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苏州吴县角直镇是著名的江南水乡文化古镇,太湖13个风景区之一,全镇人口4万,占地面积1km~2。角直有国家级文物保护单位——保圣寺,还 有叶圣陶纪念馆等人文遗迹,镇内建有72座半桥,“小桥、流水、人家”的江南特色,每年吸引着大批游客。近年来,在改革、开放大潮中,角直镇又跃居江南工业明星镇行列,1993年工业产值达16亿元。 经济要发展,古镇要保护,这是角直镇党政班子开发、建设角直的指导思想和目标。他们主要从这样几方面入手协调“古镇、经济、环保”三者之间的关系。 (1)统一规划、调整布局  相似文献   

“神州水乡第一镇”(?)直镇80年代起就制定了古镇保护和新区开发的总体规划,坚持走环境经济协调发展之路,被称为“环境保护好,中华第一镇”。科学规划:提出古镇保护与新区开发同步建设的方针(?)直全镇有72座半小桥,可为水乡古镇之最。随着乡镇工业的发展,古镇区建了工厂,避免不了环境的污染,为此(?)直镇政府早在80年代就制定了保护古镇发展新区的总体规划,率先在小城镇建设中实现功能分区的原则,全镇分成原古镇  相似文献   

吴县角直镇是著名的江南水乡文化古镇,太湖13个风景区之一,每年吸引着大批游客。近年来,在“改革、开放”大潮中,我镇跃居江南工业明星镇行列,1992年全镇工业产值6.8亿元,外贸出口2.17亿元,经济效益6431万元,今年工业产值将达16亿元。 “经济要发展,古镇要保护”,这是我们镇  相似文献   

“神州水乡第一镇”角直镇80年代起就制定了古镇保护和新区开发的总体规划,坚持走环境经济协调发展之路,被称为“环境保护好,中华第一镇”。  相似文献   

乡镇工业废水集中治理的效益分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
详细介绍了苏州市吴县用直镇以经济建设为中心,高速发展乡镇工业中如何从高度分散治理向集中治理,集中控制工业废水污染,走一条环境与经济相协调的可持续发展之路的经验,分析了由统一规划,集中治理所带来的经济效益、社会效益和环境效益。  相似文献   

X196 9601 128乡镇工业废水集中治理的效益分析/田刚(北京市环保院》二//上海环境科学/上海市环保局.1995,14(10)一20~24环信X一100 详细介绍了苏州市昊县角直镇如何从高度分散治理向集中治理,集中控制工业废水污染。近,几年来,先后完成了古镇区IkmZ范围内固定噪声源和烟尘双控制、工业企业搬迁和城镇河道疏浚等一系列市政工程,从1991年起又建造了热电联供和污水集中处理等重大环境建设工程,于1992年8月竣工使用,在全国乡镇级率先完成了“水、电、气集中供给,工业废水集中处理”工程,取得了较好的经济效益,社会效益和环境效益。表5(怡东)X…  相似文献   

我国完成第二次乡镇工业污染源调查由农业部、国家环保局、国家统计局联合组织的全国乡镇工业污染源调查,于1991年12月完成。全国除西藏自治区和台湾省外,其余省、自治区、直辖市都参加了调查。调查的基准年为1989年。调查结果表明:1989年乡镇工业排放工业废水占全国工业寝水排放总量的6.7%;排放工业废气占全国工业废气排放总量的12.9%;工业废渣产生量占全国工业废渣产生总量的16%。通过调查可以看出,乡镇企业“三废”排放量在全国“三废”排放总量中的比重虽不是很大,但随着乡镇工业数量的发展和规模扩大,“三废”排放量也在增加。另外,  相似文献   

上海市人口众多,工业集中,为我国沿海最大的开放型城市。近年来,随着乡镇工业的蓬勃发展,上海郊区工业企业的“三废”排放量,正在不断增加。同时,农药、化肥的施用量,逐年上升,以致郊区农业环境的污染状况,日趋严重。一、乡镇工业的“三废”污染乡镇工业是郊区农业环境的最大污染源。由于乡镇工业设备陈旧,生产条件差,技术水平低,“三废”排放量大,因而污染严重。其“三废”大多直接排入农业环境,对农业生产构成了严重的威胁。据1984年统计,在乡镇工业排放的废水中。电镀、化工、印染、造纸等4个行业排放的废水量,占87%。郊区约有20%的乡镇工业排放各种废物,其中8%属污染严重的化工等行业。虽经几年治理,但设施普及率仍仅为40%。其中,达到国家排放标准的,仅占50%,在40万亩养鱼水面中,有7万多亩已遭到污染,不能养鱼。乡镇工业的“三废”污染物,通  相似文献   

苏州吴县市角直污水处理厂1992年10月投入运行以来,设施运转率和污水处理达标率一直保持在95%以上,对角直镇经济的发展、投资环境的改善、环境效益和社会知名度的提高起到了重要的作用,同时也为城镇污水的集中处理提供了宝贵的经验.  相似文献   

平度市乡镇工业污染现状浅析及防治措施●平度市环保局裴元森任福龙在改革开放的新形势下,平度市以邓小平同志建设有中国特色的社会主义理论和党的基本路线为指针,坚持以改革总揽全局,积极实施“农业固本、工业兴市、三产富民、外向带动”的发展战略,乡镇工业迅猛发展...  相似文献   

