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The MAGIC model was calibrated to 143 lakes in Sweden, all of which are monitored in Swedish national monitoring programmes conducted by the University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). Soil characteristics of the lake catchments were obtained from the National Survey of Forest Soils and Vegetation also carried out by SLU. Deposition data were provided by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI). The model successfully simulated the observed lake and soil chemistry at 133 lakes and their catchments. The fact that 85% of the lakes calibrated successfully without being treated in an individual way suggests that data gathered by the national monitoring programmes are suitable for modelling of soil and surface water recovery from acidification. The lake and soil chemistry data were then projected into the future under the deposition scenario based on emission reductions agreed in the Gothenburg protocol. Deposition of sulphur (sea salt corrected) was estimated to decrease from 1990 to 2010 by 65–73%; deposition of nitrogen was estimated to decrease by 53%. The model simulated relatively rapid improvements in lake water chemistry in response to the decline in deposition from 1990 to 2010, but the improvements levelled off once deposition stabilised at the lower value. There was a major improvement of simulated lake water charge balance acid neutralising capacity (ANC) from 1990 to 2010 in all lakes. The modelled lakes were divided into acidification sensitive and non-sensitive. The modelled sensitive lakes are representative of 20% of the most sensitive lakes in Sweden. By 2010, the ANC in the sensitive lakes was 10 to 50 μeq L-1 below estimated pre-industrial levels and did not increase much further from 2010 to 2040. Soils at the majority of the modelled catchments continued to lose base cations even after the simulated decline in acid deposition was complete, i.e. after the year 2010. Based on this model prediction, the acidification of the Swedish soils will in general not be reversed by the deposition reduction experienced over the last 10 years and expected to occur by the year 2010.  相似文献   

In the 1999 Gothenburg protocol to the UN/ECE LRTAP Convention andin the negotiations for an EU acidification strategy the area withexceedances of critical loads has been the preferred measure forenvironmental impacts. The aim of this study has been to assessthe influence of the uncertainty and spatial variation of both thecritical loads and deposition values on the calculated area withexceedances of critical loads. This has been done on a nationalscale for Denmark and on the European scale based on the dataincluded in the RAINS model. It is demonstrated that includinguncertainty and spatial variation in exceedance calculations, ingeneral gives larger exceeded area for the critical load ofacidity, CL(A). The picture for the critical load of nutrientnitrogen, CLnut(N), is more mixed because of the higherproportion of exceeded areas. A further point of interest is thepossibility of validating relationships between critical loadexceedances and observable damage based on large scale monitoringand model data. It is demonstrated that it will probably not bepossible to use exceedance calculations on European scale as basisfor validation exercises, linking exceedances to observable damage.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic acid deposition causes forest soil acidification and perturbation of the soil forming processes. The impact of soil acidification on tree growth is discussed in view of the role of mycorrhizal fungi in weathering and nutrient uptake. A review has been carried out of experiments involving treatments of forest soil by lime and wood ash, where soil properties and soil solution composition have been investigated. Results from these experiments in Europe and North America are summarized. In general, the content of C in the mor layer decreased as a result of treatment due to higher microbial activity and soil respiration as well as increased leakage of DOC. In addition, the content of N in the mor layer, in general, decreased after treatment and there are occasional peaks of high NO3concentrations in soil solution. In nearly all reviewed investigations the pH of the deep mineral soil solution decreased and Al, SO4and NO3concentrations increased after treatment. These effects are probably due to the high ionic strength and increased microbial activity as a consequence of the treatments. In the soil, pH, CEC and base saturation increased in the upper horizons, but decreases in the upper mineral soil are also reported. In general, there was no increase in tree growth as a result of these treatments. The positive effects of the treatments on soil processes and tree growth are therefore questionable. In view of these conclusions, an investigation was carried out on the soil and soil solution chemistry and the role of mycorrhizal fungi in a spruce stand treated with two doses of lime and another treated with lime/ash in southern Sweden. The results of this investigation is reported in this volume.  相似文献   

