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Models are needed that predict both spatial and temporal improvements to ecosystems following reductions of acidifying emissions that produce `acid rain'. Logistic regression models were developed for the occurrence of fish and two fish-eatingbirds, common loons (Gavia immer) and common mergansers(Mergus merganser), using monitoring data collected onlakes across Ontario. These models were applied in the Algomaregion, including the Turkey Lakes Watershed (TLW). Using theWaterfowl Acidification Response Modeling System (WARMS), severalSO2 emission reduction scenarios were simulated, i.e. thosecontributing to measured 1982–1986 sulphate deposition levels, 1994levels (corresponding to full implementation of Canadian SO2emission reductions as stipulated in the 1991 Canada/U.S. AirQuality Agreement), 2010 levels (1994 plus full U.S. reductions),and both a 50% and a 75% further reduction beyond 2010 levels. Some habitat improvements in Algoma were predicted under the 2010scenario for all biota, but substantial increases in habitatquality, especially for mergansers, would occur only under further reductions. The TLW showed little change in chemistry orbiota, while lakes near the Montreal River were predicted toimprove substantially.  相似文献   

The recovery from acidification has led to the demand for more precise criteria for classification of acidification. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has revised Sweden’s Ecological Quality Criteria for acidification to improve the correlation between the chemical acidification criteria and biological effects. This paper summarises the most relevant findings from several of the studies commissioned for this revision. The studies included data on water chemistry in 74 reference lakes in southern Sweden with data on fish in 61 of the lakes, as well as data on littoral fauna in 48 lakes. We found that the acidity variable most strongly correlated to the biota was the median pH from the current year. Our results probably do not reflect the mechanisms behind the negative effects of acidity on the biota, but are fully relevant for evaluation of monitoring data. The biogeochemical models used for predicting acidification reference conditions generate a pre-industrial buffering capacity. In order to get an ecologically more relevant criteria for acidification based on pH, we transferred the estimated change in buffering capacity into a corresponding change in pH. A change of 0.4 units was defined as the threshold for acidification. With this criterion a considerably lower number of Swedish lakes were classified as acidified when compared with the present Ecological Quality Criteria.  相似文献   

Steady-state models for the prediction of P retention coefficient (R) in lakes were evaluated using data from 93 natural lakes and 119 reservoirs situated in the temperate zone. Most of the already existing models predicted R relatively successfully in lakes while it was seriously under-estimated in reservoirs. A statistical analysis indicated the main causes of differences in R between lakes and reservoirs: (a) distinct relationships between P sedimentation coefficient, depth, and water residence time; (b) existence of significant inflow–outflow P concentration gradients in reservoirs. Two new models of different complexity were developed for estimating R in reservoirs: , where τ is water residence time (year), was derived from the Vollenweider/Larsen and Mercier model by adding a calibrated parameter accounting for spatial P non-homogeneity in the water body, and is applicable for reservoirs but not lakes, and , where [Pin] is volume-weighted P concentration in all inputs to the water body (μg l−1), was obtained by re-calibrating the OECD general equation, and is generally applicable for both lakes and reservoirs. These optimised models yield unbiased estimates over a large range of reservoir types.  相似文献   

Extremely high emissions of S and N compounds in Central Europe (both 280 mmol m-2 yr-1) declined by 70and 35%, respectively, during the last decade. Decreaseddeposition rates of SO4 -2, NO3 -, and NH4 + in the region paralleled emission declines. The reduction in atmospheric inputs of S and N to mountain ecosystemshas resulted in a pronounced reversal of acidification in the Tatra Mountains and Bohemian Forest lakes. Between the 1987–1990and 1997–1999 periods, concentrations of SO4 -2 and NO3 - decreased (average ± standard deviation) by 22±7 and 12±7 mol L-1, respectively, in theTatra Mountains, and by 19±7 and 15±10 mol L-1, respectively, in the Bohemian Forest. Their decrease was compensated in part (1) by a decrease in Ca2+ + Mg2+ (17±7 mol L-1) and H+ (4±6 mol L-1), and an increase in HCO3 -(10±10 mol L-1) in the Tatra Mountains lakes, and (2) by a decrease in Al (7±4 mol L-1), Ca2+ + Mg2+ (9±6 mol L-1), and H+ (6±5 mol L-1), in Bohemian Forest lakes. Despite the rapid decline in lake water concentrations of SO4 -2 and NO3 - in response to reduced S and N emissions, their present concentrations in some lakes are higher than predictionsbased on observed concentrations at comparable emission rates during development of acidification. This hysteresis in chemical reversal from acidification has delayed biological recovery of the lakes. The only unequivocal sign of biological recovery hasbeen observed in erné Lake (Bohemian Forest) where a cladoceran species Ceriodaphnia quadrangular has recentlyreached its pre-acidification abundance.  相似文献   