This paper develops definitions of adaptation and successful adaptation to climate change, with a view to evaluating adaptations. There is little consensus on the definition of adapting to climate change in existing debates or on the criteria by which adaptation actions can be deemed successful or sustainable. In this paper, a variant of the Delphi technique is used to elicit expert opinion on a definition of successful adaptation to climate change. Through an iterative process, expert respondents coalesced around a definition based on risk and vulnerability and agreed that a transparent and acceptable definition should reflect impacts on sustainability. According to the final definition, agreed by the Delphi panel, successful adaptation is any adjustment that reduces the risks associated with climate change, or vulnerability to climate change impacts, to a predetermined level, without compromising economic, social, and environmental sustainability.  相似文献   

The utility of applying a virtual learning network model for illustrating successful triple bottom line transitions—one that integrates the ecological, economic, and social dimensions of cleaner production—is illustrated by a successful approach to promote “green chemistry” in the North Carolina textile wet-processing industry. This case is unique in demonstrating the quality of this process to develop cleaner production methods; it shows how reducing aquatic toxicity and harmful environmental effects in a “real world” situation depends on successful efforts to build, manage, and maintain an inter-organizational network of multiple stakeholders. This network included industries in the textile production chain, their local and provincial communities, regulators and policy makers. The utilization of cases such as this in the business school pedagogy expands understanding of the role of sustainable practices in enterprise management. The value of this specific case in promoting the understanding of such networks was demonstrated in a recent MBA experience when students trained in these areas linked diverse stakeholders and applied the triple bottom line perspective in traditional business simulation exercises in an MBA capstone course. Such cases can also effectively prepare students for actual challenges facing managers in the rapidly changing business environment.  相似文献   

空投装备着陆冲击环境适应性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的研究空投着陆冲击环境适应性。方法采用有限元、响应面和蒙特卡罗方法,预测空投着陆成功概率;研究不同垂直着陆速度、地面坡度和地面风速对空投着陆成功概率的影响;分析空投装备着陆冲击环境适应性数据,提出提高空投装备着陆冲击环境适应性的措施。结果垂直速度和地面风速对综合成功概率影响显著,地面坡度的变化对综合成功概率的影响不显著。结论通过该方法,能够成功预测空投着陆成功概率,为空投实践提供理论依据和技术指导。  相似文献   

石材废水集约化处理工程实例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐波 《福建环境》2003,20(3):49-51
介绍了一个石材废水集约化处理的成功实例,分析、总结了混凝沉淀法处理石材废水的可行性及注意事项,并通过比较得出石材废水集约化处理较分散治理具备明显优势的结论。  相似文献   

在越来越多的自然灾害风险防范中,风险沟通被作为一种工具以提高政府与公众风险消息交流成功的概率。公众的风险认知情况是影响灾害风险沟通成功的重要因素,如果没有洞察到公众对风险的感知与理解,有效的风险沟通几乎是不可能的。本文通过问卷调查,分析和评价了公众的旱灾风险认知水平,针对性别、受灾经历和风险消息传播媒介等对公众风险认知...  相似文献   

Various methods of obtaining fetal skin for prenatal diagnosis of certain autosomal-recessive congenital genodermatoses have been assessed. An attempt was made to obtain fetal skin by fetoscopy in 15 patients prior to pregnancy termination for a variety of medical reasons at 18–26 weeks. Specimens were obtained only in five cases (8 successful attempts out of 48). In twelve cases, of which five had a history of a child with junctional (Herlitz type) or dystrophic (Hallopeau-Siemens type) epidermolysis bullosa or non-bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma at 16–25 weeks of pregnancy, fetal skin was obtained without fetoscopy under direct ultrasonic control. Specimens were obtained in all cases (33 successful attempts out of 39). In three cases, fetal pathology was diagnosed by the method of semi-thin and ultra-thin skin sections, and the respective pregnancies were terminated.  相似文献   

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) was performed in 12 pregnant women (9–25 gestational weeks) with ultrasonographic evidence of missed abortion. An ultrasonographically guided transabdominal (eight cases) or transcervical (four cases) approach was used. Fetal karyo-typing was successful in all cases; in five, chromosomal aberrations were found and in seven, chromosome analyses revealed normal karyotypes. Tissue culture for fetal karyotyping was successful in only 72.5 per cent of 40 live pregnancies which were electively interrupted because of abnormal ultrasonographic findings or an abnormal fetal karyotype, and in 57 per cent of seven missed abortions. CVS is suggested as a feasible and effective method for fetal karyotyping in missed abortions and it seems to be superior to post-abortion tissue culture.  相似文献   

介绍了市政污泥无害化处理、处置的必要性和紧迫性。阐述了污泥气化原理及工艺流程。结合成功案例,提出污泥气化所具有的技术优势及存在的问题和解决方案。  相似文献   

The Science of Nature - Leaf-cutting ants are highly successful herbivores in the Neotropics. They forage large amounts of fresh plant material to nourish a symbiotic fungus that sustains the...  相似文献   

乡镇企业的发展为农村经济的振兴找到了一条成功之路,但也产生了较为严重的环境问题。文章在分析其成因的基础上,提出了若干整治对策与建议。  相似文献   

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