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Coastal zone management is inconceivable without the mobilization and integration of different types of knowledge – that is, without knowledge co-production practices. This article applies the concept of knowledge co-production to analyze the process of emergence, standardization, and enculturation of environmental management systems (EMSs) within port communities in the Dutch Wadden Sea. Moreover, it is a report from the field in which we reflect on the participatory practices conducted to facilitate the knowledge arrangements required to develop EMSs for a group of ports. The article concludes that this type of knowledge arrangement and co-production practices (involving different types of actors and knowledge) might become mandatory in the near future to stabilize the EMS phenomenon in the practices of ports.  相似文献   

Policies and management for the Wadden Sea, like for so many other nature areas, have to find a balance between important natural values on the one hand and economic functions on the other hand. Scientific experts play an important role in these processes. In the case of the Wadden Sea, scientific experts have been involved in the development of trilateral ecological targets for the Wadden Sea as well as in the implementation of these targets in the Netherlands as took place in the controversial decision making processes regarding cockle fisheries and gas mining. Drawing on concepts and insights from policy analysis and science and technology studies, this article analyses the different roles scientific experts play in these policy processes. We show how the role of science shifts from an accommodating role in policy development to a role as advocacy in controversial policy implementation processes. The article concludes with some implications for organising effective science–policy interactions in the field of nature conservation.  相似文献   

Through shifts toward interactive and participatory forms of environmental governance, knowledge dynamics may come into play that differ from those of traditional forms of policy-making. This paper investigates how shifts of environmental governance and knowledge are related. In order to do so, it reconstructs the development of the governance of recreational boating in the Dutch Wadden Sea on the empirical basis of interviews, document analysis, and a focus group. Moreover, it analyzes this development by means of an analytical framework that combines governance modes, knowledge systems and knowledge–governance interfaces. Our results show that in the last decades partly an accumulation and partly a sequence of various governance arrangements concerning recreational boating has occurred; this has entailed a shift from predominantly centralized governance to a combination of governance modes with a stronger emphasis on decentralized, interactive and self-governance. This shift has occurred together with an increasing prominence of qualitative local knowledge, stakeholders’ knowledge, and the integration of various forms of knowledge. Furthermore, a shift has taken place toward more participatory knowledge–governance interfaces. Our analysis suggests that environmental governance and knowledge are interconnected in various ways: the regulatory and epistemic aspects of environmental issues are bound up with each other, and governance and knowledge are coproduced and mutually constitutive. Key lessons from this analysis are that room for experimentation is an important factor in improving environmental governance, and that increasing stakeholder involvement in governance implies that new modes of jointly creating and exchanging knowledge may need to be taken into account.  相似文献   

This article discusses three empirical cases of boundary organisations, within the context of the Wadden Sea: the Wadden Academy, IMSA Amsterdam and the NCEA. The research aims to provide further insights into how boundary organisations work in practice. The research shows that the role of a boundary organisation can be fulfilled by different types of organisations (not solely scientific). Depending on the science–policy interaction problem they face, a boundary organisation can have different goals and use different strategies. Furthermore, the strategic use of media outputs, and the degree of actuality and public debate can have a substantial influence on the practices of boundary organisations.  相似文献   

Natura 2000, the nature network based on the European Bird and Habitat Directives, is explicitly grounded on ecological science. To acquire a permit under the Dutch Nature Conservation Act, an appropriate assessment of significant effects must be conducted based on the best available scientific knowledge. In this way the scientific and policy world are directly linked. This article focuses on ‘significant effect’ as a boundary object to analyse how science–policy interactions shape the meaning and assessment of significant effect and how these interpretations influence the decision-making process. To this end, two conflicts over significant effect are investigated: the conflict over the 2006-spring permit for the mussel seed fishery, and the 2011 permit for the planned World Championship powerboat races. In both cases nature organisations started a court process against the government-granted permits in protest to the “no significant effect” claim, stating that there was insufficient certainty for this conclusion. These conflicts are approached as controversies between discourse coalitions with different interpretations of the ecological knowledge. We show how significant effect became a focal point in the controversies, limiting the debate to ecological arguments and science-based expertise, but also creating options for parties to advance their protest by articulating uncertainties. Only uncertainty of incomplete knowledge was explicitly addressed, excluding ambiguity of values and unpredictability of the actual ecosystem. We suggest that acknowledging the value aspect in disputes on significant effect would leave more space for effective solutions of the problems under debate.  相似文献   

