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高速公路断面运行车速分布特征研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在探讨车速分布指标与交通安全关系的基础上,对影响高速公路安全性设计与评价的运行车速指标分布特征进行深入研究。以高速公路大量实测运行车速数据为分析对象,通过研究断面运行车速频率分布特征,利用PP概率分布图和单样本K-S检验方法,对车速数据进行正态,Weibull(威尔布),Gamma(伽玛)及Logistic等4种分布形式的拟合检验。基于统计学原理,提出求解运行车速特征指标的方法。结果表明:高速公路断面运行车速服从正态分布;采用概率分布累积函数可有效解决运行车速基础理论中原始观测车速数据的指标准确量化问题。  相似文献   

道路行车安全性虚拟评价方法研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
针对在道路建成之前很难对设计道路进行有效的安全性评价的问题,在介绍运行车速评价法、速度分布评价法、线形指数评价法和驾驶人工作负荷评价法等国外道路安全评价方法的基础上,提出包括运行车速与设计车速差、相邻路段运行车速差、速度降低因子、横向力系数变化因子以及路段间的加速度值等5个评价因子在内的道路安全评价模型,并确定了相应指标的评价标准.该方法的评价过程包括自行模式和互动模式.自行模式是在驾驶员模糊车速控制模型的基础上预测路段的运行车速,从而进行线形的安全评价;交互模式主要是在虚拟仿真的基础上对道路、隧道、桥梁的交通工程设施、照明等系统进行安全性评价.通过该评价方法可以在道路的设计阶段发现存在的行车安全性问题,通过修改设计或进行安全改善,提高道路的运营安全性.  相似文献   

为提高公路路线设计指标的安全性和一致性,改变固有运行车速预测模型的建模思路,解决运行车速预测中公路线形指标的客观描述问题,通过分析运行车速与公路平、纵、横线形指标的相关性,提出公路线形空间综合指数的概念.应用模糊综合评判法,确定公路线形几何特性的模糊集,模型主要考虑的车速影响因素有平曲线半径、累计转角、曲线上位置比例、纵坡以及横坡等;运用层次分析法,确定各因素的权重,采用梯形和半梯形隶属函数,提出了服务于运行车速预测的公路线形指标空间客观描述模型;最后,应用实例进行了公路线形空间综合指标的计算说明.  相似文献   

针对我国高速公路工程日益突显的安全问题,结合四川省桃园(川陕界)至巴中高速公路工程的实际情况,分别从停车视距、竖曲线、隧道进出口、横断面超高、长大下坡等5个方面进行安全性分析。研究提出高速公路工程道路交通安全评价程序:要以潮湿路面情况下计算出来的停车视距为标准进行安全评价,凸曲线路段和凹曲线路段都应满足竖曲线最小半径,隧道平曲率半径大于所允许的最小半径值并通过基于运行车速差的隧道进出口区域运行安全性的评价方法对隧道进出口进行安全预评价,超高安全评价要以一般圆曲线最小半径为标准,对于长大下坡的运行速度与设计速度差应满足评价标准,最后结合实际工程数据,运用该安全评价方法,证明了其实用价值,为其它高速公路工程道路交通安全评价提供参考。  相似文献   

根据多条高速公路近3年的事故数据及实时交通流数据,分析了高速公路运营安全性的相关影响因素,在此基础上提出了车速变异系数指标及其分级标准,建立了考虑交通流量、平均车速、车速变异系数、天气条件等多因素的高速公路交通流运行风险预测多元模型,并提出了高速公路交通流实时行车风险指数TRI指标,制定了交通流状态实时安全性评价标准,最后给出了高速公路交通流混合交通状态下的实时安全风险评价流程。通过西攀高速公路的交通流实时数据,验证了模型的有效性。  相似文献   

为研究高速公路隧道侧向宽度对驾驶绩效的影响,在3种设计速度高速公路上随机雇佣15名被试,采用CAN-OBD测速仪和方向盘转角仪进行了8条隧道的实车测试。通过构建3种右侧和2种左侧隧道侧向宽度变化方案,选取不同速度特征指标和方向盘转角为驾驶绩效的表征指标,分析了设计速度、侧向宽度、运行车速、车速标准差、方向盘转角等指标的交互影响,并运用数理统计方法对不同侧向宽度方案之间各项指标进行差异性比较。结果表明:隧道左侧侧向宽度为1.00 m时,运行车速提升4.5%,同时车速标准差较小,驾驶绩效更高;隧道右侧侧向宽度为1.25 m和1.50 m时,运行车速提升6.6%,但后者车速标准差较小,相比较,隧道右侧侧向宽度为1.75 m时,运行车速提升8.0%,但速度标准差随之增大。不同侧向宽度对方向盘转角影响较小。当设计速度为100 km/h,车辆靠隧道右侧行驶时车速较高且更稳定。研究成果可为隧道路段侧向宽度设置提供建议。  相似文献   

