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Application of excess nutrients, such as fertilizers, is a significant and sometimes even major component of groundwater pollution. Diffuse inputs of nutrients and contaminants to the groundwater are related to runoff generated from precipitation on a catchment. This implies that the analysis of diffuse fluxes from the land surface to the groundwater requires an analysis of water fluxes for a catchment. This requires the simulation and modelling of total runoff, groundwater recharge, and plant-available water as a function of the regional interaction of the climate, soil, hydrogeology, topography and land-use conditions in the river basin. A model has been developed for large river basins in India, and has been applied to the Upper Yamuna basin, to quantify the exchange probability of plant-available soil water, which can be taken as a measure to determine the nutrient and contaminant leaching risk of a site. It was found that, with the available large-scale databases and methods, regional patterns of the total runoff could be simulated successfully. In this way, about 75001km² of the total 121000 km² of the Upper Yamuna basin was classified as an area sensitive to nutrient and contaminant leaching.  相似文献   

The concept of maximum reservoir capacity (MRC), the ratio of the capacities of the surface soil and of the atmospheric mixed layer (AML) to hold chemical under equilibrium conditions, is applied to selected persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the surface 'skin' (1 mm) of soils. MRC is calculated as a function of soil organic matter (SOM) content and temperature-dependent K(OA) and mapped globally for selected PCB congeners (PCB-28; -153; -180) and HCB, to identify regions with a higher tendency to retain POPs. It is shown to vary over many orders of magnitude, between compounds, locations and time (seasonally/diurnally). The MRC approach emphasises the very large capacity of soils as a storage compartment for POPs. The theoretical MRC concept is compared to reality and its implications for the global cycling of POPs are discussed. Sharp gradients in soil MRC can exist in mountainous areas and between the land and ocean. Exchanges between oceans and land masses via the atmosphere is likely to be an important driver to the global cycling of these compounds, and net ocean-land transfers could occur in some areas.  相似文献   

With the aim to investigate the justification of time-averaging of climate parameters in multicompartment modelling the effects of various climate parameters and different modes of entry on the predicted substances' total environmental burdens and the compartmental fractions were studied. A simple, non-steady state zero-dimensional (box) mass-balance model of intercompartmental mass exchange which comprises four compartments was used for this purpose. Each two runs were performed, one temporally unresolved (time-averaged conditions) and a time-resolved (hourly or higher) control run. In many cases significant discrepancies are predicted, depending on the substance and on the parameter. We find discrepancies exceeding 10% relative to the control run and up to an order of magnitude for prediction of the total environmental burden from neglecting seasonalities of the soil and ocean temperatures and the hydroxyl radical concentration in the atmosphere and diurnalities of atmospheric mixing depth and the hydroxyl radical concentration in the atmosphere. Under some conditions it was indicated that substance sensitivity could be explained by the magnitude of the sink terms in the compartment(s) with parameters varying. In general, however, any key for understanding substance sensitivity seems not be linked in an easy manner to the properties of the substance, to the fractions of its burden or to the sink terms in either of the compartments with parameters varying. Averaging of diurnal variability was found to cause errors of total environmental residence time of different sign for different substances. The effects of time-averaging of several parameters are in general not additive but synergistic as well as compensatory effects occur. An implication of these findings is that the ranking of substances according to persistence is sensitive to time resolution on the scale of hours to months. As a conclusion it is recommended to use high temporal resolution in multi-media modelling.  相似文献   

In order to realistically simulate both chemistry and transport of atmospheric organic pollutants, it is indispensable that the applied models explicitly include coupling between different components of the global environment such as atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere and soil system. A model with such properties is presented.

The atmospheric part of the model is based on the equations in a general contravariant form which permits easy changes of the coordinate system by redefining the metric tensor of a specifically employed coordinate system. Considering a need to include explicitly the terrain effects, the terrain following spherical coordinate system is chosen from among many possible coordinate systems. This particular system is a combination of the Gal-Chen coordinates, commonly employed in mesoscale meteorological models, and the spherical coordinates, typical for global atmospheric models.

In addition to atmospheric transport, the model also simulates the exchange between air and different types of underlying surfaces such as water, soil, snow, and ice. This approach permits a realistic representation of absorption and delayed re-emission of pollutants from the surface to the atmosphere and, consequently, allows to capture hysteresis-like effects of the exchange between the atmosphere and the other components of the system. In this model, the most comprehensive numerical representation of the exchange is that for soil. In particular, the model includes a realistic soil module which simulates both diffusion and convection of a tracer driven by evaporation from the soil, precipitation, and gravity.

