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China contributes 23 % of global carbon emissions, of which 26 % originate from the household sector. Due to vast variations in both climatic conditions and the affordability and accessibility of fuels, household carbon emissions (HCEs) differ significantly across China. This study compares HCEs (per person) from urban and rural regions in northern China with their counterparts in southern China. Annual macroeconomic data for the study period 2005 to 2012 were obtained from Chinese government sources, whereas the direct HCEs for different types of fossil fuels were obtained using the IPCC reference approach, and indirect HCEs were calculated by input-output analysis. Results suggest that HCEs from urban areas are higher than those from rural areas. Regardless of the regions, there is a similarity in per person HCEs in urban areas, but the rural areas of northern China had significantly higher HCEs than those from southern China. The reasons for the similarity between urban areas and differences between rural areas and the percentage share of direct and indirect HCEs from different sources are discussed. Similarly, the reasons and solutions to why decarbonising policies are working in urban areas but not in rural areas are discussed.


Three mercury (Hg) species (gaseous elemental mercury (GEM), gaseous oxidized mercury (GOM), and fine particulate-bound mercury (PBM2.5)) were measured in the stack of a small scale wood combustion chamber at 400 °C, in the stack of an advanced wood boiler, and in two areas influenced by wood combustion. The low temperature process (lab-scale) emitted mostly GEM (∼99% when burning wood pellets and ∼95% when burning unprocessed wood). The high temperature wood boiler emitted a greater proportion of oxidized Hg (approximately 65%) than the low temperature system. In field measurements, mean PBM2.5 concentrations at the rural and urban sites in winter were statistically significantly higher than in warmer seasons and were well correlated with Delta-C concentrations, a wood combustion indictor measured by an aethalometer (UV-absorbable carbon minus black carbon). Overall the results suggest that wood combustion may be an important source of oxidized mercury (mostly in the particulate phase) in northern climates in winter.  相似文献   

A series of source tests were conducted to characterize emissions of particulate matter (PM), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and total hydrocarbon (THC ) from five types of portable combustion devices. Tested combustion devices included a kerosene lamp, an oil lamp, a kerosene space heater, a portable gas range, and four unscented candles. All tests were conducted either in a well-mixed chamber or a well-mixed room, which enables us to determine emission rates and emission factors using a single-compartment mass balance model. Particle mass concentrations and number concentrations were measured using a nephelometric particle monitor and an eight-channel optical particle counter, respectively. Real-time CO concentrations were measured with an electrochemical sensor CO monitor. CO2, CH4, and THC were measured using a GC-FID technique. The results indicate that all particles emitted during steady burning in each of the tested devices were smaller than 1.0 μm in diameter with the vast majority in the range between 0.1 and 0.3 μm. The PM mass emission rates and emission factors for the tested devices ranged from 5.6±0.1 to 142.3±40.8 mg h−1 and from 0.35±0.06 to 9.04±4.0 mg g−1, respectively. The CO emission rates and emission factors ranged from 4.7±3.0 to 226.7±100 mg h−1 and from 0.25±0.12 to 1.56±0.7 mg g−1, respectively. The CO2 emission rates and emission factors ranged from 5500±700 to 210,000±90,000 mg h−1 and from 387±45 to 1689±640 mg g−1, respectively. The contributions of CH4 and THC to emission inventories are expected to be insignificant due both to the small emission factors and to the relatively small quantity of fuel consumed by these portable devices. An exposure scenario analysis indicates that every-day use of the kerosene lamp in a village house can generate fine PM exposures easily exceeding the US promulgated NAAQS for PM2.5.  相似文献   

GOAL, SCOPE AND BACKGROUND: Malodorous volatiles derived from the decomposition of biowaste within the process of composting might pose a risk to human health. Different techniques of process engineering have been developed to minimise the burden of malodorous compounds in air possibly affecting compost workers and residents in the vicinity. METHODS: In the present study, three different composting facilities were examined for the emission of volatiles to estimate the impact of process engineering on the dispersal of odorous compounds and to discuss its relevance for human health. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Concentrations of single compounds belonging to alcohols, ketones, furanes, sulfur-containing compounds and especially terpenes ranged from 10(2) up to nearly 10(6) ng/m3 depending on the sampling sites and the process engineering. The ratio of MVOC and total VOC measured changed throughout the process of biodegradation. A certain combination of volatile compounds coincided with the occurrence of typical compost odour. CONCLUSION: The type of process engineering seemed to have a major impact on the emission of volatiles, as amounts of (microbial) volatiles emitted were characteristic for the different techniques used. Thus, the MVOC emission basically depends on the degree of biodegradation. It is likely that the concentrations workers are exposed to can have an impact on human health. RECOMMENDATIONS AND OUTLOOK: It is obvious that less sophisticated types of process engineering give rise to greater amounts of bioaerosols and volatiles and, therefore, technical devices have to be improved and controlled regularly to minimise adverse health effects on workers.  相似文献   

