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1.引言控制害虫对保证人类日益增长的粮食需求和控制疾病保护人们的健康这两个重要问题关系密切。尽管通过农业管理和采用其他非化学方法已有效地消灭了许多作物害虫,但近三十年来采用农药控制害虫的方法仍然不断发展。农药主要用于保护农作物,而近来除莠剂、灭菌剂及其他农药的应用发展很快,特别是在发展中国家更是如此。在很多情况下,应用这些农药无疑对控制害虫起着巨大  相似文献   

藻类爆发性生长是水体富营养化带来的问题之一,利用植物化感作用抑制藻类生长具有生态安全和快速高效的优点。对湖泊富营养化的生态控制具有非常重要的意义。本文介绍了利用植物化感作用抑制藻类生长的研究进展和现状,并讨论了植物化感抑藻作用研究过程中所使用的方法、化感作用的机制、抑藻机理及化感物质的分离方法。最后对植物化感作用在抑藻方面的研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

岩泉 《世界环境》2005,(2):70-71
“山林若是没有鸟,明媚风光长不了,鸟是害虫的天敌。鸟是生态之仪表。”家乡的山很多,林子也很大;林子大了,就什么鸟都有。我每次回去,都能受到它们的热烈欢迎,真是“山鸟多情如识我”。  相似文献   

生态NMHC对臭氧和PAN影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
利用数值模拟方法结合GEIA生态源排放清单,研究了夏季我国东部生态系统排放非甲烷烃(NMHC)对臭氧和过氧乙酰硝酸脂(PAN)的影响,阐明了生态NMHC在大气化学系统中的重要作用。研究结果表明,生态NMHC使我国东部大部分地区臭氧和PAN增加,最大平均增量分别为9ppb和0.6ppb;白天最大平均增量分别达到21ppb和1.2ppb,最大增量地区位于长江三角洲的浙江、上海附近地区。模拟结果与实测值有好的一致性,研究结果表明对于区域和城市臭氧的模拟及其控制应该充分考虑生态源的作用。  相似文献   

在广东国营海鸥农场召开的“无公害茶园优良生态模式研究”成果鉴定会上,与会的专家教授认为,该研究课题,创建了具有天然特色的一种群落平衡,达到害虫防治范例,对我国的茶树害虫防治具有指导和示范作用,所取得的成果在国内外同类研究中居于领先水平。无公害茶园生态模式研究,是由华南农业大学和有关单位共同承担的科研课题。经十多年的实践,  相似文献   

生态风险控制是维护生态系统服务功能稳定发挥、持续提供各类生态产品的重要前提,是确保区域生态安全的核心任务之一。以区域生态风险最小化为出发点,综合评估区域生态功能定位、资源环境承载和社会经济活动影响,划分生态风险控制分区,采取差异化、针对性管控措施,对于维护区域生态安全具有重要作用。本文以藏中南地区为典型案例,通过空间多要素叠置分析,计算综合评价指数,制定了区域生态风险控制分区方案和管控对策。  相似文献   

本文围绕“科学文化素质与可持续发展”这一命题,结合中国人口生态经济问题,系统分析人口科学文化素质对生态意识,领导决策,控制人口、环境科学技术、就业冲击,环境容量等动等诸方面的压力和影响;揭示和论证科学文化素质在持续发展中的地位与作用;提出:努力提高人口科学文化素质,是经济社会可持续发展的根本前提。  相似文献   

各种树木标本是通过大量的人力、物力在自然界采集、制做,以供科学研究和教学使用的。树木标本害虫将对这些珍贵的或珍稀的标本资源产生毁灭性的灾害。通过调查,发现树木标本室中主要有4种害虫危害树木标本,其危害的主要对象集中在30多科,特别是花、果含有密腺、淀粉和香甜味的标本,受害较重,而针叶树、叶子有蜡质层、附属物的标本,如松科(Pinaccac)、壳斗科(Fagaccac)、桃金娘科(Myrtaceac)等植物上基本没有发现害虫,温度、湿度、氧气和食料等对害虫发生、发展及死亡起着决定作用,不同的化学药剂防治效果也不一样。  相似文献   

自然控制论在生态示范区中的应用初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态示范区建设作为实现区域性经济、社会和生态协调发展的重要途径,目前已在我国69个县市开展试点工作。本从自然控制论角度.探讨生态范区建设中人与自然和谐的措施,提出了自然控制的数学模型。重点讨论了自然控制论在生态示范区水资源开发和水环境污染控制方面的应用。  相似文献   

