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Deheyn DD  Latz MI 《Chemosphere》2006,63(5):818-834
San Diego Bay is heavily contaminated with metals, but little is known about their biological availability to local marine organisms. This study on 15 elements showed that concentrations of metals associated with sediment increased from the mouth to the back of the Bay while metals in seawater particulates were similar throughout the Bay. Metal bioavailability was assessed over 8weeks following transplant of the local brittlestar, Ophiothrix spiculata (Ophuroidea, Echinodermata), from outside to inside the Bay. Despite a gradient of contamination, brittlestars accumulated similar levels of metals throughout the Bay, suggesting that metal contamination occurred through dissolved metals as well as through the diet. Sediment transplanted in dialysis tubing in the Bay accumulated metals only when placed on the seafloor bottom, indicating greater metal bioavailability near the bottom; the level of accumulation was similar between the mouth and the back of the Bay. The results are consistent with a circulation pattern in which a bottom layer of seawater, enriched with metals, drains from the back to the mouth of the Bay. There was a positive correlation between metal concentration in brittlestars and tidal range, suggesting increased metal exposure due to bay-ocean water exchange. For brittlestar arms the correlation was higher at the mouth than the back of the Bay, indicating greater metal accumulation in arms from dissolved metals in seawater than from ingestion of metal contaminated diet. In contrast, for brittlestar disks the correlation was higher at the back of the Bay, indicative of metal accumulation mainly through the diet. The results highlight the importance of considering bioavailability and physical processes in environmental quality assessments.  相似文献   

Pesticides and PCBs in sediments and fish from the Salton Sea, California, USA   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The Salton Sea, the largest manmade lake in California, is officially designated by the State of California as an agricultural drainage reservoir. The purpose of this study was to determine organochlorine and organophosphorous pesticides, as well as polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations in sediments and fish tissues in the Salton Sea and evaluate the relative ecological risk of these compounds. Sediment samples were taken during 2000-2001 and fish tissues (Tilapia mossambique, Cynoscion xanthulu) were collected in May 2001. All samples were analyzed for 12 chlorinated pesticides, 6 organophosphorus pesticides, and 55 polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners. SigmaDichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (SigmaDDT) and total PCB concentrations observed in sediments ranged from 10 to 40 and 116 to 304 ng/g dry wt, respectively. DDT/DDD ratios in sediments and fish tissues of the northern Sea in 2001 indicated recent DDT exposure. Lindane, dieldrin, dichlorodiphenylethane (DDE) and total PCB concentrations detected in sediments exceeded probable effect levels established for freshwater ecosystems, and pp-DDE and total PCB concentrations were higher than effect range-median values developed for marine and estuarine sediments. In fish liver, concentrations of endrin and SigmaDDT exceeded threshold effect level established for invertebrates. SigmaDDT concentrations detected in fish tissues were higher than threshold concentrations for the protection of wildlife consumers of aquatic biota. DDE concentrations in fish muscles tissues were above the 50 ng/g concentration threshold for the protection of predatory birds. Dimethoate, diazinon, malathion, chlorpyrifos, disulfoton varied from < or = 0.15 to 9.5 ng/g dry wt in sediments and from < or = 0.1 to 80.3 ng/g wet wt in fish tissues. Disulfoton was found in relatively high concentrations (up to 80.3 ng/g) in all organs from Tilapia and Corvina. These results demonstrate continued contamination of specific organochlorine compounds in sediments and resident fish species of the Salton Sea.  相似文献   

