Batch adsorption experiments were carried out to study the adsorptive removal and diffusion mechanism of para-chlorophenol (p-CP) onto Calgon Filtrasorb 400 (F400) activated carbon. The external mass transfer resistance is negligible in the adsorption process carried out under different conditions in batch operation. Intraparticle diffusion model plots were used to correlate the batch p-CP adsorption data; three distinct linear sections were obtained for every batch operation. The textural properties of F400 activated carbon showed that it has a large portion of supermicropores, which is comparable to the size of the p-CP molecules. Due to the stronger interactions between p-CP molecules and F400 micropores, p-CP molecules predominantly diffused and occupied active sites in micropore region by hopping mechanism, and eventually followed by a slow filling of mesopores and micropores. This hypothesis is proven by the excellent agreement of the intraparticle diffusion model plots and the textural properties of F400 activated carbon. 相似文献
Bench-scale experiments were conducted in a flow reactor to simulate entrained-flow capture of elemental mercury (Hg0) by activated carbon. Adsorption of Hg0 by several commercial activated carbons was examined at different C:Hg ratios (by weight) (350:1-29,000:1), particle sizes (4-44 microns), Hg0 concentrations (44, 86, and 124 ppb), and temperatures (23-250 degrees C). Increasing the C:Hg ratio from 2100:1 to 11,000:1 resulted in an increase in removal from 11 to 30% for particle sizes of 4-8 microns and a residence time of 6.5 sec. Mercury capture increased with a decrease in particle size. At 100 degrees C and an Hg0 concentration of 86 ppb, a 20% Hg0 reduction was obtained with 4- to 8-micron particles, compared with only a 7% reduction for 24- to 44-micron particles. Mercury uptake decreased with an increase in temperature over a range of 21-150 degrees C. Only a small amount of the Hg0 uptake capacity is being utilized (less than 1%) at such short residence times. Increasing the residence time over a range of 3.8-13 sec did not increase adsorption for a lignite-based carbon; however, increasing the time from 3.6 to 12 sec resulted in higher Hg0 removal for a bituminous-based carbon. 相似文献
Wastewater treatment plant odors are caused by compounds such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S), methyl mercaptans, and carbonyl sulfide (COS). One of the most efficient odor control processes is activated carbon adsorption; however, very few studies have been conducted on COS adsorption. COS is not only an odor causing compound but is also listed in the Clean Air Act as a hazardous air pollutant. Objectives of this study were to determine the following: (1) the adsorption capacity of 3 different carbons for COS removal; (2) the impact of relative humidity (RH) on COS adsorption; (3) the extent of competitive adsorption of COS in the presence of H2S; and (4) whether ammonia injection would increase COS adsorption capacity. Vapor phase react (VPR; reactivated), BPL (bituminous coal-based), and Centaur (physically modified to enhance H2S adsorption) carbons manufactured by Calgon Carbon Corp. were tested in three laboratory-scale columns, 6 in. in depth and 1 in. in diameter. Inlet COS concentrations varied from 35 to 49 ppmv (86-120 mg/m3). RHs of 17%, 30%, 50%, and 90% were tested. For competitive adsorption studies, H2S was tested at 60 ppmv, with COS at 30 ppmv. COS, RH, H2S, and ammonia concentrations were measured using an International Sensor Technology Model IQ-350 solid state sensor, Cole-Parmer humidity stick, Interscan Corp. 1000 series portable analyzer, and Drager Accuro ammonia sensor, respectively. It was found that the adsorption capacity of Centaur carbon for COS was higher than the other two carbons, regardless of RH. As humidity increased, the percentage of decrease in adsorption capacity of Centaur carbon, however, was greater than the other two carbons. The carbon adsorption capacity for COS decreased in proportion to the percentage of H2S in the gas stream. More adsorption sites appear to be available to H2S, a smaller molecule. Ammonia, which has been found to increase H2S adsorption capacity, did not increase the capacity for COS. 相似文献
Activated carbon was one of the main adsorptions utilized in elemental mercury (Hg0) removal from coal combustion flue gas. However, the high cost and low physical adsorption efficiency of activated carbon injection (ACI) limited its application. In this study, an ultra-high efficiency (nearly 100%) catalyst sorbent-Sex/Activated carbon (Sex/AC) was synthesized and applied to remove Hg0 in the simulated flue gas, which exhibited 120 times outstanding adsorption performance versus the conventional activated carbon. The Sex/AC reached 17.98 mg/g Hg0 adsorption capacity at 160 °C under the pure nitrogen atmosphere. Moreover, it maintained an excellent mercury adsorption tolerance, reaching the efficiency of Hg0 removal above 85% at the NO and SO2 conditions in a bench-scale fixed-bed reactor. Characterized by the multiple methods, including BET, XRD, XPS, kinetic and thermodynamic analysis, and the DFT calculation, we demonstrated that the ultrahigh mercury removal performance originated from the activated Se species in Sex/AC. Chemical adsorption plays a dominant role in Hg0 removal: Selenium anchored on the surface of AC would capture Hg0 in the flue gas to form an extremely stable substance-HgSe, avoiding subsequent Hg0 released. Additionally, the oxygen-containing functional groups in AC and the higher BET areas promote the conversion of Hg0 to HgO. This work provided a novel and highly efficient carbon-based sorbent -Sex/AC to capture the mercury in coal combustion flue gas.
