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To study the effects of elevated inputs of acidity and nitrogen (N), 1000 mmol m-2 a-1 of ammonium sulphate (NH4NO3) equivalent to an input of potential acidity of 2000 mmol m-2 a-1 was applied annually for 11 yr between 1983 and 1993 in a beech forest at Solling, Germany. Most of the applied NH4 + was nitrified in the litter layer and in the upper mineral soil. N in soil leachate quickly responded to the elevated input, but most of the applied N was stored in the soil or left the ecosystem via pathways other than soil output. Leaching of N from the soil increased until the last year of N addition. After the last N application, N fluxes decreased rapidly to low values. The buffering of acidity produced by the nitrification of the applied NH4 + was caused mainly by three different processes: (i) sulphur (S) retention, (ii) release of aluminium, (iii) release of base cations. Retention of S took place mostly in the subsoil. 72% of the S input was recovered in output after 14 years of the experiment. Due to the increased fluxes of mobile anions with soil solution, outputs of cations increased drastically.  相似文献   

In southern Sweden, where exposure to long range distributedheavy metals is about the highest in Scandinavia, depositionsof cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) decreased about 20 and 70%,respectively, between mid-1980s and mid-1990s, as estimated bytheir concentrations in moss. Concentrations of Cd and Pb in tissues of the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) and bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus) were also lower in 1996and 1997 compared to 1981 and 1982. It is concluded that the decreased deposition rate of these elements in southern Sweden had caused decreased exposure, and thus also to decreased potential risk of detrimental effects on insectivorous birds andherbivorous mammals. There was no indication that breeding results of pied flycatcher was influenced by the decreased deposition of toxic metals.  相似文献   

In order to test the hypothesis of aluminium toxicity induced by acid deposition, an experimental acid irrigation was carried out in a mature Norway spruce stand in Southern Germany (Höglwald). The experiment comprised three plots: no irrigation, irrigation (170 mm a?1), and acid irrigation with diluted sulphuric acid (pH of 2.6–2.8). During the seven years of acid irrigation (1984–1990) water containing 0.43 molc m?2 a?1 of protons and sulphate was added with a mean pH of 3.2 (throughfall?+?acid irrigation water) compared to 4.9 (throughfall) on both control plots. Most of the additional proton input was consumed in the organic layer and the upper mineral soil. Acid irrigation resulted in a long lasting elevation of sulphate concentrations in the seepage water. Together with sulphate both aluminium and appreciable amounts of base cations were leached from the main rooting zone. The ratio between base cations (Ca?+?Mg?+?K) and aluminium was 0.79 during acid irrigation and 0.92 on the control. Neither tree growth and nutrition nor the pool of exchangeable cations were affected significantly. We conclude that at this site protection mechanisms against aluminium toxicity exist and that additional base cation runoff can still be compensated without further reduction of the supply of exchangeable base cations in the upper mineral soil.  相似文献   

Although wetlands have gained acceptance as important components of ecosystems in post-mining landscapes in the past decade, their roles in contaminant retention/removal have not been well integrated into the designing of restoration programs. This paper describes the integration of sediment microbial activities and natural precipitation processes, along with approaches to defining the contaminant load from the mine wastes. The contaminant removal rates, which can be expected by a wetland sediment, are summarized and how they need to be reflected in the wetland size required, and the carbon supply which is needed. Contaminant loading from mining wastes can be balanced by wetland ecological processes, including wetland primary production and microbial mineralization in the sediment. This ecological engineering approach is demonstrated using case studies on hard-rock mining waste in Canada.  相似文献   

The modification of the flood response due to future climate change is presented for the Illecillewaet watershed of British Columbia, Canada. The Canadian Centre for Climate Modeling Analysis General Circulation Model (CGCMa1) was used for the assessment of changes of precipitation and temperature due to climate change. The runoff was simulated using the UBC watershed model and considering, also, changes on the spatial distribution of precipitation with elevation, cloud cover, glaciers, vegetation distribution, vegetation biomass production, and plant physiology. The results show that the future climate would be wetter and warmer than the present climate affecting the type, the magnitude and the temporal distribution of floods as well as the frequency of flood peaks. The above changes in the flood response of the study watershed could be explained by the change of the form of precipitation from snowfall to rainfall, the consequent decrease of the snowpack, and the initiation of the snowmelt earlier in the season, under the altered climate.  相似文献   

