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The study presents the measurement of carbonyl, BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylene), ammonia, elemental/organic carbon (EC/OC), and greenhouse gas emissions from modern heavy-duty diesel and natural gas vehicles. Vehicles from different vocations that included goods movement, refuse trucks, and transit buses were tested on driving cycles representative of their duty cycle. The natural gas vehicle technologies included the stoichiometric engine platform equipped with a three-way catalyst and a diesel-like dual-fuel high-pressure direct-injection technology equipped with a diesel particulate filter (DPF) and a selective catalytic reduction (SCR). The diesel vehicles were equipped with a DPF and SCR. Results of the study show that the BTEX emissions were below detection limits for both diesel and natural gas vehicles, while carbonyl emissions were observed during cold start and low-temperature operations of the natural gas vehicles. Ammonia emissions of about 1 g/mile were observed from the stoichiometric natural gas vehicles equipped with TWC over all the driving cycles. The tailpipe GWP of the stoichiometric natural gas goods movement application was 7% lower than DPF and SCR equipped diesel. In the case of a refuse truck application the stoichiometric natural gas engine exhibited 22% lower GWP than a diesel vehicle. Tailpipe methane emissions contribute to less than 6% of the total GHG emissions.

Implications: Modern heavy-duty diesel and natural gas engines are equipped with multiple after-treatment systems and complex control strategies aimed at meeting both the performance standards for the end user and meeting stringent U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) emissions regulation. Compared to older technology diesel and natural gas engines, modern engines and after-treatment technology have reduced unregulated emissions to levels close to detection limits. However, brief periods of inefficiencies related to low exhaust thermal energy have been shown to increase both carbonyl and nitrous oxide emissions.  相似文献   

为探究儿茶酚与MnO2的添加对强化堆肥腐殖化及氮素保留效果的影响,以猪粪与木屑为堆肥原材料,分别设置对照组 (CK,儿茶酚与MnO2质量分数均为0%),实验组 (T1,儿茶酚0%与MnO2 1%;T2,儿茶酚3%与MnO2 0%;T3,儿茶酚3%与MnO2 1%)4个处理,借助冗余分析、UV-vis、3D-EEM光谱技术,探究不同处理对堆肥基本理化性质、氮素转化过程及氮素保留机理的影响。结果表明,1% MnO2和3%儿茶酚的混合处理 (T3)堆肥过程中类氨基酸组分荧光强度显著增强,氨挥发受到明显抑制,堆肥结束时,混合处理氨累积挥发量为1.39 g,仅为CK的16.61%;有机氮组分中酸解氨态氮占比为17%,高于CK的14%;总凯氏氮相较于CK提升了9.00%,温度、pH值、EC值和GI值等基础指标均满足安全利用标准。三维荧光平行因子分析表明MnO2和儿茶酚的混合添加可有效削减堆肥初期含氮有机质的矿化分解,从而明显降低堆体升温阶段和高温阶段的氨挥发总量,实现氮素的保留。  相似文献   

