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Links between forest floor carbon:nitrogen (C:N) ratios, atmospheric N deposition and nitrate leaching into surface waters have been reported for forest ecosystems, but similar studies have not been reported previously for the equivalent compartments of moorland ecosystems in Great Britain, despite the importance of nitrate in contributing to the acidification of moorland streams and lakes in British uplands. In this paper, the relationships between the C:N ratio of moorland soil surface organic matter, N deposition, and nitrate leaching are explored for 13 soils in four moorland catchments. Although there is spatial variability in the C:N ratio of soils, major differences are apparent between soils and especially between catchments. The C:N ratio appears to be inversely related to modelled inorganic N deposition and, to a lesser degree, measured nitrate leaching, for three of the four catchments studied (Allt a'Mharcaidh, Afon Gwy, and Scoat Tarn). Nitrification may make an important contribution to nitrate leaching at the two higher deposition sites. At the fourth site, the heavily acidified River Etherow catchment, extremely high rates of nitrate leaching are not accompanied by low C:N ratios or high nitrification potentials in the upper soil horizons. Hence the C:N ratio of surface soil organic matter may have potential as an indicator of nitrogen saturation and leaching in some systems, but it is not universally applicable.  相似文献   

We used the Québec forest monitoring network (`Réseaud'Étude et de Surveillance des Écosystèmes Forestiers' or RESEF)along with its atmospheric monitoring stations to assess criticalS and N loads and their combined soil acidification exceedancesfor natural ecosystems of the northern hardwood and borealconiferous forests in Québec, Canada. Critical loads (CL) forforest soil acidification were calculated using the simple mass-balance (SMB) approach and with the steady-state PROFILE model.Atmospheric deposition rates for water, S, N, Ca, Mg, Na, and K,for the years 1989–1993, and detailed, plot-specific forest andsoil characteristics were used as input. The SMB model alsorequired information regarding nutrient uptake and storage in theaboveground woody biomass. The CL calculations indicated that,from the 31 RESEF plots, 18 received atmospheric acidic inputs inexcess of their CL (55 and 61% of the hardwood and coniferousplots, respectively). The range of CL exceedance varied from 60to 470 eq ha-1 yr-1 for the hardwood stands, and from 10to 590 eq ha-1 yr-1 for the coniferous stands. The standswith CL exceedance were mainly located in the western and centralpart of the province. Stand growth associated with exceedanceclass of acidity was determined using the RESEF plots along withselected permanent forest survey plots having similar sitecharacteristics, but for which longer growth records wereavailable. We found a significant negative correlation betweenforest growth rates and critical soil acidification exceedancefor both the northern hardwood and the boreal conifer sites.Specifically, plots with critical load exceedances were found tohave a growth reduction of about 30% during the 1974–1982 andthe 1972–1990 measurement (plots with no soil acidificationexceedance served as a control). While this correlation is notnecessarily causal, it is nevertheless consistent with theexpectation that increased losses of soil base cations on accountof increased soil acidification should and could lead todeteriorating forest health conditions.  相似文献   

Incorporation of organic waste amendments to a horticultural soil, prior to expected risk periods, could immobilise mineral N, ultimately reducing nitrogen (N) losses as nitrous oxide (N2O) and leaching. Two organic waste amendments were selected, a fresh green waste (FGW) and green waste compost (GWC) as they had suitable biochemical attributes to initiate N immobilisation into the microbial biomass and organic N forms. These characteristics include a high C:N ratio (FGW 44:1, GWC 35:1), low total N (<1%), and high lignin content (>14%). Both products were applied at 3 t C/ha to a high N (plus N fertiliser) or low N (no fertiliser addition) Vertisol soil in PVC columns. Cumulative N2O production over the 28 day incubation from the control soil was 1.5 mg/N2O/m2, and 11 mg/N2O/m2 from the control + N. The N2O emission decreased with GWC addition (< 0.05) for the high N soil, reducing cumulative N2O emissions by 38% by the conclusion of the incubation. Analysis of mineral N concentrations at 7, 14 and 28 days identified that both FGW and GWC induced microbial immobilisation of N in the first 7 days of incubation regardless of whether the soil environment was initially high or low in N; with the FGW immobilising up to 30% of available N. It is likely that the reduced mineral N due to N immobilisation led to a reduced substrate for N2O production during the first week of the trial, when soil N2O emissions peaked. An additional finding was that FGW + N did not decrease cumulative N2O emissions compared to the control + N, potentially due to the fact that it stimulated microbial respiration resulting in anaerobic micro sites in the soil and ultimately N2O production via denitrification. Therefore, both materials could be used as post harvest amendments in horticulture to minimise N loss through nitrate-N leaching in the risk periods between crop rotations. The mature GWC has potential to reduce N2O, an important greenhouse gas.  相似文献   