The model is applied to a long-term simulation of the transport of pesticides (hexachlorocyclohexanes in particular). Emission fluxes from the soil are rigorously computed on the basis of the realistic data of the agricultural application. All four modelled systems, i.e. atmosphere, soil, hydrosphere and cryosphere, are driven by objectively analysed meteorological data supplemented, when necessary, by climatological information. Therefore, the verification against the observed data is possible. The comparison of the model results and the observations taken at remote stations in the Arctic indicates that the presented global modelling system is able to capture both trends and short-term components in the observed time series of the concentrations, and therefore, provides a useful tool for the evaluation of the source–receptor relationships.  相似文献   

The maintenance of biodiversity by securing representative and well-connected habitat networks in managed landscapes requires a wise combination of protection, management, and restoration of habitats at several scales. We suggest that the integration of natural and social sciences in the form of "Two-dimensional gap analysis" is an efficient tool for the implementation of biodiversity policies. The tool links biologically relevant "horizontal" ecological issues with "vertical" issues related to institutions and other societal issues. Using forest biodiversity as an example, we illustrate how one can combine ecological and institutional aspects of biodiversity conservation, thus facilitating environmentally sustainable regional development. In particular, we use regional gap analysis for identification of focal forest types, habitat modelling for ascertaining the functional connectivity of "green infrastructures", as tools for the horizontal gap analysis. For the vertical dimension we suggest how the social sciences can be used for assessing the success in the implementation of biodiversity policies in real landscapes by identifying institutional obstacles while implementing policies. We argue that this interdisciplinary approach could be applied in a whole range of other environments including other terrestrial biota and aquatic ecosystems where functional habitat connectivity, nonlinear response to habitat loss and a multitude of economic and social interests co-occur in the same landscape.  相似文献   

Emissions of the fragrance compound OTNE (Iso-E-Super) to surface waters have been investigated by means of a combined analytical (measurements) and modeling approach. The compound is an ingredient in many household products and is emitted into surface waters almost exclusively via the wastewater pathway. Measured concentrations of OTNE in surface waters of the Ruhr river catchment basin ranged from 30 to 100 ng L(-1), and were thus in the same order of magnitude as the polycyclic musks AHTN and HHCB. The geo-referenced exposure model GREAT-ER (Geo-referenced Regional Exposure Assessment Tool for European Rivers) was used to simulate OTNE concentrations in the Ruhr river basin. Model results could plausibly explain monitoring data at all sampling sites when considering the discharge conditions during the sampling period and specific local characteristics. According to the model, approximately half of the total OTNE emissions into the Ruhr river basin are transferred from surface water into the atmosphere and the sediment. Volatilization from lakes was identified as the major removal process of the fragrance compound OTNE. To identify possible regional differences, samples from the Danube in Hungary were also analysed. The OTNE concentrations were in the same order of magnitude (29-810 ng L(-1)) as in the Ruhr catchment, but exhibited higher spatial variability.  相似文献   

This theoretical study was performed to investigate the influence of soil temperature, soil water content and soil organic carbon fraction on the mobility of monoterpenes (C10HnOn') applied as pesticides to a top soil layer. This mobility was expressed as the amount volatilized and leached from the contaminated soil layer after a certain amount of time. For this, (slightly modified) published analytical solutions to a one dimensional, homogeneous medium, diffusion/advection/biodegradation mass balance equation were used. The required input-parameters were determined in a preceding study. Because the monoterpenes studied differ widely in the values for their physico-chemical properties, the relative importance of the various determinants also differed widely. Increasing soil water saturation reduced monoterpene vaporization and leaching losses although a modest increase was usually observed at high soil water contents. Organic matter served as the major retention domain, reducing volatilization and leaching losses. Increasing temperature resulted in higher volatilization and leaching losses. Monoterpene mobility was influenced by vertical water flow. Volatilization losses could be reduced by adding a clean soil layer on top of the contaminated soil. Detailed insight into the specific behaviour of different monoterpenes was obtained by discussing intermediate calculation results; the transport retardation factors and effective soil diffusion coefficients. One insight was that the air-water interface compartment is probably not an important partitioning domain for monoterpenes in most circumstances. The results further indicated that biodegradation is an important process for monoterpenes in soil.  相似文献   

