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The lateral down-slope movement of water, NO3 -, NH4 +, SO4 2-, H+ and DOC through an ablation till was examined from 1987 to 1990 for a one hectaresoil catena on a steep hillslope with uniform forest cover at the Turkey Lakes Watershed (TLW), Ontario, Canada. Natural variation in the export of nutrients from the soil profile via soil water to Little Turkey Lake was assessed in relation to nutrient distribution in soil at different topographic positions.Subsurface throughflow exhibited dramatic differences in nutrientconcentrations and fluxes with slope position, largely reflectingthat of the soil horizons through which the water passed. GreaterNO3 -, SO4 2-, and DOC concentrations in subsurface water in the upper, well-drained hillslope were a reflection of enrichment by contact with more acidic, more developed podzols, and more favorable soil physical and biological conditions for NO3 - retention in solution.Nutrient inputs to the lake were strongly influenced by increaseddown-slope transport of water, and increased SO4 2-, N, and C retention in wetter, less-developed podzolic soils that characterize lower slope positions. An understanding of water movement and soil development variation withtopographic position was required to accurately estimate nutrient budgets for steep slopes at TLW.  相似文献   

The role of snowmelt and subsurface hydrology in determiningthe chemistry of a small headwater stream in the TurkeyLakes Watershed (TLW) was evaluated for the spring meltperiods 1992 to 1996. Spring runoff is the dominanthydrological event at the TLW each year. Processesoccurring within the snowpack during snowmelt wereprincipally responsible for the above-ground changes inchemical fluxes relative to bulk deposition (the effect ofwinter throughfall was minimal). Large changes in chemicalfluxes occurred below ground. Organic matter decomposition,weathering, nitrification, and element cycling are some ofthe more important below-ground processes that operateduring the snow accumulation and ablation season and controlthe composition of the water ultimately appearing in thestream. Maximum stream discharge was accompanied byelevated concentrations of H+, NO3 -, K+,NH4 +, DOC, Al and Mn, but reduced levels ofCa2+, Mg2+, SO4 2- and SiO2. Theconcentration-discharge relationships were consistent withwater movement through and above the forest floor duringpeak discharge, a flowpath facilitated by rapid infiltrationof meltwater and the existence of a relatively impermeablelayer in the mineral soil creating a perched water table. Averaged over the five periods of snow accumulation andablation, it was estimated that pre-melt stream flow, andwater routed through the forest floor and through the uppermineral soil contributed 9, 28 and 63%, respectively, ofthe discharge measured at the outlet of the catchment. Theforest floor contribution would be greater at peak dischargeand at higher elevations. An end-member mixing modelestimated concentrations of SO4 2-, NO3 -,Cl-, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ and Al that werecomparable to average values measured in the stream. Othervariables (NH4 +, H+, K+ and DOC) wereover-estimated implying retention mechanisms operatingoutside the model assumptions.  相似文献   

Year-to-year variation in SO4 2-,NO3 -, Ca2+, K+, and Mg2+concentrations in forest floor and mineral soil percolatefrom a forested, podzolic soil at the Turkey Lakes Watershedon the Precambrian Shield was assessed for monotonic trendsbetween 1986 and 1995. Our objective was to examine howrapidly ion concentrations in soil percolate equilibratedafter stabilization of SO4 2- concentrations inprecipitation. Significant negative trends were detected inmonthly Ca2+, and Mg2+ concentrations in forestfloor and SO4 2-, Ca2+, and Mg2+ inmineral soil percolate during the 10-year-period. Thedecline in Ca2+ and Mg2+ was greater than annualdecreases in SO4 2- and NO3 - in forestfloor percolate and proportional to the reduction inSO4 2- in mineral soil percolate. Response ofmineral soil percolate to a 15 molc L-1SO4 2- decrease in wet-only precipitation between1985 and 1986 was a gradual decline in SO4 2-concentration through 1995. The five-year meanSO4 2- concentration in bulk precipitation, forestfloor percolate, and mineral soil percolate decreased 8, 9and 18 molc L-1 from 1986–90 to 1991–95.Microbial (mineralization of organic S) and sorption(release from and/or retention in the pool of insolubleSO4 2-) processes in the soil were logicalexplanations for the observed changes in SO4 2- inmineral soil percolate.  相似文献   

