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以某炼化企业污水处理厂为研究对象,对其恶臭治理设施外排气体的组成特征及其健康风险进行了分析。外排气体中的恶臭物质主要是氨、硫化氢、非甲烷总烃、芳香烃、有机含硫化合物;其中,氨、硫化氢、甲硫醇、甲硫醚、二甲二硫、二硫化碳和4-乙基甲苯的浓度均高于嗅阈值;甲硫醇、硫化氢的理论臭气浓度最高,是关键的致臭物质;生化设施恶臭治理单元的外排气体对污水厂整体恶臭污染的贡献度最高(77%);外排气体中,20种恶臭污染物的非致癌健康风险指数(HItotal≈10−4)和终生致癌风险(LCRtotal≈10−8)低。  相似文献   

快速准确溯源对于突发水环境重金属污染事件的应急处置和环境应急管理具有重要意义。提出了以污染物特征指纹识别、污染物总量核算、污染物浓度梯度变化、污染物迁移时间与路径等4方面为基础的“四位一体”的突发水环境重金属污染事件溯源方法。进一步以2017年嘉陵江流域突发铊污染事件为例,阐述了一次输入型突发水环境重金属污染事件溯源分析要点,分析了特征污染物识别、污染物总量核算、污染物浓度及其变化规律、特征污染物迁移与水文数据吻合程度等关键因素,逐步锁定事故污染源和肇事企业,进而探讨了本次污染事故的发生成因。本研究可为一次性排污或连续性排污的重金属污染源的溯源提供参考。  相似文献   

Source-separating urine from other domestic wastewaters promotes a more sustainable municipal wastewater treatment system. This study investigated the feasibility and potential issues of applying a urine source-separation system in tropical urban settings. The results showed that source-separated urine underwent rapid urea-hydrolysis (ureolysis) at temperatures between 34–40oC, stale/fresh urine ratios greater than 40%, and/or with slight fecal cross-contamination. Undiluted (or low-diluted) urine favored ureolysis; this can be monitored by measuring conductivity as a reliable and efficient indicator. The optimized parameters demonstrated that an effective urine source-separation system is achievable in tropical urban areas. On the other hand, the initial release of CO2 and NH3 led to an elevated pressure in the headspace of the collection reservoir, which then dropped to a negative value, primarily due to oxygen depletion by the microbial activity in the gradually alkalized urine. Another potential odor source during the ureolysis process was derived from the high production of volatile fatty acids (VFA), which were mainly acetic, propanoic, and butyric acids. Health concerns related to odor issues might limit the application of source separation systems in urban areas; it is therefore vital to systematically monitor and control the odor emissions from a source separation system. As such, an enhanced ureolysis process can attenuate the odor emissions.

Implications: Urine source separation is promising to improve the management of domestic wastewater in a more sustainable way. The work demonstrates the achievability of an effective urine source-separation system in tropical urban areas. The installation of urine-stabilization tanks beneath high-rise buildings lowers the risk of pipe clogging. Conductivity measurement can be utilized as a reliable process indicator for an automated system. However, urine hydrolysis raises a strong potential of odor emission (both inorganic and organic), which might limit the application of source separation systems in urban areas. An enhanced ureolysis process could shorten and attenuate the odor emissions.  相似文献   

鉴于跨国界河流的极端敏感性和新形势下日益突出的水环境风险问题,为确保跨国界河流的水环境安全,全力维护我国与邻国边境地区稳定,开展跨国界河流水环境风险防控及环境应急能力建设迫在眉睫。目前,跨国界河流流域水环境存在的主要问题和短板包括水环境风险底数不清、风险防控与应急体系尚未建立、监控预警及应急监测能力薄弱及应急物资保障体系薄弱等。针对上述问题,建议全面开展跨国界河流突发性环境风险评估,建立“一河一策一图”水环境风险防控工程体系,提升跨国界河流水环境风险防控与环境应急能力,并建立跨国界河流水环境应急物资储备管理体系。  相似文献   

水环境容量核算是城市水环境管理的基础。分析了北海市水环境特征的现状,通过划分陆域控制单元和对应水环境容量核算单元,根据设计水文条件及功能区水质目标等参数,综合选用一维河流非感潮河段容量计算模型、一维河流感潮河段容量计算模型核算了北海市各主要流域地表水水系的水环境容量。在此基础上,结合近海海洋环境容量,核算各控制单元点、面源负荷排放量,分析了北海市基于控制单元分区的可利用水环境容量空间分布特征,并提出了容量资源分区控制利用对策建议。  相似文献   