The effects of increased temperature and potential ecosystem disturbances on biogeochemical cycling were investigated by manipulation of temperature in a mixed Calluna/grass heathland in Denmark. A reflective curtain covered the vegetation during the night to reduce the heat loss of IR radiation from the ecosystem to the atmosphere. This `night time warming' was done for 3 years and warmed the air and soil by 1.1 °C. Warming was combined with ecosystem disturbances, including infestation by Calluna heather beetles (Lochmaea suturalis Thompson) causing complete defoliation of Calluna leaves during the summer 2000, and subsequent harvesting of all aboveground biomass during the autumn. Small increases in mineralisation rates were induced by warming and resulted in increased leaching of nitrogen from the organic soil layer. The increased nitrogen leaching from the organic soil layer was re-immobilised in the mineral soil layer as warming stimulated plant growth and thereby increased nitrogen immobilisation. Contradictory to the generally moderate effects of warming, the heather beetle infestation had very strong effects on mineralisation rates and the plant community. The grasses completely out-competed the Calluna plants which had not re-established two years after the infestation, probably due to combined effects of increased nutrient availability and the defoliation of Calluna. On the short term, ecosystem disturbances may have very strong effects on internal ecosystem processes and plant community structure compared to the more long-term effects of climate change.  相似文献   

The results from three long-term field manipulation studies of the impacts of increased nitrogen deposition (0–120 kg N ha?1 yr?1) on lowland and upland heathlands in the UK were compared, to test if common responses are observed. Consistent increases in Calluna foliar N content and decreases in litter C:N ratios were found across all sites, while increases in N leaching were not observed at any site over the range 0–80 kg ha?1 yr?1. However, the response of Calluna biomass did vary between sites, possibly reflecting site differences in nutrient status and management histories. Five versions of a simulation model of heathland responses to N were developed, each reflecting different assumptions about the fate and turnover of soil N. Model outputs supported the deduction from mass balance calculations at two of the field sites that N additions have resulted in an increase in immobilisation; the latter was needed to prevent the model overestimating measured N leaching. However, this version of the model significantly underestimated Calluna biomass. Model versions, which included uptake of organic N by Callunaand re-mobilisation of N from the soil organic store provided some improvement in the fit between modelled and field biomass data, but re-mobilisation also led to an overestimation of N leaching. Quantification of these processes and their response to increased N deposition are therefore critical to interpreting experimental data and predicting the long-term impacts of atmospheric deposition on heathlands and moorlands.  相似文献   

A conceptual model for N sequestration into the terrestrial nitrogen(N) sink is presented. The model uses foliar litter-fall data, limit values for litter decomposition, and calculated N concentration at the limit value (Nlimit), giving the N concentration in the hypothesized stable remains. The Nlimit values were determined extrapolating a linear relationship between accumulated litter mass loss and the increasing litter N concentration to the limit value. Thesequestration rates for N in boreal forest humus were calculated and validated for a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) monocultural stand and mixed stands with Scots pine, Norway spruce (Picea abies L.), and silver birch (Betula pendula L.). The calculated stable N fraction was compared to actually measured amounts of N in humus layers that started to accumulate 2984, 2081, 1106, and 120 yr BP. Sequestration rates of N were measured to be 0.255, 0.221, 0.147, and 0.168 g m-2 yr-1 and modeled to be 0.204, 0.207, 0.190, and 0.190 g m-2 yr-1, respectively, with missing fractions being 11.0, 1.5, 30.8, and 13.3%, respectively. The more N-rich the litter, the larger was the N fraction sequestered. This was found for experimental Scots pine needle litter (n = 6) and for 53 decomposition studies, encompassing seven litter species. The amounts of N sequestered annually ranged from ca. 1–2 kg ha-1 yr-1 under nutrient-poor boreal conditions to about 30 kgha-1 yr-1 in temperate, more nutrient-rich forests.  相似文献   