害虫和疾病传播媒介对农业增产、人类健康和幸福是一个很大的威胁。在发展中国家,农业减产和疾病的发生往往与害虫有着关联,但由于技术水平和财力的限制,使控制害虫的问题得不到解决控制节肢动物类害虫和疾病媒介,主要依赖于大量使用广谱化学农药。用于抑制植物病原体的农药已有数百种之多。据报道,1979年整个西方世界的农药产量已达200万吨。这些化合物能够进入陆地和海洋水体.以及土壤中.并沉积下来。这将会产生严重的不良后果,包括环境污染、各种害虫抗药性的增强,同时通过水体和植物等生态系统,潜在地威胁着人类及动物的安全。  相似文献   

The development of alternative pest-control strategies based on the spatial design of cropping systems requires a thorough understanding of the spatial links between the pest and its environment. Mechanistic models, especially individual-based models (IBMs), are powerful tools for integrating key behaviours, such as habitat selection and dispersal, with spatial heterogeneity. In this paper, we used an IBM calibrated and evaluated from real data to represent the spatial dynamics of the banana weevil in relation to the cropping system. We considered crop fragmentation and mass trapping as tools for suppressing pest numbers. Our simulation results showed that manipulating crop residues in the area surrounding each pheromone trap greatly improved trap efficiency. For an intensive banana plantation in fallow, traps were most effective when situated at the transition zone between banana area and fallow so as to maximize the trapping of weevils escaping the fallow. The model also showed that weevil numbers decreased when fragmentation of banana plantations was reduced.  相似文献   

将综合效益分为经济效益、社会效益、生态效益3个元素,综合代价分为经济代价、社会代价、生态代价3个元素,将参加综合代价评价的指标优化矩阵与参加综合效益评价的指标优化矩阵的比称为综合代价效益比矩阵;运用多边形指标法的基本原理和方法,构建了综合代价效益比RCC/CP模型,将其应用于上海市设施菜田农药减量技术评估体系中,并根据不同控害方案产生的综合代价效益比值将控害功能分为优良、较好、一般、较差和很差5个等级.结果表明,"防虫网室2.2m"(RCC/CP=0.4363)、"防虫网室2.7m"(RCC/CP=0.4622)、"防虫网室3.2m"(RCC/CP=0.4786)均达到"较好"等级,"薄膜遮阳防虫网室2.7m"(RCC/CP=0.5153)的控害功能达到"一般"等级,对照"露地常规防治区"(RCC/CP=1.1001)的控害功能为"很差"等级,其中,"防虫网室2.2m"是本试验中最优的农药减量控害措施.  相似文献   

Crop losses caused by pests, including rodents and birds, and by diseases and weeds, are defined, and previous studies reviewed. Information about losses is needed to monitor the effects of pests and diseases on crop production, in individual countries and worldwide, important for food policy and economic reasons; to make decisions and allocate resources on the study, management and control of pests and diseases; to stimulate action against them; to provide guidelines for research on crop improvement to prevent pest and disease attack; and as a basis for judgement on the importance of pests, diseases and weeds in relation to agriculture and the environment.The causes of such losses, why information must be up to date, and methods of assessing pests, diseases, weeds and losses are examined. The part played by losses in the development and use of economic pest and disease control action thresholds is discussed, including pest, disease, crop, climatic, economic and farmer attitude factors. The types of relation between yield and pest and disease attack are reviewed, how to measure the relation in practice, how to obtain different amounts of attack, surveys of losses, and the difficulties met in the study of losses: interaction; compensation; interplot interference; variation; and distribution. Sources of information on world losses, training and the work of the FAO are reviewed. General guidelines on crop loss assessment are given.  相似文献   

土地利用/覆被变化研究的几个问题   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:32  
近年来土地利用/覆被变化研究取得了许多进展,理论和研究方法有很大发展。其主要趋向是,重视从动态过程角度进行土地利用/覆被变化的分类;强调将土地利用/覆被变化的驱动力区分为自然驱动力和社会经济驱动力,后者则受到研究者越来越大的重视;强调土地利用/覆被变化的模型必须有相应理论的支持,而且所建模型应能动态地模拟不同土地利用之间的竞争;此外,强调在土地利用与土地覆被分类、土地利用/覆被变化的驱动力研究及影响分析中,要重视空间尺度和时间尺度问题。  相似文献   