The recovery from acidification has led to the demand for more precise criteria for classification of acidification. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has revised Sweden’s Ecological Quality Criteria for acidification to improve the correlation between the chemical acidification criteria and biological effects. This paper summarises the most relevant findings from several of the studies commissioned for this revision. The studies included data on water chemistry in 74 reference lakes in southern Sweden with data on fish in 61 of the lakes, as well as data on littoral fauna in 48 lakes. We found that the acidity variable most strongly correlated to the biota was the median pH from the current year. Our results probably do not reflect the mechanisms behind the negative effects of acidity on the biota, but are fully relevant for evaluation of monitoring data. The biogeochemical models used for predicting acidification reference conditions generate a pre-industrial buffering capacity. In order to get an ecologically more relevant criteria for acidification based on pH, we transferred the estimated change in buffering capacity into a corresponding change in pH. A change of 0.4 units was defined as the threshold for acidification. With this criterion a considerably lower number of Swedish lakes were classified as acidified when compared with the present Ecological Quality Criteria.  相似文献   

Use of biofuels in the form of logging residues is increasing in the European countries. This intensive forestry, where entire trees are removed from the felling sites, may contribute to a negative nutrient balance in the forest soil. Recycling of ash from the combustion of clean wood fuel, sometimes in combination with limestone or additives/binders, back into the forest soil could maintain the soil nutrient reservoir intact. Before spreading ash, it is important to determine its contents and, particularly, its decomposition pattern using reliable laboratory leaching tests. In this study, mineralogy and the leaching of Na, Ca, K, Mg, Mn, Al, Cu, Fe, P, and Zn from wood ash pellets and granules, produced both from green liquor sludge and fly ash, are examined by XRD and by subjecting these substances to three different laboratory leaching tests: upflow percolation (CEN/TS 14405), batch leaching (SS-EN12457), and a new Swedish leaching test using a magnetic stirrer. Mineral phases such as quartz, ettringite, calcite, gehlenite, and aphtitalite were identified in the ash granules and in the ash/green liquor sludge granules, by means of XRD. Six additional minerals were detected in the granules of ash only, and another six in the ash/green liquor sludge granules. At L/S 2, the batch leaching test resulted in the highest amounts of elements leached and the upflow percolation test the lowest. At L/S 10, both the batch leaching test and the upflow percolation test resulted in high amounts of elements leached. The batch leaching test at L/S 10 complies quite well with the percolation test and could be suitable for ash/green liquor sludge granule evaluation in daily practice. The magnetic stirrer test seems to underestimate the release potential of elements from granules. The batch test is simple to perform, and has the ability to dissolve 70-80% of the elements with the highest mobility from the materials under study.  相似文献   

Highland catchments in tropical regions are frequently subjected to soil erosion and the transport of chemicals downstream. Any drastic changes in land use will increase the severity of these processes of land degradation. A simulation study using GLEAMS (Groundwater Loading Effects of Agricultural Management Systems) was conducted at a catchment presently under tea farming in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. Soil, water and nutrient transport associated with several alternative land uses was studied. In addition, the effect of a disruptive form of land clearing on soil, water and nutrient losses was also investigated. Modelling with GLEAMS required information from field measurements and observations, laboratory analyses, guide tables, industry records, maps and reports published by soil survey and meteorological departments. The most critical step in simulating soil and water movement using GLEAMS is the identification of a representative flow sequence. In the catchment under study, the representative flow sequence was overland flow–channel 1–channel 2. Input data on soil erodibility, porosity and surface roughness were manipulated to represent various degrees and forms of disturbance to the surface soil layer. For all land uses studied, the highest soil loss was predicted for the overland flow area where slope gradient is high and the soil friable. The variations in soil loss, runoff and nutrient loss between landscape elements and between land uses were consistent with soil erosion features observed in the field. Soil and nutrient losses were substantial for crops such as cabbage that required land shaping activities and frequent ploughing of the soil. Predicted data on enrichment ratio of specific surface (ERSS) are consistent with nutrient enrichment processes in the field and could prove to be useful in studies on chemical transport in highland catchments.  相似文献   