A box model calculation is used to make preliminary estimates of the springtime fluxes of carbon and sulfur particles into the Arctic troposphere. These fluxes are large and can only be accounted for by major sulfur and soot sources. Comparison of these fluxes with the amount of fuel burned in various latitude bands indicates that the Arctic haze cannot be due to Arctic sources and strongly suggests that the dominant source regions are below 60°N latitude. Comparisons of Arctic sulfur fluxes with sulfur emissions on a regional and global basis indicate that significant fractions enter the Arctic.  相似文献   

大水深水库内源污染特征及控制技术   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对黑河金盆水库水温、溶解氧、pH和底部水质的监测分析结果表明,黑河金盆水库属于稳定的大水深分层型水库,水体分层阻碍了上下层水体之间的物质交换,在水体和底泥耗氧的双重作用下,溶解氧从表层水体的8 mg/L左右降低到底层水体的0.1~0.2 mg/L;在厌氧条件下,底部沉积物中N、P、Fe和Mn等污染物大量释放,导致底部水体中NH3-N、TN、TP、Fe、Mn和COD均值分别达到2.22、2.30、0.05、0.13、2.53、74.00 mg/L。针对水体分层对底部水质产生的不利影响,认为扬水曝气技术适宜于大水深水库的水质原位改善和内源污染控制。  相似文献   

Population variation in ecophysiological traits of four co-occurring montane conifers was measured on a large latitudinal gradient to quantitatively assess their potential for response to environmental change. White fir (Abies concolor) had the highest variability, gross photosynthetic rate (Pg), and foliar carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) content. Despite low water use efficiency (WUE), stomatal conductance (gs) of fir was the most responsive to unfavorable environmental conditions. Pinus lambertiana exhibited the least variability in Pg and WUE, and is likely to be the most vulnerable to environmental changes. Pinus ponderosa had an intermediate level of variability, and high needle growth at its higher elevational limits. Pinus Jeffreyi also had intermediate variability, but high needle growth at its southern latitudinal and lower elevational limits. The attributes used to assess tree vigor were effective in predicting population vulnerability to abiotic (drought) and biotic (herbivore) stresses.  相似文献   

The ambient air of the Monterrey Metropolitan Area (MMA) in Mexico frequently exhibits high levels of PM10 and PM2.5. However, no information exists on the chemical composition of coarse particles (PMc = PM10 – PM2.5). A monitoring campaign was conducted during the summer of 2015, during which 24-hr average PM10 and PM2.5 samples were collected using high-volume filter-based instruments to chemically characterize the fine and coarse fractions of the PM. The collected samples were analyzed for anions (Cl, NO3, SO42–), cations (Na+, NH4+, K+), organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), and 35 trace elements (Al to Pb). During the campaign, the average PM2.5 concentrations did not showed significance differences among sampling sites, whereas the average PMc concentrations did. In addition, the PMc accounted for 75% to 90% of the PM10 across the MMA. The average contribution of the main chemical species to the total mass indicated that geological material including Ca, Fe, Si, and Al (45%) and sulfates (11%) were the principal components of PMc, whereas sulfates (54%) and organic matter (30%) were the principal components of PM2.5. The OC-to-EC ratio for PMc ranged from 4.4 to 13, whereas that for PM2.5 ranged from 3.97 to 6.08. The estimated contribution of Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) to the total mass of organic aerosol in PM2.5 was estimated to be around 70–80%; for PMc, the contribution was lower (20–50%). The enrichment factors (EF) for most of the trace elements exhibited high values for PM2.5 (EF: 10–1000) and low values for PMc (EF: 1–10). Given the high contribution of crustal elements and the high values of EFs, PMc is heavily influenced by soil resuspension and PM2.5 by anthropogenic sources. Finally, the airborne particles found in the eastern region of the MMA were chemically distinguishable from those in its western region.

Implications: Concentration and chemical composition patterns of fine and coarse particles can vary significantly across the MMA. Public policy solutions have to be built based on these observations. There is clear evidence that the spatial variations in the MMA’s coarse fractions are influenced by clearly recognizable primary emission sources, while fine particles exhibit a homogeneous concentration field and a clear spatial pattern of increasing secondary contributions. Important reductions in the coarse fraction can come from primary particles’ emission controls; for fine particles, control of gaseous precursors—particularly sulfur-containing species and organic compounds—should be considered.  相似文献   

Here we investigate the photodegradation of structurally similar organophosphorus pesticides; methyl-parathion and fenitrothion in water (20 °C) and ice (−15 °C) under environmentally-relevant conditions with the aim of comparing these laboratory findings to limited field observations. Both compounds were found to be photolyzed more efficiently in ice than in aqueous solutions, with quantum yields of degradation being higher in ice than in water (fenitrothion > methyl-parathion). This rather surprising observation was attributed to the concentration effect caused by freezing the aqueous solutions. The major phototransformation products included the corresponding oxons (methyl-paraoxon and fenitroxon) and the nitrophenols (3-methyl-nitrophenol and nitrophenol) in both irradiated water and ice samples. The presence of oxons in ice following irradiation, demonstrates an additional formation mechanism of these toxicologically relevant compounds in cold environments, although further photodegradation of oxons in ice indicates that photochemistry of OPs might be an environmentally important sink in cold environments.  相似文献   

