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It is estimated that there is sufficient in-state “technically” recoverable biomass to support nearly 4000 MW of bioelectricity generation capacity. This study assesses the emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants and resulting air quality impacts of new and existing bioenergy capacity throughout the state of California, focusing on feedstocks and advanced technologies utilizing biomass resources predominant in each region. The options for bioresources include the production of bioelectricity and renewable natural gas (NG). Emissions of criteria pollutants and greenhouse gases are quantified for a set of scenarios that span the emission factors for power generation and the use of renewable natural gas for vehicle fueling. Emissions are input to the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model to predict regional and statewide temporal air quality impacts from the biopower scenarios. With current technology and at the emission levels of current installations, maximum bioelectricity production could increase nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions by 10% in 2020, which would cause increases in ozone and particulate matter concentrations in large areas of California. Technology upgrades would achieve the lowest criteria pollutant emissions. Conversion of biomass to compressed NG (CNG) for vehicles would achieve comparable emission reductions of criteria pollutants and minimize emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG). Air quality modeling of biomass scenarios suggest that applying technological changes and emission controls would minimize the air quality impacts of bioelectricity generation. And a shift from bioelectricity production to CNG production for vehicles would reduce air quality impacts further. From a co-benefits standpoint, CNG production for vehicles appears to provide the best benefits in terms of GHG emissions and air quality.

Implications:?This investigation provides a consistent analysis of air quality impacts and greenhouse gas emissions for scenarios examining increased biomass use. Further work involving economic assessment, seasonal or annual emissions and air quality modeling, and potential exposure analysis would help inform policy makers and industry with respect to further development and direction of biomass policy and bioenergy technology alternatives needed to meet energy and environmental goals in California.  相似文献   

以68台燃油锅炉(≤10~MW)NOx排放实测数据为基础,通过统计分析方法,研究了NOx的排放特征;通过对比分析,探讨了我国燃油锅炉NOx排放控制与管理现状,讨论了进一步加强我国燃油锅炉NOx排放管理控制的可能性与可行性,并提出了相应的管理控制建议。结果表明,NOx平均排放浓度为318.2mg/m^3,基于燃料消耗量的平均排放因子为4.4kg/t,基于燃料发热量的平均排放因子为102.8ng/J,基于燃料氮含量的平均排放因子为2.1mg/mg;建议采取分阶段控制的方式,逐步提高NOx排放限制,从而实现控源减排目标。  相似文献   

To study the impact of emissions at an airport on local air quality, a measurement campaign at the Zurich airport was performed from 30 June 2004 to 15 July 2004. Measurements of NO, NO2, CO and CO2 were conducted with open path devices to determine real in-use emission indices of aircraft during idling. Additionally, air samples were taken to analyse the mixing ratios of volatile organic compounds (VOC). Temporal variations of VOC mixing ratios on the airport were investigated, while other air samples were taken in the plume of an aircraft during engine ignition. CO concentrations in the vicinity of the terminals were found to be highly dependent on aircraft movement, whereas NO concentrations were dominated by emissions from ground support vehicles. The measured emission indices for aircraft showed a strong dependence upon engine type. Our work also revealed differences from emission indices published in the emission data base of the International Civil Aviation Organisation. Among the VOC, reactive C2–C3 alkenes were found in significant amounts in the exhaust of an engine compared to ambient levels. Also, isoprene, a VOC commonly associated with biogenic emissions, was found in the exhaust, however it was not detected in refuelling emissions. The benzene to toluene ratio was used to discriminate exhaust from refuelling emission. In refuelling emissions, a ratio well below 1 was found, while for exhaust this ratio was usually about 1.7.  相似文献   

The quality of stationary source emission factors is typically described using data quality ratings, which provide no quantification of the precision of the emission factor for an average source, nor of the variability from one source to another within a category. Variability refers to actual differences caused by differences in feedstock composition, design, maintenance, and operation. Uncertainty refers to lack of knowledge regarding the true emissions. A general methodology for the quantification of variability and uncertainty in emission factors, activity factors, and emission inventories (EIs) is described, featuring the use of bootstrap simulation and related techniques. The methodology is demonstrated via a case study for a selected example of NOx emissions from coal-fired power plants. A prototype software tool was developed to implement the methodology. The range of interunit variability in selected activity and emission factors was shown to be as much as a factor of 4, and the range of uncertainty in mean emissions is shown to depend on the interunit variability and sample size. The uncertainty in the total inventory of -16 to +19% was attributed primarily to one technology group, suggesting priorities for collecting data and improving the inventory. The implications for decision-making are discussed.  相似文献   