Aluminium (Al) is a key element in critical loadcalculations for forest. Here, we argue for re-evaluating theimportance of Al. Effects of two levels of enhanced Alconcentrations and lowered Ca:Al ratios in the soil solutionin a field manipulation experiment in a mature spruce stand(1996–1999) on tree vitality parameters were tested. Inaddition, Al solubility controls were tested. Various loads ofAl were added to forest plots by means of an irrigationsystem. Potentially toxic Al concentrations and criticalratios of Ca to inorganic Al were established. The ratio of Cato total Al was not a suitable indicator for unfavourableconditions for plant growth. No significant effects on crowncondition, tree growth and fine root production were observedafter three years of treatment. In 1999, foliar Mg content inthe highest Al addition treatment had declined significantly.This agreed with the known response to Al stress of seedlingsin nutrient solution experiments. No support was found forusing the chemical criterion Ca:Al ratio in soil solution,foliar and root tissue as an indicator for forest damage dueto acidification. Al solubility was considerably lower thanimplied by the assumption of equilibrium with gibbsite,particularly in the root zone. The gibbsite equilibrium iscommonly used in critical load models. Substitution of thegibbsite equilibrium with an Al-organic matter complexationmodel to describe Al solubility in soil water may have largeconsequences for calculation of critical loads. The resultsindicate that critical load maps for forests should bereconsidered.  相似文献   

The Cairngorms in north-east Scotland is remote from pollutant sources although it currently receives ca. 10 kg ha1 yr1 S and ca. 11 kg ha1 yr1 N deposition from the atmosphere.In 1955, 15 lochs (lakes) at a range of altitudes were sampled and analysed for major ion concentrations. A new survey of these and an additional 23 lochs and their catchment soils was conducted in 1999 to determine the impact of acid deposition, and the changes in loch chemistry since the 1955 survey. The bedrock geology of this region has a strong influence on the loch chemistry. Surface waters were generally more acidic in high altitude areas due to predominantly poorly buffered, thin alpine soils developed on granitic parent material (mean acid neutralising capacity (ANC) for 23 lochs = 30 eq L1). At lower altitudes where the geology is dominated by Dalradian metamorphic rocks surface waters are comparatively base rich and have higher ANC (mean ANC for 15 lochs = 157 eq L1). Surface water nitrate concentrations show a negative relationship with soil C:N status, in that higher nitrate only occurs at low soil C:N ratios. A comparison of data for 1955 and 1999 shows that sulphate concentrations are significantly lower (67.8 and 47.5 eq L1, respectively), and pH has improved (pH 5.6 and 5.9) in response to decreased S deposition since the mid 1970s. However, mean nitrate concentrations were found to increase from 2.48 >eq L1 in 1955 to 5.65 eq L1 in 1999. Differences in the sampling and laboratory methods from 1955 and 1999 are acknowledged in the interpretation of data.  相似文献   

To evaluate the acid deposition reduction negotiated for 2010 within the UNECE LRTAP Gothenburg Protocol, sulphur and nitrogen deposition time-series (1880–2100) were compared to critical loads of acidity on five French ecosystems: Massif Central basalt (site 1) and granite (2); Paris Bassin tertiary sands (3); Vosges mountains sandstone (4) and Landes eolian sands (5). The SAFE model was used to estimate the response of soil solution pH and ratio to the deposition scenario. Among the five sites, critical loads were exceeded in the past at sites 3, 4 and 5. Sites 3 and 4 were still expected to exceed in 2010, the Protocol year. Further reduction of atmospheric deposition, mainly nitrogen, would be needed to achieve recovery on these ecosystems. At sites 3, 4 and 5, the delay between the critical load exceedance and the violation of the critical chemical criterion was estimated to be 10 to 30 years in the top soil and 50 to 90 years in the deeper soil. At site 5, a recovery was expected in the top soil in 2010 with a time lag of 10 years. Unexpectedly, soil pH continued to decrease after 1980 in the deeper soil at sites 2 and 5. This time lag indicated that acidification moved down the soil profile as a consequence of slow base cation depletion by ion exchange. This delayed response of the soil solution was the result of the combination of weathering rates and vegetation uptake but also of the relative ratio between base cation deposition and acid compounds.  相似文献   