Total TEQ emissions (PCDD/F and PCB) from industrial sources   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Luthardt P  Mayer J  Fuchs J 《Chemosphere》2002,46(9-10):1303-1308
Flue gas samples from eight different sources (industrial plants and crematories) have been analyzed for PCDD/Fs and PCBs and total Toxicity EQuivalents (TEQ) values have been calculated using the latest WHO toxicity equivalent factors from 1998. A contribution of PCBs to the Total TEQ up to 16% was found, within the 12 WHO-PCBs PCB-126 contributes mostly to the TEQ. Thermodynamic stability of PCBs was calculated semiempirically using the MOPAC program package and differences in the heat of formation (HoF) were compared to the distribution of PCBs in real samples. Partial correspondence between fact and theory could be found.  相似文献   

Two municipal waste incinerators in the vicinity of a residential area close to the city of Antwerp caused concern to local habitants. Risk assessment was performed combining chemical, toxicological measurements and model calculations. As the first step in risk assessment an inventory was made of historic emissions from both incinerators with emphasis on dioxins. The operational atmospheric transport and deposition model for priority substances (OPS) was used to calculate the deposition of dioxins in the vicinity of incinerators. The observed soil contamination pattern did not correspond to the calculated deposition pattern, indicating that other sources may contribute at least partly to the local PCDD/PCDF contamination of the area. Dioxin exposure of people in the Neerlandquarter as a function of the food consumption behavior was calculated using a mathematical model (VLIER-HUMAAN) combined with transfer factors. According to the results of these calculations, just residing in the impact area does not result in a meaningful risk. Only if locally produced food was consumed (milk, meat and vegetables), exposure in the Neerlandquarter was enhanced compared to the average dioxin exposure estimated for the Flemish population. Exposure in 1997 was below the exposure in 1980. As a consequence of different eating habits and lower bodyweight, children are subjected to significantly higher exposure than adults. Adverse health outcomes from dioxin exposure in the past cannot be excluded. There was no evidence for enhanced exposure to genotoxicants based on a comparison of chromosomal damage to blood cells of children from the study area to those from a control group.  相似文献   

Soils emit a large variety of volatile organic compounds. In natural ecosystems, measurements of microbial volatile organic compound (MVOC) exchange rates between soil and atmosphere are difficult due to e.g. the spatial heterogeneity of the belowground organisms, and due to the many potential sources for the same compounds. We measured in laboratory conditions the MVOC emission rates and spectra of eight typical fungi occurring in boreal forest soils. The studied species are decomposers (Gymnopilus penetrans, Ophiostoma abietinum), ectomycorrhizal (Cenococcum geophilum, Piloderma olivaceum, Suillus variegatus, Tomentellopsis submollis) and endophytic fungi (Meliniomyces variabilis, Phialocephala fortinii). The MVOC emissions contained altogether 21 known and 6 unidentified compounds whose emission rates were >0.1 μg g(DW)?1 h?1. The most abundant compounds were the short-chain carbonyl compounds (acetone and acetaldehyde). The greatest carbonyl emissions were measured from P. olivaceum (1.9 mg acetone g(DW)?1 h?1) and P. fortinii (0.114 mg acetaldehyde g(DW)?1 h?1). Terpenoid emissions (isoprene, mono- and sesquiterpenes) were detected from some fungal cultures, but in relatively small amounts. We conclude that soil micro-organisms can potentially be responsible for significant emissions of volatiles, especially short-chain oxygenated compounds, to the below-canopy atmosphere.  相似文献   

