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The Gulf of Kachchh is characterised by a strong tidal variation and the reef communities are capable of higher exposure time during negative tides. About 11 sites located along the Marine National Park (MNP) from west to east were studied for assessing the present status of live coral cover along with other life-form categories. In the present study, the maximum live coral cover was recorded in Pirotan Island, followed by Laku Point, Mithapur and Boriya reef. Multivariate analyses such as Principal Component Analysis and Correspondence Analysis supported that the contribution of live coral cover was more towards Pirotan Island whereas the contribution of coral species cover was more towards Laku Point. Bray-Curtis cluster analysis categorized all the study sites into four major clusters with 78 % similarity based on life-form categories. Among them, two clusters from western region (one forming site from Mithapur Reef to Lakku Point and another one forming from Ashaba Gugar Reef to Dabdaba Island), the third one combines the western and eastern regions (Boriya Reef to Kalubar Island), the fourth one comprises the eastern region (Narara Reef to Sikka), and one outlier Pirotan Island. Based on coral species cover, two major clusters with 55 % similarity were formed. Among them, one cluster was formed from Pirotan Island to Kalubar Island in the eastern side of MNP and the second one comprised the western region of MNP (Boriya Reef to Laku Point), and one outlier Mithapur Reef. Thirty one species of live corals belonging to 8 families and 18 genera were recorded in the Marine National Park itself during the study period.  相似文献   

Summary The production of replacement reproductives in experimentally orphaned societies was investigated in Nasutitermes princeps (Desneux). From 1 to 180 replacement queens and multiple kings, all adultoids, were found in the 13 nests that were re-collected. Normal imagos, microimagos, or a mixture of the two forms were present, depending on colony composition at the time of orphaning. In colonies with alates, the corresponding forms were found as replacement reproductives. Where only young nymphs were present, microimagos differentiated. Neither the number of queens nor their level of physogastry was correlated with the time elapsed since orphaning, but the total egg-laying rates were. We suggest that competition among queens rather than time determines individual physogastric development. Observations show that the most likely cause of accidental queen death in nature is probably nest fall from the supporting tree. Even in this case, the queen may be able to migrate to a newly rebuilt nest. An experimental simulation of this situation showed that colony migration can occur. The data indicate that the replacement of the primary queen after her accidental death cannot by itself account for the high rate of polygyny (60%) encountered in N. princeps. Two other possible causes are the replacement of the ageing foundress as a normal event of colony life, and colony reproduction by budding off new nests with adultoid reproductives.King Léopold III Biological Station, Laing Island, Papua New Guinea, contribution no. 84Research Assistant of the National Fund for Scientific Research (Belgium)  相似文献   

The analysis of scats collected between 1989 and 1995 from the two fur seal species resident on subantarctic Marion Island, Arctocephalus gazella and A. tropicalis, showed that they fed predominantly on fish of the family Myctophidae (lanternfishes). Scat composition (prey species, abundance) was very similar for the two species. The seven species of myctophids that formed numerically 90 and 86% of the scat composition for A. gazella and A. tropicalis, respectively, all showed seasonal fluctuations in their contribution to seal diets. Electrona carlsbergi, E. subaspera, Metelectrona ventralis and Gymnoscopelus fraseri increased in winter in both species of fur seals, whereas Gymnoscopelus piabilis, Protomyctophum choriodon and P. tenisoni showed the opposite trend. Seal diets overlapped substantially with those of the king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) resident on Marion Island, but no evidence for competitive exclusion could be found between these two major warmblooded consumers of marine resources at the Prince Edward Islands. Received: 16 July 1997 / Accepted: 2 March 1998  相似文献   