Nitrate leaching was measured over seven years of nitrogen (N) addition in a paired-catchment experiment in Alptal, central Switzerland (altitude: 1200 m, bulk N deposition: 12 kg ha-1 a-1). Two forested catchments (1500 m2 each) dominated by Picea abies) were delimited by trenches in the Gleysols. NH4NO3 was added to one of the catchments using sprinklers. During the first year, the N addition was labelled with 15N. Additionally, soil N transformationswere studied in replicated plots. Pre-treatment NO3 --N leaching was 4 kg ha-1 a-1 from both catchments, and remained between 2.5 and 4.8 kg ha-1 a-1 in the control catchment. The first year of treatment induced an additional leaching of 3.1 kg ha-1, almost 90% of which was labelled with 15N, indicating that it did not cycle through the large N pools of the ecosystem (soil organic matter and plants). These losses partly correspond to NO3 - from precipitation bypassing the soil due to preferential flow. During rain or snowmelt events, NO3 - concentration peaks as the water table is rising, indicating flushing from the soil. Nitrification occurs temporarily along the water flow paths in the soil and can be the source of NO3 - flushing. Its isotopic signature however, shows that this release mainly affects recently applied N, stored only between runoff events or up to a few weeks. At first, the ecosystem retained 90% of the added N (2/3 in the soil), but NO3 - losses increased from 10 to 30% within 7 yr, indicating that the ecosystem became progressively N saturated.  相似文献   

Since 1985, monitoring activities have been conducted in a networkof 43 lakes comprising the Québec portion of the Long-Range Transport of Airborne Pollutants (LRTAP) program. The results to date indicate that Québec lakes generally are responding positively to the generalized decline in precipitation sulfate (SO4 2-), with 40 of the 43 lakes now showing steep declines in SO4 2- concentrations. The drop in SO4 2- was associated with a significant decrease in Ca2+ concentrations in 77% of the lakes (67% for Mg2+ concentrations). Overall, the acid-neutralizing capacity was increasing in 19 lakes and decreasing only in three, while 21 lakes showed no temporal trends. Compared with previous trend studies of the LRTAP-Québec network for the period of 1985–1993, the longer period (1985–1999) shows a clear improvement, with the proportion of lakes that were acidifying changing from 24 to 7% and with the proportion of lakes that were recovering changing from 16 to 35%. These observations suggest that the recent drop in SO4 2- deposition in the northeastern U.S. and eastern Canada was significant enough to allow chemical recovery for a significant proportion of Québec lakes.  相似文献   

This study presents the chemical composition of bulk deposition during the period of February 1996–May 1997 and the chemical composition of sub-event wet deposition on 13 August 1997 in Gebze. Samples were analyzed for SO4 2-, NO3 -, Cl-,Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, and NH4 + in addition to pH. The source of some ionic components in the bulk deposition such as K+ and Ca2+ were found to be the terrestrial regions, as expected. The (non-sea Cl-)/Cl- ratio of 0.05 suggests that the very large portion of Cl- in the bulkdeposition was of marine origin. The ratio of (non-sea SO4 2-)/SO4 2- varied between 0.86 and 0.99,indicating that the main source of sulfate was not the sea. It is found that the sulfate and calcium concentrations were highest in summer and lowest in fall. The analysis of bulk deposition also indicated that nearly 24% of the events were acidic (pH < 5.6). During sub-event wet deposition collectedon the same site pH decreased continually, and during the passageof cold front concentrations of Cl-, SO4 2- and NO3 - increased.  相似文献   

