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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In recent years, special attention has been given to emission research that led to the deposition of toxicants from road traffic. Thus, it is...  相似文献   

Eighteen consecutive 12-h ambient aerosol samples were obtained in Houston, TX, as part of a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency visibility study in that city. The samples were collected on Teflon, Nuclepore and quartz filters by means of dichotomous samplers and were analyzed for mass, elemental and ionic species concentrations by β-ray attenuation. X-ray fluorescence, ion chromatography, colorimetry, instrumental neutron activation analysis and pyrolysis. The specimens and analytical data were distributed to participants of the Mathematical and Empirical Receptor Models Workshop (Quail Roost II), to provide a basis for comparison of source apportionment procedures. Certain workshop participants undertook further analyses of the specimens by X-ray powder diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with automated image analysis and X-ray energy spectroscopy and analytical light microscopy. This report describes all of these analytical procedures. Also, through prototype comparison mechanisms, the elemental, compound and individual particle data are reduced to a common basis (elemental composition), permitting intercomparisons of results from different methods. In general, the intercomparisons suggest that each analytical technique has certain advantages and limitations for receptor modeling and that the various techniques are best viewed as complimentary. Combinations of analytical approaches can lead to improved source resolution in the apportionment calculations.  相似文献   

北京高校校园道路灰尘重金属污染特征及健康风险评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了解高校校园道路灰尘重金属污染特征及其可能带来的健康风险,在北京10所高校共采集了50个道路灰尘样品,测定了灰尘中Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、Cd和Pb的浓度,采用美国环境保护署(USEPA)推荐的健康风险评价模型对高校道路灰尘重金属做了初步的健康风险评价。结果表明,北京10所高校校园道路灰尘中Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、Cd和Pb的平均质量浓度分别为0.77、85.07、82.41、34.03、54.30、308.31mg/kg,均高于北京土壤重金属背景值。10所高校的重金属平均地累积指数(Igeo)排序为ZnCdCuCrPbNi,其中Zn、Cd和Cu处于中度污染水平,Cr和Pb处于轻度污染水平,Ni处于无污染水平。对于非致癌风险,呈现摄食皮肤接触呼吸吸入的特征,摄食是主要的暴露途径,Cr和Pb是主要的风险元素。对于致癌风险,Cr、Ni、Cd的致癌风险均低于风险阈值。高校校园道路灰尘重金属引起的健康风险处于较低水平。  相似文献   

The continuing upsurge in residential wood combustion has raised questions about potential adverse effects on ambient air quality. A study to investigate the effects of wood-burning emissions on ambient aerosol concentrations was conducted in Waterbury, Vermont, from January to March 1982. Data on total, inhalable and respirable particles (24-h averages) were collected at a central monitoring site and augmented with similar measurements at two auxiliary stations. Mass concentrations were determined gravimetrically and selected samples were analyzed for elemental composition (XRF), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (GC/MS, HPLC), and organic and elemental carbon (thermal-optical method). In addition, continuous data from an integrating nephelometer and a meteorological data acquisition system were collected at the central site. This paper presents results of organic and elemental characterization of wintertime aerosol and examines several different source-apportionment methods, focusing on the contribution of residential wood combustion to measured ambient concentrations.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) are widely used to treat various diseases in China and some countries, and TCM products are becoming increasingly...  相似文献   

以某废弃硫酸厂场地为研究对象,对该场地土壤中As、Cd、Cu、Pb、Zn的污染特征进行分析,并对该场地进行健康风险评估。采用单因子污染指数法、主成分分析和相关性分析对场地重金属污染特征及污染来源进行分析,并评价目标污染物的健康风险。结果表明,Zn、Cd、As、Pb、Cu最大超标倍数分别为18.86、320.25、466.00、132.50、12.42倍。污染比较严重的区域主要分布在厂区的原堆渣场、磷石膏、硫酸以及锌锭的生产车间,随着土壤深度的增加,污染物都发生了不同程度的垂向迁移。As、Pb具有同源性,来源于工业废渣的裸露堆放;Zn、Cd来源于硫酸以及锌锭生产车间,Cu与其他重金属具有相似的污染途径,受废渣堆放、硫酸生产、锌锭制造的共同影响。根据健康风险评价结果,土壤中As、Cd、Pb均超出可接受风险水平,是后续场地修复的目标污染物。  相似文献   

The metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro is one of the twenty biggest urban agglomerations in the world, with 11 million inhabitants in the metropolitan area, and has a high population density, with 1700 hab. km?2. For this aerosol source apportionment study, the atmospheric aerosol sampling was performed at ten sites distributed in different locations of the metropolitan area from September/2003 to December/2005, with sampling during 24 h on a weekly basis. Stacked filter units (SFU) were used to collect fine and coarse aerosol particles with a flow rate of 17 L min?1. In both size fractions trace elements were analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) as well as water-soluble species by Ion-Chromatography (IC). Also gravimetric analysis and reflectance measurements provided aerosol mass and black carbon concentrations. Very good detection limits for up to 42 species were obtained. Mean annual PM10 mass concentration ranged from 20 to 37 μg m?3, values that are within the Brazilian air quality standards. Receptor models such as principal factor analysis, cluster analysis and absolute principal factor analysis were applied in order to identify and quantify the aerosol sources. For fine and coarse modes, circa of 100% of the measured mass was quantitatively apportioned to relatively few identified aerosol sources. A very similar and consistent source apportionment was obtained for both fine and coarse modes for all 10 sampling sites. Soil dust is an important component, accounting for 22–72% and for 25–48% of the coarse and fine mass respectively. On the other hand, anthropogenic sources as vehicle traffic and oil combustion represent a relatively high contribution (52–75%) of the fine aerosol mass. The joint use of ICP-MS and IC analysis of species in aerosols has proven to be reliable and feasible for the analysis of large amount of samples, and the coupling with receptor models provided an excellent method for quantitative aerosol source apportionment in large urban areas.  相似文献   

This study was conducted in order to investigate the differences observed in source profiles in the urban environment, when chemical composition parameters from different aerosol size fractions are subjected to factor analysis. Source apportionment was performed in an urban area where representative types of emission sources are present. PM10 and PM2 samples were collected within the Athens Metropolitan area and analysed for trace elements, inorganic ions and black carbon. Analysis by two-way and three-way Positive Matrix Factorization was performed, in order to resolve sources from data obtained for the fine and coarse aerosol fractions. A difference was observed: seven factors describe the best solution in PMF3 while six factors in PMF2. Six factors derived from PMF3 analysis correspond to those described by the PMF2 solution for the fine and coarse particles separately. These sources were attributed to road dust, marine aerosol, soil, motor vehicles, biomass burning, and oil combustion. The additional source resolved by PMF3 was attributed to a different type of road dust. Combustion sources (oil combustion and biomass burning) were correctly attributed by PMF3 solely to the fine fraction and the soil source to the coarse fraction. However, a motor vehicle's contribution to the coarse fraction was found only by three-way PMF. When PMF2 was employed in PM10 concentrations the optimum solution included six factors. Four source profiles corresponded to the previously identified as vehicles, road dust, biomass burning and marine aerosol, while two could not be clearly identified. Source apportionment by PMF2 analysis based solely on PM10 aerosol composition data, yielded unclear results, compared to results from PMF2 and PMF3 analyses on fine and coarse aerosol composition data.  相似文献   

南京大气细粒子中重金属污染特征及来源解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用2011年1月、4月、7月和10月在南京市区和北郊采集的气溶胶样品,研究了南京大气细粒子中zn、Ph、Hg、As和cd5种重金属的污染水平,通过元素相关性分析和因子分析方法,对细粒子中这些重金属的污染来源进行了初步解析。结果表明,南京大气细粒子及其重金属污染严重,北郊普遍比市区严重;As严重超标,cd在南京北郊超标约5倍,zn在市区与北郊的质量浓度均高于其他重金属元素。每种重金属的浓度均随季节而变化。市区细粒子中,As和zn可能主要与燃煤、轮胎灰尘和建筑扬尘等有关,Pb、Hg和cd主要来自交通尘、城市垃圾焚烧等。北郊细粒子中,As、Hg和zn主要来源于燃煤、钢铁冶炼等工业,Pb和cd主要与农作物秸秆燃烧、汽车尾气、道路扬尘等影响有关。  相似文献   

太原市降水化学特征及来源分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究采集了2012年3—11月间35场太原降水样品,探讨了pH值、电导率和水溶性化学组成特征.结果表明,降水pH加权平均值为5.27;电导率平均值为98.8 μS/cm,表明大气污染显著;SO42-(471.8 μeq/L)、NO3-(93.6 μeq/L)、Ca2+(477.4 μeq/L)和NH4+(133.4 μeq/L)是太原降水的主导离子,4种离子占总离子浓度的85%.SO42-/NO3-当量浓度比为4.38,比太原市1986年的比值(19.02)下降了77%.太原降水的酸性仍以SO42-主导,但NO3-比例大幅上升.降水离子相关性分析和气团后向轨迹表明太原市大气污染物主要来自自身排污企业(热电厂、钢铁厂等)污染物的扩散以及省内焦化企业污染物的输送等小尺度区域内.太原市硫的湿沉降量为1.93 t/(km2·a);氮湿沉降量为1.54 t/(km2·a),其中铵态氮和硝态氮分别为1.28 t/(km2·a)和0.26 t/(km2·a);钙为5.87 t/(km2·a).  相似文献   

