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Calls for a reconnection to nature and the biosphere have been growing louder over the last decades. Cultural landscapes are rapidly changing, posing a threat to ecosystems and biodiversity, but also to human–nature connections. Human–nature connectedness may be a potential lever to shift the unsustainable trajectory that we are currently proceeding, but is also negatively influenced by it. To concretize the call for a reconnection to nature, we used the leverage points perspective on five empirical case studies with focus on human–nature connectedness. Based on the synthesis of our yearlong work, in this perspective paper, we propose four leverage points to foster a sustainability transformation: (1) maintain and enhance the structural diversity of landscapes, (2) maintain and enhance economically and ecologically sustainable small-scale agriculture, (3) strengthen sense of place and (4) strengthen sense of agency in actors. Intervening in these leverage points could be effective to foster human–nature connectedness and ultimately contribute towards a sustainable trajectory. We further argue that the interconnection between leverage points is equally important as their systemic depth.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13280-021-01504-2.  相似文献   

The bilinear receptor model positive matrix factorization (PMF) was used to apportion particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 1–10 μm (PM1–10) sources in a village, B?ezno, situated in an industrial region of northern Bohemia in Central Europe. The receptor model analyzed the data sets of 90- and 60-min integrations of PM1–10 mass concentrations and elemental composition for 27 elements. The 14-day sampling campaigns were conducted in the village in summer 2008 and winter 2010. Also, to ensure seasonal and regional representativeness of the data sets recorded in the village, the spatial-temporal variability of the 24-hr PM10 and PM1–10 within 2008–2010 in winter and summer across the multiple sites was evaluated. There were statistically significant interseasonal differences of the 24-hr PM data, but not intrasummer or intrawinter differences of the 24-hr PM1–10 data across the multiple sites. PMF resolved seven sources of PM1–10. They were high-temperature coal combustion; combustion in local heating boilers; marine aerosol; mineral dust; primary biological/wood burning; road dust, car brakes; and gypsum. The main summer factors were assigned to mineral dust (38.2%) and primary biological/wood burning (33.1%). In winter, combustion factors dominated (80%) contribution to PM1–10. The conditional probability function (CPF) helped to identified local sources of PM1–10. The source of marine aerosol from the North Sea and English Channel was indicated by the Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory Model (HYSPLIT).

Implications: This is the first application of PMF to highly time/size resolved PM data in Czech Republic. The coarse aerosol fraction, PM1–10, was chosen with regard to industrial character of the region, sampling site near the coal strip mine and coal power stations. Contrary to expectation, source apportionment did not show dominance of emissions from the coal strip mine. The results will enable local authorities and state bodies responsible for air quality assessment to focus on sources most responsible for air pollution in this industrial region.

Supplemental Materials:?Supplemental materials are available for this paper. Go to the publisher's online edition of the Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association for (1) details of measurement campaigns; (2) CPF for each of the sources contributing to PM1–10; (3) factors contribution to PM1–10 resolved by PMF; (4) diurnal pattern of road dust, car brake factor in summer and winter; (5) trajectories during the marine aerosol episode in winter 2010; and (6) temporal temperature, concentration, and wind speed relationships during the summer 2008 campaign and winter 2010 campaign.  相似文献   

Modelling nitrogen transfer and transformation at the landscape scale is relevant to estimate the mobility of the reactive forms of nitrogen (Nr) and the associated threats to the environment. Here we describe the development of a spatially and temporally explicit model to integrate Nr transfer and transformation at the landscape scale. The model couples four existing models, to simulate atmospheric, farm, agro-ecosystem and hydrological Nr fluxes and transformations within a landscape. Simulations were carried out on a theoretical landscape consisting of pig-crop farms interspersed with unmanaged ecosystems. Simulation results illustrated the effect of spatial interactions between landscape elements on Nr fluxes and losses to the environment. More than 10% of the total N2O emissions were due to indirect emissions. The nitrogen budgets and transformations of the unmanaged ecosystems varied considerably, depending on their location within the landscape. The model represents a new tool for assessing the effect of changes in landscape structure on Nr fluxes.  相似文献   