丹江口水库作为南水北调中线工程的水源地,水质保护极其重要,以小流域为单元建设面源污染生态阻控系统是控制库区氮磷输入的重要途径。结合丹江口库区现状,提出“控山”“净水”“护林”“保田”“治村”五位一体的小流域面源生态阻控总体思路,将汇水流域、汇水沟道、塘洼节点等区域的措施耦合衔接,功能上互补,形成生态阻控系统。小流域面源生态阻控技术的实施包括本底调查和问题识别、措施布局设计、工程建设和运行监测等步骤。该技术方法在丹江口库周的钱家沟小流域开展了应用实践,阻控系统建设完毕后的监测结果显示,小流域TN平均下降33.9%,TP平均下降49.1%,总体阻控效果较好,可为南水北调中线水源地小流域的面源治理提供参考。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - A Correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-12759-3  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The spatio-temporal response of water quality in the receiving basins to water transfer remains unclear when considering more practical factors....  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Because of the increasing frequency and intensity of unexpected natural disasters, providing safe drinking water for the affected population following...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The hydrodynamics and water quality of a lake in response to human activities is an important yet poorly understood issue. In this study, the...  相似文献   

Water quality assessment was conducted on the Ruiru River, a tributary of an important tropical river system in Kenya, to determine baseline river conditions for studies on the aquatic fate of N-methyl carbamate (NMC) pesticides. Measurements were taken at the end of the long rainy season in early June 2013. Concentrations of copper (0.21–1.51 ppm), nitrates (2.28–4.89 ppm) and phosphates (0.01–0.50 ppm) were detected at higher values than in uncontaminated waters, and attributed to surface runoff from agricultural activity in the surrounding area. Concentrations of dissolved oxygen (8–10 ppm), ammonia (0.02–0.22 ppm) and phenols (0.19–0.83 ppm) were found to lie within normal ranges. The Ruiru River was found to be slightly basic (pH 7.08–7.70) with a temperature of 17.8–21.2°C. The half-life values for hydrolysis of three NMC pesticides (carbofuran, carbaryl and propoxur) used in the area were measured under laboratory conditions, revealing that rates of decay were influenced by the electronic nature of the NMCs. The hydrolysis half-lives at pH 9 and 18°C decreased in the order carbofuran (57.8 h) > propoxur (38.5 h) > carbaryl (19.3 h). In general, a decrease in the electron density of the NMC aromatic ring increases the acidity of the N-bound proton removed in the rate-limiting step of the hydrolysis mechanism. Our results are consistent with this prediction, and the most electron-poor NMC (carbaryl) hydrolyzed fastest, while the most electron-rich NMC (carbofuran) hydrolyzed slowest. Results from this study should provide baseline data for future studies on NMC pesticide chemical fate in the Ruiru River and similar tropical water systems.  相似文献   

为了解决罗氏沼虾养殖水体蓝藻泛滥、危害养殖、污染周边水环境的问题,建设了深水井循环水处理示范工程,对工程运行进行了跟踪测定。结果表明,通过深水井循环处理后,蓝藻不能再漂浮于水面生长繁殖,而是沉淀到水底无光区衰亡,从而控制了蓝藻的繁殖。与对照塘相比,虾塘藻类叶绿素a浓度减少了69%,藻细胞总数削减了92%,消除了蓝藻泛滥现象,剩余藻类主要为颤藻、绿藻,化学需氧量降低了55%,总磷降低了46%,总氮降低了56%。  相似文献   

当今城市大气污染物中 6 0 %— 70 %来自机动车的排放 ,而其中很大部分是柴油车的排放。作者对柴油车在城市生活中的重要地位、对在用柴油车的技术改造措施和城市环境保护的其他举措进行了研究探讨 ,提出了一些具体方案  相似文献   

On December 16, 1993, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the final rule on reformulated gasoline (RFG). This rule will affect the composition of as much as 45% of the gasoline used in the United States by the summer of 1995. The acceptance of any gasoline component lies in its ability to contribute to the RFG program's environmental goals. This study was conducted to determine the effect of water and ethanol denaturant on gasoline Reid vapor pressure (RVP) for which little quantitative data are available. This paper addresses two new areas where environmental goals may be achieved while maintaining the use of ethanol-blended gasolines within ozone nonattainment areas.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The tailings produce acid mine drainage (AMD) due to sulfide minerals, especially pyrite oxidation. AMD has caused serious pollution to the...  相似文献   

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