探索低效工业用地减量化治理对优化土地资源利用格局、促进产业升级和城市高质量发展具有重要意义。在分析低效工业用地治理复杂系统特征的基础上,建构“情境—结构—行为—结果”分析框架,以超大城市上海市为例,采用扎根分析方法,揭示减量化过程和运行机理。结果显示:(1)低效工业用地减量化具有规划限制性、公共利益性和乡村嵌入性特征,由外部环境、用地效益、主体角色和减量化治理共同构成“外缘—内核”式的复杂适应系统。(2)建设用地“天花板”刚性约束下的宏观资源—环境—发展压力与微观用地效益是减量化的外部情境;内源性主体治理能力不足与外源性主体基于公共利益主动介入共同构成基于价值共享的治理结构;刚性政策、激励政策和支持政策形成了“三元互补”系统推动了集体行动;结果则呈现出城市高质量发展与资源再配置的协调,而平衡生态保护与经济发展、解决减量化短期压力将成为持续开展减量化的重点与难点。研究结果可为长三角其他城市开展低效工业用地治理提供经验和案例的借鉴。  相似文献   

南四湖地区甜瓜病虫害防治中的农业面源污染防控研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过生物农药绿色替代和农药减量与精准施用技术应用,研究其在甜瓜白粉病、霜霉病、炭疽病等真菌病害防治中的病虫防治效果、经济效益、环境效益,为地区农业病虫防治中农药替代、减施增效,防止或减缓农业面源污染提供依据.  相似文献   

An interdisciplinary team introduced Integrated Mite Control (IMC) to the Queensland apple industry in Australia from 1989 to 1992. Project funding supported the employment of a consultant to monitor mite levels and provide management advice to growers who paid for the service. Interviews at the beginning and end of the project showed widespread adoption of IMC over this period. Overall use of chemicals was not reduced, but the use pattern changed towards wider use of chemicals that are less toxic to predatory mites. The future of IMC in the Queensland apple industry is in doubt because the seasonal nature of apple production does not allow the paid consultancy service to be self-sustaining. Indications are that the integrated approach to pest management may not be generally accepted as a strategic management process while the availability of effective chemicals allows the continuation of a spray routine for mite control. The lack of availability of effective and proven methods of pest control was seen by growers as the major constraint to adoption of IMC.  相似文献   

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) was first introduced to New York apple growers in 1975 through an Extension pilot program. Since that time, growers have become aware of the methods, results and potential benefits of following an IPM approach in their orchards. Differences in pesticide use, demography and behavior between IPM users and non-users are presented in this study. Results showed that > 80% of the apple producers in New York State (NY) incorporate some aspect of IPM into their pest control strategies. IPM users were younger and better educated and had less farm experience than non-users. Cornell Cooperative Extension was considered a primary source of written pest management and pesticide information to NY growers. However, agricultural sales persons were also considered useful by the growers for making pest management decisions. Growers that employed comprehensive IPM practices used 30% less insecticides, 47% less miticides and 10% less fungicides than growers that did not use IPM practices. This resulted in 235 kg active ingredient ha−1 not having to be absorbed by the environment and saved IPM apple growers an average of US$ 95.80 ha−1 year−1 over an 11-year period (1976–1986) without significantly affecting fruit quality.  相似文献   

土地市场发育与土地利用集约度的理论与实证研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
市场是配置资源的基础手段和有效方式, 市场发育程度的不同会导致不同的资源配置和利 用效率。文章在构建市场发育与土地集约利用的理论分析框架基础上, 采用因子分析法和多因素分 析模型分别对江苏省开发区的土地市场化率和不同市场发育阶段土地利用的集约度进行了测算。 研究结果表明, 江苏省33.4%的开发区的土地市场发育处于转型后期至相对成熟期发展阶段; 57.1%处于转型中期发展阶段, 整体来说, 市场发育较为成熟。而不同土地市场发育阶段土地利用 的集约度不同, 处于转型后期至相对成熟期发展阶段的开发区土地利用集约水平要显著高于处于 转型中期发展阶段的开发区。因此, 文章认为提高我国土地利用集约度的主要思路应是推进土地市 场创新, 使市场成为土地资源配置的主要机制, 并作为转变土地管理机制的基本点。  相似文献   

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