Weathering rates of base cations are crucial in critical load calculations and assessments of sustainable forestry. The weathering rate on a single site with detailed geological data can be modelled using the PROFILE model. For environmental assessments on a regional scale, the weathering rates for sites are scaled into regional maps. The step from sites to regional level requires focus on the spatial variation of weathering rates. In this paper, a method is presented by which weathering rates are calculated for 25589 Swedish sites with total elemental analysis for the soil. Based on a part of the results, a methodology for creating area covering maps by geostatistical analysis and kriging is described. A normative reconstruction model was used to transform total elemental analysis to mineralogy. Information from the Swedish Forest Inventory database and other databases were used to derive texture and other important information for the sites, e.g. climate, deposition and vegetation data. The calculated weathering rates show a regional pattern that indicates possibilities for interpolation of data in large parts of Sweden. Geostatistical analysis of an area in southern Sweden shows different properties for different base cations. Kriging was performed for potassium to demonstrate the method. It was concluded that different base cations and different regions have to be analysed separately, in order to optimise the kriging method.  相似文献   

Effectiveness of three bulking agents for food waste composting   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Rather than landfilling, composting the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes recycles the waste as a safe and nutrient enriched soil amendment, reduces emissions of greenhouse gases and generates less leachate. The objective of this project was to investigate the composting effectiveness of three bulking agents, namely chopped wheat (Triticum) straw, chopped mature hay consisting of 80% timothy (milium) and 20% clover (triphullum) and pine (pinus) wood shavings. These bulking agents were each mixed in duplicates at three different ratios with food waste (FW) and composted for 10 days using prototype in-vessel composters to observe their temperature and pH trends. Then, each mixture was matured in vertical barrels for 56 days to measure their mass loss and final nutrient content and to visually evaluate their level of decomposition. Chopped wheat straw (CWS) and chopped hay (CH) were the only two formulas that reached thermophilic temperatures during the 10 days of active composting when mixed with FW at a wet mass ratio of 8.9 and 8.6:1 (FW:CWS and FW:CH), respectively. After 56 days of maturation, these two formulas were well decomposed with no or very few recognizable substrate particles, and offered a final TN exceeding the original. Wood shavings (WS) produced the least decomposed compost at maturation, with wood particles still visible in the final product, and with a TN lower than the initial. Nevertheless, all bulking agents produced compost with an organic matter, TN, TP and TK content suitable for use as soil amendment.  相似文献   

Reduced emissions of acidifying pollutants have changed the acidification process, and as a result, forest soils and surface waters are slowly recovering in Sweden. However, model calculations show that some areas may never recover completely unless further measures, such as liming, are undertaken. Liming of surface waters (lakes, rivers and wetlands) has been successfully practised in Sweden since the 1970s, but repeated treatments are necessary. A full recovery of acidified lakes and streams without frequent liming is however not possible until soil acidification is reversed in the most strongly affected areas. In this study, the recovery of acidified streams was examined using ‘the total catchment approach’ i.e. treatment of both recharge and discharge areas. The aim was to compare the quantitative effect of different treatments on run off chemistry and the recovery of brown trout. Catchments in southwest Sweden were treated with a combination of 2 tons of wood ash and 4, 6 or 12 tons of crushed limestone per hectare in 1998/1999. Treatment of both recharge and discharge areas resulted in fast and significant changes in stream water quality, e.g. increased concentrations of calcium, higher pH and ANC and a decreased concentration of inorganic aluminium. The initial changes were dependent on the distribution of the applied lime between discharge and recharge areas rather than the average dose on the total catchment. Treatment of recharge areas only, resulted in smaller but still significant effects on calcium, pH and ANC in stream water. Furthermore, there was an initial leaching of nitrate but it was only minor compared with the elevated leaching that occurs after a clear-cut. As a result of the treatments, brown trout is now successfully reproducing. Olle Westling (deceased).  相似文献   