Petit S  Elbersen B 《Ambio》2006,35(6):297-303
Intensification of farming practices is still a major driver of biodiversity loss in Europe, despite the implementation of policies that aim to reverse this trend. A conceptual framework called MIRABEL was previously developed that enabled a qualitative and expert-based assessment of the impact of agricultural intensification on ecologically valuable habitats. We present a quantitative update of the previous assessment that uses newly available pan-European spatially explicit data on pressures and habitats at risk. This quantitative assessment shows that the number of calcareous grasslands potentially at risk of eutrophication and overgrazing is rapidly increasing in Europe. Decreases in nitrogen surpluses and stocking densities that occurred between 1990 and 2000 have rarely led to values that were below the ecological thresholds. At the same time, a substantial proportion of calcareous grassland that has so far experienced low values for indicators of farming intensification has faced increases between 1990 and 2000 and could well become at high risk from farming intensification in the near future. As such, this assessment is an early warning signal, especially for habitats located in areas that have traditionally been farmed extensively. When comparing the outcome of this assessment with the previous qualitative MIRABEL assessment, it appears that if pan-European data are useful to assess the intensity of the pressures, more work is needed to identify regional variations in the response of biodiversity to such pressures. This is where a qualitative approach based on regional expertise should be used to complement data-driven assessments.  相似文献   

The evaluation of toxicological effects at the cellular and molecular levels in organisms are often used to determine sites subjected to contamination problems that pose a threat to the long-term survival of organisms. However, the integration of multiple measurements on the health status of organisms into a model for site discrimination is challenging. This study compares two discrimination methods which are based on rule inference: rough sets (RS) analysis and classification trees (CT) with classical multivariate discriminant analysis (DA). Site classification was attempted with six biomarkers of effects: metallothionein levels, lipid peroxidation, DNA damage, levels of lipophosphoproteins (i.e., vitellins), phagocytosis activity and haemocyte cell viability on clam (Mya arenaria) populations from the Saguenay River fjord (Quebec, Canada). Rule based methods have the advantage of complete independence from data distribution constraints in contrast to the classification methods from multivariate analysis that are more commonly used in ecotoxicology. Results show that RS and CT gave better classifications than DA because they do not require strong distributional assumptions. Moreover, RS provided classification rules that could identify the most important biomarker(s) for site discrimination. RS and CT were shown to be simple and efficient methods for classifying multivariable ecotoxicological data. This methodology would be especially useful when freedom from distributional assumptions is required.  相似文献   

The single photon counting technique has been used to measure the decay time for several Kuwaiti crude and refined oils. Fluorescent characteristics of two different bunker oils from widely separate geographic areas have been studied. Laser induced fluorescent data for the crude oil samples are compared with the decay time results to evaluate the potential of these techniques for the identification of oil sticks in the marine environment. Response of the oil film thickness to various excitation wavelengths from a CW Ar ion laser and a pulsed xenon lamp has been investigated.  相似文献   

Air pollution is one of the most crucial current environmental problems, especially in urban areas. To confront air pollution, the European Union has implemented several policies and programmes. Among these, the Auto-oil Programme is a cost-effective framework which involves all relevant actors (car-makers, oil industries, governments, local authorities, etc.) in concerted action. Athens faces a severe air pollution problem. In this respect, Auto-oil seems to offer a promising chance for Athens to improve its atmosphere. The present paper examines the effectiveness of the Auto-oil Programme to relieve air pollution in Athens. Several additional measures are proposed whenever it seems to be necessary.  相似文献   