Are pelagic species such as sharks and tuna distributed homogenously or heterogeneously in the oceans? Large assemblages of these species have been observed at seamounts and offshore islands in the eastern tropical Pacific, which are considered hotspots of pelagic biodiversity. Is the species distribution uniform at these hotspots or do species aggregate at a finer spatial scale at these sites? We employed three techniques to demonstrate that the aggregations of scalloped hammerhead sharks, Sphyrna lewini, and other pelagic species were confined to the southeastern corner of Wolf Island in the Galapagos Marine Reserve. Coded ultrasonic transmitters were placed on individuals at this site and at another aggregation site at Darwin Island, separated from Wolf by 40 km, and they were detected by monitors moored at the southeastern corner of Wolf Island and rarely by monitors deployed at other sites around the island. Hammerhead sharks, carrying depth-sensing continual transmitters, were tracked for two-day periods in a vessel and shown to reside a disproportionately large fraction of their time at the southeastern corner. Visual censuses were carried out seasonally at the eight monitor sites at Wolf Island, recording the abundance of one species of tuna, four species of jacks, and a number of other species. The highest diversity and abundance of these species occurred in the southeastern corner of the island. Our results support the use of hammerhead sharks as indicator and umbrella species for pelagic hotspots on a fine scale.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The Island Scrub-Jay ( Aphelocoma insularis ) is found on Santa Cruz Island, California, and is the only insular bird species in the continental United States. We typed seven microsatellite loci and sequenced a portion of the mitochondrial DNA control region of Island Scrub-Jays and their closest mainland relative, the Western Scrub-Jay ( Aphelocoma californica ), to assess levels of variability and effective population size and to examine the evolutionary relationship between the two species. The estimated female effective population size, N ef, of the Island Scrub-Jay was 1603 (90% confidence interval: 1481–1738) and was about 7.5% of the size of the mainland species. Island and Western Scrub-Jays have highly divergent control-region sequences, and the value of 3.14 ± 0.09% sequence divergence between the two species suggests a divergence time of approximately 151,000 years ago. Because the four northern Channel Islands were joined as one large island as recently as 11,000 years ago, extinctions must have occurred on the three other northern Channel islands, Santa Rosa, San Miguel, and Anacapa, highlighting the vulnerability of the remaining population. We assessed the evolutionary significance of four island endemics, including the Island Scrub-Jay, based on both genetic and adaptive divergence. Our results show that the Island Scrub-Jay is a distinct species of high conservation value whose history and adaptive potential is not well predicted by study of other island vertebrates.  相似文献   

Oceanic islands represent excellent systems for studying the link between geographic isolation and population divergence. Easter Island is the world’s most isolated island and exhibits a high level of endemicity in the nearshore marine environment. Yet few studies have examined the effect of such extreme isolation on the divergence of populations of widespread species that occur at Easter Island. Conus miliaris, a marine gastropod distributed throughout much of the Indo-West Pacific, occurs at Easter Island where the population is ecologically and morphologically distinct from other populations of the species. To determine whether these phenotypic differences are associated with genetic isolation of the Easter Island population, we investigated the phylogeography of this species by examining mitochondrial COI sequences obtained from 141 individuals from eight localities occurring predominantly in the western, central and southeastern Pacific. Results from our analyses show that C. miliaris at Easter Island differs genetically from other populations. We estimate that C. miliaris colonized Easter Island shortly after the origin of the island ≤0.7 million years ago and that since population founding, gene flow has occurred predominantly from Easter Island to the west and that little migration has occurred into Easter Island.  相似文献   

Short-term temporal patterns of recruitment have been described in a variety of coral reef fishes and have often been related with lunar and tidal cycles. While the relative importance of lunar and tidal factors in determining recruitment patterns has been difficult to assess, most studies have been done in the Caribbean and Indo-Pacific, where tidal amplitudes are small. We studied the short-term temporal dynamics of fish recruitment at Gorgona Island (tropical eastern Pacific), where there is a large tidal amplitude (~4.4 m). Every other day during three consecutive months in 1998, we directly measured the magnitude of reef fish recruitment to standardized coral units (SCUs) isolated from natural reefs. A total of 40 species from 21 families settled on the SCUs. Of 11 species with sufficient numbers for meaningful statistical analyses, two (Lutjanus guttatus and Pomacanthus zonipectus) had lunar recruitment with peaks near the new moon; three combined species of antennariids showed semilunar recruitment with peaks near moon quarters; and eight other species showed sporadic and aperiodic recruitment pulses. The contribution of lunar (moonlight intensity) and tidal factors (tidal amplitude and net tidal flow) to recruitment dynamics varied among species, although it was generally low (<18%) even among species with periodic patterns, except perhaps in L. guttatus. In this species, recruitment magnitude correlated negatively with moonlight intensity, accounting for 34.5% of the variance. Post-settlement predation by roving predators may be one cause of this relationship. In the remaining species, particularly those with sporadic and aperiodic recruitment pulses, stochastically varying weather and oceanographic events may be more important in determining temporal variation in recruitment.  相似文献   