电力是推动经济发展的重要基础能源,我国日益严峻的大气污染问题已经成为制约电力和经济发展的重要因素之一,只有在发展过程中系统地研究电力、环境、经济之间的关系,才能够实现电力、环境、经济之间的协调发展。在复杂系统理论和复合生态系统理论的基础上提出了电力生态系统的定义、组成、功能、效应、演化等基本理论。研究结果表明,电力生态系统是由电力、环境与经济三个子系统相互影响、相互作用而形成的复合生态系统,能量流动是电力生态系统最为重要的功能,电力生态系统存在着从无序向有序的自组织演化过程,其演化过程符合逻辑斯蒂增长曲线的趋势。  相似文献   

Open-cast lignite mining in the Lusatian mining district resulted in rehabilitated mine soils containing up to four organic matter types: (1) recent plant litter, (2) lignite deposited by mining activity, (3) carbonaceous ash particles deposited during amelioration of the lignite-containing parent substrate and (4) airborne carbonaceous particles deposited during contamination. The influence of lignite-derived carbon types on the organic matter development and their role in the soil carbon cycle was unknown. This paper presents the findings obtained during a six year project concerning the impact of lignite on soil organic matter composition and the biogeochemical functioning of the ecosystem. The organic matter development after rehabilitation was followed in a chronosequence of rehabilitated mine soils afforested in 1966, 1981 and 1987. A differentiation of the organic matter types and an evaluation of their role within the ecosystem was achieved by the use of 14C activity measurements, 13C CPMAS NMR spectroscopy and wet chemical analysis of plant litter compounds. The results showed that the amount and degree of decomposition of the recent organic matter derived from plant material of the 30 year old mine soil was similar to natural uncontaminated forest soil which suggests complete rehabilitation of the ecosystem. The decomposition and humification processes were not influenced by the presence of lignite. On the other hand it was shown that lignite, which was thought to be recalcitrant because of its chemical structure, was part of the carbon cycle in these soils. This demonstrates the need to elucidate further the stabilisation mechanisms of organic matter in soils.  相似文献   

We discuss the background and methods for estimating uncertainty in a holistic manner in a regional terrestrial biota Full Carbon Account (FCA) using our experience in generating such an account for vast regions in northern Eurasia (at national and macroregional levels). For such an analysis, it is important to (1) provide a full account; (2) consider the relevance of a verified account, bearing in mind further transition to a certified account; (3) understand that any FCA is a fuzzy system; and (4) understand that a comprehensive assessment of uncertainties requires multiple harmonizing and combining of system constraints from results obtained by different methods. An important result of this analysis is the conclusion that only a relevant integration of inventory, process-based models, and measurements in situ generate sufficient prerequisites for a verified FCA. We show that the use of integrated methodology, at the current level of knowledge, and the system combination of available information, allow a verified FCA for large regions of the northern hemisphere to be made for current periods and for the recent past.  相似文献   

In a total of 189 water samples collected from Danish streams no traces of the pyrethroid esfenvalerate were detected. However, pyrethroids have previously been found in sediments in 9 out of 30 streams investigated. We found that the shredding activity of the Trichopteran Sericostoma personatum and the amphipod Gammarus pulex was significantly reduced with increased concentration of the pyrethroid lambda-cyhalohtrin adsorbed to the leaves on which they fed. Predation rate on the Plecopteran Leuctra nigra by the leech Erpobdella octoculata increased significantly with increasing concentration of lambda-cyhalothrin on the leaves on which L. nigra was fed. Our results clearly indicate that the ongoing monitoring of pesticides is likely to underestimate pyrethroid occurrence and that sediment-bound pyrethroids have a potential negative impact on ecosystem function and biotic interactions in streams.  相似文献   

One of the principal influences on elemental fluxes from forestedcatchments in south-central Ontario is the atmospheric deposition rate of strong acids. While sulphate deposition has decreased by ~40% in the past two decades, nitrate deposition has remained unchanged and is now equivalent to sulphate deposition. Sulphate concentrations in headwater lakes and their inflows have decreased, but much less than expected based on the anticipated direct response of the catchments. Reduction-oxidation (redox) processes occurring in wetlands have been identified as the reasonfor delayed recovery, and climate events as controlling these redoxprocesses. A new version of the biogeochemical model MAGIC (modelof acidification of groundwater in catchments) with a wetland compartment that incorporates redox processes driven by climate events has been generated. The application of MAGIC to a subcatchmentof Plastic Lake in south-central Ontario indicates that the basic structure of the model appears to be consistent with the observeddata. Moreover, the wetland component was essential in reproducingthe observed trends, which include sulphate retention in non-droughtyears and re-oxidation of previously stored (reduced) sulphur in drought years.  相似文献   

