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The present work aims at evaluating the ability of the River Tiber natural microbial community to degrade naproxen in water samples collected downstream from a wastewater treatment plant. For this purpose, different water microcosms were set up (microbiologically active vs sterile ones) and treated with naproxen (100 μg/L) alone or in the co-presence of gemfibrozil in order to evaluate if the co-presence of the latter had an influence on naproxen degradation. The experiment was performed in the autumn and was compared with the same experimental set performed in spring of the same year to highlight if seasonal differences in the river water influenced the naproxen degradation. Pharmaceutical concentrations and microbial analysis (total cell number, viability, and microbial community composition) were performed at different times in the degradation experiments. The overall results show that the natural microbial community in the river water had a key role in the naproxen degradation. In fact, although there was a transient negative effect on the natural microbial community in all the experiments (3 h after adding the pharmaceutical), the latter was able to degrade naproxen within about 40 days. On the contrary, no decrease in the pharmaceutical concentration was observed in the sterile river water. Moreover, the co-presence of the two drugs lengthened the naproxen lag phase. As regards the natural microbial community composition detected by Fluorescence in situ Hybridization, Alpha and Gamma-Proteobacteria increased when the pharmaceutical halved, suggesting their role in the degradation. This study shows that with the concentration studied, naproxen was degraded by the natural microbial populations collected from a river chronically contaminated by this pharmaceutical.  相似文献   

Wijnbladh E  Jönsson BF  Kumblad L 《Ambio》2006,35(8):484-495
Studies of carbon fluxes in marine ecosystems are often done by using box model approaches with basin size boxes, or highly resolved 3D models, and an emphasis on the pelagic component of the ecosystem. Those approaches work well in the ocean proper, but can give rise to considerable problems when applied to coastal systems, because of the scale of certain ecological niches and the fact that benthic organisms are the dominant functional group of the ecosystem. In addition, 3D models require an extensive modeling effort. In this project, an intermediate approach based on a high resolution (20x20 m) GIS data-grid has been developed for the coastal ecosystem in the Laxemar area (Baltic Sea, Sweden) based on a number of different site investigations. The model has been developed in the context of a safety assessment project for a proposed nuclear waste repository, in which the fate of hypothetically released radionuclides from the planned repository is estimated. The assessment project requires not only a good understanding of the ecosystem dynamics at the site, but also quantification of stocks and flows of matter in the system. The data-grid was then used to set up a carbon budget describing the spatial distribution of biomass, primary production, net ecosystem production and thus where carbon sinks and sources are located in the area. From these results, it was clear that there was a large variation in ecosystem characteristics within the basins and, on a larger scale, that the inner areas are net producing and the outer areas net respiring, even in shallow phytobenthic communities. Benthic processes had a similar or larger influence on carbon fluxes as advective processes in inner areas, whereas the opposite appears to be true in the outer basins. As many radionuclides are expected to follow the pathways of organic matter in the environment, these findings enhance our abilities to realistically describe and predict their fate in the ecosystem.  相似文献   

Mercury presents a potential risk to the environment and humans, especially in its methylated form. It is among the highest priority environmental pollutants. River Idrijca (Slovenia) is highly contaminated with mercury due to past mercury mining. The aim of this work was to investigate whether the periphyton community in rivers such as Idrijca is a suitable indicator of Hg pollution and of changes in mercury methylation and could serve as an early warning system of increased input of MeHg in the food chain. Periphyton is the only site of primary production in temperate torrential rivers such as Idrijca and is therefore an important link in the food chain. It is also a potential site of Hg accumulation and its introduction to higher trophic levels. Our aim was to assess the response of the periphyton to seasonal and spatial variations in mercury levels and to evaluate its potential as an early warning system of changes in mercury reactivity and mobilization The results indicate that periphyton in a torrential river is too complex and unpredictable to be used as a sole indicator of mercury concentrations and changes in the river. Nevertheless, it can complement environmental measurements due to its importance in the riverine food web.  相似文献   

