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针对城镇分散型污水处理的特点,开发了一种清洁型一体化污水处理系统.该系统由立体循环一体化氧化沟(IODVC)、污泥减量区和臭气处理区优化整合而成.中试试验结果表明:该系统可以使微生物有效处理污水,并实现污泥减量和臭味气体净化.经该系统处理的污水,出水COD、NH4 -N、SS的浓度维持在35 mg/L、1 mg/L和20 mg/L以下;同时,臭味气体得到有效去除,氨气和硫化氢等臭味气体可以达标排放;经过生物减量,排放的剩余污泥减少了46.4%;污泥的比阻有所降低.本系统占地少,运行操作简便,无二次污染,属于适合中小型污水处理的技术工艺.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The present study investigated the performance of an integrated system, combining the sequential use of microalgae (MA) and vertical flow constructed...  相似文献   

建立了气浮旋流耦合装置.测试了气浮旋流耦合装置的分离效果,实验表明,在加气量质量比为0.003~0.020,含油污水浓度为50~300 mg/L条件下,气浮旋流耦合装置可比单纯的旋流分离装置的分离效率提高10%~50%.  相似文献   

用于含油污水处理的气浮旋流耦合技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立了气浮旋流耦合装置。测试了气浮旋流耦合装置的分离效果,实验表明,在加气量质量比为0.003-0.020,含油污水浓度为50—300mg/L条件下,气浮旋流耦合装置可比单纯的旋流分离装置的分离效率提高10%,50%。  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission in wastewater treatment plants of the pulp-and-paper industry was estimated by using a dynamic mathematical model. Significant variations were shown in the magnitude of GHG generation in response to variations in operating parameters, demonstrating the limited capacity of steady-state models in predicting the time-dependent emissions of these harmful gases. The examined treatment systems used aerobic, anaerobic, and hybrid—anaerobic/aerobic—biological processes along with chemical coagulation/flocculation, anaerobic digester, nitrification and denitrification processes, and biogas recovery. The pertinent operating parameters included the influent substrate concentration, influent flow rate, and temperature. Although the average predictions by the dynamic model were only 10 % different from those of steady-state model during 140 days of operation of the examined systems, the daily variations of GHG emissions were different up to ±30, ±19, and ±17 % in the aerobic, anaerobic, and hybrid systems, respectively. The variations of process variables caused fluctuations in energy generation from biogas recovery by ±16, ±17, and ±14 % in the three examined systems, respectively. The lowest variations were observed in the hybrid system, showing the stability of this particular process design.  相似文献   

为全面了解我国城市生活污水处理系统的甲烷排放现状及未来趋势,根据政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)清单计算方法核算了2000—2015年我国生活污水处理系统的甲烷排放量。基于嵌入中国生活污水处理系统甲烷排放IPCC清单计算方法的系统动力学(SD)模型,模拟分析了2015—2050年基线情景和7种减排情景下的甲烷排放达峰和减排潜力。结果表明:我国生活污水处理系统甲烷排放总量从2000年的32.15×104 t升至2015年64.78×104 t,其中,污水处理过程中的甲烷排放量增长迅速,生活污水直接排入自然水体及经过处理后排放的甲烷排放量无明显增长;在模拟时段(2015—2050年)内,基线情景、节约用水情景、污水回用情景和节水回用情景中未出现生活污水处理系统甲烷排放峰值,在污水产生源头采取减排措施只能减缓增长速度,无法达到甲烷排放峰值;不同情景下的甲烷排放达峰时间及峰值不同,单一减排情景下的甲烷排放峰值出现在2035年后,而组合减排情景的峰值出现在2035年前,其中全程减排情景峰值出现在2024年;单一减排情景中污水回用减排潜力较好,可将其作为减排重点方向;而组合减排情景中全程减排情景具有最大减排潜力。本研究表明,未来生活污水处理系统甲烷排放量仍呈不断上升趋势,采用多手段协同减排可实现预期时间内污水处理系统甲烷排放达峰.  相似文献   

