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Whether a cationic organic polymer can remove more total cyanide (TCN) than a non-ionic organic polymer during the same flocculation system has not been reported previously. In this study, the effects of organic polymers with different charge density on the removal mechanisms of TCN in coking wastewater are investigated by polyferric sulfate (PFS) with a cationic organic polymer (PFS-C) or a non-ionic polymer (PFS-N). The coagulation experiments results show that residual concentrations of TCN (Fe(CN)6^3-) after PFS-C flocculation (TCN 〈 0.2 mg/L) are much lower than that after PFS-N precipitation. This can be attributed to the different TCN removal mechanisms of the individual organic polymers. To investigate the roles of organic polymers, physical and structural characteristics of the floes are analyzed by FT-IR, XPS, TEM and XRD. Owing to the presence of N+ in PFS-C, Fe(CN)3- and negative flocs (Fe(CN)63- adsorbed on ferric hydroxides) can be removed via charge neutralization and electrostatic patch flocculation by the cationic organic polymer. However, non-ionic N in PFS-N barely reacts with cyanides through sweeping or bridging, which indicates that the non-ionic polymer has little influence on TCN removal.  相似文献   

Overthelastthreedecades,wastewatertreatmenttechnologieshavebeenimprovedgreatly ,but,meanwhile ,thesituationofwaterpollutionchangeswithtimesandpresentsaverycomplicatedtrendwiththerapidlydevelopingmodernindustriesandexpandedhumanactivities.Moreover,owingto…  相似文献   

The UF membrane with molecular weight cutoff (MWCO) ranging from 2 kDa to 100 kDa and XAD-8 resin were employed to identify the characteristic of molecular weight (MW) distribution of wastewater effluent organic matter (EfOM) in terms of TOC and UV254, as well as the amounts of the hydrophilic/hydrophobic organic fractions in different MW ranges. Then, the nanofiltration (NF) membrane fouling experiments were carried out using the above fractionated water to investigate the effect of MW distribution and hydrophilic/hydrophobic characteristics of EfOM on the membrane flux decline using the fractionated water samples above. The experimental results have shown that 45.61% of the total organics belongs to the low MW one, among which the percentage of the hydrophilic organics with low MW (less than 2 kDa) was up to 28.07%, while that of the hydrophobic organics was 17.54%. In particular, the hydrophilic fraction was found to be the most abundant fraction in the effluents. MW distribution has a significant effect on the membrane fouling. When the MW was less than 30 kDa, the lower the MW, the larger was the specific flux decline, while in the case of MW higher than 30 kDa, the higher the MW, the larger was the specific flux decline, and the decline degree of low MW organics was larger than the high MW one. With the same MW distribution range, specific flux decline of the hydrophilic organic was considerably slower than that of the hydrophobic organic, which indicated that the hydrophobic organic fractions dominantly contribute to the flux decline.  相似文献   

Perfluorooctane sulfonate(PFOS) has attracted increasing concern in recent years due to its world-wide distribution, persistence, bioaccumulation and potential toxicity. The influence of sorbent properties on the adsorptive elimination of PFOS from wastewater by activated carbons, polymer adsorbents and anion exchange resins was investigated with regard to their isotherms and kinetics. The batch and column tests were combined with physicochemical characterization methods, e.g., N_2 physisorption, mercury porosimetry, infrared spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, titrations, as well as modeling. Sorption kinetics was successfully modelled applying the linear driving force(LDF) approach for surface diffusion after introducing a load dependency of the mass transfer coefficient βs.The big difference in the initial mass transfer coefficient βs,0, when non-functionalized adsorbents and ion-exchange resins are compared, suggests that the presence of functional groups impedes the intraparticle mass transport. The more functional groups a resin possesses and the longer the alkyl moieties are the bigger is the decrease in sorption rate.But the selectivity for PFOS sorption is increasing when the character of the functional groups becomes more hydrophobic. Accordingly, ion exchange and hydrophobic interaction were found to be involved in the sorption processes on resins, while PFOS is only physisorptively bound to activated carbons and polymer adsorbents. In agreement with the different adsorption mechanisms, resins possess higher total sorption capacities than adsorbents. Hence, the latter ones are rendered more effective in PFOS elimination at concentrations in the low μg/L range, due to a less pronounced convex curvature of the sorption isotherm in this concentration range.  相似文献   

1IntroductionNovelbiologicalactivatedcarbonandactivatedsludgesystemhasshownitsefectiveabilitytoreduceCODintoxicorganicwastewa...  相似文献   

Introduction Ozonation as one of pre-oxidation techniques has complicated influences on coagulation in terms of turbidity and organic matter removals (Edwards and Benjamin, 1992a, b). Many studies have been carried out on the effects of ozone on coagulation, however there still exists some discrepancies among different researches. The mechanisms involved in the interac- tions between pre-ozonation and coagulation remain unclear. Reckhow and Singer (1984) reported that UV254, TOC, and TOX …  相似文献   