通过对山东电网所属发电厂锅炉NOx排放状况进行调查、测试,得出锅炉NOx排放量与煤种、炉型、燃烧器型式、运行中空气过剩系数、负荷等的关系.结果表明,山东省火力发电厂50 MW及以上容量机组2003年的NOx排放总量超过40万t(按NO2计算).控制和治理NOx排放已成为刻不容缓的重要工作.  相似文献   

中国山东电网燃煤锅炉NOx排放状况和治理技术试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对山东电网所属发电厂锅炉NOx排放状况进行调查、测试,得出锅炉NOx排放量与煤种、炉型、燃烧器型式、运行中空气过剩系数、负荷等的关系。结果表明,山东省火力发电厂50MW及以上容量机组2003年的NOx排放总量超过40万t(按NO2计算)。控制和治理NOx排放已成为刻不容缓的重要工作。  相似文献   

我国氮氧化物排放因子的修正和排放量计算:2000年   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
根据我国城市的发展状况 ,采用城市分类的方法 ,将我国 2 6 1个地级市按照人口数量分为 5个类别。每类城市选取一个典型城市进行实地调查 ,对我国燃烧锅炉和机动车的NOx 的排放因子进行了修正 ,提出了适合我国目前排放水平的各类城市的固定源和移动源的排放因子。并依据 2 0 0 0年中国大陆地区的电站锅炉、工业锅炉和民用炉具的燃料消耗量和机动车保有量 ,以地级市为基本单位 ,估算了 2 0 0 0年我国各地区的NOx 排放量 ,分析了分地区、分行业、分燃料类型的NOx 排放特征。 2 0 0 0年我国NOx 排放总量为 11.12Mt,其中固定源占 6 0 .8% ;移动源占 39.2 %。NOx 排放在地域、行业和燃料类型上分布均不平衡。NOx 的排放主要集中在华东和华北地区 ,其排放量占全国排放量的一半以上。燃煤为最重要的NOx 排放源 ,其排放量占燃料型NOx 排放量的 72 .3%左右。  相似文献   

Flue gas emissions of wood and heavy fuel oil (HFO) fired district heating units of size range 4–15 MW were studied. The emission measurements included analyses of particle mass, number and size distributions, particle chemical compositions and gaseous emissions. Thermodynamic equilibrium calculations were carried out to interpret the experimental findings.In wood combustion, PM1 (fine particle emission) was mainly formed of K, S and Cl, released from the fuel. In addition PM1 contained small amounts of organic material, CO3, Na and different metals of which Zn was the most abundant. The fine particles from HFO combustion contained varying transient metals and Na that originate from the fuel, sulphuric acid, elemental carbon (soot) and organic material. The majority of particles were formed at high temperature (>800 °C) from V, Ni, Fe and Na. At the flue gas dew point (125 °C in undiluted flue gas) sulphuric acid condensed forming a liquid layer on the particles. This increases the PM1 substantially and may lead to partial dissolution of the metallic cores.Wood-fired grate boilers had 6–21-fold PM1 and 2–23-fold total suspended particle (TSP) concentrations upstream of the particle filters when compared to those of HFO-fired boilers. However, the use of single field electrostatic precipitators (ESP) in wood-fired grate boilers decreased particle emissions to same level or even lower as in HFO combustion. On the other hand, particles released from the HFO boilers were clearly smaller and higher in number concentration than those of wood boilers with ESPs. In addition, in contrast to wood combustion, HFO boilers produce notable SO2 emissions that contribute to secondary particle formation in the atmosphere. Due to vast differences in concentrations of gaseous and particle emissions and in the physical and chemical properties of the particles, HFO and wood fuel based energy production units are likely to have very different effects on health and climate.  相似文献   

The spatial distributions of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions are essential inputs to models of atmospheric transport and deposition. Information of this type is required for international negotiations on emission reduction through the critical load approach. High-resolution emission maps for the Republic of Ireland have been created using emission totals and a geographical information system, supported by surrogate statistics and landcover information. Data have been subsequently allocated to the EMEP 50 x 50-km grid, used in long-range transport models for the investigation of transboundary air pollution. Approximately two-thirds of SO2 emissions in Ireland emanate from two grid-squares. Over 50% of total SO2 emissions originate from one grid-square in the west of Ireland, where the largest point sources of SO2 are located. Approximately 15% of the total SO2 emissions originate from the grid-square containing Dublin. SO2 emission densities for the remaining areas are very low, < 1 t km-2 year-1 for most grid-squares. NOx emissions show a very similar distribution pattern. However, NOx emissions are more evenly spread over the country, as about 40% of total NOx emissions originate from road transport.  相似文献   