In coastal areas featuring industrial plants, air masses rich in photochemical pollutants can be transported offshore and then back inshore as a result of the land-sea breeze circulation system. Precursors of O3 are transported out to sea in the morning hours and the offshore-formed oxidants blown back to the coast in the early afternoon by the sea breeze, thereby raising the concentration of ozone at ground level. Along the northwestern coast of the Adriatic Sea this phenomenon takes on a marked significance, involving an offshore distance of approximately 30–40 km. The present paper surveys the findings of experimental studies conducted in the Ravenna area over the last decade, and reports the results of an empirical trajectory model developed to provide a dynamic interpretation of the ground-level distribution and concentration of photochemical oxidant concentrations along the area's coastline.  相似文献   

青岛沿海大气气溶胶中海盐源的贡献   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
王珉  胡敏 《环境科学》2000,21(5):83-85
重点研究青岛沿海地区大气气溶胶的海盐来源 .在 Na主要来自于海盐 ,Cl存在亏损的情况下 ,为确定大气气溶胶中的海盐源贡献率 ,将 Na和 Cl作为海盐源参比元素计算得到的海盐源贡献率分别作为上限和下限 ,得出青岛沿海地区大气气溶胶中海盐源的年均质量浓度贡献率大致为 6.3%~ 9.7%.海盐源对气溶胶的贡献随气溶胶粒径增大而增加 .青岛沿海大气气溶胶氯亏损在 36.2 %~ 65.9%范围内 ,是大气中气态无机氯的来源之一 .  相似文献   

中国南部沿海近岸西加鱼毒素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为了查清我国南部沿海珊瑚礁鱼类体内的西加鱼毒素状况,首次在海南三亚、琼海、广西涠洲岛、珠海担杆列岛、广东徐闻县灯楼角和福建东山岛收集渔民从附近珊瑚礁海域捕捞的野生鱼类,采用酶联免疫法、小白鼠生物法和高效液相色谱质谱联用法进行毒素测定.结果表明,6个调查海区均检测出染毒鱼类,总阳性检出率达50%,其中福建东山岛(77.8%) >广东徐闻县灯楼角(66.7%) >广东珠海担杆列岛(55.6%) >广西涠洲岛(37.5%) >海南三亚(37.5%) >海南琼海(16.7%),与海域环境质量可能存在一定的关联.鱼组织毒素含量为0~169ng P-CTX-1/kg肉,8个样品 (占总样17.4%) 超过100ng P-CTX-1/kg肉,达到可致人中毒水平.染毒鱼种类繁多,主要包括蝴蝶鱼科(Chaetodontidae)、鹦嘴鱼科(Scaridae)、鳂科(Holocentridae)、笛鲷科(Lutjanidae)和鮨科(Serranidae).酶联免疫法与小鼠生物法对鱼毒定性检测结果基本一致,但仅在福建东山岛2个鱼样中检测到P-CTX-1成分.染毒鱼类的毒素含量和鱼体重/体长没有相关性,也与其食性无关.  相似文献   

In this paper we synthesise the findings from the papers in this special issue on Organising productive science-policy interactions for sustainable coastal management. Lessons from the Wadden Sea. We first briefly discuss some relevant theoretical debates, and then present our main insights and lessons from the empirical evidence reported in the papers. We conclude the paper with suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