Nitrate leaching was measured over seven years of nitrogen (N) addition in a paired-catchment experiment in Alptal, central Switzerland (altitude: 1200 m, bulk N deposition: 12 kg ha-1 a-1). Two forested catchments (1500 m2 each) dominated by Picea abies) were delimited by trenches in the Gleysols. NH4NO3 was added to one of the catchments using sprinklers. During the first year, the N addition was labelled with 15N. Additionally, soil N transformationswere studied in replicated plots. Pre-treatment NO3 --N leaching was 4 kg ha-1 a-1 from both catchments, and remained between 2.5 and 4.8 kg ha-1 a-1 in the control catchment. The first year of treatment induced an additional leaching of 3.1 kg ha-1, almost 90% of which was labelled with 15N, indicating that it did not cycle through the large N pools of the ecosystem (soil organic matter and plants). These losses partly correspond to NO3 - from precipitation bypassing the soil due to preferential flow. During rain or snowmelt events, NO3 - concentration peaks as the water table is rising, indicating flushing from the soil. Nitrification occurs temporarily along the water flow paths in the soil and can be the source of NO3 - flushing. Its isotopic signature however, shows that this release mainly affects recently applied N, stored only between runoff events or up to a few weeks. At first, the ecosystem retained 90% of the added N (2/3 in the soil), but NO3 - losses increased from 10 to 30% within 7 yr, indicating that the ecosystem became progressively N saturated.  相似文献   

The effects of harvesting on the long-term mass balances of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K) were evaluated on a regional level in Sweden. A new high-resolution weathering database was used together with estimates of total deposition, losses through harvest and leaching. Estimates were made for pine and spruce separately and for two harvesting intensity scenarios: stem harvesting and whole-tree harvesting. The mass balance calculations showed net losses of Ca and Mg in almost the whole country for both scenarios. The losses were smaller for pine than for spruce. The K balances were mainly positive for pine but negative for spruce. Leaching was a main factor in the mass balances, especially for Ca and Mg. Whole-tree harvesting in spruce forests led to substantially higher net losses of K and Ca than stem harvesting, according to the calculations. In the whole-tree harvesting scenario in spruce forests the estimated yearly net losses of Ca, Mg and K corresponded to at least 5%, 8% and 3% of the pools of exchangeable base cations, respectively, at 25% of the analysed sites. If losses of this magnitude continue the depletion of the pools of Ca, Mg and K may lead to very low base saturation of the soils, possibly accompanied by negative effects on soil fertility, runoff water quality, tree vitality and tree growth within a forest rotation in parts of Sweden. Avoiding whole-tree harvesting can improve the situation substantially for K, but the losses of Ca and Mg will still be significant.  相似文献   

Changing of Lead and Cadmium Pools of Swedish Forest Soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The aims of the paper are to; i)evaluate the rate and direction of present changesin lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) soil pools of Swedishforests; ii) discuss processes of importance forleaching of Pb and Cd in Swedish forest soils. Thepresently ongoing changes of Pb and Cd pools ofSwedish forest soils are evaluated by compilationof data from the literature and unpublishedsources. It is concluded that Cd pools arepresently decreasing in larger areas of Sweden. Therate of decrease is mainly determined by soilacidity status; Cd leaching is regulated by ionexchange with Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+ andH+, and is higher in acid soils. The Pb poolsare presently increasing with 0.1 to 0.3 percentannually in the soil down to 0.5 meter. Pb isredistributed from the O horizon to the B horizon,most pronounced in spruce forests; the Pb pools ofthe O horizon are presently not increasing, but isslightly decreasing by 0.1 to 0.2 percent annually. The leaching of Pb in the soil is controlled byfactors regulating the solubility of organicmatter.  相似文献   

In situ burning of inland and upland habitats is an alternative oil spill cleanup technique that, when used appropriately, may be more environmentally acceptable than intrusive manual, mechanical, and chemical treatments. There have been few published reports documenting the environmental effects of in situ burning in inland and upland habitats. Thus, this study, sponsored by the American Petroleum Institute, used two approaches to increase the knowledge base and improve the appropriate use of in situ burning: (1) detailed review of published and unpublished in situ burn case histories for inland and upland spills; and (2) summaries of fire effects and other information from the literature on fire ecology and prescribed burning. Thirty-one case histories were summarized to identify the state of the practice concerning the reasons for burning, favorable conditions for burning, and evaluations of burn effects. The fire ecology and effects summaries included information from the extensive knowledge base surrounding wildfire and prescribed burning (without oil) as a natural resource management tool, as well as fire tolerance and burning considerations for dominant vegetation types of the United States. Results from these two approaches should improve the application of in situ burning for inland and upland spills.  相似文献   