The anthropogenic emissions of SO2 and NOx for 25 Asian countries east of Afghanistan and Pakistan have been calculated for 1975, 1980, 1985, 1986 and 1987 based on fuel consumption, sulfur content in fuels and emission factors for used fuels in each emission category. The provincial- and regional-based calculations have also been made for China and India. The total SO2 emissions in these parts of Asia have been calculated to be 18.3 and 29.1 Tg in 1975 and 1987, respectively. The calculated total NOx emissions were 9.4 and 15.5 Tg in 1975 and 1987, respectively. The SO2 and NOx emissions in East Asia (China, Japan, South Korea, North Korea and Taiwan) were 23.4 and 10.7 Tg in 1975 and 1987, respectively.Keyword: Emission inventories, sulfur dioxide emissions, nitrogen oxide emissions, Asian emissions, anthropogenic emissions.  相似文献   

以86台中小型燃烟煤层燃炉(≤65 MW)的燃料特性分析数据和NOx排放实测数据为基础,通过统计分析方法,研究了锅炉出力、过量空气系数、燃煤挥发分、燃煤氮含量对NOx排放浓度的影响,分析了我国中小型燃烟煤层燃炉NOx的排放与管理控制现状。结果表明,中小型燃用烟煤层燃炉NOx平均排放浓度为324.6 mg/m^3;锅炉出力对NOx排放浓度不具有显著影响;燃煤挥发分增高,NOx排放浓度降低;过量空气系数和燃煤氮含量增大,NOx排放浓度增高;并建议在国家层面上尽快制订燃煤锅炉NOx排放标准限值。  相似文献   

针对典型SCR系统普遍存在的出口烟道与烟囱处NOx在线监测值不一致的问题与超洁净排放要求,选择2台流场与喷氨格栅结构不同的SCR系统进行性能与优化调整实验。通过对喷氨格栅区域烟气分布与喷氨调整前后出口烟道内NOx分布的测试,分析了导致问题的原因与调整方案的有效性以及不同喷氨格栅结构的优劣性。结果表明:喷氨格栅区域烟气流场分布与区域喷氨量的不一致性是导致不同点位NOx浓度在线监测值不一致的原因;依据调整方案能有效实现SCR出口烟道内NOx浓度均匀分布与超洁净排放的要求;改造后,能针对烟道宽度方向上烟气不均现象进行区域喷氨量调整的喷氨格栅结构Ⅱ与更均匀的烟气分布,促使调整后的2号机组A、B两侧出口NOx浓度分布相对标准偏差明显优于1号机组。  相似文献   

Measurements of the aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and ortho(o)-xylene) at Niwot Ridge, Colorado have shown distinct correlations between the ratios of the concentrations of these compounds and the degree of direct urban influence. The major atmospheric removal mechanism of aromatic hydrocarbons is reaction with the hydroxyl radical, OH. This allows the decrease in the ratios of aromatic hydrocarbon concentrations to be related to the transport time and average OH number density within an air mass, if assumptions are made concerning background sources of aromatic hydrocarbons. Measured ratios of aromatic compounds at this site, along with ratios reported for several cities in the western United States, and estimates of transport times from these cities were used to calculate temporally and spatially averaged OH number densities. Hydroxyl radical number density estimates using toluene-, ethylbenzene-, and o-xylene-to-benzene ratios, were 1.2 ± 0.6 × 106, 1.0 ±0.8 × 106 and 0.48 ± 0.8 × 106 molecules cm−3, respectively. Considering the uncertainties in the assumptions used in the above estimates, we obtain a diurnal-average upper limit of 2.4 × 106 molecules cm−3. The correlations between measured ratios are found to yield slopes consistent with those predicted by experimental OH rate constants for benzene, toluene and ethylbenzene, and approximately a factor of two different in the case of benzene, toluene and o-xylene. The ratio of NOx: benzene was found to yield no correlation with toluene: benzene ratio for periods of westerly flow, but was well correlated with toluene: benzene ratio during periods of direct urban impact on the site (upslope easterly winds). The correlation of these ratios in urban plume air masses was consistent with NO2 + OH + M being the major daytime removal mechanism of NOx in the summertime.  相似文献   