The biodegradation of urea and condensation products thereof (ureaforms or methyleneureas), their nitrification, and their influence on the respiratory rate of soil was studied over periods of up to 100 days. The total methyleneurea content of the soil was determined after its acidic extraction, using a convenient colorimetric assay, and an HPLC protocol was established to analyze for specific components of methyleneureas. Urea, unfractionated methyleneureas, and hot-water soluble methyleneureas were rapidly metabolized to ammonium, which accumulated to high concentrations and was consequently oxidized to nitrate; an accumulation of nitrite was observed during urea but not during methyleneurea degradation. Hot water-insoluble methyleneureas were degraded much more slowly, and ammonium formed from these compounds was oxidized to nitrate without being released in significant amounts. These results suggest that the use of methyleneureas of optimized composition with regard to their water solubility may help to resolve problems such as the toxicity of ammonia to plant growth as well as nitrogen loss by leaching of nitrate, denitrification and volatilization.  相似文献   

This paper describes the migration of hexavalent chromium, Cr(VI), nickel, Ni(II), and cadmium, Cd(II), in clayey soils that contain different reducing agents under an induced electric potential. Bench-scale electrokinetic experiments were conducted using two different clays, kaolin and glacial till, both with and without a reducing agent. The reducing agent used was either humic acid, ferrous iron, or sulfide, in a concentration of 1000 mg/kg. These soils were then spiked with Cr(VI), Ni(II), and Cd(II) in concentrations of 1000, 500 and 250 mg/kg, respectively, and tested under an induced electric potential of 1 VDC/cm for a duration of over 200 h. The reduction of chromium from Cr(VI) to Cr(III) occurred prior to electrokinetic treatment. The extent of this Cr(VI) reduction was found to be dependent on the type and amount of reducing agents present in the soil. The maximum reduction occurred in the presence of sulfides, while the minimum reduction occurred in the presence of humic acid. The concentration profiles in both soils following electrokinetic treatment showed that Cr(VI) migration was retarded significantly in the presence of sulfides due both to the reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) as well as an increase in soil pH. This low migration of chromium is attributed to: (1) migration of Cr(VI) and the reduced Cr(III) fraction in opposite directions, (2) low Cr(III) migration due to adsorption and precipitation in high pH regions near the cathode in kaolin and throughout the glacial till, and (3) low Cr(VI) migration due to adsorption in low pH regions near the anode in both soils. Ni(II) and Cd(II) migrated towards the cathode in kaolin; however, the migration was significantly retarded in the presence of sulfides due to increased pH through most of the soil. Initial high pH conditions within the glacial till resulted in Ni(II) and Cd(II) precipitation, so the effects of reducing agenets were inconsequential. Overall, this study demonstrated that the reducing agents, particularly sulfides, in soils may affect redox chemistry and soil pH, ultimately affecting the electrokinetic remediation process.  相似文献   

