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危化企业爆炸性危险环境下由静电放电引发的火灾爆炸时有发生,针对这一问题分析了危化企业气体、液体、固体、粉体及人体在不同生产工艺过程中静电电荷来源以及可能的静电放电形式。综合考虑静电点燃源形成可能性、爆炸性环境形成可能性、监控与控制措施有效性以及静电事故后果严重度,构建了基于改进LEC法的静电点燃危险评价方法,该评价方法能实现对危化企业静电点燃源危害的量化评估与分级。应用该方法对某加油站进行静电点燃危险评价,并根据评价结果提出了预防改进措施。  相似文献   

兽药制药粉尘加工工艺过程中,由于粉尘颗粒之间或颗粒与设备、管壁之间的碰撞、摩擦,导致装置内部静电荷量积聚,激发静电放电,粉尘燃烧或爆炸的事故频发。实验主要通过包括粉尘与管材摩擦的漏电电流测试和静电放电火花对粉尘云点燃敏感性测试两部分。结果表明:单一药物药粉的静电漏电电流随着管材管径的增大,管长的增长,静电漏电电流逐渐变大;随着倾斜角的增大,静电漏电电流先增大后降低;镀锌铁管的漏电电流大于PVC管,电荷逸散速度更快。单一兽药粉的粉尘云放电火花最小点燃能量随质量浓度的变化,呈现二次曲线的变化趋势。混合兽药粉与单一兽药粉的漏电电流和粉尘云放电火花最小点燃能量的测试结果的变化趋势是一致的。  相似文献   

兽药制药粉尘加工工艺过程中,由于粉尘颗粒之间或颗粒与设备、管壁之间的碰撞、摩擦,导致装置内部静电荷量积聚,激发静电放电,粉尘燃烧或爆炸的事故频发。实验主要通过包括粉尘与管材摩擦的漏电电流测试和静电放电火花对粉尘云点燃敏感性测试两部分。结果表明:单一药物药粉的静电漏电电流随着管材管径的增大,管长的增长,静电漏电电流逐渐变大;随着倾斜角的增大,静电漏电电流先增大后降低;镀锌铁管的漏电电流大于PVC管,电荷逸散速度更快。单一兽药粉的粉尘云放电火花最小点燃能量随质量浓度的变化,呈现二次曲线的变化趋势。混合兽药粉与单一兽药粉的漏电电流和粉尘云放电火花最小点燃能量的测试结果的变化趋势是一致的。  相似文献   

石油化工企业存在有可燃气体(蒸汽)爆炸性混合物的危险场所,有些危险物质易产生和积聚静电荷,当静电电位达到一定的程度,并具备放电条件,且产生的放电火花能量大于该危险物质的最小点燃能量时,即可引发爆炸和着火事故。笔者就石油化工企业静电引燃爆炸危险情况进行了论述,并提出消除静电危害的防范措施。  相似文献   

粉尘云电火花点火研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了粉尘云电火花点火研究的主要目的。对工业实际中常见的电火花点火源及其放电能量和现有实验装置中的火花触发电路与喷粉系统进行了研究,分析了实验过程中以电容能量和火花能量来衡量粉尘云电火花点火敏感性的主要误差。  相似文献   

静电喷漆工艺应用普及很快,但其生产过程的火灾危险性属甲类。其火灾危险主要在于使用的漆料或有机溶剂,喷漆作业中存在电火花、静电火花、高温热表面、自然发热等引火源。为防止火灾爆炸发生,要注重防火防爆安全管理和强化必要的安全技术措施。  相似文献   

在一些人力操作的生产工作中,常常会发生“莫明其妙”的事故。如某厂为清除车间水泥地面上的油污,在地面上撒一些拌有汽油的锯末。清扫时,一女工脚穿的泡沫塑料鞋不慎碰到露出地面的电线铁管弯头,车间顿时起火。据分析,这次事故是由于人体静电造成的。 人体静电的引燃 人体静电引燃实验 1.人穿泡沫塑料拖鞋在4毫米厚的红胶皮地面上疾走数步后,立即用手握着的铜棒对地放电(如图1),此时,可观察到放电火花及点燃二硫化碳的现象,并测得此时的人体电位约为-2,870伏。 2.将1平方米的聚氯乙烯薄膜从紧贴着的铝板上迅速剥离,并立即用铜棒对地放电,也…  相似文献   