氨氮抑制是影响高含固厌氧消化推广应用的主要因素之一。通过批式实验,采用外源氨氮投加方式,考察了厌氧消化过程中不同氨氮浓度对鲜猪粪产甲烷效果和产甲烷菌群结构的影响。结果表明:氨氮添加量为2 000 mg·L-1(TAN≈3 596.7 mg·L-1)时,日产甲烷速率及累积产甲烷量均明显下降;添加量大于4 000 mg·L-1(TAN≈5 618.7 mg·L-1)时,氨氮抑制加剧,出现VFAs累积、产甲烷高峰期后移、丙酸降解失败。不同氨氮投加量下猪粪中挥发性固体(VS)产甲烷率分别为(369.0 ± 17.3)、(318.5 ± 7.6)、(234.7 ± 2.5)、(165.4 ± 19.4)mL·g-1,产甲烷效率较对照组分别下降14%、36%和55%。超过4 000 mg·L-1的外源氨氮投加促使产甲烷菌群结构发生显著变化,乙酸利用型产甲烷优势菌Methanosaeta 逐渐被Methanosarcina代替,而氢利用型产甲烷菌属中Methanospirillum的优势性逐渐被Methanoculleus和Methanomassiliicoccus取代,说明后者均有较强的氨氮耐受性。主成分分析和冗余分析表明,高浓度氨氮会促使产甲烷途径由乙酸利用型为主向氢利用型为主转变。  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from concentrated animal feeding operations vary by stage of production and management practices. The objective of this research was to study the effect of two dietary crude protein levels (12 and 16%) fed to beef steers in pens with or without corn stover bedding. Manure characteristics and GHG emissions were measured from feedlot pen surfaces. Sixteen equal-sized feedlot pens (19?×?23 m) were used. Eight were bedded approximately twice a week with corn stover and the remaining eight feedlot pens were not bedded. Angus steers (n = 138) were blocked by live weights (lighter and heavier) with 7 to 10 animals per pen. The trial was a 2?×?2 factorial design with factors of two protein levels and two bedding types (bedding vs. non bedding), with four replicates. The study was conducted from June through September and consisted of four ?28-day periods. Manure from each pen was scrapped once every 28 days and composite manure samples from each pen were collected. Air samples from pen surfaces were sampled in Tedlar bags using a Vac-U-Chamber coupled with a portable wind tunnel and analyzed with a greenhouse gas gas chromatograph within 24 hr of sampling. The manure samples were analyzed for crude protein (CP), total nitrogen (TN), ammonia (NH3), total volatile fatty acid (TVFA), total carbon (TC), total phosphorus (TP), and potassium (K). The air samples were analyzed for methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), and nitrous oxide (N2O) concentrations. The concentration of TN was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in manure from pens with cattle fed the high protein diets. The volatile fatty acids (VFAs) such as acetic, propionic, isobutyric, butyric, isovaleric, and valeric acids concentrations were similar across both treatments. There were no significant differences in pen surface GHG emissions across manure management and dietary crude protein levels.

Implications: Livestock manure produces odor and emits GHGs (CO2, CH4, and N2O) at different stages of production and management practices that have significant environmental concerns. Thus, it is important to measure GHG contributions from different sources and develop appropriate mitigation strategies for minimizing GHG contribution from livestock production facilities. Two dietary protein levels (12 and 16%) fed to beef steers in pens with or without corn stover bedding were studied. The results indicated that dietary protein levels and bedding vs. no bedding had very little effect on GHG emissions and manure composition under open feedlot conditions in North Dakota climatic conditions and management practices.  相似文献   

通过组织5个猪场废弃物堆肥试验,度量温度、表观性状、体积、重量损失、全氮、全磷、大肠杆菌值、蛔虫卵杀灭率和发芽指数等指标,检验了开发的强制通风静态仓堆肥系统的性能。结果表明,除起始含水率为80%试验堆体因起始含水率过高导致发生厌氧反应外,其余4个堆体均实现堆肥无害化、减量化、稳定化和资源化的处理目标;堆肥温度维持50℃以上5—7d,或55℃以上3d是大肠杆菌值达到国家粪便无害化卫生标准的必要条件;堆肥过程能有效脱除堆料的生物毒性,后腐熟阶段是必需阶段;氮、磷、钾等主要营养元素在堆肥前后呈现“浓缩效应”。因此,堆肥化能提高猪场废弃物肥效和利用价值。  相似文献   

猪场废弃物强制通风静态仓堆肥系统的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过组织5个猪场废弃物堆肥试验,度量温度、表观性状、体积、重量损失、全氮、全磷、大肠杆菌值、蛔虫卵杀灭率和发芽指数等指标,检验了开发的强制通风静态仓堆肥系统的性能.结果表明,除起始含水率为80%试验堆体因起始含水率过高导致发生厌氧反应外,其余4个堆体均实现堆肥无害化、减量化、稳定化和资源化的处理目标;堆肥温度维持50℃以上5~7 d,或55℃以上3 d是大肠杆菌值达到国家粪便无害化卫生标准的必要条件;堆肥过程能有效脱除堆料的生物毒性,后腐熟阶段是必需阶段;氮、磷、钾等主要营养元素在堆肥前后呈现"浓缩效应".因此,堆肥化能提高猪场废弃物肥效和利用价值.  相似文献   