Studies worldwide have shown that mercury (Hg) is a ubiquitouscontaminant, reaching even the most remote environments such ashigh-altitude lakes via atmospheric pathways. However, very fewstudies have been conducted to assess Hg contamination levels ofthese systems. We sampled 90 mid-latitude, high-altitude lakes from seven national parks in the western United States during afour-week period in September 1999. In addition to the synoptic survey, routine monitoring and experimental studies were conducted at one of the lakes (Mills Lake) to quantify MeHg fluxrates and important process rates such as photo-demethylation. Results show that overall, high-altitude lakes have low total mercury (HgT) and methylmercury (MeHg) levels (1.07 and 0.05 ng L-1, respectively), but a very good correlation of Hg to MeHg (r2= 0.82) suggests inorganic Hg(II) loading is a primary controlling factor of MeHg levels in dilute mountain lakes. Positive correlations were also observed for dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and both Hg and MeHg, although to a much lesser degree. Levels of MeHg were similar among the seven national parks, with the exception of Glacier National Park where lowerconcentrations were observed (0.02 ng L-1), and appear to berelated to naturally elevated pH values there. Measured rates ofMeHg photo-degradation at Mills Lake were quite fast, and thisprocess was of equal importance to sedimentation and stream flowfor removing MeHg. Enhanced rates of photo-demethylation are likely an important reason why high-altitude lakes, with typically high water clarity and sunlight exposure, are low in MeHg.  相似文献   

A nitrogen (N) budget was constructed for a period of 6 years (1988–1993) in a Norway spruce stand with current deposition of 19 kg N and 22 kg S ha−1 year−1. The stand was fertilized annually by addition of 100 kg N and 114 kg S ha−1 (NS). Above and below ground biomass, litterfall, fine- root litter production, soil solution and net mineralization were measured to estimate pools, fluxes and accumulation of nitrogen. The average needle litterfall in control (C) and NS plots in 1993 was 2.2 and 2.5 ton ha−1 year−1, respectively. The fine root litter production prior to treatment (1987) was 4.4 ton ha−1 year−1 and after treatment (1993) it was 4.5 and 3.9 ton ha−1 year−1 in C and NS plots, respectively. Net N mineralization in the soil profile down to 50 cm was estimated to be 86 and 115 kg ha−1 year−1 in C and NS plots, respectively in 1992. During the treatment period the uptake of N in the needle biomass in C and NS plots was 29 and 77 kg ha−1 year−1, respectively. No N was accumulated in needles of C plot where the NS plots accumulated 34 kg ha−1 year−1. Of the annually added inorganic N to NS plots 47% was accumulated in the above and below ground biomass and 37% in the soil. N fluxes via fine-root litter production in the C plots were much higher (54 kg ha−1 year−1) than that via litterfall (29 kg ha−1 year−1). The corresponding values in the NS plots were 65 and 43 kg ha−1 year−1, respectively. Most of the net N mineralization occurred in the FH layer and upper mineral soil. It is concluded that fine root litter and litterfall play an important role in the cycling of N. Despite a high N uptake the losses of N in litterfall and fine root litter resulted in an incorporation of N in soil organic matter.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study on biodiversity and environmental characteristics of three different selected study sites located on different estuarine networks viz. Matla, Saptamukhi, and Hooghly on eastern, central, and western regions, having different environmental features of Sundarbans Mangrove Ecosystem, India, a World Heritage Site, was conducted through six seasons of consecutive 2 years. The different sites understudy have shown variable species composition. Special emphasis was made to record the population structure of benthic fauna, which exhibited maximum density during pre-monsoon followed by monsoon and post-monsoon. Physicochemical parameters displayed a wide range of fluctuation through different seasons and also revealed differences among different study sites. Biotic community structures of different study sites have been analyzed using different community indices like similarity index, dominance index, diversity index, and evenness index. Moreover, in order to evaluate the environmental stress on the environmental health of this dynamic mangrove ecosystem of global importance, species pollution value and community pollution value have been deduced as a new model of biotic indices based on the distribution patterns of both zooplanktons and benthic fauna. Canonical correspondence analysis revealed the cumulative influence of a group of environmental parameters on the abundance of different components of biodiversity. The study site II (Saptamukhi), encircled by undisturbed mangrove islands, revealed the least pollution stress and higher biological diversity followed by Jharkhali (study site I), which is in the process of eco-restoration and Bokkhali (study site III), which has been under anthropogenic stress especially from ecotourism.  相似文献   