The taxonomic uniqueness of island populations is often uncertain which hinders effective prioritization for conservation. The Christmas Island shrew (Crocidura attenuata trichura) is the only member of the highly speciose eutherian family Soricidae recorded from Australia. It is currently classified as a subspecies of the Asian gray or long‐tailed shrew (C. attenuata), although it was originally described as a subspecies of the southeast Asian white‐toothed shrew (C. fuliginosa). The Christmas Island shrew is currently listed as endangered and has not been recorded in the wild since 1984–1985, when 2 specimens were collected after an 80‐year absence. We aimed to obtain DNA sequence data for cytochrome b (cytb) from Christmas Island shrew museum specimens to determine their taxonomic affinities and to confirm the identity of the 1980s specimens. The Cytb sequences from 5, 1898 specimens and a 1985 specimen were identical. In addition, the Christmas Island shrew cytb sequence was divergent at the species level from all available Crocidura cytb sequences. Rather than a population of a widespread species, current evidence suggests the Christmas Island shrew is a critically endangered endemic species, C. trichura, and a high priority for conservation. As the decisions typically required to save declining species can be delayed or deferred if the taxonomic status of the population in question is uncertain, it is hoped that the history of the Christmas Island shrew will encourage the clarification of taxonomy to be seen as an important first step in initiating informed and effective conservation action.  相似文献   

G. J. Edgar 《Marine Biology》1987,95(4):599-610
The potential of drifting Macrocystis pyrifera kelp for transporting associated animals and plants long distances around the southern oceans was assessed by anchoring kelp holdfasts off the Tasmanian coast in 1985, monitoring the turnover of organisms, and relating species survival to water-transport times and species geographic distributions. Although most of the common animal species and approximately half of the plant species associated with Tasmanian M. pyrifera holdfasts were still present on kelp holdfasts after 191 d at sea, very few of these species have been recorded from New Zealand. It therefore seems unlikely that M. pyrifera plants with intact holdfasts are presently drifting to New Zealand. Drifting kelps probably become negatively buoyant in the Tasman Sea because dissolved nitrate concentrations are insufficient for normal plant growth. Moreover, even if some kelp plants do drift to New Zealand it is possible that their holdfasts rapidly disintegrate in the open ocean because of the abundance of the boring isopods Phycolimnoria spp. in Tasmanian holdfasts. In contrast to the restricted distributions of Tasmanian holdfast-inhabiting species, most of the identified species collected from M. pyrifera holdfasts at subantarctic Macquarie Island also occurred 5 000 km west at Kerguelen Island. Because of the extensive ranges of many subantarctic species, the good probability of survival of epifaunal species on drifting kelps, and the high surface-water nitrate concentrations and low holdfast-densities of Phycolimnoria spp. in the higher latitudes, it is likely that M. pyrifera-mediated transport of faunal and floral propagules has recently occurred, and is probably presently occurring, in subantarctic waters.  相似文献   