A new in situ gradostat was devised to study the dynamics of natural communities having nutrient gradients within aquatic habitats. This semi-enclosed mesocosm consisted of three components: i.e. three transparent, concentric cylindrical culture chambers, with diameters of 70, 60 and 40 cm, and 20 cm deep, supported by four flotation buoys, a medium reservoir, and a pump to supply the medium to the mesocosm. Water exchange between compartments was achieved via holes in the cylindrical walls, the number and size of the holes being chosen to regulate the rate of exchange. Sterile culture medium was pumped into the central (first) chamber and diffused outwards into the second and third chambers through the perforated walls. Suitable perforations could achieve a concentration gradient of up to 9.5 times between the first and third chambers within 12 h. The system was designed with the following characteristics: (1) an experimental semi-enclosed system in the natural environment; (2) to maintain equivalence with the external water except for the experimental factors; and (3) to form a manipulable gradient of experimental factors across the mesocosm. Using the in situ gradostat, the response of a natural phytoplankton community to a nitrate gradient was determined. A gradient from oligotrophic to eutrophic was maintained for 10 days in an oligotrophic pond. The mean growth rate of phytoplankton was lower in the eutrophic zone than that in the mesotrophic zone, where the highest mean growth rate was observed. The growth rate of each dominant phytoplankter showed its own pattern, but all rates were highest in the mesotrophic environment of the second chamber.  相似文献   

Nematode communities from river water and sediments were assessed for the abundance, feeding types, maturity indices and nematode channel ratio (NCR). The sampling sites studied included different levels of pollution and contamination from agricultural, industrial and sewage sources. The nematode abundance found in the sediment samples was more than that in the water samples. The lowest nematode abundance in sediment samples and the lowest NCR in water samples were both found at the industrial pollution site. Water samples showed positive correlation between the NCR and river pollution index (RPI). Mean maturity indices in sediment samples were inversely correlated with RPI. The pollutant source determined the relationship between NCR and pollution level, while maturity index always showed negative correlation with pollutant level regardless of the pollutant sources. The nematode abundance and its community structure were both reliable bioindicators for monitoring long-term river pollution in both qualitative and quantitative aspects.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of environmental parameters and the phytoplankton community were investigated in October 2010 and January 2011 in the Qinhuai River, Nanjing, China. Results showed that the water quality in the study area was generally poor, and the main parameters exceeding standards (level V) were nitrogen and phosphorus. The observed average concentrations of the total nitrogen (TN) were 4.90 mg?L?1 in autumn and 9.29 mg?L?1 in winter, and those of the total phosphorus (TP) were 0.24 mg?L?1 in autumn and 0.88 mg?L?1 in winter, respectively. Thirty-seven species, 30 genera, and four phyla of phytoplankton were detected in the river. Cyanophyta and Bacillariophyta were the dominant phyla in autumn, with average abundance and biomass of 221.5?×?104?cells?L?1 and 4.41 mg?L?1, respectively. The dominant population in winter was Bacillariophyta, and the average abundance and biomass were 153.4?×?104?cells?L?1 and 6.58 mg?L?1, respectively. The results of canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) between environmental parameters and phytoplankton communities showed that Chlorophyta could tolerate the higher concentrations of the permanganate index, nitrogen, and phosphorus in eutrophic water; Bacillariophyta could adapt well to changing water environments; and the TN/TP ratio had obvious impacts on the distributions of Cyanophyta, Euglenophyta, and some species of Chlorophyta. CCA analyses for autumn and winter data revealed that the main environmental parameters influencing phytoplankton distribution were water temperature, conductivity, and total nitrogen, and the secondary factors were dissolved oxygen, NH4 +–N, NO3–N, TN, CODMn, TN/TP ratio, and oxidation-reduction potential.  相似文献   

