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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Rice is the main food in China, and its pollution by heavy metals has attracted widespread attention. In this study, rice grain samples were collected...  相似文献   



The objective of this paper is to assess the impact of long-term electroplating industrial activities on heavy metal contamination in agricultural soils and potential health risks for local residents.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Groundwaters are normally consumed without previous treatment and therefore the monitoring of contaminants in order to guarantee its safety is...  相似文献   

Analysis of global fallout 99Tc in environmental samples should provide useful information for predicting the nuclide behaviour under natural conditions which is important from the viewpoint of radioecology. Concentrations of 99Tc in rice paddy soils collected in Japan have been studied. After chemical separation, 99Tc in the final solution was measured by ICP-MS. The activity ratio of 99Tc/137Cs was used to understand the 99Tc behaviour in the environment because the fission yields of 99Tc and 137Cs from 235U or 239Pu are almost the same. The theoretical activity ratio from fission which is calculated now is about 3.0 x 10(-4). Our results showed that the range of activity ratios of 99Tc/137Cs in the soil samples was (2.0-5.2) x 10(-3); these ratios were one order of magnitude higher than the theoretical one. 99Tc has been accumulating in rice paddy soil like 137Cs has, although their mechanisms might differ. One of the reasons for the high ratio in the surface soil might be the ratios in the atmospheric samples, which have increased from the order of 10(-3) to 10(-2) (García-León et al., 1993).  相似文献   

Ecotypes of Sorghastrum nutans from a naturally metalliferous serpentine grassland and the tallgrass prairie were assessed for Ni tolerance and their utility in remediation of Ni-polluted soils. Plants were inoculated with serpentine arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) root inoculum or whole soil microbial communities, originating from either prairie or serpentine, to test their effects on plant performance in the presence of Ni. Serpentine plants had marginally higher Ni tolerance as indicated by higher survival. Ni reduced plant biomass and AM root colonization for both ecotypes. The serpentine AM fungi and whole microbial community treatments decreased plant biomass relative to uninoculated plants, while the prairie microbial community had no effect. Differences in how the soil communities affect plant performance were not reflected in patterns of root colonization by AM fungi. Thus, serpentine plants may be suited for reclamation of Ni-polluted soils, but AM fungi that occur on serpentine do not improve Ni tolerance.  相似文献   

The concept of hormesis as a phenomenon is presented, in the context of its evolving definitions. Predominant types of hormetic effect and potential examples thereof are discussed, focusing on chemicals. The potential for hormesis to affect regulatory approaches and several basic processes used in formulating risk assessment parameters, such as study design, interpretation of dose-response information, and extrapolation of toxicity values, is examined. The potential ramifications for human health risk assessment and risk management are discussed.  相似文献   

对桂林市菜地土壤和蔬菜中的镍含量进行大规模调查,评价其污染程度,并用目标危险系数(THQ)评估通过食用蔬菜摄入镍对人体造成的健康风险。采集菜地土壤样品160个,新鲜蔬菜样品566个,样品中镍含量采用石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法测定。结果表明,桂林市菜地土壤镍质量浓度范围、算术平均值和Box-Cox平均值分别为9.01~1 200.00、39.04、25.18mg/kg,其中有14.38%的菜地土壤样品镍含量超过《土壤环境质量标准》(GB 15618—1995)中农田土壤的二级质量标准(pH<6.5);桂林市蔬菜中镍质量浓度范围、中值和几何平均值分别为0.001~0.981、0.035、0.036mg/kg,与其他城市蔬菜镍含量相比,桂林市蔬菜镍含量总体处于较低水平,通过蔬菜摄入镍的健康风险小。蔬菜对镍的富集能力以豆苗和豌豆最高,因而其抗污染能力较差,茄子、西红柿和生菜富集能力低。  相似文献   

选取成都东郊唯一的火力发电厂周围的稻田土为研究对象,对稻田土中各种形态汞的分布特征进行了调查与研究,探讨稻田土中汞的分布规律,为分析和判断稻田土中汞的迁移和转化行为及该区汞污染土壤的修复提供重要依据。结果表明,处于火力发电厂烟尘排污口下风向的1#、2#、3#、4#采样点土样受到了严重的汞污染,呈现出高含汞特征,总汞平均质量浓度在9~41mg/kg,平均值为24.546mg/kg,远远超出《土壤环境质量标准》(GB 15618—1995)二级标准所规定的限值(0.5mg/kg),而处于排污口上风向的5#、6#、7#、8#土样没有受到明显的汞污染,大部分土样的总汞含量与成都市土壤汞平均含量接近;1#、2#、3#、4#土样中5种形态汞的垂直分布均呈现出随着土壤深度增加而减少的特征;1#、2#、3#、4#土样中的各形态汞平均百分比为有机结合态汞>硝酸溶汞>残渣态汞>铁锰氧化态汞>水溶和可交换态汞,土壤中含有的大部分汞化学性质比较稳定,难以被植物吸收利用,而易被植物吸收利用的水溶和可交换态汞虽然仅占极小一部分,但含量还是高于成都市土壤中水溶和可交换态汞的背景值。  相似文献   