Since its isolation from the mainland more than 85 years ago, 65 bird species have disappeared from Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Because of these extinctions the island is often used as a model for the study of faunal relaxation, or loss of species through time. The most recent survey of the island's bird community was completed in 1970. Between June 1994 and May 1996 I surveyed the island and observed 218 species, including 5 species never before recorded. Three relatively sedentary species have experienced severe population declines since Willis's 1970 survey and may be on the brink of disappearing from the island. Willis estimated 500 Slate-colored Grosbeaks ( Pitylus grossus ), whereas I found only two pairs of this conspicuous midstory-dwelling finch. Two cotingas—Speckled Mourner ( Laniocera rufescens ) and Rufous Piha ( Lipaugus unirufus )—have declined by 85–95%. I did not locate any individuals of 36 other species that were present during the 1970s. Most (21) of these are uncommon aquatic or nocturnal species, which I may have missed during my surveys, or are rare to uncommon edge species that probably move frequently to and from the island. Seven species, however, are primarily inhabitants of second-growth forest and have been lost probably because of continuing successional maturation of the forest, including changes in land use around the laboratory clearing. Seven forest-dwelling species disappeared during the 1970s and have not recolonized. I detected only one sedentary forest-dwelling species, Great Currasow ( Crax rubra ), that previously had been reported as missing from the island. The nearly complete lack of recolonizations by such forest-interior species suggests that local extinction from tropical forest isolates may be extremely persistent. Tropical forest reserves as small as Barro Colorado Island (1600 ha) may not preserve high levels of regional avian diversity over long periods of time.  相似文献   

The Mytilus species complex consists of three closely related mussel species: Mytilus trossulus, Mytilus edulis, and Mytilus galloprovincialis, which are found globally in temperate intertidal waters. Introduction of one or more of these species have occurred world-wide via shipping and aquaculture. Stable hybrid zones have developed in areas where these species have come into contact, making the invasion process complex. On the east coast of Vancouver Island (VI), British Columbia (BC), Canada, the native (M. trossulus) and introduced species (M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis), as well as their hybrid offspring, occur sympatrically. This study used a common environment experiment to quantify growth and survival differences among native, introduced, and introgressed mussels on VI. Mussels were collected from an area of known hybridization and reared in cages from May to August 2006. The cages were deployed at a local site as well as a remote site (approximately 150 km apart), and the mussels were genotyped at two species-specific loci. Growth and survival, as fitness measures, were monitored: native, introduced, and introgressed individuals were compared between and within sites to determine whether growth and survival were independent of site and genotype. Overall, mussels reared at Quadra Island performed better than locally-reared mussels at Ladysmith. Specifically, introgressed mussels reared at Quadra Island performed better than all genotypes reared at Ladysmith, as well as better than native mussels reared at Quadra Island. Differences in survival and growth among the native, introduced and introgressed mussels may serve to explain the complex hybridization patterns and dynamics characteristic of the VI introgression zone.  相似文献   

Although green turtles (Chelonia mydas Linnaeus) do not nest in Barbados, the easternmost island in the Caribbean archipelago, juveniles are regularly seen foraging in nearshore waters. To examine the stock composition of this foraging population, mitochondrial (mt) DNA control region sequences were analysed from 60 juvenile (31–70 cm curved carapace length) green turtles and compared with data published for key nesting populations in the Atlantic, as well as other feeding grounds (FGs) in the Caribbean. Eight distinct haplotypes were recognised among the 60 individual green turtles sampled around Barbados. Three of the haplotypes found have only previously been reported from western Caribbean nesting beaches, and two only from South Atlantic beaches. The nesting beach origin of one of the Barbados FG haplotypes is as yet unidentified. Stock mixture analysis based on Bayesian methods showed that the Barbados FG population is a genetically mixed stock consisting of approximately equal contributions from nesting beaches in Ascension Island (25.0%), Aves Island/Surinam (23.0%), Costa Rica (19.0%), and Florida (18.5%), with a lesser but significant contribution from Mexico (10.3%). Linear regression analysis indicated no significant effects of rookery population size or distance of the rookery from the FG on estimated contributions from the source rookeries to the Barbados FG. Our data suggest that the similar-sized green turtles sampled on the Barbados FG are a mixed stock of more diverse origins than any previously sampled feeding aggregations in the Caribbean region. The relatively large contribution from the Ascension Island rookery to the Barbados FG indicates that hatchlings from distant rookeries outside the Caribbean basin enter the North Atlantic gyre and become a significant part of the pool from which eastern Caribbean foraging populations are derived. These data support a life cycle model that incorporates a tendency of immatures to migrate from their initial foraging grounds at settlement towards suitable foraging grounds closer to their natal rookeries as they mature.Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