Particulate matter < or =10 microm (PM10) emissions due to wind erosion can vary dramatically with changing surface conditions. Crust formation, mechanical disturbance, soil texture, moisture, and chemical content of the soil can affect the amount of dust emitted during a wind event. A refined method of quantifying windblown dust emissions was applied at Mono Lake, CA, to account for changing surface conditions. This method used a combination of real-time sand flux monitoring, ambient PM10 monitoring, and dispersion modeling to estimate dust emissions and their downwind impact. The method identified periods with high emissions and periods when the surface was stable (no sand flux), even though winds may have been high. A network of 25 Cox sand catchers (CSCs) was used to measure the mass of saltating particles to estimate sand flux rates across a 2-km2 area. Two electronic sensors (Sensits) were used to time-resolve the CSC sand mass to estimate hourly sand flux rates, and a perimeter tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) monitor measured hourly PM10 concentrations. Hourly sand flux rates were related by dispersion modeling to hourly PM10 concentrations to back-calculate the ratio of vertical PM10 flux to horizontal sand flux (K-factors). Geometric mean K-factor values (K(f)) were found to change seasonally, ranging from 1.3 x 10(-5) to 5.1 x 10(-5) for sand flux measured at 15 cm above the surface (q15). Hourly PM10 emissions, F, were calculated by applying seasonal K-factors to sand flux measurements (F = K(f) x q15). The maximum hourly PM10 emission rate from the study area was 76 g/m2 x hr (10-m wind speed = 23.5 m/sec). Maximum daily PM10 emissions were estimated at 450 g/m2 x day, and annual emissions at 1095 g/m2 x yr. Hourly PM10 emissions were used by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guideline AERMOD dispersion model to estimate downwind ambient impacts. Model predictions compared well with monitor concentrations, with hourly PM10 ranging from 16 to over 60,000 microg/m3 (slope = 0.89, R2 = 0.77).  相似文献   

The Imperial County Community Air Monitoring Network was developed as part of a community-engaged research study to provide real-time particulate matter (PM) air quality information at a high spatial resolution in Imperial County, California. The network augmented the few existing regulatory monitors and increased monitoring near susceptible populations. Monitors were both calibrated and field validated, a key component of evaluating the quality of the data produced by the community monitoring network. This paper examines the performance of a customized version of the low-cost Dylos optical particle counter used in the community air monitors compared with both PM2.5 and PM10 (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters <2.5 and <10 μm, respectively) federal equivalent method (FEM) beta-attenuation monitors (BAMs) and federal reference method (FRM) gravimetric filters at a collocation site in the study area. A conversion equation was developed that estimates particle mass concentrations from the native Dylos particle counts, taking into account relative humidity. The R2 for converted hourly averaged Dylos mass measurements versus a PM2.5 BAM was 0.79 and that versus a PM10 BAM was 0.78. The performance of the conversion equation was evaluated at six other sites with collocated PM2.5 environmental beta-attenuation monitors (EBAMs) located throughout Imperial County. The agreement of the Dylos with the EBAMs was moderate to high (R2 = 0.35–0.81).

Implications: The performance of low-cost air quality sensors in community networks is currently not well documented. This paper provides a methodology for quantifying the performance of a next-generation Dylos PM sensor used in the Imperial County Community Air Monitoring Network. This air quality network provides data at a much finer spatial and temporal resolution than has previously been possible with government monitoring efforts. Once calibrated and validated, these high-resolution data may provide more information on susceptible populations, assist in the identification of air pollution hotspots, and increase community awareness of air pollution.  相似文献   

Kannan K  Agusa T  Perrotta E  Thomas NJ  Tanabe S 《Chemosphere》2006,65(11):2160-2167
Infectious diseases have been implicated as a cause of high rates of adult mortality in southern sea otters. Exposure to environmental contaminants can compromise the immuno-competence of animals, predisposing them to infectious diseases. In addition to organic pollutants, certain trace elements can modulate the immune system in marine mammals. Nevertheless, reports of occurrence of trace elements, including toxic heavy metals, in sea otters are not available. In this study, concentrations of 20 trace elements (V, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Mo, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, Cs, Ba, Hg, Tl, Pb, and Bi) were measured in livers of southern sea otters found dead along the central California coast (n = 80) from 1992 to 2002. Hepatic concentrations of trace elements were compared among sea otters that died from infectious diseases (n = 27), those that died from non-infectious causes (n = 26), and otters that died in emaciated condition with no evidence of another cause of death (n = 27). Concentrations of essential elements in sea otters varied within an order of magnitude, whereas concentrations of non-essential elements varied by two to five orders of magnitude. Hepatic concentrations of Cu and Cd were 10- to 100-fold higher in the sea otters in this study than concentrations reported for any other marine mammal species. Concentrations of Mn, Co, Zn, and Cd were elevated in the diseased and emaciated sea otters relative to the non-diseased sea otters. Elevated concentrations of essential elements such as Mn, Zn, and Co in the diseased/emaciated sea otters suggest that induction of synthesis of metallothionein and superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme is occurring in these animals, as a means of protecting the cells from oxidative stress-related injuries. Trace element profiles in diseased and emaciated sea otters suggest that oxidative stress mediates the perturbation of essential-element concentrations. Elevated concentrations of toxic metals such as Cd, in addition to several other organic pollutants, may contribute to oxidative stress-meditated effects in sea otters.  相似文献   

