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阿联酋位于亚洲波斯湾沿岸,气候干燥炎热,是一个由6个酋长国组成的国家。在其6.566万平方千米的国土面积上,绝大部分为平原沙漠地区。然而,其富有却少有国家可与之匹敌。作为产油大国,石油蕴藏量超过16亿吨,生活在这里的几十万(1971年独立时人口为20万)人民靠资源躺着吃饭也是吃不完的。但是,热心于环境保护的总统扎·本·苏·阿勒纳哈扬果断地抑制石油开采,推行水淡化计划,植树造林,大力发展种植业,不仅使农副产品局部自给,并已促使环境良性发展,适于生物的生存。各种动物种群从无到有,引进的大型哺乳类动物,可以自由野外生…  相似文献   

A skull from the Barstovian of South Dakota has typical leptarctine characteristics, including robust zygomatic arches, double sagittal crests, grooves on the lingual side of the lower canines, and bony projections from the tympanic bullae. The robust mandibles and expanded masseteric fossa of this specimen indicate that it had large jaw muscles. Dental morphology and other characters lead us to agree with earlier suggestions that Hypsoparia is a valid genus. The morphology of Hypsoparia suggests that leptarctines were more herbivorous than most other Carnivora.  相似文献   

A giant termite is described and figured from the Late Miocene of the Styrian Basin in southeastern Austria. Gyatermes styriensis gen. n. et sp. n. is represented by a relatively complete forewing, with basal scale. The fossil approximates in size the largest of all termites today and is the largest fossil termite on record. The presence of this species in the Late Miocene fauna of Europe indicates that climatic conditions were appropriate for the persistence of species and colonies requiring relatively stable, warm conditions. The genus is primitive in overall features but shares some similarity with the dampwood termites.  相似文献   

The fossil community from the Early Miocene Cape Melville Formation (King George Island, Antarctica) does not show the archaic retrograde nature of modern Antarctic marine communities, despite evidence, such as the presence of dropstones, diamictites and striated rocks, that it was deposited in a glacial environment. Unlike modern Antarctic settings, and the upper units of the Eocene La Meseta Formation on Seymour Island, Antarctica, which are 10 million years older, the Cape Melville Formation community is not dominated by sessile suspension feeding ophiuroids, crinoids or brachiopods. Instead, it is dominated by infaunal bivalves, with a significant component of decapods, similar to present day South American settings. It is possible that the archaic retrograde structure of the modern community did not fully evolve until relatively recently, maybe due to factors such as further cooling and isolation of the continent leading to glaciations, which resulted in a loss of shallow shelf habitats.  相似文献   

Well-preserved jaw fragments and skull bones of a new scincomorphan lizard are described from the continental Hainin Formation (Middle Palaeocene) of the Mons Basin in southwestern Belgium. This taxon, Scincoideus haininensis gen. et sp. nov., is characterised by vermiculate dermal rugosities and represents the earliest formally recognised scincoid in Europe. It differs from cordylids (girdled lizards) by lacking the parietal downgrowth and differs from scincids (skinks) by having robustly built bones and a well-developed lingual cusp on tooth crowns. By its mosaic characters, S. haininensis is considered here as being a basal scincoid lizard close to the origin of cordylids and scincids. Palaeobiogeographic analysis suggests that scincoids were present in Europe from the Palaeocene or maybe even before the Cretaceous/Palaeogene boundary and that they were replaced by modern scincoids such as true scincids and cordylids during the Eocene. The origin of the latter two families in Europe was very likely related with the immigration of the first modern mammals.Electronic supplementary material  Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

The study of the origin and early evolution of birds has never produced as much excitement and public attention as in the past decade. Well preserved and abundant new fossils of birds and dinosaurs have provided unprecedented new evidence on the dinosaurian origin of birds, the arboreal origin of avian flight, and the origin of feathers prior to flapping flight. The Mesozoic avian assemblage mainly comprises two major lineages: the prevalent extinct group Enantiornithes, and the Ornithurae, which gave rise to all modern birds, as well as several more basal taxa. Cretaceous birds radiated into various paleoecological niches that included fish- and seed-eating. Significant size and morphological differences and variation in flight capabilities, ranging from gliding to powerful flight among early birds, highlight the diversification of birds in the Early Cretaceous. There is little evidence, however, to support a Mesozoic origin of modern avian groups. Controversy and debate, nevertheless, surround many of these findings, and more details are needed to give a better appreciation of the significance of these new discoveries.  相似文献   