A series of experiments were conducted to determine the optimal conditions for composting of swine manure and wastepaper. The aeration rate and mixing ratio were the variables investigated. In the first study (Study‐1), four experiments each with the same mixing ratio but a different aeration rate were carried out. In the second study (Study‐2), different mixing ratios were investigated, each however with the same aeration rate which was found to be optimal from Study‐1. Composting efficiencies were evaluated on the temperature profile and the reduction of C/N ratio. From the aeration rates of 200, 500, 1000, and 1500 mL/min.kg_vs that were evaluated, the aeration rate of 500 mL/min.kg_vs and higher showed good results. In Study‐2, where the initial C/N ratios were 20, 25, 30, and 35 respectively, the C/N ratio of 30 was found to be optimal. In conclusion, the composting of swine manure with the amendment of wastepaper was best carried out at the aeration of >500 mL/min.kg_vs and C/N ratio of 30.  相似文献   

A series of experiments were conducted to determine the optimal conditions for composting of swine manure and wastepaper. The aeration rate and mixing ratio were the variables investigated. In the first study (Study-1), four experiments each with the same mixing ratio but a different aeration rate were carried out. In the second study (Study-2), different mixing ratios were investigated, each however with the same aeration rate which was found to be optimal from Study-1. Composting efficiencies were evaluated on the temperature profile and the reduction of C/N ratio. From the aeration rates of 200, 500, 1000, and 1500 mL/min.kg_vs that were evaluated, the aeration rate of 500 mL/min.kg_vs and higher showed good results. In Study-2, where the initial C/N ratios were 20, 25, 30, and 35 respectively, the C/N ratio of 30 was found to be optimal. In conclusion, the composting of swine manure with the amendment of wastepaper was best carried out at the aeration of > 500 mL/min.kg_vs and C/N ratio of 30.  相似文献   

土霉素残留对猪粪堆肥过程中理化性质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探讨土霉素残留对猪粪堆肥过程的影响,以猪粪和锯末为原料,设置土霉素初始残留质量浓度分别为0、10、50、100、150 mg/kg的5个处理,进行为期30 d的好氧堆肥,研究土霉素对堆肥过程中温度、含水率、水溶性NH4+-N、水溶性NO3- -N、水溶性有机碳(DOC)的变化影响.结果表明:(1)土霉素残留加速了温度的下降,不利于温度的上升.(2)土霉素初始残留质量浓度为100、150 mg/kg不利于堆肥过程中水分的散失,并且会造成堆肥结束后堆体的高含水率.(3)土霉素抑制了堆肥过程中微生物对有机氮的分解及硝化细菌的硝化作用,其中150mg/kg处理的土霉素抑制作用最显著.(4)堆肥结束后,0、10、50、100、150 mg/kg处理的DOC分别为3 815.65、3 461.88、3 429.28、3 231.18、2 782.09mg/kg.0 mg/kg处理的DOC高于其他4个处理,且与150 mg/kg处理之间差异显著,表明土霉素抑制了堆肥过程中微生物对有机碳的利用,其中150 mg/kg处理的土霉素抑制作用最显著.  相似文献   

This study examined physicochemical parameters to assess their effectiveness as stability and maturity indicators during the process of composting pig manure and fungus residue at different ratios. The results showed that composting mixtures with all ratios of pig manure to fungus residue maintained a temperature exceeding 50 °C for more than 10 days during composting and met the requirement for pathogen destruction. The treatment containing mainly pig manure showed higher nitrogen loss and a shorter thermophilic phase and maturity time than the treatment containing mainly fungus residue. The germination index (GI) values indicated that compost maturity was achieved in the final compost with initial ratios of pig manure to fungus residue of 9:1–7:3 (GIs of 101.4%, 91.2%, and 81.3%); the ratio of 6:4 did not reach compost maturity (GI of 63.8%) and had an inhibitory effect on seed germination. The results of this study suggest that a ratio of pig manure to fungus residue of approximately 8:2 can be considered suitable for the efficient and quality composting of pig manure and fungus residue.