Wong CK  Wong CK 《Chemosphere》2003,52(9):1633-1640
A red tide was detected in the inner parts of Tolo Harbour, Hong Kong, in November 2000. Water samples were collected from a fixed station at the centre of the red tide patch for microscopic analysis of phytoplankton community composition and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of phytoplankton pigments. At the peak of the red tide on 24 November 2000, phytoplankton was dominated by the dinoflagellate Scrippsiella trochoidea. The red tide began to decline at the end of November and, by 1 December 2000, the phytoplankton was dominated by diatoms. Chlorophylls and carotenoids in water samples were analysed using HPLC pigment separation technique. Dinoflagellates were indicated by the signature pigment peridinin. Significant correlation (r=0.999) was found between the peridinin concentration and dinoflagellate density. A decrease in peridinin and an increase in fucoxanthin, a major carotenoid in diatoms, marked the shift in phytoplankton composition at the end of the red tide. HPLC analysis also revealed the occurrence of minor phytoplankton groups that are difficult to identify by light microscopy. Red tide monitoring and study of red tide dynamics in Hong Kong have been based on cell counting and spectrophotometric or fluorometric measurement of chlorophyll a. HPLC pigment analysis provides an effective alternative for investigating phytoplankton dynamics during red tide and other algal blooms.  相似文献   

The toxic effect of a combined sewer overflow (CSO) on the phytoplankton community of the river Seine has been studied by means of short-term primary production measurements. As the discharged solids usually do not remain in the water column, only filtered or centrifugated fractions were tested. The collected phytoplankton were grown in the laboratory for 2 days, after addition of N, P and EDTA. Stock cultures in exponential growth were directly tested with heavy metals, but resuspended algal cells were used for effluent testing. The results show an increase of EC50 value for the single metal species in the order Cu相似文献   

大莲湖生态修复工程对浮游植物群落结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为构建稳定的大莲湖生态系统,对大莲湖生态修复区内采取了地型塑造、水系沟通、植被恢复和人工增殖放流等措施,分析了生态修复区浮游植物,营养盐的变化状况和放流鱼类生长情况。结果显示,生态修复实施后,水体中藻细胞密度较人工养殖池塘明显下降,藻类结构发生明显变化,蓝藻所占比重逐渐减小,水体中的氮,磷和叶绿素明显下降;放流鱼种生长...  相似文献   

Ambient levels of ozone have been measured at 46 mountain forest, desert, Class I Wilderness areas and other remote locations using a network of passive samplers. Typical values were 40-80 ppb (2 week samples) and exhibited temporal variations (studied for up to 1 year) as well as changes with elevation (studied up to 10 500 ft (3 200 m)). The performance of the passive sampler was evaluated with respect to reproducibility, field controls, data capture (>0.95), precision for co-located samples (av. = 11.9%, n = 103), and the role of other atmospheric oxidants as potential interferents (2 locations). Suggestions for additional sampler performance evaluation and network operation are outlined.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrate communities and environmental variables were assessed seasonally for 1 year in a temporary river in South Portugal receiving an effluent with high conductivity, pH, sulphates, nitrates and low oxygen content. The usefulness of the ordination method canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and the classification method cluster analysis (UPGMA) were examined to evaluate the perturbation. Macroinvertebrate samples were segregated along the first ordination axis by CCA, which in turn correlated with sulphates and nitrates. CCA produced a two-dimensional distribution of sites similar to the grouping formed by cluster analysis. In general, three or four groups were distinguished. Immediately downstream of the effluent discharge point, only taxa tolerant to low oxygen, high pH and high sulphate and nitrate concentrations were present. Further downstream, sites had a community similar to the reference sampling locations. During flowing conditions the CCA ordination axis 1 was also correlated with several classic measures of water quality (i.e. taxon richness, diversity and biotic indices). In other periods, only the percentage of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (%EPT) and the ratio EPT/(Chironomidae + EPT) were significantly correlated with CCA axis one. This suggests that ordination methods outperform benthic indices in detecting pollution during low flows and segregated polluted from clean/recovered sites in all periods.  相似文献   

The continuing upsurge in residential wood combustion has raised questions about potential adverse effects on ambient air quality. A study to investigate the effects of wood-burning emissions on ambient aerosol concentrations was conducted in Waterbury, Vermont, from January to March 1982. Data on total, inhalable and respirable particles (24-h averages) were collected at a central monitoring site and augmented with similar measurements at two auxiliary stations. Mass concentrations were determined gravimetrically and selected samples were analyzed for elemental composition (XRF), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (GC/MS, HPLC), and organic and elemental carbon (thermal-optical method). In addition, continuous data from an integrating nephelometer and a meteorological data acquisition system were collected at the central site. This paper presents results of organic and elemental characterization of wintertime aerosol and examines several different source-apportionment methods, focusing on the contribution of residential wood combustion to measured ambient concentrations.  相似文献   