Selenium-modified porous activated carbon and the interface functional group promotes the synergistic effect of physical adsorption and chemical adsorption to promote the adsorption capacity of Hg0.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The volumetric adsorption kinetics of carbon dioxide (CO2) onto the synthesized palm kernel shell activated carbon via single-stage CO2 activation and... 相似文献
The conventional treatment process of palm oil mill effluent (POME) produces a highly colored effluent. Colored compounds in POME cause reduction in photosynthetic activities, produce carcinogenic by-products in drinking water, chelate with metal ions, and are toxic to aquatic biota. Thus, failure of conventional treatment methods to decolorize POME has become an important problem to be addressed as color has emerged as a critical water quality parameter for many countries such as Malaysia. Aspergillus fumigatus isolated from POME sludge was successfully grown in POME supplemented with glucose. Statistical optimization studies were conducted to evaluate the effects of the types and concentrations of carbon and nitrogen sources, pH, temperature, and size of the inoculum. Characterization of the fungus was performed using scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and Brunauer, Emmet, and Teller surface area analysis. Optimum conditions using response surface methods at pH 5.7, 35 °C, and 0.57 % w/v glucose with 2.5 % v/v inoculum size resulted in a successful removal of 71 % of the color (initial ADMI of 3,260); chemical oxygen demand, 71 %; ammoniacal nitrogen, 35 %; total polyphenolic compounds, 50 %; and lignin, 54 % after 5 days of treatment. The decolorization process was contributed mainly by biosorption involving pseudo-first-order kinetics. FTIR analysis revealed that the presence of hydroxyl, C–H alkane, amide carbonyl, nitro, and amine groups could combine intensively with the colored compounds in POME. This is the first reported work on the application of A. fumigatus for the decolorization of POME. The present investigation suggested that growing cultures of A. fumigatus has potential applications for the decolorization of POME through the biosorption and biodegradation processes. 相似文献
Selective adsorption of a hazardous hydrophobic organic compound (HOC) by activated carbon as a means of recovering surfactants after a soil washing process was investigated. As a model system, phenanthrene was selected as a representative HOC and Triton X-100 as a nonionic surfactant. Three activated carbons that differed in size (Darco 20–40 (D20), 12–20 (D12) and 4–12 (D4) mesh sizes) were used in adsorption experiments. Adsorption of surfactant onto activated carbon showed a constant maximum above the critical micelle concentration, which were 0.30, 0.23, 0.15 g g−1 for D20, D12, and D4, respectively. Selectivity for phenanthrene to Triton X-100 was much higher than 1 over a wide range of activated carbon doses (0–6 g l−1) and initial phenanthrene concentrations (10–110 mg l−1). Selectivity generally increased with decreasing particle size, increasing activated carbon dose, and decreasing initial concentration of phenanthrene. The highest selectivity was 74.9, 57.3, and 38.3 for D20, D12, and D4, respectively, at the initial conditions of 10 mg l−1 phenanthrene, 5 g l−1 Triton X-100 and 1 g l−1 activated carbon. In the case of D20 at the same conditions, 86.5% of the initial phenanthrene was removed by sorption and 93.6% of the initial Triton X-100 remained in the solution following the selective adsorption process. The results suggest that the selective adsorption by activated carbon is a good alternative for surfactant recovery in a soil washing process. 相似文献
The adsorption of three acid dyes, Acid Red 97, Acid Orange 61 and Acid Brown 425 onto activated carbon was studied for the removal of acid dyes from aqueous solutions at room temperature (25 degrees C). The adsorption of each dye with respect to contact time was then measured to provide information about the adsorption characteristics of activated carbon. The rates of adsorption were found to conform to the pseudo-second-order kinetics with a good correlation. The experimental isotherms obtained, except for Acid Orange 61 studied in mixture, were of the S-type in terms of the classification of Giles and co-workers. The best fit of the adsorption isotherm data was obtained using the Freundlich model. When a comparative study was made of the results obtained with single and mixed dyes, it can be seen that some of them affect others and modify their behavior in the adsorption process. The results indicate that activated carbon could be employed for the removal of dyes from wastewater. 相似文献