Darwin's Fox: A Distinct Endangered Species in a Vanishing Habitat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The temperate rain forest of Chiloé Island, Chile, is inhabited by an endemic fox ( Dusicyon fulvipes ) first described by Charles Darwin and now designated Darwin's fox. Despite morphological differences, Darwin's fox has been considered only an insular subspecies of the mainland chilla fox ( D. griseus ). This follows the assumption that the island population, with an estimated population of less than 500, has been separated from the mainland chilla fox for only about 15,000 years and may have received occasional immigrants from the mainland. Consequently, this island population has not been protected as endangered or bred in captivity. Recently, a population of Darwin's fox was discovered on the Chilean mainland 600 km north of Chiloé Island. This population exists in sympatry with chilla and possibly culpeo ( D. culpaeus ) foxes, which suggests that Darwin's fox may be reproductively isolated. To clarify the phylogenetic position of Darwin's fox, we analyzed 344 bp of mitochondrial DNA control-region sequence of the three species of Chilean foxes. Darwin's foxes from the island and mainland populations compose a monophyletic group distinct from the two other Chilean fox species. This indicates that Darwin's fox was probably an early inhabitant of central Chile, and that its present distribution on the mainland may be a relict of a once much wider distribution. Our results highlight the ability of molecular genetic techniques to uncover historical relationships masked by recent events, such as local extinctions. The "rediscovery" of Darwin's fox as a distinct species implies that greater significance should be given to the protection of this species and its unique habitat and to documenting the extent of its mainland distribution.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic data were used to examine the relationship between genotype and growth form, and to assess the contribution of asexual reproduction to recruitment within six local populations of the agaricid coral Pavona cactus from the central and northern Great Barrier Reef. The data revealed the presence of highly replicated clonal genotypes in the five densest populations. In three cases, samples of 50 to 60 colonies collected from 25 m2 areas within the Eclipse Island and Pandora Reef populations each consisted of colonies with only two distinct 4-locus genotypes. More intensive sampling of the population at Eclipse Island showed that colonies with the same 4-locus genotypes were separated by distances of up to 93 m. In contrast, the population at Watson's Bay (Lizard Island) consisted of a few widely scattered and genetically distinct colonies. The samples collected from each population contained a range of growth forms including, in some cases, the entire morphological range described for this species. A strong association of genotype and growth form was detected in samples from all populations, with the exception of Watson's Bay where no such comparison was possible. Nevertheless, some genotypes were represented by more than one growth form and this could reflect the effects of limited phenotypic plasticity. The effects of asexual reproduction reduced the value of these data as a test of the genetic connectedness of the six populations studied. The genetic distance between samples was not simply correlated with geographic distance. This may reflect either the true structure of the breeding population(s) or the effects of asexual reproduction on estimates of allelic frequencies.Contribution No. 47 from the Ecology and Genetics Group of the University of Wollongong  相似文献   

Sediment produced by parrotfishes (family Scaridae) may comprise new bioeroded material and/or reworked sediment. The relative contribution of the two components was examined in two bioeroding Chlorurus species, C. gibbus and C. sordidus, from Lizard Island in the Northern Great Barrier Reef. The relative importance of reworked sediment was determined based on direct estimates of sediment ingestion. In C. gibbus, 2.4% of the sediment produced is reworked. In C. sordidus, reworking contributes 27.2%. Comparisons of sediment size-distributions in epilithic algal communities, gut contents and defaecation sites suggest that both C. gibbus and C. sordidus markedly decrease the particle size of sediment as a result of ingestion and trituration in the pharyngeal apparatus.  相似文献   