针对山区高速公路长纵坡路段大型车事故多发的问题,依托云南罗富高速公路交通安全保障项目,围绕对大型车辆下长坡时有效控制车速的方案,建立了"人体-车身-车轮"系统振动模型,从理论上分析了不同断面减速带对汽车平顺性影响的理论研究,设计了适合高速公路使用特点的减速带,并辅以道路试验进行方案优化,最后给出了减速带布置方案.结果表明,轿车车速为60~70 km/h,货车车速为30~40 km/h时,减速带对汽车平顺性的影响既在乘员可承受范围内,也不会降低汽车的行驶安全性,同时有效降低了事故多发路段的事故率,减少了人员伤亡和经济损失.  相似文献   

道路交通安全性评估模式的探讨   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
鉴于目前我国高等级道路事故多点(段)通常是车辆实际行驶车速远高于"设计车速"的道路路段这一共同特征,从道路使用者的角度,提出评估道路路段的交通安全性时应引入"道路认知安全性"这一新评价指标,并从人-车-路-环境系统安全考量,对道路的"设计安全性"和"认知安全性"进行了初步定义.在此基础上,分析了道路认知安全性指标与道路实际安全水平的定性关系,阐述了道路的认知安全性评价模式在贯彻"以人为本"的道路设计新理念以及在科学分析道路事故多发点成因等方面的重要意义.最后提出了实施道路认知安全性评价的初步设想.  相似文献   

为评价高速公路基本路段的交通安全状况,首先应用统计分布拟合及假设检验方法,分析京珠高速公路及粤赣高速公路基本路段上事故起数的统计分布特征,验证事故起数符合负二项(NB)分布;然后给出基于NB分布的路段划分方法,建立基于NB分布的事故预测模型(CPMs),并提出基于CPMs的路段安全性评价方法。其次引入交通安全服务水平(LOSS)概念,提出一种基于LOSS的路段安全性评价方法。最后分别用基于CPMs及LOSS的路段安全性评价方法,对京珠高速公路及粤赣高速公路基本路段进行安全性评价。结果表明,基于CPMs的安全性评价方法更适用于山岭重丘区的高速公路,而基于LOSS的路段安全性评价方法更适用于平原区的高速公路。  相似文献   

为量化分析山区高速公路线形指标对交通事故发生及严重程度的影响,引入事故修正系数(CMF)概念,提出基于CMF的高速公路交通事故预测模型。验证事故数据服从零膨胀负二项(ZINB)分布,并标定10个不同线形组合路段的基本事故预测模型;在界定理想条件的基础上,借助优势比分析方法,建立10个不同线形组合相对于基本预测模型的CMF模型;通过弹性分析识别出对不同严重程度事故有显著影响的因素,并以此分析山区高速公路线形指标及线形组合的安全效应。研究结果表明:CMF能够定量反映不同线形组合的风险效应,且其值越高,事故率及事故严重程度可能更高;山区高速公路中,平曲线缓坡组合相对安全,平曲线陡坡组合、平曲线竖曲线组合均有较高的事故风险;平曲线与凹型竖曲线组合时的风险会略低于其与凸形竖曲线组合;控制纵坡度、减少平竖曲线的组合均有利于山区高速公路交通安全。  相似文献   

This study compares highway crash incidence, injuries, and costs by vehicle type. Annual crash and injury incidence were estimated using Crashworthiness Data System (1988-1991), National Automotive Sampling System (1982-1986), General Estimates System (1992-1993), and Fatal Analysis Reporting System (1993) data. Costs were computed based on restraint use, body region, and threat-to-life severity of the injury. Costs were then allocated between vehicle types using three different methods in order to answer comparative safety questions. Motor vehicle and bicycle crash costs total $389 billion annually; 75% resulting from passenger vehicles. Motorcycles and bicycles have the highest costs per 1000 vehicle and passenger miles; costs per victim are highest for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists. Costs per vehicle mile for heavy trucks and passenger cars are comparable but exceed costs for light trucks. Passenger vehicle occupants are safest if a crash occurs. Light truck, other single truck, and bus occupants have the lowest cost per passenger mile, but higher costs than air and rail travelers. Motorcyclists face the greatest risks. Combination trucks may not impose an excess risk to other drivers, but their drivers face large risks.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the compatibility of cars, light trucks, and vans (LTVs) involved in traffic crashes. An analysis of U.S. crash statistics shows that, although LTVs currently account for approximately one–third of registered U.S. passenger vehicles, collisions between cars and LTVs account for over one–half of all fatalities in light vehicle–to–vehicle crashes. In these crashes, 81 percent of the fatally injured are found to be occupants of the car. These statistics suggest that LTVs and passenger cars are incompatible in traffic crashes, and that LTVs are the more aggressive of the two vehicle classes. The fundamental incompatibility between cars and LTVs is observed even when the analysis is restricted to collisions between vehicles of model year 1990 or later - indicating that, despite the availability of newer safety countermeasures, e.g., airbags, the incompatibility between cars and LTVs will persist in future fleets. Through examination of crash test results, field crash statistics, and vehicle measurements, the paper explores the design imbalances between cars and LTVs, e.g., mass, stiffness, and geometry, which lead to these severe crash incompatibilities.  相似文献   