Struvite crystallization is a promising method to remove and recover phosphorus from wastewater to ease both the scarcity of phosphorus rock resources and water eutrophication worldwide. To date, although various kinds of reactor systems have been developed, supporting methods are required to control the struvite fines flushing out of the reactors. As an intrinsic property, aggregation is normally disregarded in the struvite crystallization process, although it is the key factor in final particle size and therefore guarantees phosphorus recovery efficiency. The present study developed a method to analyze the characteristics of struvite aggregates using fractal geometry, and the influence of operational parameters on struvite aggregation was evaluated. Due to its typical orthorhombic molecular structure, struvite particles are prone to crystallize into needle or rod shapes, and aggregate at the corners or edges of crystals. The determined fractal dimension(Dpf) of struvite aggregates was 1.52–1.31, with the corresponding range of equivalent diameter(d0.5) at 295.9–85.4 μm. Aggregates formed in relatively low phosphorus concentrations(3.0–5.0 mmol/L) and mildly alkaline conditions(pH 9.0–9.5) displayed relatively compact structures, large aggregate sizes and high aggregation strength. Increasing pH values led to continuous decrease of aggregate sizes, while the variation of Dpfwas insignificant. As to the aggregate evolution, fast growth in a short time followed by a long steady stage was observed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the application of wet air oxidation to the treatment of desizing wastewater from two textile companies. A two-liter high temperature, high pressure autoclave reactor was used in the study. The range of operating temperatures examined was between 150 and 290℃, and the partial pressure of oxygen ranged from 0. 375 to 2.25 MPa. Variations in pH,CODCr and TOD content were monitored during each experiment and used to assess the extent of conversion of the process. The effects of temperature, pressure and reaction time were explored extensively. More than 90 % CODCr reduction and 80 % TOC removal have been obtained. The results have also been demonstrated that WAO is a suitable pre-treatment methods due to improvement of the BOD5/CODCr ratio of desizing wastewater. The reaction kinetics of wet air oxidation of desizing wastewater has been proved to be two steps, a fast reaction followed by a slow reaction stage.  相似文献   

RemovalofheavymetalsfromsewagesludgebylowcostingchemicalmethodandrecyclinginagricultureWuQitang,NyirandegePascasie,MoCehuiF...  相似文献   

IntroductionWastewaterdischargedfromtextiledesizing processesischaracterizedbyitsveryhighchemicaloxygendemand(CODCr)andisoneofthemostdifficulttextilewastewatertotreat.Thedesizingwastewaterfromnaturalfibre processingoperationsmainlycontainsstarch ,glucos…  相似文献   

Montmorillonite (MMT) modified with chitosan (CTS, molecular weight = S x 104) was applied to remove heavy metal cations by using Co2+ as a model ion. An increase in MMT interlayer distance observed from X-ray diffraction indicates the intercalation of CTS into MMT. Together with the results of scanning electron microscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, it was concluded that the composite material of CTS and MMT (CTS-- MMT) was prepared successfully. The mass ratio of CTS to MMT had a strong influence on the adsorption performance of CTS-MMT. The highest adsorption value of 150 mg/g was obtained over the composite material with CTS to MMT mass ratio of 0.25, which is much higher than those reported in other studies. The adsorption isotherms and kinetic results indicated that Co2+ was adsorbed over CTS-MMT in a multilayer model, and the chemical sorption of Co2+ was determined to be the rate-limiting step.  相似文献   

The cyanobacteria-bloom in raw waters frequently causes an unpredictable chemical dosing of preoxidation and coagulation for an effective removal of algal cells in water treatment plants. This study investigated the effects of preoxidation with NaOCl and ClO_2 on the coagulation-flotation effectiveness in the removal of two commonly blooming cyanobacteria species, Microcystis aeruginosa(MA) and Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii(CR), and their corresponding trihalomethane(THM) formation potential. The results showed that dual dosing with NaOCl plus ClO_2 was more effective in enhancing the deformation of cyanobacterial cells compared to single dosing with Na OCl, especially for CR-rich water.Both preoxidation approaches for CR-rich water effectively reduced the CR cell count with less remained dissolved organic carbon(DOC), which benefited subsequent coagulation–flotation. However, preoxidation led to an adverse release of algogenic organic matter(AOM) in the case of MA-rich water. The release of AOM resulted in a poor removal in MA cells and a large amount of THM formation after oxidation-assisted coagulation-flotation process. The reduction in THM formation potential of CR-rich waters is responsible for effective algae and DOC removal by alum coagulation. It is concluded that the species-specific characteristic of cyanobacteria and their AOM released during chlorination significantly influences the performance of coagulation–flotation for AOM removal and corresponding THM formation.  相似文献   

In this study,the effects of soluble readily biodegradable COD (sCOD) and particulate slowly biodegradable COD (pCOD) on anammox process were investigated.The results of the longterm experiment indicated that a low sCOD/N ratio of 0.5 could accelerate the anammox and denitrification activity,to reach as high as 84.9%±2.8% TN removal efficiency.Partial denitrification-anammox (PDN/anammox) and denitrification were proposed as the major pathways for nitrogen removal,accounting for 91.3% and 8.7% o...  相似文献   

