, this preference suggests that X. pygmaeus females use vertical bars in species recognition, and that large body size and vertical bars are conflicting cues. However, X. pygmaeus females did not have a preference for males of either species when sexual selection and species recognition cues were presented concurrently. This result was surprising, because preferences for species recognition cues are often assumed to be stronger than sexual selection cues. We suggest that females may be using additional species-specific cues in mate choice to prevent hybridization.  相似文献   

In most mating systems, males and females are commonly within signalling and receiving distance of conspecifics during courtship and mating activities. Although it is well known that females who observe sexual interactions between conspecifics will use public information obtained from these interactions when making their own mating decisions, much less is known about whether males use this type of information in making mating decisions. We used the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata) to test whether males use public information to (i) copy the apparent mate choice of another male and (ii) modify their mating preference for a given female in the presence of one or two sexual rivals (potential copiers). We show that males use public information to copy the mate choice of other males and that males alter their mating preferences in response to the presence of an audience of sexual rivals, but find no evidence of a stronger audience effect when the number of sexual rivals increases. Collectively, these results indicate that males pay attention to their immediate social environment in making mating decisions and suggest that they avoid having another male copy their mate choice by weakening or even reversing their initial mating preference in the presence of eavesdropping male sexual competitors. Our findings highlight the importance of social context and public information in male mate-choice decisions and have implications for the evolution of male mating preferences and of social information use in populations.  相似文献   

Despite the consensus that mate choice acts as a mechanism for selection of secondary sexual traits, the evolutionary forces affecting mate preferences themselves remain controversial. In this study, we first demonstrated selection acting directly on the mate preferences of monogamous male oldfield mice, Peromyscus polionotus rhoadsi. One group of male oldfield mice were allowed to express a social preference between two potential mates, and were subsequently paired with either their preferred or rejected female. Among these pairs, those containing preferred females produced more offspring than did those containing rejected females. We next demonstrated that this fitness advantage depended primarily on compatibility between the members of a mated pair. A second group of male oldfield mice were not allowed the opportunity to express a social preference between potential mates. Rather, these males were paired with females that had been either preferred or rejected by males in the first group. Among these pairs, those containing preferred females did not produce more offspring than those containing rejected females. In other words, individual mate preferences had fitness consequences only for those males that expressed them, demonstrating that these preferences were based primarily on compatibility between mates.  相似文献   

Mate choice copying was mostly described as a strategy employed by females to assess the quality of potential mates, but also males can copy other males’ mate choice. An open question in this context is whether and how copying males evaluate sperm competition risk, as mating with a female that has already copulated with another male obviously sets the stage for intense sperm competition (i.e., in species with internal fertilization). Using the livebearing Atlantic molly (Poecilia mexicana) as a model, we asked (a) whether males of that species indeed copy other males’ choices, and if they do so, (b) whether copying males strategically adjust their behavior to sperm competition risk. We used an approach where focal males could first choose to associate with a large or a small stimulus female. Mate choice tests were then repeated after an “observation phase” during which either no model male was present (treatment 1, control) or the previously non-preferred female could be seen associating (treatment 2) or physically interacting (treatment 3) with a model male. We found that, after the observation phase, males spent considerably more time with the previously non-preferred female in treatment (2), i.e., they copied the model male’s choice. This effect was much weaker during treatment (3) where sexual interactions between the model male and the formerly non-preferred female were allowed. Males, therefore, seem to adjust their copying behavior strategically to the perceived risk of sperm competition.  相似文献   

Mate preferences on male colour have been implicated in generating and maintaining species diversity among haplochromine cichlid fish. Their lek-like mating system suggests that not only male colour but also territory quality is instrumental in mate choice. We assessed the relative importance of territory quality and male colour in mate choice by testing whether territory quality can override the female preference for males of her own colour in the Lake Victoria cichlid genus Pundamilia. First, we showed in experimental groups that the dominant male preferentially monopolised a large tube relative to a small tube. The situation mimics quality difference in rocky crevices that serves as a focal point for male courtship display. Second, in mate-choice tests, Pundamilia nyererei females were allowed to choose between closely related P. nyererei and P. pundamilia males; these species differ strikingly in male nuptial coloration, but little else. We gave either both males the same small tube or one of them a large tube. The preference of P. nyererei females for P. nyererei males in the control situation (where both males had a small tube) was significantly diminished in favour of P. pundamilia males when the latter had the large tube. The results provide experimental evidence that differences in territory quality can override the female preference for males of her own colour. This finding is critical for a recent hypothesis proposing that male competition for mating territories can facilitate the process of sympatric speciation by sexual selection.  相似文献   