Dairies are believed to be a major source of volatile organic compounds (VOC) in Central California, but few studies have characterized VOC emissions from these facilities. In this work, samples were collected from six sources of VOCs (Silage, Total Mixed Rations, Lagoons, Flushing Lanes, Open Lots and Bedding) at six dairies in Central California during 2006–2007 using emission isolation flux chambers and polished stainless steel canisters. Samples were analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and gas chromatography/flame ionization detection. Forty-eight VOCs were identified and quantified in the samples, including alcohols, carbonyls, alkanes and aromatics. Silage and Total Mixed Rations are the dominant sources of VOCs tested, with ethanol as the major VOC present. Emissions from the remaining sources are two to three orders of magnitude smaller, with carbonyls and aromatics as the main components. The data suggest that animal feed rather than animal waste are the main source of non-enteric VOC emissions from dairies.  相似文献   


Heavy metal-contaminated sediments posed a serious threat to both human beings and environment. A biosurfactant, rhamnolipid, was employed as the washing agent to remove heavy metals in river sediment. Batch experiments were conducted to test the removal capability. The effects of rhamnolipid concentration, washing time, solution pH, and liquid/solid ratio were investigated. The speciation of heavy metals before and after washing in sediment was also analyzed. Heavy metal washing was favored at high concentration, long washing time, and high pH. In addition, the efficiency of washing was closely related to the original speciation of heavy metals in sediment. Rhamnolipid mainly targeted metals in exchangeable, carbonate-bound or Fe-Mn oxide-bound fractions. Overall, rhamnolipid biosurfactant as a washing agent could effectively remove heavy metals from sediment.


Cold heavy oil production with sands (CHOPS) is a common oil extraction method in the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan that can result in significant methane emissions due to annular venting. Little is known about the magnitude of these emissions, nor their contributions to the regional methane budget. Here the authors present the results of field measurements of methane emissions from CHOPS wells and compare them with self-reported venting rates. The tracer ratio method was used not only to analyze total site emissions but at one site it was also used to locate primary emission sources and quantify their contributions to the facility-wide emission rate, revealing the annular vent to be a dominant source. Emissions measured from five different CHOPS sites in Alberta showed large discrepancies between the measured and reported rates, with emissions being mainly underreported. These methane emission rates are placed in the context of current reporting procedures and the role that gas-oil ratio (GOR) measurements play in vented volume estimates. In addition to methane, emissions of higher hydrocarbons were also measured; a chemical “fingerprint” associated with CHOPS wells in this region reveals very low emission ratios of ethane, propane, and aromatics versus methane. The results of this study may inform future studies of CHOPS sites and aid in developing policy to mitigate regional methane emissions.

Implications: Methane measurements from cold heavy oil production with sand (CHOPS) sites identify annular venting to be a potentially major source of emissions at these facilities. The measured emission rates are generally larger than reported by operators, with uncertainty in the gas-oil ratio (GOR) possibly playing a large role in this discrepancy. These results have potential policy implications for reducing methane emissions in Alberta in order to achieve the Canadian government’s goal of reducing methane emissions by 40–45% below 2012 levels within 8 yr.  相似文献   

The emissions from a Garrett-AiResearch (now Honeywell) Model GTCP85-98CK auxiliary power unit (APU) were determined as part of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA's) Alternative Aviation Fuel Experiment (AAFEX) using both JP-8 and a coal-derived Fischer Tropsch fuel (FT-2). Measurements were conducted by multiple research organizations for sulfur dioxide (SO2, total hydrocarbons (THC), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), speciated gas-phase emissions, particulate matter (PM) mass and number, black carbon, and speciated PM. In addition, particle size distribution (PSD), number-based geometric mean particle diameter (GMD), and smoke number were also determined from the data collected. The results of the research showed PM mass emission indices (EIs) in the range of 20 to 700 mg/kg fuel and PM number EIs ranging from 0.5 x 10(15) to 5 x 10(15) particles/kg fuel depending on engine load and fuel type. In addition, significant reductions in both the SO2 and PM EIs were observed for the use of the FT fuel. These reductions were on the order of approximately 90% for SO2 and particle mass EIs and approximately 60% for the particle number EI, with similar decreases observed for black carbon. Also, the size of the particles generated by JP-8 combustion are noticeably larger than those emitted by the APU burning the FT fuel with the geometric mean diameters ranging from 20 to 50 nm depending on engine load and fuel type. Finally, both particle-bound sulfate and organics were reduced during FT-2 combustion. The PM sulfate was reduced by nearly 100% due to lack of sulfur in the fuel, with the PM organics reduced by a factor of approximately 5 as compared with JP-8.  相似文献   