Soil respiration is a large C flux which is of primary importance in determining C sequestration. Here we ask how it is altered by atmospheric CO2 concentration and N additions. Swards of Lolium perenne L. were grown in a Eutric cambisol under controlled conditions with and without the addition of 200 kg NO? 3 ?N ha?1, at either 350 ppm or 700 ppm CO2, for 3 months. Soil respiration and net canopy photosynthesis were both increased by added N and elevated CO2, but soil respiration increased proportionately less than fixation by photosynthesis. Thus, both elevated CO2 and N appeared to increase potential C sequestration, although adding N at elevated CO2 reduced the C sequestered as a proportion of that fixed relative to elevated CO2 alone. Across all treatments below-ground respiratory C losses were predicted by root biomass, but not by soil solution C and N concentrations. Specific root-dependent respiration was increased by elevated CO2, such that below-ground respiration per unit biomass and per unit plant N was increased.  相似文献   

Cameron Highlands is a mountainous region with steep slopes. Gradients exceeding 20 are common. The climate is favourable to the cultivation of tea, sub-tropical vegetables and flowers (under rain-shelter). Crop production is sustained by high fertiliser and manure applications. However, agriculture in this environment is characterised by high levels of soil erosion and environmental pollution. A study on the sustainability of these agro-ecosystems was conducted. Results indicated that soil loss was in the range of 24–42 ton/ha/yr under vegetables and 1.3 ton under rain-shelter. Sediment load in the vegetable sub-catchment reached 3.5 g/L, 50 times higher than that associated with flowers under rain-shelter and tea. The sediments contained high nutrient loads of up to 470 kg N/ha/yr. The N, P and K lost in runoff from cabbage farms was 154 kg/season/ha, whereas in chrysanthemum farms it was 5 kg. In cabbage farms, the N, P, and K lost through leaching was 193 kg/season/ha. The NO3–N concentration in the runoff from the cabbage farms reached 25 ppm but less than 10 ppm in runoff from rain-shelters. Inorganic pollution in the rivers was within the acceptable limit of 10 ppm. The sustainability of the agro-ecosystems is in the order of tea { > } rain–shelter ≫ vegetables.  相似文献   

Beier  C.  Rasmussen  L.  Pilegaard  K.  Ambus  P.  Mikkelsen  T.  Jensen  N. O.  Kjøller  A.  Priemé  A.  Ladekarl  U. L. 《Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus》2001,1(1-2):187-195
The fluxes of the major nitrogen compounds havebeen investigated in many ecosystem studies over the world.However, only in few studies has attention been drawn to theimportance of the fluxes of minor gaseous nitrogen compoundsto complete the nitrogen cycle. In Denmark a detailed study onthe nitrogen cycle in an old beech forest has been implementedin 1997 at Gyrstinge near Sorø, Zealand. The study includesthe fluxes of the gases NO, N2O and water mediatedtransport of NO3 - and NH4 +. Measurementsof the fluxes of the gaseous compounds are performed withmicro-meteorological methods (eddy-correlation and gradient)and with chambers. Water mediated fluxes encompass rain,throughfall, stem-flow and leaching from the root zone. Thehydrological model is verified by TDR measurements. The findings show that the total water mediated N input tothe forest floor with throughfall and stemflow was 25.6 kg Nha-1 yr -1, and open field wet deposition withprecipitation was 19.0 kg N ha-1 yr -1. The internalcycling of N in the ecosystem measured as turnover oflitterfall and plant uptake was 100 kg N ha-1 yr -1and 14 kg N ha-1 yr -1, respectively. The fluxes ofthe gaseous N compounds NO and N2O were of minorimportance for the total N turnover in the forest, NOxemission being <1 kg N ha-1 yr -1 and N2Oemission from the soil being 0.5 kg N ha-1 yr -1 withno significant difference between wet and dry soils.Concentrations of NO3 - and NH4 + in thesoil solution beneath the rooting zone are very small andconsequently the N leaching is almost negligible. It isconcluded that the nitrogen mass balance of this old beechforest ecosystem mainly is controlled by the input by dry andwet deposition and a large internal N cycle with a fast litterturnover. The nitrogen input tothe forest ecosystem which currently exceeds the critical loadby 5 kg N ha-1 yr -1is mainly accumulated in the soil and no significant nitrateleaching is occurring.  相似文献   