Male fiddler crabs, Uca paradussumieri, mate underground during a 4- to 7-day period each full and new moon. As soon as the tide recedes, males enter the burrows of females that will ovulate the following day ('pre-ovigerous' females). Males copulate with and guard these females until they ovulate. When interrupted by an intruding male, the first male to reach the female is usually able to defend her and successfully mate with her. In fiddler crabs, females mate multiply and there is last male sperm precedence. Before each semi-lunar mating period, male U. paradussumieri were more likely to court females with whom they would later mate than other nearby females with whom they did not mate. This suggests that males collect information on female reproductive state prior to the females becoming ovigerous. In this species, aggression was common between males that courted the same female. When previously courted females were approached by other males, the initial courter attempted to forcefully disrupt the courtship. This behavior may allow males the exclusive use of information on female reproductive condition. It also suggests a type of scramble competition between males over females. Furthermore, it indicates that males are able to locate receptive females prior to their becoming ovigerous. The shorter guarding period observed in this species, as compared with other fiddler crabs, is caused by females rejecting longer guarding periods. Male ability to assess female reproductive status may therefore be advantageous because it increases male mating success within a scramble type of competitive polygyny.  相似文献   

Sexual selection acting on male traits through female mate choice is commonly inferred from female association preferences in dichotomous mate choice experiments. However, there are surprisingly few empirical demonstrations that such association preferences predict the likelihood of females reproducing with a particular male. This information is essential to confirm association preferences as good predictors of mate choice. We used green swordtails (Xiphophorus helleri) to test whether association preferences predict the likelihood of a female reproducing with a male. Females were tested for a preference for long- or short-sworded males in a standard dichotomous choice experiment and then allowed free access to either their preferred or non-preferred male. If females subsequently failed to produce fry, they were provided a second unfamiliar male with similar sword length to the first male. Females were more likely to reproduce with preferred than non-preferred males, but for those that reproduced, neither the status (preferred/non-preferred) nor the sword length (long/short) of the male had an effect on brood size or relative investment in growth by the female. There was no overall preference based on sword length in this study, but male sword length did affect likelihood of reproduction, with females more likely to reproduce with long- than short-sworded males (independent of preference for such males in earlier choice tests). These results suggest that female association preferences are good indicators of female mate choice but that ornament characteristics of the male are also important.  相似文献   

Male fiddler crabs Uca musica sometimes build sand hoods and male Uca beebei sometimes build mud pillars next to their burrows to which they attract females for mating. Mate-searching females preferentially approach these structures and subsequently mate with structure builders. Here we show that the preference for structures is not species-specific and argue that it may not have evolved for mate choice. When not near burrows, many species of fiddler crabs approach and temporarily hide near objects, suggesting that hoods and pillars may attract females because they elicit this general predator-avoidance behavior. To test this sensory trap hypothesis we individually released female U. musica, U. beebei and Uca stenodactylus, a non-builder, in the center of a circular array of empty burrows to which we added hoods and pillars and then moved a model predator toward the females. All species ran to structures to escape the predator and the two builders preferred hoods. Next, we put hood replicas on male U. beebei burrows and pillar replicas on male U. musica burrows. When courted, females of both species preferentially approached hoods as they did when chased with a predator. However, males of both species with hoods did not have higher mating rates than males with pillars perhaps because hoods block more of a male's visual field so he sees and courts fewer females. Sexual selection may often favor male signals that attract females because they facilitate general orientation or navigation mechanisms that reduce predation risk in many contexts, including during mate search.  相似文献   