Previously, it has been observed that the internal circulation (ion leakage) of calcium from a coniferous forest is caused by uptake of sulphur dioxide (SO2). Here we show that this correlation was not changed when the forest floor is covered with a roof. The reaction takes place in the canopy and is not influenced by deposition and root uptake of calcium and sulphate. The ion leakage of calcium is linked to the loss of acidity in throughfall. The process can, for one of the catchments, schematically be written: SO2 + H2O + 0.5 O2 + 0.58 CaA2→ SO4 2- + 0.94 H+ + 0.58 Ca2+ + 1.16 HA, in which A denotes the anion to a weak acid. This reaction also takes place today when the SO2 concentration is very low, but when the precipitation is still acidic. The ion leakage of manganese also is caused by the uptake of SO2, but only 0.12 manganese ions are released per SO2 molecule.  相似文献   

Soil acidity parameters (pH, basesaturation, exchangeable Al) in the organic and mineralsoil layers and in soil water (pH, dissolved organiccarbon, total Al, Al3+ and molar Ca/Al ratios) insix Norway spruce stands in different parts of Finlandwere compared. An attempt was also made to relate thedegree of defoliation in the tree stand to N and Sdeposition and soil parameters. No relationship was foundbetween soil acidity parameters and defoliation in thesix stands. Defoliation was positively correlated withstand age and the C/N ratio of the organic layer, andnegatively with the cation exchange capacity. The plotlocated on a so-called sulphate soil on the west coast ofFinland had very low soil pH values, and extremely highAl and SO4 2- concentrations and molar Ca/Alratios of well below 1.0 in soil water. Despite the highnatural acidity in the soil on this plot, defoliation inthe spruce stand was the lowest (mean 8.6%) of all sixplots. The results of this study indicate that soilacidity is not a major factor affecting stand conditionin these spruce stands, and that the variation in soilacidity parameters is closely related to climatic factorsand natural soil formation processes.  相似文献   

The paired catchment study at the forested Bear Brook Watershed in Maine (BBWM) U.S.A. documents interactions among short- to long-term processes of acidification. In 1987–1989, runoff from the two catchments was nearly identical in quality and quantity. Ammonium sulfate has been added bi-monthly since 1989 to the West Bear catchment at 1800 eq ha-1 a-1; the East Bear reference catchment is responding to ambient conditions. Initially, the two catchments had nearly identical chemistry (e.g., Ca2+, Mg2+, SO4 2-, and alkalinity ≈82, 32, 100, and 5 μeq L-1, respectively). The manipulated catchment responded initially with increased export of base cations, lower pH and alkalinity, and increased dissolved Al,NO3 - and SO4 2-. Dissolved organic carbon and Si have remained relatively constant. After 7 yr of treatment, the chemical response of runoff switched to declining base cations, with the other analytes continuing their trends; the exports of dissolved and particulate Al, Fe, and P increased substantially as base cations declined. The reference catchment has slowly acidified under ambient conditions, caused by the base cation supply decreasing faster than the decrease of SO4 2, as pollution abates. Export of Al, Fe and, P is mimicking that of the manipulated watershed, but is lower in magnitude and lags in time. Probable increasing SO4 2- adsorption caused by acidification has moderated the longer-term trends of acidification of both watersheds. The trends of decreasing base cations were interrupted by the effects of several short-term events, including severe ice storm damage to the canopy, unusual snow pack conditions, snow melt and rain storms, and episodic input of marine aerosols. These episodic events alter alkalinity by5 to 15 μeq L-1 and make it more difficult to determine recovery from pollution abatement.  相似文献   