Mass balances and life cycle inventory of home composting of organic waste   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A comprehensive experimental setup with six single-family home composting units was monitored during 1 year. The composting units were fed with 2.6-3.5 kg organic household waste (OHW) per unit per week. All relevant consumptions and emissions of environmental relevance were addressed and a full life-cycle inventory (LCI) was established for the six home composting units. No water, electricity or fuel was used during composting, so the major environmental burdens were gaseous emissions to air and emissions via leachate. The loss of carbon (C) during composting was 63-77% in the six composting units. The carbon dioxide (CO(2)) and methane (CH(4)) emissions made up 51-95% and 0.3-3.9% respectively of the lost C. The total loss of nitrogen (N) during composting was 51-68% and the nitrous oxide (N(2)O) made up 2.8-6.3% of this loss. The NH(3) losses were very uncertain but small. The amount of leachate was 130 L Mg(-1) wet waste (ww) and the composition was similar to other leachate compositions from home composting (and centralised composting) reported in literature. The loss of heavy metals via leachate was negligible and the loss of C and N via leachate was very low (0.3-0.6% of the total loss of C and 1.3-3.0% of the total emitted N). Also the compost composition was within the typical ranges reported previously for home composting. The level of heavy metals in the compost produced was below all threshold values and the compost was thus suitable for use in private gardens.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal changes in mobility of N species have been studied for three UK upland river networks, the Etherow in the South Pennines, the Nether Beck in the Lake District and the Dee in NE Scotland. The catchments are subject to N deposition at 35.1, 22.0 and 10.8–15.6 kg N ha?1 yr?1, respectively. The NH+ 4 leaching appears to be predominantly regulated by flow path in more polluted upland catchments. It is greatest where water draining acidified peaty soils contributes more to total discharge. Soluble organic matter may provide the dominant counter anion. In the Etherow and Dee catchments, which are dominated by acid mineral and organic soils, at high discharge NO? 3 also appears to be associated with greater input of water from acidified soils. In contrast, for the Nether Beck, higher NO? 3 concentrations are associated with tributaries draining soils contributing water with higher alkalinity, suggesting nitrification is important. For the Etherow and Dee, dissolved organic N (DON) appears to originate predominantly from acidified, peaty soils. Spiking experiments with peat soil from the Etherow catchment confirmed the limited capacity of these soils to utilize inorganic N inputs, favouring equilibration with NH+ 4 inputs and leaching losses of inorganic N throughout the year.  相似文献   

Characteristics and formation of leachates from waste gasification and grate firing bottom ash were studied using continuous field measurements from 112 m3 lysimeters embedded into landfill body for three years. In addition, the total element concentrations of the fresh ash were analysed and laboratory batch tests were performed to study leachate composition. The three-year continuous flow measurement showed that about one fifth of the leachates were formed, when the flow rate was >200 l/d, covering <3.5% of the study time. After three years, the liquid/solid-ratio for the quenched grate ash was 1 (l/kg (d.m.)) and for the initially dry gasification ash 0.4 (l/kg (d.m.)). The low initial water and residual carbon content of the gasification ash kept the leachate pH at a high level (>13) major part of the study. In the grate ash leachate pH was lower (<8) due to the presence of organic carbon and biodegradation indicated by biological oxygen demand and redox potential measurements. In the gasification ash the high pH probably delayed leaching of major elements such as Ca, therefore, raising the need for a longer after-care period. The high pH also explains the higher leaching of As from the gasification ash compared to the grate ash both in the batch test and under landfill conditions.  相似文献   