Evidence for long-term changes in the soil composition of selected organic compounds, brought about by exchanges with the atmosphere, is briefly reviewed. In the case of some compounds — such as benzo(a)pyrene and octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, soils may be significant long-term environmental sinks for atmospherically-derived material. In other cases — such as phenanthrene and some of the lighter PCBs, de-gassing or volatilisation from soil back to the air can occur under certain conditions. Hence the soil may act as a “short-term” sink, and a potential source to atmosphere. Indeed, for some ‘semi-volatile’ compounds used in large quantities in the past — such as PCBs, soil outgassing may actually be an extremely important source to contemporary air. Furthermore, soil outgassing from areas of former high use may provide an important driving mechanism for continued “global cycling” of a range of semi-volatile organochlorine compounds.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive atmospheric global and regional mercury model and its capability in describing the atmospheric cycling of mercury. This is an on-line model (integrated within the Canadian operational environmental forecasting and data assimilation system) which can be used to understand the role of meteorology in mercury cycling (atmospheric pathways), the inter-annual variability of mercury and can be evaluated against observations on global scales. This is due to the fact that the model uses a combination of actual observed and predicted meteorological state of the atmosphere at high resolution to integrate the model as opposed to the climatological approach used in existing global mercury models. The model was integrated and evaluated on global scale using only anthropogenic emissions. North to south gradients in mercury concentrations, seasonal variability, dry and wet deposition and vertical structure are well simulated by the model. The model was used to explain the observed seasonal variations in atmospheric mercury circulation. The results from this study include a global animation of surface air concentrations of total gaseous mercury for 1997.  相似文献   

Historic emissions from ore smelters typically cause regional soil contamination. We developed a modelling approach to assess the impact of such contamination on groundwater and surface water load, coupling unsaturated zone leaching modelling with 3D groundwater transport modelling. Both historic and predictive modelling were performed, using a mass balance approach for three different catchments in the vicinity of three smelters. The catchments differ in their hydrology and geochemistry. The historic modelling results indicate that leaching to groundwater is spatially very heterogeneous due to variation in soil characteristics, in particular soil pH. In the saturated zone, cadmium is becoming strongly retarded due to strong sorption at neutral pH, even though the reactivity of the sandy sediments is low. A comparison between two datasets (from 1990 to 2002) on shallow groundwater and modelled concentrations provided a useful verification on the level of statistics of "homogeneous areas" (areas with comparable land use, soil type and geohydrological situation) instead of comparison at individual locations. While at individual locations observations and the model varies up to two orders of magnitude, for homogeneous areas, medians and ranges of measured concentrations and the model results are similar. A sensitivity analysis on metal input loads, groundwater composition and sediment geochemistry reveals that the best available information scenario based on the median value of input parameters for the model predicts the range in observed concentrations very well. However, the model results are sensitive to the sediment contents of the reactive components (organic matter, clay minerals and iron oxides). Uncertainty in metal input loads and groundwater chemistry are of lesser importance. Predictive modelling reveals a remarkable difference in geochemical and hydrological controls on subsurface metal transport at catchment-scale. Whether the surface water load will peak within a few decades or continue to increase until after 2050 depends on the dominant land use functions in the areas, their hydrology and geochemical build-up.  相似文献   

A ground-based Differential Absorption Lidar was employed to study the dynamics of atmospheric O3 within the planetary boundary layer of a basin in the 'Fichtelgebirge' mountains, NE Bavaria. In particular, the night-time dynamics of O3 linked to the ground were investigated. The Lidar system measured vertical profiles of O3 up to 1 km above ground. For detailed analysis of the night-time dynamics of ozone, supplementary data from three ground-based stations (measuring mixing ratios of O3 and NO(x), as well as meteorological parameters) are essential. The Lidar results could be evaluated with these data from various altitudes above the basin floor. For the station with the largest (vertical) distance to the ground-based Lidar, the agreement was very good at all times. The Lidar method proved to be useful for examining the spatial distribution of O3. The observed night-time decrease of O3 at the bottom of the basin was due to deposition and to advection of air masses containing less O3 from the mountain slopes.  相似文献   

For environmental analysis such as the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere, it is essential to have meteorological data that are relevant for a long period. In this paper, we explore the possibility of using an environmental Test Reference Year (TRY), i.e., a set of real, contemporaneous and hourly meteorological variables, 'extracted' from a hourly series of at least 10 years, for modelling pollutant dispersion in the atmosphere. The classical approach, based on a statistical data set, implies the loss of important information such as the real correlation between the different meteorological variables, and this implies crude approximation in the simulation results. We compare the simulation results with the long hourly 10 years data set (which can be considered a 'brute force' approach, since it requires a huge amount of data and time processing, but it is here considered the most severe benchmark) and with the statistical data set commonly used. It is shown that the results obtained using the TRY have a good agreement with the ones obtained with the simulation of the 10 years and they are also much better than those obtained using the statistical data set.  相似文献   