山西省道路旅客运输企业安全评价指标体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了帮助山西省道路旅客运输业从源头上预防和减少交通事故,在对山西省道路旅客运输企业实地调研后,分析总结出其当前在安全生产管理体制、人员素质、运输市场等方面存在的问题,根据安全评价指标体系的构建原则和专家调研法建立了包含内部综合管理、驾乘人员管理、车辆管理和事故统计处理四大块36个指标的安全评价指标体系,并采用无需一致性检验的G1法计算指标权重。该指标体系为山西省道路旅客运输企业安全生产管理提供理论指导和实际应用价值。  相似文献   


Objective: Impact speed is one of the most important factors explaining the severity of injuries to cyclists when they collide with passenger cars. To reduce injury severity (especially for vulnerable road users), since 2008, Swedish municipalities have the authority to lower the speed limit to 30 or 40?km/h in urban areas as appropriate. The aim of this study was to evaluate how this speed limit reduction has influenced the injury severity for cyclists in this type of collision.

Method: Data from 1,953 collisions between bicycles and passenger cars were collected using information from third-party-liability insurance claims from 2005 to 2017. The change of speed limit distribution, influenced by the reduction of speed limits in urban areas, where car-to-cyclist collisions occurred was studied. Following that, injury severity for cyclists was evaluated regarding collisions occurring in areas with different speed limits.

Results: The results show that, in collisions with cars, cyclists have a significantly lower risk of a moderate-to-fatal (MAIS 2+) injury when the speed limit is 30–40?km/h compared to 50–60?km/h. During the last decade, while the speed-limit has been lowered on many road-sections in urban areas from 50–60?km/h to 30–40?km/h the risk of a cyclist getting a MAIS 2+ injury decreased by 25%. In 2005 to 2011, 16% of the crashes happened on a road with a speed limit of 30–40?km/h; in 2016–2017, this percentage had increased to approximately 50%. Thus, in recent years more crashes occurred on roads with lower speed limits, and in these crashes, there was a lower risk of severe injuries to cyclists. Unfortunately, it was not possible to evaluate the risk of a crash for specific speed limits; since one limitation of this study was the lack of exposure data, nor do we know the impact speed or the actual speed of the vehicles.

Conclusions: This study is an important follow-up on the implementation of measures that can influence bicycle safety. The insurance data used, made it possible to quantify a positive effect on injury severity for cyclists in passenger car-to-cyclist collisions when the speed limit was reduced in urban areas. Insurance claims cover collisions of all crash severity, so they include data covering all types of injuries—not just the most severe/fatal ones. This aspect is especially important in the speed intervals evaluated here, since moderate (MAIS 2) injuries are very frequent in lower-speed crashes and even these injuries can result in long-term consequences.  相似文献   

二级公路成为事故之路的症结   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
二级公路交通事故多发 ,其症结在于道路的规划、设计和管理工作中存在许多不完善并急需改进之处。例如交通参与人素质与道路不协调 ,道路交通安全设施不完善 ,道路规划、建设受到行政干预 ,公路平面交叉口不规范等。解决二级公路交通安全问题需要从规划、设计和管理等诸多方面入手。因此 ,笔者建议建立公路规划、设计安全审计和责任追究制度 ;在选用公路等级、设计速度和限制速度时 ,以公路功能定位 ;根据交通安全法律、法规规定及时完善交通安全设施 ;强化交叉路口规范化管理和支线限速设计 ;加强交通安全管理力度 ,增加科技管理投入 ;由政府牵头 ,依靠公路沿线乡镇、单位和学校 ,深入持久地进行交通安全宣传教育 ,提高公路沿线居民的交通安全意识。  相似文献   

为减少货车对行车安全的影响,在充分考虑货车行驶理论、交通环境和驾驶员特征的基础上,就载重货车交通对高速公路运营安全的影响进行研究。其结果表明,不同车型之间的运行速度差异、超载、驾驶员不良交通行为及纵向间距不足等是造成货车交通事故的主要原因。通过分析货车事故与交通状况的关系,从工程技术可行性等角度提出了货车专用道的设计方法,以有效执行客货分行,提高高速公路运营安全水平。  相似文献   

Objective: We examined both fatal and injury at-fault crashes of a population of passenger cars fitted with electronic stability control (ESC). Crash rates were calculated in relation to both registration years and mileage. Crash rates were also calculated for a non-ESC car population and crash rate ratios were calculated to compare the crash risk between ESC-fitted and non-ESC-fitted passenger cars.

