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Pollution-related lead (Pb) andmercury (Hg) in mor layers of Southern Swedenmight have effects on soil biology, although inthe literature effect concentrations have beenidentified at much higher levels. Considerablesmall-scale spatial variability in heavy metalcontents and microbial respiration in mor layersof forest sites was used to calculatecorrelations that could reveal toxic effects.Negative correlations were always strongest atsites with high loads of Pb or Hg, which was considered to indicate metal toxicity. The highload sites were found in Southwestern Sweden,locally at a motorway and at a chlorine-alkalifactory. Other factors of possible influence,such as other pollutants, age of organic materialor climatic differences, would affect high andlow load sites alike. Negative correlations withrespiration were found for Pb at sites with 74 g g-1 of mean Pb content in Of-layer and for Hg at 0.25 g g-1.  相似文献   

A conceptual model for N sequestration into the terrestrial nitrogen(N) sink is presented. The model uses foliar litter-fall data, limit values for litter decomposition, and calculated N concentration at the limit value (Nlimit), giving the N concentration in the hypothesized stable remains. The Nlimit values were determined extrapolating a linear relationship between accumulated litter mass loss and the increasing litter N concentration to the limit value. Thesequestration rates for N in boreal forest humus were calculated and validated for a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) monocultural stand and mixed stands with Scots pine, Norway spruce (Picea abies L.), and silver birch (Betula pendula L.). The calculated stable N fraction was compared to actually measured amounts of N in humus layers that started to accumulate 2984, 2081, 1106, and 120 yr BP. Sequestration rates of N were measured to be 0.255, 0.221, 0.147, and 0.168 g m-2 yr-1 and modeled to be 0.204, 0.207, 0.190, and 0.190 g m-2 yr-1, respectively, with missing fractions being 11.0, 1.5, 30.8, and 13.3%, respectively. The more N-rich the litter, the larger was the N fraction sequestered. This was found for experimental Scots pine needle litter (n = 6) and for 53 decomposition studies, encompassing seven litter species. The amounts of N sequestered annually ranged from ca. 1–2 kg ha-1 yr-1 under nutrient-poor boreal conditions to about 30 kgha-1 yr-1 in temperate, more nutrient-rich forests.  相似文献   

The effect of liming (3.45 and 8.75 t ha-1 dolomite; 16 yr after application) on the biodegradation of three low molecular weight organic acids (citrate, oxalate and propionate) in forest soils was investigated. The concentration of organic acids in the soil solution followed the series propionate > citrate > oxalate with liming having no significant impact on soil solution concentrations (mean organic acid concentration = 8.7 ± 2.3 M). Organic acid mineralization by the soil microbial community was rapid in surface organic horizons (mean half-life for citrate = 2–6 h), with biodegradation rate gradually declining with soil depth. Concentration-dependent biodegradation studies (0 to 350 M) showed that the mineralization kinetics generally conformed well to a single Michaelis–Menten equation with Vmax values following the series oxalate > citrate > propionate (mean = 9.8 ± 1.0 nmol g-1 h-1) and KM values following the series oxalate = citrate > propionate (mean 168 ± 25 M). The Vmax values declined with soil depth, which was consistent with a general reduction in microbial activity down the soil profile. Liming induced a significant increase in Vmax for citrate with no change for propionate and reduction in Vmax for oxalate. The latter was probably due to adsorption and precipitation of Ca-oxalate making it unavailable for microbial uptake. The higher adsorption/precipitation capacity for oxalate in the limed soils was confirmed by adsorption isotherms. Generally, liming increased soil microbial activity by approximately 10 to 35% with calculations based on soil solution concentrations indicating that organic acid mineralization constituted approximately 3 to 15% of the total soil respiration.  相似文献   

