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Three cruises were carried out in Jiaozhou Bay (JZB) in the neap tide in October 2002 (fall) and in both neap and spring tides in May 2003 (spring) to understand the relative importance of external nutrient inputs versus physical transport and internal biogeochemical processes. Nutrients (, , , , silicic acid, total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) and phosphorus (TDP), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and phosphorus (DOP)) were measured. The concentrations of nutrients were higher in the northern part than in the southern part. High concentrations of and DON in JZB demonstrated the anthropogenic input. Ambient nutrient ratios indicated that the potential limiting nutrients for phytoplankton growth were silicon, and then phosphorus. Nutrients showed an obvious tidal effect with low values at flood tide and high values at ebb tide. Nutrient elements were transported into JZB in the north and output in the south (i.e., into the Yellow Sea), which varied with season, tidal cycle and investigation sites. Water exchange between JZB and the Yellow Sea exports , and DON out of JZB, while it inputs , silicic acid and DOP into JZB. Nutrient budgets demonstrate that riverine input and wastewater discharge are major sources of nutrients, while residual flow is of minor importance in JZB ecosystem. JZB is a sink for the nutrient elements we studied except for DON. Stoichiometric calculations demonstrate that JZB is a net autotrophic system.  相似文献   

The holomictic Traunsee is the deepest and second largest lakein Austria. The special characteristic of this ecosystem isthe fact that local salt and soda industries presumably alterthe lake by the discharge of waste materials. Since thebeginning of the 20th century salt and soda works areannually releasing up to 50,000 tons of solid wastes and up to150,000 tons of chloride into Traunsee. To assess potentialeffects of these anthropogenic impacts on the bacterioplanktonthree sampling sites, influenced as well as not influenced bythe industrial discharge, were chosen for comparison andsampled monthly from November 1997 to October 1998. Bacterialabundance ranged between 0.4 to 3.0 × 106 cells ml-1 with decreasing numbers along the depth profile. Theproportion of actively respiring bacteria, i.e. INT [2-(4-iodophenyl)-3-(4-nitrophenyl)-5-phenyltetrazolium chloride]reducing cells, never exceeded 10% of DAPI (4',6'-diamidino-2-phenylindole) stained cells. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was used to examine the seasonal and spatial distribution of dominant phylogenetic groups of thebacterioplankton. Up to 84% of bacteria detected with DAPIcould be detected via FISH applying the universal bacterialprobe EUB338. Percentages of alpha- and beta-Proteobacteriaand members of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium cluster did notexceed 60% of DAPI-stained cells.Beta-Proteobacteriaappeared to be the most abundant group, not only in Traunsee butalso in two reference lakes, Attersee and Hallstättersee. No significant differences in any of the bacterial parameters couldbe detected between the three sampling sites and all measurementswere found in the range reported for oligotrophic lakes. The highdischarge of the Traun River, resulting in a lake water renewaltime of only one year, may diminish possible effects of industrial waste discharge in the pelagic zone.  相似文献   

Estimates of C and N loss by gasification during a wildfire in a Jeffrey pine (Pinus Jeffreyii [Grev. and Balf.]) forest in Little Valley, Nevada are compared to potential losses in more mesic forests in the Integrated Forest Study (IFS). In Little Valley, the fire consumed the forest floor, foliage, and an unknown amount of soil organic matter, but little standing large woody material. On an ecosystem level, the fire consumed approximately equal percentages of C and N (12 and 9%, respectively), but a considerably greater proportion of aboveground N (71%) than C (21%). Salvage logging was the major factor in loss, and C lost from the site will not be replenished until forest vegetation is established and succeeds the current shrub vegetation. N2 fixation by Ceanothus velutinus [Dougl.] in the post-fire shrub vegetation appears to have more than made up for N lost by gasification in the fire over the first 16 yr, and may result in long-term increases in C stocks once forest vegetation takes over the site. N loss from the fire equaled > 1,000 years of atmospheric N deposition and > 10,000 years of N leaching at current rates. Calculations of C and N losses from theoretical wildfires in the IFS sites show similar patterns to those in Little Valley. Calculated losses of N in most of the IFS sites would equal many centuries of leaching. Conceptual models of biogeochemical cycling in forests need to include episodic events such as fire.  相似文献   

