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建筑垃圾的综合利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对建筑垃圾的特点 ,分述了不同类别建筑垃圾的利用途径 ,对今后的相关工作提出了要求和建议。  相似文献   

Biogenic volatile organic compounds(BVOC s) have significant effects on atmospheric chemistry,ozone formation and secondary organic aerosol formation.Considering few investigations about BOVCs emissions in north China where is facing serious air pollution in recent years,emissions of various BVOCs from 24 dominant forest species in Beijing were measured from June to September in 2018,using a dynamic headspace sampling method.More than one hundred BVOCs in the collected samples were identified by...  相似文献   

Emissions of carbonyl compounds from agricultural machines cannot be ignored. Carbonyl compounds can cause the formation of ozone (O3) and secondary organic aerosols, which can cause photochemical smog to form. In this study, 20 agricultural machines were tested using portable emission measurement system (PEMS) under real-world tillage processes. The exhaust gases were sampled using 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine cartridges, and 15 carbonyl compounds were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. Carbonyl compound emission factors for agricultural machines were 51.14–3315.62 mg/(kg-fuel), and were 2.58 ± 2.05, 0.86 ± 1.07 and 0.29 ± 0.20 g/(kg-fuel) for China 0, China II and China III emission standards, respectively. Carbonyl compound emission factor for sowing seeds of China 0 agricultural machines was 3.32 ± 1.73 g/(kg-fuel). Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acrolein were the dominant carbonyl compounds emitted. Differences in emission standards and tillage processes impact ozone formation potential (OFP). The mean OFP was 20.15 ± 16.15 g O3/(kg-fuel) for the China 0 emission standard. The OFP values decreased by 66.9% from China 0 to China II, and 67.4% from China II to China III. The mean OFP for sowing seeds of China 0 agricultural machines was 25.92 ± 13.84 g O3/(kg-fuel). Between 1.75 and 24.22 times more ozone was found to be formed during sowing seeds than during other processes for China 0 and China II agricultural machines. Total carbonyl compound emissions from agricultural machines in China was 19.23 Gg in 2019. The results improve our understanding of carbonyl compound emissions from agricultural machines in China.  相似文献   

针对建筑垃圾产生量激增但其统计数据缺失问题,基于1stOpt拟合平台和Visual Basic编程软件,构建城镇住宅和非住宅建筑垃圾产生量动态预测模型,定量模拟不同建筑寿命情景下建筑垃圾产生量及其组分的变化趋势。结果表明:我国城镇住宅建筑和非住宅建筑存量面积分别在2058年和2064年达到峰值(657.35亿和569.41亿m2)。在短、中、长建筑寿命情景下,住宅和非住宅建筑的新建面积均在21世纪20年代达到峰值,拆除面积峰值将在21世纪下半叶实现。在短、中、长寿命3种情景下,我国城镇住宅建筑垃圾总产量分别于2072年、2081年和2100年达到峰值(28.69亿、21.71亿和16.50亿t);非住宅建筑垃圾总产量分别于2077年、2084年和2100年达到峰值(26.25亿、20.29亿、15.48亿t)。2000年之前,建筑垃圾主要成分为施工垃圾,2000年之后,以拆除垃圾为主,至2100年拆除垃圾占比达98%。其中,混凝土、砖块、钢铁分别占44%~71%、22%~51%、0.50%~2.89%,其他成分占2.76%~4.68%。综合考虑建筑流量发展趋势和建筑垃圾产生特征,政府部门应宏观调控减缓人均建筑面积增长速度,延长建筑使用寿命,提高建筑垃圾循环利用率和二次建材原料的市场消纳量,从而减少建筑垃圾产生量,降低建筑垃圾对生态环境的破坏。  相似文献   

The nuisance from odor caused by municipal solid waste(MSW) is resulting in a growing number of public complaints and concerns. Odor pollution occurs in the initial decomposition stage of MSW, including waste collection, transportation and early pre-treatment. Furthermore, decomposition takes place in waste facilities that are often close to living areas, which can result in odor impacts on local inhabitants. However, this aspect of odor impact from MSW has not been well studied. In the current ...  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds(VOCs) are the important precursors of the tropospheric ozone(O_3) and secondary organic aerosols(SOA),both of which are known to harm human health and disrupt the earth's climate system.In this study,VOC emission factors,O_3 and SOA formation potentials were estimated for two types of industrial boilers:coal-fired boilers(n=3) and oil-fired boilers(n=3).Results showed that EVOCs concentrations were more than nine times higher for oil-fire d boilers compared to those for coal-fired boilers.Emission factors of ΣVOCs were found to be higher for oil-fired boilers(9.26-32.83 mg-VOC/kg) than for coal-fired boilers(1.57-4.13 mg-VOC/kg).Alkanes and aromatics were obtained as the most abundant groups in coal-fired boilers,while oxygenated organics and aromatics were the most contributing groups in oil-fired boilers.Benzene,n-hexane and o-ethyl toluene were the abundant VOC species in coal-fired boiler emissions,whereas toluene was the most abundant VOC species emitted from oil-fired boilers.O_3 and SOA formation potentials were found 12 and 18 times,respectively,higher for oil-fired than for coal-fired boilers.Total OFP ranged from 3.99 to 11.39 mg-O_3/kg for coal-fired boilers.For oil-fired boilers,total OFP ranged from 36.16 to 131.93 mg-O_3/kg.Moreover,total secondary organic aerosol potential(SOAP) ranged from 65.4 to 122.5 mg-SOA/kg and 779.9 to 2252.5 mg-SOA/kg for the coal-fired and oil-fired boilers,respectively.  相似文献   