European critical loads and novel dynamic modelling data have been compiled under the LRTAP Convention by the Coordination Centre for Effects. In 2000 9.8% of the pan-European and 20.8% of the EU25 ecosystem area were at risk of acidification. For eutrophication (nutrient N) the areas at risk were 30.1 and 71.2%, respectively. Dynamic modelling results reveal that 95% of the area at risk of acidification could recover by 2030 provided acid deposition is reduced according to present legislation. Insight into the timing of effects of exceedances of critical loads for nutrient N necessitates the further development of dynamic models.  相似文献   

The chemistry, mineralogy and morphology of two soil profiles developed on till material of granitic and gneissic composition in south-western Sweden were studied in relation to podzolization processes. These soils were used for treatments with lime and wood ash. The profiles do not show characteristic Podzol morphology but qualify as Spodosols under Soil Taxonomy criteria and are probably typical for the coniferous forest soils of south-western Sweden. Podzolization features are clear but less well expressed than in classic Podzols. The distribution of major elements shows podzolization features with accumulation of sesquioxides in the B horizons and depletion in the eluvial horizons. Quartz and feldspars dominate the bulk soils reflecting the clear relationship between the composition of the soil and the underlying bedrock. Low amounts of clay contain an interlayered vermiculitic phase as the main phyllosilicate in which the degree of interlayering, known to be pH dependent, varies with depth and is at a maximum in the Bhs horizon. In the B horizons there are small but significant amounts of imogolite-type material which affect the adsorption of sulphate.  相似文献   

Over 7,000 lakes around Sudbury, Ontario, Canada were acidified by S deposition associated with emissions from the Sudbury metal smelters and more distant S sources. Air pollution controls have led to widespread changes in damaged Sudbury lakes, including increased pH and decreased concentrations of SO4, metals and base cations. While chemical improvements have often been substantial, many lakes are still acidified, although water quality recovery is continuing. Biological recovery has been observed in some lakes among various groups of organisms including fish, zooplankton, phytoplankton and zoobenthos. Generally, however, biological recovery is still at an early stage. Lakes around Sudbury are also showing that the recovery of acid-damaged lakes is closely linked to the effects of other major environmental stressors such as climate change, base cation depletion and UV-B irradiance. Future studies of the recovery of acid-damaged lakes around Sudbury, and in other regions, will need to consider the interactions of these and other stressors.  相似文献   

To evaluate the acid deposition reduction negotiated for 2010 within the UNECE LRTAP Gothenburg Protocol, sulphur and nitrogen deposition time-series (1880–2100) were compared to critical loads of acidity on five French ecosystems: Massif Central basalt (site 1) and granite (2); Paris Bassin tertiary sands (3); Vosges mountains sandstone (4) and Landes eolian sands (5). The SAFE model was used to estimate the response of soil solution pH and ratio to the deposition scenario. Among the five sites, critical loads were exceeded in the past at sites 3, 4 and 5. Sites 3 and 4 were still expected to exceed in 2010, the Protocol year. Further reduction of atmospheric deposition, mainly nitrogen, would be needed to achieve recovery on these ecosystems. At sites 3, 4 and 5, the delay between the critical load exceedance and the violation of the critical chemical criterion was estimated to be 10 to 30 years in the top soil and 50 to 90 years in the deeper soil. At site 5, a recovery was expected in the top soil in 2010 with a time lag of 10 years. Unexpectedly, soil pH continued to decrease after 1980 in the deeper soil at sites 2 and 5. This time lag indicated that acidification moved down the soil profile as a consequence of slow base cation depletion by ion exchange. This delayed response of the soil solution was the result of the combination of weathering rates and vegetation uptake but also of the relative ratio between base cation deposition and acid compounds.  相似文献   

In 1989, a watershed acidification experiment was begun on the Fernow Experimental Forest in West Virginia, USA. Ammonium sulfate fertilizer (35.5 kg N ha−1 yr−1and 40.5 kg S ha−1 yr−1) was applied to a forested watershed (WS3) that supported a 20-year-old stand of eastern deciduous hardwoods. Additions of N and S are approximately twice the ambient deposition of nitrogen and sulfur in the adjacent mature forested watershed (WS4), that serves as the reference watershed for this study. Acidification of stream water and soil solution was documented, although the response was delayed, and acidification processes appeared to be driven by nitrate rather than sulfate. As a result of the acidification treatment, nitrate solution concentrations increased below all soil layers, whereas sulfate was retained by all soil layers after only a few years of the fertilization treatments, perhaps due to adsorption induced from decreasing sulfate deposition. Based on soil solution monitoring, depletion of calcium and magnesium was observed, first from the upper soil horizons and later from the lower soil horizons. Increased base cation concentrations in stream water also were documented and linked closely with high solution levels of nitrate. Significant changes in soil chemical properties were not detected after 12 years of treatment, however.  相似文献   