点火源是粉尘爆炸和燃烧的关键要素。通过分析阴燃、明火、热表面、机械冲击火花、电火花、电弧以及静电放电等5种点火源的形成机制,提出了“外源性”点火源可通过正确的工作程序来预防,“内源性”点火源可通过技术和管理措施来控制。简述了相应的预防措施,提出了做好点火源管理的5点建议。  相似文献   

以聚氨脂泡沫填缝剂基本生产原理及其特点为基础,对生产原料进行火灾危险性分析,结果表明:该类生产场所的火灾危险等级应划分为甲类;提出聚氨酯泡沫填缝剂生产中存在的安全问题及原因;运用危险度评价法对聚氨脂泡沫填缝剂生产工艺的火灾危险性进行了定量的安全评价,得出聚氨脂泡沫填缝剂生产工艺的危险程度为高度危险;并从建筑设计、防火管理和生产工艺等方面提出了预防火灾事故发生的对策。  相似文献   

雷击引燃森林可燃物概率的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用自主设计的雷击点燃森林可燃物的模拟实验装置,采用大兴安岭地区的松针和白草作为实验材料进行了雷击点燃实验。通过Logistic回归分析得到雷击点燃概率方程,并且通过主成分分析发现可燃物含水率和设备的低压值是决定可燃物是否被点燃的主要因素。通过不同可燃物含水率和电极间距参数条件下的实验证明了Lo-gistic回归方程结果的合理性,并对电极间距改变范围对实验的局限性进行了分析。  相似文献   

The knowledge of the ignition behavior of dust–air mixtures due to electrical sparks (MIE, Minimum Ignition Energy) and hot surfaces (MIT, Minimum Ignition Temperature) is important for risk assessments in chemical production plants. The ignition behavior determines the extent and hence the cost of preventive protection measures.This paper describes the use of the minimum ignition energy and minimum ignition temperature as very important safety indexes in practice.  相似文献   

火灾中摩擦火花和热表面引燃能力的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用摄影和热点偶等方法在一个有磨削轮的容器中研究了机械摩擦火花和热表面的引燃能力。在本研究中发现,对于某些材料,如碳钢等,由摩擦产生的磨屑可以被周围空气中的氧氧化而放出大量的热,从而使屑粒温度升高,达到白热程度。通常我们把一簇这样的颗粒中做“摩擦火花”。  相似文献   

Nearly 130 years ago Holtzwart and von Meyer (1891) demonstrated by experiments that explosible dust clouds could be ignited by inductive electric sparks. Then more than half a century passed before the publication of the important quantitative research of Boyle and Llewellyn (1950) and Line et al. (1959). They worked with capacitive electric sparks and found that the minimum capacitor energies ½CU2 required for ignition of various dust clouds in air decreased substantially when a large series resistance, in the range 104–107 Ω, was introduced in the discharge circuit. When considering that the net energies of the sparks themselves were only of the order of 10% of the ½CU2 discharged, the minimum net spark energies required for ignition with a large series resistance were only a few per cent of the net energies required without such a resistance.Line et al. observed that the essential effect of increasing the series resistance, and hence increasing the discharge time of the sparks, was to reduce the disturbance of the dust cloud by the blast wave from the spark. This phenomenon was explored further by Eckhoff (1970, 2017), and subsequently by some simple experiments by Eckhoff and Enstad (1976). Franke (1974, 1977) and Laar (1980) confirmed the additional finding of Line et al. (1959) that the minimum ½CU2 for ignition is also substantially reduced by including a series inductance in the discharge circuit, rather than a series resistance. The basic reason is the same as with a large series resistance, viz. increased spark discharge time and hence decreased disturbance of the dust cloud by blast wave from the spark. For this reason inclusion of an appreciable series inductance in the spark discharge circuit is an essential element in current standard MIE test methods.In experiments with spark ignition of transient dust clouds produced by a blast of air in a closed vessel, it is necessary to synchronize the occurrence of the spark with the formation of the dust cloud. The precision required from this type of synchronization is typically of the order of 10 ms, which can be obtained even by mechanical arrangements, such as rapid change of spark gap length, or of the distance between two capacitor plates. The present paper reviews some methods that have been/are being used for achieving adequate synchronization of dust cloud appearance and spark discharge. Some current standard experimental methods for determining MIEs of dust clouds experimentally have also been reviewed. The same applies to some theories of electric-spark ignition of dust clouds.At the end of paper some suggestions for possible future modifications of current standard methods for measuring MIEs of explosible dust clouds are presented. With regard to justifying significant modifications of existing standard methods, the “bottom line” is, as quite often in many connections, that any modifications should be based on realistic cost/benefit evaluations.  相似文献   