The Turkey Lakes Watershed (TLW) was established in 1980 as asite for study of the ecosystem effects of acidic deposition, andsince then there has been 40% reduction in North AmericanSO2 emissions. Monitoring records for bulk deposition,shallow and deep ground water, two headwater streams and two lakeoutflows have been tested to identify statistically significantmonotonic trends. The TLW appears to be responding to decliningacidifying emissions because the most prevalent chemical trendacross sample types/stations was decreasing SO4 2-. Increasing pH was detected in four of the seven data sets, butonly the H+ decrease in bulk deposition was of a magnitudeto be an important ionic compensation for the SO4 2-decline. There is little evidence of acidification recovery inTLW waters however. Increasing alkalinity was found only in theoutflow of the penultimate lake of the basin, and in fact, deepground water and the other lake outflow had decreasing alkalinitytrends (i.e., continuing acidification). For the surface waterstations, the greater part of the ionic compensation fordeclining SO4 2- was decreasing base cations, and as aresult, these waters are probably becoming more dilute with time,although only the headwater streams exhibited decliningconductivity. Five of seven data sets had increasing dissolvedorganic carbon concentrations. Increasing NO3 - wasimportant in ground waters. Drought has strongly influencedtrends and delayed recovery by mobilizing S stored in catchmentwetlands and/or soils.  相似文献   

More than 85% of the mountainous spruce forest of the Bavarian Forest National Park died after bark beetle attack during the last decade. The elemental budget of intact stands and of different stages after the dieback was investigated. N-fluxes in throughfall of intact stands were lower (12–16 kg ha-1 a-1) than in an earlier study in an intact mountainous spruce stand in the Bavarian Forest National Park and were reduced in the first years after the dieback (3–5 kg N ha-1 a-1). Nitrate-N fluxes by seepage water of intact stands at 40 cm depth, which is below the main rooting zone, were moderate (5–9 kg ha-1 a-1). After the dieback of the stands, NH4 + concentrations were increased in humus efflux as were NO3 - concentrations in mineral soil. Due to the relatively high precipitation, dilution of the elemental concentrations in seepage was considerable.Therefore, NO3 - concentrations were usually below the level of drinking water (806 μmol NO3 - L-1), with lowest concentrations after the snowmelt and highest in autumn. Nitrate concentrations were elevated from the first year until the 7th year after the dieback. Total NO3 --N losses by seepage until the 7th year after the dieback equalled 543 kg N ha-1. Aluminium fluxesafter the dieback were enhanced in the mineral soil from 55 to 503 mmolc m-2 a-1 (average of 8 yr), K+ fluxes from 8 to 37 mmolc m-2 a-1, and Mg2+ fluxes from 13 to 35 mmolc m-2 a-1. The consequences for the nutritional status of the ecosystem, the hydrosphere, and forest management are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

In-cloud oxidation of SO2 byH2O2 was investigated using a tracertechnique based on SO2– 4/Se ratios atWhiteface Mountain, New York during summer months from1990 to 1998. Cloud water samples collected at themountain's summit (1.5 km above mean sea level) andaerosols at a below cloud site (Lodge) located at 0.6km amsl and in cloud interstitial air at the summitwere analyzed for SO2– 4 and selectedtrace elements. Gaseous SO2 andH2O2were measured in realtime. Cloud water pH wasgenerally below 5.0 with a mean value of 3.6. Theresults show that significant in cloud oxidation occursin clouds during summer months varying from belowdetection to 62% with on average approximately 24% ofthe cloud water SO2– 4 produced from in-situ SO2 oxidation. During summer the clouds wereoxidant limited for approximately one third of thetime.  相似文献   