土地利用/土地覆被变化对区域生态环境的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
土地利用/ 土地覆被变化对区域生态环境的影响是土地利用/ 土地覆被变化研究的重要内容。本文分析了土地利用/ 土地覆被变化对区域气候、土壤、水量和水质的影响。土地利用/ 土地覆被变化通过改变地表发射率、温室气体和痕量气体的含量影响区域气候;土地利用/土地覆被变化影响着能量交换、水交换、侵蚀与堆积、生物循环和作物生产等土壤主要生态过程,不同土地利用方式和土地覆被类型的空间组合影响着土壤养分的迁移规律;土地利用/ 土地覆被变化对水质的影响主要是通过非点源污染途径,许多非点源污染来源都同土地利用/土地覆被变化紧密联系。文中还探讨了由于人类不合理的土地利用造成的土壤侵蚀、土地退化、水资源短缺、海水入侵等生态环境问题。  相似文献   

A semianalytical soil-pesticide transport model is formulated based on a compartmental approach to determine spatial and temporal variations of pesticide residues across a soil profile. The compartmental model is implemented by drawing an analogy between a series of continuous-flow stirred tank reactors and a soil horizon that consists of multiple perfectly mixed compartments. The analogy is strengthened by exploiting a relation between the compartment series and the conventional convective-dispersive equation (CDE) for vertical transport in the soil. Consequently, the number of compartments in the model formulation is not free, but dictated as a function of transport parameters. The model formulation allows consideration of arbitrary boundary value specifications and also, for some cases, spatially varying initial concentration profiles. Sorption kinetics is represented via a two-site model that involves a linear sorption isotherm and a first-order irreversible sorption or a radial diffusive penetrating model. For these three cases, analysis of the compartmental model allows the resultant concentration profiles to be expressed in terms of the Poisson distribution. When a nonlinear kinetic sorption model is used to simulate the sorption processes, an analytical solution is not found and a numerical approach is required.  相似文献   

本文采用标准方法,测定了白洋淀北岸部分农田土壤的粒度组成、pH和有机碳含量等指标,对该地区土壤的特性进行了表征分析。结果表明,土壤的平均粒度分布大于20μm的占52.73%,主要属于砂壤土。与10年前相比,pH值变化不大;而有机碳含量是10年前的1.26倍。pH随土壤的垂直深度而略有增加,而有机碳含量则随土壤的垂直深度而减少。  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of carbon monoxide (CO) over the Indian region have scarcely been monitored. Satellite sensor, Measurement Of Pollution In The Troposphere (MOPITT) provides profiles of CO using a global retrieval scheme, which converts measured radiances to CO mixing ratios. In this study we have developed a regional retrieval scheme, valid over the Indian region, which employs Line-By-Line (LBL) calculations over a tropical model atmosphere to generate a Look-Up-Table (LUT) forward model function and uses a regional a priori dataset of CO along with seasonally variable emissivity to invert the MOPITT radiances to CO profiles. This baseline study provides an approach to optimizing retrievals for specific regional applications. A case study was carried out over a forest fire prone region in Northern India from February to April 2005 to validate the retrieval algorithm. The results are in agreement with the fire maps generated from MODerate resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer (MODIS). The shape of the CO profiles over the region matches quite well with the vertical structure of CO during the INDOEX campaign, especially during the polluted month of April. Inter-comparisons with the MOPITT data product indicate some discrepancies in the lower troposphere, especially during the forest fire season. Future studies with in-situ measurements may be able to diagnose these disparities.  相似文献   

A secondary pollution modelling system for simulating airborne dispersion and chemical reactions is applied over a regional scale domain located in the North-West of Italy, where urban and industrial areas are present. It was found an overestimation of NO2 in the urban areas, probably due to an underestimation of the vertical diffusivity; the analysis of OX confirms that the discrepancies in O3 and NO2 are mainly due to local scale effects; the model shows a general underestimation of the observed PM10 concentrations due to the uncertainties in the emission inventories, spatial resolution, and the adopted aerosol modelling approach.  相似文献   

A concise modeling approach using long-term averaged meteorological data was developed to estimate site-specific concentrations of congeners of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) near a solid waste incinerator. This approach consists of calculation of atmospheric dispersion, dry and wet deposition of gaseous and particle-bound congeners, and non-steady-state concentrations in soil. The predictability of this approach was evaluated by comparison of calculated concentrations of congeners in soil with those measured at eight locations near a municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI). The variation of these concentrations due to variability of meteorological parameters is small. A considerable number of mean values show good agreement with measured concentrations within a factor of three. The reasonable agreement between calculated and measured concentrations indicates that algorithms for the calculation of vapor-phase deposition and non-steady-state concentrations in soil must be included in the modeling approach for an accurate estimation of the concentrations of congeners of PCDD/Fs emitted from MSWIs to the atmosphere. For a detailed estimation of site-specific concentrations, it is important to specify the bulk density of soil in the evaluated area, together with meteorological parameters.  相似文献   

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