Flooded rice fields are one of the major biogenic methane sources. In this study, the effects of straw residual treatments on methane emission from paddy fields were discussed. The experimental field was located at Tainan District Agricultural Improvement Station in Chia-Yi county (23 degrees 25'08'N, 120degrees16'26'E) of southern Taiwan throughout the first and the second crop seasons in 2000. The seasonal methane fluxes in the first crop season with rice stubble removed, rice straw burned and rice straw incorporated were 4.41, 3.78 and 5.27 g CH4 m(-2), and the values were 32.8, 38.9 and 75.1 g CH4 m(-2) in the second crop season, respectively. In comparison of three management methods of rice straw residue, the incorporation of rice straw residue should show a significant tendency for enhancing methane emission in the second crop season. Moreover, stubble removed and straw burned treatments significantly reduced CH4 emissions by 28 approximately 56% emissions compared to straw incorporated plot. Concerning for air quality had led to legislation restricting rice straw burning, removing of rice stubble might be an appropriate methane mitigation strategy in Taiwan paddy soils.  相似文献   

Liou RM  Huang SN  Lin CW 《Chemosphere》2003,50(2):237-246
Flooded rice fields are one of the major biogenic methane sources. In this study, methane emission rates were measured after transplanting in paddy fields with application of two kinds of nitrogen fertilizers (ammonium sulfate, NH4+-N and potassium nitrate, NO3(-)-N) and with two kinds of rice varieties (Japonica and Indica). The experiment was conducted in fields located at Tainan District Agricultural Improvement Station in Chia-Yi county (23 degrees 25'08"N, 120 degrees 16'26"E) of southern Taiwan throughout the first and the second crop seasons in 1999. The seasonal methane flux in the first crop season with NH4+-N and NO3(-)-N ranged from 2.48 to 2.78 and from 8.65 to 9.22 g CH4 m(-2); and the values ranged 24.6-34.2 and 36.4-52.6 g CH4 m(-2) in the second crop season, respectively. In the first crop season, there were significantly increased 3.1-3.7-fold in methane emission fluxes due to plantation of Indica rice. In comparison of two rice varieties, the Indica rice variety showed a tendency for larger methane emission than the Japonica rice variety in the second crop season. Moreover, ammonium sulfate treatment significantly reduced CH4 emissions by 37-85% emissions compared to potassium nitrate plots. It was concluded that the CH4 emission was markedly dependent on the type of nitrogen fertilizer and rice variety in Taiwan paddy soils.  相似文献   


The Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn contents in home-grown crops in a former mining district were determined in order to evaluate the non-carcinogenic long-term potential health risk related to crop consumption. The potential health risk was investigated by estimating the daily intake and the hazard quotients. For all crop categories, the daily intake and the target hazard quotient were below the threshold values for Cd, Cu, and Zn. The daily intake of Pb exceeded the oral reference dose, while the target hazard quotient for vegetables was above 1, indicating a potential health risk. The total target hazard quotient for the individual metals decreased in the following order: Pb>Cd>Cu>Zn. This study confirmed that the daily consumption of crops grown in contaminated soils could pose health risks to humans.  相似文献   

The abundances of rarer trace elements in paddy (rice) soils of Sri Lanka   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Concentrations of Ti, Ga, As, Sc, Zr, Sn, Hf, Th, U and Y have been determined for 70 paddy soils from 14 villages, selected throughout Sri Lanka by means of ICP-MS. The mean elemental contents of all paddy soil samples were 6120 Ti, 14.1 Ga, 0.84 As, 7.26 Sc, 129 Zr, 2.27 Sn, 3.64 Hf, 12.71 Th, 1.53 U, and 13.35 Y (all data in microg/g). Paddy soils were classified into groups based on morphology and climate. Higher contents of Th and U were found in the wet zone lowland soils whereas the higher Ti contents were observed in dry zone soils. Arsenic, Zr and Hf contents were comparatively similar in all regions. Factor analysis was used to identify the relationships between the contents of elements.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Arsenic is known to be a notorious human carcinogen and rice consumption is becoming the primary human exposure route for As, especially in many Asian...  相似文献   