The emissions from a Garrett-AiResearch (now Honeywell) Model GTCP85–98CK auxiliary power unit (APU) were determined as part of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA's) Alternative Aviation Fuel Experiment (AAFEX) using both JP-8 and a coal-derived Fischer Tropsch fuel (FT-2). Measurements were conducted by multiple research organizations for sulfur dioxide (SO2), total hydrocarbons (THC), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), speciated gas-phase emissions, particulate matter (PM) mass and number, black carbon, and speciated PM. In addition, particle size distribution (PSD), number-based geometric mean particle diameter (GMD), and smoke number were also determined from the data collected. The results of the research showed PM mass emission indices (EIs) in the range of 20 to 700 mg/kg fuel and PM number EIs ranging from 0.5?×?1015 to 5?×?1015 particles/kg fuel depending on engine load and fuel type. In addition, significant reductions in both the SO2 and PM EIs were observed for the use of the FT fuel. These reductions were on the order of ~90% for SO2 and particle mass EIs and ~60% for the particle number EI, with similar decreases observed for black carbon. Also, the size of the particles generated by JP-8 combustion are noticeably larger than those emitted by the APU burning the FT fuel with the geometric mean diameters ranging from 20 to 50 nm depending on engine load and fuel type. Finally, both particle-bound sulfate and organics were reduced during FT-2 combustion. The PM sulfate was reduced by nearly 100% due to lack of sulfur in the fuel, with the PM organics reduced by a factor of ~5 as compared with JP-8.

Implications: The results of this research show that APUs can be, depending on the level of fuel usage, an important source of air pollutant emissions at major airports in urban areas. Substantial decreases in emissions can also be achieved through the use of Fischer Tropsch (FT) fuel. Based on these results, the use of FT fuel could be a viable future control strategy for both gas- and particle-phase air pollutants.  相似文献   

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) have been used as flame retardants in foams, fabrics and plastics, and are common contaminants of household air and dust and bioaccumulate in wildlife, and are detectable in human tissues and in fish and animal food products. In the Great Lakes Basin sport fish consumption has been demonstrated to be an important source of PCB and DDE exposure. PBDEs are present in the same sport fish but prior to our study the contribution to human PBDE body burdens from Great Lakes sport fish consumption had not been investigated. This study was designed to assess PBDE, PCB and 1,1-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-2,2-dichloroethene (DDE) serum concentrations in an existing cohort of 508 frequent and infrequent consumers of sport-caught fish living in five Great Lake states. BDE congeners 47 and 99 were identified in the majority of blood samples, 98% and 62% respectively. summation operatorPBDE levels were positively associated with age, hours spent outdoors, DDE, summation operatorPCB, years of sportfish consumption, and catfish and shellfish intake, and negatively associated with income and recent weight loss. Other dietary components collected were not predictive of measured summation operatorPBDE levels. In multivariate models, summation operatorPBDE levels were positively associated with age, years consuming sport fish, shellfish meals, and computer use and negatively associated with recent weight loss. Having summation operatorPBDE levels in the highest quintile was independently associated with older age, male gender, consumption of catfish and shellfish, computer use and spending less time indoors. summation operatorPCB and DDE were strongly associated suggesting common exposure routes. The association between summation operatorPBDE and summation operatorPCB or DDE was much weaker and modeling suggested more diverse PBDE sources with few identified multi-contaminant-shared exposure routes. In our cohort Great Lakes sport fish consumption does not contribute strongly to PBDE exposure.  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas emissions from hydroelectric dams have recently given rise to controversies about whether hydropower still provides clean energy. China has a large number of dams used for energy supply and irrigation, but few studies have been carried out on aquatic nitrous oxide (N2O) variation and its emissions in Chinese river-reservoir systems. In this study, N2O spatiotemporal variations were investigated monthly in two reservoirs along the Wujiang River, Southwest China, and the emission fluxes of N2O were estimated. N2O production in the reservoirs tended to be dominated by nitrification, according to the correlation between N2O and other parameters. N2O saturation in the surface water of the Wujiangdu reservoir ranged from 214% to 662%, with an average fluctuation of 388%, while in the Hongjiadu reservoir, it ranged from 201% to 484%, with an average fluctuation of 312%. The dissolved N2O in both reservoirs was over-saturated with respect to atmospheric equilibrium levels, suggesting that the reservoirs were net sources of N2O emissions to the atmosphere. The averaged N2O emission flux in the Wujiangdu reservoir was 0.64 μmol m?2 h?1, while it was 0.45 μmol m?2 h?1 in the Hongjiadu reservoir, indicating that these two reservoirs had moderate N2O emission fluxes as compared to other lakes in the world. Downstream water of the dams had quite high levels of N2O saturation, and the estimated annual N2O emissions from hydropower generation were 3.60 × 105 and 2.15 × 105 mol N2O for the Wujiangdu and the Hongjiadu reservoir, respectively. These fluxes were similar to the total N2O emissions from the reservoir surfaces, suggesting that water released from reservoirs would be another important way for N2O to diffuse into the atmosphere. It can be concluded that dam construction significantly changes the water environment, especially in terms of nutrient status and physicochemical conditions, which have obvious influences on the N2O spatiotemporal variations and emissions.  相似文献   