This paper presents a global database of annual NOx and SOx emissions from fossil fuel combustion at a 1° resolution. The annual emissions estimates were based on fuel consumption for individual countries and are distributed according to human population within each country. There is a large spatial variability in the distribution of these emissions with over 90% of each gas being emitted in the Northern Hemisphere. It is expected that the estimates of NOx and SOx emissions will be useful for global and regional chemical transport simulations. The database is available from the author for this purpose.  相似文献   

Coprolites (fossilized feces) preserve a wide range of biogenic components, from bacteria and spores to a variety of vertebrate tissues. Two coprolites from the Calvert Cliffs outcrop belt (Miocene-aged Chesapeake Group), MD, USA, preserve shark tooth impressions in the form of partial dental arcades. The specimens are the first known coprolites to preserve vertebrate tooth marks. They provide another example of trace fossils providing evidence of prehistoric animal behaviors that cannot be directly approached through the study of body fossils. Shark behaviors that could account for these impressions include: (1) aborted coprophagy, (2) benthic or nektonic exploration, or (3) predation.  相似文献   

The Asian family Diatomyidae is known from the Early Oligocene to the present. Among living rodents, this group comprises only the recently discovered Laonastes aenigmamus from Laos. Fossil diatomyids are known from only a few sites, in which they are often rare. The discovery of Pierremus explorator gen. nov. sp. nov. in the Lower Miocene of As-Sarrar (Saudi Arabia) raises to ten the number of extinct diatomyid species recognized. Pierremus explorator is the first record of a diatomyid from the Afro-Arabian plate. This discovery provides evidence that, together with other rodents (ctenodactylids, zapodids…), the diatomyids took advantage of the corridor that was established between Afro-Arabia and Eurasia in Early Miocene times.  相似文献   

We report on the oldest European songbird (Passeriformes), from the early Oligocene (30–34 million years ago) of Frauenweiler in Germany. The specimen represents the earliest associated remains of an early Tertiary passerine described so far. It ties the first appearance of Passeriformes in Europe to a minimum age of 30 million years. Passeriform birds are absent in Eocene deposits that yielded abundant remains of small land birds and apparently dispersed into Europe around the Eocene/Oligocene boundary (about 34 million years ago), not at the Oligocene/Miocene boundary (about 24 mya) as hitherto thought. This possibly relates the appearance of songbirds in Europe to a well-known major faunistic break at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary, called the grande coupure. The Frauenweiler songbird most notably differs from extant Passeriformes in having a larger processus procoracoideus on the coracoid and appears to be outside Eupasseres, the taxon which includes Oscines (all modern European and most Old World songbirds) and Suboscines (most South and Central American songbirds). It shows that there were earlier dispersal events of non-oscine songbirds into Europe before the arrival of Oscines from the Australian continental plate towards the late Oligocene.  相似文献   

Despite a rapidly improving fossil record, the reproductive biology of Mesozoic birds remains poorly known: only a handful of undisputed, isolated Cretaceous eggs (some containing embryonic remains) are known. We report here the first fossil evidence for a breeding colony of Mesozoic birds, preserved at the Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Oarda de Jos (Od) site in the Sebe? area of Transylvania, Romania. A lens of calcareous mudstone with minimum dimensions of 80?cm length, 50?cm width and 20?cm depth contains thousands of tightly packed, morphologically homogenous eggshell fragments, seven near-complete eggs and neonatal and adult avialan skeletal elements. Eggshell forms 70–80?% of the matrix, and other fossils are entirely absent. The bones exhibit clear characters of the Cretaceous avialan clade Enantiornithes, and the eggshell morphology is also consistent with this identification. Both taphonomy and lithology show that the components of this lens were deposited in a single flood event, and we conclude that it represents the drowned remains of a larger enantiornithine breeding colony, swamped by rising water, washed a short distance and deposited in a shallow, low-energy pond. The same fate often befalls modern bird colonies. Such a large concentration of breeding birds suggests aquatic feeding in this species, augments our understanding of enantiornithine biology and shows that colonial nesting was not unique to crown birds.  相似文献   