为了弄清休渔期和捕捞作业期黄、渤海区沿海中心渔港表层海水重金属污染水平,本研究于2020年5月和10月在黄、渤海区沿海11个中心渔港采集水样,分析了Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Hg和As 6种重金属的浓度及污染特征,探讨了其主要来源,并评估了其生态风险。结果表明,休渔期Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Hg和As的浓度范围分别为1.26~4.46 μg/L、4.10~22.72 μg/L、1.18~16.76 μg/L、0.54~7.80 μg/L、0.02~0.08 μg/L和0.02~0.86 μg/L;捕捞作业期分别为0.60~4.62 μg/L、4.92~10.61 μg/L、0.16~2.95 μg/L、0.14~2.95 μg/L、0.03~0.11 μg/L和0.16~1.37 μg/L,休渔期和捕捞作业期各渔港的Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Hg和As浓度均值满足《海水水质标准》(GB 3097-1997)四类标准;黄海沿海中心渔港表层海水重金属浓度略低于渤海地区,与我国东海地区和南海地区相比,黄、渤海区Cu、Pb和Cd浓度处于较高水平,Zn和Hg浓度处于中等水平,As浓度处于较低水平。分析发现,休渔期和捕捞作业期Zn和As来自陆源,Cu来自陆源和船舶防污漆,表层海水Pb与大气沉降和燃料尾气有关。沿海中心渔港表层海水重金属综合污染指数均处于自然本底范围,且生态风险指数(ERI)值(0.84~1.45)也都属于生态低风险和无风险类别,但Cu、Zn、Pb和Cd的危害系数(HQi)大于1,属于潜在关注指标,应予以关注。  相似文献   

长江以北毛蚶体内Hg、Cd、Pb、As残留量研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
1997年9月至11月对长江以北沿海毛蚶体内4种重金属Hg、Cd、Pb、As残留量进行了调查,分析了上述重金属残留量的时、空分布趋势,并评价了毛蚶的生物质量.结果表明: Hg的平均含量为0.015×10-6湿重,Cd为2.57×10-6湿重,王家窝铺两种重金属含量最高,而连云港均最低;Pb的平均含量为0.12×10-6湿重,大孤山最高,乳山口最低;As的平均含量为0.409×10-6湿重,黑沿子含量最高,吕泗含量最低.与1990年的调查结果相比,毛蚶体内四种重金属含量呈下降趋势,表明沿岸海洋环境受上述4种重金属污染程度有所下降.本次调查的21个站位4种重金属含量均符合标准.  相似文献   

红树林是海洋底栖生物的栖息产卵地和生物基因库,是阻挡陆源污染物入海的生物防线。塑料污染可对海洋生物造成机械伤害、毒理作用,威胁红树林生态系统的健康与稳定。通过野外踏勘和海上作业,在海南岛清澜港红树林海岸采集大塑料垃圾和海水、沉积物、底栖生物样品,采用目视鉴别和体视显微镜、显微傅里叶红外光谱仪鉴定分析研究区资源环境的塑料污染特征及来源。结果表明:大塑料垃圾主要来自于塑料袋和泡沫等生活与渔业垃圾;微塑料有碎片、纤维、线状、薄膜、颗粒和球形六种形态,多为大塑料经日晒和海水动力作用形成的碎片,人造纤维占比最高,为37.91%。研究可为红树林海岸塑料污染管控与综合治理提供决策依据,以实现红树林海岸资源环境有效保护。  相似文献   

Consequence of the sea level rise (SLR) on the Mediterranean coastal areas in Egypt, particularly the Nile River Delta, has become an issue of major concern to Egypt’s population and the government. Previous publications disregard the entire Mediterranean coast of Egypt as an integral unit subject to the impacts of the SLR. This study aims to analyzing the risks, ranking the vulnerability and suggesting adaptation measures to mitigate the impact of the SLR along the Mediterranean coast of Egypt. Although the prominent features of Egypt’s Mediterranean coastal zone are the low lying coast of the Nile Delta, associated with land subsidence, tectonic activities and erosion; the contiguous coastal sectors are backed by shore-parallel carbonate ridges and Plateau (the western coast) and sand dune belts (Sinai coast). The coastal zone is ranked as high, moderate, and low vulnerable to the SLR. The social and biophysical vulnerabilities demonstrate the asymmetrical impacts of the SLR on the Mediterranean coast of Egypt. Areas at risk in the Alexandria region are Mandara and El Tarh whereas in the Nile Delta region, they are the Manzala Lagoon barrier, east and west of the Rosetta City, Gamil, and the Tineh plain. Risk associated with these impacts may be reduced provided the consideration of immediate and adequate adaptation measures.  相似文献   