Understanding spatial and temporal variability in the distribution of species is fundamental to the conservation of marine and terrestrial ecosystems. To support strategic decision making aimed at sustainable management of the oceans, such as the establishment of protected areas for marine wildlife, we identified areas predicted to support multispecies seabird aggregations in the Timor Sea. We developed species distribution models for 21 seabird species based on at‐sea survey observations from 2000–2013 and oceanographic variables (e.g., bathymetry). We applied 4 statistical modeling techniques and combined the results into an ensemble model with robust performance. The ensemble model predicted the probability of seabird occurrence in areas where few or no surveys had been conducted and demonstrated 3 areas of high seabird richness that varied little between seasons. These were located within 150 km of Adele Island, Ashmore Reef, and the Lacepede Islands, 3 of the largest aggregations of breeding seabirds in Australia. Although these breeding islands were foci for high species richness, model performance was greatest for 3 nonbreeding migratory species that would have been overlooked had regional monitoring been restricted to islands. Our results indicate many seabird hotspots in the Timor Sea occur outside existing reserves (e.g., Ashmore Reef Marine Reserve), where shipping, fisheries, and offshore development likely pose a threat to resident and migratory populations. Our results highlight the need to expand marine spatial planning efforts to ensure biodiversity assets are appropriately represented in marine reserves. Correspondingly, our results support the designation of at least 4 new important bird areas, for example, surrounding Adele Island and Ashmore Reef. Pronostico de la Distribución Espacial de una Comunidad de Aves Marinas para Identificar Áreas Prioritarias de Conservación en el Mar de Timor  相似文献   

B. L. Kojis 《Marine Biology》1986,91(3):311-318
In contrast to the seasonal gamete and planula production of Acropora (Isopora) palifera on Heron Island reef (Lat. 23° S), populations on Lizard Island reef (Lat. 14° S), sampled in 1979, 1981 and 1983, and Salamaua and Busama reefs (Lat. 7° S), sampled from 1980 to 1983, planulated year-round. Intensive sampling of colonies at Salamaua and Busama showed that gametes ripened at two-month intervals and that up to six cycles of gametes and larvae could be produced by an individual colony. Gametes of only a portion of the population — usually close to 50% — ripened each month. The Salamaua population, on average, produced fewer and smaller planulae than the Heron Island population during each two-monthly reproductive cycle. Hypotheses correlating the annual periodicity of breeding in marine animals with latitudinal variation of temperature were tested. In general, the time of breeding in A. palifera at Heron Island reef is much more restricted than theories based on latitudinal variations of water temperature would predict. It is hypothesized that, in the near subtropical environment of Heron Island reef, this species has evolved a life-history strategy that limits the amount of energy allocated to reproduction and allocates more energy to growth.  相似文献   