Emissions of CO, N2O and NOx from combustion are estimated using a common set of demographic, economic and regulatory assumptions. The estimates represent a sum of emissions from six large geographical regions in which energy use was predicted using an economic forecasting model. Analysis was performed for 1960, 1975, 2000 and 2025. Future global CO emissions from combustion are likely to decrease because of regulation in the developed nations and fuel-switching in the developing nations. Future global N2O and NOx combustion emissions are likely to increase unless there is new regulation. The greatest uncertainties in emission estimates arise from not knowing the energy paths China and other developing nations will follow in the pursuit of economic development.  相似文献   

Duo W  Leclerc D 《Chemosphere》2007,67(9):S164-S176
Both organic chlorine (e.g. PVC) and inorganic chlorides (e.g. NaCl) can be significant chlorine sources for dioxin and furan (PCDD/F) formation in combustion processes. This paper presents a thermodynamic analysis of high temperature salt chemistry. Its influence on PCDD/F formation in power boilers burning salt-laden wood waste is examined through the relationships between Cl2, HCl, NaCl(g) and NaCl(c). These analyses show that while HCl is a product of combustion of PVC-laden municipal solid waste, NaCl can be converted to HCl in hog fuel boilers by reactions with SO2 or alumino-silicate materials. Cl2 is a strong chlorinating agent for PCDD/F formation. HCl can be oxidized to Cl2 by O2, and Cl2 can be reduced back to HCl by SO2. The presence of sulphur at low concentrations thus enhances PCDD/F formation by increasing HCl concentrations. At high concentrations, sulphur inhibits de novo formation of PCDD/Fs through Cl2 reduction by excess SO2. The effect of NH3, CO and NOx on PCDD/F formation is also discussed. A semi-empirical kinetic model is proposed. This model considers both precursor and de novo formation mechanisms. A simplified version is used as a stack emission model. The kinetic model indicates that stack dioxin emissions will increase linearly with decreasing electrostatic precipitator (ESP) efficiency and exponentially with increasing ESP temperature.  相似文献   

Kim D  Sorial GA 《Chemosphere》2007,66(9):1758-1764
The effects of temporal and spatial changes in biological activity and biomass amount on biofilter performance were investigated in a lab-scale trickle-bed air biofilter at a toluene loading of 46.9gm(-3)h(-1) under two different experimental strategies, namely, periodic backwashing at a rate of 1h once a week and 2d starvation. Analysis of the overall reaction for toluene metabolism revealed that cell synthesis was relatively favored over toluene oxidation in the inlet section of the biofilter, but over time its oxidation became favored throughout the biofilter bed. Periodic in situ backwashing with media fluidization effectively made even spatial distribution of biomass along the bed media, by which consistent high removal performance in the biofilter has been attained. After 2d starvation, the ratio of the biofilm EPS to the total biomass increased along the media bed depth, while the total biomass in the media bed subsequently decreased. The presence of sufficient biomass and microbial activity favorably influenced biofilter reacclimation after restart-up following starvation.  相似文献   


We investigate the application of two classes of artificial neural networks for the identification and control of discrete-time nonlinear dynamical systems. A fully connected recurrent network is used for process identification, and a multilayer feedforward network is used for process control. The two neural networks are arranged in series for closed-loop control of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions of a simplified representation of a dynamical system. Plant data from one of Commonwealth Edison's coal-fired power plants are used for testing the approach, with initial results indicating that the method is feasible. However, further work is required to determine whether the method remains feasible as the number of state variables and control variables are increased.  相似文献   

介绍了奥里油的特性及其在电厂中的应用情况,对奥里油燃烧过程中NOx的形成机理和影响因素作了初步分析,同时比较了燃烧粉煤、重油或奥里油时的NOx排放量,为我国开展相关研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

基于情景分析法预测了2020、2030年不同情景下的中国能源消费量,按不同部门、不同燃料类型的SO2、NOx排放因子和去除率,预测了2020和2030年不同情景下的中国SO2和NOx排放量。根据计算结果,2020和2030年基准能源与市场情景、政策能源与市场情景和强化政策能源与市场管理情景的SO2和NOx排放量依次减小;相比于基准能源与市场情景,强化政策能源与市场管理情景下2020和2030年SO2排放量分别减少了651.66和846.55万t,NOx排放量分别减少了409.61和692.76万t。燃煤火电厂、工业和交通部门对SO2和NOx排放量的贡献最大,重点加强这3个经济部门的污染控制,可有效降低污染物的排放量。  相似文献   

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