The performance of a new dry deposition module, developedfor the European-scale mapping and modelling of ozone flux to vegetation, was tested against micrometeorological ozone and water vapour flux measurements. The measurement data are for twoconiferous (Scots pine in Finland, Norway spruce in Denmark) and one deciduous forest (mountain birch in Finland). On average, themodel performs well for the Scots pine forest, if local inputdata are used. The daytime deposition rates are somewhat over-predicted at the Danish site, especially in the afternoon. The mountain birch data indicate that the generic parameterisationof stomatal responses is not very representative of this northernspecies. The module was also tested by using modelled meteorological data that constitute the input for a photochemical transport model.  相似文献   

The SO4–S and NO3–N concentrations and pH in bulk precipitation, throughfall, stemflow and soil water for the 1994–2004 period were studied in pine forests in Latvia (Rucava and Taurene Integrated Monitoring stations). The SO4–S and NO3–N concentrations decreased over the study period, simultaneously with a decrease of acidity in precipitation. The changes were more evident in the western part of Latvia, probably due to declining long-range air pollution from West Europe. The trend of decreasing sulphate concentrations and increasing pH in precipitation were not followed by respective changes in soil water. In the upper soil horizon sulphate ion concentrations and acidity increased in soil water. Over the observation period, nitrate concentrations also showed an increasing trend in soil water at Rucava and Taurene, but these changes were not statistically significant.  相似文献   

Highland catchments in tropical regions are frequently subjected to soil erosion and the transport of chemicals downstream. Any drastic changes in land use will increase the severity of these processes of land degradation. A simulation study using GLEAMS (Groundwater Loading Effects of Agricultural Management Systems) was conducted at a catchment presently under tea farming in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. Soil, water and nutrient transport associated with several alternative land uses was studied. In addition, the effect of a disruptive form of land clearing on soil, water and nutrient losses was also investigated. Modelling with GLEAMS required information from field measurements and observations, laboratory analyses, guide tables, industry records, maps and reports published by soil survey and meteorological departments. The most critical step in simulating soil and water movement using GLEAMS is the identification of a representative flow sequence. In the catchment under study, the representative flow sequence was overland flow–channel 1–channel 2. Input data on soil erodibility, porosity and surface roughness were manipulated to represent various degrees and forms of disturbance to the surface soil layer. For all land uses studied, the highest soil loss was predicted for the overland flow area where slope gradient is high and the soil friable. The variations in soil loss, runoff and nutrient loss between landscape elements and between land uses were consistent with soil erosion features observed in the field. Soil and nutrient losses were substantial for crops such as cabbage that required land shaping activities and frequent ploughing of the soil. Predicted data on enrichment ratio of specific surface (ERSS) are consistent with nutrient enrichment processes in the field and could prove to be useful in studies on chemical transport in highland catchments.  相似文献   

Ring-opening polymerization of cyclic esters (-caprolactone, -valerolactone, and l-lactide) onto liquefied biomass (LB) was conducted to obtain the polyester-type polyol and to regulate the characteristics of LB. IR and 1H-NMR spectra of the obtained polyol showed that the polymerization was successfully conducted in the presence of acid catalyst, which is used in liquefaction. The molecular weight (Mw), hydroxyl value, and viscosity were controllable by changing the reaction conditions. Polyester-type polyurethane foams with a wide range of properties were prepared from the obtained polyol with the appropriate combinations of foaming agents.  相似文献   