本文简介浙闽东海岸花岗岩类经“球状风化”塑造的石蛋地貌奇观。著名的有浙江舟山群岛普陀山的磐陀石 ,福建泉州的碧玉球和东山岛的风动石 ,以及厦门的日光岩。  相似文献   

为了探讨海盐粒子含量采用不同测定方法的变化趋势和规律,采用纱布法和湿烛法这2种采集分析方法,测定了海南三亚、万宁、厦门和青岛4类大气环境中海盐粒子含量。通过对测定数据的讨论与研究,分析了在不同海域、不同环境气候条件下海盐粒子含量变化趋势和变化规律,探讨了2种采集分析方法之间的相关关系。  相似文献   

基于FVCOM数值模型,针对杭州湾南岸区域,采用移动固边界的方法,对1984年、2010年以及2020年(规划岸线)3个不同时期杭州湾南岸区域的岸线地形进行了模拟,计算了各个时期水动力场。通过对比发现,在人工及自然因素长期对近岸岸线地形的共同改变作用下,金塘水道区域3个时期水动力场有较显著变化。分析宁波舟山海域间水道的三个过流断面的流量发现,3个年代流量有累积变化的趋势。经过进一步分析可推测,在落潮流挟沙能力足够的条件下,水动力的变化可能会进一步加剧南岸及金塘水道区域宁波港(镇海区、北仑区)的淤积,从而影响该区域港口航道的正常使用。  相似文献   

通过对1989~2010年广东沿岸15个采样点牡蛎体内Pb含量的监测和有关历史资料,分析了粤东、珠江口和粤西沿岸海域牡蛎体内Pb的时空分布特征,并采用单因子指数和非致癌性风险指数法(NCHI)评价了Pb的食用风险.结果表明,广东沿海牡蛎体内Pb的浓度范围为N.D.~3.65mg/kg,总体平均值为0.41mg/kg,从总体看其出现频数呈偏正态分布.牡蛎体内Pb的年际变化呈现逐渐降低的趋势,从2001年后波动趋于平缓并有微弱的上升;其空间分布特征表现为珠江口>粤西3粤东的变化规律,具体表现为粤东和粤西牡蛎体内Pb浓度随时间延长均表现为明显的下降趋势,珠江口牡蛎体内Pb浓度从2006~2010年开始有明显的下降.单因子指数和非致癌性风险指数评价结果均表明,广东沿岸牡蛎体内Pb的浓度未产生明显污染,对人体不具有非致癌性风险.  相似文献   

沿海地区海盐和大气污染物反应的致酸作用   总被引:12,自引:7,他引:5  
着重研究全球沿海地区海盐和在气污染物SO2,NOx反应的致酸作用,通过资料分析发现:海盐和大气污染物反应的致酸存在临界浓度,在氏气溶胶浓度的大气中,海盐和大气污染物反应致酸的SO2的临界浓度为0.0043mg/m^3。海盐和大气污染物反应的致酸存在3种类型:火山排放SO2和海盐反应致酸,降水中过量氯与H^+浓度呈正相关,过量氮对H^+浓度最大贡献可达50%;外来输送SO2、NOx和海盐反应的致酸,  相似文献   

秦皇岛市沿岸海水浴场水质现状分析及污染防治对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文根据多年海水浴场监测数据,应用数理统计方法和污染指数法,对秦皇岛市沿岸海水浴场的水质进行了现状质量评价及趋势分析,对保持海水浴场的水质质量提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

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