Sexual selection and the evolutionary effects of copying mate choice   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We examine the evolutionary consequences of copying mate choice using models in which the preferences of younger females are affected by the mate choices that they observe older females making. We introduce two models of copying, termed single mate copying and mass copying, corresponding to situations in which immature females imprint on the choices of only one or of a very large number of older females, respectively. Female mating preferences are assumed to evolve only through cultural evolution, while the male trait on which they act is inherited either via a haploid autosomal or a Y-linked locus. Results show that the preference and male trait can rapidly coevolve, with a positive frequencey-dependent advantage to the more common male trait allele. This process can cause a display trait that lowers male viability to increase in a population. Mass copying results in stronger frequency dependence than does single mate copying. Mass copying and, under some conditions, single mate copying lead to two alterative stable equilibria for the male trait. Neither copying model supports variation at the male trait locus, and copying makes it more difficult for a novel male trait phenotype to spread. Correspondence to: M. Kirkpatrick  相似文献   

Models of sexual selection by female choice require heritable variation in female mating preferences in order for sexual selection to operate. However, recent theoretical work shows that female preferences which are transmitted non-genetically can result in exaggeration of male ornamentation. Guppies exhibit both mate copying and considerable heritable variation in female preferences. I studied the importance of these phenomena by measuring repeatability of female mate choice, which acts as an estimate of the upper limit to which a feature may be heritable, and the incidence of mate choice reversal in paired-trial binary mate choice experiments. Mate choice was significantly repeatable except in the treatment where females were given the opportunity to copy a female that contradicted their original choice. Apart from this, I found no evidence that females copy the mate choice of others. The differences between males in ornamentation had no effect on the consistency of female mate choice or the probability that they would reverse their original choice decision (in both controls and the copying experiment). The interval between choice trials did not influence repeatability significantly, indicating that the independence of choice decisions is not related to the time interval between them. Received: 9 February 1996/Accepted after revision: 6 July 1996  相似文献   

The maternally inherited bacterium Wolbachia pipientis generates strong reproductive incompatibilities between uninfected females and infected males (cytoplasmic incompatibility), significantly reducing both female and male reproductive success. Such fitness costs are thought to place selective pressure on hosts to evolve pre-copulatory preferences for mating with compatible mates, thereby enabling them to avoid the reproductive incompatibilities associated with Wolbachia. Therefore, uninfected females are predicted to prefer mating with uninfected males, whereas infected males are predicted to prefer mating with infected females. Despite these predictions, previous investigations of pre-copulatory mate preferences in Wolbachia-manipulated Drosophila have not found evidence of female preference for uninfected or compatible males. However, none of these studies utilised a design where focal individuals are provided with a simple choice in a relatively non-competitive situation. We examined both female and male pre-copulatory mate preference based on mate infection status in Drosophila simulans and D. melanogaster using simple choice assays involving between 30–50 replicates per treatment. Although we found no evidence of female pre-copulatory mate preferences in either species, male D. simulans exhibited some preference for mating with females of the same infection status. However, this preference was not evident when we repeated the experiment to confirm this finding. Consequently, we conclude that neither male nor female D. melanogaster and D. simulans exhibit significant Wolbachia-associated pre-copulatory mate preferences.  相似文献   

Male sailfin mollies (Poecilia latipinna) are sexually parasitized by gynogenetic Amazon mollies (Poecilia formosa). In areas of sympatry, Amazon mollies are frequently larger than female sailfin mollies. In sympatry, selection may favor males that prefer smaller conspecific mates (avoid mismating with Amazon mollies), or selection may favor males that prefer larger conspecific mates (higher fecundity). To explore this potential species and mate-quality recognition conflict, we examined male preference variation across populations. Males from one sympatric population showed stabilizing preference functions, whereas in another sympatric population, males showed directional preference functions. Variation across sympatric populations may be related to the length of time of co-evolution with Amazon mollies. In the allopatric populations, we found flat preference functions. Variation in male preferences could have important ramifications for the maintenance of Amazon mollies, as well as for the evolution of female size.  相似文献   

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