The increasing attention to agricultural exports and sustainability issues is driving a surge of interest in the life cycle assessment (LCAs) of greenhouse crop production in Albania. Meanwhile, most of the reported agricultural LCAs tend to be generic without considering regionalized environmental sensitivities. In this study, ReCiPe 2016, covering 18 midpoint indicators and 3 endpoint indicators was used to generate a full-fledged cradle-to-farm gate LCA of greenhouse tomatoes in a typical Albanian farm including spatial differentiation and indicators not covered by contemporary LCAs. The most important midpoint categories per 1 ha identified from foreground–background analysis were global warming (2660.4 kg CO2-eq), stratospheric ozone depletion (0.0308 kg CFC11-eq), particulate matter formation (7.99 kg PM2.5-eq), human health and ecosystem ozone formation (8.47 and 14.95 kg NOx-eq), water consumption (2293.23 m3), and terrestrial acidification (42.28 kg SO2-eq). The application of spatial differentiation resulted in higher impacts with about 21% for particulate matter formation, 12% for human health ozone formation, 134% for ecosystem ozone formation, 19% for terrestrial acidification, and 13% for water consumption. The impacts primarily originated from nitrogen-based fertilizer emissions and diesel fuel with the origin of the impact from nitrous oxide (N2O), ammonia volatilization (NH3), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs). Water consumption was dominated by irrigation water use. Overall, at the endpoint level, 9% and 24% less cumulative damage to human health and ecosystem quality were calculated with respect to the site-generic analysis primarily from the cause-and-effect chain of water consumption (mainly lower water stress index). This affirms the importance of regional considerations in LCA calculations to reflect the impacts accordingly (i.e., the magnitude of impacts, the most relevant midpoint categories, and their relevance on endpoint level) and increase the possibility of making correct conclusions and sub-optimizations, i.e., increase the discriminating power of LCA.  相似文献   

为深入了解农村污水处理设施的实际进水水质特征,以江苏省20个村庄内生活污水处理设施的进水为研究对象,开展为期1年的水质监测。结果表明,设施进水水质呈季节性变化规律,污染物浓度1月份最高,7月份最低。进水主要污染物指标分布规律为:春夏秋冬四季化学需氧量(COD)低浓度范畴(COD≤ 100 mg·L-1)占样本总数的比例最大,分别为66.7%、68.4%、77.8%和40.9%;总磷(TP)浓度低于3 mg·L-1的样本数占总数比例最大,分别为春季53.3%、夏季63.2%、秋季66.7%和冬季36.4%。总氮(TN)与NH4+-N随季节变化规律相同,夏季处理设施进水中低浓度范畴(TN≤ 20 mg·L-1、NH4+-N≤ 15 mg·L-1)占总数比例最大,分别为42.1%、44.7%。冬季处理设施进水TN、NH4+-N浓度主要变化范围分别是40~85 mg·L-1和35~70 mg·L-1,属中高浓度范畴,占样本总数的36.4%和54.5%。设施进水C/N偏低,年均值为3.9;NH4+-N占TN比例较高,年均值为68.9%。农村生活污水处理设施的设计,应以设施进水端水质为基准,以确保出水水质达标和防止资源浪费。  相似文献   

通过现场实验评价了漂浮植物塘配合化粪池处理农村分散生活污水的效果。实验结果表明,漂浮植物有效地抑制了污染水体中藻类的生长;在平均水力停留时间为36 d,COD、TN、TP平均污染负荷分别为3.1、0.86和0.056 g/(m2.d)的条件下,大薸塘对COD、TN、TP的平均去除率分别为68.5%、89.9%和85.2%,出水COD、TN和TP平均浓度分别为47、4.15和0.40 mg/L,达到GB18918-2002中的一级A标准。在水乡地区利用漂浮植物与农村宅河构造漂浮植物处理系统,是一种深度处理化粪池出水、控制农村生活污水对河道造成污染的有效措施。  相似文献   

3种典型地区农村污水排放特征调查分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
目前,我国农村污水的处理率很低,农村污染问题日益受到关注。为了深入了解我国农村污水特征,在北京、浙江和云南等地分别选择水库水源地保护区、河网地区和风景旅游区内的村庄进行农村污水排放特征的调查研究,以期为农村污水治理提供准确的基础数据。调查方法包括资料调研、入户调查和现场采样监测。结果表明,生活污水和畜禽养殖污水与粪便是村落的主要点污染源,不同区域农村用水习惯不同,污水排放规律差异较大;河网地区的村落对河浜污染状况非常严重,成为隐性污染源;旅游风景区内村庄污水特征受季节影响显著。  相似文献   