Emissions of carbonyl compounds such as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and acrolein are of interest to the scientific and regulatory communities due to their suspected or likely impacts on human health. The present work investigates emissions of carbonyl compounds from nine Class 8 heavy-duty diesel (HDD) tractors and also from nine diesel-powered backup generators (BUGs); the former were chosen because of their ubiquity as an emission source, and the latter because of their proximity to centers of human activity. The HDD tractors were operated on the ARB 4-Mode heavy heavy-duty diesel truck (HHDDT) driving cycle, while the BUGs were operated on the ISO 8178 Type D2 5-mode steady-state cycle and sampled using a mobile emissions laboratory (UCR MEL) equipped with a full-scale dilution tunnel. Samples were analyzed using the SAE930142 (Auto/Oil) method for 11 aldehydes, from formaldehyde to hexanaldehyde, and 2 ketones (acetone and methyl ethyl ketone). Although absolute carbonyl emissions varied widely by BUG, the relative contributions of the different carbonyls were similar (e.g., median: 56% for formaldehyde). A slight increasing trend with engine load was observed for relative formaldehyde contribution, but not for acetaldehyde contribution, for the BUGs. On-road per-mile carbonyl emission factors were a strong function of operating mode of the ARB HHDDT cycle, and found to decrease in the order Creep>Transient>Cruise. This order is qualitatively similar to emission factors for PAHs and n-alkanes determined for the same set of Class 8 diesel tractors in an earlier work. In general, relative carbonyl contributions for the HDD tractors were similar to those for BUGs (e.g., median: 54% for formaldehyde). These results indicate that while engine operating mode and application appear to exert a strong influence on the total absolute mass emission rate of the carbonyls measured, they do not appear to exert as strong an influence on the relative mass emission rates of individual carbonyls.  相似文献   

Distribution and sources of 16 parent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were investigated in surface sediments from Port Dickson, Malaysia. Total PAHs varied from 481.3 to 976.6 with a mean value of 679.3 ng g?1 dry weight, which can be classified as moderate level of pollution. The toxic assessment suggested that the PAHs in sediments will not cause immediately adverse biological effects. Both petrogenic and pyrogenic PAHs were recorded in the study area with dominance of pyrogenic. The authors believe that effective monitoring and implementation of environmental regulations have resulted in a tremendous improvement of sediment quality in the Malaysian aquatic ecosystem.  相似文献   

Tsai WT  Chyan JM 《Chemosphere》2006,63(1):22-30
Taiwan is a densely populated and developed country with more than 97% of energy consumption supplied by imported fuels. Greenhouse gas emissions are thus becoming significant environmental issues in the country. Using the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recommended methodologies, anthropogenic emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) in Taiwan during 2000-2003 were estimated to be around 41 thousand metric tons annually. About 87% of N2O emissions come from agriculture, 7% from the energy sector, 3% from industrial processes sector, 3% from waste sector. On the basis of N2O emissions in 2000, projections for the year 2010 show that emissions were estimated to decline by about 6% mainly due to agricultural changes in response to the entry of WTO in 2002. In contrast to projections for the year 2020, N2O emissions were projected to grow by about 17%. This is based on the reasonable scenario that a new adipic acid/nitric acid plant will be probably started after 2010.  相似文献   

Gas chromatography-low resolution mass spectrometry was used to quantitate PCDD and PCDF emitted from an urban incinerator. The amounts were determinated in 17 samples collected over 9 months. Wide variability in the different sample concentrations, ranging from 2.3 mg/h to 348 mg/h for PCDD and from 3.9 mg/h to 324 mg/h for the PCDF, was observed.  相似文献   

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