We report on our recent efforts towards identifying bacteria in environmental samples by means of Raman spectroscopy. We established a database of Raman spectra from bacteria submitted to various environmental conditions. This dataset was used to verify that Raman typing is possible from measurements performed in non-ideal conditions. Starting from the same dataset, we then varied the phenotype and matrix diversity content included in the reference library used to train the statistical model. The results show that it is possible to obtain models with an extended coverage of spectral variabilities, compared to environment-specific models trained on spectra from a restricted set of conditions. Broad coverage models are desirable for environmental samples since the exact conditions of the bacteria cannot be controlled.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The objective of this paper is to provide an efficient framework for effluent trading in river systems. The proposed framework consists of two...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a sustainable technology to treat cattle manure slurry (CMS) for converting chemical energy to bioelectricity. In this...  相似文献   

Accurate quantification of dissolved oxygen (DO) is critically important for managing water resources and controlling pollution. Artificial intelligence (AI) models have been successfully applied for modeling DO content in aquatic ecosystems with limited data. However, the efficacy of these AI models in predicting DO levels in the hypoxic river systems having multiple pollution sources and complicated pollutants behaviors is unclear. Given this dilemma, we developed a promising AI model, known as support vector machine (SVM), to predict the DO concentration in a hypoxic river in southeastern China. Four different calibration models, specifically, multiple linear regression, back propagation neural network, general regression neural network, and SVM, were established, and their prediction accuracy was systemically investigated and compared. A total of 11 hydro-chemical variables were used as model inputs. These variables were measured bimonthly at eight sampling sites along the rural-suburban-urban portion of Wen-Rui Tang River from 2004 to 2008. The performances of the established models were assessed through the mean square error (MSE), determination coefficient (R 2), and Nash-Sutcliffe (NS) model efficiency. The results indicated that the SVM model was superior to other models in predicting DO concentration in Wen-Rui Tang River. For SVM, the MSE, R 2, and NS values for the testing subset were 0.9416 mg/L, 0.8646, and 0.8763, respectively. Sensitivity analysis showed that ammonium-nitrogen was the most significant input variable of the proposal SVM model. Overall, these results demonstrated that the proposed SVM model can efficiently predict water quality, especially for highly impaired and hypoxic river systems.  相似文献   

A three-stage system was developed to automate a batchwise toxicity testing protocol designed for assessing wastewater toxicity to activated sludge. The three-stage system used the luminescent bacterium Shkl. The three stages were cell storage, cell activation, and continuous toxicity testing. Shkl cells were stored in a bioreactor at 4 degrees C when the system was not in use and activated in another bioreactor for use in toxicity tests conducted in a continuous manner. The system could quickly be switched between the "off" and "on" modes, and operation of the system was easy. The stability of the system, in terms of cell density and bioluminescence in the storage and activation bioreactors, and the response of the activated cells to a metal and an organic toxicant were studied. The feasibility of the system design was demonstrated by simulating zinc toxicity episodes in synthetic wastewater. The needs for further modifications and improvements of the system were discussed.  相似文献   

景观富营养水体生态修复对浮游植物群落结构的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
对以再生水为补给水源的北京稻香湖园林水系进行生态修复实验。通过对浮游植物群落和理化指标的分析,探讨浮游植物对生态修复的响应和修复效果。结果显示,生态修复实验实施后,TN、TP、COD和BOD5分别下降62.55%、66.42%、48.53%和40.95%,富营养程度明显降低;浮游植物密度和Chl-a含量分别下降86.1%和77.4%;Shan-non-Weaver物种多样性指数值从生态修复前低于2上升到2.74,且优势种群发生演替。相关分析表明:TP、PO4-P、pH与浮游植物密度呈极显著正相关(P(0.01);TN、NH4-N、NO2-N、COD和DO与浮游植物密度呈显著正相关(P(0.05);Chl-a含量与浮游植物密度呈极显著正相关(P(0.01)。浮游植物群落结构对城市富营养景观水系的生态修复措施表现出明显的响应。  相似文献   

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