针对井喷爆炸事故造成的巨大经济和环境问题,从消除井场点火源出发,讨论了井喷发生后防止爆炸的问题。基于井喷爆炸事故统计信息,利用事故树法,分析了井场可能存在的点火源,在此基础上提出井场防止井喷爆炸的措施。分析发现井喷爆炸主要分布在井喷后小于5分钟和井喷后大于1小时时间段,点火源主要为井场存在的点火源和后续抢救工作时带入的点火源;井场点火源主要分为明火、电火花、撞击火花和静电火花,通过井喷爆炸事故统计分析,电火花和撞击火花同样应该引起重视。  相似文献   

The majority of powders that are used in the processing industries are combustible (also referred to as flammable, explosible). An explosion will occur if the concentration of the combustible dust that is suspended in air is sufficient to propagate flame when ignited by a sufficiently energetic ignition source.A systematic approach to identifying dust cloud explosion safety against their consequences generally involves:-Identification of locations where combustible dust cloud atmospheres could be present-Understanding of the explosion characteristics of the dust(s)-Identification of potential ignition sources that could be present under normal and abnormal conditions-Proper process and facility design to eliminate and/or minimize the occurrence of dust explosions and protect people and facilities against their consequences-Adequate maintenance of facilities to prevent ignition sources and minimize dust releaseThis presentation will discuss the conditions that are required for dust cloud explosions to occur and presents a well-tried approach to identify, assess, and eliminate/control dust explosion hazards in facilities.  相似文献   

浮顶储罐二次密封油气空间放电分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为避免浮顶储罐在遭受雷击时由于导电片设施在二次密封油气空间中放电引起密封圈火灾,在实验室建立了2 m直径油罐模型,开展导电片火花放电起始电流试验、导电片与罐壁形成空气间隙击穿放电初始电压试验,系统研究导电片在二次密封油气空间中的放电危险性。试验结果表明:导电片靠自身弹性与罐壁贴合时,雷电流大约在400 A时导电片开始产生点燃性火花放电;如导电片与罐壁贴合不良形成空气间隙,雷击情况下雷电流泄放瞬时浮顶与罐壁之间的电位差足以使一定大小的间隙击穿放电,当间隙大小为20~30 mm时,放电电压为26~40 kV。因此,储罐在遭受雷击时,导电片火花放电现象不可避免。结合储罐的实际运行情况,提出取消二次密封导电片、液下刮蜡器与浮顶进行可靠电气连接的改进措施,避免导电片在二次密封油气空间中放电发生,大大降低浮顶储罐雷击火灾事故。  相似文献   