Extremely high emissions of S and N compounds in Central Europe (both 280 mmol m-2 yr-1) declined by 70and 35%, respectively, during the last decade. Decreaseddeposition rates of SO4 -2, NO3 -, and NH4 + in the region paralleled emission declines. The reduction in atmospheric inputs of S and N to mountain ecosystemshas resulted in a pronounced reversal of acidification in the Tatra Mountains and Bohemian Forest lakes. Between the 1987–1990and 1997–1999 periods, concentrations of SO4 -2 and NO3 - decreased (average ± standard deviation) by 22±7 and 12±7 mol L-1, respectively, in theTatra Mountains, and by 19±7 and 15±10 mol L-1, respectively, in the Bohemian Forest. Their decrease was compensated in part (1) by a decrease in Ca2+ + Mg2+ (17±7 mol L-1) and H+ (4±6 mol L-1), and an increase in HCO3 -(10±10 mol L-1) in the Tatra Mountains lakes, and (2) by a decrease in Al (7±4 mol L-1), Ca2+ + Mg2+ (9±6 mol L-1), and H+ (6±5 mol L-1), in Bohemian Forest lakes. Despite the rapid decline in lake water concentrations of SO4 -2 and NO3 - in response to reduced S and N emissions, their present concentrations in some lakes are higher than predictionsbased on observed concentrations at comparable emission rates during development of acidification. This hysteresis in chemical reversal from acidification has delayed biological recovery of the lakes. The only unequivocal sign of biological recovery hasbeen observed in erné Lake (Bohemian Forest) where a cladoceran species Ceriodaphnia quadrangular has recentlyreached its pre-acidification abundance.  相似文献   

A joint multidisciplinary investigation was undertaken to studythe effects of lime and wood ash applications on two Norway spruce forest Spodosolic soils. The two sites, typical for southern Sweden, were treated in 1994 with either 3.25 t ha-1 dolomite or 4.28 t ha-1 wood ash (Horröd site) or in 1984 with either 3.45 or 8.75 t ha-1 dolomite (Hasslöv site). Both sites show signs of acidification by atmospheric anthropogenic deposition and possessed low soil pH(4.3) and high concentrations of inorganic Al (35 M) in theupper illuvial soil solution. The prevailing soil conditions indicated perturbed soil processes. Following treatment with lime or wood ash, the soil conditions were dramatically altered. Cation exchange capacity (CEC) and base saturation (BS) was considerable increased after addition. Four years after application most of the added Ca and Mg was still present in the mor layer. Fifteen years after application,Mg in particular, became integrated deeper in the soil profile with a greater proportion lost by leaching incomparison to Ca. The concentrations of these ions were greatestin the mor layer soil solutions and Mg had higher mobility givinghigher concentrations also deeper in the profile. Four years after treatment, the application of wood ash and limeresulted in lower pH values and higher inorganic Al in mineral subsoil solutions compared to the untreated soil. We hypothesize that this was probably due to an increased flow of hydrogen ionsfrom the upper soil as a result of displacement by Ca and Mg ionsin the enlarged exchangeable pool. In contrast, fifteen years after lime and wood ash application, the mineral subsoil horizonspossessed a higher pH and lower soil solution Al content than theuntreated plots.Liming promoted soil microbial activity increasing soil respiration 10 to 36%. This is in the same range as net carbon exchange for forests in northern Sweden and could potentially have a climatological impact. The turnover of low molecularweight organic acids (LMWOA) by the soil microbial biomass werecalculated to contribute 6 to 20% to this CO2 evolution.At Horröd, citrate and fumarate were the predominant LMWOAs with lowest concentrations found in the treated areas. In contrast, at the Hasslöv site, propionate and malonate were the most abundant LMWOAs. Higher microbial activity in the upper soil horizons was also theprobable cause of the considerably higher DOC concentrations observed in the soil solution of ash and lime treated areas. Thelime-induced increase in DOC levels at Hasslöv could be attributed to increases in the 3–10 kDa hydrophobic size fraction. Liming also promoted nitrification with high liming doses leading to extreme concentrations of NO3 - (1 mM) in soil solution.At Hasslöv the community of mycorrhizal fungi was dramatically changed by the addition of lime, with only four of 24 species recorded being common to both control and treated areas.Many of the observed effects of lime and ash treatment can be viewed as negative in terms of forest sustainability. After fouryears of treatment, there was a decrease in the pH of the soil solution and higher concentrations of inorganic Al and DOC. Increased organic matter turnover, nitrification and NO3 -leakage were found at Hasslöv. Considering that the weathering rate and the mineral nutrient uptake by trees is mostprobably governed by mycorrhizal hyphae etchingmineral grains in the soil, it is important to maintain this ability of the mycorrhizal fungi. The lime and ash-induced changed mycorrhizal community structure may significantly affect this capability. In light of this investigation and others, as reviewed by Lundström et al. (2003), the implications ofliming on forest health are multifaceted with complex relationships occurring over both space and time.  相似文献   