Implications: Co-composting of pig manure and edible fungi residue with appropriate proportion can effectively reduce the risk of environmental pollution caused by agricultural wastes, as well as achieve a safer and high-quality organic fertilizer, which can be used to improve physical and chemical properties of the soil, increase crop yields, and promote agricultural sustainable development. Therefore, technique of co-composting of pig manure and edible fungi residue has a wide prospect of application in practical production all over the world.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Biosolids are a by-product of wastewater treatment, and their nutritional composition makes them ideal for fertilizing crops. However, pre-treatments,...  相似文献   

不同堆肥方式对鸡粪与秸秆混合堆肥效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以鸡粪和玉米秸秆为堆肥原材料,进行了露天堆肥和反应器堆肥对比实验。结果表明,反应器堆肥(堆体P2)较露天堆肥(堆体P1)升温快,堆体P2达到了《粪便无害化卫生标准(GB7959—87)》的要求,堆体P1未达到;在整个堆肥过程中,堆体P1的水分总损失量(26.5%)大于堆体P2的水分总损失量(20.6%);堆体P1和P2的有机质降解主要发生在堆肥前期0~21d,分别完成了81.4%和84.5%的有机质降解量;堆体P1和P2的C/N比在堆肥过程中均呈下降趋势,最终C/N比分别为18.3和14.8;种子发芽指数GI_P1〈GI_P2,表明采用堆体P2的堆肥产品的植物毒性较堆体P1更小。各指标实测数据表明,反应器堆肥的堆肥产品的稳定性和腐熟程度较露天堆肥更好。  相似文献   

Spent litter (a mixture of partially composted pig manure and sawdust) was taken from pig pens employing the pig-on-litter system with and without the addition of a commercial bacterial product (Odor control (OC)-organic fertilizers (OF)). A duplicate series of windrows was set up with spent litter which contained the bacterial product and a further duplicate series was set up with spent litter which did not contain the bacterial product. All four sets had their initial moisture content adjusted to 60% but one of each duplicate pair had its moisture content adjusted to 60% during the entire period of further composting in windrows. The rate of further (windrow) composting was significantly different in the litter which contained no bacterial product and which only had its moisture content adjusted at the beginning of the experiment. Decomposition was incomplete in this set even after day 91. In the three other sets, the rate of decomposition was faster and the spent litter became stabilised by day 56. This result suggests that if the bacterial product has been added during the initial pig-on-litter composting process, moisture adjustment during further (windrow) composting is not important. Conversely, if moisture was adjusted during further composting, the addition of bacterial product during initial pig-on-litter composting would be of no value. Such a finding is of remarkable significance in the further composting of spent litter since this indicates that the process could be run on a much more economical basis.  相似文献   

鸡粪堆肥水溶性有机物转化特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用离子色谱和三维荧光光谱,分别对鸡粪堆肥不同阶段水溶性有机物(DOM)中典型小分子有机酸、磷酸和荧光有机物进行了研究。分析显示,所研究的7种酸(乙酸、琥珀酸、苹果酸、草酸、柠檬酸、酒石酸及磷酸)中,苹果酸的含量最高(1 000 mg/L),草酸的浓度最低(3 mg/L),琥珀酸和柠檬酸未检测到。随着堆肥的进行,各种酸的含量先上升而后下降,堆肥结束降至最低;堆肥过程样品所有荧光峰强度之和与COD达到显著相关(R=0.917,P0.05),类蛋白荧光峰强度与总荧光峰强度的比值不断降低,而类富里酸荧光峰强度与总荧光峰强度的比值不断上升。结果表明,堆肥过程小分子有机酸主要出现在堆肥中期;类蛋白荧光强度或类富里酸荧光强度与总荧光强度之比可以有效表征堆肥腐熟过程。  相似文献   