Isoprene emission rates of 64 plant species found in California's urban and natural landscapes were measured using a dynamic flow-through chamber enclosure technique. Species were selected to provide data for previously unmeasured species and to test estimates of isoprene emission rates based upon taxonomic relationships developed for compilation of biogenic emission inventories as proposed by Benjamin et al. (1996, Atmospheric Environment 30, 1437–1452). Branch-level isoprene emission rates ranged from undetectable for 47 species, to 54 μg g−1 h−1 for Quercus kelloggii, California black oak. Isoprene emission rate estimates based on taxonomy agreed well with our measurements for species within the same genus, with the exception of the Quercus genus for which a wide range of isoprene emission rates have been reported. As expected, family-level estimates based on taxonomy showed greater deviation from our measured values than did genus-based estimates. The data developed in the present study support use of a taxonomic predictive methodology, especially if previous measurements within specific families, sub-families, and genera are extensive, and the results of such assignment are treated with proper caution. A taxonomic approach may be most useful where plant species in natural and urban landscapes are numerous, such as in California, where no experimental measurements are available for thousands of species.  相似文献   

In Europe, secondary particulate matter (PM) comprises 50% or more of PM 2.5. To reduce PM concentrations requires lowering precursor emissions. Since the 1980s, SO(2) emissions have decreased by more than 60%, while particle concentrations have decreased less. NO(x) and NH(3) emissions have decreased slightly. The role of ammonia in particle formation is addressed here. It is shown that secondary PM concentrations can only be effectively reduced if ammonia emissions are decreased in much the same way as those of SO(2) and NO(x).  相似文献   

The uncertainty associated with the Austrian Greenhouse Gas emission inventory has been determined for the gases CO2, CH4 and N2O and for the overall greenhouse potential. Expert interviews were conducted to obtain uncertainties in inventory input data. Based on these interviews, error distributions were developed and combined using Monte-Carlo analysis. Results for all sources and gases combined indicate an overall uncertainty between 10.5% and 12% depending on the base year considered. Excluding emissions and the uncertainty associated with forest sinks and natural sources, overall uncertainty decreased by 2% points. The mere ‘random error’, which is considered the level of uncertainty to be achieved with the current methodology (excluding all systematic errors) is 5% points lower. Detailed evaluation shows that much of the overall uncertainty derives from a lack of understanding the processes associated with N2O emissions from soils. Other important contributors to GHG emission uncertainties are CH4 from landfills and forests as CO2 sinks. The uncertainty of the trend has been determined at near 5% points, with solid waste production (landfills) having the strongest contribution. Theoretical considerations do not permit a decrease of the trend uncertainty—even when forest sinks are not considered—below 3% points.  相似文献   

R A Miles  W J Doucette 《Chemosphere》2001,45(6-7):1085-1090
The aerobic biodegradability of 14 hydrocarbons in two soils was determined using a simple microcosm/respirometric method based on oxygen consumption. Biodegradability was assessed indirectly by measuring the depletion of oxygen over time in the headspace of microcosms containing soil and test chemicals. The microcosms consisted of small glass vials fitted with valves that allowed headspace gas samples to be collected, essentially resulting in a sealed system. Respiration data from control microcosms were obtained from identically treated microcosms with no test chemical. Control data were necessarily included in all calculations of percent of theoretical oxygen demand (%ThOD) for any given test chemical. Two experiments were performed to verify this simple biodegradation test method. First, an experiment was performed in which disappearance of n-tetradecane from the microcosms was measured directly by standard soil extraction and analytical techniques while simultaneously performing this simple respirometric method based on %ThOD with the same test chemical. Second, the method was compared to a well-established radiochemical technique using 14C-phenanthrene. Results of both comparisons showed that the method is both accurate and reliable. The consistent manner with which the data were produced in two different soils show that the method is also very reproducible. The method described here provides a simple and inexpensive method for determining the aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds in soils.  相似文献   