In order to understand the fate of anthropogenic lead (Pb)pollution in boreal forest soils, and to predict future trends, it is important to know where in the soil the pollution Pb is accumulated and how large the pollution and natural Pb inventories are in different soil horizons. We combined stable Pb isotope (206Pb/207Pb ratios) and concentration analyses to study Pb in podzol profiles and mor samples from old-growth forest stands at seven sites distributed from southern to northern Sweden. Additional samples were taken from managed forests, and from an agricultural field, to give some idea of the effects of land-use. Pb concentrations are typically 60–100 g g-1 dry mass in the mor layer in southern Sweden and about 30 g g-1 in northern Sweden. Pb isotope analyses show that virtually all of this Pb is pollution Pb. The isotope composition also shows that pollution Pb has penetrated downwards between 20–60 cm in the forest soils. The total pollution Pb inventories vary between 0.7–3.0 g m-2 ground surface, with larger inventories in southern compared to northern Sweden. Although the highest Pb concentrations occur in the mor layer, the largest inventories of pollution Pb are found in the Bs-horizon. The limited investigation of Pb distribution and inventories in soils from managed forests did not point to any major difference compared to the old-growth forests. The agricultural field revealed, however, a completely deviating Pb profile with all pollution Pb evenly distributed in the 20 cm thick top-soil.  相似文献   

Changing of Lead and Cadmium Pools of Swedish Forest Soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The aims of the paper are to; i)evaluate the rate and direction of present changesin lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) soil pools of Swedishforests; ii) discuss processes of importance forleaching of Pb and Cd in Swedish forest soils. Thepresently ongoing changes of Pb and Cd pools ofSwedish forest soils are evaluated by compilationof data from the literature and unpublishedsources. It is concluded that Cd pools arepresently decreasing in larger areas of Sweden. Therate of decrease is mainly determined by soilacidity status; Cd leaching is regulated by ionexchange with Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+ andH+, and is higher in acid soils. The Pb poolsare presently increasing with 0.1 to 0.3 percentannually in the soil down to 0.5 meter. Pb isredistributed from the O horizon to the B horizon,most pronounced in spruce forests; the Pb pools ofthe O horizon are presently not increasing, but isslightly decreasing by 0.1 to 0.2 percent annually. The leaching of Pb in the soil is controlled byfactors regulating the solubility of organicmatter.  相似文献   

Total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations and fluxes in throughfall, forest floor leachate, soil solution (15 and 35 cm depths), and groundwater for coniferous forest sites in the boreal zone throughout Finland are described. Eight upland forest stands and one peatland forest stand are included in the study and the samples were collected during 1991–1997. Carbon (C) pools in the living tree biomass and soil compartments are presented, and the hydrophobic/hydrophilic and acidic components of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in samples collected in autumn 1999 and spring 2000 from two of the sites are compared. Biomass (aboveground and belowground) pools of C averaged 88 Mg ha-1 and soil (humus layer + 20 cm soil layer) averaged 55 Mg ha-1. Stand throughfall TOC monthly mean concentrations ranged from 4.0 to 18.6 mg L-1 and annual fluxes averaged 4.0 g m-2 yr-1. TOC concentrations in the water passing through the forest floor and soil decreased with depth. Plot mean concentrations at 35 cm depth values ranged from 4.1 to 21.2 mg L-1 and fluxes averaged 3.7 g m-2 yr-1. Throughfall TOC concentrations were lowest during the winter, snowfall period and highest during the growing season. No monotonic trends in throughfall TOC concentrations over the 1991–1997 period were found. Soil solution TOC concentrations varied considerably, both within and between years. DOC in throughfall, forest floor, and soil solutions and in both autumn and spring seasons was dominated by hydrophobic fractions, particularly acids. Spruce canopies and litter appear to be important sources of soluble organic carbon, particularly acidic and hydrophobic compounds. Further studies on the nature and dynamics of organic carbon fluxing through coniferous, boreal forest ecosystems are needed.  相似文献   