This study reports total levels of chromium, cadmium, nickel and lead in the agricultural land adjacent a factory producing chromate compounds in Kazanli-Mersin. Surface soil samples were collected from fields around the factory as well as from fields farther away to measure contamination due to aerial transportation and deposition of dust produced in the industrial process. Heavy metals in soil were extracted using wet digestion, and concentrations were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The concentrations were compared with Turkish maximum allowable concentration values. The metal concentrations averaged 80, 0.14, 228 and 431mg1kg-1 for chromium, cadmium, nickel and lead, respectively. Soil samples contaminated with chromium were mainly found 500–20001m from the factory and decreased with increasing distance from the factory. Elevated chromium and nickel concentrations were determined in the soils around the factory, especially to the northwest (prevailing wind) and west. Lead concentrations exceeded the limit in only roadside soils (4000 and 50001m to the west), but tended to increase in the vicinity of industrial activity (especially in the west, the northwest and the north). The cadmium concentration did not exceed the limit and was within the normal range for soils.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Herein, field experiment trials were conducted at two different sites (Heilongjiang and Hubei Province) in China to determine the residual levels and...  相似文献   


In this study, fate and contaminant transport model-driven human health risk indexes were calculated due to the presence of dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) in the subsurface environment of air force base area in Florida, USA. Source concentration data of DNAPLs was used for the calculation of transport model-driven health risk indexes for the children and adult sub-population via direct oral ingestion and skin dermal contact exposure scenario using 10,000 Monte Carlo type simulations. The highest variation in the probability distribution of transformed DNAPL compound (cis-dichloroethene (cis-DCE) > vinyl chloride (VC)) was observed as compared to parent DNAPL (tetrachloroethene (PCE)) based on the 50-year simulation timespan. Transformed DNAPL compounds (VC, cis-DCE) posed the highest risk to human health for a longer duration (up to 15 years) in comparison to parent DNAPL (PCE), as non-carcinogenic hazard quotient varied from 400 to 1100. Carcinogenic health risks were observed as 3-order of magnitude higher than safe limit (HQSafe < 10−6) from 2nd to 5th year timespan and fall in the high-risk zone, indicating the need for a remediation plan for a contaminated site. Variance attribution analysis revealed that concentration, body weight, and exposure duration (contribution percentage – 70 to 95%) were the most important parameters, highlighting the impact of dispersivity and exposure model in the estimation of risk indexes. This approach can help decision-makers when a contaminated site with partial data on hydrogeological properties and with higher uncertainty in model parameters is to be assessed for the formulation of remediation measures.


Liu CW  Liang CP  Lin KH  Jang CS  Wang SW  Huang YK  Hsueh YM 《Chemosphere》2007,69(1):128-134
This study surveyed the total arsenic (As) and As species contents in clams (Meretrix lusoria) farmed in areas of hyperendemic blackfoot disease (BFD) in southwestern Taiwan. Total As and As species in sediment and pond water were also analyzed to examine the bioaccumulation of As in clams in their exposure environment. Moreover, potential carcinogenic risks associated with the ingestion of As in aquacultural clams were evaluated probabilistically. The average total As contents in medium-sized and small clams were 7.62 and 10.71 microg/g (dry wt), respectively. The content of the As species in this study was approximately 61% of the total As content. The other unquantified As species are possibly arsenocholine, arsenosugar and arsenolipid. The average ratios of inorganic As contents to total As contents in clams ranged from 12.3% to 14.0% which are much higher than that found in the farmed oyster (Crassostrea gigas), indicating that humans may expose to larger quantities of inorganic As by ingesting the same amount of clam as oyster. Using different ingestion rates derived by the average consumption method and the questionnaire method, the estimated risks to human health associated with consuming clams from the BFD area ranging from slightly to largely exceed the standard target risk. Based on the estimation of the TR model, a 0.18g/day-person of the safe ingestion rate of clams in the BFD region is recommended.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) accumulation in food crops such as rice is of major concern. To investigate whether phytoremediation can reduce As uptake by rice, the As hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata was grown in five contaminated paddy soils in a pot experiment. Over a 9-month period P. vittata removed 3.5-11.4% of the total soil As, and decreased phosphate-extractable As and soil pore water As by 11-38% and 18-77%, respectively. Rice grown following P. vittata had significantly lower As concentrations in straw and grain, being 17-82% and 22-58% of those in the control, respectively. Phytoremediation also resulted in significant changes in As speciation in rice grain by greatly decreasing the concentration of dimethylarsinic acid (DMA). In two soils the concentration of inorganic As in rice grain was decreased by 50-58%. The results demonstrate an effective stripping of bioavailable As from contaminated paddy soils thus reducing As uptake by rice.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Disposal of industrial waste is of great concern because it releases toxic metals resulting into the degradation of environments and consequently...  相似文献   

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