Methane emissions from active or closed landfills can be reduced by means of microbial methane oxidation enhanced by properly designed landfill covers and engineered biocovers. Composts produced using different waste materials have already been proven to support methane oxidation, and may represent a low-cost alternative to other suitable substrates such as sandy or humic-rich soils, which are frequently not available in sufficient amounts or are too costly. In the present study a data set of 30 different compost materials (different age and input materials) and mixtures, as well as seven soils and mineral substrates were tested to assess methane oxidation rate under similar conditions in a laboratory column set-up. Multivariate data analysis (discriminant analysis) was applied to predict the influence of 21 different parameters (chemical, maturation and physical) on methane oxidation rate in a PLS-DA model. The results show that bulk density, total nutrient content (nitrogen and phosphorus), as well as the quantity and quality (with respect to maturity) of organic matter determined methane oxidation rate in this data set. The model explained 50% of the data variation, indicating how characterisation of oxidation rate by single, even diverse conventional parameters was limited. Thus for the first time, Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was applied to a series of samples to better determine the characteristics of methane-oxidising materials. The initial data obtained in this study appear to be most promising. The prediction of specific methane oxidation rate of a potential biocover material from FTIR spectra and multivariate data analyses is a target to be focused on in the future.  相似文献   

A model capable of quantifying the potential environmental impacts of agricultural application of composted or anaerobically digested source-separated organic municipal solid waste (MSW) is presented. In addition to the direct impacts, the model accounts for savings by avoiding the production and use of commercial fertilizers. The model is part of a larger model, Environmental Assessment of Solid Waste Systems and Technology (EASEWASTE), developed as a decision-support model, focusing on assessment of alternative waste management options. The environmental impacts of the land application of processed organic waste are quantified by emission coefficients referring to the composition of the processed waste and related to specific crop rotation as well as soil type. The model contains several default parameters based on literature data, field experiments and modelling by the agro-ecosystem model, Daisy. All data can be modified by the user allowing application of the model to other situations. A case study including four scenarios was performed to illustrate the use of the model. One tonne of nitrogen in composted and anaerobically digested MSW was applied as fertilizer to loamy and sandy soil at a plant farm in western Denmark. Application of the processed organic waste mainly affected the environmental impact categories global warming (0.4-0.7 PE), acidification (-0.06 (saving)-1.6 PE), nutrient enrichment (-1.0 (saving)-3.1 PE), and toxicity. The main contributors to these categories were nitrous oxide formation (global warming), ammonia volatilization (acidification and nutrient enrichment), nitrate losses (nutrient enrichment and groundwater contamination), and heavy metal input to soil (toxicity potentials). The local agricultural conditions as well as the composition of the processed MSW showed large influence on the environmental impacts. A range of benefits, mainly related to improved soil quality from long-term application of the processed organic waste, could not be generally quantified with respect to the chosen life cycle assessment impact categories and were therefore not included in the model. These effects should be considered in conjunction with the results of the life cycle assessment.  相似文献   

Since the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) launched its “green remediation” program and EU member states began to reassess their national regulations for environmental remediation in order to reach a Europe‐wide consensus on policy and standards, the need and interest for sustainable remediation of contaminants from brownfields has grown considerably. Concomitantly, the ability to calculate and assess the suitability as well as the environmental footprints and associated risks of a growing number of remediation techniques has become a priority. The authors quantitatively evaluate the differences between various remediation techniques, and for this purpose, a number of ex situ and in situ remediation techniques are adapted to model 21 remediation scenarios for two contaminated sites in the Gothenburg region of Sweden: the Bohus Varv site on the Göta älv river bank and the Hexion site in Mölndal. A wide range of quantitative results for these models are presented, compared, and analyzed. Based on the results from both projects, it is concluded that: (1) remediation techniques requiring long distance residual transportation have significant footprints, except the transportation of contaminated residuals by train due to Swedish energy production conditions; (2) residual transportation by ship results in much higher SOx, NOx, and particle releases compared to the other alternatives; and (3) residual transporation by truck results in high accident risks. Finally, activities powered by electricity result in a reduced footprint compared to activities powered by fossil fuels, considering Swedish energy production conditions. The authors conducted a cross‐benefit analysis of SiteWiseTM applications which recognizes its potential as a tool for presenting life cycle assessment analyses with appropriate system boundary definitions and an easy inventory analysis process. Results from this tool provide valuable support to decision makers aiming at more sustainable remediation. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Currently, there is an environmental pollution problem generated in part by packaging materials produced from non-biodegradable synthetic polymers made from petroleum. However, these can be replaced with biodegradable materials made from cassava starch (CS) and natural rubber (NR). In the work described, a novel biopolymer film was obtained from the CS and NR using glycerol (GE) as a plasticizer in a water-based system. The physical properties of an 95/5 CS/NR blend films with the addition of NR and with varying GE contents were studied based on their swelling ratio, moisture content, moisture absorption, mechanical properties and biodegradability in soil. The results showed that the moisture content and moisture absorption tended to be directly proportional to the GE content, while the moisture content and moisture absorption of the sample decreased as a function of the NR content. The swelling ratio of the 95/5 CS/NR blend slightly decreased as a function of the NR and GE content. Surprisingly, the best swelling ratio of 350% was found at 10% NR. The elongation at break of the CS/NR blend was improved by the addition of GE. The contact angle of the 95/5 CS/NR blend decreased as a function of the GE. With increased NR in the composite, an increasing, trend in the contact angle was found. Further, the 95/5 CS/NR blend exhibited good transparency when it was applied as a coating to delay the ripening of bananas, the results were positive. Moreover, the film showed decomposition well in natural soil.  相似文献   