Mining activity in SE of Spain, in the west Mediterranean coast, originated more than two millenniums ago. It has generated huge areas affected by heavy metals contamination, especially of lead, which is possibly one of the most important. Investigations related to the selection of autochthonous plant taxa from a typical Spanish Mediterranean area, useful for phytoextraction and phytostabilization purposes in these polluted areas are shown. Under these edaphoclimatic conditions 12 interesting species were considered, from them six taxa were chosen for further studies. Some plant species have been proposed either for phytoextraction or phytostabilization purposes. Recommendations for further research have been discussed.  相似文献   

Emissions of Hg, Pb, and Cd to air aretransported over wide areas in Europe and deposited far awayfrom their sources. About 80% of the atmospheric depositionof these metals in south Sweden originate from emissions inother countries. As a result of the increased anthropogenicdeposition the concentrations of Hg, Pb, and Cd in the morlayer of forest soils have increased considerably, mainlyduring the 20th century. Although the atmosphericdeposition of these elements has declined during the mostrecent decades, the reduction of the input of Hg and Pb isnot sufficient to prevent a further accumulation. Theconcentrations of Hg and Pb are still increasing by ca. 0.5and ca. 0.2% annually in the surface layer of forest soils.In contrast, the Cd concentration is currentlydecreasing in a large part of Sweden as a result of bothdeposition decreases and enhanced leaching induced by soilacidification. The accumulation factors of Hg and Pb,especially in the forest topsoils of south Sweden, arealready above those at which adverse effects on soilbiological processes and organisms have been demonstrated instudies of gradients from local emission sources andlaboratory assessment. There are also indications of sucheffects at the current regional concentrations of Hg and Pbin mor layers from south Sweden, judging from observationsin field and laboratory studies. There is an apparent riskof Pb induced reduction in microbial activity over parts ofsouth Sweden. This might cause increased accumulation oforganic matter and a reduced availability of soil nutrients.At current concentrations of Hg in Swedish forest soils,effects similar to those of Pb are likely. Increasedconcentrations of these elements in organs of mammals andbirds have also been measured, though decreases have beendemonstrated in recent years, related to changes inatmospheric deposition rates. As a result of current andpast deposition in south Sweden, concentrations of Hg infish have increased about fivefold during the 20thcentury. This implies risks for human health, when fish frominland waters are used for food. Although the concentrationof Hg in fish has decreased ca. 20% during the last decade,probably as a result of the reduced deposition, the levelstill exceeds the general limit (0.5 mg kg-1) in about half(ca. 40 000) of the Swedish lakes. In order to reduceconcentrations in fish to the level recommended, and avoidfurther accumulation of Hg in soils, the atmosphericdeposition has to be reduced to ca. 20% of the current deposition rate. This can only be achieved by international co-operation.  相似文献   

Lead (Pb) in the environment is derived from both naturaland anthropogenic sources. The aim of this study is to estimate the isotopic signature of anthropogenic Pb in sediments from a highly contaminated area (Stockholm), to discuss the influence of different sources on this signature, and to suggest natural Pb background concentrations. Also distribution patterns and differences between different water areas in Stockholm have been studied, both by total Pb and stable Pb isotopes. In 1993, sediment samples were collected at 24 stations in the Stockholm area and analysed for total Pb, zirconium (Zr), scandium (Sc) and stable Pb isotopes (204, 206-208Pb). Total Pb data show that the Stockholm sediments are severely contaminated by Pb. The contamination seems to be rather local since the small lakes surrounding the central parts of Stockholm are much less effected than the central parts. Stockholm is clearly influenced by anthropogenic and natural sources, but in some of the small lakes also by Pb in zircons from the geological basement. The anthropogenic Pb in Stockholm has typical 207Pb/206Pb ratios of 0.85–0.89 and 208Pb/204Pb ratios of 36–38, which are distinct from natural sources. Pb/Sc ratios suggest that the natural background Pb concentration is 10–20 mg kg-1 d.w.  相似文献   