Reduced emissions of acidifying pollutants have changed the acidification process, and as a result, forest soils and surface waters are slowly recovering in Sweden. However, model calculations show that some areas may never recover completely unless further measures, such as liming, are undertaken. Liming of surface waters (lakes, rivers and wetlands) has been successfully practised in Sweden since the 1970s, but repeated treatments are necessary. A full recovery of acidified lakes and streams without frequent liming is however not possible until soil acidification is reversed in the most strongly affected areas. In this study, the recovery of acidified streams was examined using ‘the total catchment approach’ i.e. treatment of both recharge and discharge areas. The aim was to compare the quantitative effect of different treatments on run off chemistry and the recovery of brown trout. Catchments in southwest Sweden were treated with a combination of 2 tons of wood ash and 4, 6 or 12 tons of crushed limestone per hectare in 1998/1999. Treatment of both recharge and discharge areas resulted in fast and significant changes in stream water quality, e.g. increased concentrations of calcium, higher pH and ANC and a decreased concentration of inorganic aluminium. The initial changes were dependent on the distribution of the applied lime between discharge and recharge areas rather than the average dose on the total catchment. Treatment of recharge areas only, resulted in smaller but still significant effects on calcium, pH and ANC in stream water. Furthermore, there was an initial leaching of nitrate but it was only minor compared with the elevated leaching that occurs after a clear-cut. As a result of the treatments, brown trout is now successfully reproducing. Olle Westling (deceased).  相似文献   

As part of the UN-ECE Intensive Monitoring Program, data on precipitation, throughfall and soil solution concentrations are measured on a regular basis in approximately 300 forest stands. These data were used to construct element budgets for European forests. To construct such budgets drainage fluxes have to be modeled. In this paper, the research chain from model selection to data derivation and application of the selected model to 245 of the 300 sites is described. To select a suitable hydrological model the Cl- balance method, two capacity models (a multi and a single layer version) and a Darcy model have been applied to two forest sites. The results indicate that drainage fluxes calculated with the Darcy model are more accurate than fluxes derived with the capacity model, in particular in situations where water availability is limited. The Darcy model was applied to the sites using a mixture of generic data and site data. Despite the use of generic data, the calculated drainage fluxes appear feasible. Median transpiration fluxes were 350 mm and the lowest values are found in northern Europe and highest values are found in central Europe. Median drainage fluxes were 150 mm yr-1 with the highest values in areas with high rainfall. Uncertainty analyses indicate that the use of local instead of interpolated meteorological data leads to lower drainage fluxes at 70% of the sites. The median deviation in calculated drainage fluxes is 20 mm yr-1. The use of local soil data had little impact on the calculated fluxes.  相似文献   

Self-binding ability of the pectin molecules was used to produce pectin films using the compression molding technique, as an alternative method to the high energy-demanding and solvent-using casting technique. Moreover, incorporation of fungal biomass and its effects on the properties of the films was studied. Pectin powder plasticized with 30% glycerol was subjected to heat compression molding (120 °C, 1.33 MPa, 10 min) yielding pectin films with tensile strength and elongation at break of 15.7 MPa and 5.5%, respectively. The filamentous fungus Rhizopus oryzae was cultivated using the water-soluble nutrients obtained from citrus waste and yielded a biomass containing 31% proteins and 20% lipids. Comparatively, the same strain was cultivated in a semi-synthetic medium resulting in a biomass with higher protein (60%) and lower lipid content (10%). SEM images showed addition of biomass yielded films with less debris compared to the pectin films. Incorporation of the low protein content biomass up to 15% did not significantly reduce the mechanical strength of the pectin films. In contrast, addition of protein-rich biomass (up to 20%) enhanced the tensile strength of the films (16.1–19.3 MPa). Lastly, the fungal biomass reduced the water vapor permeability of the pectin films.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to isolate cellulose nanocrystal (CNC) from oil palm fronds (Elaeis guineensis) and its subsequent characterization. Isolation involves sodium hydroxide/anthraquinone pulping with mechanical refining followed by total chlorine free bleaching (includes oxygen delignification, hydrogen peroxide oxidation and peracetic acid treatment) before acid hydrolysis. Bleaching significantly decreased kappa number and increased α-cellulose percentage of fibers as confirmed by Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry standards. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis revealed that acid hydrolysis along with bleaching improved crystallinity index and thermal stability of the extracted nanocrystals. It was observed that CNC maintained its cellulose 1 polymorph despite hydrolysis treatment. Mean diameter as observed by TEM and average fiber aspect ratio of obtained CNC was 7.44 ± 0.17 nm and 16.53 ± 3.52, respectively making it suitable as a reinforcing material for nanocomposite.  相似文献   