PurificationandreclamationofwastewaterbyanintegratedbiologicalpondsystemWuZhenbin;XiaYicheng;ZhangYongyuan;DengJiaqi;ChenXita...  相似文献   

This study investigated the potential role of soil colloids and dissolved organic matter (DOM) in transporting Cd through in situ undisturbed paddy soil monoliths. Brilliant Blue was used as a tracer to assess the e ect of preferential flow on Cd down migration. Experimental results showed that deep penetration of Cd and Brilliant Blue into the soil profile took place due to the preferential flow through macropores, mainly earthworm channels, with much of chemicals thus bypassing the soil matrix. Dye tracer and Cd distribution within the soil matrix was fairly restricted to several centimeters. Colloid restrained the migration of both dye and Cd in the matrix and preferential flow area. DOM facilitated the transport of Cd and Brilliant Blue in matrix and macropores by about 10 cm over that of the control. Pearson’s is correlation analysis revealed strong associations between Brilliant Blue concentrations, exchangeable Cd and total Cd concentrations in three studied plots indicating that they had taken the same preferential flow pathway.  相似文献   

IntroductionBiologicalremovalofammonia ,i.e.nitrification denitrificationprocesses,isthemosteffectiveandeconomicmethodfortreatingwastewaterwithhighammonianitrogenconcentration ,suchaslandfillleachate .Buttheleachatefrommaturedlandfillischaracterizedwithlowbiodegradablecarbonconcentration .Sothesupplementaryexternalcarbonsourcehastobeaddedtofacilitatedenitrification .Consequently ,theoperationalcostincreases(Carley ,1991) .Thereisnotonlyabundantorganiccarbon ,butalsoagreatdealofanaerobicandfac…  相似文献   

Polyvinyl alcohol is a refractory compound widely used in industry. Here we report supercritical water oxidation of polyvinyl alcohol solution and desizing wastewater with and without sodium hydroxide addition. However, it is difficult to implement complete degradation of organics even though polyvinyl alcohol can readily crack under supercritical water treatment. Sodium hydroxide had a significant catalytic effect during the supercritical water oxidation of polyvinyl alcohol. It appears that the OH ion participated in the C-C bond cleavage of polyvinyl alcohol molecules, the CO2-capture reaction and the neutralization of intermediate organic acids, promoting the overall reactions moving in the forward direction. Acetaldehyde was a typical intermediate product during reaction. For supercritical water oxidation of desizing wastewater, a high destruction rate (98.25%) based on total organic carbon was achieved. In addition, cases where initial wastewater was alkaline were favorable for supercritical water oxidation treatment, but salt precipitation and blockage issues arising during the process need to be taken into account seriously.  相似文献   

Due to the severe restrictions imposed by legislative frameworks, the removal of polyacrylamide(PAM) rapidly and effectively from produced wastewater in offshore oilfields before discharge is becoming an urgent challenge. In this study, a novel advanced oxidation process based on plasma operated in the gas–liquid interface was used to rapidly decompose PAM, and multiple methods including viscometry, flow field-flow fractionation multi-angle light scattering, UV–visible spectroscopy, and attenuated total reflectanceFourier transform infrared spectroscopy were used to characterize the changes of PAM.Under a discharge voltage of 25 kV and pH 7.0, the PAM concentration decreased from 100 to 0 mg/L within 20 min and the total organic carbon(TOC) decreased from 49.57 to1.23 mg/L within 240 min, following zero-order reaction kinetics. Even in the presence of background TOC as high as 152.2 mg/L, complete removal of PAM(100 mg/L) was also achieved within 30 min. The biodegradability of PAM improved following plasma treatment for 120 min. Active species(such as O_3 and H_2O_2) were produced in the plasma. Hydroxyl radical was demonstrated to play an important role in the degradation of PAM due to the inhibitory effect observed after the addition of an ·OH scavenger, Na_2CO_3. Meanwhile, the release of ammonia and nitrate nitrogen confirmed the cleavage of the acylamino group.The results of this study demonstrated that plasma, with its high efficiency and chemicalfree features, is a promising technology for the rapid removal of PAM.  相似文献   

The ligand exchange adsorbent could be used to remove the toxic arsenic(V) and phosphate efficiently from water even in the presence of foreign anions and possible to apply in chemical industry.  相似文献   

Cross-linked Fe(III)-chitosan composite (Fe-CB) was used as the adsorbent for removing perchlorate from the aqueous solution. The adsorption experiments were carried out by varying contact time, initial concentrations, temperatures, pH, and the presence of co-existing anions. The morphology of the adsorbent was discussed using FT-IR and SEM with X-EDS analysis. The pH ranging from 3.0-10.2 exhibited very little effect on the adsorption capability. The perchlorate uptake onto Fe-CB obeyed Langmuir isotherm model. The adsorption process was rapid and the kinetics data obeyed the pseudo second-order model well. The eluent of 2.5% (W/V) NaC1 could regenerate the exhausted adsorbent efficiently. The adsorption mechanism was also discussed.  相似文献   

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