Information about heavy metal concentrations in food products and their dietary intake are essential for assessing the health risk of local inhabitants. The main purposes of the present study were (1) to investigate the concentrations of Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cd in several vegetables and fruits cultivated in Baia Mare mining area (Romania); (2) to assess the human health risk associated with the ingestion of contaminated vegetables and fruits by calculating the daily intake rate (DIR) and the target hazard quotient (THQ); and (3) to establish some recommendations on human diet in order to assure an improvement in food safety. The concentration order of heavy metals in the analyzed vegetable and fruit samples was Zn?>?Cu?>?Pb?>?Cd. The results showed the heavy metals are more likely to accumulate in vegetables (10.8–630.6 mg/kg dw for Zn, 1.4–196.6 mg/kg dw for Cu, 0.2–155.7 mg/kg dw for Pb, and 0.03–6.61 mg/kg dw for Cd) than in fruits (4.9–55.9 mg/kg dw for Zn, 1.9–24.7 mg/kg dw for Cu, 0.04–8.82 mg/kg dw for Pb, and 0.01–0.81 mg/kg dw for Cd). Parsley, kohlrabi, and lettuce proved to be high heavy metal accumulators. By calculating DIR and THQ, the data indicated that consumption of parsley, kohlrabi, and lettuce from the area on a regular basis may pose high potential health risks to local inhabitants, especially in the area located close to non-ferrous metallurgical plants (Romplumb SA and Cuprom SA) and close to T?u?ii de Sus tailings ponds. The DIR for Zn (85.3–231.6 μg/day kg body weight) and Cu (25.0–44.6 μg/day kg body weight) were higher in rural areas, while for Pb (0.6–3.1 μg/day kg body weight) and Cd (0.22–0.82 μg/day kg body weight), the DIR were higher in urban areas, close to the non-ferrous metallurgical plants SC Romplumb SA and SC Cuprom SA. The THQ for Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cd was higher than 5 for <1, <1, 12, and 6 % of samples which indicates that those consumers may experience major health risks.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), as a class of important environmental pollutants, have received considerable concern due to their widespread...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In this study, levels of ten metals (arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, iron, manganese, nickel, lead, and zinc) in muscles of farmed and...  相似文献   

海浪河水环境重金属污染健康风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为阐明海浪河地表水体中重金属污染物的分布特征与风险水平,对研究区域内As、Cd、Zn、Cu、Pb、Mn等重金属污染物浓度进行了分析检测,并采用美国环境保护局(USEPA)推荐的健康风险评价模型对水体中重金属引起的健康风险进行了评价。结果表明,各采样点的重金属监测数据中As、Cd、Zn 和Cu均达到Ⅱ类水质标准,符合水环境功能区划要求,Pb是海浪河主要超标污染物。海浪河重金属As和Cd的健康风险值远远大于Zn、Cu、Pb和Mn的健康风险值,风险值相差4~5个数量级。致癌物As的健康风险值最大,在S5和S6采样点分别达到了5.81×10-5和9.43×10-5a-1,均高于最大可接受风险水平5.0×10-5a-1。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Humans who are exposed to metals in road dust may have potential health risks through touching, ingesting, and inhaling the suspended road dust. There...  相似文献   

In this work the performance and theoretical background behind two of the most commonly used receptor modelling methods in aerosol science, principal components analysis (PCA) and positive matrix factorization (PMF), as well as multivariate curve resolution by alternating least squares (MCR-ALS) and weighted alternating least squares (MCR-WALS), are examined. The performance of the four methods was initially evaluated under standard operational conditions, and modifications regarding data pre-treatment were then included. The methods were applied using raw and scaled data, with and without uncertainty estimations. Strong similarities were found among the sources identified by PMF and MCR-WALS (weighted models), whereas discrepancies were obtained with MCR-ALS (unweighted model). Weighting of input data by means of uncertainty estimates was found to be essential to obtain robust and accurate factor identification. The use of scaled (as opposed to raw) data highlighted the contribution of trace elements to the compositional profiles, which was key to the correct interpretation of the nature of the sources. Our results validate the performance of MCR-WALS for aerosol pollution studies.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - PM2.5 (i.e., particles with aerodynamic diameters less than 2.5&nbsp;μm) and the associated water-soluble, dissolved, and labile fractions of...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The emission sources and their health risks of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in Siheung, Republic of Korea, were investigated as a middle-sized...  相似文献   

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