Activated carbon fiber (ACF) has become an emerging activator for peroxydisulfate (PDS) to generate sulfate radical (SO4??). However, the relative low activation efficiency and poor contaminant mineralization limited its widespread application. Herein, ultrasound (US) was introduced to the ACF activated PDS system, and the synergistic effect of US and ACF in PDS activation and the enhancement of contaminant mineralization were investigated. The synergistic effect of US and ACF was observed in the PDS activation to decolorize orange G (OG). The decolorization efficiency increased with increasing ACF loading and US power, and PDS/OG ratio from 1 to 40. The activation energy was determined to be 24.065 kJ/mol. The radical-induced decolorization of OG took place on the surface of ACF, and both SO4?? and hydroxyl radical (?OH) contributed to OG decolorization. The azo bond and naphthalene ring on OG were destructed to other aromatic intermediates and finally mineralized to CO2 and H2O. The introduction of US in the ACF/PDS system significantly enhanced the mineralization of OG. The combination of US and PDS was highly efficient to activate PDS to decolorize azo dyes. Moreover, the introduction of US remarkably improved the contaminant mineralization. 相似文献
An experimental study has been conducted to obtain the adsorption isotherms of four typical pollutants from quaternary aqueous systems onto decolourizing activated carbon. The four materials investigated are: Phenol, 1,4-dihydroxybenzene, 4-amino-l-naphthalene sulfonic acid-sodium salt and Benzoic acid. The study has concentrated on the dilute region of concentrations which range from 10 to 165 ppm (mg/L) at an operating temperature of 30 °C.
The quaternary adsorption equilibria have been modeled using the extended Langmuir predictive model and the ideal adsorbed solution (IAS) theory. In employing these models for the prediction of multicomponent adsorption equilibria, the single-solute isotherms are needed. These isotherms have been fitted to Langmuir, Freundlich, and Dubinin models and the resulting model parameters, which are needed for the prediction of multicomponent adsorption equilibria, are reported. Predictions obtained from the extended Langmuir predictive model and the ideal adsorbed solution (IAS) model are in agreement, however, they deviate to an appreciable extent from experimental observations. 相似文献
Adsorptive removal of copper by activated carbon derived from modified rice husk (ACRH) was studied in the presence and absence of magnetic field (MF). The ACRH was prepared from the normal rice husk treated by NaOH solution and subsequent pyrolysis at 450 °C in the absence of oxygen. The physicochemical properties of ACRH's were determined before and after the adsorption process to delineate the adsorption mechanism. The BET analysis confirmed that the fabricated ACRH has a specific surface area of 8.244 m2/g with a mesopore to micropore ratio of 0.974. It was observed that the micropore structure gradually replaced the mesopores, and the surface area of the micropore increased (from 0.9219 to 4.1764 m2/g), and the pore diameter was also decreased from 180.381 to 46.249 Å after pyrolysis. The CHNO/S test result reveals that the carbon content was increased from 42 to 67.8% in the ACRH after pyrolysis. The batch sorption studies were performed by varying the initial adsorbate concentration, temperature, agitation speed, pH, adsorbent dose and contact time for magnetic and non-magnetic conditions to analyze the effect of the magnetic field. The univariate studies show that the maximum experimental adsorption capacity was 4.522 mg/g and 3.855 mg/g, respectively, for these two conditions (representing the magnetic impact) at 25 °C with an adsorbent dose of 2 g/L and an agitation speed of 150 rpm. It was also observed that the removal efficiency was 94.55% and 77.96% (magnetic and non-magnetic condition) at pH 7 with a concentration of 10 mg/L in 2 h. The test result on the impact of exposure time on the magnetic field suggested that the magnetic memory influenced the removal efficiency; after 40 to 60 min, the maximum removal efficiency was achieved, around 80 to 90%. The pseudo-second-order kinetic model was best fitted with the experimental data with a rate constant as 0.1749 and 0.1006 g/mg/min for these two conditions. The Temkin model delineates the adsorption isotherm suggesting the heat generated during the adsorption process is linearly abate with the coverage of the surface area of the adsorbent. The thermodynamic model confirms that the copper adsorption is spontaneous (ΔG = ? 3.91 kJ/mol and ? 6.02 kJ/mol), wherein the negative enthalpy value (ΔH = ? 36.74 kJ/mol and ? 25.74 kJ/mol) suggested that the process is exothermic irrespective of magnetic interference. The significant enhancement of copper removal was observed by incorporating the magnetic field, showing an increase in sorption capacity by 17.48% and a reduction of reaction time by 88.12%.