Flammable solid bulk materials, including dusts, often undergo spontaneous combustion and the spread of reaction fronts. By addition of inert substances, the ignition and combustion behavior can be influenced. In a series of experiments different types of coal were mixed with inert powders to study the effect of the composition on the self-ignition temperature and on the formal kinetic parameters.Hot storage tests as well as simultaneous-thermal analysis were used as experimental techniques with the latter being coupled to FTIR measurements to analyze the composition of gaseous reaction products.All conducted hot storage experiments led to the conclusion that the self-ignition temperature was increased by admixing inert material if the decomposition temperature of the inert matter was higher than the self-ignition temperature of the combustible component at the sample characteristic length. If (exothermic) decomposition of the inert material occurred before a noticeable growth of reaction rate of the combustible material, even a reduction in the self-ignition temperature could be observed. In addition, significantly higher maximum reaction temperatures were observed for the mixtures than for the combustible material alone.  相似文献   

电焊操作、烟花燃放、工业磨削和高压电线碰撞等过程容易产生高温热颗粒。这些热颗粒一旦接触可燃材料就有可能引燃材料,导致火灾。该文对热颗粒引燃可燃堆积材料的行为进行实验研究,从而为工业堆积材料的火灾防控方法提供参考。实验加热一系列不同直径(6mm,8mm,10mm,12mm,15mm,20mm)的黄铜金属颗粒作为热源,并采用三种常见的工业堆积材料(木粉,炭粉,羟丙基甲基纤维素HPMC)作为可燃材料的代表物,研究不同功率金属热颗粒对材料的引燃行为,分析金属热颗粒引燃材料的临界功率。结果表明,材料本身的性质会影响热颗粒的引燃行为,HPMC的引燃时间最长,木粉的引燃时间最短。随着热颗粒直径的增加,热颗粒引燃三种材料所需的功率值整体呈增大的趋势。由于燃烧空腔的形成,HPMC的引燃临界功率相对较高。  相似文献   

Frictional processes caused by malfunctions may lead to hot surfaces and mechanical sparks. Whenever mechanical sparks occur due to friction, there are also hot surfaces. The time until the ignition source becomes effective is largely dependent on the thermal conductivity of the friction partners. Based on this, it was examined whether classification into the explosion groups and temperature classes of IEC 60079-0 is possible and useful. This research therefore focuses on the development of hot surfaces and their effectiveness. To assess the formation of hot surfaces, tests for temperature development according to the applied power density and the different materials were performed in a friction apparatus. The experimental setup is realised via a friction pin which is pressed onto a rotating friction disc. The variation of the power density was carried out by changing the velocity and load per area. The temperature distribution was detected by thermocouples, two pyrometers and an infrared camera. For the investigation of the incendivity of hot surfaces, the ignition curves were determined by characteristic reference gases and vapours of the IEC explosion groups and temperature classes. Tests have been carried out with hydrogen, ethylene, diethyl ether, propane and pentane. The experiments have shown that a larger thermal conductivity of the steel used can lead to slow down heating of the pin material. With an increasing wear rate the maximum temperature decreases. It was possible to determine the maximum temperatures at specific power inputs. The ignition tests show that ignitions are possible even at low velocities. The effective ignition source was thereby always the hot surface. The result was a graduation of the explosion limits analogous to the order of Maximum experimental safe gap (MESG) values. In contrast, no significant relationship between the ignition limits and the temperature class of the respective substances was revealed.  相似文献   

鄂大志  张明  邸曼  夏大维 《火灾科学》2020,29(2):115-120
利用火灾现场中燃烧物沉积物所特有的火灾原始信息,可以帮助火灾调查人员准确辨识与鉴别起火部位或起火点附近可燃物分部情况,辅助判断初始起火材料和起火部位的特点,通过燃烧模拟试验,开展了木材、化纤织物、棉织物、PVC制品、聚氨酯泡沫等常见固体可燃物燃烧沉积物微观形貌特征研究。首先,利用SEM 分析了不同材料沉积物中粒子分布、微观形貌等结构性差异。接着,进行了颗粒物的形貌学测量和组成成分测定。最终,得到了样本的量化差异特征。研究结果表明:5种固体可燃材料燃烧沉积物存在结构性差异,但并不显著;对组成粒子进行的形貌学测量和成分测定,可以量化区分材料属性。该方法可以为建立火灾现场起火部位可燃材料的燃烧时序性提供技术支持。  相似文献   

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