建筑废弃物资源化环境效益分析:以重庆为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘婷婷  张劼  胡鸣明 《中国环境科学》2018,38(10):3853-3867
为了向政府提供可以提升建筑废弃物资源化环境效益的有利政策,以促进建筑废弃物资源化的可持续发展,本文从系统角度,应用系统动力学通过文献分析、实地调研、调查问卷等方法对建筑废弃物资源化的环境效益进行建模和模拟仿真.通过对环境效益模型进行情景分析,得出当非法排放单位罚款在50~60元/t,单位填埋收费取30元/t左右,建筑废弃物到资源化处置中心距离在15~25km左右,资源化的单位补贴额为25元/t左右时,可以使环境效益处于较优状态.同时政府应提高建筑废弃物相关法律的完善程度、培养相关人员的现场回收意识、促进相关科研研发,以期促进建筑废弃物资源化的环境效益.  相似文献   

Because of the recent growth in ground-level ozone and increased emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), VOC emission control has become a major concern in China. In response, emission caps to control VOC have been stipulated in recent policies, but few of them were constrained by the co-control target of PM2.5 and ozone, and discussed the factor that influence the emission cap formulation. Herein, we proposed a framework for quantification of VOC emission caps constrained by targets for PM2.5 and ozone via a new response surface modeling (RSM) technique, achieving 50% computational cost savings of the quantification. In the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region, the VOC emission caps constrained by air quality targets varied greatly with the NOx emission reduction level. If control measures in the surrounding areas of the PRD region were not considered, there could be two feasible strategies for VOC emission caps to meet air quality targets (160 µg/m3 for the maximum 8-hr-average 90th-percentile (MDA8-90%) ozone and 25 µg/m3 for the annual average of PM2.5): a moderate VOC emission cap with <20% NOx emission reductions or a notable VOC emission cap with >60% NOx emission reductions. If the ozone concentration target were reduced to 155 µg/m3, deep NOx emission reductions is the only feasible ozone control measure in PRD. Optimization of seasonal VOC emission caps based on the Monte Carlo simulation could allow us to gain higher ozone benefits or greater VOC emission reductions. If VOC emissions were further reduced in autumn, MDA8-90% ozone could be lowered by 0.3-1.5 µg/m3, equaling the ozone benefits of 10% VOC emission reduction measures. The method for VOC emission cap quantification and optimization proposed in this study could provide scientific guidance for coordinated control of regional PM2.5 and O3 pollution in China.  相似文献   

为了明确生活垃圾初期收运过程中恶臭物质的释放特征,对典型垃圾收运压缩车和非压缩车展开了为期一年的监测.共检出了6大类别75种恶臭物质,其中以乙醇为主的含氧化合物浓度最高,平均检出浓度超过360μg/m3.垃圾初期收运车辆释放的恶臭物质在秋季污染水平最高,而冬季污染水平较低.通过对全部样品进行统计分析发现,压缩车与非压缩车释放恶臭物质的种类与浓度之间并无明显差异.根据阈稀释倍数法,乙醇、萘、二氯甲烷、二甲二硫醚和丙烯醛被筛选为典型恶臭物质.其中含硫化合物嗅阈值低,即使浓度很低也容易被感受到,在检测过程需要格外关注.本研究可为固体废物收运与管理过程的二次污染控制提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds(VOCs) are a crucial kind of pollutants in the environment due to their obvious features of severe toxicity, high volatility, and poor degradability. It is particularly urgent to control the emission of VOCs due to the persistent increase of concentration and the stringent regulations. In China, clear directions and requirements for reduction of VOCs have been given in the “national plan on environmental improvement for the 13th Five-Year Plan period”. Therefore, the de...  相似文献   