The effect of liming (3.45 and 8.75 t ha-1 dolomite; 16 yr after application) on the biodegradation of three low molecular weight organic acids (citrate, oxalate and propionate) in forest soils was investigated. The concentration of organic acids in the soil solution followed the series propionate > citrate > oxalate with liming having no significant impact on soil solution concentrations (mean organic acid concentration = 8.7 ± 2.3 M). Organic acid mineralization by the soil microbial community was rapid in surface organic horizons (mean half-life for citrate = 2–6 h), with biodegradation rate gradually declining with soil depth. Concentration-dependent biodegradation studies (0 to 350 M) showed that the mineralization kinetics generally conformed well to a single Michaelis–Menten equation with Vmax values following the series oxalate > citrate > propionate (mean = 9.8 ± 1.0 nmol g-1 h-1) and KM values following the series oxalate = citrate > propionate (mean 168 ± 25 M). The Vmax values declined with soil depth, which was consistent with a general reduction in microbial activity down the soil profile. Liming induced a significant increase in Vmax for citrate with no change for propionate and reduction in Vmax for oxalate. The latter was probably due to adsorption and precipitation of Ca-oxalate making it unavailable for microbial uptake. The higher adsorption/precipitation capacity for oxalate in the limed soils was confirmed by adsorption isotherms. Generally, liming increased soil microbial activity by approximately 10 to 35% with calculations based on soil solution concentrations indicating that organic acid mineralization constituted approximately 3 to 15% of the total soil respiration.  相似文献   

Two years of continuous measurements of SO2deposition fluxes to moorland vegetation are reported. The mean flux of 2.8 ng SO2 m-2 s-1 is regulated predominantly by surface resistance (r c) which, even for wet surfaces, was seldom smaller than 100 s m-1. The control of surface resistance is shown to be regulated by the ratio of NH3SO2 concentrations with an excess of NH3 generating the small surface resistances for SO2. A dynamic surface chemistry model is used to simulate the effects of NH3 on SO2 deposition flux and is able to capture responses to short-term changes in ambient concentrations of SO2, NH3 and meteorological conditions. The coupling between surface resistance and NH3/SO2 concentration ratios shows that the deposition velocity for SO2 is regulated by the regional pollution climate. Recent long-term SO2 flux measurements in a transect over Europe demonstrate the close link between NH3/SO2 concentrations and rc (SO2). The deposition velocity for SO2 is predicted to have increased with time since the 1970s and imply a 40% increase in v d at a site at which the annual mean ambient SO2 concentrations declined from 47 to 3 g m-3 between 1973 and 1998.  相似文献   

Stable isotope (18O–H2O, 2H–H2O 34S–SO4 2-) andhydrochemical data (SO4 2-, Fe-concentrations) have beenused to estimate the annual groundwater inflow and outflow of mining lake ML 111 and to calculate the total amount of dissolvedsulfate and iron that is carried into the lake by groundwater. The hydrological balance suggests an annual groundwater inflow of 23 700 m3 and an annual groundwater outflow of 15 700 m3. The calculation of the sulfur and iron balances yielded an annual sulfate input of 37 800 kg and an annual iron input of 7000 kg with the groundwater inflow. Furthermore it was shown that significant fluxes of these elements go into the lake sediments which results in continuous release of acidity in the lake water.  相似文献   