Methods: Passenger car models with and without ESC were identified (ESC-equipped cars: 3,352,813 registration years; non-ESC-equipped: 5,839,946 registration years) and their vehicle information for the period 2009–2013, including mileage (ESC-equipped vehicles: 89.3 billion kilometers; non-ESC-equipped: 72.4 billion kilometers), was drawn from the national Vehicular and Driver Data Register.

The registry of Finnish road accident investigation teams was accessed and all fatal at-fault crashes among the cars in the study populations (ESC 97; non-ESC 377) for the period 2009–2013 were analyzed. The motor insurance database includes at-fault crashes leading to injuries and was utilized for analyses (ESC: N?=?8,827, non-ESC: N?=?21,437).

Crash rates and crash rate ratios were calculated to evaluate crash risk of both ESC-equipped and non-ESC-equipped passenger cars. Poisson regression was used to model crash involvement rate ratios both per registration year and per mileage for vehicles with ESC and without ESC, controlling for age and gender of the vehicle owner and vehicle mass.

Results: Passenger cars fitted with ESC showed lower crash rates than non-ESC-equipped cars in all crash types studied. In general, the difference in crash rates between ESC-equipped and non-ESC-equipped vehicles was greater when the crashes were compared to the mileage rather than registration years. The mileage-proportional crash rate of ESC-equipped cars was 64% (95% confidence interval, 61%; 67%) lower in run-off-road crashes resulting in injury and as much as 82% (65%; 91%) lower in fatal run-off-road crashes when suicides and disease attacks were not taken into account.

Conclusions: Our results show that modern passenger cars provide a significant crash risk reduction, which depends on both ESC and passive safety features introduced. Results also show that exposure evaluation in terms of registration years (or vehicle population) instead of true mileage can provide an overly pessimistic view of the crash risk.  相似文献   

为了分析高速公路交通安全现状,提出高速公路交通安全综合管理对策,采用对比分析法,研判当前高速公路交通安全形势,统计分析高速公路交通事故特征规律,提出基于“6E”的高速公路交通安全系统管理对策。以1994~2013年期间的高速公路交通事故统计数据为分析对象,采用事故起数、事故死亡人数、事故率、致死率、重大事故起数等作为评价指标,对比交通事故总量和不同等级公路事故情况,分析了当前我国高速公路交通安全形势。从交通安全执法管理的角度,对高速公路交通事故发生时间、事故形态、肇事车辆类型、事故原因、肇事驾驶人驾龄等进行了特征分析,在立法、教育、工程、执法、急救、评价6个方面,提出了高速公路交通安全管理系统化对策,为进一步认识当前高速公路交通安全形势,完善高速公路交通安全管理提供技术支持。  相似文献   

基于灰色理论的城市道路交通安全评价研究   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:10  
影响城市道路交通安全的指标很多,因此,给评价工作带来一定的难度。结合我国道路交通管理的特点,根据理论与实践相结合的原则,对诸多指标进行选择,筛选出适合我国国情的道路交通安全3项评价指标,并运用累积百分频率法确定了评价标准。在综合分析国内外道路交通安全评价方法的基础上,建立了城市道路交通安全的灰色评价方法。应用灰色系统理论对道路交通安全的3项指标进行归纳和计算,从而判断各城市所属的灰类,更合理地评价各城市的交通安全状况。应用该方法,从宏观角度上对2001年国内五省市的道路交通安全状况进行了事后灰色综合评价,取得较为满意的效果。  相似文献   

道路运营安全性评价方法与指标   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
笔者从道路交通设施系统客观安全性和道路用户主观安全性的角度,应用交通冲突分析技术、运行车速预测方法、行车动力学仿真分析[空间视距模型、人工神经网络(ANN)模型],研究并分析车辆在自由流和非自由流两种状态下运营安全性,提出跟驰风险指数、变换车道风险指数、高速行车风险指数,建立了服务于道路安全运营管理的道路交通设施系统及其运营安全性的分析评价方法和指标。  相似文献   

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