Hourly ambient ozone exposure data and crown injury measurements were gathered in the Sierra Nevada and San Bernardino Mountains of California to develop relationships between the Ozone Injury Index (OII), the Forest Pest Management Index (FPM), chlorotic mottle, fascicle retention (OII index components) and cumulative ambient ozone indices for Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws and Pinus jeffreyi Grev. and Balf. Eleven sites located in the mixed conifer forest near ambient ozone monitoring sites were evaluated annually for 4 years. Four other sites in the San Bernardino Mountains were evaluated for 1 year. Analyses showed OII to be functionally equivalent (r2 = 0.96) to the FPM, and to depend only on fascicle retention and chlorotic mottle (R2 = 0.95) of the fourth whorl (or if four whorls are not present at the site, then the last whorl present for the majority of trees). Significant associations were found between OII and 4-year 24-h. summer SUM0, SUM06, W126 and HRS80 ozone indices. Three sites had higher levels of cumulative chlorotic mottle for individual whorls and larger numbers of trees with visible crown injury than other sites with similar cumulative ambient ozone levels. Including an indicator variable to discriminate between these two groups of sites increased R2 and decreased root mean square (RMSE) for all indices, especially SUM0 (R2 = 0.93, RMSE reduced by 46%).  相似文献   

Fine organic aerosols collected at the Great Smoky Mountain National Park, Tennessee (USA) during 15 July –25 August 1995 as part of the Southeastern Aerosol and Visibility Study (SEAVS) were chemically characterized. The water-soluble organic species (WSOS) often dominated over the solvent-soluble organic species (SSOS) at this remote, humid sampling site, contributing 76–98% of the total identified organic mass in 17 out of the 21 daytime samples analyzed. Nighttime samples tended to have slightly larger concentrations of total SSOS than the daytime, with nocturnal/diurnal organic mass ratios greater than 1.0 in 7 out of the 10 paired samples. However, for total WSOS mass, the nocturnal-to-diurnal ratios were less than 0.3 in 7 out of the 10 paired samples, reflecting much more substantial depletion and/or less production of the more polar organics during nighttime. Based on identified species, the organic-mass-to-organic-carbon (OM–OC) ratios at the SEAVS site are estimated as 2.0, 2.2, and 1.3 for the daytime total organics, WSOS, and SSOS, respectively. For the nighttime samples, the OM–OC ratio for total identified organics is estimated to be 1.8, slightly lower than the daytime ratio due to the smaller mass fraction of WSOS present at night.  相似文献   

Atmospheric elemental, reactive and particulate mercury (Hg) concentrations were measured north of downtown Reno, Nevada, USA from November 2004 to November 2007. Three-year mean and median concentrations for gaseous elemental Hg (Hg0) were 1.6 and 1.5 ng m−3 (respectively), similar to global mean Hg0 concentrations. The three-year mean reactive gaseous Hg (RGM) concentration (26 pg m−3) was higher than values reported for rural sites across the western United States. Well defined seasonal and daily patterns in Hg0 and RGM concentrations were observed, with the highest Hg0 concentrations measured in winter and early morning, and RGM concentrations being greatest in the summer and mid-afternoon. Elevated Hg0 concentrations in winter were associated with periods of cold, stagnant air; while a regularly observed early morning increase in concentration was due to local source and surface emissions. The observed afternoon increase and high summer values of RGM can be explained by in situ oxidation of gaseous Hg0 or mixing of RGM derived from the free troposphere to the surface. Because both of these processes are correlated with the same environmental conditions it is difficult to assess their overall contribution to the observed trends.  相似文献   