污水处理的高能耗和新能源利用已引起人们的关注,本文根据太阳光照强度的周期变化和农村污水昼夜排放量悬殊的特征,提出了一种新型的利用无蓄电池太阳能光伏系统驱动的污水生物处理系统,可有效降低太阳能光伏系统的成本。生物反应器是一个双沟式一体化氧化沟。按照启动的用电设备的数量,一体化氧化沟具有5种运行方式。在不同的运行方式下,一体化氧化沟的内沟和外沟具有不同的功能,其中运行方式3到运行方式5对污染物去除效率最高。采用阶梯型电量输出模式,可以充分利用太阳能,并保障一体化氧化沟的高效运行时间。在160 d的连续运行实验中,COD、氨氮、总氮和总磷的平均去除率分别为87.8%、98.4%、68.7%和80.3%。证明无蓄电池太阳能光伏系统驱动污水生物反应器处理农村分散污水是可行的。  相似文献   

Sun  Xinran  Liu  Yu  Li  Yangyang  Chai  Shengyang  Zhang  Hao  Liu  Yongdi  Zhao  Guishen  Li  Ji  Xu  Ting  Wei  Yuquan 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2023,30(4):9048-9059
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Dairy farm bedding can be produced by composting technology using dairy manure, which offers advantages in terms of cost, availability, and economic...  相似文献   

油气生产过程是甲烷重点排放源,对气候变化产生显著影响。采用便携式火焰离子检测器 (FID) 和Hi-Flow大流量仪等设备,对我国某油田3座油气处理场站甲烷泄漏排放特征进行了研究,明确了组件泄漏率,量化了重点源项甲烷排放速率,构建了设备设施甲烷排放因子,开展了甲烷排放量核算并提出了管控建议。结果表明,该油田油气处理场站设备组件与管线的甲烷泄漏率为0.7%~1.2%,压力表、阀门和储罐等在泄漏源项中占比较高。不同类型泄漏组件甲烷排放速率具有显著差异,处理场站的甲烷排放速率为111.66~274.63 L·min−1。单个储罐和场站的甲烷排放因子分别为989.9 L·h−1和0.19 L·m3。3座场站年度甲烷排放量为303 783.40 m3,储罐是首要排放源,对总排放量贡献占比为94.1%。组件泄漏导致的甲烷排放主要源于高强度排放源,15%的泄漏点贡献了排放量的88.4%。该研究结果可为油田油气处理场站泄漏防控和温室气体排放控制提供参考。  相似文献   

Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA), a feature of the Life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology, is used in this work outside the LCA framework, as a means to quantify the potential environmental impacts on ecotoxicity and human toxicity of wastewater containing priority and emerging pollutants. In order to do this, so-called characterisation factors are obtained for 98 frequently detected pollutants, using two characterisation models, EDIP97 and USES-LCA. The applicability of this methodology is shown in a case study in which wastewater influent and effluent samples from a Spanish wastewater treatment plant located in the Mediterranean coast were analysed. Characterisation factors were applied to the average concentration of each pollutant, obtaining impact scores for different scenarios: discharging wastewater to aquatic recipient, and using it for crop irrigation. The results show that treated wastewater involves a substantially lower environmental impact when compared to the influent, and pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) are very important contributors to toxicity in this wastewater. Ciprofloxacin, fluoxetine, and nicotine constitute the main PPCPs of concern in this case study, while 2,3,7,8-TCDD, Nickel, and hexachlorobenzene are the priority pollutants with highest contribution. Nevertheless, it must be stressed that the new characterisation factors are based on very limited data, especially with regard to toxicology, and therefore they must be seen as a first screening to be improved in the future when more and higher quality data is available.  相似文献   

针对我国国情,应用分区曝气的原理开发了一款适用于乡村污水治理的单户型一体化污水处理设备。以常熟市某生活污水处理厂旋流沉砂池的进水为处理对象,对该设备的性能进行研究。结果表明,设备在水力停留时间(HRT)为10 h、曝气量为1.2 m3·h-1、回流比为1∶1时达到最佳工况点,出水COD、NH+4-N及SS达到1级A标准,TN达到1级B标准(GB 18918-2002)。研究发现,非曝气Ⅰ区内的填充介质有助于形成反应器内部的厌氧微环境,从而可以抑制回流液中的溶解氧对该区反硝化反应的不利影响。设备停运后的恢复能力与停运时间及环境温度等因素有关,而分区曝气工艺与固定床技术在设备停运恢复能力较弱时对出水水质有一定的缓冲作用。  相似文献   


This study investigated organic matter (OM) and nutrient removal efficiency of mixed algal species from slaughterhouse wastewater (SWW) by using photo-bioreactor. For this purpose, different dilution multiples of 10, 4, and 2 were applied to the SWW, and pure wastewater was finally used for algal cultivation. OM and nutrient removal performance in an algal photo-bioreactor were severely affected by the dilution ratio. After 7 days of cultivation, the highest removal percentages of total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP) were 89.6, 70.2, and 96.2 %, respectively. Furthermore, the changes in eukaryotic algae and cyanobacterial species in the algal photo-bioreactors were investigated using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) techniques. The results indicated that cyanobacterial species were more efficient than eukaryotic species in removing nutrients from the SWW. This study suggests that mixed algal photo-bioreactors could be used efficiently in the treatment of SWW.


Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The energy potential of high-organic loaded agro-industrial effluents receiving biological treatment is often neglected, particularly in emergent...  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the effects on the environment of small clinics solid waste management by applying a life cycle analysis approach. Samples were collected from 371 private clinics situated in densely populated areas of Hyderabad, Pakistan. The solid waste from surveyed clinics was categorically quantified on daily basis for 30 consecutive days. The functional unit for waste was defined as 1 tonne. System limitations were defined as landfilling, incineration, composting, material recovery, and transportation of solid waste. The treatment and disposal methods were assessed according to their greenhouse gas emission rate. For the evaluation, three different scenarios were designed. The second scenario resulted in the highest emission value of 1491.78 kg CO2 eq/tonne of solid waste due to mixed waste incineration, whereas the first scenario could not offer any saving because of uncovered landfilling and 67.5% higher transport fuel consumption than the proposed network. The proposed third scenario was found to be a better solution for urban clinics solid waste management, as it resulted in savings of 951.38 kg CO2 eq/tonne of solid waste. This integrated design is practicable by resource-constrained economy. This system consists of composting, material recovery, and incineration of hazardous waste. The proposed system also includes a feasible transportation method for urban area collection networks. The findings of the present study can play a vital role in documenting evidence and for policymakers to plan the solid waste management of clinics, as previously no studies have been conducted on this particular case.

Implications: This study aims to highlight the impact of small clinics solid waste management scenarios on the environment in a developing country’s urban area. Life cycle analysis is used for comparison of greenhouse gase emission from different scenarios, including the purposed integrated method. Small clinics play a very important role in health care, and their waste management is a very serious issue; however, there are no previous studies on this particular case to the best knowledge of the authors. This study can be considered as forerunner effort to quantify the environmental footprint of small clinics solid waste in urban areas of a developing country.  相似文献   

随着半干法烟气脱硫技术的普及,其副产物脱硫灰的产量亦日益增加.大量堆存的脱硫灰导致了土地占用、环境污染等问题.氧化和填埋是半干法烟气脱硫灰主要的处理方式,采用生命周期评价(LCA)理论,对脱硫灰氧化和填埋处理进行清单分析,定量评价两种处理方式产生的环境影响和经济效益.结果表明,填埋处理环境代价虽低于脱硫灰氧化处理,但综...  相似文献   

In this paper the authors have estimated for 1990 and 1995 the inventory of greenhouse gases CO2, CH4 and N2O for India at a national and sub-regional district level. The district level estimates are important for improving the national inventories as well as for developing sound mitigation strategies at manageable smaller scales. Our estimates indicate that the total CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions from India were 592.5, 17, 0.2 and 778, 18, 0.3 Tg in 1990 and 1995, respectively. The compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of these gases over this period were 6.3, 1.2 and 3.3%, respectively. The districts have been ranked according to their order of emissions and the relatively large emitters are termed as hotspots. A direct correlation between coal consumption and districts with high CO2 emission was observed. CO2 emission from the largest 10% emitters increased by 8.1% in 1995 with respect to 1990 and emissions from rest of the districts decreased over the same period, thereby indicating a skewed primary energy consumption pattern for the country. Livestock followed by rice cultivation were the dominant CH4 emitting sources. The waste sector though a large CH4 emitter in the developed countries, only contributed about 10% the total CH4 emission from all sources as most of the waste generated in India is allowed to decompose aerobically. N2O emissions from the use of nitrogen fertilizer were maximum in both the years (more than 60% of the total N2O). High emission intensities, in terms of CO2 equivalent, are in districts of Gangetic plains, delta areas, and the southern part of the country. These overlap with districts with large coal mines, mega power plants, intensive paddy cultivation and high fertilizer use. The study indicates that the 25 highest emitting districts account for more than 37% of all India CO2 equivalent GHG emissions. Electric power generation has emerged as the dominant source of GHG emissions, followed by emissions from steel and cement plants. It is therefore suggested, to target for GHG mitigation, the 40 largest coal-based thermal plants, five largest steel plants and 15 largest cement plants in India as the first step.  相似文献   

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