Organic waste, as a main constituent of municipal solid waste, has as well as solid biomass a high potential for biogas generation. Despite the importance of biogas generation from these materials, the availability of large-scale biogas processes lacks behind the demand. A newly developed double-stage solid–liquid biogas process, consisting of an open hydrolysis stage and a fixed-bed methane reactor, allows the biogas production from almost all biodegradable solid waste and renewable resources like maize, grass, sugar cane, etc. Furthermore, residues from industrial processes, like the glycerine waste water from biodiesel production, can also be converted into biogas successfully. Due to the strong separation of hydrolysis and methanation, the process is extremely stable. No malfunction has been detected so far. The open hydrolysis releases CO2 and allows oxidation of sulfur. Consequently, the biogas has a high methane (>72%) and low H2S concentration (<100 ppm). Stirrers or other agitation equipment are not necessary; only liquids are pumped. The biogas generation becomes controllable for the first time; thus, the actual generation can be easily adapted to the consumption.  相似文献   

Biomass cogeneration is widely used for district heating applications in central and northern Europe. Biomass trigeneration on the other hand, constitutes an innovative renewable energy application. In this work, an approved United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change baseline methodology has been extended to allow the examination of biomass trigeneration applications. The methodology is applied to a case study in Greece to investigate various environmental and financial aspects of this type of applications. The results suggest that trigeneration may lead to significant emissions reduction compared to using fossil fuels or even biomass cogeneration and electricity generation. The emissions reduction achieved may be materialized into a considerable revenue stream for the project, if traded through a trading mechanism such as the European Union Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading Scheme. A sensitivity analysis has been performed to compensate for the high volatility of the emission allowances’ value and the immaturity of the EU Trading Scheme, which prevent a reliable estimation of the related revenue. The work concludes that emission allowances trading may develop into one of the major revenue streams of biomass trigeneration projects, significantly increasing their financial yield and attractiveness. The impact on the yield is significant even for low future values of emission allowances and could become the main income revenue source of such projects, if emission allowances increase their value substantially. The application of trigeneration for district energy proves to lead to increased environmental and financial benefits compared to the cogeneration or electricity generation cases.  相似文献   

The health of near shore marine ecosystems has long been a concern because of its importance to coastal areas. Jiaozhou Bay (JZB) is one such marine ecosystem experiencing rapid water quality degradation in the last several decades. From the area surrounding the bay, the nutrients discharged into the bay through surface water and groundwater has been greatly changed. The thickness of the aquifers and the permeability is relatively high, the concentrations of nutrients in the groundwater are generally high, and so the groundwater discharged into JZB is very significant. However, no attempt has ever been made to evaluate the amount of nutrients discharged into the bay area via groundwater. In this study, the cross-section method and water balance method were used to estimate the amount of groundwater and nutrients discharged into JZB via the subsurface. Groundwater was monitored and sampled at aquifers surrounding the bay area, and some previously available data was also analyzed. The results indicated that groundwater from the Baisha Aquifer east of JZB now is the major source of nutrients (nitrate, dissolved SiO2) being discharged into the bay. The concentrations of nutrients in the groundwater have been increasing with intensive agricultural land use. However, Dagu Aquifer, the largest aquifer north of JZB, only provides limited nutrients to the bay area because of the construction of a low permeability subsurface dam. Historically, during the 1970s to the 1990s, the Baisha Aquifer experienced seawater intrusion due to excessive groundwater withdrawal. The same was true for the Dagu Aquifer from the 1980s to the 1990s. Because of this, no significant nutrients were discharged into the bay.  相似文献   

Journal of Polymers and the Environment - In the last decades, cellulose nanoparticles have been widely used to reinforce polymeric materials due to their strength and their wide availability in...  相似文献   