The landfill leachate in Hong Kong usually contains quite high NH4+–N concentration, which is well known to inhibit nitrification in biological treatment processes. A common pre-treatment for reducing high strength of ammonium (NH4+–N) is by an air-stripping process. However, there are some operational problems such as carbonate scaling in the process of stripping. For this reason, some technical alternatives for NH4+–N removal from leachate need to be studied. In this study, a bench-scale experiment was initiated to investigate the feasibility of selectively precipitating NH4+–N in the leachate collected from a local landfill in Hong Kong as magnesium ammonium phosphate (MAP). In the experiment, three combinations of chemicals, MgCl2·6H2O+Na2HPO4·12H2O, MgO+85% H3PO4, and Ca(H2PO4)2·H2O+MgSO4·7H2O, were used with the different stoichiometric ratios to generate the MAP precipitate effectively. The results indicated that NH4+–N contained in the leachate could be quickly reduced from 5618 to 112 mg/l within 15 min, when MgCl2·6H2O and Na2HPO4·12H2O were applied with a Mg2+:NH4+:PO43− mol ratio of 1:1:1. The pH range of the minimum MAP solubility was discovered to be between 8.5 and 9.0. Attention should be given to the high salinity formed in the treated leachate by using MgCl2·6H2O and Na2HPO4·12H2O, which may affect microbial activity in the following biological treatment processes. The other two combinations of chemicals [MgO+85% H3PO4 and Ca(H2PO4)2·H2O+MgSO4·7H2O] could minimise salinity after precipitation, but they were less efficient for NH4+–N removal, compared with MgCl2·6H2O and Na2HPO4·12H2O. COD had no significant reduction during this precipitation. It was found that the sludge of MAP generated was easily settled within 10 min to reach its solids content up to 27%. The other characteristics including capillary suction time (CST) and dry density (DD) of the MAP sludge were also tested. The experimental results indicate that the settled sludge is quite solid and can be directly dumped at a landfill site even without any further dewatering treatment.  相似文献   

We describe a simple method for measuring cellulose in soil. We used this method to measure the recovery of shredded office paper and pure medium fiber cellulose added to a Helvetia silt loam clay soil. This method consists of solvating cellulose from soil with 77% H2SO4 and analysis of the cellulose recovered by the phenol-sulfuric acid carbohydrate assay. Unlike previous related methods the modifications we propose allow good recovery of cellulose (~99%) and eliminate the need to autoclave the samples. We verified this method on soil spiked with up to 12% cellulose and found a good linear relationship between the amounts of cellulose added relative to that recovered. With proper fragmentation and dilution of the acid-treated soil samples, higher concentrations can be easily measured. We propose this technique as a robust and high throughput means to monitor the degradation of cellulose in paper spiked soil.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted using a bubbling reactor to investigate nitrogen oxide absorption in the calcium sulfite slurry. The effects of CaSO3 concentration, NO2/NO mole ratio and O2 concentrations on NO2 and SO2 absorption efficiencies were investigated. Five types of additives, including MgSO4, Na2SO4, FeSO4, MgSO4/Na2SO4 and FeSO4/Na2SO4, had been evaluated for enhancing NO2 absorption in CaSO3 slurry. Results showed that CaSO3 concentration had significant impact on NO2 and SO2 absorption efficiencies, and the highest absorption efficiencies of SO2 and NO2 could reach about 99.5 and 75.0 %, respectively. Furthermore, the NO2 absorption was closely related to the NO2/NO mole ratio, and the existence of NO2 in flue gas may promote NO absorption. The presence of O2 in simulated flue gas was disadvantage for NO x removal because it can oxidize sulfite to sulfate. It was worth pointing out that FeSO4/Na2SO4 was the best additive among those investigated additives, as the NO2 removal efficiency was significantly increased from 74.8 to 95.0 %. IC and in situ FTIR results suggest that the main products were NO3 ? and NO2 ? in liquid phase and N2O, N2O5 and HNO3 in gas phase during the CaSO3 absorption process.  相似文献   

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