Newark Bay, New Jersey, is particularly vulnerable to ecological damage from petroleum and chemical spills, as a result of the enclosed nature and shallow depth of the bay, the high frequency of shipping traffic, and the numerous chemical and petroleum transfer terminals located alongs its shores. To evaluate the potential impacts to the natural resources of this coastal estuarine ecosystem, chemical and petroleum accidents reported to the US Coast Guard (USCG) between 1982 and 1991 were compiled to determine the frequency and volume of these incidents in Newark Bay and in each of its major tributaries. Records obtained from the USCG National Response Center's computerized database indicated that more than 1453 accidental incidents, resulting in the release of more than 18 million US gallons of hazardous materials and petroleum products, occurred throughout Newark Bay during this period of time. The bulk of the materials released to the aquatic environment consisted of petroleum products, specifically No. 6 Fuel Oil (103 spills, 12 829 272 US gal) and gasoline (207 spills, 48 816 US gal). The majority of the reported incidents occurred in the Arthur Kill and its tributaries, as well as in the Kill Van Kull and the Passaic River. The results of this study indicated that the accidental discharge of petroleum and hazardous chemicals represents a significant source of chemical pollution in Newark Bay. Based on the frequency of spills and the volume of materials released to the aquatic environment, it is likely that these events are having a deleterious effect on the Newark Bay ecosystem.  相似文献   


Semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) are a major global problem that causes the greatest impact on urban settings and have been linked to bronchial asthma in both children and adults in Pakistan. The association between exposure of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and asthma in the adult population is less clear. The current study aimed to assess the clinico-chemical parameters and blood levels of naphthalene phenanthrene, pyrene, and 1,2-benzanthracene and urinary levels of 1-OH pyrene and 1-OH phenanthrene as well as asthma-related biomarkers immunoglobulin E (IgE), resistin, and superoxide dismutase (SOD) of oxidative stress and other hematologic parameters in adults and their relationship with bronchial asthma. The GC/MS analysis showed higher mean concentrations of blood PAHs in asthma respondents (4.48 ± 1.34, 3.46 ± 1.04, 0.10 ± 0.03, and 0.29 ± 0.09) (ng/mL) as compared to controls (3.07 ± 0.92, 1.71 ± 0.51, 0.06 ± 0.02, and 0.11 ± 0.03) (ng/mL), with p = .006, p = .001, p = .050, and p = .001. Similarly, urinary levels of 1-OHpyr and 1-OHphe were significantly increased in adults with bronchial asthma (0.54 ± 0.16; 0.13 ± 0.04) (μmol/mol-Cr) than in controls (0.30 ± 0.09; 0.05 ± 0.02) (μmol/mol-Cr), with p = .002 and p = .0001, respectively, with a significant positive correlation to asthma severity. The asthma-related biomarkers IgE, resistin, and SOD were significantly higher (p 0.0001, 0.0001, and 0.0001) in people with asthma than in control persons. The findings showed that higher blood and urine PAHs levels were linked to higher asthma risk in adults and significant interaction with participants who smoked, had allergies, had a family history of asthma, and were exposed to dust. The current study’s findings will be useful to local regulatory agencies in Lahore in terms of managing exposure and advocating efforts to minimize PAH pollution and manage health.


In freshwater ecosystems, a large number of chemical substances are able to disturb homeostasis of fish by modulating one or more physiological functions including the immune system. The aim of this study was to assess multi-biomarker responses including immunotoxicity induced by urban and agricultural pressure in European bullheads living in a small French river basin. For this purpose, a set of biochemical, immunological, physiological and histological parameters was measured in wild bullheads from five locations characterized by various environmental pressures. Moreover, to address effects of physiological status and contamination level variation on biomarker responses, fish were sampled during three periods (April, July and October). Results revealed a clear impact of environmental pressure on fish health and particularly on immunological status. An increase of EROD activity was recorded between upstream and downstream sites. Upstream sites were also characterized by neurotoxicological effects. Fish exhibited upstream/downstream variations of immunological status but strong differences were observed according to sampling season. Conversely, regarding biochemical and immunological effects, no significant response of physiological indexes was recorded related to environmental pressures. According to these results, the European bullhead appears as a valuable model fish species to assess adverse effects in wildlife due to urban and agricultural pressures.  相似文献   