A solution containing 35SO4 2- and 3H2O was applied to four plots (5 × 5 m) in a boreal coniferous forest in the Laflamme Lake watershed, Québec, under two contrasting conditions: in summer (plots 1 and 2), and on the snowpack before snowmelt (plots 3 and 4). The transit of both these tracers in the soil solution was then followed through a network of soil lysimeters located at different depths. Four months after the summer application, 3H2O had infiltrated the whole soil profile at plot 1, while 35SO4 2- was only observed in the LFH and Bhf horizons. A 35SO4 2- budget calculated from mid-August to November indicated that 89 and 10.6% of the added 35SO4 2- was retained within the LFH and the Bhf layers, respectively. Fifteen months later, the added 35SO4 2- was distributed in the following proportions within the soil horizons: LFH (73.7%), Bhf (11.8%) and Bf (12.8%), for a total retention rate of 98.3%. The superficial penetration of 3H2O at plot 2 was indicative of a major lateral water movement that prevented the calculation of a 35SO4 2- budget. This situation also was observed at plot 4 during snowmelt. At plot 3, 3H2O moved freely through the soil profile and a significant fraction of the added 35SO4 2- reached the B horizons, where it was presumably adsorbed on aluminum (Al) and ferric (Fe) oxides. The 35SO4 2- budget for plot 3 from March to November indicated that 87% of the added 35SO4 2- was retained within the soil profile, with most being retained in the B horizons (LFH = 33.1%, Bhf = 33.1%, Bf = 20.8%). The contrasting retention patterns of 35SO4 2- within the soil profile following the summer addition and snowmelt likely was caused by the contrastingsoil temperatures and soil solution residence times within the differentsoil layers. The persistence of 35SO4 2- in the soil solution of the entire profile long after the initial tracer infiltration, and the relative temporal stability of specific activity of SO4 2-, point to the establishment of an isotopic equilibrium between the added 35SO4 and the active S-containing reservoirs within a given soil horizon. Overall, the results clearly illustrate the very strong potential for 35SO4 2- retention and recycling in forest soils.  相似文献   

Year-to-year variation in SO4 2-,NO3 -, Ca2+, K+, and Mg2+concentrations in forest floor and mineral soil percolatefrom a forested, podzolic soil at the Turkey Lakes Watershedon the Precambrian Shield was assessed for monotonic trendsbetween 1986 and 1995. Our objective was to examine howrapidly ion concentrations in soil percolate equilibratedafter stabilization of SO4 2- concentrations inprecipitation. Significant negative trends were detected inmonthly Ca2+, and Mg2+ concentrations in forestfloor and SO4 2-, Ca2+, and Mg2+ inmineral soil percolate during the 10-year-period. Thedecline in Ca2+ and Mg2+ was greater than annualdecreases in SO4 2- and NO3 - in forestfloor percolate and proportional to the reduction inSO4 2- in mineral soil percolate. Response ofmineral soil percolate to a 15 molc L-1SO4 2- decrease in wet-only precipitation between1985 and 1986 was a gradual decline in SO4 2-concentration through 1995. The five-year meanSO4 2- concentration in bulk precipitation, forestfloor percolate, and mineral soil percolate decreased 8, 9and 18 molc L-1 from 1986–90 to 1991–95.Microbial (mineralization of organic S) and sorption(release from and/or retention in the pool of insolubleSO4 2-) processes in the soil were logicalexplanations for the observed changes in SO4 2- inmineral soil percolate.  相似文献   

The dry deposition of ozone to aconiferous forest in northeastern Bavaria(southern Germany) was quantified during 1999with both the eddy correlation method and a bigleaf model. The model included parameterizationsof the atmospheric transfer resistances fromdirect measurements, stomatal resistance from aplant ecological model, and an estimation of thecuticle resistance as function of leaf wetness.Early in the season, the measured and themodelled deposition fluxes were in goodagreement, although the modelled fluxes tended tounderestimate the measured ones. Thisunderestimation was more pronounced in the latesummer, when high nocturnal fluxes werefrequently measured. The model parameterizationof the cuticle and the stomatal resistances didnot allow for such high fluxes. In these cases,the 24 hour average of the measured fluxes wereup to 4.5 times higher than the modelled ones.The reasons for these large discrepancies remainunknown. However, assigning the unaccounted partof the deposition to a nonstomatal surfacedeposition pathway, a new parameterization of therespective resistance yielded an average value of300 s m-1. It exhibited a decreasing trendthrough the vegetation period.  相似文献   