The fossil record of late Campanian tyrannosauroids of western North America has a geographic gap between the Northern Rocky Mountain Region (Montana, Alberta) and the Southwest (New Mexico, Utah). Until recently, diagnostic tyrannosauroids from the Southwest were unknown until the discovery of Bistahieversor sealeyi from the late Campanian of New Mexico. Here we describe an incomplete skull and postcranial skeleton of an unusual tyrannosaurid from the Kaiparowits Formation (Late Cretaceous) of Utah that represents a new genus and species, Teratophoneus curriei. Teratophoneus differs from other tyrannosauroids in having a short skull, as indicated by a short and steep maxilla, abrupt angle in the postorbital process of the jugal, laterally oriented paroccipital processes, short basicranium, and reduced number of teeth. Teratophoneus is the sister taxon of the Daspletosaurus + Tyrannosaurus clade and it is the most basal North American tyrannosaurine. The presence of Teratophoneus suggests that dinosaur faunas were regionally endemic in the west during the upper Campanian. The divergence in skull form seen in tyrannosaurines indicates that the skull in this clade had a wide range of adaptive morphotypes.  相似文献   

Characterizing the paleoenvironmental context of the first hominids is a key issue for understanding their behavioral and morphological evolution. The present study aims at reconstructing the paleoenvironment of the TM266 vertebrate assemblage (Toros-Menalla, Northern Chad) that yielded the earliest known hominid Sahelanthropus tchadensis (7 Ma). For the first time, a quantitative analysis is carried out on the fossil mammal assemblage associated with that hominid. Two complementary approaches were applied: (1) the analysis of the relative abundances of taxa and their habitat preferences; and (2) the study of the distribution of taxa within three meaningful ecovariables: locomotion, feeding preferences, and body mass. The resulting taxonomic and paleoecological structures are used to reconstruct the diversity and the relative extent of the habitats in that part of northern Chad seven million years ago. The paleoenvironment was composed of open areas with dry and humid grasslands, prevailing over wooded habitats. Water was also widely available as freshwater bodies and certainly swamps. It appears that the high habitat diversity of the landscape is a common feature among paleoenvironments associated with early hominids.  相似文献   

在峡江县马埠地区进行1:5万峡江县幅区调工作中,在原石溪组之下发现一套岩性底部为灰白色石英质砾岩与灰白色含砾石英砂岩互层,下部为猪肝,土黄,青灰色粉砂岩,含粉砂质泥岩,含碳质泥岩,间夹少量薄层细砂岩,发育平行层理,中部为浅灰色石英质砾岩与灰色粗中粒长石岩屑砂岩互层,上部为紫红色含角砾硫纹质弱熔结凝灰岩组合的地层,并采获植物化石Manica。其时代属早白垩世,其岩石地层单位划归石溪组下部。  相似文献   

The endemic South American mammals Meridiolestida, considered previously as dryolestoid cladotherians, are found to be non-cladotherian trechnotherians related to spalacotheriid symmetrodontans based on a parsimony analysis of 137 morphological characters among 44 taxa. Spalacotheriidae is the sister taxon to Meridiolestida, and the latter clade is derived from a primitive spalacolestine that migrated to South America from North America at the beginning of the Late Cretaceous. Meridiolestida survived until the early Paleocene (Peligrotherium) and early Miocene (Necrolestes) in South America, and their extinction is probably linked to the increasing competition with metatherian and eutherian tribosphenic mammals. The clade Meridiolestida plus Spalacotheriidae is the sister taxon to Cladotheria and forms a new clade Alethinotheria. Alethinotheria and its sister taxon Zhangheotheria, new clade (Zhangheotheriidae plus basal taxa), comprise Trechnotheria. Cladotheria is divided into Zatheria (plus stem taxa, including Amphitherium) and Dryolestida, including Dryolestidae and a paraphyletic array of basal dryolestidans (formerly classified as “Paurodontidae”). The South American Vincelestes and Groebertherium are basal dryolestidans.  相似文献   

We thank the National Institute of Polar Research, Japan, for providing the samples of Y-82192. This study was supported by a Grant in Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan.  相似文献   

大气颗粒物混合尘溯源解析新方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
针对采用化学质量平衡模型(CMB)进行大气颗粒物源解析时,混合尘源由于与单一尘源存在严重共线性而不能代入模型的问题,首先对混合尘进行源解析,根据解析结果将混合尘分拆为对应的单一尘源,然后与原有的单一尘源共同代入CMB进行源解析,提出了大气颗粒物混合尘溯源解析新方法.将混合尘溯源解析新方法应用于某市的大气颗粒物尘源解析,得到扬尘的贡献率为28.75%,较二重源解析技术的46.3%和二重源解析技术改进方法的38.38%都要低,表明新方法更好地解决了共线源代入CMB出现的问题.受体元素计算值与测量值的比值较二重源解析技术改进方法有更多元素接近1,表明新方法建立的模型更加合理.  相似文献   

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