Particulate matter ≤10 μm (PM10) emissions due to wind erosion can vary dramatically with changing surface conditions. Crust formation, mechanical disturbance, soil texture, moisture, and chemical content of the soil can affect the amount of dust emitted during a wind event. A refined method of quantifying windblown dust emissions was applied at Mono Lake, CA, to account for changing surface conditions. This method used a combination of real-time sand flux monitoring, ambient PM10 monitoring, and dispersion modeling to estimate dust emissions and their downwind impact. The method identified periods with high emissions and periods when the surface was stable (no sand flux), even though winds may have been high. A network of 25 Cox sand catchers (CSCs) was used to measure the mass of saltating particles to estimate sand flux rates across a 2-km2 area. Two electronic sensors (Sensits) were used to time-resolve the CSC sand mass to estimate hourly sand flux rates, and a perimeter tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) monitor measured hourly PM10 concentrations. Hourly sand flux rates were related by dispersion modeling to hourly PM10 concentrations to back-calculate the ratio of vertical PM10 flux to horizontal sand flux (K-factors). Geometric mean K-factor values (K f) were found to change seasonally, ranging from 1.3 × 10?5 to 5.1 × 10?5 for sand flux measured at 15 cm above the surface (q 15). Hourly PM10 emissions, F, were calculated by applying seasonal K-factors to sand flux measurements (F?=?K f ×?q 15). The maximum hourly PM10 emission rate from the study area was 76 g/m2·hr (10-m wind speed?=?23.5 m/sec). Maximum daily PM10 emissions were estimated at 450 g/m2·day, and annual emissions at 1095 g/m2·yr. Hourly PM10 emissions were used by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guideline AERMOD dispersion model to estimate downwind ambient impacts. Model predictions compared well with monitor concentrations, with hourly PM10 ranging from 16 to over 60,000 μg/m3 (slope?=?0.89, R 2?=?0.77).

IMPLICATIONS Under a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-approved plan, the method described in this paper has been used since 2000 at Owens Lake, CA, to identify and successfully mitigate dust from over 100 km2 of the dry lakebed. It continues to be used to monitor dust control compliance at Owens Lake. Scaled-down versions of the Owens Lake network can be implemented in other areas in a manner similar to the Mono Lake study. Once K-factors are established, low-cost CSC samplers (about $35 U.S.) may be used for periodic monitoring (e.g., daily, weekly, or monthly) to estimate PM10 emissions or to evaluate dust control compliance.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Large amounts of water-based drilling cuttings (WDC) would be generated during the drilling of shale gas wells, which would occupy land resources and...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - A Correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/ https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-14075-2  相似文献   

Organochlorine pesticide and total polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations were measured in largemouth bass from the Tombigbee River near a former DDT manufacturing facility at McIntosh, Alabama. Evaluation of mean p,p′- and o,p′-DDT isomer concentrations and o,p′- versus p,p′-isomer proportions in McIntosh bass indicated that DDT is moving off site from the facility and into the Tombigbee River. Concentrations of p,p′-DDT isomers in McIntosh bass remained unchanged from 1974 to 2004 and were four times greater than contemporary concentrations from a national program. Total DDT in McIntosh bass exceeded dietary effect concentrations developed for bald eagle and osprey. Hexachlorobenzene, PCBs, and toxaphene concentrations in bass from McIntosh also exceeded thresholds to protect fish and piscivorous wildlife. Whereas concentrations of DDT and most other organochlorine chemicals in fish have generally declined in the U.S. since their ban, concentrations of DDT in fish from McIntosh remain elevated and represent a threat to wildlife.  相似文献   