万斯 《化工环保》2015,35(6):614-619
将物质流分析应用于我国再生铅冶炼行业典型工艺(铅膏炼前预脱硫—还原熔炼—精炼)的铅污染研究,构建了再生铅冶炼过程的铅元素流图,并针对铅污染提出了应对措施。研究结果表明:再生铅典型工艺的铅直收率、铅回收率、铅废物循环利用率分别为85.38%,93.96%,97.57%;应重点监控的铅有组织排放依次为外排烟气、熔炼渣、脱硫石膏渣;针对外排烟气中铅烟尘的PM2.5占比高及铅烟尘活性较高易于释放的特点,应选用高效除尘器,进一步提高细烟尘的捕集率;铅无名损失的重点工序依次为熔炼工序、电解精炼工序、合金熔铸工序;冶炼烟尘返回熔炼炉时,应增加制粒工序,以降低熔炼炉的烟尘率。  相似文献   

In previous studies, we focused on a mechanochemical process for recycling fly ash for use in cement; this process was expected to immobilize heavy metals in the fly ash, a desirable outcome in light of the fact that recycled fly ash is commonly used in the synthesis of inorganic materials. Here, we investigated the leaching of lead (Pb) from fly ash treated by a mechanochemical process and from cement prepared from the treated fly ash. We used lead oxide (PbO), a typical Pb compound in fly ash, as a model substance. Mechanochemical treatment of the fly ash inhibited Pb leaching by 93%, and further inhibition (more than 99.9%) was observed in cement produced from the treated fly ash. During the mechanochemical treatment, PbO was reduced to Pb by iron from the stainless-steel mill used for processing, and the lower solubility of Pb in water resulted in immobilization of the Pb.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic acid deposition causes forest soil acidification and perturbation of the soil forming processes. The impact of soil acidification on tree growth is discussed in view of the role of mycorrhizal fungi in weathering and nutrient uptake. A review has been carried out of experiments involving treatments of forest soil by lime and wood ash, where soil properties and soil solution composition have been investigated. Results from these experiments in Europe and North America are summarized. In general, the content of C in the mor layer decreased as a result of treatment due to higher microbial activity and soil respiration as well as increased leakage of DOC. In addition, the content of N in the mor layer, in general, decreased after treatment and there are occasional peaks of high NO3concentrations in soil solution. In nearly all reviewed investigations the pH of the deep mineral soil solution decreased and Al, SO4and NO3concentrations increased after treatment. These effects are probably due to the high ionic strength and increased microbial activity as a consequence of the treatments. In the soil, pH, CEC and base saturation increased in the upper horizons, but decreases in the upper mineral soil are also reported. In general, there was no increase in tree growth as a result of these treatments. The positive effects of the treatments on soil processes and tree growth are therefore questionable. In view of these conclusions, an investigation was carried out on the soil and soil solution chemistry and the role of mycorrhizal fungi in a spruce stand treated with two doses of lime and another treated with lime/ash in southern Sweden. The results of this investigation is reported in this volume.  相似文献   