This paper describes an application of the long termdynamic model, MAGIC, on a monthly timestep, enablingincorporation of the seasonal dynamics associated with abroad understanding of the ecosystem N cycle. The modelhas been applied to the Dargall Lane catchment in theGalloway region of Scotland where marked seasonal Ndynamics are apparent. Mean monthly proportions ofrainfall, runoff, deposition fluxes and net retention ofN are utilised to drive the model on a monthly timestep.Calibration of the model has successfully reproduced thepresent day observed seasonal variation in streamNO3 and ANC. Prediction of recovery at the siteunder the second sulphur protocol indicates that,although mean annual ANC increases, mean monthly ANC doesnot rise above zero for all months of the year until2010.  相似文献   

水解酸化-好氧生物滤池处理炼油废水   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
以高炉水渣为填料,采用水解酸化-好氧生物滤池处理炼油废水。考察了好氧区气水比、水力停留时间对炼油废水处理效果的影响。实验结果表明:在水力停留时间为6h、温度为20~35℃、废水pH为6~9、好氧区气水比为10:1的条件下,该生物滤池对NH3-N,Ar-OH,COD的总去除率分别为100%,97%,85%,处理后出水水质达到国家《污水综合排放标准》一级标准。  相似文献   

We describe the development of the fish community in the acidified and limed river Litleåna in southern Norway, and describe how chemical restoration, compensatory introductions of exotics, and accidental invasion of exotics interact to influence the population of the naturally occurring brown trout (Salmo trutta). The river Litleåna is a tributary to the river Kvina in Vest-Agder County, southern Norway. During the years 1996–2004, annual mean pH was 4.9–5.0 and 6.1–6.4 above and below the liming facility, which was installed in 1994. Originally, brown trout was the only fish species in the river, but brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) have been intentionally introduced, whereas European minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) was introduced by accident. Fish densities were recorded by means of electrofishing annually over the ten year period 1995–2004. Although close to extinction before liming was initiated, brown trout fry densities increased from 1995 to 1999, with subsequent varying densities. There has been a simultaneous major increase in the occurrence and density of European minnow since 1997. Our results show that both brown trout and European minnow increase after liming. Minnow densities are negatively affected by low pH episodes in the river. The growth rates of brown trout fry are negatively correlated to minnow densities, indicating competition between the species. Brook trout densities have decreased since liming started, and during the brown trout recovery.  相似文献   

以淀粉废水水解酸化处理系统中的蛋白酶、淀粉酶、脱氢酶为研究对象,考察了在无机离子、营养元素、pH等条件作用下的酶比活变化规律.实验结果表明:Mg2+和Co2+对酶比活有显著影响,MgCl2·6H2O加入量为30 mg/L时蛋白酶、淀粉酶、脱氖酶的比活分别是空白的5.6倍、1.6倍、1.5倍,COD去除率提高17.6%;而CoCl2·6H2O加入量为10 mg/L时,蛋白酶和淀粉酶的比活较单独投加30 mg/L的MgCl2·6H2O时分别下降了80.6%和42.5%,脱氢酶比活却提高了13.2%;以NH4Cl与CO(NH2)2作为混合N源(m(NH4Cl):m(CO(NH2)2)=1:2)时蛋白酶、淀粉酶、脱氢酶的比活分别是单独以CO(NH2)2为N源时的3.0倍、1.4倍、1.8倍,COD去除率提高了11.8%;中性偏碱性条件较利于酶促反应的进行.  相似文献   

To gain insight in the startup of an incinerator, this article deals with piloted ignition. A newly developed model is described to predict the piloted ignition times of wood, PMMA and PVC. The model is based on the lower flammability limit and the adiabatic flame temperature at this limit. The incoming radiative heat flux, sample thickness and moisture content are some of the used variables. Not only the ignition time can be calculated with the model, but also the mass flux and surface temperature at ignition. The ignition times for softwoods and PMMA are mainly under-predicted. For hardwoods and PVC the predicted ignition times agree well with experimental results. Due to a significant scatter in the experimental data the mass flux and surface temperature calculated with the model are hard to validate. The model is applied on the startup of a municipal waste incineration plant. For this process a maximum allowable primary air flow is derived. When the primary air flow is above this maximum air flow, no ignition can be obtained.  相似文献   