The reproductive ecology of Pavona gigantea Verrill and Gardineroseris planulata (Dana) was investigated in the equatorial eastern Pacific region from 1985 to 1994. These zooxanthellate scleractinian corals were adversely affected in this region during the 1982–1983 El Niño warming event. Both species were hermaphroditic, with individual colonies showing sequential cosexual development, thus resulting in dominantly outbreeding reproduction. Sexuality was mixed, with high percentages of gonochoric and hermaphroditic colonies in both species. Approximately 1:1 male-to-female gonad ratios were found in gonochoric and hermaphroditic colonies combined. Broadcast spawning was observed in P. gigantea in the Galápagos Islands, and the sudden disappearance of mature gametes and the presence of spent gonads suggest that G. planulata is also a broadcast spawner. Colonies of both species with 200 cm2 (10 cm diam) live tissue were nonreproductive. Estimated ages of the youngest reproductive colonies were 11 yr for P. gigantea and 20 yr for G. planulata. The percentage of all colonies of P. gigantea with gonads at nonupwelling sites (Caño Istand, Costa Rica and Uva Island, Panamá) ranged from 37 to 47%, respectively; colonies with gonads from upwelling environments (Saboga and Taboga Islands, Panamá) ranged from 31 to 39%, respectively, and reproductively active colonies from the thermally variable Galápagos islands comprised 40% of the collections. Compared with P. gigantea, the numbers of sexually active G. planulata colonies were roughly onehalf at nonupwelling Caño Island (20%) and Uva Island (25%) sites, or less (10%) at the upwelling Saboga Island site. Peak reproductive activity in P. gigantea occurred during the rainy season at all study sites. In the nonupwelling Costa Rican (Caño Island) and Panamainan (Uva Island) sites, mean monthly sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) were high (28 to 29°C), but slightly lower than in the dry season (29°C). In the upwelling Gulf of Panamá (Saboga and Taboga Islands), reproduction occurred after mean monthly SSTs increased from 24 to 28–29°C. In the Galápagos Islands, reproductive activity peaked during sea warming, when mean monthly SSTs reached 25°C. Sexually active colonies of G. planulata, present only at the main collection sites of Caño and Uva Islands, were also observed during the wet season. The presence of mature or spawned gonalds in both species mostly around new and full lunar phases suggests that spawning is at least weakly synchronized with moon phase. Fecundity estimates disclosed the following nonsignificant differences between sites for P. gigantea, expressed as egg production cm-2 colony surface surface yr-1: Galápagos (10 300 to 30 800), Uva Island (4900 to 9800), Caño Island (1800 to 7400), Saboga Island (600 to 1300) Taboga Island (1200 to 2400). Fecundity estimates for G. planulata were considerably lower: Uva Island (700 to 1400), Caño Island (500 to 1000). The sexual recruitment of P. gigantea into El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) 1982–1983-disturbed, equatorial eastern Pacific coral communities has been low, with only moderate recovery evident since 1983. G. planulata has revealed no sexual recruitment where seed populations are absent or rare (Caño Island, Galápagos Islands), and only low recruitment (Panamá) in areas with colonies that survived the ENSO disturbance.  相似文献   

Ecology of toxicity in marine sponges   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
G. Green 《Marine Biology》1977,40(3):207-215
An investigation of the ecology of toxicity in marine sponges from different latitudes on the North American continent was made. Results indicated that toxicity in sponges increased with decreasing latitude. Three of the 34 species (9%) of sponges from San Juan Island, Washington, USA (48°N), were toxic to fishes. Nine of the 44 species (20%) of sponges from Santa Catalina Island, California, USA (33°N), were toxic. Seven of the 11 species (64%) of sponges from Zihuatanejo Bay, Guerrero, México (17°N), were toxic. Twenty-seven of the 36 species (75%) of sponges from La Blanquilla, Veracruz, México (19°N), were toxic. Most of these toxic sponges are openly exposed to fishes. The most common exposed sponges proved to be highly toxic to fishes. Force-feeding experiments conducted with wrasses demonstrated the effectiveness of the toxin of sponges. A hypothesis is proposed which explains the relationship between species diversity of fishes and sponge toxicity with latitude.  相似文献   

The diet of the Humboldt penguin (Spheniscus humboldti) was examined and compared in two colonies in Chile. Field work was conducted on Pan de Azúcar Island in northern Chile in the breeding season 1998/1999 and on the Puñihuil Islands in southern Chile over two successive breeding seasons during 1997/1998 and 1998/1999. Penguin diet was studied by stomach-pumping birds and analysed by species composition, size and mass of prey. Fish were the dominant prey item at both sites, the contribution of cephalopods and crustaceans varying between sites. The fish prey consisted predominantly of school fish, but there were clear latitudinal differences in fish prey taken. Penguins in the northern colony consumed primarily garfish (Scomberesox saurus), while birds at the southern colony of Puñihuil fed primarily on anchovy (Engraulis ringens), Araucanian herring (Strangomera bentincki) and silverside (Odontesthes regia). The results showed significant differences in terms of numbers of fish taken between the two breeding seasons at Puñihuil. In 1997/1998 penguins consumed almost exclusively anchovy, while they fed primarily on silversides in the successive year. Almost all prey, except stomatopods, were characterised as being pelagic species that occur in relatively inshore water, consistent with the foraging behaviour of Humboldt penguins. The dependence of Humboldt penguins on commercially exploited, schooling prey species makes the species particularly susceptible to changes in prey stocks, due to non-sustainable fisheries management.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

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