Integral to the urban ecosystem, greening trees provide many ecological benefits, but the active biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) they release contribute to the production of ozone and secondary organic aerosols, which harm ambient air quality. It is, therefore, necessary to understand the BVOC emission characteristics of dominant greening tree species and their relative contribution to secondary pollutants in various urban contexts. Consequently, this study utilized a dynamic enclosure system to collect BVOC samples of seven dominant greening tree species in urban Chengdu, Southwest China. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry was used to analyze the BVOC components and standardized BVOC emission rates of each tree species were then calculated to assess their relative potential to form secondary pollutants. We found obvious differences in the composition of BVOCs emitted by each species. Ficus virens displayed a high isoprene emission rate at 31.472 μgC/(gdw (g dry weight)•hr), while Cinnamomum camphora emitted high volumes of D-Limonene at 93.574 μgC/(gdw•hr). In terms of the BVOC emission rates by leaf area, C. camphora had the highest emission rate of total BVOCs at 13,782.59 μgC/(m2•hr), followed by Cedrus deodara with 5466.86 μgC/(m2•hr). Ginkgo biloba and Osmanthus fragrans mainly emitted oxygenated VOCs with lower overall emission rates. The high BVOC emitters like F. virens, C. camphora, and Magnolia grandiflora have high potential for significantly contributing to environmental secondary pollutants, so should be cautiously considered for future planting. This study provides important implications for improving urban greening efforts for subtropical Chinese urban contexts, like Chengdu.  相似文献   

The effects of adding a bulking agent on the performance and odor emissions(ammonia and eight sulfur-containing odorous compounds) when biodrying kitchen waste were investigated. Three treatments were considered: the addition of either cornstalks(CS) or wood peat(WP) to kitchen waste as a bulking agent before biodrying, and a control treatment(CK). The water-removal rates for CK, CS, and WP treatments were 0.35, 0.56, and0.43 kg/kg, respectively. Addition of bulking agents to kitchen waste produced less leachate,higher moisture-removal rates, and lower consumption of volatile solids. The CS treatment had the highest biodrying index(4.07), and those for the WP and CK treatments were 3.67 and 1.97, respectively. Adding cornstalks or wood peat decreased NH3 emissions by 55.8%and 71.7%, respectively. Total sulfur losses were 3.6%–21.6% after 21 days biodrying, and H2 S and Me2 SS were the main( 95%) sulfur compounds released. The smallest amounts of sulfur-containing odorous compounds were emitted when cornstalks were added, and adding cornstalks and wood peat decreased total sulfur losses by 50.6%–64.8%.  相似文献   

Speciated characterization of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs),including oxygenated VOCs (OVOCs),from construction machinery and river ships in China is currently lacking.In this regard,we conducted field measurement on speciated VOC (including OVOC) emissions from six construction machinery and five river ships in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region to identify VOC emission characteristics.We noticed that OVOC emissions from construction machinery and ships accounted for more than 50%of the tot...  相似文献   

The formation and aging mechanism of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) and its influencing factors have attracted increasing attention in recent years because of their effects on climate change, atmospheric quality and human health. However, there are still large errors between air quality model simulation results and field observations. The currently undetected components during the formation and aging of SOA due to the limitation of current monitoring techniques and the interactions among multiple SOA formation influencing factors might be the main reasons for the differences. In this paper, we present a detailed review of the complex dynamic physical and chemical processes and the corresponding influencing factors involved in SOA formation and aging. And all these results were mainly based the studies of photochemical smog chamber simulation. Although the properties of precursor volatile organic compounds (VOCs), oxidants (such as OH radicals), and atmospheric environmental factors (such as NOx, SO2, NH3, light intensity, temperature, humidity and seed aerosols) jointly influence the products and yield of SOA, the nucleation and vapor pressure of these products were found to be the most fundamental aspects when interpreting the dynamics of the SOA formation and aging process. The development of techniques for measuring intermediate species in SOA generation processes and the study of SOA generation and aging mechanism in complex systems should be important topics of future SOA research.  相似文献   

针对粉煤灰合成沸石合成成本较高及废酸碱外排污染环境的问题,对粉煤灰合成人工沸石工艺中废酸碱回收的可行性及其对合成沸石产品性能的影响进行了试验研究,研究设置3个废酸碱回收利用比例条件(1:1,2:1,3:1),其他合成条件与初始粉煤灰合成沸石完全相同.利用SEM、XRD、BET等技术对合成产品进行表征,结果表明回收酸合成沸石(WAC-ZFA)、回收碱合成沸石(WAL-ZFA)表面存在大量孔隙结构,XRD图谱也存在尖锐的沸石衍射峰,表征结果与粉煤灰合成沸石(ZFA)相似;在BET方面,与ZFA相比,WAC-ZFA有所下降,而WAL-ZFA明显增大;废碱回收比例对合成沸石除氨的效果影响不大,而废酸回收比例对合成沸石除氨的效果影响较明显,综合考虑,建议在实际生产中废酸回收比例宜≤1:1,废碱回收比例宜≤3:1.  相似文献   

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