The Aguadulce aquifer unit in southeastern Spain is a complex hydrogeological system because of the varied lithology of the aquifer strata and the variability of the processes that can take place within the unit. Factorial analysis of the data allowed the number of variables to be reduced to 3 factors, which were found to be related to such physico-chemical processes as marine intrusion and leaching of saline deposits. Variographic analysis was applied to these factors, culminating in a study of spatial distribution using ordinary kriging. Mapping of the factors allowed rapid differentiation of some of the processes that affect the waters of the Gador carbonate aquifer within the Aguadulce unit, without the need to recur to purely hydrogeochemical techniques. The results indicate the existence of several factors related to salinity: marine intrusion, paleowaters, and/or leaching of marls and evaporitic deposits. The techniques employed are effective, and the results conform to those obtained using hydrogeochemical methods (vertical records of conductivity and temperature, ion ratios, and others). The findings of this study confirm that the application of such analytical methods can provide a useful assessment of factors affecting groundwater composition.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In response to the Walloon Environment and Health Program, the Scientific Institute of Public Services (ISSeP) developed an integrated approach of...  相似文献   

Li  Yongjun  Qiao  Jing  Xie  Lei  Huang  Lingyan  Su  Yue  Zhou  Mengmeng  Wang  Ke  Zhang  Jing  He  Shan  Huang  Lu 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2022,29(31):46751-46766

To achieve urban sustainability, it is critical to enhance the environment, economy, and society simultaneously. This study adopted the revised genuine progress indicator (GPI) and ecological footprint (EF) to evaluate the ecological efficiency and economic sustainability of the Yangtze River Delta from 2000 to 2018. Spatial analysis was utilized to identify spatial autocorrelation. A total of 27 cities were then partitioned through k-means cluster analysis. The results showed that GPI and ecological efficiency improved rapidly, but economic sustainability showed a downward trend. GPI and GDP had a high degree of spatial correlation, especially in Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou Metropolitan Area. However, no spatial correlation existed between GPI and EF. The city with high GEE can reach 3000 $/gha, indicating the city consumed 1 global hectare to create $3000 of genuine economic growth. Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Taizhou were cities with the highest level of economic sustainability and ecological efficiency. The spatiotemporal characteristics of economic sustainability and ecological efficiency revealed in this study will provide theoretical guidance for alleviating ecological pressure and promoting economic sustainable development.


Tuna GS  Braida W  Ogundipe A  Strickland D 《Chemosphere》2012,86(10):1001-1007
This study investigates the dissolution, sorption, leachability, and plant uptake of tungsten and alloying metals from canister round munitions in the presence of model, well characterized soils. The source of tungsten was canister round munitions, composed mainly of tungsten (95%) with iron and nickel making up the remaining fraction. Three soils were chosen for the lysimeter studies while four model soils were selected for the adsorption studies. Lysimeter soils were representatives of the typical range of soils across the continental USA; muck-peat, clay-loamy and sandy-quartzose soil. Adsorption equilibrium data on the four model soils were modeled with Langmuir and linear isotherms and the model parameters were obtained. The adsorption affinity of soils for tungsten follows the order: Pahokee peat > kaolinite > montmorillonite > illite. A canister round munition dissolution study was also performed. After 24 d, the measured dissolved concentrations were: 61.97, 3.56, 15.83 mg L−1 for tungsten, iron and nickel, respectively. Lysimeter transport studies show muck peat and sandy quartzose soils having higher tungsten concentration, up to 150 mg kg−1 in the upper layers of the lysimeters and a sharp decline with depth suggesting strong retardation processes along the soil profile. The concentrations of tungsten, iron and nickel in soil lysimeter effluents were very low in terms of posing any environmental concern; although no regulatory limits have been established for tungsten in natural waters. The substantial uptake of tungsten and nickel by ryegrass after 120 d of exposure to soils containing canister round munition suggests the possibility of tungsten and nickel entering the food chain.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Particulate matter emitted during autopsies can serve as a vector for numerous viruses or bacteria and can lead to infections. Reducing the exposure...  相似文献   

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