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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In order to study the radon release behavior when heap leaching uranium ores with dilute sulfuric acid, unleached uranium ores from a uranium mine in...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The pore characteristics and radon exhalation of uranium tailings solidified in an acid environment were investigated in this study. Tailings from the...  相似文献   

模拟酸雨对大宝山尾矿淋滤实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在模拟酸雨作用下,研究了大宝山尾矿中重金属Cd、Pb及Mn的释放规律及动力学。结果表明,在淋滤液不同酸度(pH为5.6、4.8、3.0)条件下,不同重金属呈现出不同的释放规律。随着淋滤量的增加,淋出液pH逐渐上升;Cd和Mn的释放可分为快速释放和慢速释放2个阶段,Pb的释放速度一直相对稳定。随着淋滤液pH的降低,淋出液pH降低,重金属的释放量及释放速度增加;淋滤液pH对3种重金属释放的影响程度为Pb>Mn>Cd。Cd和Mn的释放可用准二级动力学方程及Elovich方程很好拟合,准二级动力学方程更优;Pb的释放可用双常数方程和零级动力学方程很好拟合。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Among the many extraction technologies for recovering metal resources from tailings, bioleaching technology is gradually showing its momentum. In our...  相似文献   

铁镁质尾矿含有丰富的钙镁,利用浸取剂可以促进铁镁质尾矿中钙镁的释放,使这些尾矿成为固定CO2的材料。尾矿中钙镁的浸出率大小跟多个因素相关,如何寻求浸取钙镁的最优化条件,是有效利用铁镁质尾矿的重要内容。考虑环境友好的方案,采用EDTA、柠檬酸和柠檬酸钠浸取尾矿中的钙镁,并对比了不同条件下的浸取效果。通过比较,显示柠檬酸钠的浸取效果较好,在此基础上利用响应面法对粒度、pH值、固液比等主要影响因子进行优化处理。当反应液的pH=1,尾矿粒度<75μm,固液比为2.6∶100时,模型预测实验尾矿淋滤的Mg2+浓度为143.4 mg/L,Mg达到最佳溶出率2.03%。实验模型的预测精度良好,表明响应面法适用于尾矿的浸取实验优化。  相似文献   

Acid mine water from in situ chemical leaching of uranium (Straz pod Ralskem, Czech Republic) was treated in laboratory scale experiments by zero-valent iron nanoparticles (nZVI). For the first time, nZVI were applied for the treatment of the real acid water system containing the miscellaneous mixture of pollutants, where the various removal mechanisms occur simultaneously. Toxicity of the treated saline acid water is caused by major contaminants represented by aluminum and sulphates in a high concentration, as well as by microcontaminants like As, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, U, V, and Zn. Laboratory batch experiments proved a significant decrease in concentrations of all the monitored pollutants due to an increase in pH and a decrease in oxidation-reduction potential related to an application of nZVI. The assumed mechanisms of contaminants removal include precipitation of cations in a lower oxidation state, precipitation caused by a simple pH increase and co-precipitation with the formed iron oxyhydroxides. The possibility to control the reaction kinetics through the nature of the surface stabilizing shell (polymer vs. FeO nanolayer) is discussed as an important practical aspect.  相似文献   

针对纳米零价铁(nZVI)对铀尾矿库土壤中铀形态分布和U(Ⅵ)固定效果影响问题,采用逐级化学提取、毒性浸出(TCLP)和磁性分离实验,利用SEM-EDS和XRD对nZVI固定前后的铀尾矿土壤进行表征;研究了nZVI在不同投加量和pH条件下,对尾矿库土壤固定前后铀的形态分布和固定效果的影响,并对nZVI的固定机理进行了探讨。结果表明:当nZVI的投加量为8%、pH为5时,土壤中U(Ⅵ)的固定效果最好,固定后土壤中铀的毒性浸出值仅为13.98%;对经过nZVI处理后的铀尾矿土壤进行磁性分离发现,磁性和非磁性土壤重量占比分别为32.87%和67.13%,其铀含量分别达到55.05%和44.95%,说明nZVI对土壤中的U(Ⅵ)有较好的富集作用。nZVI对铀尾矿库土壤中的U(Ⅵ)有较好的原位固定和富集效果,并能减少土壤中铀的析出。  相似文献   