Long-term monitoring of a predominantlyconiferous catchment (PC-1) in central Ontario has enabledmass budgets of base cations to be estimated between 1983and 1998. During this period, sulphur deposition decreasedby approximately 30%, although this region still receivesacid deposition that exceeds the critical load with respectto acidity for forest soils. Between 1983 and 1998 therewas a net loss of 76.3 kg ha-1 Ca and 13.7 kg ha-1Mg from PC-1, and a net retention of K of 55.7 kg ha-1. A net loss of Ca and Mg occurred every year during the studyperiod (except 1986/87 for Mg), although annual losses of Caand Mg have been generally lower in recent years. On anannual basis, net losses of Ca and Mg were extremelyvariable and were strongly related to export of SO4,which in turn appeared to be strongly influenced by climatefactors. Measured losses of Ca and Mg over the 16-yearperiod represented 37% and 59% of their respectiveexchangeable pools measured in the upland soils in 1983.These values probably overestimate base cation losses fromthe upland however, because losses from organic soils in thecatchment were proportionately greater during yearsfollowing El Niño events. There was no change in basal areabetween 1983 and 1998, although there was a shift towardless nutrient-demanding species (white pine, hemlock). Pools of Ca and Mg in tree biomass are approximately doubletheir exchangeable pools in podzols, and so losses from soilmay be offset by changes in forest structure (size,composition) in the short-term (decades). If net losses ofCa and Mg continue due to harvesting and/or acid depositionand estimates of weathering and exchangeable pools arecorrect, then the long-term sustainability of the uplandforest at PC-1 must be in doubt.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal changes in mobility of N species have been studied for three UK upland river networks, the Etherow in the South Pennines, the Nether Beck in the Lake District and the Dee in NE Scotland. The catchments are subject to N deposition at 35.1, 22.0 and 10.8–15.6 kg N ha–1 yr–1, respectively. TheNH 4 + leaching appears to be predominantly regulated by flowpath in more polluted upland catchments. It is greatest where water draining acidified peaty soils contributes more to total discharge. Soluble organic matter may provide the dominant counter anion. In the Etherowand Dee catchments, which are dominated by acid mineral and organic soils, at high discharge NO 3 also appears to be associated with greater input of water from acidified soils. In contrast, for the Nether Beck, higher NO 3 concentrations are associated with tributaries draining soils contributingwater with higher alkalinity, suggesting nitrification is important. For the Etherow and Dee, dissolved organic N (DON) appears to originate predominantly from acidified, peaty soils. Spiking experiments with peat soil from the Etherow catchment confirmed the limited capacity of these soils to utilize inorganic N inputs, favouring equilibration with NH 4 + inputs and leaching losses of inorganic N throughout the year.  相似文献   

Forest applications of dewatered municipal sludge in Washington State, U.S.A. were monitored for heavy metals, pathogens, and nitrates. Heavy metals did not leach from the sludge in significant quantities and remained associated with the sludge for at least four years. Tree seedlings grown in sludge-amended soil and compost accumulated moderate metal levels, but growth was not adversely affected. Populus seedlings took up more metal than coniferous seedlings. Some coniferous seedlings grown directly in unamended sludge had reduced growth and developed symptoms of nutrient imbalances. Fecal coliform and total coliform levels in sludge were initially high, but decreased to background levels in 1.0–1.5 years, suggesting that site access should be limited for a time after application. Bacterial movement in the soil was limited and very few viable bacteria reached the groundwater. Aerosols may be generated during sludge applications. Nitrogen leaching is a major environmental concern or sludge application. Heavy applications resulted in high NO3 levels in soils and groundwater. A significant fraction of the nitrogen loss was in gaseous form. Sludge applications in forests can be environmentally sound if application rates are matched to site characteristics.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of increasing nitrogen (N) deposition and tropospheric ozone (O3) concentrations on N-saturated forest ecosystems, we investigated the response of Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora), an N-saturation sensitive tree species, to increasing N load under elevated O3 concentrations. One-year-old seedlings of red pine were treated with three levels of N supply (0, 50 and 100 mg N L-1 fresh soil volume) under two levels of atmospheric O3 concentration (< 5 and 60 ppb) for two growing seasons. Nitrogen treatment did not stimulate dry matter production of the seedlings. Growth inhibition was observed in the highest N treatment under low O3 and in the two higher N treatments under elevated O3. Irrespective of the O3 concentration, increasing N supply negatively affected root growth and mycorrhizal development in fine roots, resulting in a reduction in P and Mg uptake from the soil. Net photosynthetic rate was significantly reduced by both the highest N treatment under low O3 and the two higher N treatments under elevated O3, together with decreased N-availability to Rubisco. Nitrogen assimilated from NO3 - to amino acid in the needles was not affected by the treatments. However, needle protein concentration was reduced by the highest N-treatment under low O3 and by the two higher N-treatments under elevated O3. These results suggest that elevated O3 potentially disturbs the N-availability in the form of protein including Rubisco, and may advance the negative effects of excessive N-deposition on N-sensitive plant species in N-saturated forests.  相似文献   

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