Estimates of ozone concentration and deposition flux to coniferous and deciduous forest in the Czech Republic on a 1 × 1 km grid during growing season (April–September) of the year 2001 are presented. Ozone deposition flux was derived from ozone concentrations in the atmosphere and from its deposition velocities. To quantify the spatial pattern in surface concentrations at 1 km resolution incorporating topography, empirical methods are used. The procedure maps ozone concentrations from the period of the day when measurements are representative for the forest areas of countryside. The effects of boundary layer stability are quantified using the observed relationship between the diurnal variability of surface ozone concentration and altitude. Ozone deposition velocities were calculated according to a multiple resistance model incorporating aerodynamic resistance (R a ), laminar layer resistance (R b ) and surface resistance (R c ). Surface resistance (R c ) comprises stomatal resistance (R sto ). R sto was calculated with respect to global radiation, surface air temperature and land cover. Modelled total and stomatal ozone fluxes are compared with the maps describing equivalent values of AOT40 (accumulated exposure over threshold of 40 ppb). For forests, the critical level (9,000 ppbh May–July daylight hours) is exceeded over 50% of forested territory. This indicates the potential for effects on large areas of forest. There is significiant correspondence between the exposure index AOT40 and the total ozone flux, but the relation between the total ozone flux and AOT40 exposure index is not clear in all parts of the forest territory.  相似文献   

This paper presents data on the levels and dynamics of cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) concentration in the plants, soil, and groundwater of the landing corridor and airfield of a former Soviet military air base in Estonia, immediately at the end of its 40-year service in 1992 and over the following 8 yr. In 1991–92 we found high Cd concentrations in the meadow plants Trifolium pratense and Dactylis glomerata (up to 56 mg kg-1). In 1993, the Cd concentration had dropped to 0.12–0.19 mg kg-1, and stabilized in 1997–2000 at 0.04 mg kg-1. Cd concentration in plants decreased significantly with increasing distance from the landing strip. Elevated Cd concentration (0.012 mg L-1) was found in the fuel of the TU-22M (Backfire) strategic bombers. In 1991 and 1993, leaded fuel influenced the mean Pb concentration in plants (1.8–4.2 mg kg-1). Average Pb concentration in both topsoil and the 30–40 cm soil horizon decreased between 1991 and 2000 from 28 to 6.5 and from 13.5 to 4.3 mg kg-1, respectively. Cd concentration in the topsoil of the landingcorridor showed a significant increase between 1991 and 1993 (0.07–0.3 and 0.3–1.2 mg kg-1, respectively), but stabilized later on the level of 0.04 mg kg-1. The concentrations of both Pb and Cd in the soil were higher closer to the fuel bunkers. Current assessment of the movement of these metals from the vegetation to the soil and to groundwater is linked to potential leaching to the surrounding environment.  相似文献   

Three cruises were carried out in Jiaozhou Bay (JZB) in the neap tide in October 2002 (fall) and in both neap and spring tides in May 2003 (spring) to understand the relative importance of external nutrient inputs versus physical transport and internal biogeochemical processes. Nutrients (, , , , silicic acid, total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) and phosphorus (TDP), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and phosphorus (DOP)) were measured. The concentrations of nutrients were higher in the northern part than in the southern part. High concentrations of and DON in JZB demonstrated the anthropogenic input. Ambient nutrient ratios indicated that the potential limiting nutrients for phytoplankton growth were silicon, and then phosphorus. Nutrients showed an obvious tidal effect with low values at flood tide and high values at ebb tide. Nutrient elements were transported into JZB in the north and output in the south (i.e., into the Yellow Sea), which varied with season, tidal cycle and investigation sites. Water exchange between JZB and the Yellow Sea exports , and DON out of JZB, while it inputs , silicic acid and DOP into JZB. Nutrient budgets demonstrate that riverine input and wastewater discharge are major sources of nutrients, while residual flow is of minor importance in JZB ecosystem. JZB is a sink for the nutrient elements we studied except for DON. Stoichiometric calculations demonstrate that JZB is a net autotrophic system.  相似文献   

李淑芳  王云清 《化工环保》1998,18(6):352-355
研究了黑白显像玻壳生产中产生的含铅粉尘的水溶性,酸溶性,浸出毒性和铅的存在形态,提出了用盐酸循环浸铅,冷析PbCl2的提铅方法,考察了浸取剂及浓度,浸取温度,浸取时间对铅浸出率的影响,为充分利用铅资源及实现铅尘无害化提供了依据。  相似文献   

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