The aim of the study is to assess the evolving mine water quality of closed uranium mines (abandoned between 1958 and 1992) in the Czech Republic. This paper focuses on the changes in mine water quality over time and spatial variability. In 2010, systematic monitoring of mine water quality was performed at all available locations of previous uranium exploitation. Gravity flow discharges (mine adits, uncontrolled discharges) or shafts (in dynamic state or stagnating) were sampled. Since the quality of mine water results from multiple conditions—geology, type of sample, sampling depth, time since mine flooding, an assessment of mine water quality evolution was done taking into account all these conditions. Multivariate analyses were applied in order to identify the groups of samples based on their similarity. Evaluation of hydrogeochemical equilibrium and evolution of mine waters was done using the Geochemist’s Workbench and PHREEQC software. The sampling proved that uranium concentrations in mine waters did not predominantly exceed 0.45 mg/L. In case of discharges from old adits abandoned more than 40 years ago, uranium concentrations were below the MCL of US Environmental Protection Agency for uranium in drinking water (0.03 mg/L). Higher concentrations, up to 1.23 mg/L of U, were found only at active dewatered mines. Activity concentration of 226Ra varied from 0.03 up to 1.85 Bq/L except for two sites with increased background values due to rock formation (granites). Radium has a typically increasing trend after mine abandonment with a large variability. Concerning metals in mine water, Al, Co and Ni exceeded legislative limits on two sites with low pH waters. The mine water quality changes with a focus on uranium mobility were described from recently dewatered mines to shafts with water level maintained in order to prevent outflows to surface water and finally to stagnating shafts and discharges of mine water from old adits. The results were in good agreement with published experience on mine water stratification, its disturbance by pumping or natural water decant and the “first flush” phenomenon after mine flooding.  相似文献   

铀矿区某居民点室内氡污染较重,氡浓度和居民所受到的个人辐射剂量远高于国家限值。为了查明氡污染的原因,在现场测量的基础上,通过大气扩散高斯模式计算分析了铀矿井排风口、堆浸场、废石场等气载源项对居民点的辐射剂量贡献。结果表明,各气载源项释放的氡对居民点氡浓度的贡献只有38.08Bq/m3,约占门窗开启的室内氡浓度的16.3%。而居民室内的土壤氡析出对室内氡浓度的贡献为154.29Bq/m3,约占门窗开启的室内氡浓度的65.9%。由此可见,居民点氡浓度过高主要是由于土壤氡析出所致。  相似文献   

国外尾矿酸性排水和重金属淋滤作用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尾矿引起的环境问题是水 气 矿物在地表条件下发生复杂反应的综合结果。近年来 ,国外学者研究显示 ,发生在尾矿中的风化作用不仅仅有硫化物的氧化作用 ,而且还伴随有机物氧化作用 ,碳酸盐等矿物中和作用 ,次生矿物沉淀作用、结晶作用、胶结作用 ,矿物交代蚀变作用、吸附作用、离子交换作用以及生物作用。上述各种作用互相影响 ,互相制约。目前 ,最新研究表明 ,许多因素都会影响尾矿风化作用 ,这些因素主要包括 :尾矿原生矿物组成、成因、化学成分、表面积和形态 ;尾矿酸中和潜力 ;溶液pH值 ;次生矿物形成及其吸附、离子交换、胶结作用 ;溶液中Fe3+离子的浓度 ;有机物的种类和含量 ;尾矿粒度分布和空隙度 ;气候条件和尾矿的水文地质环境  相似文献   

铁屑去除酸法地浸采铀地下水中硝酸盐的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在酸法地浸采铀过程中,硝酸及硝酸盐的广泛使用使硝酸盐在地下不断累积并扩散到地下水中,这给矿区地下水造成了一定程度的污染.本试验以铁屑为还原剂,对该地下水中NO3--N的去除进行了批试验和动态试验研究.试验结果表明,铁屑可有效去除地下水中的NO3--N,其去除率随pH值的降低而逐渐升高;溶液中共存的Ca2 、Mg2 对NO3--N的去除影响不大,而SO42-、HCO3-的存在可明显降低NO3--N去除率;铁屑最佳投加量为120 g/L,铁炭最佳体积比为1∶1;二级柱可以明显提高柱子的稳定运行时间,在55 h内NO3--N去除率可保持在93%以上,去除效果较好.  相似文献   

火电厂冲灰水经絮凝沉降和反渗透处理后用作电厂循环冷却水 ,经多项试验证明 ,此工艺方法技术可行 ,灰水处理回用后不会增加冷却水系统结垢和腐蚀 ,且回用灰水代替部分地下水增加了明显的经济效益。  相似文献   

The shelter effect of a windbreak protects aggregate piles and provides a reduction of particle emissions in harbours. RANS (Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations) simulations using three variants of kε (standard k–ε, RNG k–ε and realizable k–ε) turbulence closure models have been performed to analyse wind flow characteristics behind an isolated fence located on a flat surface without roughness elements. The performance of the three turbulence models has been assessed by wind tunnel experiments. Cases of fences with different porosities (φ) have been evaluated using wind tunnel experiments as well as numerical simulations. The aim is to determine an optimum porosity for sheltering effect of an isolated windbreak. A value of 0.35 was found as the optimum value among the studied porosities (φ=0, 0.1, 0.24, 0.35, 0.4, 0.5).  相似文献   