Previous publications described the performance of biocovers constructed with a compost layer placed on select areas of a landfill surface characterized by high emissions from March 2004 to April 2005. The biocovers reduced CH4 emissions 10-fold by hydration of underlying clay soils, thus reducing the overall amount of CH4 entering them from below, and by oxidation of a greater portion of that CH4. This paper examines in detail the field observations made on a control cell and a biocover cell from January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2005. Field observations were coupled to a numerical model to contrast the transport and attenuation of CH4 emissions from these two cells. The model partitioned the biocover’s attenuation of CH4 emission into blockage of landfill gas flow from the underlying waste and from biological oxidation of CH4. Model inputs were daily water content and temperature collected at different depths using thermocouples and calibrated TDR probes. Simulations of CH4 transport through the two soil columns depicted lower CH4 emissions from the biocover relative to the control. Simulated CH4 emissions averaged 0.0 g m?2 d?1 in the biocover and 10.25 g m?2 d?1 in the control, while measured values averaged 0.04 g m?2 d?1 in the biocover and 14 g m?2 d?1 in the control. The simulated influx of CH4 into the biocover (2.7 g m?2 d?1) was lower than the simulated value passing into the control cell (29.4 g m?2 d?1), confirming that lower emissions from the biocover were caused by blockage of the gas stream. The simulated average rate of biological oxidation predicted by the model was 19.2 g m?2 d?1 for the control cell as compared to 2.7 g m?2 d?1 biocover. Even though its Vmax was significantly greater, the biocover oxidized less CH4 than the control cell because less CH4 was supplied to it.  相似文献   

Microorganisms are responsible for the bulk of transformations that occur in surficial sediments. They are most active at redox boundaries where they can benefit from access to various oxidants and reductants generated during redox cycling events. To illustrate the dynamics of microbially mediated processes, especially those involving sulfur and metal cycles, processes were compared in habitats either bioturbated by a capitellid worm or inhabited by a salt marsh grass. The presence of macrofauna and macroflora greatly altered the three-dimensional array of redox gradients in sediments, but the type and form of reductants and oxidants provided varied greatly; clastic sedimentary infauna subducted solid phase organic material and iron oxides, whereas plant roots released dissolved organic matter and oxygen. These differences resulted in a bioturbated system that exhibited a rapid sulfur cycle (residence time of minutes), but a slower iron cycle (days), whereas vegetation caused a slow sulfur cycle and rapid iron cycle. Alteration of sediments by higher life forms also greatly affected the composition and relative abundances of sedimentary bacteria, even on short time scales. Although redox cycling at interfaces can be somewhat predictable, variations in response to biological and physical perturbations demonstrated wide differences in the dynamics of redox-mediated processes.  相似文献   

The consequences of nitrogen (N) enrichment for terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems are of increasing concern in many areas due to continued or increasing high emission rates of reactive N. Within terrestrial ecosystems various conceptual frameworks and modelling approaches have been developed which have enhanced our understanding of the sequence of changes associated with increased N availability and help us predict their future impacts. Here, some recent findings are described and their implications for these conceptual frameworks and modelling approaches discussed. They are: (a) an early loss of plant species that are characteristic of low N conditions as N availability increases and a loss of species with high N retention efficiencies (so called N ‘filters’), (b) suppression of microbial immobilisation of deposited due to increased availability in the early stages of N saturation, (c) the early onset of leaching due to these changes (a and b above) in both plant and microbial functioning, (d) reduced sensitivity of vegetation to N additions in areas with high historical N deposition, (e) delayed changes in soil C:N changes due to increased net primary productivity and reduced decomposition of soil organic matter. Some suggestions of early indicators of N saturation are suggested (occurrence of mosses; ratio in surface soils) which indicate either a shift in ecosystem function and/or structure.  相似文献   

Estimates of the global carbon sink induced by nitrogen enrichment range vary widely, from nearly zero to 2.3 Gt C year-1. It is necessary to reduce this uncertainty if we are to make accurate predictions of the future magnitude of the terrestrial carbon sink. Here, we present a Monte Carlo approach to uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of three ecosystem models, Century,BGCand Hybrid. These models were applied to a coniferous forest ecosystem in Sweden. The best estimate of the change in total carbon content of the ecosystem with the cumulative change in nitrogen deposition over 100 years, Ctotal/Ndeposition was 20.1 kg C (kg N)-1 using the pooled mean, with a pooled standard deviation of 13.8 kg C (kg N)-1. Variability in parameters accounted for 92% of the total uncertainty in Ctotal/Ndeposition, and only 8% was attributable to differences between models. The most sensitive parameters were those which controlled the allocation of assimilate between leaves, roots and stem. In particular, an increase in allocation to fine roots led to a large reduction in Ctotal/Ndeposition in all models, because the fine roots have a very high turnover rate, and extra carbon allocated there is soon lost through mortality and decomposition.  相似文献   

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