The city of Aldama, Chihuahua, Mexico is located 30 km NNE of Chihuahua city. Three high-volume collectors with PM10 heads were placed in specific locations in Aldama during the year 2011 to measure radioisotope concentrations in the air. The city area of 16 km2 was divided into 64 squares of 500 × 500 m. At the vertices of the grid, silt samples were taken between January and June 2011, before the rains began. The concentrations of natural, cosmogenic, and anthropogenic radioactive isotopes were calculated in both filters and silts samples. The isotopes selected for the measurement were 238U, 232Th, 7Be, 137Cs, and 40K. Measurements of PM10 and silts were performed during 2011, coinciding with the accident at Fukushima, Japan, on March 11. For this reason, we could see the 137Cs in PM10 increase between April and July; with the arrival of the rains, the 137Cs concentration began to decrease in the air. The concentration of PM10 measured by the equipment located at the Mexican Uranium plant (URAMEX, initials in Spanish) that was processing radioactive ores exceeded the standard values in February and March, when the air velocity increases. At City Hall, the concentration of PM10 surpassed the value of the standard between May and July. This increased concentration is likely due to increased automobile traffic because City Hall is located in the city center. At a private home, the concentration of PM10 surpassed the standard on several days during the year because the home is located on the outskirts of the city, where most of the streets are not paved. Due to the high concentrations of PM10, especially at the collection point located at the private home, it is necessary to start taking steps to mitigate their spread before they cause health problems in the younger population and in older adults.

Implications: The radioisotope content found in the PM10 confirms that the decision to place the Mexican Uranium plant (URAMEX, initials in Spanish) processing radioactive ores near the town of Aldama was not well thought out. Because the monitoring work was carried out in 2011 and coincided with the Fukushima accident, an increased concentration of 137Cs could be detected in the PM10. We made recommendations to the municipal authorities of the city to mitigate the concentration of particles in the air.  相似文献   

Khan RA  Payne JF 《Chemosphere》2002,46(2):235-239
EROD (ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase) activity was determined in winter flounder, a sediment-inhabiting and non-migratory fish species, living near a pulp and paper mill in Newfoundland in relation to temperature, gender, sexual maturity, and lesions in the liver. Samples of liver were taken from fish captured by SCUBA divers at 0 degrees C, 5 degrees C and 16 degrees C. Enzymic activity was detected in fish living only above 0 degrees C. Adult males and juvenile fish had higher levels of EROD activity than prespawning females at 5 degrees C. Macrophage aggregates only or occurring simultaneously with bile ductule hyperplasia and clear cell foci in the liver, did not impair EROD activity but necrosis had a negative effect. Results from this study indicate the importance of water temperature, gender, sexual maturity and liver pathology in assessing EROD activity of fish in biomonitoring programs.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of metal contamination in water, sediments and three different fish species. All samples were...  相似文献   

Paper mill effluents may contain polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) that are normally generated due to chlorinated bleaching of pulp and paper. We used the semipermeable membrane device (SPMD) to monitor PCDD/F levels upstream and downstream of a paper mill on the Androscoggin River, in Jay (ME). Following the 36 day deployment, SPMD dialysis and cleanup, the samples were analyzed by HRGC/HRMS. Total concentrations of PCDD/Fs in SPMDs (sum of all tetra-through octachlorinated congeners) ranged from 4.71 pg g(-1) to 26.26 pg g(-1). Five out of the targeted 17 toxic congeners were detected, including: 2,3,7,8-TCDF; 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF; 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF; 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD and OCDD. Permeability reference compounds (PRCs) were used for in situ calibration of the SPMD sampling rate (Rs). In all sites, water concentrations were the highest for OCDD (0.081-0.103 pg l(-1)), and the lowest for 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF (0.005-0.009 pg l(-1)). There was not a consistent pattern of upstream-downstream gradient in the PCDD/F levels. This suggested that processes other than the mill in Jay (multiple sources, river dynamics) governed the flux of PCDD/Fs in the sampling locations. The SPMD results were validated by comparison to other studies on the Androscoggin River and elsewhere, confirming the potential of the device as a useful monitoring technique for PCDD/Fs in large river systems.  相似文献   

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