In this paper the authors have estimated for 1990 and 1995 the inventory of greenhouse gases CO2, CH4 and N2O for India at a national and sub-regional district level. The district level estimates are important for improving the national inventories as well as for developing sound mitigation strategies at manageable smaller scales. Our estimates indicate that the total CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions from India were 592.5, 17, 0.2 and 778, 18, 0.3 Tg in 1990 and 1995, respectively. The compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of these gases over this period were 6.3, 1.2 and 3.3%, respectively. The districts have been ranked according to their order of emissions and the relatively large emitters are termed as hotspots. A direct correlation between coal consumption and districts with high CO2 emission was observed. CO2 emission from the largest 10% emitters increased by 8.1% in 1995 with respect to 1990 and emissions from rest of the districts decreased over the same period, thereby indicating a skewed primary energy consumption pattern for the country. Livestock followed by rice cultivation were the dominant CH4 emitting sources. The waste sector though a large CH4 emitter in the developed countries, only contributed about 10% the total CH4 emission from all sources as most of the waste generated in India is allowed to decompose aerobically. N2O emissions from the use of nitrogen fertilizer were maximum in both the years (more than 60% of the total N2O). High emission intensities, in terms of CO2 equivalent, are in districts of Gangetic plains, delta areas, and the southern part of the country. These overlap with districts with large coal mines, mega power plants, intensive paddy cultivation and high fertilizer use. The study indicates that the 25 highest emitting districts account for more than 37% of all India CO2 equivalent GHG emissions. Electric power generation has emerged as the dominant source of GHG emissions, followed by emissions from steel and cement plants. It is therefore suggested, to target for GHG mitigation, the 40 largest coal-based thermal plants, five largest steel plants and 15 largest cement plants in India as the first step.  相似文献   

This research was conducted to study the influence of composting on the concentrations, water solubility, and phase association of Cu, Mn, and Zn from swine (Sus domesticus) feces. Composting of separated swine manure was performed in two piles for 122 days. The metal concentrations increased rapidly during the first 49 days and leveled off thereafter. All metal concentrations increased approximately 2.7-fold in the final compost due to decomposition of organic matter. A sequential extraction protocol was used to evaluate the humification process and partition metals into water-soluble, exchangeable, organically complexed, organically bound, solid particulate, and residual fractions. Temporal changes in the water-soluble fractions of Cu, Mn, and Zn were reflected by water-soluble organic C concentrations, which rapidly increased to a maximum at Day 18 and declined thereafter. An increase in the humic acid/fulvic acid ratio in Na4P2O7 or NaOH extracts at various stages of composting represented the humification process. During composting, the major portions of Cu, Mn, and Zn were in the organically-bound, solid particulate, and organically complexed fractions, respectively. Metal distributions in different chemical fractions were generally independent of composting age and, thus, independent of respective total metal concentrations in the composts.  相似文献   


Background, aim and scope  

Studies on the contribution of milk production to global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are rare (FAO 2010) and often based on crude data which do not appropriately reflect the heterogeneity of farming systems. This article estimates GHG emissions from milk production in different dairy regions of the world based on a harmonised farm data and assesses the contribution of milk production to global GHG emissions.  相似文献   

为探讨不同类型生物炭对猪粪堆肥过程中抗生素和抗生素抗性基因(ARGs)的削减规律,分别将玉米秸秆生物炭、竹炭和猪粪生物炭添加到猪粪中进行好氧堆肥,解析不同类型生物炭添加对猪粪堆肥过程中抗生素浓度和ARGs丰度的影响.研究发现,添加竹炭堆肥对抗生素的平均去除率最高(97%),其中对四环素类抗生素的去除率高达98%;添加玉...  相似文献   

针对好氧堆肥过程中产生的二次污染问题,以牛粪和小麦秸秆为原料,探究了添加过磷酸钙(SP)和糠醛渣(FR)对户外条垛式好氧堆肥过程中氨气排放和氮素转化的影响.结果表明,添加过磷酸钙降低了堆体的pH,减少了19.65%的氨气排放量,但是其N2O排放量增加了20.8%;添加糠醛渣后堆肥的高温期延长了7 d,增加了69.59%...  相似文献   

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