The process of eutrophication in form of intense plant growth has been observed in some lakes and water streams at the Plitvice Lakes National Park in central Croatia. Here we investigate whether this phenomenon is a consequence of anthropogenic pollution or due to naturally produced organic matter in the lakes. We applied chemical analysis of water at two springs and four lakes (nutrients, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), trace elements) and measurements of surface lake sediments (mineral and organic fraction analyses, trace elements) in four different lakes/five sites. The chemical composition of water does not indicate recent anthropogenic pollution of water because the concentrations of most trace elements are below detection limits. The concentrations of DOC and nutrients are slightly higher in the area of increased eutrophication-plant growth. Also the content of organic matter in the sediment is at the highest level in areas with highest C/N ratio indicating that the organic fraction of this sediment is mainly of terrestrial origin. There is no significant difference among the trace element concentration in the upper segment of all cores, deposited approximately during last 50 years when higher anthropogenic influence is expected due to development and touristic activity, and the lower part of the cores, corresponding to the period approximately 100–200 years before present. The content of trace elements and organic matter in sediments decreases from the uppermost lake downstream. According to our results there is no indication of recent anthropogenic pollution in water and sediment. Higher concentrations of DOC in water as well as phosphorus and some other elements in the lake sediment can be a consequence of input of natural organic matter to the lake water.  相似文献   

Changing of Lead and Cadmium Pools of Swedish Forest Soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The aims of the paper are to; i)evaluate the rate and direction of present changesin lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) soil pools of Swedishforests; ii) discuss processes of importance forleaching of Pb and Cd in Swedish forest soils. Thepresently ongoing changes of Pb and Cd pools ofSwedish forest soils are evaluated by compilationof data from the literature and unpublishedsources. It is concluded that Cd pools arepresently decreasing in larger areas of Sweden. Therate of decrease is mainly determined by soilacidity status; Cd leaching is regulated by ionexchange with Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+ andH+, and is higher in acid soils. The Pb poolsare presently increasing with 0.1 to 0.3 percentannually in the soil down to 0.5 meter. Pb isredistributed from the O horizon to the B horizon,most pronounced in spruce forests; the Pb pools ofthe O horizon are presently not increasing, but isslightly decreasing by 0.1 to 0.2 percent annually. The leaching of Pb in the soil is controlled byfactors regulating the solubility of organicmatter.  相似文献   

Water, Air, &; Soil Pollution: Focus - The mountain ecosystems of the Hindu Kush Himalayas are generally considered to be pristine despite little available data to confirm it. Is there any...  相似文献   

废塑料的回收利用   总被引:37,自引:2,他引:35  
介绍了国外废塑料再生利用、热分散回收低分子化合物和焚烧回收热能的技术与方法。  相似文献   

Swedish recovered wood waste: linking regulation and contamination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Sweden, large amounts of wood waste are generated annually from construction and demolition activities, but also from other discarded products such as packaging and furniture. A large share of this waste is today recovered and used for heat production. However, previous research has found that recovered wood waste (RWW) contains hazardous substances, which has significant implications for the environmental performance of recycling. Improved sorting is often suggested as a proper strategy to decrease such implications. In this study, we aim to analyse the impacts of waste regulation on the contamination of RWW. The occurrence of industrial preservative-treated wood, which contains several hazardous substances, was used as an indicator for contamination. First the management of RWW during 1995-2004 was studied through interviews with involved actors. We then determined the occurrence of industrial preservative-treated wood in RWW for that time period for each supplier (actor). From the results, it can be concluded that a substantially less contaminated RWW today relies on extensive source separation. The good news is that some actors, despite several obstacles for such upstream efforts, have already today proved capable of achieving relatively efficient separation. In most cases, however, the existing waste regulation has not succeeded in establishing strong enough incentives for less contaminated waste in general, nor for extensive source separation in particular. One important factor for this outcome is that the current market forces encourage involved actors to practice weak quality requirements and to rely on end-of-pipe solutions, rather than put pressure for improvements on upstream actors. Another important reason is that there is a lack of communication and oversight of existing waste regulations. Without such steering mechanisms, the inherent pressure from regulations becomes neutralized.  相似文献   

废甲醇催化剂的回收和利用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李国斌  杨明平 《化工环保》2003,23(2):103-107
介绍了利用废甲醇催化剂生产活性氧化锌和五水硫酸铜的方法,试验结果表明,最佳工艺条件为:催化剂粒度80目;酸浸反应的硫酸浓度3.6则mol/L,100g原料中硫酸用量325mL;净化反应的pH控制在5—5.5,温度85℃;活性氧化锌煅烧温度800℃;铜粉焙烧温度600℃,通风量0.8L/min,焙烧时间2.5h;硫酸铜生产过程中,反应温度为60—80℃,时间2h。该方法具有工艺简单、操作方便、产品质量好的特点,并可减少环境污染,变废为宝,具有较好的经济效益。  相似文献   

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