As part of the Abatement Strategies for Transboundary Air Pollution (ASTA) research program, the dynamic soil chemistry model SAFE was used to make hindcasts and future projections of soil solution chemistry for 645 Swedish forest soils between 1800 and 2100. The data needed were derived from different databases of different spatial resolution ranging from site-specific measurements of soil and stand characteristics from the Swedish Forest Inventory to species-specific nutrient content ranges based on literature surveys. The time-series of nutrient uptake and atmospheric deposition needed were created using the MAKEDEP model and the future scenarios were based on the 1999 Gothenburg protocol. The version of MAKEDEP used included nutrient content elasticity, and the modelled biomass nutrient content thus varies between regions as well as over time. The results were analysed by dividing the sites into three different regions (southwest, central and north) as well as nationally. It was shown that acidification remains a severe environmental problem in the southwest region even after implementation of the 1999 Gothenburg protocol, whereas in the north the problem is far less pronounced.  相似文献   

This research paper provides a brief discussion about the relevance of third generation biodiesel co-products diversification. This diversification can be performed through the utilization of residual microalgal biomass (RMB) after oil extraction process. The present work analyses the use of RMB as potential filler for biocomposite production by means of understanding the chemical composition, the thermal stability as well as the protein content of RMB. Thermogravimetric analysis revealed the processing window of the RMB for biocomposite production and its dependence on its purity, especially on residual fat content. Biocomposites of RMB and poly(butylene succinate) (PBS) were prepared by melting processing technique using extrusion followed by injection-molding. Tensile, flexural and impact properties of the processed samples were evaluated. Scanning electron microscopy of fractured sections of the biocomposites was also used to examine the dispersion of RMB in PBS matrix. Finally, this study shows a competitive alternative to produce PBS-RMB biocomposites by replacing PBS by RMB in the range between 20 and 30 %. However, further studies are necessary to improve the compatibility of RMB with PBS to obtain competitive mechanical properties, compared to neat materials through, for instance, block co-polymers.  相似文献   

The effect of lime and ash additions upon the below ground ectomycorrhizal communities was studied at two spruce forest sites, Horröd and Hasslöv, in Southern Sweden. At Hasslöv, fifteen years after the addition of 8.75 ton ha-1 of dolomite, the species richness of the mycorrhizal community was unchanged. However, the liming resulted in an almost total replacement of species normally found under the site conditions, with only three morphotypes from a total of 24 distinguished being common to both the control and limed plots. At Horröd, four years after the application of 3.25 ton ha-1 crushed lime, there was a significant reduction in the number of species recorded. This was not a result of a reduction in root tips sampled, since there was no significant treatment effect upon root tip abundance. Instead, it appeared that the less common species present in the control plots had been lost following liming. At the same site, the addition of 4.28 ton ha-1 of wood ash had little effect upon the mycorrhizal community as a whole, with only small changes recorded in the abundance of a small number of species. This study highlights the urgent need for additional data on the temporal and load response of ectomycorrhizal fungi to the addition of lime. This information is vital in view of the proposed widespread use of lime as a counter measure to soil acidification.  相似文献   

The evaluation method of biomass carbon ratio of polymer composite samples including organic and inorganic carbons individually was investigated. Biodegradable plastics and biobased plastics can have their mechanical properties improved by combining with inorganic fillers. Polymer composites consisting of biodegradable plastics and carbonate were prepared by two different methods. Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) composite was prepared by synthesis from l-lactide with catalyst and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) powders from lime. Poly(butylene succinate) (PBS) composite was prepared by hot-pressing the mixture of PBS powder and CaCO3 powders from oyster shells. The mechanical properties of composite samples were investigated by a tensile test and a compression test using an Instron type mechanical tester. Tensile test with a dumbbell shape specimen was performed for PBS composite samples and compression test with a column shape specimen for PLA composite samples. Strength, elastic modulus and fracture strain were obtained from the above tests. Biomass carbon ratio is regulated in the American Standards for Testing and Materials (ASTM). In ASTM standards on biomass carbon ratio, it is required that carbon atoms from carbonates, such as CaCO3, are omitted. Biomass carbon ratio was evaluated by ratio of 14C to 12C in the samples using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS). The effect of pretreatment, such as oxidation temperature and reaction by acid, on results of biomass carbon ratio was investigated. Mechanical properties decrease with increasing CaCO3 content. The possibility of an evaluation method of biomass carbon ratio of materials including organic and inorganic carbons was shown.  相似文献   

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