Incinerator bottom ash (IBA) is a residual produced from incinerating municipal solid waste. In the past, IBA presented a big waste disposal problem; however, various recycling approaches have been adopted in recent years to mitigate this problem, as well as to provide a useful alternative to using primary aggregate resources. The use of IBA as an alternative to conventional aggregates in different civil engineering construction applications helps to conserve premium grade aggregate supplies; however, when IBA is in contact with water in the field, as a consequence of precipitation events or changes in water table, elements, such as salts and heavy metals, may be released to the soil and ground water. In this work, IBA waste was mixed with limestone aggregate to produce a blend with acceptable mechanical properties and minimum environmental risks for use as road foundation. The study focused on evaluating potential environmental impacts of some constituents, including sulphate, chloride, sodium, copper, zinc and lead in IBA blends using a lysimeter as a large scale leaching tool. Moreover, a specific scenario simulating field conditions was adopted in the lysimeter to assess the potential impact of changing conditions, such as IBA content in the blend, liquid to solid ratio (L/S) and pH value, on long-term release of heavy metals and salts. Then, numerical modelling was used to predict the release of the aforementioned constituents from IBA based on initial measurement of intrinsic material properties and the kinetic desorption process concept. Experimental results showed that zinc and lead were released in very low concentrations but sodium and sulphate were in high concentrations. The control limestone only blend also demonstrated low release concentrations of constituents in comparison to IBA blends, where constituent concentrations increased with increase in IBA content. Experimental results were compared with numerical results obtained using a non-equilibrium desorption model. Good agreement was found between the two sets of data.  相似文献   

The results from three long-term field manipulation studies of the impacts of increased nitrogen deposition (0–120 kg N ha?1 yr?1) on lowland and upland heathlands in the UK were compared, to test if common responses are observed. Consistent increases in Calluna foliar N content and decreases in litter C:N ratios were found across all sites, while increases in N leaching were not observed at any site over the range 0–80 kg ha?1 yr?1. However, the response of Calluna biomass did vary between sites, possibly reflecting site differences in nutrient status and management histories. Five versions of a simulation model of heathland responses to N were developed, each reflecting different assumptions about the fate and turnover of soil N. Model outputs supported the deduction from mass balance calculations at two of the field sites that N additions have resulted in an increase in immobilisation; the latter was needed to prevent the model overestimating measured N leaching. However, this version of the model significantly underestimated Calluna biomass. Model versions, which included uptake of organic N by Callunaand re-mobilisation of N from the soil organic store provided some improvement in the fit between modelled and field biomass data, but re-mobilisation also led to an overestimation of N leaching. Quantification of these processes and their response to increased N deposition are therefore critical to interpreting experimental data and predicting the long-term impacts of atmospheric deposition on heathlands and moorlands.  相似文献   

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