以青海某铅锌尾矿为研究对象进行酸预处理加速模拟静态淋溶实验,重点研究了氧化亚铁硫杆菌(At.f菌)接种量变化对尾矿中重金属Zn、As迁移释放的影响。结果表明,随时间延长,接种量变化均可导致淋溶体系pH值下降、电导率上升,氧化还原电位先上升后下降。At.f菌可明显促进Zn、As的释放,不同接种量对重金属的迁移释放作用不同;At.f菌存在下,Zn的释放能力大于As,Zn优先于As溶出,Zn、As浓度均表现为快速释放和缓慢释放并趋于平稳两个阶段,Evolich模型和Guass模型可分别描述Zn、As的释放过程。通过对细菌淋溶前后残渣SEM-EDS及XRD图谱分析发现,淋溶后尾矿颗粒结构疏松,表面腐蚀明显,生成了CaSO4、钙磷石等不溶物,使Zn、As后期释放减慢。  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparative study of 222Rn emanation from the ore and backfill tailings in an underground uranium mine located at Jaduguda, India. The effects of surface area, porosity, 226Ra and moisture contents on 222Rn emanation rate were examined. The study revealed that the bulk porosity of backfill tailings is more than two orders of magnitude than that of the ore. The geometric mean radon emanation rates from the ore body and backfill tailings were found to be 10.01?×?10?3 and 1.03 Bq m?2 s?1, respectively. Significant positive linear correlations between 222Rn emanation rate and the 226Ra content of ore and tailings were observed. For normalised 226Ra content, the 222Rn emanation rate from tailings was found to be 283 times higher than the ore due to higher bulk porosity and surface area. The relative radon emanation from the tailings with moisture fraction of 0.14 was found to be 2.4 times higher than the oven-dried tailings. The study suggested that the mill tailings used as a backfill material significantly contributes to radon emanation as compared to the ore body itself and the 226Ra content and bulk porosity are the dominant factors for radon emanation into the mine atmosphere.  相似文献   

沸石改性及其去除水中氨氮的实验研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
通过实验研究了沸石改性条件及其对水中氨氮吸附去除的影响。结果表明,加热改性与无机酸改性不能显著提高沸石对氨氮的吸附量。利用NaOH改性的最佳浓度为1 mol/L,此条件下对氨氮吸附量可提高到650.68 mg/kg,为天然沸石的2.82倍。利用无机盐改性时,对氨氮吸附效果最好的是NaCl改性沸石,其次为KCl改性沸石与CaCl2改性沸石。随着NaCl溶液浓度和改性时间的增加,改性沸石对氨氮的吸附量显著增加,可达天然沸石的3~4倍;在NaCl浓度为150 g/L与改性时间为18 h条件下,改性沸石对氨氮吸附量可达887.35 mg/kg,为天然沸石的3.84倍。  相似文献   

Low-cost water defluoridation technique is one of the most important issues throughout the world. In the present study, shale, a coal mine waste, is employed as novel and low-cost adsorbent to abate fluoride from simulated solution. Shale samples were collected from Mahabir colliery (MBS) and Sonepur Bazari colliery (SBS) of Raniganj coalfield in West Bengal, India, and used to remove fluoride. To increase the adsorption efficiency, shale samples were heat activated at a higher temperature and samples obtained at 550 °C are denoted as heat-activated Mahabir colliery shale (HAMBS550) and heat-activated Sonepur Bazari colliery shale (HASBS550), respectively. To prove the fluoride adsorption onto different shale samples and ascertain its mechanism, natural shale samples, heat-activated shale samples, and their fluoride-loaded forms were characterized using scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray analysis, X-ray diffraction study, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The effect of different parameters such as pH, adsorbent dose, size of particles, and initial concentration of fluoride was investigated during fluoride removal in a batch contactor. Lower pH shows better adsorption in batch study, but it is acidic in nature and not suitable for direct consumption. However, increase of pH of the solution from 3.2 to 6.8 and 7.2 during fluoride removal process with HAMBS550 and HASBS550, respectively, confirms the applicability of the treated water for domestic purposes. HAMBS550 and HASBS550 show maximum removal of 88.3 and 88.5 %, respectively, at initial fluoride concentration of 10 mg/L, pH 3, and adsorbent dose of 70 g/L.  相似文献   

采用介质阻挡强电离放电技术制取高浓度臭氧 ,使用射流器和气液溶解分离器溶解臭氧制取高浓度臭氧水。讨论了应用臭氧量、气液比、系统压力和气液溶解方式对臭氧水浓度和臭氧有效溶解效率的影响  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The optimal design and performance monitoring of wind farms depend on the precise assessment of spatial and temporal distribution of wind speed. The...  相似文献   

受天然铀矿物形成条件的启发,通过改变含铀废液的物理化学条件,即能在含铀废液中形成较稳定沥青铀矿或者其他沉淀物,实现除铀目的。这种除铀方法被定义为沥青铀矿结晶法。在不同的物理化学条件下采用此方法处理了含铀废液,其结果表明,升高温度、降低Eh,除铀速度加快,除铀效率提高,其中,在物理化学条件为T=85℃、pH=3、Eh=+61.1 mV时,铀元素以沥青铀矿的形式从溶液中析出,除铀率高达99.6%,效果良好。  相似文献   

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